What to name a white Chihuahua. What names are suitable for Chihuahua girls?

A name is the first thing that appears to a person, and it means a lot to him in life. later life. The name for the dog is also no less important. Therefore, you need to choose it wisely so that it is well suited for the dog.

In general, it is up to everyone to decide what to name their pet; people with imagination are rarely puzzled about this. But in order for the nickname to sound beautiful and suit the Chihuahua, you still need to work hard. First, let's learn a little history about the Chihuahua.

History of the Chihuahua

Mexico is considered the official homeland of the Chihuahua, since it was there that three puppies of this breed were found and after that, they began to be bred all over the world. But the first appearance of animals similar to the current Chihuahua was in 1500 BC.

It is believed that the first breeders of Chihuahuas were the ancient Toltec Indians. At that time this breed was called Titichi. They revered the titichi and even took them to their graves.

This is evidenced by ancient burials in which the remains of a man from Titichi were found. They believed that titichi could lead to the afterlife. Another version says that pets thus took away the sins of their owners.

After the Toltecs, Titichi began to belong to the Aztecs, who also revered Titichi no less than their previous owners.

But the next owners, namely the Spaniards, had other plans for titici; they did not worship them, but decided to eat them. Because of this attitude of the Spaniards, the little dogs almost became extinct, but thanks to their self-preservation instincts they managed to save the Indian tribes from the hungry conquerors.

The modern name for this breed is because they were found in the Mexican state of Chihuahua or, to put it correctly, Chihuahua.

The breed was officially registered in 1923, and these dogs appeared in Russia only in 1959.

Nicknames depending on features.

When choosing a name for a dog, you can pay attention to its appearance and character.

Chihuahuas are calm dogs, they won’t make a sound without a reason, so you can name your pet based on this factor, for example, Silent.

Sneezes come in different colors, so you can choose a nickname based on its color, for example:

  • Snow White;
  • Chernysh;
  • Golden.

As you know, Chihuahuas are quite small size, so nicknames such as:

  • Baby;
  • Baby;
  • Tiny;
  • Doll.

How to choose the right nickname

Accustoming your pet to a name is the first training practice, so you need to choose the right nickname for your pet.

Important: Before choosing a name, you need to consult with all family members so that there are no disagreements later.

The puppy's name should not by definition be suitable for the opposite sex. It may even save a sneeze. Chihuahuas are feisty dogs, and male dogs are known to fight over territory or over a mate.

Therefore, if the pet’s name matches its gender, other owners, when they hear the dog’s name, will try to protect their dogs. There is no need to come up with a nickname in advance. Because, as has already been written, you can name your favorite based on its character.

And when the dog is given the nickname “silent”, then when he turns out to be a loud-mouthed bell, it will be too late.

The name should sound loud, then the dog will quickly learn to be distracted by it.

You need to give the Chihuahua a short nickname, then it will be much easier to train it;

Don't call the dog the person's name, it won't sound nice.

Important: Foreign names can be used; they are quite suitable for decorative dogs.

You should not call your dog a name that sounds similar to some command.

Once the nickname is chosen, it’s worth getting used to it a little, maybe you’ll want to change it.

Nicknames for Chihuahua boys

You can call the dog whatever name it was used in cartoons, for example:

  • Stitch;
  • Boniface;
  • Krosh.

It would also be a good idea to name the dog with an ancient Aztec name, for example:

  • Zolin;
  • Cotatl;
  • From there.

You can also use the brand of your favorite car for the name, for example:

  • Nissan;
  • Rolls;
  • Dodge.

It is known that the homeland of the Chihuahua is Mexico, so it would be nice to name the dog with a Mexican name. Mexican names that are suitable for dog names:

  • Dimas;
  • Nacho;
  • Gapro;
  • Vito;
  • Carlos;
  • Mario.

It will be fun to name, nicknames for larger breeds. This will cause a storm of emotions among passers-by when they hear the name of this little dog. Options:

  • Rex;
  • Cerberus;
  • Apollo;
  • Mukhtar;
  • Gladiator.

In general, it’s a matter of each person’s imagination, the main thing is to think carefully and be creative, an original nickname will come to mind.

Nicknames for Chihuahua girls

To choose a nickname for a Chihuahua bitch you also need to use your imagination.

You can name the dog after some princess from a cartoon.

You can also use the names of famous singers as nicknames.

Just as in the case of male dogs, you can name the bitch with a Mexican name. Good for girls dogs, suitable Japanese names . In any case, it is desirable that the nickname emphasizes the diminutiveness and beauty of the dog.

List of common names for bitches:

  • Busya;
  • Bianca;
  • Sally;
  • Dolly;
  • Lola;
  • Maila;
  • Tusya;
  • Floris;
  • Barbie;
  • Verona;
  • Dana;
  • Zemfira;
  • Isolde;
  • Lala;
  • Lyalka.


Just like with a person, the name of the dog decides his future fate. Therefore, you need to approach your choice seriously and with all responsibility. The puppy's name should stand out from the rest and emphasize the character of its owner. Even experienced dog breeders claim that a dog’s name is directly related to its behavior.

For example, one of the reasons why a dog’s name affects its character: if you give a puppy a complex name, it will take a long time for him to get used to it.

And in early childhood Puppies need to be called to you often, this shapes their future psyche.

A name for a dog is primarily a matter of every person’s imagination. In general, you don’t need to listen to anyone to name your favorite pet, as you want.

Remains chihuahua dogs was discovered during excavations at the site of the ruins of the palace of the Emperors of Montezuma in the province of Chihuahua, located in Mexico, which indicates the rich history of the breed. Modern representatives are cute and kind pets, most often living in ordinary apartments. The primary question that begins to torment anyone who has purchased a pet is what to name the puppy? In this article you will find nicknames for Chihuahuas so that you can choose a suitable name from the list provided - for both a girl and a boy Chihuahua.

When deciding what exactly you will name the miniature Mexican pet you brought into your home, remember: a good and euphonious nickname should not only be beautiful, but also be short, easy to pronounce and memorable. Most often, breeders, when deciding what is the best name for a boy Chihuahua, make a choice in favor of cute and funny nicknames, as well as having philosophical overtones or a certain interpretation. There are also those with German roots.

Beautiful and cute

Popular among owners for many years, beautiful and unusual nicknames, recommended for Chihuahua boys' dogs are, for example, those consonant with the human names Paco, Lucas, Maurice, Casper, Grego, Lance, Luke, Archie, Miki, Vico, Pancho. Unusual for animals and interesting for their owners are such wonderful nicknames as Lorry, Hugh, Beefy, Charlie, Poll, Chus, Leo, Barney, Bruce, Lyusha, Jeri, Kiwi, Patrick, Glen, Jeri, Dani, Tito, Shusan, Juan and the like. As you can see, most of them are consonant with foreign human names and consist of one or two syllables. It will be easy for both the owner and his beloved new family member to remember them.

With German roots

For a boy Chihuahua, a nickname is often chosen that has German roots. In this case, Mexican dogs are proudly called Tomy, Petit, Chris, Valli, Gunti, Fred, Svenny, Bernie, Mihi, Klaas, Verni, Jurg, Geri, Stef, Matti, Hossi, Rolfi, Andi, Didi, Jens and so on. With such aristocratic names, the owners of puppies of this breed strive to emphasize the inner nobility of their small, smart and cheerful dog.

Nicknames with meaning

When selecting nicknames for their Chihuahua boys from a list, breeders often settle on names that carry a deep meaning. Nicknames of Japanese origin are good in this regard.

For example, Michiko means the child of beauty, Etsuko means joy, Kameko means the child of the turtle, Tsikiko means the moon child, Kyoko means happy child, Hoshiko is starry, Miyako is beautiful at night. Sometimes nicknames are associated with the time of year when the baby was born: for example, Natsu means born in the summer, Akito means born in the fall. The Japanese sometimes emphasized the order in which their child was born. Using the same principle, it is possible to christen a long-awaited dog.

You need to know that Ichiro is the first son, Jiro is the 2nd son, Shiro is the 4th son, Rokuro is the 6th son in the family. Names such as Akira means bright, Hiro means generous, Haruki means shining, Shin means real, Daichi means wise, Aiko means beloved. They will let others know that your animal is endowed with a certain positive character trait. It's euphonious and so on Japanese name, personifying the beauty of nature and its beautiful phenomena, like Izumi - a stream or fountain, Hotaru - a firefly, Kotone - the sounds of a lute, Hinata - a sunflower, Hoshi - a star, Kokoro - a heart or soul, Suzeme - a sparrow, Nari - thunder and so on.

Beautiful and cute

After purchasing a puppy of this wonderful breed, the owner quickly becomes attached to his new friend, and later begins to love him with all his heart. When choosing nicknames for cute Chihuahua girls, owners can name the dog Beauty, Grace, Chloe, Businka, Button, Baby, Barbie, Floris, Doni, Sarah, Laura, Mimi, Dekla, Carla, Mary, Ruby, Jena, Hannah, Carmen, Daisy, Lucia, Chita, Jena, Toffee, Cherie, May, Dulcie, Chamomile, Pixie. It's beautiful, romantic, charming. One of these nicknames will definitely be pleasant for the breeder and will be suitable for female dogs.

Funny and original

For smart small female dogs, they also suggest choosing a name: Kisa, Puma, Lipa, Zhulya, Mira, Umka, Penelope, Fox, Wendy, Bridget, Shumka, Bella, Gamma, Gioconda, Fifa, Kunya. You can also call your four-legged friend Totty, Sabrina, Lada, Donna, Sparta, Snezhka. Well, or choose another name that will indicate wonderful feeling humor inherent in the owner of the animal.

With German roots

For Chihuahua girls, you can also choose nicknames with German roots. This is Hanni, Bebby, Britta, Ingi, Urlzi, Zuzi, Niki, Eri, Sabbi, Cloudy, Hella, Gila, Karen, Heike, Birgit, Chrisi, Gabi, Moni, Angi, Marie, Lisbeth, Kati, Gila, Karen, Petty and others.

The desire to christen your pet in the German manner reveals that its owner is a true aristocrat and intellectual.

Nicknames with meaning

Small Japanese nicknames for Chihuahua girls also sound great, each of which has its own decoding. For example, Hibiki means sound (as well as echo), Izumi is a fountain (or stream), Shinju is interpreted as a pearl, Hana is a flower, Asa is morning or dawn, Kasumi is fog, Oki is the open sea, Haru is spring, Takara - treasure.

Have you got a dog and don’t know what name to choose for your Chihuahua boy? This article will help you decide and make a choice.

Don't underestimate your little Chihuahua. She only looks so small and defenseless, but in fact she belongs to a serious breed.

Its peculiar appearance, behavior and the mystery of the origin of the breed contribute to a wide flight of fantasy and imagination to determine the name.

Since the Chihuahua is considered a pocket dog, it is often given an affectionate name: Sweetheart, Mimi, Vintik, Chaffinch, Pepper, Skippy, Baby, Duchess, Masik, Zefirchik, Zyuzik, Busya, etc.

Chihuahua is very funny dog, so a cool name would suit her.

Also successful cool nicknames for chihuahua. Some dog owners, for fun, call them on the contrary, with significant nicknames - Bogatyr, Big, Dragon, Boom, Max, Typhoon, etc.

As many people know, the ancestors of modern Chihuahuas were the ancient dogs of the Aztecs - Techichi, who lived in temples and were worshiped. From there they moved to Europe at the end of the 19th century.

So why not name your baby some ancient Mexican name?

Here are some of them: Arank, Isi, Kangi, Cal, Mackey, Pivain, Heritt, Sheela, Yas, Gaspar, Dimas, Mario, Nacho, Sancho, Ciro.

If the dog owner has little interest in the history of the ancient Aztecs, then you can decide on a more euphonious name. To do this, you need to take a closer look at your pet and pay attention to:

  1. Character and behavior. Character says a lot about its owner. One dog can be an inquisitive explorer, another only sleeps and rests, a third tries to make friends with every living creature, a fourth is afraid of everything, etc. A nickname can characterize the most better side favorite pet. For example, Fighter, Chucky, Rex, Bounty, Archie, Timmy, Rich, Leo.
  2. External features. If the dog has any distinguishing feature, then you can emphasize it with a funny name. Here suitable nicknames: Bim, Brownie, Reddy, Buddy, Black.
  3. Historical reference. If a Chihuahua has a pedigree, then you should study it carefully - suddenly there will be Interesting Facts, funny incidents, the names of previous breeders or the nicknames of distant ancestors will come up.
  4. Aesthetic preferences. Each of us has a favorite literary character, movie hero, politician, artist, singer, fictional character - so why not name your baby one of these names? There is plenty to choose from: Hercules, Caesar, Churchill, Leonardo, Vitas, Mathis, Thomas, Salvador, Mozart.
  5. Geographical knowledge. You can often find dogs whose nickname is consonant with the name of a state, capital, mountain, volcano, sea and other geographical objects. There are also many options possible here: Dallas, Baikal, Amur, Vesuvius, Parnassus.

A dog's name affects it the same way a name affects a person. You shouldn’t go too far with originality and come up with abstruse and unpronounceable names.

Of course, the final choice of nickname is made by the owner, however, there is a small top popular nicknames chihuahua boys: Lord, Gucci, Spartak, Bruce, Louis, Dexter, Jem, Buzz, Arnold, Skeet, Chester.

Many dog ​​owners make the mistake of calling their dog the first name that comes to mind. If big Suitable for breeds any nickname, then for Chihuahua babies you need something special.

According to statistics, the owners of Chihuahuas are young, beautiful and wealthy girls from 15 to 30 years old, mostly blondes. Moreover, they have more Chihuahua boys than girls.

Very often, if a dog was adopted from a breeder, its name begins with the letter of the litter. Nursery specialists choose for each litter, without exception, the letter that dominates the puppy’s name. Moreover, the puppy’s name will be indicated in his puppy metric.

The owner can use this name, or he can call it his own - this is his full right.

To choose a nickname for your Chihuahua, watch him and you can choose a name that suits him.

It is very important to choose the right name, because if you name your baby Typhoon or Demon, guess what will happen?

Look carefully into the dog's eyes, play with it, watch how it eats, walks, sleeps. Talk to her, list the nicknames you want to give her - perhaps the dog will give you a sign which name he likes.

Even if you call a boy Styopa, Vanya or Hitler, you won’t love him less, right?

You should also take into account the purpose of the dog.

If she will participate in exhibitions and various social events, then the name should be glamorous or sporty; if the dog is taken with a good pedigree for breeding puppies, then the nickname should be eminent, sonorous.

And if the baby just lives with you in an ordinary apartment, where he will be loved, then a simple Russian, home name, up to Pushka, Snezhka, etc., will suit him.

It’s good if the nickname is one or two syllables, with voiced consonants, so that the dog reacts to the owner’s voice.

The name cannot be changed later, since the baby will already get used to it and will not respond to anything else.

You can indicate the animal’s name on the collar, then if the puppy goes missing or lost, they can calm it down and return it to its owners in the near future.

When choosing nicknames for Chihuahua boys, remember that the name should be sonorous and suitable for your pet. And let the nickname carry a positive aura.

What name did you choose for your pet? Be sure to share in the comments!

The choice of nickname for a puppy is limited only by the imagination of its owner. But you shouldn’t choose a nickname in advance. After all, it may not suit the pet. It is better to watch the puppy for a while, he will definitely show his character. But you shouldn’t delay your choice; one week is enough.

Human names are not entirely suitable for dogs. But you can use foreign names and some of their diminutive forms. Average term The life of a dog is approximately 15 years. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account that the nickname should be well suited not only for a small puppy, but also for an adult dog.

When choosing a name for a puppy, you need to take into account some of the characteristics of these animals. Dogs respond better to nicknames of one or two syllables that begin with consonants (except X, Sh, Shch, S). It is desirable that there are voiced consonants in the middle of the word. You should avoid names that sound like standard commands.

You can choose a name in the following way: loudly and clearly pronounce all the consonant sounds in turn and watch your pet’s reaction to them. Those sounds to which the puppy responded faster must be recorded and used for his nickname.

One day you will become the proud owner of a small chihuahua puppy. You are filled with joy and love, for this little miracle. They're spinning in my head different names For Chihuahua boys, it's hard to make a choice.

I want it to suit him, and at the same time to be original and beautiful. After all, you can’t call a little Chihuahua like a Caucasian Shepherd. Therefore, we have to treat this process with all seriousness and responsibility.

The Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. But despite this, she has a lively character, a cheerful disposition, and a fearless heart.

The little dog is ready to rush to the defense of its owner, regardless of the size of the enemy. The Chihuahua comes from Mexico; it appeared in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century and immediately became a favorite among rich and noble ladies.

And now little chihuahua shka is a symbol of aristocracy and prosperity. Therefore, a nickname for a boy’s Chihuahua should be chosen with this in mind.

Problems with a name probably don’t arise if you take a dog from a kennel and it has a pedigree. In this case, it is chosen by the breeder; it usually contains a name with a certain letter and a prefix, which indicates that the puppy was bred from elite producers.

You can agree with this name and call the dog for short, or you can leave it for exhibitions and figure out what to name the puppy yourself.

Choosing the right nickname

You can choose a pet name after watching your pet for some time. Each dog has its own temperament and character.

  • When choosing a name, look at the dog’s reaction; very often, when a certain name is given, its eyes light up and you understand that your friend should only be called that way.

Choose sonorous names for a Chihuahua; for a boy, choose a short name. The fewer hissing consonants, the more beautiful it will sound, emphasizing the baby’s cheerful disposition.

And although a very long name will be very beautiful and original, it will be awkward to pronounce and you will shorten it anyway.

Try to avoid names that can be interpreted as feminine (for example, Shani). The nickname should not be associated with a cat. After all, your boy, although very small, is still a dog.

It is also stupid to call a small four-legged friend by a human name.

Nicknames can be:

  • cheerful and playful;
  • aristocratic;
  • fashionable;
  • unusual and extravagant;
  • classic;
  • philosophical.

Choosing a funny name

The Chihuahua is a very cool dog. Thin legs big eyes And long ears. Therefore, a playful name for a Chihuahua for boys will undoubtedly be suitable.

When people see your boy, whose name is: Forex, Mustang, Radar, Twister, Cupcake, Cyclops, Barmaley, Casper, Nibbler, Cactus, Pudding, Ninja or simply Hedgehog, then you are guaranteed a sea of ​​positivity and goodwill.

Imagine how surprised a person will be when, given the name: Rex, Mukhtar, Grand, Archie, Polkan, not a formidable guard dog will run out, but a small Chihuahua, which will bark loudly at the stranger and try to bite while defending its territory.

You can also call the dog a shocking nickname, which, in addition to admiration, will cause a smile. Try calling your little friend: Bucks, Oxford, Boss, Yorick, Dracula, Lucifer, Troll, Hobbit, Shaman, Punk or Hippie - and see for yourself.

Aristocratic names

And yet, Chihuahuas are dogs true ladies and glamorous ladies. These dogs accompany their owners everywhere, proudly looking out of their special handbag. Dressed like little princes, they complement and decorate the appearance of socialites. Therefore, the boy’s Chihuahua nickname should match his royal appearance.

  • And when, wherever at a party in a cool club, they ask what your dog’s name is, you can proudly say that his name is: Viscount, Prince, Antoine, Louis, Duke, Milord, or Caesar.

Mexican roots

In distant Mexico, Chihuahuas were May's faithful companions; to emphasize their ancient Mexican origin, you can call him a Mexican nickname.

They are usually ideal for babies and they respond readily to them. Listen to how beautiful the words we all know sound in the language of the May tribe:

  • Chiro, which means sun;
  • Kayo, which translates to joy;
  • Tun - stone;
  • Lakam, which means great;
  • Olya, translated simply as a heart;
  • Gong Tan - beloved.

The Mexican nickname will help you make new acquaintances, because a person will definitely want to know what it means: Nacho (silly), Nun (sorcerer), Tsul (dog), Al (son), Mats (scholar), Muwan (hawk) or Rui (power) .


If you are looking for the essence in everything and want to amaze others with your erudition, choose a Japanese nickname for your dog, which carries a deep meaning. philosophical meaning. The little Chihuahua will look sedate and important, like the Japanese emperor.

Suitable nicknames for a Chihuahua boy are: Shin (real), Honte (leader), Aiko (beloved), Naoki (honest), Hayato (falcon) or Hiro (generous). Or let his name be: Aristotle, Confucius, Rembrandt,


There is also a fashion for dog names. And if you strictly follow its trends, then choose a nickname for the dog in accordance with fashion trends.

It is now fashionable to call your pets by German or Italian nicknames. If the dog's name is: Wolf, Mario, Heini, Giuseppe, Barney, Frank, Henry, Amigo - he will become the most fashionable and popular.

The Chihuahua is a glamorous dog that romantic ladies love.

No one will be surprised when such a girl holds in her arms a cute Chihuahua boy named: Dior, Narcissus, Gucci, Ferrari, Rolex, or Bentley.

But don’t get carried away by fashionable nicknames. Fashion is a fickle lady and it will change more than once during the dog’s life. Therefore, it is safer to give it a classic name that has been tested by time.

Timeless classic

There are nicknames that suit almost any Chihuahua. They are very cute, easy to remember, and sound familiar.

These are names that have long been familiar to everyone: Toshka, Rex, Timi, Druzhok, Baby. True, it may turn out that several more dogs on the walk will have the same name.

We look and choose

A nickname can emphasize whatever qualities your dog has. Look at the baby and you will understand what to name a Chihuahua.

Chihuahua boys are very active, to emphasize this, name the dog: Shustrik, Meteor, Tornado, or Bumblebee.

And the Chihuahua is so small and cute that the nicknames: Raisin, Shpuntik, Nafanya, Barney, Klepik - will come in handy.