Congratulations to your daughter from your mother on the last call. Parting words at graduation from parents

School years are passing,
Just to remain in memory.
And with the call it's time
Move on through life.
I, daughter, wish you
I want good luck, success, happiness.
To reach any peak,
Without knowing grief and obstacles!

My daughter graduated from school,
Let science bring you
Lots of happiness in life and skills,
And wonderful changes in your destiny.
You are now walking along the path
Unidentified and new to you,
You dear happiness gain
Be loved, sincere, cheerful. ©

The last call has already sounded,
My beloved daughter, you have grown up so much,
We wish you to find the right path,
So that I can find my happiness in life.
Let luck follow you,
And then love and luck,
And may every day bring happiness and warmth,
And a sunny mood. ©

Daughter, we want to congratulate you,
With the last bell, what does it sound like for you,
We wish you to imprint your happiness,
And joy and a lot of love and warmth.
May every day bring you good luck,
And sunshine, light and inspiration.
All the sorrows of failure go around,
and let your mood be sunny. ©

Sweet daughter, sweet daughter-light,
I can’t believe it – it’s the last call!
And you have been given a big ticket to life,
Oh, how hard it is to let your daughters go there!
We wish you great achievements!
And so that the smile would always bloom!
And so as not to get lost in the flow of currents.
And she didn’t forget us. We love you!

To the sound of the last call
You are leaving school.
And it’s waiting for you, for sure,
Today is a fun day.
I want to wish my daughter
Happy fun.
Let it be possible to remember
Its no regrets!

Your outfit is extravagant
Don't you find it, daughter?
And under the makeup we don’t know each other
The features are familiar to me!
However, I remember, dear,
I'm in my prime,
I remember my last call,
Your own bouquet and your own banquet!!!


Congratulations on graduation: General | From alumni | Graduates | Brother |

The last bell is a favorite holiday for schoolchildren completing their studies. As a rule, it is held at the end of May before final exams. This day is kind of the end of a learning marathon with lessons, tests, breaks, homework and activities. All students are involved in the celebration of this significant day junior classes, as well as high school students, teachers and parents of schoolchildren. Ceremony involves speeches by the director, invited guests, class teachers, members parent committee, theatrical performances from first-graders and creative groups of the school. On this day, the graduates themselves dress either in school uniform, or in formal suits, over which they tie ribbons with the inscription “Graduate” and pin small bells.

The last bell rang
Seeing off on a good journey.
This bright spring day
Don't forget in years to come!

Don’t forget your own school,
Class, friends, teachers.
You, entering a great life,
Be happy, walk boldly!

How quickly time has flown by
Since the first lesson was.
Today you have all grown up,
The last bell rings.

You won't forget your school lessons,
Your class, friends, teachers.
Now you will involuntarily feel sad,
The classroom door will be closed.

You guys have become adults.
Today you are graduates!
Once upon a time there were kids
Without letting go of mom's hand.

Good luck to you in your adult life,
Don't forget the school route.
And value your friendship,
After all, the past years cannot be returned.

I wish you truthful, honest actions,
You cherish the joy of meetings.
Grow up, value your friendship,
Manage to save the school waltz!

Congratulations on your graduation! Last call - here you are entering a big and adult life. I wish only easy and bright paths to find myself and my calling. May you be blessed with good fortune and may all your dreams come true. Have a great mood and a little persistence to achieve great plans and desires.

School time is over
Today last call.
And those problems became funny
I couldn't decide once upon a time.

Feel free to say goodbye to school,
Without sadness, your whole life is ahead.
Meet me with a cheerful smile
Make your way and go!

School for you today
He will say: “Bon voyage!”
And involuntarily sad
You'll feel a little better.

There's so much behind
Happy school years,
Let them leave
There is a good trace in the heart.

Let your dreams come true
Plans will come true.
Only you guys
Remember the main thing:

No matter what happens
Ahead with you
Try to be
The best people.

We are all overwhelmed with feelings -
It's time to say goodbye.
And happy for you, and sad,
That soon we will have to part.

The last bell has rung for you.
Just a little more, just a little more -
And, having danced the last school waltz,
You will leave the school threshold.

We wish you achievements and victories.
Go forward, achieve your goals,
And the school windows have an unquenchable light
It always burns for you, don’t forget.

Let the moments and years fly by
You always keep this light in your souls.
Don't forget the teachers. Sometimes,
We will be very glad to come.

May your path be easy
May everyone have good luck.
We wish you all the best. In the meantime -
Successful exams for everyone.

Today you say goodbye to school,
Stepping towards a new life.
Let your plans come true -
We want to be so proud of you.

We wish you not to make a mistake
And strive towards the chosen goal.
Although we are a little sad,
Today we will say: “May it be good!”

They rang and flew by
Our school days.
We didn’t have time to look back -
We are already graduates.

The hour has struck, the time has come
Achieve big victories.
There are many roads ahead -
Keep the light green.

Good luck and patience to everyone,
High marks to everyone. Hooray!
Happiness awaits - away with doubt!
No feathers to everyone!

May day... Last call,
On this wonderful spring day...
All the girls are in school uniforms,
All the guys are wearing jackets!

All dressed up, with flowers,
Tears filled eyes,
After all, the time has come to say goodbye,
Embarking on adult life...

We wish you a lot of happiness,
So that from the school threshold
We just walked along a smooth path
Life as an adult is not easy!

Yesterday is behind us,
You don't need to rush to class.
Today is a significant, wonderful day,
Your last bell will ring.

There are uninvited tears in my eyes,
And good words are heard.
Bright, cheerful smiles,
Wishes of happiness and goodness.

Today childhood is leaving you,
Scatter like birds now.
But remains forever in the heart
School door open!

Last farewell call...
He school life sums it up.
It rings, sending you all on a good journey,
You can't get back to school childhood anymore.
The school walls have become your family,
What fun it was during recess.
In memory of the crazy school years
Let them remain for life, forever.
How long have you waited for such a high point!
... but school and class will remain in the past.
That moment is filled with joy, optimism,
Walk through life with confidence and dignity.

To the last line
The class lined up together
And the last school bell
It will sound for you now.
There is a big life before you,
The years of childhood are behind us.
We sincerely wish you
Only success ahead!

The last lesson is over,
And the last school bell awaits you.
Teachers say goodbye to you.
You yourself are at the helm.

So we wish you to pass the exams,
So that you can choose the institute.
In life, in further studies - good luck,
Easy solutions for complex problems!

It's a pity we have to part...
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you all
There will be fewer problems to meet along the way,
And find something that suits your heart!

Congratulations on your last call!
I wish you further studies
Good luck to you, inspiration,
Good luck and a little luck!

Your last call has sounded,
And a tear glistens on the eyelashes...
The school graduation party is ahead,
Soon adulthood will spin.
You are active, kind and smart.
And success awaits you in the future.
You are still extremely young -
Better years are yet to come!

Congratulations to your son on the Last Call

This is your last school bell.
You are starting your adult life, son.
Walk boldly, confidently, firmly,
Bring your immodest plans to fruition!

So you have grown up, son,
Childhood is behind us.
On your last call
Feel free to go.
A difficult path lies ahead,
You need to become strong
So as not to turn off the road,
To succeed.
We would like to enroll
To university,
And in studies to achieve there
Many victories!

Our son, you are now a graduate!
The school door will close.
And waits new world ahead,
Look forward to the coming day.

Poems for daughter for Last Call

The page of life has been turned -
Our daughter is already a graduate.
We, congratulating you on the last call,
We only wish you endless happiness.

Whatever you think, let it work out,
May you live an easy, carefree life.
Charm, love, inspiration,
Admission to the chosen institute!

Our daughter, our dear,
We congratulate you on the last call.
We wish you immodest success,
Huge academic achievements!

Poem for teachers from students

Our last bell has already rung,
And someone cried, and someone endured...
We are sad to say goodbye to our dear school,
Now let's take another road.

Difficulties, we know, of course await us,
And many difficult moments in the future.
But invaluable knowledge has been accumulated,
And this Lifebuoy in our life.

"Thank you!" - we tell teachers,
We thank you all for your difficult work.
We will miss you and the school very much,
But it’s time for us to go to college.

Other congratulations in verse for the Last Call

It's like being a rookie soldier in the army,
Adjusting the white bow and whispering: “Forward!”
Mom takes her daughter to school with a backpack,
She will finish another year.
I congratulate you, daughter, that you are growing, maturing,
Why are you flipping through the school calendar?
Don’t waste time, don’t tell him: “Hurry!”
After all, you can’t get your childhood back, you can’t make up for it. ©

Your last call is today, daughter,
Down with the textbooks and up at seven in the morning,
We put an end to our studies until the fall,
And tomorrow, when you get some sleep, we’ll go for a walk.
I wish you to grow up and grow a little,
Don’t forget everything you taught in the summer,
For mom you are like light in a window,
Just a little more and you'll have summer off. ©

School has become very distant
The last bell is ringing! Summer! Will!
Even though you're not quite an adult yet,
You have already finished your journey at school.
Well, be brave, daughter, good luck!
Only forward, no turning back!
Don't forget everything you learned at school,
In my new life I wish only victories. ©

Today you will hear your last call
Daughter, congratulations, you are seventeen years old.
Today in class on the blackboard: “Goodbye!” - you write
And soon you will meet your first dawn.
Always remember that last May,
My studies, all the victories, failures,
We are equal now, because you are very big,
Now we will solve adult problems. ©

Here she is today with a bow and a miniskirt
The school yard will now leave forever,
Like a small boat in a stormy sea
It will float its own way to no one knows where.
Well, I wish you, daughter, not to get lost,
Don't swim in thick fog, don't run aground,
You still have a lot to learn
If you make a mistake, it doesn’t matter, your mother is there to support you. ©

Today my daughter dances and laughs
In the crowd of your cheerful school friends.
Last call. He sings a farewell song,
So sweet for satisfied students.
The school yard is filled with bright light,
There is no need to rush, because there are no lessons to learn,
The year is over, and summer is on the doorstep,
I wish you many new impressions. ©

Today is a day of huge changes for my daughter,
Today is the last bell day at school.
And she will leave the school walls forever,
People will now look down on the writing and the diary.
I wish you, daughter, I won’t make a mistake in my choice,
Where is your place in time to understand,
Everything I dreamed of to achieve,
I want to wish you a happy journey. ©

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