Congratulations on the day of the financier official to colleagues. Congratulations on the day of the financial and economic service of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

So that our budget would be deficit-free,
(After all, all finances, we know, are vociferous)
In a large amount of a variety of estimates
Financiers must take into account the costs.

Let all reports be only on time,
In the affairs of order, the numbers are all "lined",
And a personal financier's wallet
Let never know the deficit!


My favorite is a financier,
But I love not for this.
And for being pure in heart,
Best person in the world.

I congratulate you
I sincerely wish you happiness
Treat you, love
And I expect the same!

You are the backbone of any company
No business without money!
Congratulations to all who rule
Means skillfully!

To you, excellent financiers,
Happiness and luck!
Three hundred percent profit
Dacha in the Canary Islands!

greeting card


My love, only you
Came from a fairytale dream.
I wish you joy
I congratulate you with love.

Let every day give good
Will give you hope.
After all, you are an excellent financier,
The most wonderful specialist!

Avoid financial loss
And earn in moments of crisis,
The financier will help, because his style is
From nothing to create a financial tape!

We wish you, brother, financier,
Become an oligarch, wise and intelligent,
Lead the country and the company to heaven,
Love and happiness to feel the shackles!

I wish you to consider your finances,
Multiply them every day jokingly!
Let fate give you advances
In return, do not ask for anything!
And turn all the chances in favor,
Which the profession has given!
Let them be true friends,
There will always be plenty of life!
I want to achieve a lot
Happy, happy living!

There are many doctors among you,
From the money of academics,
Finances need to give the mood,
And endure controversy!

There was always a financier in the price,
IQ - high bar!
To keep order in the treasury,
And cheerful early in the morning!

Anytime money needs an account
And what would be prompt, accurate, fast
Take into account, consolidate and submit the report on time
The hard work of all our financiers.

May the country always need you
Its prosperity depends on you,
Let the treasury be stored and multiply,
Good luck, health - our wishes!

Your finances will not sing romances.
You know how to count money.
And probably even better than the Swiss,
Learned how to multiply them.

Banknotes rustle and coins jingle -
Let it be where you are.
And let carriages be brought to the threshold,
Because you have palaces.

My dad knows about finances.
And I want to wish him -
Let them not sing romances
Can you multiply.

Always stay smart
Reliable like a Swiss bank
Smile more often for customers
After all, without a smile, we can't!

On this day, we hasten to congratulate
financiers across the country,
Money will rule the world
Money is important to many of us.

My wife, you are a financier from God,
Let them sometimes judge you strictly,
But I wish you inspiration
Never give in to doubt

Stay honest in your work
Indulge in beautiful dreams more often.
I want to wish you good luck
And never give up in life!

Your money post is on guard,
You pore over the estimate,
To catch good luck's tail,
Bankruptcy to veto!

Soul and simplicity
in the finance department,
May God give great happiness
Everyone who is a genius in finance!

financial accuracy,
Logic, brilliant mind,
The style is very modern...
Let you more often
Good luck, the authorities approve.
Stability is invigorating
Let the spirit inspire!

You are an ace in financial matters,
You are in control of a lot.
So let your success be in money
It doesn't go right!

May each new day bring
career success,
Let luck await ahead
And joy armor!

In the financial wilds you crawl like Tarzan,
Clients like a tractor you take on a ram,
And again you enlighten how to keep money,
Where to double the grandmas, how to get them.
I want to meet with such a height,
That your experience would immediately increase,
So that you can climb to that height,
Where I could get a dream as soon as possible.

Let the rhythm play the hymn
So that the wallet does not sing romances,
Bow to the one who just watches
Keeps our finances!

Always to be alive and well,
Mind is fast like a bullet!
Over the financiers cover,
So that the gods pulled!

On the bright day of the financier, we want to wish you
Less than a million sums do not count,
Do not doubt yourself, know everything in advance,
Swim in profit and luxury all year round!

In the family - well-being, stability in work,
To surround loved ones with love and care.
IN financial matters so that you do not know equal
And every day you just started with a smile.

Financial placers flow to you like a river,
And you disassemble them with an unwavering hand.
I am familiar with the financial flow firsthand
And you know for sure - money can not be in excess.

You are an analytics genius, a financial king!
Accept all congratulations - today is your holiday!
Let your financial basis be very strong!
Let your oasis bloom in the worst crisis!

Congratulations on our professional holiday! Happy Financier's Day! I wish all projects and plans to be successful, goals high, and victories brilliant!

Happy financier's day
My congratulations today
Let the cash flow blow
Let the receipts flow like a river.

I wish you always beckon
Magic world big finance,
Let in a relationship with money
There is no dissonance.

Let your career only go up
Let the salary please you
I wish to achieve from the bottom of my heart
The heights of a currency tycoon. ©

Congratulations on the day of the financier,
I want to be on top
May honesty, knowledge and wisdom
Always lead you to your dreams.

Let hard work give joy,
May career growth await you
May every new day be a worker
Only positive brings you. ©

I want to congratulate you
Happy financier's day,
Let in your difficult affairs
Everything will be fair and clean.

May work bring joy
The figures are rising
May love and understanding
They are waiting at home every evening. ©

greeting card

You are a reliable shield from waste,
Not janitors, taxi drivers,
Congratulations, I'm happy today
All our financiers!

Any rebus on your shoulder,
In finance a difficult matter,
On the feast of the ode let them sing
And the nightingales - trills for you!

Financiers are kings!
They have great power
Dollar, euro and rubles -
Their front line!

Prosperity and ranks,
Good luck to them, good luck!
And in addition to flattering words -
The sea is at their dacha!

Everything else will come
As always - unexpectedly,
The main thing is to move forward!
To the goal! - tirelessly!

Financiers across the country
The holiday must be celebrated.
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
Their money to grow!

To avoid problems
The wallet with the salary is intact,
The crisis will not be seen for a long time
And flourish in life!

You are a financial prospector
And today is your holiday!
May friends be like brothers
And peace in your soul.

Let love cover you
With its fabulous wing,
Happiness will cover your head
And enter your bright house.

How hard it is to resist temptation
When there is so much money around!
But the financier is stable in decisions,
And to strangers' money - a reliable friend!

He can be trusted with this
Everything will be calculated, calculated easily,
We congratulate you on the holiday today,
And we know you are very lucky!

Let the calculator calculate everything clearly
Will not fail the financial report.
And there will be time for fun too
And the rest, in life, you'll be lucky!

Financier, I wish you
On your personal holiday
Only joys without end!
May success be great!

Only high aspirations
And financial victories!
Be in good mood,
Live without sorrows and troubles!

Cost optimization -
Responsible for you
Are you able to work like this?
What can we safely say:

You give the company
Opportunity to thrive, grow,
Your work and you are respected by us,
With success you always go.

On the Day of the financier, we wish
And we will reward you with a good look,
You are the only one with us.
And let us be on the way!

financial stability
And stormy cash flows,
Wealth and abundance
Growing income every day!

Day of the financier of Russia.
It sounds beautiful!
I congratulate you on the holiday
I wish you success in everything.
And let finances at work
They will not sing romances to you ...

Congratulations on the holiday,
We wish you career growth.
After all, to become a real financier
Very, very difficult.

You know all about inflation
You are subject to loans and credits.
Chose a good profession
With her, you will be successful and satisfied.

My friend understands finances
And on this holiday of financiers
Let all the girls fall in love
Be happy in this world

Let nature change
Let you be lucky in everything
And every moment is remembered
Let luck await you!

This day is special without a doubt,
This is a holiday of many in this world,
This is the day of people - those without whom
It is unlikely that the entire planet would rotate.

Financiers - their name is so simple,
Day and night work in three shifts,
All norms and GOSTs are checked,
Documents, graphs and diagrams...

We wish you Happy Holidays
Everyone who moves the planet
And thanks to those who help
In monetary matters - at least advice.

We did not study your science -
For what? Learned everything for so many years
That no matter how the others scream,
The whole world is based on financiers.

Let there be no quick movements in their work,
But there is positive result.
We congratulate you on the Day of the financier!
Well, count you - do not count!

I wish you to solve all problems quickly,
I wish to rest in the Maldives,
Make up a budget with eyes closed
And drive a Ferrari to work.

Wealth to you in the house and success
May there be more joy and laughter.
Friends will help you have fun until the morning,
Happy financier's day, cheers, cheers, cheers!!!

September 8 is a significant day,
I want to congratulate a group of people
Those who choose to dedicate themselves
And also ready to enlighten others,
How to count money, accumulate capital,
Then what to do with it, what to invest in.
With all my heart and with a pure heart,
I congratulate the financiers!

Congratulations on your professional holiday! I wish that the expense does not exceed income, and life is not on credit, but on the positive. May diligence be rewarded! Happy Finance Day!

Financial tasks are an important part of life, which you can’t do without. Therefore, dear financiers represented by all representatives of this sphere, I congratulate you on your indispensability, importance and great significance for society! Let everything be excellent in your destiny. Let the debit always converge with the credit. May health never fail you. Happiness, prosperity, material prosperity!

Congratulations on the day of the financier! We wish that the numbers never get confused, the debit always converges with the credit, the work brings pleasure and good financial reward. May love, peace, tranquility and happiness always reign at home. Be successful, achieve your goals and objectives.

Respect for a penny
You show your
Happy financier day to you
Congratulations today.

Always let the calculator
Will be at hand
And let the finances flow
Full-flowing river.

Magic jingle of coins
Let the music sound
happy and lucky
Be in life, financier.

Congratulations to all Russian financiers on their professional holiday! We wish you always growing profits, transparent turnover and huge development prospects in your favorite area. Easy working days full of positive and inspiration! Be attentive, flexible and carefree happy!

Who keeps track of finances
And does not think to give up?
These are our financiers -
Everything will be solved quickly and easily!
Know that we always remember you
May fate fulfill for you
Everything you asked for
Happy Russian Financier Day,
May health and good luck
You are accompanied, hiding
All problems and hardships -
Let happiness come to you
To always have enough money
Life fulfilled wishes
For people to appreciate you
Respected and loved!

Our Russian financier
He is always clean.
Invest profitably finances,
And lower the risk chances.

He will fix the budget quickly.
There is no better financier!
Happy professional holiday
Let things go well.
And in the financial flow
A new influx will fall.

In personal life, too, let:
Forever leaving sadness
All dreams are in a hurry to come true
Stocks and money are piling up.

Your profession is paper
And hundreds of numbers and codes
Banknotes, safes, banks, deposits,
Pictures of different cities!

You are a financier, you live according to a plan,
You allocate the budget
Everyone knows - more scrupulous than this
There is no profession in the world!

We all dream that someday
Russian ruble golden
Rise above the earth
And it became the currency of the world.

So that most of the countries of the planet
In trade, the ruble was preferred,
And so that this phenomenon is everywhere
They called it the flourishing of the world.

We will not print signs,
Not backed by anything
Let's not sell paper
What is now so desired by all.

Let the ruble be secured
Real gold fund,
Let the ruble be forever
To the envy of the signs of the rest.

And this is the merit of the financiers
Russian will be great
After all, the profit will be only pure,
And the line "deficiency" is small.

Behind you are oil and gas, diamonds,
Bread is behind you, friends,
We do not trade poor slate,
Like Uncle Sam and sons.

We do not strive to give for goods
Rolls of greenery instead.
Day of the financier - an old holiday,
We are for a fair exchange.

We are for free trade
Without fools, and forever
We keep traditions, foundations!
Happy financier's day, gentlemen!

Day of the financier means a lot!
And the crisis is not terrible for the country.
Let the dollar arbitrarily jump
Calculation only your Russia is important.

May all desires come true
Happiness will enter the house as usual.
Wealth to you, love, recognition,
May your health be great!

Taking off my hat. Units only skillfully
The flow of huge funds can be controlled!
A smart financier is taken if for business,
Then we need to wait for a grandiose profit.

I congratulate you! And I'm in a hurry, of course,
So that the growth of your own finances was - ah!
To make plans come true.
And the wings of happiness gain a big swing!

Banknote accompaniment -
Your work element.
Bill crunch, coin ringing
Dictate the market law.

And you, a skilled financier,
Smart and accurate, quick in counting,
Countries elite and prestige -
You rule important processes.

I want to live and prosper
All the best is to buy
Get rid of excess.
Let everything be as you like.

Happy holiday to you, my friend, happy financier's day! You are not only an excellent specialist, but also a well-deserved worker. The numbers obey you at the wave of a wand, and you gracefully find mutual understanding with them. So even in life, everything multiplies, adds up, and troubles go into the red.

congratulations on the day financial service MIA

I hasten to congratulate you on the day of the financial service,
You are needed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs! You are the order of the pledge!
From the bottom of my heart on this holiday today I will say -
Let luck come soon to the threshold!

When it comes to money, like a fish in water,
You will understand any finances without any problems!
I wish you happiness always and everywhere,
May you touch the big success soon!

The day of the financial service has come in the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday!
May luck lead you on this Earth,
So that everything in life is subject to!

You masterfully deal with money,
Directing them to a good cause,
You are the pride of Russia, a great country,
She can be with you alone!

You form the budget of the troops so that they
We were always able to get the job done on time!
You have many directions, tasks, and you
Don't let them be rude!

Happy financier's day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
I want to congratulate you on this summer day!
Let praise you at home and bosses,
To come to work was not too lazy!
I wish you joy, interesting work,
Always be in good shape, with burning eyes.
And stay cute and lovely
And enjoy life and poetry!

On the Day of the financier, I wish you a lot:
Good luck, aspirations, take-off in your career!
And I sincerely congratulate you
To be able to open any doors in life.

Let the finances be "excellent",
Let everything be harmonious, easy,
Let fate please decently
Salary, bonuses and more!

At the financiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Today is a very cool day!
And with their worthy profession,
Let's congratulate them beautifully, harmoniously!
Let the estimates always converge,
They bring the youth of the year.
And for their usefulness to all -
Let there be only success in life!

At the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Day of the financier has come!
We hasten to congratulate everyone who honestly counted and saved up for the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
We wish you to continue to work, not knowing sorrows and troubles,
May this morning be kind, cheerful - a festive dinner!
It is not easy for the ministry to count, for sure,
So we wish that the service is always, always easy!
The authorities appreciate and praise, the family is waiting for home with hope,
And let this whole year pass pleasantly and with a smile!

We are meeting today
With the color of our country
And a solemn speech
Should break out;
That's why we need
Do not stumble anywhere:
Happy financial service day
Glorious MIA!

The financial service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs celebrates its holiday!
What can I say guys? Good luck with fate!
Presidential salaries! Swiss bank account
May the service grow stronger and grow with every year!
May all problems be avoided together!
With a smile to work - with a smile and home!
And at home, let them love you, cherish, cherish!
Thank you, financiers, for your hard work!

Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of Defense Russian Federation.
Decree of the President of Russia in the list professional holidays and memorable days, the Day of the Financial and Economic Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was introduced. According to the decree, military financiers will celebrate this holiday annually on October 22.

The appearance of the Decree was preceded by painstaking work with archival documents, thanks to which it was possible to complete the history of the emergence and formation of army financial bodies, as well as to re-evaluate the contribution of military financiers to improving the country's defense capability.

It was on October 22, in 1918, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (RVSR), for the first time in the history of the army and navy, the regulation on the financial department was adopted and a legal document on an independent financial body was put into effect.

The issue of this order was due to the fact that in connection with the rejection of the voluntary principle of manning the Red Army and the transition to the construction regular army, it was necessary to abandon various extrabudgetary sources of financial support for volunteer detachments and organize the financial support of regular units and formations entirely at the expense of the state budget.

The Finance Department under the RVSR was entrusted with providing necessary loans fronts and individual armies and treasury services for the army.

The financial department had to perform its functions in conditions of economic ruin and the depreciation of money.

During civil war the functions of the Finance Department expanded in accordance with the situation. Thus, the department was entrusted with the management and management of all field treasuries, financial control and other functions.

When forming the Financial Department under the RVSR and the Regulations on it, two fundamentally new circumstances were identified.

First: it was established that the positions of financial workers are completed by persons of command and command staff. Prior to this period, in the tsarist army, financial bodies were staffed by military officials. In the post-revolutionary years, this was due to the need to subordinate the financing system to people who took the oath of allegiance to the new government on an equal basis with other representatives of the commanding staff.

Secondly, the "embeddedness" of the financial support system (as well as other support systems) was determined in the regular organization of troops and command and control units and in their daily activities. It was related to special conditions combat activity, the need to carry out tasks by the troops in any conditions of the situation and to ensure their independence.

The financial service of the Red Army, under the leadership of the Financial Department under the RVSR, fulfilled its duties in 1918-1920, having accumulated a wealth of experience in mobile response to rapidly changing economic and military circumstances, and laid certain foundations for organizing financial support for the further improvement of the country's Armed Forces.

During the period of building the Red Army from 1921 to 1941, the position of the financial service was strengthened.

1921-1936 is a period of practice of self-service troops, in which great importance had internal sources financing. And in the prewar years, the troops switched to strict budget financing. In the 1930s, with the increasing role of the financial service, all management systems were improved, Regulations on the financial economy (1936, 1938, 1940), Regulations on financial control (1936 and dated April 4, 1941), Regulations on monetary allowance military personnel and pension provision, a special order on measures to transfer the financial service to the provision of troops in a war.

When you read these documents, you understand that the basic approaches to organizing the financial support of the troops, laid down in them, are still relevant today.

During the Great Patriotic War along with the main task of uninterrupted support for the combat activities of the troops, arose and very important task- to achieve, through the introduction of a austerity regime, high efficiency use of military funds.

The establishment of the Financial and Economic Service Day can be considered a state recognition of the contribution of military financiers and veterans of the Great Patriotic War to strengthening the country's defense capability, as well as a tribute to our veterans who managed to build an effective system for financing the army and navy, - emphasized Tatyana Shevtsova, Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia. – On October 22, we will have another reason to meet with our honored specialists, congratulate them, remember those who are no longer with us. The current generation of military financiers is determined to preserve and increase the traditions of service accumulated over decades decent work in the interests of the state."

Military spending then accounted for 51 percent of the state budget, and the task was set: to save on everything.

During the Great Patriotic War, military financiers managed to create a mechanism that ensured the mobilization of the state's economic resources and the restructuring of its economy on a war footing, and organized competent planning of budget expenditures. The key issue was to ensure uninterrupted financing of the needs of the front. Suffice it to say that through financial system army and navy in that period, more than half of all budget expenditures of the country passed!

From the first days of the war, the order of financial planning and financing for wartime was put into effect. quarterly needs planning cash gave way to the month. In accordance with the requirements of wartime, the structure of the financial bodies of the military level was adjusted, in particular, financial departments were created as part of the fronts and armies.

The "economy" of the chief of the regiment was extremely ascetic: a small metal box for storing money, a wooden box for financial documents, as well as a field bag with a money book and a control book.

The organization of the financing of the active army was carried out simultaneously with the establishment of their cash and settlement services. Field institutions of the State Bank were formed: in the fronts - offices, in the armies - departments, in the formations - cash desks. At the same time, significant amounts of funding fell on military supplies: up to a third of all expenditures according to the estimates of the People's Commissariat of Defense.

Interestingly, the quality of the work of military financiers in those years was also assessed by the level of non-cash payments. Certificates for officers for families were introduced, a subscription to government loans, contributions to defense funds were organized. The specialists of financial services were also entrusted with the tasks of accounting for trophy valuables and foreign currency, which were credited according to acts of commissions military units.

The memoirs of the then Minister of Finance Arseniy Zverev eloquently testify to the quality of the work of the financial service of the Red Army during the war years: “Having large funds, the Financial Department of the People's Commissariat of Defense had such reserves that even Narkomfin did not have. But it never clung to them, but approached the matter in a stately manner. In this regard, the contact between me and Khotenko (head of the Financial Department of the People's Commissariat of Defense) was complete. If the People's Commissariat of Finance encountered difficulties (and this, of course, happened more than once during the war), I knew for sure that by contacting the Financial Department of the People's Commissariat of Defense, I would receive assistance.

The contribution of military financiers to ensuring the Victory was duly appreciated by the state. 95 percent of the officers of the financial service of the army and navy were awarded orders and medals.

In the early post-war years, when the country directed colossal resources to restore the national economy destroyed by the war, the army and navy were given the task of developing and using the capabilities of the economy of the Armed Forces. Hence the accelerated development various directions economy of the Armed Forces (construction, industrial and agricultural production, military trade, the internal economy of troops, etc.) and, accordingly, strengthening the role of the financial service of the Ministry of Defense and its gradual transformation into a financial and economic one.

In the years " cold war”, when the reform of the Armed Forces was carried out in the direction of strengthening the nuclear missile component, the size of the army and navy was increased to almost five million people, which led to the inevitable development of the uninhabited northern, eastern and southern territories. These circumstances put the troops in conditions that required the development of their own internal economy, independent support services, incl. and financial. This also led to wide development field banking networks.

The system of financial support for the Armed Forces has been improved along with changes in their combat strength, military and social infrastructure.

The troops should be engaged in solving their main task - achieving high combat readiness. Therefore, today all the functions of material and financial support have been withdrawn from the combat echelon and concentrated in the territorial bodies.

This solves not only the task of increasing the mobility and combat readiness of troops, but also the possibility of the most effective use human resources, implementation modern means analysis, technical innovations and, of course, saving financial resources.

This system of financial support for the troops (forces) has already shown its advantages and is in line with the chosen strategy for building up the Russian Armed Forces.

Today, the system of financial support is based on the territorial-sectoral principle.

Financial provision of military units and organizations of the Armed Forces is carried out through territorial financial bodies and sectoral managers: these are military educational and scientific centers and leading military medical institutions that have their own financial bodies.

Achievement levels optimized budget funds to recipients and participants in the budget process, the principle of operational subordination of the heads of territorial financial bodies to the commander of the military districts has been implemented. At the same time, tasks for the financial support of units were excluded from the duties of commanders. Settlements with the personnel of the military level were transferred to the Unified Settlement Center of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The established system of financial support for troops (forces) ensures transparency financial flows and allows solving the tasks of timely and full financing of military formations in various conditions situations, including when solving suddenly arising problems.

Responding to the threats and challenges to its security, Russia launched a large-scale modernization of the Armed Forces. Objectively, this is a long-term and very expensive process. And it directly depends on how effectively federal budget funds are spent. National security Russian Federation. In its turn high level military security, the very fact of its presence guarantees the stability of the economic system, the security of investments in the Russian economy and people's confidence in the future.