Official congratulations on the day of the financier. Congratulations on the day of the financial and economic service of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

Cool congratulations happy financier's day 2019 in verse and prose

H no matter how you think about the main thing:
On the scale of an enterprise or a country -
I want to say "Bravo!" glorious people...
Why do we need such people?
So as not to be afraid of whistling in the premises!
So that the year closes without losses!
I congratulate you on the Day of the financier!
Let nothing sing romances to you!

I congratulations on your professional holiday Happy Financier's Day! May this day give you a lot of joy in monetary terms, happiness and success, so that there is order in all your affairs. I wish you that you also masterfully cope with sometimes exorbitant amounts, and that you always distribute and account for every ruble just as skillfully. May good luck always await you, wherever you are and wherever you go! Happy holiday!

T you are a responsible worker,
You follow your finances.
Vigilantly, clearly, like a hunter
Eliminate all mistakes

And today I wish
The brightest days in life!
Let luck shine
The path of your loved ones.

F Financial tasks are an important aspect of life, without which one cannot do without. Therefore, dear financiers represented by all representatives of this sphere, I congratulate you on your indispensability, importance and great significance for society! Let everything be excellent in your destiny. Let the debit always converge with the credit. May health never fail you. Happiness, prosperity, material wealth! Happy Financier's Day!

P I congratulate you on the day of the financier! I wish you to always be well versed in financial matters, never get confused in numbers and perceive your work as a pleasure! May you be lucky in life, and success and good mood do not cease to be present in your life! I wish you to enjoy every moment and believe in the best - then justice will be on your side!

F financial question -
One of the sharpest
And figure it out
Not easy without experience.
And under your control
We are clean in business.
Calmly we live -
Thank you financiers!

WITH today, since the very morning, I just can’t wait to congratulate you on the day of the financier! Well, I won’t restrain myself: I wish you health, joy, love, positive, good luck, kindness, and let your closeness to money make you richer. May life be full, bright and happy. Happy holiday, happy financier's day!

M oh mom is a financier,
Her mind is bright and clear.
Congratulations to my mother
I wish you from the bottom of my heart -

Let luck come
And in love, luck awaits.
Good luck, dear mother!
I love and respect!

P congratulations, queen cash flows Happy Financier's Day! I wish you always enjoy what you do! May your finances always be in in perfect order! I wish you inspiration, excitement, happy meeting each new day, health and success in everything - both in work and in personal life!

H and guard your money post,
You pore over the estimate,
To catch good luck's tail,
Bankruptcy to veto!

Soul and simplicity
in the finance department,
May God give great happiness
Everyone who is a genius in finance!

F An accountant is an indispensable employee of any organization. Without a competent financier, the successful functioning of an enterprise is simply impossible, because finance is the basis economic activity, and the financier is a person who can lead them! On your professional holiday - Financier's Day, I would like to sincerely thank you for your hard work, wish professional growth, stability and prosperity, good health and happiness.

ABOUT I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the Day of the financier - the professional holiday of those who can find poetry in dry numbers, who are fluent in the ability to set goals and find means, who have devoted their lives to money - to good sense this word. Without putting accumulation at the forefront, you carry out competent distribution, backed up by the richest experience and knowledge. Thanks to this, we can feel calm: our finances are in your hands. Happiness to you, kindness and prosperity!

WITH how many words about financiers
Don't talk behind your back
They are not adventurers
Just ask everyone:

Who would like to live in prosperity,
Have a cottage and a car ...
Do not "stretch" for a salary,
Is life simple and easy?

Everything is very clear at once -
Everyone dreams of one...
And they want to eat bread and butter,
And drink coffee with milk!

D Engi rule the world, so it's better to stay close to them! Probably, you chose the profession of a financier, proceeding from approximately such considerations. And if not, then in any case, the choice was not mistaken! You are an excellent professional! On the Day of the financier, I want to wish you absence financial problems(this is your part!), rapid career growth, success in your personal life and good health!

F financial placers flow to you like a river,
And you disassemble them with an unwavering hand.
WITH financial flow familiar firsthand
And you know for sure - money can not be in excess.
You are an analytics genius, a financial king!
Accept all congratulations - today is your holiday!
Let your financial basis be very strong!
Let your oasis bloom in the worst crisis!

T you are a financier, which means
Skills for complex tasks
Decide immediately -
You don't have to occupy him.

And I'm a husband with a financier's day
I want to congratulate, wish
You deeds, pure thoughts,
And in life, grief is not to be seen!

IN financier's day
I want to wish
Be an altruist
Help others!

Your finances
Grow and grow
Only romances
Let them not sing!

H and always stand guard over finances,
Path Money guarding.
So that money does not flow into the sand like water,
Such a much needed service.

The great Russian Tsar established long ago,
To celebrate the Day of the financier.
We wish that order reigned in numbers,
Reports shone radiantly!

Lords of finance, mages of banking!
So that our state never becomes impoverished,
You are always ready to fight against the devaluation of the ruble,
Prosperity and prosperity to your homeland promising!

Congratulations on the day of the financier! We wish that the numbers never get confused, the debit always converges with the credit, the work brings pleasure and good financial reward. May love, peace, tranquility and happiness always reign at home. Be successful, achieve your goals and objectives.

Respect for a penny
You show your
Happy financier day to you
Congratulations today.

Always let the calculator
Will be at hand
And let the finances flow
Full-flowing river.

Magic jingle of coins
Let the music sound
happy and lucky
Be in life, financier.

Congratulations to all Russian financiers on their professional holiday! We wish you always growing profits, transparent turnover and huge development prospects in your favorite area. Easy working days full of positive and inspiration! Be attentive, flexible and carefree happy!

Who keeps track of finances
And does not think to give up?
These are our financiers -
Everything will be solved quickly and easily!
Know that we always remember you
May fate fulfill for you
Everything you asked for
Happy Russian Financier Day,
May health and good luck
You are accompanied, hiding
All problems and hardships -
Let happiness come to you
To always have enough money
Life fulfilled wishes
For people to appreciate you
Respected and loved!

Our Russian financier
He is always clean.
Invest profitably finances,
And lower the risk chances.

He will fix the budget quickly.
There is no better financier!
Happy professional holiday
Let things go well.
And in the financial flow
A new influx will fall.

In personal life, too, let:
Forever leaving sadness
All dreams are in a hurry to come true
Stocks and money are piling up.

Your profession is paper
And hundreds of numbers and codes
Banknotes, safes, banks, deposits,
Pictures of different cities!

You are a financier, you live according to a plan,
You allocate the budget
Everyone knows - more scrupulous than this
There is no profession in the world!

We all dream that someday
Russian ruble golden
Rise above the earth
And it became the currency of the world.

So that most of the countries of the planet
In trade, the ruble was preferred,
And so that this phenomenon is everywhere
They called it the flourishing of the world.

We will not print signs,
Not backed by anything
Let's not sell paper
What is now so desired by all.

Let the ruble be secured
Real gold fund,
Let the ruble be forever
To the envy of the signs of the rest.

And this is the merit of the financiers
Russian will be great
After all, the profit will be only pure,
And the line "deficiency" is small.

Behind you are oil and gas, diamonds,
Bread is behind you, friends,
We do not trade poor slate,
Like Uncle Sam and sons.

We do not strive to give for goods
Rolls of greenery instead.
Day of the financier - an old holiday,
We are for a fair exchange.

We are for free trade
Without fools, and forever
We keep traditions, foundations!
Happy financier's day, gentlemen!

Day of the financier means a lot!
And the crisis is not terrible for the country.
Let the dollar arbitrarily jump
Calculation only your Russia is important.

May all desires come true
Happiness will enter the house as usual.
Wealth to you, love, recognition,
May your health be great!

Taking off my hat. Units only skillfully
The flow of huge funds can be controlled!
A smart financier is taken if for business,
Then we need to wait for a grandiose profit.

I congratulate you! And I'm in a hurry, of course,
So that the growth of your own finances was - ah!
To make plans come true.
And the wings of happiness gain a big swing!

Banknote accompaniment -
Your work element.
Bill crunch, coin ringing
Dictate the market law.

And you, a skilled financier,
Smart and accurate, quick in counting,
Countries elite and prestige -
You rule important processes.

I want to live and prosper
All the best is to buy
Get rid of excess.
Let everything be as you like.

Happy holiday to you, my friend, happy financier's day! You are not only an excellent specialist, but also a well-deserved worker. The numbers obey you at the wave of a wand, and you gracefully find mutual understanding with them. So even in life, everything multiplies, adds up, and troubles go into the red.

Congratulations on the day of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation! I wish you to always understand perfectly and perceive your work as a pleasure! May you be lucky in life, and success and good mood do not cease to be present in your life! I wish you to enjoy every moment and believe in the best - then justice will be on your side!

On Financial and Economic Day, I wish you a lot:
Good luck, aspirations, take-off in your career!
I sincerely congratulate you
To be able to open any doors in life.
Let the finances be "excellent",
Let everything be harmonious, easy,
Let fate please decently
Salary, bonuses and more!

Financial tasks are an important part of life, without which you can not do. Therefore, dear representatives of this sphere, I congratulate you on your indispensability, importance and great significance for society! Let everything be excellent in your destiny. May health never fail you. Happiness, prosperity, material prosperity! Happy Financial and Economic Service Day!

Dear our employee of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, we want to congratulate you on your professional day! We wish you success in all matters and not only in financial, but also in the heart! Let life go well and bring only pleasure! Accept our sincere wishes goodness, happiness, love, health and financial well-being!

Today, from the very morning, I just can’t wait to congratulate you on the day of financial and economic service! Well, I won’t restrain myself: I wish you health, joy, love, positive, good luck, kindness, and let your closeness to money make you richer. May life be full, bright and happy. Congratulations on your professional day!

Day financial services has come,
I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday!
May luck lead you on this Earth,
So that everything in life is subject to!
You masterfully deal with money,
Directing them to a good cause,
You are the pride of Russia, a great country,
She can be with you alone!
You form the budget of the troops so that they
We were always able to get the job done on time!
You have many directions, tasks, and you
Don't let them be rude!

Dear our employees of the financial and economic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, we congratulate you on your professional holiday! Let material well-being will make you even better, give you great opportunities for career growth and financial independence. Know that the whole country, the people are proud of you and appreciate you and your work. Your work is invaluable. We appreciate you and your talents. May everything go well in your life.

On September 8, employees of financial authorities celebrate their professional holiday in Russia. On this page we have collected best congratulations happy financier's day to colleagues, relatives and friends.

Financier's Day is a holiday for all financial professionals: managers and employees of banks, financial, insurance and investment companies. Students, teachers and deans of specialized universities and faculties, as well as for millions of people actively investing personal funds in the development of the Russian economy.

Dear employees and veterans of the financial sector!
I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday!
Day of the financier is celebrated by specialists working in all sectors of the economy. No organization can do without a competent financial worker, because it is the financiers who are solid foundation any business activity.
You are entrusted with today critical tasks both the creation of a balanced budget, the rational distribution of costs, and the analysis of the results obtained. The level of development of the economy and its stability largely depend on the effectiveness of traditional and new financial mechanisms, which are managed directly by you.
Please accept my sincere wishes of good luck and success, new professional achievements, good health, happiness and prosperity!

The financier is an irreplaceable employee of any organization. Without a competent financier, the successful functioning of an enterprise is simply impossible, because finance is the basis of economic activity, and a financier is a person who can manage them! On your professional holiday - Financier's Day, I would like to sincerely thank you for your hard work, wish you professional growth, stability and prosperity, good health and happiness.

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate real experts in their field, virtuosos and financial geniuses. It is on your strong shoulders and bright heads that all financial support lies. various industries economy and private enterprises. At present, any achievements, discoveries, projects simply cannot exist without worthy material support.

Therefore, your work is infinitely important and needed. The clairvoyance, foresight and business acumen of financiers make them simply indispensable in various monetary matters. We wish you that your intuition never fails, that business partners are honest and reliable, and that intuition and experience always lead you to prosperity!

Not everyone can become a worthy representative of your profession, that's what I would like to emphasize at the beginning. After all, a financier is not only a profession, it is a way of life for a person. After all, this must be lived, it is necessary that the soul and head always think in the same direction! Our financiers from all over Russia congratulate you on your professional holiday. We wish you not only prosperity in your profession, but also harmony in your soul, at home and at work. May all your everyday life be like a holiday. May each of you remain happy that you chose this particular profession! Happiness and inspiration to you!

Dear financiers! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday!
The life of the regions and the state as a whole largely depends today on timely and proper financing. Proper distribution of financial resources allows you to properly organize the work of enterprises and organizations, state and municipal services, provides execution social guarantees.

And it is your professionalism and responsibility that ensure the timely movement of financial flows and competent intergovernmental relations. And, as a result, the smooth operation of the entire financial system and the development of the country's economy as a whole. With all my heart I wish you new professional heights, good health and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Dear financiers! Please accept the most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the professional holiday of employees of financial authorities - the Day of the financier! Today at financial system first-class specialists work, responsible, conscientious, competent, who are able to solve the most complex tasks, easily navigate the intricacies of budget and tax legislation.

The level of development of the national economy and stability in the country largely depend on the effectiveness of traditional and the latest modern financial mechanisms, which are managed directly by you. The significant contribution of employees of financial bodies to the solution of both long-term tasks related to the reform of public finances, as well as everyday, current, but no less significant ones, cannot but go unnoticed.

We sincerely thank you for your services and wish you well-being, fruitful work, professional success, stability and new horizons in financial activity! May every new day bring only joy!

Congratulations on the day of the financier to colleagues in prose

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the day of the financier of Russia! I wish you great opportunities, development, knowledge and great achievements! May every business you undertake prosper and bring amazing results. Let everything add up and converge, profits increase, and there are always ways to solve any problems. Happy holiday!

Today we will forget all the cases, we will finish the work tomorrow. Let's celebrate our professional day and wish each other good luck both in life and in business! Let the money be kept in the bank, and let things be solved easily and quickly. We all have a good rest, more pleasant moments in our personal lives, dear financiers.

Congratulations, dear colleagues, on the Day of the financier of Russia. I wish you great finances and well-being in the family, constant success in your activities, correct calculations, high performance, good health and personal happiness.

I congratulate you on your professional holiday, Happy Financier's Day! May this day give you a lot of joy in monetary terms, happiness and success, so that there is order in all your affairs. I wish you that you also masterfully cope with sometimes exorbitant amounts, and that you always distribute and account for every ruble just as skillfully. May good luck always await you, wherever you are and wherever you go! Happy holiday!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the financier - a professional holiday for those who can find poetry in dry numbers, who are fluent in the ability to set goals and find means, who have dedicated their lives to money - in the good sense of the word. Without putting accumulation at the forefront, you carry out competent distribution, backed up by the richest experience and knowledge. Thanks to this, we can feel calm: our finances are in your hands. Happiness to you, kindness and prosperity!

Dear financiers, congratulations! Your work is very important for our organization - thanks to you effective management income and their accounting, you very competently distribute the income received by expense items. Thanks to your work, our organization feels very cozy and comfortable in the financial sector, like a fish in water. We want to wish you good health, Have a good mood, creative flight and financial independence for everyone! Happy holiday to you!

Congratulations to a friend on the day of the financier in your own words

Our financier friend! The company of true friends congratulates you on the Day of the financier. Let autumn be in the yard - today we will try to return to you bright summer. You are great at achieving your goals. You don't even care about crises. Let fortune continue to be an ally! Live with a sense of joy and get cool finances for your responsible work.

My dear friend, comrade! Today is a holiday, today is the day of the financier. You are not a stranger in this profession, you have been working in it for many years and do your job one hundred percent. I wish you to continue to be true to the chosen path and always achieve your goals. May this year be successful for you in terms of your own finances, and you could count them at home every evening after work. And that would be your pleasure.

I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the financier! And I want to wish that all your affairs were successful - they helped to solve all the problems of the enterprise and brought good profit, but in personal terms - health, family well-being and many, many sunny days!

Congratulations to the boss Happy Financier's Day

Financial task - life main side,
After all, without finance, neither here nor there,
Money rules the world, we know
If you have money, dreams will come true.
On the day of the financier, boss, accept congratulations,
Long - long live happily,
It's easy for us to work with you
Good health to you and everything, everything.

You are the heart of the whole company,
Under your leadership, work is more fun,
Your experience, wisdom always help us,
You give your all to work.
Congratulations on the day of the financier,
We wish you inspiration in your work,
May good news always please you,
Peace to you, prosperity, all the best and kindness.

You are the king of cash flow
You understand finance easily,
Congratulations from the team
We work with you simply and easily.
May your life be like spring water,
Let everything go like clockwork,
Let everything be fine at work,
Let happiness smile in your personal life.

You are well versed in financial matters,
You make dry numbers sing
You solve complex problems like two and two,
Mind chamber your head.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
We sincerely wish you good luck in everything,
May the Lord protect you from troubles,
Let reliable friends surround you.

For the boss today, all congratulations,
May your work inspire you
Let financial affairs go smoothly
May your enthusiasm never run out.
On the day of the financier, we wish you joy, happiness,
Let all bad weather fly by
Let finances not sing romances in their pockets,
May there be prosperity in the house, and comfort in the soul.

Funny congratulations on the day of the financier in verse

Day of the financier celebrates
My great country
And we will celebrate this day with you
How to say everything in full!
Let's lay the table, close the doors,
And we'll sit quietly together
The authorities, if they come to us,
Cake and tea!
And let our work boil,
We are together Friendly family,
And we celebrate this holiday
I'll tell you honestly, not in vain!

Financial placers flow to you like a river,
And you disassemble them with an unwavering hand.
I am familiar with the financial flow firsthand
And you know for sure - money can not be in excess.
You are an analytics genius, a financial king!
Accept all congratulations - today is your holiday!
Let your financial basis be very strong!
Let your oasis bloom in the worst crisis!

Always stand guard over finances
Protecting the way of money.
So that money does not flow into the sand like water,
Such a much needed service.

The great Russian Tsar established long ago,
To celebrate the Day of the financier.
We wish that order reigned in numbers,
Reports shone radiantly!

Lords of finance, mages of banking!
So that our state never becomes impoverished,
You are always ready to fight against the devaluation of the ruble,
Prosperity and prosperity to your homeland promising!

Congratulations on the Day of the financier!
You are the best in your business.
I sincerely wish happiness
And let success await you in your work.
Let the debit and credit converge,
And let all the hardships go away.
Good luck wait for you
And let there be comfort in the house.

Exquisite, beautiful and eloquent
I want to congratulate you on the Day of the financier.
And wish you good investment,
Financial graceful compositions.
So that all projects in life are embodied,
And everyone admired your talent.

Alas, we can not convey everything in words,
What to wish colleagues so much
But still, let's try to say in verse,
You do not judge us harshly for our courage.

For us for all dearer than words"Bank"
It probably doesn't exist now.
But the Bank is not heaven, and heaven is no longer the Bank,
Let this opinion exist.

Although our work is often not standardized,
Let it be for life only in joy,
Let the houses understand, love, wait,
We need only love - what a little!

May all our efforts and labors
The financial result of the bank will reflect,
And then let it be in the "fruits", and not in the "flowers"
For us, the equivalent will turn.

What more do we want in life?
Still, Fortune would always be to his liking,
To live, to love, not to know at all adversity,
After all, we rightfully deserve it!

On guard of money your post,
You pore over the estimate,
To catch good luck's tail,
Bankruptcy to veto!

Soul and simplicity
in the finance department,
May God give great happiness
Everyone who is a genius in finance!

Treasurers congratulations,
To all of them glory and honor:
The financier knows
That money loves an account.

And the Treasurer
What is bold and cool with money
Knows exactly what a penny
Saves a huge ruble.

The financier knows today
Living with friends is more fun
And a big hundred friends
More important than a hundred rubles.

You are a financial prospector
And today is your holiday!
May friends be like brothers
And peace in your soul.

Let love cover you
With its fabulous wing,
Happiness will cover your head
And enter your bright house.

On the day of the financier
I want to wish
Be an altruist
Help others!

Your finances
Grow and grow
Only romances
Let them not sing!

With money on hand
Invest it in our share in shares,
Maybe invest in stocks?
In order to make a profit from above ...
Tasks are not easy
The priority ones are
The financier always decides
Solves, let's say with a bang!
After all, if without his advice,
That's all around the world around the world,
The company will go, then we know
That's why we respect him!
You with your day, all financiers,
Happy, be radiant,
So that the mood is with you,
And the “black” hour has not come to you!

Congratulations on the Day of the financier -
I bring, dear, to you.
I wish you and all your loved ones
Life is bright without sorrowful dramas.

So that the crisis frightening the public,
It was not terrible for you, but open it up,
To always return loans,
And incomes grew and grew.

Let the rhythm play the hymn
So that the wallet does not sing romances,
Bow to the one who just watches
Keeps our finances!

Always to be alive and well,
Mind is fast like a bullet!
Over the financiers cover,
So that the gods pulled!

You are the backbone of any company
No business without money!
Congratulations to all who rule
Means skillfully!

To you, excellent financiers,
Happiness and luck!
Three hundred percent profit
Dacha in the Canary Islands!

You are a responsible worker
You follow your finances.
Vigilantly, clearly, like a hunter
Eliminate all mistakes

And today I wish
The brightest days in life!
Let luck shine
The path of your loved ones.

Being a financier is not easy
It needs to be very deep
Understand all mechanisms
Make decisions wisely
Analyze logically...
And you are very good at
Do all this. Keep it up!
Express in career growth
We sincerely wish you
Congratulations on the Day of the financier!

Russia needs financiers, no doubt,
Increase income, give an answer to everything,
Loans, deposits, accounts and capitals
Able to make out any rubble you are,
And on holiday, we wish you good luck,
It is easy to solve all problems.

Financier, the people are addressing you with greetings,
Let debts not shine on you
The wallet lends.
Sleight of hand, mind patience, And in the heat and in the cold
Let bad mood
Will never come!
Your success is very important to us
Know for sure - we are for you!
Let the working course be established
It will always be right!

Congratulations to a friend on the day of the financier

You decided to become a financier,
Count other people's money
And increase the interest in the bank,
To return a higher rate.
Dear friend, you did it
The financier occupied a niche,
I wish you grow up
Crawled up the career ladder.
And you will achieve a lot yourself
My smart friend.

I wish my friend to count her finances,
Multiply them every day jokingly!
Let fate give you advances
In return, do not ask for anything!
And turn all the chances in favor,
Which the profession has given!
Let them be true friends,
In abundance, life will always be!
I want to achieve a lot
Happy, happy you live!

On the day of the financier, I am a friend
I want to wish today
So that finances are your servants -
Always striving to please.

There will be no shortage
May you be lucky in everything
All doors will be open
And luck awaits ahead!

Congratulations to mom on finance day

My mom is a financier
Her mind is bright and clear.
Congratulations to my mother
I wish you from the bottom of my heart -

Let luck come
And in love, luck awaits.
Good luck, dear mother!
I love and respect!

Congratulations to dad on the day of the financier

My dad knows about finances.
And I want to wish him -
Let them not sing romances
Can you multiply.

Always stay smart
Reliable like a Swiss bank
Smile more often for customers
After all, without a smile, we can't!

Congratulations to the wife on the day of the financier

My wife, you are a financier from God,
Let them sometimes judge you strictly,
But I wish you inspiration
Never give in to doubt

Stay honest in your work
Indulge in beautiful dreams more often.
I want to wish you good luck
And never give up in life!

My love, only you
Came from a fairytale dream.
I wish you joy
I congratulate you with love.

Let every day give good
Will give you hope.
After all, you are an excellent financier,
The most wonderful specialist!

Congratulations on the day of the financier to her husband

My favorite is a financier,
But I love not for this.
And for being pure in heart,
Best person in the world.

I congratulate you
I sincerely wish you happiness
Treat you, love
And I expect the same!

You are a financier, which means
Skills for complex tasks
Decide immediately -
You don't have to occupy him.

And I'm a husband with a financier's day
I want to congratulate, wish
You deeds, pure thoughts,
And in life, grief is not to be seen!