Quotes in English with translation about friendship. Phrases about friendship and how to use them in English

Friendship is one of the main components of our life. A person cannot live both without love and without friendship. There are countless books, films, sayings, quotes, aphorisms and catchphrases on this topic.

But today we are not talking about that. Today we are looking at the main English phrases and idioms about friendship () and friends (). How to talk about a friend on English language? What phrases should you use to describe a friend and friendship in general? You will learn all this by reading this article to the end. We hope that you will learn a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself. So let's get started!

To begin with, let's look at those basic phrases and idioms about friendship and friends that will help you describe, characterize your friend, and briefly talk about him in English. What kind of friend can a friend be? It can be completely different, but you should pay attention to the following English phrases with translation into Russian and choose the ones that you like. Let's characterize our friends!

  • Alex is mine. — AlexmybestFriend.
  • Ann is mine close friend. - Annamyclosegirlfriend.
  • Tom and Mike are. - VolumeAndMikegoodFriends.
  • They are. - TheyFriends.
  • Is Tom an acquaintance of yours? - YouYou knowTom? Is Tom your friend?

Pay attention to phrases with the word “friend”, which can also give some information, brief description to your friend or your friendship with someone:

  • Truefriendtrue friend
  • Loyalfriend- devoted friend
  • Real friend- a true friend
  • Fast- Close friends
  • School- school friends
  • Childhood friends- childhood friends
  • - old friends
  • Boy-friend,girl-friend- boyfriend, girlfriend (in a relationship)

And now some peculiar idioms about what you might have gone through with your friend and what trials you faced:

  • Togothroughthickandthin- experience good and bad together, experience a lot, go through a lot
  • To go through hell and high water- go through fire and water
  • Fair-weatherfriend- friend only in favorable situations
  • inhighplaces- friends in high circles, profitable connections
  • Circle of friends- circle of friends
We talk about friendship and friends

Pay attention to how these idioms behave in English sentences with translation:

  • Mike is my old best friend; together we went through thick and thin. — MikemyoldbestFriend; togetherWemuchexperienced.
  • AnybodylikesTom;heisafair- weather friend . - Nobody likes Tom; he is a friend only in favorable situations.
  • IcanresolvethisproblembecauseIhavesomein high places . “I can solve this problem because I have friends in high places.”
  • We wouldn't like to enlarge the circle of our friends. - WewouldNotwantedexpandcircleourfriends.

A few more phrases about friendship...

How to introduce your friend in English in society? It's very easy to do.

  • This is my friend…- This is my friend…
  • Meetmyfriend...
  • Let me introduce my friend…- Let me introduce my friend...
  • Get acquainted with my friend…- Meet my friend...

And now some English phrases about how to be friends, with translation:

  • Tobuildbridges- build bridges (connections)
  • Tocrosssomeone"spath- accidentally bump into, meet
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed- friend is known in trouble
  • Tomake make friends, make friends
  • Tobeatoddsatsomeone - to be at odds with someone
  • Tobebirdsofafeather — be from the same cloth, birds of a feather

These expressions will help you talk about your friendship, relationships, and describe specifically your friendship situation.

How to talk about your friend in English?

The topic of friendship and friends is the most common in any conversation. Therefore, a conversational situation may often arise when the interlocutor asks you to talk about your friend or friends. Also, this is a common theme for school essay or an essay - “My Best Friend”. Tell us about a friend in English!

We want to give you an example of how you can talk about a friend using the English expressions given above. Let's begin!

I think that nobody can live without friendship. Friends make our life happier and worthy.
I want to tell about my old and best friend Alex. He is my closest friend. I know that I can believe him, because he always helped me. Together we went through hell and high water. We made friends in our early childhood, and everyone who knows us, says that we are birds of a feather.
Alex is an engineer, he works in a factory. He has a small family, a wife and a son, and we often spend weekends together. Also we go fishing, play tennis and football together. Alex is fond of mathematics and chess; he often plays chess with his son.
We had different situations in our life, but always we helped each other. I am proud of my friend Alex and I am happy of our friendship.

If you have difficulty understanding this text, then pay attention to its translation:

I believe that no one can live without friendship. Friends make our lives happier and more worthwhile.
I want to tell you about my old and best friend Alex. He's my one close friend. I know I can trust him because he has always helped me. Together we went through fire and water. We became friends in early childhood, and everyone who knows us says that we are cut from the same cloth.
Alex is an engineer, he works in a factory. Him small family, wife and son, and we often spend weekends together. We also go fishing, play tennis and football together. Alex is interested in mathematics and chess; he often plays chess with his son.
We had different situations in life, but we always helped each other. I'm proud of my friend Alex, and I'm happy about our friendship.

​ language with translation will help you express your attitude towards the person with whom you communicate in life and simply correspond in in social networks. The theme of friendship is clear and close to everyone; at all times it has excited the minds of not only ordinary people, but also writers and philosophers.

Selection statuses about friendship in English with translation consists not only of beautiful phrases about friendship, but also memorable sayings of great people. It is useful for those who learn English to read and remember statuses in English with translation, and then use them to spice up your speech and show your friends how much they mean to you.

A faithful friend is hard to find; remember man and keep in mind.
It is not easy to find a true friend, remember this and always remember it.

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.
Friendship is not one big thing - it's many little things.

A road to a friend’s house is never long.
The road to a friend's house is never long.

Best friends are like fairy tales, they were there for once upon a time and they will be there for happily ever after.
Best friends are like fairy tales, they appear one day and stay with you to live happily ever after.

Be gracious to all people in your life, but choose only the best ones to be your friends. (Socrates)
Be kind to all the people in your life, but choose only the best of them as your friends. (Socrates)

Friendship, like phosphorus, shines brightest when all around is dark.
Friendship is like phosphorus, shining brightly when everything around is dark.

One loyal friend is worth ninety nine relatives.
One true friend can be more valuable than 99 relatives.

Count your age with friends but not with years.
Count your age by your friends, not by your years.

The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend. (Aristotle)
The antidote to fifty enemies is one friend. (Aristotle)

An honest answer to any question is a real sign of true friendship.
An honest answer to any question is sure sign true friendship.

Better a new friend than an old foe.
Better a new friend than an old enemy.

If you look for a friend who has no faults you will find none.
If you are looking for a friend without flaws, you will not find anyone.

A real friend is someone who knows everything about you, but still loves you. (Elbert Green Hubbard)
A friend is someone who knows everything about you but still loves you. (Elbert Greene Hubbard)

It takes a long time to grow an old friend.
It takes a long time to become an old friend.

Friendship is one mind in two bodies. (Mencius)
Friendship is one mind in two different bodies. (Mengzi)

Only your real friends tell you when your face is dirty.
Only true friends will tell you that your face is dirty.

The best mirror in your life is your old friends.
The best mirror in your life is your old friends.

In prosperity it is not a problem to find a lot of friends; but in adversity nothing is so difficult. (Epictetus)
When you are prosperous, finding many friends is not a problem, but when you are in misfortune, then nothing is more difficult than making a friend. (Epictetus)

Friendship is the soul's heaven.
Friendship is heaven for the soul.

Very often it is easier to forgive an enemy than a best friend. (William Blake)
It is often easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive your best friend. (William Blake)

Let friendship creep gently to a height; if it rush to it, it may soon run itself out of breath. (Thomas Fuller)
Let friendship calmly climb to heights. If she flies there, she may soon wither away. (Thomas Fuller)

A friend is someone who is there for you when he"d rather be anywhere else.
A friend is someone who is here with you, although he should be elsewhere.

The best thing I can do for my good friend is to be his good friend.
The best thing I can do for mine good friend- this means being a good friend for him.

An honest answer is the sign of true friendship.
An honest answer is a sign of true friendship.

Be gracious to all men, but choose the best to be your friends.
Be kind to all people, but choose the best as your friends.

A friend is, as it were, a second self.
Friend, you could say this is my second self.

A true friend is one who is able to believe in you when you can’t believe in yourself any more.
A true friend is someone who is able to believe in you when you yourself can no longer do so.

Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.
A friend is someone who knows everything about you and still loves you.

It is better to be in chains with friends, than to be in a garden with strangers.
It is better to be in chains with friends than in a garden with strangers.

A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.
A friend is someone who believes in you when you stop believing in yourself.

A good friend is cheaper than therapy.
A good friend is cheaper than a doctor.

Without friends, no one would want to live, even if he had all other goods. (Aristotle)
There is no life without friends, even if there is everything else. (Aristotle)

English proverbs about friendship are very popular because... friendship not only in English society, but also in any other, is one of the important places In human life. “The unfortunate have no friends,” said the famous English playwright John Dryden. What English proverbs are there about friendship? Let's look at some of them.

Here are some English proverbs about friendship:

Old friends and old wine are best.

Literal translation: Old friends and old wine are the best.

Russian equivalent: old friend better than the new two. A thing is good when it is new, but a friend is good when it is old.

A friend to all is a friend to none.

Literal translation: A friend to everyone is a friend to no one.

Russian equivalent: A brother to everyone, a brother to no one. There are many friends, but no friend.

A broken friendship may be soldered, but will never be sound.

Literal translation: A broken friendship can be mended, but it will never be strong again.

Russian equivalent: A pacified friend is unreliable.

An analogue of this English proverb about friendship would be:

A cracked bell can never sound well.

Literal translation: A cracked bell can never ring well.

Russian equivalent: A horse that has been impaled, a bow that has been broken, or a friend that has been reconciled are equally unreliable.

A friend’s frown is better than a foe’s smile.

Literal translation: A friend's frown is better than an enemy's smile.

Russian equivalent: Better the bitter truth of a friend than the flattery of an enemy. The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.

A hedge between keeps friendship green.

Literal translation: The fence between preserves friendship.

Russian equivalent: The meaning of the proverb: when there is a certain distance between friends, then the friendship is stronger.

A man is known by the company he keeps.

Literal translation: A person is recognized by his company.

Russian equivalent: Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. Whoever you share bread and salt with is the one you resemble.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Literal translation: A friend in need is a true friend.

Russian equivalent: Friend is known in trouble. You recognize a horse in the army, a friend in trouble.

The equivalent of this English proverb about friendship:

A friend is never known till needed.

Literal translation: A friend is never known until his help is needed.

Russian equivalent: An untested friend is unreliable. You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

No longer pipe, no longer dance.

Literal translation: No pipes - no dancing.

Russian equivalent: He outlived his need and forgot his friendship. Pies from the table, friends from the yard.

A goose is no playmate for a pig.

Literal translation: The goose is no friend to the pig.

Russian equivalent: Coincidence.

Friends are all right when they don’t interfere with your career.

Literal translation: Friends are good as long as they don’t interfere with your career.

Russian equivalent: Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

Lend your money and lose your friend.

Literal translation: Borrow money and lose a friend.

Russian equivalent: If you want to lose a friend, lend him money. Friendship is friendship, but money is separate.

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Friendship occupies one of the most important places in the life of any person, no matter where in the world he is. Perhaps this is why many proverbs about friendship in different languages ​​have similar meanings, and sometimes even sound the same.

What proverbs about friendship are the most popular in English, and what are their analogues in Russian? You can find this out from the table below. If you would like to supplement the table or report any inaccuracies, leave a comment on this article, and we will definitely consider your comments and suggestions!

Proverb Literal translation Russian analogue (meaning of the proverb)
Old friends and old wine are best.Old friends and old wine are the best.An old friend is better than two new ones. A thing is good when it is new, but a friend is good when it is old.
A friend to all is a friend to none.A friend to everyone is a friend to no one.Brother to everyone, brother to no one. There are many friends, but no friend.
A broken friendship may be soldered, but will never be sound.A broken friendship can be mended, but it will never be strong again.A pacified friend is unreliable.
A cracked bell can never sound well.A cracked bell can never ring well.A horse that has been impaled, a bow that has been broken, or a friend that has been reconciled are equally unreliable.
A friend's frown is better than a foe's smile.A friend's frown is better than an enemy's smile.Better the bitter truth of a friend than the flattery of an enemy. The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.
A hedge between keeps friendship green.The fence between keeps friendship.When there is some distance between friends, the friendship is stronger.
A man is known by the company he keeps.A person is recognized by his company.Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. Whoever you hang out with, that's who you're like.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Friend is known in trouble.
A friend is never known till needed.A friend is never known until his help is needed.An untested friend is unreliable. You will not get to know your friend without trouble.
No longer pipe, no longer dance.No pipes - no dancing.He outlived his need and forgot his friendship. Pies from the table, friends from the yard.
A goose is no playmate for a pig.The goose is no friend to the pig.The goose is no friend to the pig.
Friends are all right when they don't interfere with your career.Friends are good as long as they don't interfere with your career.Friendship is friendship, and service is service.
Lend your money and lose your friend.Lend money and lose a friend.If you want to lose a friend, lend him money. Friendship is friendship, but money is separate.
The best mirror is an old friend.The best mirror is an old friend.
Books and friends should be few but good.Books and friends should be few, but good ones.
Less is more.
Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.Friendship is not one big thing - it's many little things.
The only unsinkable ship is friendSHIP.Only an unsinkable ship can be called friendship.
Only your real friends tell you when your face is dirty.Only true friends will tell you when your face dirty.
It is better to be in chains with friends, than to be in a garden with strangers.It's better to be in chains with friends than in a garden with strangers.
Count your age with friends but not with years.Count your age by your friends, not by your years.