Choosing a Chihuahua puppy. How to choose a healthy Chihuahua puppy

When choosing a Chihuahua puppy, we first look at its external qualities and playful character, but we rarely pay attention to the animal’s health indicators.

These indicators are, first of all, the condition of the baby’s teeth - this is the correct bite (it can be scissor or straight), which is formed in a puppy at the age of 1.5 months. The Chihuahua is a small dog and loses its teeth at the age of 4-5 years, and the shorter the puppy's muzzle, the weaker its teeth. This physiological quality of the animal needs to be known.

Next you need to determine the weight of the baby - as a rule, it is approximately 2-3 kilograms for puppies standard sizes and 1.8 kilograms for mini puppies. Of course, the price for this category of Chihuahua is noticeably higher. The choice is yours, but it is worth remembering that it often happens when dishonest breeders sell small puppies of a standard category under the guise of “show class” or “mini” (there are three categories of Chihuahua puppies: “show class”, “breed class” and “pet class”), this is precisely why we need to determine the indicated weight.

The next point of inspection of the puppy is its ears. A healthy dog's ears are clean, without visible dirt or redness. As a rule, specialists can immediately determine whether an animal is sick or not just by looking at its ears. If possible, you should buy a puppy in the presence of a veterinarian.

The puppy must be active. Even after sleep, within a few minutes he will begin to actively run and explore new things, but if the puppy sits (or lies) and does not show activity, then this is already a cause for concern. But don’t confuse a sick animal with a shy one; some puppies may simply be scared of new visitors. Chihuahua girls more affectionate, careful and attentive to new people. This is worth taking into account.

The puppy's nose should always be wet. If it is dry and the animal is inactive, this is a sign of illness. If the dog has a cold and his nose is running, this is not global problem, he will soon get better, as small dogs are prone to colds, especially in winter.

Pay attention to where and how the animal relieves itself. There have been many cases when people bought an animal based on an advertisement (on the Internet or in a newspaper) which indicated that the puppy was trained to a tray or a diaper, but when they came for an examination, the dog, while playing, relieved itself directly on the floor, and the breeders immediately they explained it as “a happy puppy”, “a scared puppy”, “an excited state” and so on. As a rule, it is worth making sure that the puppy is accustomed to cleanliness. After all, if you buy a puppy aged 3 or older, and he is accustomed to cleanliness, then it will be quite difficult to train him in the future. Trust, but verify.

Small puppies are often fed with special food, while the animal also eats other nutritious foods (cottage cheese, milk, cheese, porridge, liquid soups, boiled vegetables, etc.), but if the breeder convinces you that the puppy is accustomed to eating only one food is a sign that no one cared about it or did not take their work seriously.

Ask for documents for the animal (if any). Chihuahua puppies purchased from a responsible breeder will be required to have the following documents:
- pedigree (it lists all the dog’s ancestors, including the presence of “foreign blood”; in fact, this determines the cost of the animal and its ability to participate in exhibitions and shows);

Veterinary passport (it must contain all the marks indicating vaccinations);

Brand (or microchip, this will help identify the animal and find it in case of loss).

Don’t be shy about asking the breeder to draw up a purchase and sale agreement; this is a very responsible and serious purchase that should be in the right way framed. A conscientious breeder will not contradict you or look for ways to delay such an agreement, or not draw it up at all.

If the dog is a Chihuahua breed, then it is worth arming yourself with knowledge on how to acquire it correctly. She is unpretentious, able to satisfy the needs of the owner who gravitates towards small pupils. So, let's listen to the advice of experienced breeders and veterinarians.

When making your choice, first of all, understand: do you need a dog for exhibitions, winning titles, or for your soul? A third option is possible - breeding representatives of the breed. If your goal is fame, awards, championship, then it’s worth buying a puppy chihuahua breed after a complete change of teeth. This is eight to nine months old. However, at this age, the dog’s character is already established, habits have been developed, and it will be difficult to change them and adapt them to one’s own needs. And breeders usually won’t keep a puppy until that age. Most often they are sold at the age of two or two and a half months, that is, after the first vaccination. By this period, young Chihuahuas are already separated from their mother, they are active, inquisitive and independent. From the age of a month, bitches are reluctant to feed their cubs, because they have sharp teeth. For this reason, breeders sometimes offer Chihuahua puppies for sale even at one and a half months old. At this age they are all touching, sweet, and funny. But with all this, it is worth paying attention to the following points when purchasing:

  1. Appearance of a puppy. He must be neat, with clean skin and without purulent discharge from the eyes. His nose is clean and warm. The puppy must be well-fed. This external signs healthy doggie.
  2. Exterior. In this breed, the length of the muzzle and the shape of the dog’s head are important, which should not be flat. The muzzle of a purebred Chihuahua is neither long nor narrow. This may be a sign of his relationship with a pinscher or toy. If she is dull, then perhaps the puppy is a Pekingese mix. The length of the muzzle is equal to a third of the length of the head. The transition from it to the muzzle (called stop) should be sharp, with a well-defined forehead. The back of a young representative of the breed should be level in a standing position. The tail of a purebred puppy does not have a break; it is slightly bent, but not curled into a ring.
  3. Paws. The Chihuahua puppy's front legs are straight. The rear corners should be pronounced. But in at a young age It is difficult to see them, because most often the lack of angles is clearly visible visually only at 4-7 months.
  4. Number of dog teeth. Ideally, at 8 weeks, a young representative of the breed should have six incisors on top and the same number on the bottom. Sometimes some of the incisors hatch after two months of age. There should be two fangs at the top and bottom.
  5. Correct bite. This is very important characteristic. You should know that the puppy's upper teeth, with a correct bite, should cover the lower ones. However, there is no guarantee that when the puppy’s teeth are changed to permanent ones, the bite will also remain correct. If it is initially incorrect, then, of course, when changing teeth, the chances of this increase. Incomplete closure of the puppy's jaws, which is accompanied by their curvature or misalignment, only worsens with age. This is acceptable for a sofa pet, but for a participant in exhibitions and a dog that will be used for breeding puppies, it is categorically unacceptable. In this case, in the future the tip of the dog’s tongue will be visible from the mouth. That is, the Chihuahua breed is unpredictable in terms of bite. It is for this reason that it is impossible to foresee anything before the puppy’s teeth are completely replaced.
  6. Puppy parameters. If you have your eye on the largest puppy in the litter, this does not mean at all that he will grow up to be the largest. Also, do not believe in the myth that large parents, which they will probably show you, and the offspring will be the same.
  7. Mahler. This is what dogs call what we call infant crown. A Chihuahua puppy should have it. Even in an adult representative of the breed, it sometimes does not heal completely. The presence of a Malera is a sign of a dog's breed.

Unfortunately, the lack of control and responsibility led to complete chaos in the factory activities. Dog breeding is carried out by such illiterate people that experts are sometimes horrified by the degree of deterioration of breed lines. If you have to choose a Chihuahua puppy, you want to buy a healthy and mentally balanced dog, immediately prepare for difficulties.

You have already become familiar with all the intricacies of keeping the breed and the difficulties of feeding, but then you will face an equally difficult test: you need to choose a healthy Chihuahua puppy. The first and, in fact, main question– where to buy a dog. There are several options:

  1. In a large boarding nursery.
  2. In a private nursery.
  3. From an official breeder.
  4. Hands-free without documents.

First option- that's great rarity. Maintaining a boarding house is a very expensive pleasure and similar high-class nurseries can only be found abroad. Plus, the breeder has a lot of experience and a well-functioning feeding and care system. Another advantage is thorough screening of producers for genetic diseases. The downside is that your future pet is far away and if you do not visit the nursery in person, you will not be able to verify the words of the breeder.

Second option is a system in which a breeder keeps several dogs and sells his promising puppies under co-ownership agreements. That is, a puppy offered for sale may not be in the breeder’s home/kennel (in another city, region, country). Unfortunately, many private kennels are a conveyor belt for producing puppies and nothing more, but if you find breeders who really love their dogs, you will be very lucky.

Important! Do not buy a puppy when you first examine the litter, think, weigh your feelings, compare and check the data received, and re-read the breed standard again. If the breeder very vehemently insists on an immediate purchase, there is no point in further negotiations with him!

Third option– this is buying a puppy from a dog that lives with a breeder. In some ways, this choice is optimal because the seller knows the pros and cons of his dogs. The risk is that the breeder may have little experience or be dishonest, that is, deliberately conceal facts for the purpose of deception.

Advice: Observe the seller’s behavior during negotiations, decent breeders will literally interrogate you with passion and will think (!) whether it’s worth giving you their puppy!

All of the above options imply the presence of pedigrees and high cost puppies. If you are constrained in financially, then you can consider pet-class puppies (without prospects for a show career). Such dogs are cheaper, but are sold with a condition.

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Fourth option- This is a puppy without a pedigree, as experience shows, the favorite option of most people who buy a dog for fun. Lack of pedigree not only deprives the dog of the right to breeding work, but also carries certain risks. Chihuahuas of unknown origin very often have mental problems. In addition, as a bonus, with ill-conceived matings, the risks of developing breed pathologies (and there are a lot of them) increase.

Advice: if you want, buy it healthy dog, read the documents and veterinary examination reports before viewing the puppies themselves. If there are no documents, then there is no point in negotiating!

Gender of the puppy

Perhaps choosing the gender of a puppy is the only decision that should be made intuitively. Already in puppyhood boy and girl behave differently. Typically, females grow and develop faster. Contrary to popular belief, Chihuahua males are more loyal and obedient. Bitches are more picky when it comes to training and even when it comes to food.

Many potential owners choose the Skook because it will not mark territory. We dare to disappoint you, girls also mark, and not so rarely. A non-breeding male can be castrated, which will forever eliminate the issue of wet corners. If the boy is a potential sire, it will be easier to potty train him.

Advice: During puberty, even perfectly trained dogs can mark territory. If sterilization or castration is not possible due to breeding value, it is recommended to use hygiene belts for dogs.

The weaker half of the Chihuahua also has advantages. For example, they like to sit on their hands more and bark less. Boys love to protect apartment and owner, which often leads to barking at the door. Males are prone to fights with dogs of the same sex, even if the opponent is much larger. Girls remain playful into adulthood and willingly learn, males become proud.

Interesting! The theory does not cover all the features of the development of puppies of different sexes; upbringing also plays a significant role. In the absence of socialization or lack of walks, the dog will be nervous and may start biting or running away, and this does not depend on gender.

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Main selection criteria

The first and most important recommendation, if you want to choose the right Chihuahua puppy, don’t give in to your emotions! Choosing a pet based solely on color, eye color or size cannot be considered adequate. Unfortunately, many Chihuahua puppies are born sick and are successfully sold to inexperienced owners every year. Within a few months, the owners find out that their ward has a hereditary illness, a disease of the musculoskeletal system, is affected by worms, etc. If you are not tempted by the prospect of year-round treatment for your pet and sleepless nights In fear of losing him, you will have to be vigilant at the stage of buying a puppy.

Important! There is nothing wrong with saving a life by sheltering and treating a sick Chihuahua puppy. However, if you take this step, you must clearly know what health problems have already been diagnosed and how to treat them. Naturally, paying the full cost of the puppy is out of the question.

Below are techniques for identifying obvious problems. Only a veterinarian can identify genetic or hidden diseases (and even then not always). Be sure to show the puppy to a doctor before purchasing, even if the breeder has reports from “your doctor.” So, p The initial inspection should exclude:

  • Presence of fleas and

Buying a mini-sized Chihuahua puppy is usually a conscious choice by the buyer. You must truly understand that the small size of the sneeze is a breed anomaly. Mini-sized puppies (up to 1800 g) are more often than medium-sized ones at risk of health-related risks.

Such puppies often have the shortest life expectancy, weaker immunity, weaker skeletal system and often poor appetite. These puppies require more careful supervision than medium-sized dogs. In those cases where an ordinary puppy can receive an ordinary household injury, get up and run further, a minik can be especially seriously injured or die. In puppyhood there is quite big risk death, in this regard, we recommend taking a mini at the age of no earlier than 3.5-5 months. fox terrier inexpensive

You should immediately realize that the show career for such puppies is closed (for dogs less than 1700 g). Therefore, you can safely not pay special attention to the type of bite and number of teeth when purchasing. Very often, small sneezes have an abnormally large source on the head; this may be one of the reasons for the appearance of hydrocephalus in a puppy. Although, from our experience, I can say that if a puppy with a huge source (molera) survives and feels normal until 3-5 months, then most likely there will be no further problems. Ask the breeder about the size of the source and the behavior of the puppy. If the puppy is quite active and does not react to changes in the weather, this is a very good sign. If the puppy always dozes and shows rather little activity, constantly trembles, whines, this is bad sign. But you should also take into account that small puppies develop even more slowly than their average counterparts, so do not be surprised that littermates are already running around the apartment at full speed, and minis are more likely to be next to their mother on the lounger (although it happens the other way around).

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How to find that the puppy you are buying will be a miniature and that it will not grow up to average or bigger size. Our kennel's 40-year breeding experience indicates that it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee of a puppy's weight as an adult. Some breeders, who are completely confident that this puppy will be a minik, even write down the expected weight in the purchase agreement (very rarely), and apparently this often happens that a minik grows into a medium-sized dog. The thing is that puppies from different litters develop at different rates. In one litter there are small puppies, which in the first 2-3 months develop rather slowly and gain weight, but after 3 months of age they begin to actively grow and gain weight, and as a result a medium-sized dog grows. What happens is that a bitch gives birth to huge puppies that rapidly gain weight in the first months of life and later the growth rate decreases significantly, and the result may be a smaller than average-sized dog. In addition, you must take into account the factor of how many puppies are in the litter. In particular, small puppies often appear in large litters of 4 or more puppies. Simply due to the fact that in the womb each of them will receive an insufficient amount nutrients and therefore they are born small and later catch up to normal weight.

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In litters where 1-2 puppies are born, the situation is the opposite: - they are born large, each of the puppies gets milk in excess, they quickly gain weight, but in most cases they do not grow larger than the size determined by genetics. A puppy's low weight may also be due to the puppy's poor nutrition, weak bones and peculiarities of its anatomy. For example, it could be a relatively large dog with a thin build and light bones. Unscrupulous breeders may well interpret such a dog as a mini Chihuahua.

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So what should you look for when buying a minivan? First, look at the puppy’s age and weight. The older the puppy, the more accurate a prediction can be made regarding its size. For example, if at 3 months a puppy weighs 700 grams (average 1000-1500), then we can assume that he will be smaller than average. If a 4 month old puppy remains small in size and little weight, then in in this case you can almost be sure that it will not change dramatically in size.

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Guarantee a certain exact weight puppy at 1.5-2.5 months of age highest degree This is a manifestation of lack of professionalism on the part of the breeder. Guaranteeing that a 2-month-old puppy will grow up to be exactly one and a half kilograms is stupid. Unscrupulous breeders often use this technique by promising the client that the puppy will weigh 1.5 kg. to sell the puppy faster. But in reality it may turn out to be 2-2.3. I will give an example from my experience. I will give data from my 2 litters. One puppy weighed 700 grams at 3 months. at 18 months he began to weigh 2 kg. another minik at 3 months weighed 800 and at 18 months began to weigh 1550 grams.

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One breeder can say from his assumptions that the dog will be 1.5 kg, while another will play it safe and make a forecast of 2 kg. and it may turn out that the first breeder who guaranteed you one and a half, the dog will grow, for example, 1900 grams. and the second breeder’s dog can grow to be 1400 grams. (although both dogs will be minis).

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If the breeder says that there will be a mini and names a specific weight in adulthood, ask his current weight and age and try to make an approximate forecast yourself in comparison with medium-sized puppies. Your assessment may turn out to be much more truthful than the assessment of the owner interested in selling.
french bulldog dwarf Here are approximate statistics based on the weight of puppies from our kennel:
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If you are told that a puppy weighs 900-1200 grams at 3 months, then keep in mind that it is one and a half kg. It most likely won't weigh. And there will be 2000-2400 (and this is also a small specimen).

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Judging by customer reviews, more often than not, breeders make mistakes with the exact weight, underestimating future weight adult dog. But less often they make mistakes with the very definition of the type of puppy. 1.5 kg. and 2.1 - this is included in the definition of a mini Chihuahua.

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Sometimes they promise one and a half and it turns out to be 3.5, but this happens less often. This may be due to ignorance of the buyer himself and a clear desire to deceive on the part of the breeder. Here you must act with the motto - trust but verify! The competition among sellers is very high and, unfortunately, not all sellers are respectable.

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There are various weight charts and dog weight formulas. For example, multiplying the three-month weight of a Chihuahua puppy by 2, you get the approximate weight as an adult. As can be seen from the above example, unfortunately it does not always work. The Internet contains tables of Chihuahua weight in relation to age. These are all rather crude tools, but they can still be used as a rough forecast.

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Also keep in mind that some breeders may underestimate the actual weight of a puppy by 100 grams or more on the day of weighing. Ask to weigh the puppy in your presence to see for yourself. You may be surprised that yesterday on the phone they told you that it weighs 400 and upon arrival it turns out to be 650 grams.

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Of course, some breeders say that they enter into an agreement. And it works magically on some clients! In the vast majority of contracts, contracts are drawn up in such a way that they protect the interests of the breeder and not the buyer. The value of such a contract for the buyer is zero. If you buy a mini Chihuahua and are offered a contract as a weight guarantee, make sure that the contract includes a clause for a full refund or other penalties for the breeder if his projected adult size is too large.

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Ask your seller if he is ready to record his unfounded guarantees in the contract. And is he ready to return 100% of the puppy’s cost back if his forecast does not come true in, say, 18 months. It’s one thing to promise, but another thing to bear financial responsibility for your words...

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I have not seen a single agreement in which the breeder imposes any fines or refunds in case of violation of its promises. I know of only 1 case, based on a client’s story, that there was a partial refund under the contract (but this is most likely an exception to the rule).

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Almost always, the contract when buying a puppy does not provide any advantages. No breeder will guarantee the future health of a puppy (and this is the most important thing). If the breeder wants to deceive you with the weight, then in such an agreement there will simply be no guarantees regarding weight. As for the breed, virtually nothing can be guaranteed here either. What exactly a dog will be like as an adult and it is very difficult to predict whether it will have breed defects.

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The Apirina Mexicano nursery does not guarantee exact weight. I tell you the puppy's weight, information about the parents and the estimated, but not the exact weight.

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If possible, find out about the fate of the puppies from the previous litter. It may turn out that there has already been a similar litter from the same male and female. And if there were miniatures there, then you can find out what actually grew out of them. In this case, you will be able to evaluate not only the size but also the exterior of the current litter by the already raised puppies from the previous litter (although it happens that a duplicate litter may differ significantly from the previous one)

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Usually mini Chihuahuas are born in all nurseries, including from parents of average and large sizes. But still, if the mother and (or) father of these puppies are small representatives of the breed, then the likelihood of a mini Chihuahua appearing is much higher.

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You can also take into account previous data on litters from a female who has given birth or a male who has already bred. For example, the male from our kennel Viscount Oli Baro very often produces small puppies, although he himself is a medium-sized male, not a small one.

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Small representatives are usually much more expensive than medium-sized Chihuahuas. And what smaller size the more expensive they are. The price is also strongly influenced by the beauty, uniqueness of the puppy and its health. For example, a mini with a pedigree, beautiful head with a short face with a good short powerful body and an active temperament will be an order of magnitude more expensive than a mini with a narrow, small head, long muzzle, and a thin build with a cowardly temperament.

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Today, Chihuahua dogs are very popular all over the world. Traditionally, these are the smallest dogs on earth. Adult weight chihuahua dogs does not usually exceed 2 kilograms, although the breed standard allows them to weigh up to 3 kilograms.

It is extremely rare to find a specimen weighing up to 1 kilogram. Such dogs are highly valued by people who are far from dog breeding, because they are exotic. Advertising photographs depicting dogs in shot glasses or coffee cups play a big role in this. When you see such a photo, do not rush to be delighted. People, however, do not think about the fact that these dwarfs are not able to lead a normal dog life. More than anyone else, they are susceptible to infections.

The ideal weight of an adult dog can be considered 1700 - 2000 grams. These Chihuahuas are strong, cheerful, healthy and will live a long life if cared for correctly. long life. To choose a puppy of this breed you will need some knowledge, so the following tips will help you make the right choice.

Types of Chihuahua

They are also called Shiva and belong to the ancient breeds of dogs, whose history is fraught with many secrets and mysteries. They can be long-haired And shorthaired. As a rule, the long-haired Chihuahua is much softer in character than the smooth-haired one.

The smooth-haired one is such a brave protector and prankster, while the long-haired one is sunny and more affectionate. But these two are united by a balanced temperament, they are absolutely calm and very devoted to the dog’s owner.

Chihuahuas are monogamous, and although they will love all family members, they will show unconditional devotion to only one person - their owner, whom they choose for themselves.

Chihuahuas can be different colors. There are no standards. Therefore, in this regard, when buying a puppy, the choice in color is huge.

Where to buy a puppy?

If you are buying a Chihuahua, don't rush to the bird market. Otherwise, you will be severely disappointed when, instead of a small dog, the puppy you purchased grows into “something” the size of a greyhound, or worse, you just buy a sick dog. So, how and where to buy a good dog?

It can be done through the club. With such a purchase, they will tell you in which litter the more promising puppies are expected. They can tell when there will be an interesting event in which high-quality dogs are expected.

You will also have the opportunity to choose the parents of your puppy at the exhibition. After all, you can buy a puppy from the winning bitch you like. Believe me, both the breeder himself and the club will approach the choice of a male dog very carefully. You can also purchase a puppy from a male winner. It would be good to look at the offspring from him, if any, especially at children from different bitches - how similar they are and how similar they are to the father.

It doesn’t hurt to inquire about the exhibition career of the children of the father or mother you like. Often one bitch or dog is the ancestor of a whole galaxy of “stars” or, on the contrary, they are followed by a “train” of various defects, such as malocclusion, clubfoot, and the like.

Most often, a puppy is purchased according to advertisements on the Internet, since the choice of sites and offers is simply huge. Here, too, it doesn’t hurt to take an interest in the exhibition career of the puppy’s parents and their ancestors. The breeder must also have a document - a pedigree. This is a document confirming the birth of the puppy and its origin. The pedigree lists four generations of the dog's ancestors. It is filled out in a form approved by the canine organization. This document also confirms that the puppy meets the breed standard. If there is no pedigree, then there is no guarantee that your Chihuahua’s grandmother was not a German Shepherd.

Therefore, it is worth taking a responsible approach to the question: where to buy a puppy? Of course, without documents, a puppy will cost much less, but in such cases is it worth pursuing cheapness?

Boy or girl?

Most often, not regretting burdening themselves with puppies, future owners choose a male, forgetting or simply not knowing some of the nuances.

Firstly, the bitch sheds twice a year, and if you’re lucky, even once. The male is “sexually anxious” all year round and any dog ​​passing by who is in heat is your potential “homewrecker” who can take your dog far away. Males are more pugnacious than females. But, in fairness, it should be noted that the breed is more clearly expressed in the male, and he is, as a rule, more beautiful than the female.

Age to purchase a Chihuahua

The best time to buy a puppy is at age 6 – 10 weeks. You will immediately start raising him, you will be able to fully feed him and walk him, you will be able to give him everything he needs. And at this age, it is psychologically easier for a puppy to adapt to a new place and a new family.

Sometimes they also sell raised puppies. You should not immediately refuse such offers. If you are buying a puppy and want to engage in its show career, then the age of 4 - 6 months is simply ideal for purchase. After all, at this age you can clearly see the level of his breed, you will not worry about the correctness of the bite. And if the dog has any shortcomings, they can be seen without any problems.

Buying a puppy

When buying a Chihuahua, you need to pay attention, first of all, to its appearance. He should look healthy, well-fed, and have a shiny coat. You definitely need to look at the puppy’s tummy; there should be no umbilical hernia there. The nose, ears and eyes must be perfectly clean and free of any signs of purulent discharge. Also, the ears should not be able to hear unpleasant odor. The butt should also be clean without obvious signs of distress or irritation.

The coat should not have bald areas, especially on the head, face, or limbs. This may indicate staphyloderma or streptoderma. You should not trust the breeder and his stories that these are bite marks during play between puppies.

Chihuahua at home. Puppy care

Even before the puppy arrives in the house, you should choose a place for it. The place should be located away from heating devices, not in a draft, not on the aisle. It is advisable at first to raise the curtains, hide shoes, books, various small items, anything that could get in your baby’s teeth.

When it comes to personal care items, the first thing you need is two bowls: for food and for water. Chihuahuas are not picky when it comes to grooming; they do not need frequent bathing or brushing. All you need to care for your coat is brush, preferably with natural bristles.

For walking you will need to buy collar and leash. And in cold weather you will also need clothes, because Chihuahuas are heat-loving and very sensitive to cold. Winter walks Without clothes, Chihuahuas are not allowed. You can also buy a litter box for your puppy at a pet store; this is very convenient, because by training your dog to use the litter box, you can save time on walking. And an even bigger advantage is that in bad weather, you don’t have to go outside.