Nickname for a boy's little dog, Chihuahua. Recommendations for choosing a nickname for Chihuahua dogs

Who has probably already bought bowls, a bed, a tray and toys. Now the owners will only have to come up with a sonorous name for their baby. How to name a Chihuahua so that the nickname is not only appropriate, but also original? It is clear that hardly anyone will dare to give such a tiny dog, say, the name Polkan or Tuzik. What name would be just right for this miniature dog?

Choosing a nickname for a Chihuahua boy and girl

To be fair, usually a Chihuahua puppy is brought into the house with no name at all. If the dog has his own dog documents, then they already have a name, but it is, as a rule, excessively long and sometimes even difficult to pronounce. Therefore, you still have to come up with a nickname. Let's look at how to choose the right names for a Chihuahua:
  1. Pay attention to the color of the dog. A snow-white puppy can be called, for example, Ice, Snowball (or Snowflake), Winter, Belka. The red baby can be called Ginger, Orange, Foxy, Ginger. Black - Ugolek, Black, Knight, Devil. The names Chocolate (or Shokoladka) and Brown are suitable for brown tailed “guys”. It is reasonable to name a blue (gray) puppy Gray, Mouse, Silver. Fawn baby - Duchess, Pale, Luchik;
  2. We rely on humor. Considering the modest dimensions of the Chihuahua, you can kindly joke about it by giving the dog a name that will “set off” its slender build. For example, the following nicknames for a Chihuahua may be unusual: Zeus, Montu, Shu, Sol (names of ancient gods), Batman, Joker, Ataman, Hurricane;
  3. A bias towards “edible” nicknames. You can name a boy's Chihuahua, for example, Bagel, Loaf, Cake, Sugar, Marzipan. Nicknames for Chihuahua girls can be: Cherry, Blackberry, Sweetie;
  4. Let's look at the character of the dog. Does your Chihuahua obviously love to eat? You can call the little glutton Donut or Bun. The puppy prefers any game sweet Dreams? You can call him Sonya or Morpheus. A chihuahua that barks too much can be called Yarym (or Yarik), and a good-natured one – Svetik, Laska;
  5. Chihuahuas are small dogs. You can emphasize this quality with a nickname. For example, the names Bead, Button, Doll, Cube, Baby are suitable;
  6. We pay tribute to tradition. The Chihuahua is a dog originally from sunny Mexico. So why not give the dog a name that is familiar to this North American country? You can call a Chihuahua girl in Mexican (or rather in Spanish) like this: Bonita (i.e. “beautiful”), Paulina (“little”), Esperanza (“hope”). Names for Chihuahua boys can be: Diego (“smart” or “scientist”), Alejandro (“protector”), Mateo (“God is with us”). By the way, a female dog can also be called Mexico;
  7. We make a bias in favor of a rare name. Undoubtedly, you will need to choose a name that the dog owner will like. There is no friend for the taste and color, but such names as Genevieve, Mazhena, Amelia sound very beautiful and unusual. If the Chihuahua is male, then it can be nobly called, for example, like this: Ludwig, Gabriel, Marcel;
  8. We name the Chihuahua after the cartoon characters. You can give your pet a nickname based on the names of dogs in cartoons. For example, Jake, Bim, Volt, Pluto. At the same time, a pet can be named simply in honor of a non-dog hero beloved from childhood: Bagheera, Homer, Lilo, Winnie. This is exactly how you can choose a dog’s nickname in honor of some hero from computer games: Enderman, Sonic, Hitman, Kratos. That is, it’s a matter of taste, you just need to remember which characters from cartoons, books, games or films you like;
  9. We give the animal a name based on our own profession or hobby. For example, the owner of a Chihuahua works as an engineer. Why not name the dog Vintik? It would be useful for an artist to give his pet the nickname Brush or Watercolor. It would be appropriate for a traveler to choose a nickname that is identified with some memorable place, for example, Iguazu (in honor of a Brazilian waterfall).

What points should you pay attention to?

So, Chihuahuas depend on the imagination of their owners. And you need to focus, first of all, on your taste, so that the name of the animal does not hurt your ears. But to avoid getting into trouble, you should pay attention to the following tips:

Photo: Chihuahua puppies |

  1. Don't name your dog too pretentiously. Names for Chihuahua boys or girls should be chosen for reasons of convenience. Agree, it will be very inconvenient to call Archibald Truffaldino Gray every time;
  2. You should not choose such nicknames for Chihuahua boys and girls, which will then be abbreviated for convenience. This will make it more difficult for the dog to get used to the name, because in the animal’s understanding the names Benedict and Benya do not sound the same;
  3. It is better to give up nicknames that are similar to command words, for example, the dog will associate the name Funtik with the command “Fu”, and “Sid” with the command “Sit”;
  4. You should not choose abusive names for Chihuahua girls and boys. In a crowd it will be awkward to call an animal some bad word;
  5. Choosing a name is a matter of taste, but it is better not to call the dog the same name as one of your close relatives, neighbors or colleagues. Unfortunately, many people may simply be offended that an animal is named after them;
  6. Any nickname must be spoken out loud to the dog. Did the puppy wag its tail (or at least turn its head towards its owner)? So the name is appropriate;
  7. Nicknames chihuahua dogs They can be anything, but first of all the owner must like them. Let all pets among your friends have noble names like Marianne or Sebastian. If the owner likes the nickname Bun, then that’s what the dog should be named;
  8. Choosing a nickname seems to be fun, but at the same time difficult. Some owners, until they decide on a name for sure, call the dog one way today and a completely different name tomorrow. An animal (especially a very young one) will simply be confused by such diversity;
  9. It is better not to name a dog in memory of a deceased pet (especially one that did not die a natural death, for example, from illness or injury). Perhaps a repeated name will not bring any misfortune, but it is better not to risk it.

The Chihuahua is not only the smallest dog breed in the world, its representatives also live longer than other relatives. Every owner wants to choose a beautiful and suitable name for their pet. Our article will help you figure out how to name a boy or miniature girl Chihuahua.

Chihuahuas come from sunny Mexico; they came to Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century, winning the hearts of noble ladies. Thinking about the best way to name your Mexican dog, nicknames should be selected taking into account body size, coat color, the origin of the pet, its character and habits, gender, as well as the hobbies and preferences of the owner.

The nickname should be short and loud, easy to pronounce, with minimum quantity hissing consonant sounds. It must be liked not only by you, but also by the puppy, who should be taught his nickname from the first days of his stay in the house.

Often a dog is purchased from a kennel, and it already has not only a pedigree, but also given name. There is a tradition of naming dogs from elite producers with names starting with a certain letter. Then it is better not to change the nickname to which the animal is accustomed. But you can also shorten it - replace it with a lighter one, and create an official one for exhibitions.

Video “What is interesting about the Chihuahua breed”

In this video you will learn the features chihuahua breed and how to care for a dog.

Interesting options for boys

Although the list of names suitable for boys of this breed is quite large, we will draw your attention to the most popular ones.

Deciding on beautiful nickname, you can settle on nicknames that are consonant with male names: Archie, Vico, Grego, Casper, Lucas, Paco, etc. Many people like names of foreign origin that sound serious and noble: Bruce, Glen, Denis, Leo, Poll, Juan, Shusan, etc.

Some owners will like the nickname for their beloved boy, which is of German origin. The dog will respond with pleasure to a strict and noble nickname, for example: Andi, Bernie, Valli, Didi, Jens, Klaas, Matti, Petit, Svenny, Hossi or Jurg.

A thoughtful owner with a philosophical mindset, who is an admirer of Eastern culture, is able to choose one of the names with Japanese roots for his pet. He should know that Akito is the one who was born in the fall; Keko means happy child; Michiko is interpreted as a child of beauty; Hoshiko is stellar.

For your small and brave four-legged friend, you can choose a funny name (but not offensive in any way), emphasizing his miniature size or character trait.

Sound great dog names, consonant with the names of fruits, drinks, watch brands and more: Cactus or Confucius, Lucky or Ninja, Muscat or Mickey, Radar or T-Rex, Hobbit or Shustrik, Shaman or Chaplin.

Beautiful nicknames for girls

It is quite possible to choose nicknames for a Chihuahua girl using the same principle as for a miniature gentleman. They can also be beautiful and original, funny and humorous, of German or Japanese origin, that is, carry a certain semantic load.

A little pet can be christened with the euphonious and pleasant nickname Barbie, Baby, Businka, Grace, Doni, Dekla, Jena or Toffee. Girls will love such cute names as Carmen, May, Pixie, Chamomile, Sarah, Chloe, Cherie.

Also interesting for Chihuahuas are nicknames borrowed from German language: Britta or Bebby, Gabi or Zuzi, Cloudy or Karen, Monie or Marie, Petty or Subby. They will highlight the inner nobility and intelligence of a small dog.

Breeders practice choosing nicknames from mysterious and philosophical Japanese names. The eastern names Aimi are interesting - translated as beautiful love, Akane - bright red color, Asa - dawn or morning, Izumi - fountain or stream, Kasumi - means fog, Masura - interpreted as victory, Takara - treasure, Hikari - light. One of these names will definitely appeal to an owner with a philosophical mindset and will suit his beloved four-legged friend.

Smart and inquisitive dogs of this wonderful breed are often given cool, pleasant names for themselves, the owner and the people around them. These are funny nicknames Bella, Wendy, Gamma, Gioconda, Zhulya, Kunya, Fox, Penelope, Fifa, Shumka, etc. It’s so interesting to call your favorite on a walk, while catching the glances and approving smiles of passers-by.

What better way not to call

Small charming dogs of this breed are still a symbol of aristocracy and prosperity today. When choosing nicknames, it is advised to say them out loud, observing the dog’s reaction. If he is indifferent and his eyes do not light up, it is better to prefer a different nickname. You should not choose an offensive name for your baby, especially emphasizing his small size, or not the best character traits. Avoid nicknames that are too long, difficult to pronounce, or too extravagant.

The day has come and a beautiful Chihuahua has settled in your home? This is a special breed of dog, the smallest of all known - a real pocket dog. How much joy and emotions, especially for children, such an acquisition will bring! We bought a dog bed, vitamins, toys, but where and how to look for names for a boy’s Chihuahua?

The choice of name cannot be neglected, because it will accompany the dog throughout its life. The nickname should emphasize the special personality of the puppy, and also have the correct phonetic sound.

These amazing chihuahuas

Dog breeds are so different from each other that sometimes it is impossible to believe how a huge bulldog and an almost toy Chihuahua can be animals of the same canine family. The whole secret is that from the genetic material of your pet Chihuahua gene removed, which are responsible for large sizes. A long selection process yielded a stunning specimen, which is now popular all over the world. No one will object that the selection of a name for a Chihuahua boy should be carried out no less carefully.

Cute and funny dog height 20 cm and weight 2-3 kg not only a pleasant companion, but also brave and true friend. Despite such a tiny size, he is very big in soul, so he needs to be named accordingly.

A few simple rules

You don't need to delve too deeply into dog breeding to name your pet correctly. But several basic rules will help you not to make mistakes. You only need to remember three simple rules:

  1. The dog best perceives names that contain voiced consonants “b, v, g, d, g, z, l, m, n, r, c.” Just make sure that the chosen name contains these letters, for example, favorable - Zoomer, unfavorable - Shuttle (although the last name sounds original);
  2. The dog catches the first 2 syllables, so there is no need for long names here, but ones like Ricci or Tobik are perfect. Did you want to name your pet Balthazar? Then come up with a shortened nickname, for example, Balti;
  3. Try to avoid human names - this is confusion and bad manners.

Having wound up these instructions, let's go in search of adventure... or rather, in search of a name for the Chihuahua.

Representative muzzle

Very often, Chihuahuas are bred for the purpose of appearing with him on various parties and parties. Cute dogs of this breed will complement the image of a sophisticated fashionista. But even if you do not pursue such a goal, this dog attracts the eyes and smiles of those around you. Many people will want to pet your pet and, of course, find out his name. In general, publicity is guaranteed for you and your four-legged friend. Then the name for the dog must be chosen based on the effect it should create. You can play with several options for Chihuahua boys:

  • Just good nicknames: Ernest, Arno, Shawnee, Byron, Harry, Orion, Felix, Choco, Lobbo;
  • Shocking nicknames: Guru, Adolf, Ricci, Archibald, Kefirchik, Che Guevara, Bubamara, Tsatsa;
  • Nicknames with humor: Bagel, Wrapper, Pocket, Tube, Schnitzel, Peas, Coconut, Pepper.

These are not all the directions in which you can “dig” in search of a name for your dog. There are many more ideas for inspiration. Don’t forget also that a dog can be named after your favorite actor, athlete or singer, both modern and idols of the past.

Mexican roots - Mexican nickname

About the origin of the Chihuahua breed different stories, but you can find one thing in common, dog has Mexican roots. It's no surprise that when you read up on Mexican dog name options, you'll discover how appropriate they are for this breed. Here are some of them:

These names, like a magnet, attract attention and are surprisingly suitable for this colorful Mexican Chihuahua. By the way, Macho is a word of Latin American origin, which is also perfect for a Chihuahua boy.

Royal blood

Despite its size, the Chihuahua breed is treated with all respect and seriousness. This can be played on in the name of a blue-blooded baby. Fortunately, nickname options emphasizing noble origin of the dog, a great many. For example:

  • Prince;
  • Graph;
  • Louis;
  • Caesar;
  • Cicero;
  • Baron;
  • Kaiser.

Such names will be an excellent addition to the loyal and noble character of the Chihuahua. Even a miniature dog is worthy of an honorary name.

Mini dog with a big name

Not only the artist, but also the owner of the Chihuahua can play in contrast. Why not give your pocket wonder a name that would be more suitable for a mastiff or shepherd? It’s funny and fun, and very true, because the Chihuahua looks small, but inside it’s a giant. Great options:

Remember, no matter how funny the dog looks, you should always remember that, first of all, it is a personality. He needs attention, care and respect from you. To the dog no need for long walks, but regular exercise is on fresh air very desirable, although he may well defecate in the sand.

A little love and you and your Chihuahua will become true friends for life!

When a small creature appears in the house, the new owners immediately think about what name to give it. Choosing a name for a purebred dog is not always easy. She must answer certain requirements, including the pedigree, begin with a specific letter.

Short, sonorous nicknames are perfect for a small dog, emphasizing its miniature size and cheerful disposition. Such pets are excellent friends, they do not cause trouble for the owner, and there is no need to walk them every day, like big four-legged friends.

The name you give your Chihuahua girl may vary. You just need to use your imagination, and your pet will feel special!

Although the Chihuahua is small in size, this breed is considered serious. Its history began back in the 15th century. BC e., and there is still debate about the authentic origin of the Chihuahua.

Chihuahua is on the list of the most miniature breeds in the world. According to the standard, this “pocket” dog should not weigh more than 3 kg as an adult.

Often, owners use their names to reflect the fragility and diminutiveness of the dog, calling it Mimi, Malyshka, Businka, Kroshka, and also the names Lapka and Fifi. But people with a rich imagination and developed sense humorists act completely differently: their tiny favorites are called Big, Cosmos, Smerch, etc.

Origin of the name of the breed

The name of the breed itself comes from the name of the Mexican state, which sounds like Chihuahua. Since the sound “h”, which appears in the name, is not read by the Spaniards, these funny babies are called Chihuahuas, a name copied by English dog lovers.

In Russia, the name “chihuahua” is pronounced the same way it is written: “chihuahua”. If you decide to give your pet a name that comes from its historical homeland, attention to the dog is guaranteed, since Spanish names are very beautiful and impressive.

Spanish names for dogs

You can indicate the character of a dog with such a Spanish name as Alita (translated as “noble”), Bonita (translated as “contented”), Gracia (means “polite”), Evita (lively). The cute appearance of the pet will be shown by the beautiful names Doncia or Dulce (meaning sweet), Zerita (princess), Lucia (light), Chiki (baby).

Some give their pet a name in honor natural beauty: Alba (meaning “dawn”), Idoya (lake), Carmen (vineyard), Nives (translated as “snow”).
Or you can call a Chihuahua girl such a majestic and beautiful name as Ines (saint), Miguela (which means divine), Pepita (translated as mother), Reina (queen), Rosita (translated as rose).

The emergence of the Chihuahua in Russia

The history of the origin of the Chihuahua breed in Russia is very interesting. In 1959, N. S. Khrushchev was awarded unusual gift from Cuban leader Fidel Castro. The President was presented with two lovely, sweet chihuahua puppies, which can rightfully be called a bright symbol personifying the friendship of the two countries.

You can give the dog a nickname in the Russian style, for example, Lyusya, Rose, Shura or Yana. “Glamorous” names for these dogs are also popular: the usual Ava, Bonya, Vaxa, Gadka or Daughter, or new ones, such as Nyasha, Pixie, Teffi, sometimes the nicknames Flute and Chipsy are found.

Choosing a name

People get a charismatic pet for their own pleasure, for Have a good mood and good mood. Based on the characteristics of the breed, you can call a Chihuahua girl Baby, Cutie, Princess, Button or Businka, Darling.

What to rely on when choosing a name

When choosing a name for a Chihuahua girl, you can be guided by various features the puppy itself. Babies differ not only in size and color, but also in behavior, preferences, origin, etc.

When choosing a name for chihuahua girls You can focus on:


The puppy must know and understand the sound combination that the nickname represents. The pet will remember a specific combination of sounds, and it is better if it is clear and sonorous.

For example, if you call your Chihuahua girl the beautiful name Isabella, the dog will remember exactly this nickname, and the derivatives Isa and Bella will carry absolutely no meaning for her.

What sounds should a nickname begin with?

Chihuahuas are very accepting of names starting with -J, -B and -D, for example, the nicknames Gilda, Bella and Dixie. If the name consists of 2 or 3 syllables, it is recommended to include the letters r, zh and h.

Names for female Chihuahuas should not begin with vowels or the letters sh, s and sch, otherwise it will be difficult for the dog to remember the name.

If the nickname must begin with a certain letter, meeting the requirements of the pedigree, it is not at all necessary to call the dog by its official name.

It may be a derivative of it or similar beautiful name. In any case, the nickname should sound most pleasant to you, as this will contribute to the development of warm feelings between you and the dog.

The choice of nickname for a puppy is limited only by the imagination of its owner. But you shouldn’t choose a nickname in advance. After all, it may not suit the pet. It is better to watch the puppy for a while, he will definitely show his character. But you shouldn’t delay your choice; one week is enough.

Human names are not entirely suitable for dogs. But you can use foreign names and some of their diminutive forms. Average term The life of a dog is approximately 15 years. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account that the nickname should be well suited not only little puppy, but also for an adult dog.

When choosing a name for a puppy, you need to take into account some of the characteristics of these animals. Dogs respond better to nicknames of one or two syllables that begin with consonants (except X, Sh, Shch, S). It is desirable that there are voiced consonants in the middle of the word. You should avoid names that sound like standard commands.

You can choose a name in the following way: loudly and clearly pronounce all the consonant sounds in turn and watch your pet’s reaction to them. Those sounds to which the puppy responded faster must be recorded and used for his nickname.