Chihuahua: description and character of the breed. Description and character of the Chihuahua breed

The Chihuahua is a dog breed known to the ancient Mayan and Aztec tribes. He is distinguished by his loyalty and cheerful disposition. What does it represent chihuahua dog? Read on for a description of the breed and character.

Chihuahuas are loved not only in Russia, but also in European countries and America. Chihuahuas are also incredibly popular in Latin America.

Officially, the first Chihuahua was registered in 1904 in America.

In Russia, the first owner of a dog of this breed was Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. He was given puppies by the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro. This was in 1959.

The breed got its name in honor of the island where images of these dogs were found. The island was called "Chihuahua".

By the way, the smooth-haired Chihuahua belongs to a small category of breeds that have formed naturally rather than through selective breeding.

However, long-haired representatives of this breed were nevertheless selectively bred by crossing the genes of a Pomeranian Spitz, a smooth-haired Chihuahua and a Papillon.


The height and weight of this tiny dog ​​allows it to be kept in small apartments.

There are two varieties chihuahua breed: smooth-haired and long-haired. Dogs live on average about 15 years.

Below is a series common features breeds:

  • The dog's head is round and resembles the shape of an apple. There is a fontanel on it.
  • The coat can be of any color.
  • Body: compact body, wide chest and rounded ribs.
  • The tail is shaped like a sickle or a semicircle and tapers towards the end.
  • Short muzzle: straight scissor bite, eyes round shape(most often a dark shade).

Weight and height are not specified in the breed standard, but if a dog weighs more than three kilograms, it will be disqualified from the exhibition.

Height ranges from 15 to 23 centimeters.

Also reasons for disqualification are drooping and short ears, bald patches in smooth-haired dogs and too voluminous hair in long-haired representatives of the breed, stretched body, and old age.

Other deviations from the standard are not grounds for disqualification.

Typically, dogs range in color from dark black to pale fawn.

There are no clear requirements for color. It can be spotty or solid.

The rarest color of the Chihuahua is silver-gray with a blue tint. But Chihuahuas with this color more often than others suffer from congenital pathologies.

Long-haired Chihuahuas have a soft undercoat and a slightly curly coat. Smooth-haired cats have short, glossy fur.

Chihuahua character

These tiny dogs have affection not only for their relatives, but also for dogs of other breeds. But they still treat other pets with a certain degree of suspicion.

Only the owner enjoys 100% trust.

If you decide to have several dogs in your home, it is better to take only representatives of this breed. It is unlikely that these kids will find if they live together mutual language with a pug or poodle.

Despite their unimpressive size, Chihuahuas are very brave and courageous dogs. They try their best to fulfill the role of caretaker.

If something threatens the owner, they always warn about it with a ringing bark. These dogs are incredibly devoted to their family, ready to protect their owners at any cost.

Chihuahuas are true protectors.

Puppies don't like to obey. You will have to make a lot of effort to raise a well-mannered dog from a disobedient fidget.

These babies are too stubborn, and you are unlikely to be able to change this character trait. It is better to come to terms with this and arm yourself with a reserve of patience.

It is important from the first days to show who is in charge in your relationship, but this must be done unobtrusively and without rudeness. They are quite intelligent; with the right approach, the dog will quickly figure out what they want from him.

Chihuahuas love attention. Throughout their lives they will try to spend as much time as possible with their owner. Adult dogs will not miss the chance to sit on the arms. What can we say about kids?

If you previously had a pet of a different, more independent breed, you may find Chihuahuas too clingy.

They get what they want, including all their charm. These miniature creatures manage to easily manipulate their owners.

Chihuahuas love to play. They are energetic and will always find something to amuse themselves with. Their cheerful disposition is somewhat similar to that of toy terriers. But there are certain individuals who are easily provoked and are unusually grumpy.

Chihuahuas are very playful and naughty.

By the way, these dogs are very touchy. If you yell at your pet, he may sit in his seat for several hours until he decides that you can be forgiven.

Long-haired representatives of the breed are much softer in temperament than their smooth-haired counterparts.

The main character traits of a Chihuahua: curiosity, energy, affection for the owner, intelligence.

Training and education

These toy-looking dogs, no less than other four-legged animals, need good upbringing. If you don't take care of this, you won't be offended by your pet for chewed slippers and torn things.

Chihuahuas are intelligent dogs and are easy to train.

Chihuahuas are easy to train. If you try, you can teach a dog all types of training, including a general training course, an obedience course, exhibition training and even a protective guard course.

But so that all the lessons are not in vain, and the dog does not forget them, you need to regularly repeat the material covered.

You need to train your dog from the moment he appears in your home. The owner initially needs not only to show who is boss in the house, but also to set priorities correctly.

Want to create positive habits? Walk your dog and feed it at regular intervals. But feeding from the table, walking in different time, lack of a diaper for the toilet in in the right place forms negative habits.

The essence of raising a Chihuahua is to form a dog's character without harmful habits.

The awkwardness and impatience of the person doing the training will prevent the dog from mastering the necessary skills and will form a negative attitude towards the training process.

It is important to learn a simple truth: what you allow for an adult dog, allow for a puppy as well. What you forbid an adult dog, forbid a baby too.

A dog is a creature that can think. Therefore, in the process of education and training, it is important to observe the sequence of actions, activity and praise the dog when it has done everything as it should.

The ideal person to train a dog is its owner, who is also the leader in the family.

From the first days of life, the dog carefully studies its owner. Within a few months, he will easily learn to determine what emotions his owner is experiencing.

Disadvantages of the breed

The disadvantages of the breed include:

  • The excessive touchiness of these little ones. They will not tolerate even a raised tone. If you shout at your pet, he will not communicate with you all day.
  • When under great stress, Chihuahuas relieve themselves little, regardless of whether they are in the arms of their owner, walking down the street, or standing on the floor in the hallway.
  • Chihuahuas are quite jealous.
  • Feeding dogs of this breed is not expensive, but you will have to take care of the correct diet, since if improperly fed, Chihuahuas develop all sorts of diseases.
  • Representatives of this breed are too thermophilic. The Russian climate makes walking these dogs in winter problematic. Special clothing will help correct the situation.

Chihuahuas are very touchy and jealous, so pay them more attention.

If you are not willing to spend enough time raising a dog, then a Chihuahua is not the best choice. Long-haired representatives of this breed require careful grooming.

Avoid purchasing a Chihuahua if you realize that you do not have the required amount of patience or if you simply want to get this miniature dog as a tribute to fashion.

Chihuahuas are great for active and energetic people. They can be owned by families with children. These dogs love kids very much and will be able to make friends with them without any problems.

When planning to get a baby Chihuahua, a description of the breed will help you get acquainted with the behavior, character and upbringing of this dog.

Let me know in the comments how you would describe your Chihuahua in one sentence!

See all the descriptions of the breed and character of the Chihuahua in the video clips:

The lapdog is the smallest breed in the world and the oldest breed in America. There is written evidence that Christopher Columbus, having landed in Cuba in the 15th century, discovered small tame dogs. There are rumors that Mexican monks used Chihuahuas as hot water bottles. Their large dark eyes always look at their owner asking him to pick them up and cuddle them. This cute creature loves attention and affection.

The Chihuahua is one of the twenty most popular breeds, and can be found in almost every part of the world.

History of the Chihuahua breed

Photo of a chihuahua on the sofa

The birthplace of these babies is the northwestern state of Mexico - Chihuahua, which is why the breed is often called that. The origins of the breed itself are shrouded in mystery, although their first breeders are considered to be the Mayan, Aztec, Shoshone and Comanche tribes. Even in those distant times, these cute creatures were bred as companions, and the faithful pet accompanied the owner everywhere, both during life and in the afterlife.

Mummies of small dogs are found along with buried people. Their images are visible on the walls of tombs, temples, and on ancient dishes. But these archaeological finds refute the version that the breed was brought to America by the Spanish conquistadors. Chihuahua babies that have taken root in Europe and North America, influenced the formation of dwarf rocks.

In 1904, the first smooth-coated Chihuahua was entered into the stud book of the United States, and in 1907, a similar book appeared in England. In 1923, a smooth-haired breed club was opened in America, and in 1952 long-haired representatives of the breed began to be enrolled there. In 1954, the club registered 24 thousand. individuals. The first representatives of the breed appeared in Russia in 1959.

Mexicans consider Chihuahuas a national breed, and as a sign of respect, they give these little ones to their most dear guests.

Description of the Chihuahua breed and the ISS standard (FCI)

  1. Body type: light, slightly elongated, dry, delicate constitution type.
  2. Head: Resembles the shape of an apple, or similar to the head of a deer. Until the end of life, a molera, a fontanelle (a soft spot at the top of the head), is present on the skull.
  3. Muzzle: short, slightly pointed.
  4. Eyes: wide apart, round, protruding. The color is dark, sometimes blue or cognac.
  5. Nose: short, with a clear transition, nostrils are well developed.
  6. Ears: Large, erect, radar-shaped, set wide apart, help quickly eliminate excess heat and distinguish between predators and prey with exceptional sensitivity. In puppyhood, the ears are pulled down.
  7. Teeth: small, scissor bite, straight or small overshot. Lips are dry and tight.
  8. Neck: set high, not long, slightly arched.
  9. Chest: deep and wide.
  10. Back: strong with a convex loin, the croup is slightly lowered, the belly is tucked, the withers are well defined.
  11. Forelegs: straight, meeting slightly curved at the wrists.
  12. Hind limbs: parallel, the angle of articulation is well defined.
  13. Feet: Small, strong, round or slightly elongated.
  14. Tail: Medium length, carried level with the back.
  15. Coat: Chihuahuas come in long-haired and short-haired varieties.
  • In short-haired representatives- smooth, velvety, shiny coat, with or without undercoat.
  • In long-haired individuals- the coat is long, slightly wavy or straight, soft. It forms a fringe on the ears, a collar on the neck, and feathering on the paws.

Photo of shorthaired chihuahua

Any color can be found, plain or mixed.

  • Brown
  • White
  • Black
  • Red of all shades
  • Ginger
  • Silver - gray
  • White - cream
  • Apricot
  • Beige
  • Chocolate
  • Grey
  • Blue
  • Pale yellow
  • Chestnut
  • Pale-chestnut
  • Silver - black
  • Black and tan

By nature, the Chihuahua is an energetic, cheerful, light and graceful breed. This is a dog of one person, they become very attached to one owner, and remain faithful to him until the end of their days. This miniature, loving breed is constantly under the protection of its owner.
It takes a long time to get used to new owners.

Chihuahua babies are absolutely fearless, with a lively, temperamental, courageous character and excellent reaction. Very calm dogs with a fairly stable psyche, as for small breed dogs. Fearful, cowardly or hysterical representatives of the breed are rare.

Not an overgrown fontanel on the head, like a baby’s, is perceived by many as an open channel of communication with the cosmos, but constantly squinting wise eyes only confirm this. After observing your pet, it may seem that the dog is entering a trance, closing its eyes, swaying slightly from side to side. The breed is famous for its ability to capture the owner’s mood, to feel where it hurts; it seems to be created for humans.

Photo of smooth-haired chihuahua

Chihuahuas are so tiny that they need a lot of protection in the huge world around them. They should not be left unattended in the yard; they are an excellent treat for birds of prey; small children and large dogs can easily injure this cute creature. The dog itself also has too much opinion of itself; it seems to it that it is cool and huge. He can safely run outside the fence of the house, run and bark after a pit bull, not understanding the danger of meeting him.

Not suitable for families with very young children. A child aged 6 - 7 years will be quite able to care for a pet.

Chihuahuas are highly trainable if trained from puppyhood. At 2 - 3 years old, an untrained pet can turn training attempts into a nightmare.

Excessive love owner to the dog, the eternal desire to feed it tastier, leads to obesity, diabetes and displacement of the kneecaps. Although compared to other breeds, the Chihuahua is famous for its good health. Does not like to be left alone for a long time, begins to get bored, bark and play pranks.

Chihuahua care

Photo of mini chihuahua in clothes

Chihuahua care shorthair and long-haired - minimal.

If the dog is litter box trained, it is not necessary to walk it in cold and rainy weather, as it is afraid of the cold. The little Chihuahua is ideal for keeping in a small apartment. But you have to be doubly careful with her. Be careful not to sit on the dog, crush it under doors, or allow your pet to jump from high furniture.

If there are small children in the house, make sure that they do not press the dog too closely or lead it by the paws, because it is so easy to damage small bones.

In the summer, be sure to walk your Chihuahua. They can run and frolic on the grass, which is very good for their muscles.

To prevent souring, wipe your eyes once a week with a soft cloth soaked in weak tea leaves.

Ears wipe the inside of the shell with a damp cotton swab to remove dust.

The claws are trimmed once every 2-3 months using a nail clipper; sharp edges are smoothed with a nail file.

Wool sheds seasonally, 1-2 times a year; if the air in the apartment is dry and warm, the shedding is more noticeable.

  • Shorthaired Chihuahua, comb out with a brush natural bristles or a special rubber mitten once a week, thus removing dust, dead hair and giving the pet a massage.
  • Longhaired Chihuahua comb out with a metal comb or natural bristle brush every day.

Bath once every two to three weeks, or when soiled, after bathing, dry well with a towel or use a hairdryer. Make sure that the dog does not get into drafts. It is better not to walk after swimming.

Inspect your teeth regularly to check for gum inflammation.

Clothing, a thin layer of fat and a fragile skeleton make it difficult for the breed to adapt to environment and sudden temperature changes. The dog gets cold quickly and feels better in the warmth. If the air in the house is cool, dress your baby in a light T-shirt. IN cold weather representatives of this breed feel very bad, they constantly tremble, so if you decide to walk with your pet in winter or in the rain, dress him in warm overalls or a sweater.

Chihuahua diet

In the photo, a Chihuahua sleeps on his favorite toy

The owner selects the Chihuahua's food himself; it can be a ready-made balanced premium food, or natural food.

Must-have products:

  • Meat (beef, veal, chicken)
  • Sea fish (fillet).
  • By-products (liver, kidneys, heart, tripe). But you can give them no more than once a week.
  • Cereals (rice, buckwheat)
  • Seasonal fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Dairy products

Feeding rules

  1. Meat by-products and meat must be scalded with boiling water before feeding the dog.
  2. Raw meat does not process well and can be infected with worms.
  3. You can't feed your Chihuahua pork. fatty food harmful to the dog's liver.
  4. It is better to boil the chicken, and be sure to remove all the bones so that the dog does not choke. It is better not to give chicken skin.
  5. Fish (sea fish) must be boiled and checked for the absence of bones.
  6. Pollock cannot be given.
  7. Feed fish no more than 1-2 times a week.
  8. You can't give pasta.
  9. Never feed fried foods.
  10. The water in the bowl should always be clean.

How to choose the right Chihuahua puppy

  1. First of all, if possible, talk to the owners of the puppy's mother and father's dogs.
  2. Look at the baby's pedigree.
  3. When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the conditions in which the dogs are kept, choose an active, cheerful and inquisitive Chihuahua.
  4. Pay attention to the dog's head, it should be in the shape of an apple.
  5. The tail must be correct and set high.
  6. Choose a well-fed puppy, with a shiny look and a healthy appearance.
  7. All vaccinations according to age are mandatory, they are indicated in the dog’s passport
  8. Experienced dog breeders can pick up a Chihuahua puppy at 1.5 - 2 months; novice breeders are better off waiting until 3 months, when the dog has had all its vaccinations.

  • Mitral valve dysplasia
  • Pulmonary stenosis
  • Dropsy of the brain
  • Low blood sugar
  • Undescended testicles
  • Epilepsy
  • Rheumatism of the bones
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Patella luxation
  • Problems with teeth and gums
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Difficult birth
  • Demodecosis (skin disease caused by the demodex mite)

Height, weight of Chihuahua

  • The dog's weight is from 0.5 kg to 3 kg.
  • Height at withers is proportional to weight.
  • Chihuahuas live 15-20 years.

Chihuahua photo

Thanks to their miniature size, interesting appearance and cheerful disposition, Chihuahua dogs have become very popular today. But they are also loved for their independent character and incredible courage. The breed was named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where the small dogs were discovered.

According to dog experts, it was the Chihuahua that influenced most modern dwarf breeds, retaining the title of the smallest dog in the world.

Almost nothing is known about the origin of the Chihuahua, one of the most ancient breeds. According to one version, they appeared on the territory of modern Mexico; according to another, they were bred in China. And some believe that the birthplace of the breed is Egypt, Japan or Malta.

All we can say is that they appeared at least three thousand years ago, and in the Middle Ages they were on the verge of extinction. In the 19th century, these small dogs attracted the attention of American tourists who, traveling through Mexico, saw unusual creatures in a town called Chiwawa. From there they were brought to the USA, where they began to actively breed them. Chihuahuas were first exhibited in 1884. And the spread of the breed in Europe occurred only in the mid-50s of the last century.


Miniature dogs with big head And expressive eyes They are distinguished by a compact, proportional constitution. The head is round in shape. The transition from the convex forehead to the nose is clearly expressed. Scissor bite. The eyes are large and round, the color of the iris can be any, preferably dark. The ears are large, mobile, triangular in shape, set wide apart. Auricle turned forward. The body is muscular. The back line is horizontal. Paws are dry, parallel. The tail is carried high and of medium length.

Dogs of this breed are long-haired and smooth-haired. Animals with short hair have smooth, shiny hair that fits tightly to the body. Slightly longer on neck and tail. Long-haired dogs have long and soft hair. Any color is allowed.

Training and physical activity

It is important to start raising a Chihuahua puppy from the moment it arrives in the house. Guard service skills are unlikely to be useful to a dog with a toy appearance, while obedience and cleanliness are necessary.

Particular attention is paid to the socialization of the pet, introducing it to other people and animals, teaching respectful attitude to the owner. It is also important to teach the baby not to bark over trifles, because very often, barking at larger dogs, she finds herself in trouble. The goal of education is to develop a pet’s character, free from unwanted habits.

Most basic commands, such as “sit”, “no” or “come”, the dog must know and perform well. True, training independent and obstinate representatives of the breed can be a difficult task. It is important not only to teach your pet commands, but also to constantly repeat the learned skills. To maintain physical fitness, a dog needs only walks and active games on the street or in the apartment. For walking a miniature dog, it is better to purchase a special harness.

Character of Chihuahua dogs

Representatives of the breed are always playful and energetic. They are wary of strangers. Very jealous and capricious. It is recommended to adopt puppies at least three months old. Due to too early weaning and lack of communication with his relatives, he can grow up to be selfish and possessive. Chihuahuas have an energetic, agile and cheerful temperament. They easily become attached to the owner and surrounding conditions. They do not tolerate loneliness and rude attitude well. They are distinguished by incredible courage, even sometimes excessive. With proper upbringing, the pet will be obedient and affectionate. One of the few disadvantages of the breed is jealousy. These dogs will not share the person they recognized as the owner with anyone. But this trait does not prevent them from cohabiting peacefully with other pets.

They usually get along well with other animals in the house if they do not compete for the attention of the owner whom the Chihuahua has chosen for itself. It is better not to leave the dog alone with small children. There is a possibility that the pet will not be too loyal to excessive childish impudence. In addition, when picking up a dog, a child may accidentally lose it, which can result in broken limbs.

Decorative dogs are ideal even for a small apartment. But owners need to remember that they are very gentle, do not tolerate drafts, cold and too much high temperatures. Chihuahuas love to bask in the sun, but they can mistime it and get heatstroke. When going for a walk with your pet in cold weather, you should choose for him suitable clothing, and at temperatures below zero it is not recommended to go outside at all.

There is no particular difficulty in caring for a Chihuahua. Short-haired animals are combed with a special brush once a week, long-haired animals - 2-3 times. The dog's teeth are brushed and nails trimmed regularly. Bathe your pet as it gets dirty, but no more than 2-3 times a month. Periodically inspect and clean the ears. The eyes are washed with a special solution if excessive tearing occurs. Chihuahuas have very fragile bones, so they are not allowed to jump from great heights; even an unsuccessful fall from a bed can result in a fracture.

Diet and health

Dogs of this breed can be fed natural food or special food for decorative dogs of at least premium class. Natural food is absorbed much better, but complexes of vitamins and minerals must be additionally introduced into the diet. It is very important to strictly adhere to the usual feeding schedule. Even short-term fasting can have a very negative impact on the health of the animal.

In general, the breed is quite prosperous. Its main feature is that puppies are born with an underdeveloped skull, which is finally formed only at 3-4 months, and therefore they are predisposed to hydrocephalus. There are also problems with teeth and gums, dislocations of the kneecaps, heart disease, hypoglycemia, and epilepsy. There may be difficulties during childbirth. Life expectancy is up to 16 years.

How much does a Chihuahua cost?

Its miniature size, combined with its unpretentiousness, has made the breed desirable and attractive to many lovers of decorative pets. The Internet is full of advertisements regarding the sale of Chihuahua puppies at different prices. The cost of an animal really varies widely. It is clear that buying cheap is dangerous, in case you get deceived, but breed lovers are also not happy with the too high price level.

So how do you know how much a Chihuahua puppy is worth? And not an ordinary baby, but a purebred one, in good health and, of course, the smaller the better.

The first, dominant factor that determines the pricing of a Chihuahua is documents. Much depends on their presence or absence. For example, a puppy with a certificate is already an indicator of the breed, certified by documents, and a veterinary passport indicates the health of the pet. The absence of these factors significantly reduces the cost of the dog. After all, in essence, when buying an animal without documents, you have to play the lottery. And it’s good if the puppy turns out to be a cute mongrel mongrel, but it’s much worse if the baby is a carrier of dangerous infections that can be transmitted to you and your loved ones.

On average, a Chihuahua puppy without certificates costs no more than 5,000 rubles.

The price of a Chihuahua with documents varies from 6 to 100 thousand rubles. Although, if you look, you can actually buy a purebred dog for 15-20 thousand rubles.

How much does a mini Chihuahua cost?

The mini representative of the breed is an order of magnitude higher than its “large” counterparts. But it is worth considering that buying a mini Chihuahua can only be determined by fashion trends. It is not advisable to take such a dog for breeding, especially if we're talking about about the bitch.

The average price of a mini Chihuahua is the usual cost of a puppy, plus 5-10 thousand rubles.

A similar price situation applies to colors. A Chihuahua puppy with a rare or fashionable color will cost more than its less expressive siblings. But there is no significant difference between long-haired and smooth dogs. IN in this case The main role is played by the market factor - breeders look at what is trending and set the appropriate price.

Chihuahua: pros and cons of the breed

Owners of small dogs speak unanimously about the ease of keeping and unpretentiousness of the Chihuahua. However, before buying a puppy, it is worth knowing about possible problems and difficulties that may arise in the process of raising him in the future.

Advantages of the breed

Small size is the first, and for many, the defining plus of a Chihuahua. The advantages of small size are obvious:

  1. You can take your dog with you wherever you want. Visit shops together, go on visits, and even relax at sea. Everyone is loyal to Chihuahuas, and even if you see a sign on the door - dogs are not allowed, for a miniature creature, an exception to the rule will most likely follow.
  2. There is no need for constant walking. To warm up, the dog only needs a light jog around the apartment and a couple of jumps. Such physical activity enough to make the Chihuahua feel happy.
  3. There is no need to look for a place to keep the animal. A small dog needs a tiny space to sleep and relax and will not have to worry about building a house. Of course, you can arrange a secluded corner for the animal, but most likely you will see a sleeping Chihuahua curled up next to you on the sofa.
  4. No problems with feeding. Due to its size, the pet eats little. This is not only savings, but also an opportunity to buy good food for the animal, which will last for a long time.

Additional benefits:

  • excellent health is another plus of the Chihuahua;
  • minimal care - even a child can be entrusted with raising an animal;
  • decent manners - dogs of this breed are not inclined to bark for any reason or without it, and they also do not have a tendency towards destructive behavior.

About the cons

The pros and cons of a Chihuahua are like two sides of a coin. For example, the size of a dog is a plus, but at the same time, its miniature size makes the pet fragile. This means you will have to monitor your dog more so that it does not inadvertently get injured. It is commonplace to step on a puppy through negligence.

Because of small size Chihuahuas often face problems with reproduction, and they also have problems with their teeth.

Overall, fans miniature dogs must understand that the pet falls into various risk groups affecting small animals, and take appropriate measures to prevent a possible threat.

Chihuahuas also take a long time to learn commands. This does not mean that they are stupid; the main role here is played by the functioning of the pet’s nervous system. First of all, Chihuahuas perceive human actions at the emotional level and only then begin to understand that something is required of them.

As you can see, even such a seemingly problem-free dog has its drawbacks. But still, the disadvantages cannot cover up the many obvious advantages of keeping these cute dogs and communicating with them.


Chihuahua photos:

Chihuahua (English Chihuahua, Spanish chihuahueño) is one of the smallest and popular dogs in the world. The homeland of these dogs is Mexico, Chihuahua. Despite their size, these are full-fledged dogs, the maintenance and character of which have their own characteristics.

  1. Be careful when choosing a breeder and a puppy. They can differ significantly in character and health.
  2. These are long-lived dogs. With proper care, they can live up to 18-20 years.
  3. They tremble from fear, cold and excitement. Be sure to get warm clothes for autumn and winter. In winter, you need to walk quickly, and only on paths. The poor dog can't overcome the snow drifts.
  4. May be unfriendly to other dogs if not socialized from an early age.
  5. Some even attack large dogs, which can lead to death. Moreover, many dogs perceive a Chihuahua as a rat and can kill. Walk only on a leash, avoiding other dogs at all times.
  6. They do not like strangers and bark at them furiously.
  7. This is not the best dog for a family with small children. They are vulnerable and can easily suffer from rough actions. And they themselves bite back without hesitation. Many of them are attached to only one owner and do not accept children. And it is difficult to understand such behavior. Most breeders do not recommend keeping them in families with children under 8 years of age.
  8. Create your own rules and stick to them, otherwise you will find that your dog chases you out of your favorite chair because he wanted to lie there.

History of the breed

The early history of the breed is unknown, as there were no written records, and it is highly likely that it dates back to a time long before the arrival of the Spaniards. Much of what is known today about the history of the breed is the result of archaeological excavations and interpretation of scattered information.

Since Chihuahuas are significantly different from the dogs of Europe, there are many ridiculous theories about the origin of the breed. For example, some owners believe that it originated from the fennec desert fox living in North Africa. Genetic research showed that all dogs descended from the wolf, and have nothing in common with foxes, in addition, they could not have gotten to Mexico before the 18th century.

For centuries, the inhabitants of Mexico led a nomadic lifestyle until they began to cultivate certain varieties of plants and settled in villages. But dogs were already domesticated and traveled with tribes long before the emergence of sedentary cultures.

They played a different role in the lives of the people of Central America than in the lives of Europeans. Since the Indians had no other domestic animals except birds, there was no need for herding dogs. But, ritual and sacred animals were needed, which in the rest of the world were sheep and rams. Dogs were used for hunting and guard purposes, but gradually became the privilege of the upper classes and sacred animals.

The oldest dog in Central America is the Techichi, a companion dog of the Toltecs and. The Toltecs inhabited a significant part of the country and left behind a great legacy, especially in Aztec mythology.

They also left dogs, although it is not known for certain what the differences are between Techichi and Xoloitzcuintli, whether they are different dogs or just different names for the same breed. They were kept not only for fun, but also for treatment. Small dogs, especially xoloitzcuintles, were a common practice in Aztec medicine, used instead of heating pads to warm parts of the body.

The heirs of the Toltecs were the Aztecs, whose empire was the largest and occupied most of modern Mexico. Its influence was great and only increased with the arrival of the Spaniards. Both cultures mixed and became what we now know as Mexico.

It is almost certain that they originated in this culture, in the state of Chihuahua, but it is not known when. This could have happened before 1519 or after it. It is impossible to say for sure, since there are no written sources about the breed until the beginning of the 18th century.

It is believed that these dogs inherited their small size from European decorative dogs imported by the Spaniards. Presumably from, but this version is unlikely for many reasons.

First, the Indians kept small dogs long before the Spaniards arrived. Secondly, they are unlike any European companion dog, but they are very similar to another native Mexican breed. Most of these dogs were hairless, but some had fur. The furred Xoloitzcuintle looked so much like a Chihuahua that they were often confused.

Apparently, we will never know the truth; we can only tell for sure about modern history which began in the 18th century. Chihuahua borders the states of Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico and is the largest state in Mexico. It is believed that Americans first encountered the Chihuahua in Chihuahua around 1850.

Impressed, they took with them 50 dogs, which they called Texas or Arizona, since they entered the United States through the borders of these states. These names were quickly forgotten and gave way to the exotic and unusual - Chihuahua.

The tiny dogs quickly spread throughout the United States. They were loved for their character, and the first owners did not make changes to the appearance of these dogs, although they standardized it. They probably crossed them with other dog breeds, wanting to add new colors. The biggest change that American breeders have made is the creation of long-haired Chihuahuas.

It is believed that smooth-haired Chihuahuas were also used for this. They also worked a lot on the character; it took years to transform it from a primitive dog into a modern breed.

By the end of the century, they become one of the most popular breeds in America. They first participated in the exhibition in 1890, and the first dogs came from America to Europe in 1900. The breed's popularity continues to grow, and the American Kennel Club recognized it in 1904. As one might expect, it is classified as a toy. In 1923, the first amateur club was created - the Chihuahua Club of America.

By the end of the last century, they became one of the most popular breeds in the United States. Although the rankings vary, they rank 5-15 in popularity, according to AKC statistics. They are so popular that they have practically become synonymous with toy breeds. Adds fame and love to the breed among the rich and famous. Many stars take their Chihuahuas with them everywhere, which is why they are called pocket dogs.

Since they have become one of the most desirable breeds in the world, there is always a demand for them, and they themselves are tiny and manageable, commercial breeding has come into play. A large number of dogs are bred by irresponsible breeders who do not care about the character, health and appearance of the dogs. They only care about profit and often keep dogs in poor conditions.

But with the advent of amateurs, there appeared people who simply couldn’t stomach the breed. Often this reaction is not on the dogs themselves, but on the owner’s treatment of them. They love them so much that they don’t consider them dogs and treat them like a child.

This leads to small dog syndrome - when the animal begins to behave arrogantly. However, for the most part they are good-natured and harmless creatures. Previously, they were ritual and medicinal animals, but now they are companion dogs.


As stated, they are one of the most recognizable breeds, but despite the efforts of responsible breeders, they remain quite varied in appearance. This is due to irresponsible breeders who breed dogs outside of the breed standard.

Although the breed standard is the same for both long-haired and smooth-haired Chihuahuas, in practice the long-haired ones are more uniform.

The Chihuahua is considered the smallest dog in the world. The AKC standard describes a weight of less than 6 pounds (2.72 kg), and the UKC standard describes 3 pounds (1.36 kg) to 6.5 pounds (2.95 kg), but dogs can weigh less. Breeders create mini Chihuahuas weighing less than a kilogram, and huge ones weighing up to 10 kg. Some kennels call tiny dogs with catchy names: mini-Chihuahua, super mini, but not a single major canine organization has recognized them as a separate breed. Although the breed standard does not describe the ideal height, they usually reach 15-23 cm at the withers, but again, it all depends on the breeding, some are 30-38 cm.

A healthy dog ​​is typically thin and has legs that appear long in proportion to the body. They cannot be called sporting dogs at all, only fragile and graceful. The tail is of medium length, never docked. It should be raised or saber-shaped, with one curl almost touching the back.

The ideal dog should have an apple-shaped head, round and unique. In dogs with poor pedigree, the shape of the head resembles that of a fox, it is elongated and pointed. Dogs with a round head have a fairly short muzzle, with a sharp stop (the transition of the head to the muzzle).

But even such a short muzzle is enough for the dog to remain healthy; it cannot be compared with brachycephalic breeds such as.

The eyes are large, round, with a pleading expression, and should not be noticeably protruding. Although dark color eye is preferred, many dogs with light coats have lighter eyes. Nose maybe different color, including black, brown, pinkish-beige and reddish-beige.

A characteristic feature of the breed are the ears, which are comically large, long and wide. The ears should be erect; they are often even compared to bats. Don't be alarmed if your dog doesn't have erect ones. Puppies are born with drooping ears, which rise after 6 months of life.

Both long-haired and smooth-haired dogs come in a variety of colors. Some cynological organizations allow all colors (AKC and UKC), others have decided not to allow some, such as merle. The most common colors are solid: black, white, red, chocolate, blue or: black tricolor, chocolate and tan, fawn and sable, black and tan and others.

Smooth coated chihuahuas

This type is the most popular and famous, although there are two variants of coat length. The ideal coat is soft, smooth and glossy. It is usually longer on the neck and tail, shorter on the face, throat and belly. Careless breeders breed dogs with coats that differ significantly from the standard.

It can be rough, almost scratchy in some cases. On the other hand, there are dogs with little hair, sometimes even hairless. Smooth-haired dogs can be double or single coated. If there is an undercoat, it is softer, shorter and denser than the outer coat. The length of the coat varies from very short to quite long.

Longhaired Chihuahua

They are distinguished by longer hair, but not the kind that drags along the ground. It is straight or slightly wavy, always soft and light. Long-haired cats have plumes on the tail, paws, ears and neck. The hair on the muzzle is short, the muzzle itself is open.

Like the smooth-haired, the long-haired can be either double or single-coated. If there is an undercoat, it is soft, short and quite sparse. The density of the coat is variable, but it should not be sparse. To participate in the exhibition, the coat must only be put in order, without any special grooming. But, some owners prefer to cut their dogs to look like lions.


It is quite difficult to give a general description that fits the personalities of all dogs, since it is difficult to find another breed whose personalities would be so different from each other. This is mostly due to commercial breeding, which produces dogs with completely unpredictable temperaments. But even in purebred dogs it sometimes differs significantly.

Before you buy a dog, check out the owners and their dogs carefully, as almost any personality can be found. They can be friendly and obedient or aggressive and cocky.

Most temperament problems stem from most owners not understanding the breed's temperament. The Chihuahua may be small, but it is still a dog, not a rabbit. She is closer in character to traditional dogs than most toy dogs.

If it's not cold, she enjoys running around in the yard, playing in the mud and chasing squirrels. They lick their faces with equal pleasure and attack the intruding stranger. This is not a typical companion dog, like the .

Despite the fact that this decorative breed, this is not a toy or decoration. If you don't want a dog that acts like a dog, or you're not prepared to take one seriously, then you might be better off going with another breed.

Few dogs love their owner as much as they do; all a Chihuahua wants is to be close to its owner. They are clingy and do not want to leave their loved one even a couple of meters. Moreover, they have a tendency to become attached to one owner, ignoring everyone else. This can be corrected through communication and socialization, but they almost always love one person more.

There are exceptions, but most don't make friends very quickly. Even the most well-mannered and socialized dogs remain nervous and distant when interacting with strangers, although they are polite. But those who were not dealt with react with fear or anger, often violently attacking them.

Most will get used to it and thaw out, but it may take months or years of constant communication. It happens that they do not recognize their spouses or other family members who are new to them - for decades. How it will react to a stranger depends entirely on the character of the individual dog, but most will bark noisily.

Most will think that they are unsociable, but in fact this is the result of a protective instinct. Yes, yes, if not for their size, they could be guards no worse than or. But this little thing is one of the best bells on the planet, loudly warning about strangers.


With their children difficult relationships. Some say that this is the worst breed in the world to live in a family with children, but this is not true. Yes, there are dogs that need to be kept away from children, but there are such dogs in any breed. We can say that ordinary dogs are not very suitable for life in a family where there are children under 8 years old.

Most of them prefer to keep their distance from people whom they do not consider the owner, and this is difficult for children to understand. The dog can perceive their attempts to make friends as an act of aggression, plus they do not tolerate rudeness, even if it happened by accident. They are a delicate breed and can get hurt even if you pet them too roughly.

This problem is compounded by the fact that they will not hesitate to bite back if they are defending themselves or their territory. A trained and socialized Chihuahua, on the contrary, will behave well with children who know when to stop. Moreover, they even choose a child as their loved one. But, all the same, it is highly undesirable to bring them into a family with children under 8 years of age, since these dogs are too fragile and vulnerable.


Aren't you surprised that they can behave differently with other dogs? Most of them calmly accept familiar dogs, but are very unfriendly with unfamiliar ones. These small dogs have a hierarchy like a pack of wolves, and they are aggressive towards everyone outside their pack.

While walking on a leash, they will clearly show this, although only by barking, they very rarely bite. And this is a problem if a large dog decides that it must respond to aggression. After all, literally any breed can seriously injure or kill a Chihuahua, and it itself is in no danger. In addition, most large dogs are mistaken for a rat or other rodent, and their instinct is to grab it. They definitely need the company of their own relatives during walks.

Other animals

They get along better with other animals than other dogs. They have minimal hunting instincts, although they may chase squirrels or birds. And those who are not socialized can even hunt animals even smaller than themselves - lizards and mice. Trained animals leave other animals alone. They take cats calmly and rarely bother them. However, some cats themselves can pose a danger to Chihuahuas. They are more predatory than most dogs and hunt regularly. Cats that do not suspect that it is a dog may mistake it for a rodent. But even a medium-sized cat can easily kill a large Chihuahua. Puppies need to be completely protected from cats.


Some are easy to train, others cannot be trained at all. Their personalities run the gamut of dog breeds, from the eager-to-please Labrador to the incredibly stubborn hounds. Most are somewhere in the middle; they learn without problems, but do not always want to please and obey. You can put it this way: if you want to teach simple, basic commands, then it’s not difficult.

If you want the level of a Border Collie, then it is better to look for another breed, since Chihuahuas are not capable of this. It is especially difficult to train them good manners, for example, do not bark at everyone you meet. Owners need to be very patient and skillful for this.

    It is especially difficult to wean them from marking everything and shitting anywhere. For some, it’s basically impossible and the owners train them to use the tray. It is difficult to wean them off for three reasons:
  1. at small chihuahua bladder and they simply cannot hold urine in them.
  2. They are small and can do things behind sofas, closets and in nooks and crannies. This goes unnoticed and is not corrected, and as a result, the behavior is reinforced.
  3. Finally, these are dogs with a primitive character. They mark their territory, especially males who simply urinate on the furniture.

Physical activity

Low physical activity levels and compactness are the most popular reasons for purchasing a Chihuahua. These are not particularly lively dogs and most of them require little exercise. You definitely won't have to rush around the stadium to tire her out. Even though a daily walk is all the breed needs, they are quite active at home. They do not need work to be happy (like all herding dogs), they need less stress than other breeds, but this does not mean that they can live without them at all. No dog is satisfied with two ten-minute walks a day, and these are no exception. Then she begins to behave badly - bark, chew furniture and objects, and show aggression.

Bad behavior

Most behavior problems in Chihuahuas are a result of small dog syndrome. It makes it difficult to describe the true character of the breed, since most of these dogs are susceptible to the syndrome. Small dog syndrome occurs in dogs whose owners do not behave as they would with others. large dog. They do not correct incorrect behavior for a variety of reasons, most of which are perceptual. They find it funny when a one-kilogram Chihuahua growls and bites, but dangerous if a bull terrier does the same. This is why most break off the leash and lunge at other dogs, while very few bull terriers do the same. Dogs with small dog syndrome become aggressive, dominant, and generally uncontrollable. Chihuahuas are especially prone because they are small and have a primitive temperament.

One of the most unpredictable aspects of behavior is dominance. Some are so fearful that they tremble in the presence of other people and dogs. Others are so dominant that they do not retreat even in front of huge dogs. They can be both incredibly submissive to humans and incredibly dominant towards other dogs, and vice versa. The level of dominance determines how easy it will be to train and how they will relate to strangers and dogs.

Most of them are afraid of men, but love women. Men are larger and more impressive and have a deep voice, in addition, they are not shy about giving the dog a kick if they behave badly. This is especially noticeable in Chihuahuas, many of which are terrified of men.

This is due to the fact that most owners are women and dogs have less contact with men. In addition, men often do not perceive him as a dog, but only as an arrogant accessory and show this with all his behavior. She is smart enough to perceive this, but you can guess how they react for yourself.

All potential owners should be aware that this is an incredibly loud breed. Those who are more or less familiar with them will confirm that they bark a lot and loudly. It's amazing how many sonorous "woofs" this dog can pass off as a short time. Many people are surprised not only by the number, but also by the volume of barking.

A good trainer can reduce the amount, but cannot completely eliminate the behavior. If you don't like barking, don't get this dog because you will definitely hear it a lot.


Since care for smooth-haired and long-haired Chihuahuas differs, we will describe each separately.

Caring for long-haired Chihuahuas

Longhairs require more care than smoothhairs, but still less than other breeds. They should be brushed regularly using a very soft brush or combing mitt. Any tangles require careful handling and removal to avoid pain and wounds.

Longhairs do not require professional grooming, although some owners cut them short to reduce fuss. As with smooth-haired dogs, you need to wash your dogs carefully so that water does not get into the ears and there is no shaking. This is not a hypoallergenic breed and they do shed, but less than smooth coats.

Caring for Smooth-Coated Chihuahuas

It is simple and does not require much effort. They only need regular brushing with a short-toothed brush or combing mitt. You need to be careful while washing. To prevent water from getting into their ears, you need to quickly dry the dog afterwards to avoid trembling.

Smooth coats shed differently for each dog, but in general there is more hair than you would expect from a dog of this size. However, its quantity cannot be compared with what almost any breed will leave behind.


Commercial breeding results in dogs with poor heredity and health. IN last years, many health problems appeared even in show-class dogs. Chihuahuas that are advertised as mini and super mini are sick by default. They are so small that they simply cannot have a healthy build.

But ordinary Chihuahuas, one of the healthiest among toy breeds. Surprisingly, this is not only the smallest, but also one of the longest-living breeds! Although the numbers vary, they can live from 12 to 20 years, and the average life expectancy is 15 years.

They need special care, even long-haired dogs with undercoat are not protected from bad weather. They freeze quickly and require knitted clothing to protect them from the cold. In our latitudes, they are often not walked in winter, although this can negatively affect their behavior, as the dog gets bored.

They are also prone to trembling when they are cold, afraid or excited. If a dog is cold, it seeks warmth on radiators, under blankets, on laps or on other dogs.

Many are born with a fontanel, this is the only dog ​​breed that is born with an incompletely developed skull. This is not a defect, but a normal adaptation for passing through the birth canal and developing an apple-shaped skull.

Over time, the fontanel closes, but during the first six months of life you need to handle the puppy with particular care. In some dogs it does not heal and if it remains large, then you need to remember this when handling. Often, veterinarians who are unfamiliar with this feature of the breed mistake fontanel for hydrops of the brain.

Dogs also have a tendency to hypoglycemia or low level blood sugar, especially dangerous for puppies. If ignored, it will lead to coma and death, but with regular feeding it can be easily avoided. This is especially important for young, small or weakened Chihuahuas.

Owners only need to have simple carbohydrates, for example, sugar or honey. They need to be rubbed on the palate or gums to quickly enter the bloodstream. Signs of hypoglycemia include lethargy, drowsiness, loss of energy, uncoordinated movements, unfocused gaze, neck cramps or fainting and convulsions.

Oct 19, 2015 admin

It is believed that the ancient Techichi are the ancestors of modern Chihuahua dogs. The first mention of miniature dogs appeared in 1500 BC! These amazing tiny animals appeared on the territory of modern Mexico and were held in high esteem by local tribes. They were considered sacred, but this status was not as pleasant as it might seem at first glance. Often after the death of the owners little chihuahuas killed and buried with their owners. Ancient tribes believed that in this way dogs would serve people even after death. Techichi were especially revered by the Aztec and Mayan tribes, who also lived on Mexican soil.

In 1519, the indigenous people of Mexico were destroyed by the Spanish conquerors. It was then that hungry warriors began to use miniature dogs for food. This led to the fact that Chihuahuas were on the verge of extinction. However, the smartest representatives of this breed were able to save their lives and hide in dense forests. For a long time, man was the main enemy of tiny animals, and they did not appear before his eyes.

At the end of the 19th century, Mexicans found amazing small dogs in the jungle. Sales of Chihuahuas have become very successful business, because Americans began to buy them en masse.

In 1884, a dog show was held in Philadelphia, where for the first time the rare breed Chihuahua. It has not yet received official recognition, but has gained wide popularity. So the President of Mexico once expressed his admiration for the singing of one artist and gave her large bouquet flowers, in the center of which was a tiny dog.

They also learned about unusual dogs in Europe. Since 1907, they began to be bred in Great Britain. And in 1923, the Chihuahua breed standard was officially recognized and registered. On the territory of Russia, an exotic animal first appeared in the family of Nikita Khrushchev, who was presented with amazing gift- Bear and Masha. This is how the head of the USSR named the first representatives of the Chihuahua, from which the Russian pedigree came.

IN modern society It's not uncommon to see a small dog. A wide variety of colors have made this breed popular among fashionistas who prefer to carry their pet with them in their purse.

However, it is worth remembering that a Chihuahua is not just another accessory, but an animal that requires attention and careful treatment.

Breed characteristics

Representatives of this breed are unusually compact in size. This is what made them so popular. Cro
Brandy's little dog was even included in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest in the whole world. It weighs no more than 900 grams, and the length of its fragile body is only one and a half dozen centimeters. If such a baby falls from a sofa or chair, it may break. This Thumbelina goes to cocktail dresses and travels long distances exclusively in the owner's purse. Even ironing it must be done with great care so as not to cause injury.

There is such a thing as a “tikap chihuahua”, that is, “fitting in a cup”. These are very small dogs, whose height and weight are much lower than standard. These animals are sometimes considered especially rare and expensive, but usually these dogs are simply underfed and sickly representatives of a well-known breed.

It is a mistake to consider the Chihuahua a helpless animal that needs to be constantly cared for like a baby. Some dogs have become faithful helpers and even saviors of people with disabilities. So the dog Willum is known for helping his hearing-impaired owner, notifying him about phone calls, guests...

In modern society there are a huge number of representatives of the Chihuahua breed.

  • Smooth coated chihauhuas. The coat of such dogs lies tightly to the body and is smooth and silky. Representatives of this species are very active and vocal.
  • Longhaired Chihuahua. These dogs are more reserved and calm. They have an undercoat, adorable long hair around the neck, furry ears and a soft, fluffy tail.

The variety of colors will not leave anyone indifferent, because you can choose a pet in any color. The bluish color is considered the rarest, since it cannot be bred artificially. Along with a rare color, the breeder receives big risk genetic diseases in dogs. Such a Chihuahua will cost from $10,000. Rare colors also include chocolate and brindle.

Breed standard main characteristics

Thanks to the experiments of breeders, it was possible to achieve a wide variety of Chihuahua appearances. So, a smooth-haired mother may well give birth to puppies with long hair. In one litter there are often a variety of colors and sizes. You can find long-haired Chihuahuas with slightly wavy coats. However, curly-haired dogs are considered a waste.

The color of the coat, its length and even size are not so important in determining the standard. The main emphasis is on the weight of the tiny dog.

Adult dog size

As mentioned above, body length and height at the withers are not strict requirements at shows. The range of sizes is quite large, but has its limits. So the bitch should not be less than 15 and more than 20 cm at the withers, and the optimal size of a dog is 18-23 cm.

The most important characteristic of a dog is its weight. Ideally, a Chihuahua should weigh between 1.5 kg and 3 kg. Miniature representatives of this breed are also allowed at exhibitions. Their weight can be less than 1.5 kg, but not fall below 0.5 kg.

The official standard describes in detail all the characteristics and proportions of the body, but several of the most important points, which everyone who owns or wants to buy a miniature Chihuahua should know.

  • Head. Its shape should resemble an apple.
  • Body length. The height at the withers should be less than the length of the body, but this elongation is moderate and the difference between length and height is not very large.
  • Tail. Quite long and curved upward.
  • Nose. Can be any color. There are no specific requirements.
  • Eyes. Round and not convex shape. Only dark colors are acceptable.
  • Ears. Wide at the base, they should taper at the top. The ears are located quite high, and at rest the angle of inclination is approximately 45 degrees.
  • Body. Quite wide, strong and fit.

What shortcomings can disqualify a dog?

  • Weight. A mark below 500 grams or above 3 kg automatically excludes the Chihuahua from the standard.
  • Character. Dogs that are aggressive or too shy will be disqualified.
  • Refined body structure. This is a serious flaw that is unacceptable. A body that is too long also indicates a deviation.
  • Tail. A curled or missing tail is not typical for Chihuahuas.
  • Ears. Should not be hanging or short.
  • Wool. The merle color is considered a marriage. Smooth-coated Chihuahuas are not allowed to have hair loss, while long-haired Chihuahuas have hair that is puffy, too thick and too long.


Despite their compact size, representatives of this amazing breed They have a strong body. If the average life expectancy of other dogs is about 8-10 years, then this little one can live up to 20 years. How long his pet will live depends on the owner.

If an animal is castrated or sterilized, it will live much longer, as this allows hormones not to accumulate and not provoke neoplasms. The character of male dogs becomes calmer and more balanced.

How to extend the life of your beloved Chihuahua?


Little babies are distinguished by incredible courage and bravery. They won't even think about whether to attack huge dog on a walk. This can lead to injury to the desperate pet, so owners must keep the situation under control.

Some may find Chihuahuas to be overly clingy. These dogs are incredibly attached to humans. Often, out of the whole family, they choose one person from whom they constantly demand attention. So much ingenuity in that little head! He will definitely come up with something that will turn the gaze of his beloved owner on himself.

The character of miniature dogs is very suspicious, so they perceive strangers and other dogs as potential enemies. However, these kids get along well with each other. If you want to buy your miracle a friend, feel free to buy a second Chihuahua.

Who is better to get a Chihuahua?

  • Aged people. For them, the dog will become a wonderful companion who will entertain, make them laugh, and give devotion and love. With him the owner will not feel lonely.
  • Families with children. Chihuahuas get along well with children, but at an immature age the child often injures the tiny pet. The Chihuahua may bite him in defense. However, for those families whose children have already reached school age and have a responsible approach to communicating with animals, this breed will only bring joy.

If your work requires you to often be away from home, you will doom your pet to loneliness, which is extremely undesirable for these animals.

Care and maintenance of a Chihuahua

Since representatives of this breed are in good health and do not have thick, long hair, caring for them is not difficult. The frequency of bathing is 2-4 times a year. Use special dog shampoo. Periodically make sure that the nails do not grow too long and trim them. Clean the ears with a cotton swab, and just comb the fur with a special brush.

From puppyhood, Chihuahuas should be taught to relieve themselves exclusively outside. Sometimes you can use a diaper or cat litter box. To ensure that your pet does its business only in the right place, place a newspaper with the smell of its feces, or use a special spray. The Chihuahua is a fairly smart dog, so it will quickly learn to follow your rules.

Hold your pet with both hands. Use one to support the baby under the chest, and place the other under the seat. Do not grab the ribs, hold them by the scruff of the neck, or use other methods to avoid injury.

Protect your animal from injury. Do not allow them to jump from high places, run along the roadway, or run too close to other dogs, unfamiliar adults and children.

An active dog will never refuse walks. In the summer, take him outside as often as possible. However, you should make sure that he does not run in tall grass, where there may be ticks and thorns, and that he does not eat garbage or scraps thrown on the road. In winter, wrap your baby in warm clothes. You should not force your Chihuahua to follow you while jogging or cycling. On long hikes, use handbags to carry your pet.

The most common diseases that occur in representatives of this breed:

  • difficulties in childbirth;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • hydrocephalus (water on the brain).

The Chihuahua is the only dog ​​that is born with an incompletely developed skull. Her fontanel remains open until she is 3-4 months old. This is what causes the risk of hydrocephalus.

What to feed?

Since there are two types of feeding dogs, you must first decide what you prefer to feed your pet and not deviate from the chosen path. Mixing industrial feed and natural products is strictly not recommended.

If you prefer industrial food, it is better to use premium products designed for small breeds of dogs. The amount of food depends on the age and weight of the Chihuahua. So for 1 kg adult dog you need 50-80 grams of dry food.

If you prefer to cook your own food, consider the advice of professionals.

  • Meat. You can give veal, beef, horse meat, turkey chicken and sea fish fillet. Once a week, offer offal - heart, liver, kidneys. To avoid infection with helminths or salmonella, heat the meat. It is forbidden to feed pork, lamb, chicken skin, pollock fillet, and bones. Fish should be given 1-2 times a week.
  • Vegetables. It is preferable to carry out heat treatment. Potatoes are undesirable; as an exception, offer only boiled ones in their jackets. Carrots are incredibly healthy, but to absorb vitamins you need to add 1-2 coffee spoons of vegetable oil.
  • Fruits. Bananas (a source of potassium) and apples (vitamins, minerals and pectin, which removes harmful substances from the body) are considered especially useful. Be careful with fruit and don't offer it too often.
  • Cereals. Cook buckwheat or rice porridge for your pet.
  • Eggs. Once a week it is worth giving a boiled egg or an omelet. Make sure your baby doesn't have a protein allergy.
  • Dairy. Low-fat cottage cheese, yoghurts (without fruit fillings), and kefir are recommended. Whole milk should not be given.

An adult two-kilogram dog should eat 100-150 grams per day. The amount depends on the activity of the Chihuahua. At the same time, two thirds of the products should contain protein and only 1/3 should contain plant foods. If you have chosen natural products for your pet, do not forget to periodically take a course of vitamins.