Treasure hunt style child's birthday. Children's birthday script in pirate style

Scenario children's day birth of "Pirate Treasure Island"

Props: everything that is suitable for pirate costumes - vests, boots, bandanas, toy weapons, transfer tattoos; the host covers one eye with a black bandage, a parrot sits on his shoulder (sewn soft toy). You will also need a treasure chest.

On the table: a cake in the form of a ship will look very impressive. If you bake it yourself, then biscuit or honey cakes are cut out in a shape resembling the deck of a ship, poured over with melted chocolate; edible sails are made from marzipan or orange slices and fastened with wooden sticks).

For decorating a room useful fish, shells, starfish, turtles, nets, blue and white air balloons, ropes, black pirate flag. Welcomes the pirate Old Joe. Each guest receives some attribute pirate costume and puts on. Children can already come with toy pistols and sabers.

Old Joe

Hello little ones
Hello boys!
Don't be bored! Don't yawn!
Better play with us.
I offer you a game
I will bring you all together
And dress like a pirate
And I will arrange dances right there.
Well guys come on
And get yourself a suit!
Dress up, don't be shy
Charge with positivity!

Children in one of the rooms find a hidden chest (box) of an old one-eyed pirate. Who is celebrating their birthday today? Vladik! Let's help him find the treasure then! All agree? But we need to disguise ourselves as pirates so that the old pirate John Silver does not guess anything. We are all very lucky, in the chest that we found, there is just the right pirate clothing.

(Children dress up as pirates)

Old Joe:

Well, now, friends, let's check which of you turned out to be pirates. I suggest you arrange a real sword fight. But since all the swords were confiscated from us by law enforcement officers, we will replace them with ordinary balloons. (Kids stand on a low bench and fight with balls until one winner remains on the bench).

Old Joe:

I see, I see, you are pirates,
All naughty guys!
Well let's try again
One test
If you pass it
You will definitely find
The most important prize in the world -
The treasure will fulfill our whim.
What are you pirates - what you need,
Would you like chocolate?
Maybe it's time to start
Our treasured treasure to seek!
I hand the card to you
I'll follow the clock
Who will find the treasure faster
He will go rich!

To decide what to do next, we need to take a closer look at a piece of an old map found in a chest. On the map there is a riddle about the closet,
He stands in the corner against the wall.
Oh he looks big
But he is not punished at all.
Mom keeps things in it.
and we all go there. Once at the closet, we find the next riddle about the vacuum cleaner.

He has a rubber trunk
With a canvas stomach.
How his engine hums
He swallows dust and rubbish.
Answer: vacuum cleaner
Then, having found a vacuum cleaner, we find another card with a riddle.
Admire, look -
North Pole inside!
There sparkles snow and ice,
Winter lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store.
Answer: Refrigerator

In the new task, an instruction to move to the sofa,
It's big, comfortable and soft.
You can sleep soundly on it.
And when no one sees
You can jump on it.
there is another mystery. The most accurate of you will get a hint.

Throw balls into the basket. All participants receive 3 balls.

During the game, an arrow appeared on the old map, pointing to the African jungle. Following the arrow, we find a tiger in the jungle, which has a hint, but it will give it only after a fun dance and game.

(Music sounds, all the children dance)

Pirate Initiation.

Old Joe asks playful questions to each guest. Those who answered correctly, the Parrot initiates into pirates - puts on an eye patch, or a bandanna on his head, or draws a "black eye" under the eye or a beard-mustache. After the last guest is initiated into the pirates, they all shout the pirate cry - "Fifteen people for a dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!" Then everyone goes in search of the map.
Questions for guests:
1. Which month is the shortest? (May - it has only three letters)
2. What is the scariest river? (River Tigris)
3. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
4. What stands between the window and the door? (Letter "and")
5. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)
6. What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (He gets wet)
7. Which hand is better to stir the tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)
8. What question cannot be answered "yes"? (Are you sleeping now?)
9. What kind of comb should not be combed? (Petushin)
The man was driving a large truck. The headlights weren't on, the moon wasn't there either, the lights along the road weren't shining. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car, but the driver did not run over her. How did he manage to see her? (There was a day)
10. What tree does a crow land on when it rains? (on wet)
11. What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)
12. What can be seen from eyes closed? (Dream)
13. What do we eat for? (At the table)
14. When the car is driving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare)
15. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)
16. How long can you go to the forest? (To the middle - you go further out of the forest)
17. When is a person a tree? (When he is from sleep - "pine")
18. Why does the cow lie down? (Because he can't sit down)
19. Can it rain two days in a row? (No, because the night separates the days).

Shouting rhyme "Pirates"
Pirate reads a poem. Before the last line in each quatrain, he shows the children a piece of paper with a hint line and the children say the line out loud in unison.
1. Raise the anchors, Let's go to the seas! We are fearless guys...
Children: Because we are pirates!
2. There is a formidable wave in the sea, Hurricanes and storms, Well, we are sailing somewhere ...
Children: Because we are pirates!
3. All animals are dearer to us Inhabitants of the seas: Octopus, dolphins, stingrays ...
Children: Because we are pirates!
4. We sharpened our knives, Who did not hide - tremble! Only we are not to blame
Children: Because we are pirates!
5. We are sailing straight to the island, We will find treasures there! Let's live richly, friends...
Children: Because we are pirates!
Old Joe: Well, there is some grip, there is! But on a pirate schooner, dexterity is first and foremost important. Let's see if you are worthy of being accepted into real pirates!
"Plank Walking"
cut out long strip half a meter wide paper. Pirates must go through it blindfolded and not step beyond it. Whoever succeeds gets the first "black mark" (in our case, it means a reward for winning and those who earn such marks will be able to exchange them for prizes). Old Joe praises the guys and now offers to test their strength.
walk through the swamp- with the help of 2 sheets of paper reach Silver without stepping on the floor.
"tie knots"- on a thick rope, you need to tie 5 knots as tight as possible, and when the task is completed, untie them.
find a hiding place in the dark- the guest is placed in front of a chair with some object, moves away from it for 8-10 steps, then the guest is blindfolded, offered to turn around and go back to the chair and take the object.
"pack mine"- two guests stand side by side, hand in hand. The touching hands are tied to them, and with their free hands, the two of them must wrap the bundle in paper and tie it with a ribbon.

walk between the reefs- the guest must pass blindfolded between plastic bottles without hitting them (you can have several people at once).
Tie up for speed the strongest or tricky knot, for example, from a scarf, and then try to unravel it just as quickly.

One of the team looks through a telescope and says what he sees, while the others depict it with gestures.
Old Joe: When a pirate receives his long-awaited treasure, he does not just take it, but mentally thanks heaven for this gift. Pirates are generally superstitious people and really believe in all sorts of legends. For example, in making wishes with a bottle ...
Wish in a bottle
All the guys write notes with their cherished desires, fold them and hide them in a large bottle of dark glass. Old Joe corks the bottle, seals it with plasticine sealing wax, and says to throw it into the ocean. But it's generally not good to pollute the ocean by throwing everything in it, so the pirate just takes the bottle and hides it. The first to make a wish, of course, is the birthday man.

Old Joe: And now pirate pirates, show me your brutal pirate appetite! Children are invited to the festive table.

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kachkina (Kovalenko)
Scenario of entertainment "Everyone in search of treasure!"

Entertainment Scenario

for older preschool children

"All on treasure hunt


To form in preschoolers the ability to use the main types of movement in game situations;

To instill in children a sense of curiosity, courage, camaraderie, justice, organization;

Bring joy to the kids.

Equipment: a pirate costume, attributes for decorating an impromptu ship (shells, pebbles, souvenirs, a bathing circle, life jackets, an audio recording "Tidal bore", balls according to the number of children, hoops, a bowl, balls, sweets according to the number of children, cardboard pennies (5 cm in diameter, Balloons by the number of children, a chest with chocolate coins, 10 keys with tasks, a mysterious message, a pirate flag.

To turn the hall into a real pirate ship, lead a pirate flag, geographical maps, globes, binoculars, shells, pebbles, souvenirs, a bathing circle, life jackets, etc. Simulate a sail.

In advance, ask parents to dress their children in pirate style for which vests, vests, bandanas are suitable, wide belts, draw tattoos, etc.

cook "treasure" (a box of chocolate coins for each child).

Sign the keys:

Key number 1 - You will find the second key by guessing the riddle (You will definitely lock me from the outside, from the inside. You can’t live without me, believe me. I’m the entrance to the apartment)

"Cargo to the ship").

Key number 3-The fourth key you will find by answering the question. (Cook's place of work)

"Sweet Tree").

Key number 5 - Get the sixth key, guess the riddle


Key number 7The eighth key you will find where they dream.

Key #8 It's time for "Field of Dreams"(contest "Field of Dreams").

Key #9 The last key! (It has four legs)

Key number 10 You will find the path to the treasure by folding the picture (competition "Puzzle").

Hide clues in the garden for games:

Key number 2 - in the hallway,

Key number 4 - in the kitchen (dining room,

Key number 6 - in the bathroom,

Key number 8 - in the bedroom,

Key number 10 - under the teacher's table,

"Treasure"- in the closet.

The captain of the pirate ship, Jack, sends an invitation to the children.

Pirates senior group "Traffic light"! You are sentenced to unbridled fun, as well as to gain skills and skill in piracy. Come, I'll be waiting!

When everyone arrives on the ship, Jack hands over a bottle with a message.

Mysterious message

Dear friends!

Today, when you have become real pirates, I can tell you my secret.

A long time ago I hid a chest with treasure on a distant island.

The path to them is not easy, and only a real pirate can get to this island.

Only the most faithful comrades can go on a journey.

Be careful and attentive, strictly follow the instructions.

I will leave ten keys for you.

After collecting them all, you can find hidden treasures!

Pirate Black Corsair.

P.S. Just keep your mouth shut.

Jack. Pirates are recruiting. In order to join the team, you must pronounce the pirate's oath!

You end each of my sentences with the phrase "Because we are pirates!".

Pirate's oath.

Jack. Lifting the anchors, we go to the sea!

We are fearless guys...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. There is a formidable wave in the sea, hurricanes and storms, but we are sailing somewhere ...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. All animals are dearer to us than the inhabitants seas: octopus, dolphins, rays…

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. We sharpened our knives, whoever did not hide, tremble! It's not our fault...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. We sail straight to the island, there we will find treasures! Let's live, friends richly ...

Children. Because we are pirates!

Jack. Caramba! All hands on deck! Our ship is going on a long voyage to looking for adventure.

To find treasure. You must find 10 hint keys, I hand you Key No. 1 - You will find the second key by guessing the riddle (You must lock me from the outside, from the inside. You can’t live without me, believe me. I’m the entrance to the apartment.)

Key number 2 - You will receive the third key when you deliver the cargo to the ship (competition "Cargo to the ship").

Contest "Cargo to the ship"

Pirates must "load the cargo on the ship". Children carry cargo to the ship along a makeshift ladder.

Carry the ball on the palm so that it does not fall.

Carry the ball while jumping on one leg.

Carry three balls together, turning each other's backs friend: one ball in the hands, and the third is sandwiched between the backs. You need to move forward step by step.

Carry the ball without the help of hands. (Clutching between legs, kicking, rolling.)

In gratitude for the loading, Jack hands over Key #3. You will find the fourth key by answering the question (Cook's place of work)

Key number 4 - Pirates love to eat, it's time for you, harvest (competition "Sweet Tree").

The pirates got hungry and decided to eat. They saw interesting fruits on the branches of trees.

On the site, candies are hanging on a tree.

Task: jumping up to pick a candy and put it in a container.

Jack hands over the Key number 5 - Get the sixth key, guess the riddle (This is not a kitchen or a bedroom, but for everyone, friends, a bath.)

Key #6 - To get the seventh key, feed the predators. (Jumping "Predators")

Contest "Predators"

It's time to feed the animals with the harvest.

An empty container with a picture pasted on it is placed on the floor wild beast. Children move a few steps away from the container and try to throw candies.

Task: put the candy into the container.

Jack hands over Key No. 7. You will find the eighth key where they dream.

Key #8 It's time for "Field of Dreams"(contest "Field of Dreams").

Contest "Field of Dreams".

At night, the pirates came to the clearing. And they saw gold coins! Pirates rushed to collect them.

IN different parts the hall scattered coins. (Cut out from 5 cm cardboard.) One by one, the pirates are blindfolded, each must find one coin.

Task: find a blindfolded coin. The rest of the players must lead "seeker" where should he go: to the right, to the left, forward, backward, sit down. Key number 9. Look for the last key! (It has four legs)

Key number 10. You will find the path to the treasure by folding the picture (competition "Puzzle").

(contest "Puzzle").

The guys collect puzzles on which the last message.

The chest is not buried in the ground,

And behind the door lies.

Here are hangers and shelves,

Like floors in a house.

Pants, blouses, t-shirts -

Everything is in order.

("treasure" hidden in a closet or in a booth)

The children find the treasure, but the cunning Jack snatches the chest and escapes to his ship. The children run after him and beg him magic words give away the treasure. Jack gives away the treasure and sends the children home in boats.

A game "Boat"

We impose 6 on the hoop balloons, each boat is designed for 4 people.

Task: do not let the balloons burst on your boat, but sink the sauce

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The main problem of children It's that they don't smoke or drink. Therefore, their unorganized masses need to be occupied with something during the holiday.

It is necessary to direct their energy in a peaceful direction so that they don't destroy the whole apartment, and provide them with something like that, which they could then talk about in class. Or rather, that the parents invited to the birthday would later tell other parents that you are still very much even nothing in terms of organizing a birthday.

It is very easy to exploit the pirate theme, popular at all times, and organize a treasure hunt.

For a long time I puzzled over how to do this without any special mental and material costs and decided that the most logical thing would be do not bury the treasure, but encrypt the word where it is located.

Right in our house there is a shop, the only one in the area. We agreed with the saleswoman and gave her the treasure to keep.

So the treasure is hidden. There was nothing left - to somehow arrange seven letters (M-A-G-A-Z-I-N) on the territory adjacent to the house.

What you need to organize a 20-minute children's run:

- Scotch, better on a snail, so that it comes off easily,
- Crayons,
- A few pieces of paper
- spatula,
- Scissors,
- marker,
- Glue,
- Tubes for cocktails,
- Printed pirate flags.

The last three paragraphs are used for homemade pirate flags.

What will be the treasure (what will we hide)? Small cars, soldiers, dolls, etc., so that there is enough for each participant-treasure hunter. You can use leftover toys.

At first there was no map in my plan, but Gleb, inspired by the future search for the treasure, quite rightly decided that without a map in search of treasure, he himself depicted something on a piece of paper - there I entered valuable information with a red felt-tip pen: a treasure is hidden on the treasure island, to find it you need to collect seven letters.

The first letter is in the bowels of the earth(Kalle Blomkvist, remember?) Follow the arrows, the map did not let up, go East. As an entourage, the children were compass issued. But they, in principle, only needed to look around to see the pirate flag on the booth.

With the help of adults, an approximate east was found, and the whole company briskly ran towards the transformer box, on which I glued a pirate flag and an arrow. I glued the same arrows on all sides of the booth, because. I had to run around her.

Then I started drawing arrows on the pavement and one of them pointed to the tree under which I buried a bag with printed puzzles found on the Internet. Under the tree, I stuck another pirate flag to attract attention. first letter "A" we gave out to the children after they solved all the puzzles. The adults also helped.

On the same booth, near the puzzles, a letter was glued "G".

Further, events developed so quickly that I did not have time to photograph almost anything. Children rushed past the letter "M", taped to a tree with tape, then they swept along the letter drawn on the asphalt "A" and past the balls, in one of which a letter was also hidden.

Then they rushed past the inscription “A and B were sitting on a pipe. A fell, B disappeared. Who stayed on the pipe? This inscription in chalk on the pavement meant the letter "AND". And in a whirlwind they reached the letter "N" written by me on the house.

Then the arrows ended, because by this point they should have found all the letters. So they thought for a minute and ran back and found the balls. In one bursting balloon there was a letter "Z". They read the inscription about A and B on the pipe and they had a letter "AND ".

Finally, it dawned on them that the letter a, drawn with chalk on the pavement, also means something.

When I wrote the letters with chalk, I then gave the children paper equivalents so that they could put the word together.

Follow the arrows!
Children tear off the letter "M" from the tree.
Children take balloons from the tree. A letter is hidden in one of the balls.

Now all the letters were assembled. All that was left was to put the word together. And what is most surprising, one girl guessed! Gleb immediately asked in surprise: “What is the treasure in Pyaterochka?” I had to remind him about the existence of a store in our house. And I thought that there would be no difficulties.

We sent the children to the store and waited to see what would happen next. But they returned with nothing, because they decided not to enter into a conversation with the saleswoman. We sent them back and the saleswoman already asked them with a hint if they were looking for something? They answered in the affirmative and the treasure was found! Each of the treasure hunters took from him what he wanted.

What difficulties awaited me in this difficult field?

There were two things I feared the most:

1. That children will quickly lose interest in the game.

Therefore, I decided to lay the minimum easy route (the only time I had to think was solving puzzles),

2. That after I hang all the accessories and draw all the arrows and letters, some pest will spoil it.

But a pleasant surprise! During the two hours that my entire household was without attention, no one touched anything, not even the pirate flags under the trees. It's nice that the consciousness of our fellow citizens is growing.

Ershova Olga

The birthday script nautical style

"In Search of Treasure"

The hall is decorated in a marine style. The phonogram of the cry of seagulls and the sound of the surf sounds.

Children come in and sit down.

Captain Daredevil appears.

Captain Oh, how many guys are here! Hello guys! My name is

Captain Daredevil, and I'll get to know you now.

On the count of "three!" you will all give your names. Ready?

Children Yes!

Captain One, two... 10!

Children, not expecting a trick, shout their names.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Finally, the Captain says the numbers in order.

Captain Well, that's how we met.

How are my little friends?

And who has a birthday today?

So, let's have fun and play? (Yes)

Raise your mood even higher! (Yes)

And today is my birthday

We are starting a big adventure!

To make everyone happy today

We're off to find the treasure!

Guys, I found out that today is Vanya Khristich's birthday.

and set out on his ship, the Evil Jellyfish, to deliver a gift to him. But pirates attacked my ship, stole a map of the island where, Vanya, your gift is hidden. They tore the map to pieces. I don't remember the name of this island, but if we find a map, we can get to it, and the ship can be built. But what about the team? Or maybe you will become a team of brave sailors and help me swim to the island and find Vanya's gift?

Children Yes!

Captain Then whistle everyone upstairs! Let's start building a fleet!

The sound of a ship's bell is heard

Game "Build a ship"

Children are divided into 4-5 teams and collect cut pictures of ships.

Captain Here you go! Our flotilla is ready and the team of brave sailors is assembled! But before we go to cruise, I want to initiate you into sailors. Do you agree?

Children Yes!

Game "Initiation into Sailors"

Captain Raise the anchors, let's go to the sea!

Let's go swimming without asking,

Children Because we are sailors!

Captain There is a formidable wave in the sea, hurricanes and storms!

Set the sail, pull the ropes!

Children Because we are sailors!

Captain All animals are dearer to us the inhabitants of the seas,

Octopus and albatrosses!

Children Because we are sailors!

Captain We’ll sail straight to the island, we’ll find treasures there!

Away with all unnecessary questions,

Children Because we are sailors!

Captain Well done! Attention! Team! We are leaving! Raise the anchors!

Anchor lifting game

The children stand in pairs. The fake anchor is tied to the middle of the rope.

Sticks are tied to two ends of the rope. Sounds like music, children

They begin to wind the rope around the stick. Who winds up to anchor

first, he won.

Captain So, guys, you understand that we are going on a sea voyage for a gift for Vanya. And in order for us to find it, we need to collect the map in parts. Then we will surely find the place where the gift is hidden. And to get to the island, we need to pass sea trials. And now the 1st test "SEA FISHING". We're off to SEA FISHING!

Ringing of the rynda

Sea fishing game

3-4 hoops are laid out on the floor, in which cut out

cardboard fish, on which riddles are written about marine life. At

children fishing rods with magnets, a magnet is also attached to the fish. Children

"Catch" fish, guess riddles. At the end, the captain puts

fish with a piece of card.

Captain Well done! We have the first piece of the map! But I think,

that this task was easy for you. I will now ask you

the test is more difficult: unravel a real sea knot!

Ringing of the rynda

Game "Sea Knot"

Children join hands, forming a chain. Cheerful music sounds, children, without letting go of their hands, get confused. Then, at the captain's signal, the children must unravel. If it is not possible to unravel the chain, the captain "cuts" the knot.

Captain Guys, I found another marine knot on the deck of our ship! Let's unravel it soon!

Children unravel the rope. Inside the ball they find another piece

Captain Guys, what is this? The swing has begun! Our ship

Scooping water on board,

I plunged into the abyss.

All boats on the water soon,

Don't waste your time

Liver than drowning people

Save from death!

Ringing of the rynda

The game "Rescue the drowning"

Children are divided into 2 teams. The first player has a hoop in his hands. On a signal, the first players run to the mark, run around it, return, take the next player into the hoop, and continue to run to the mark. They return, take the next one into the hoop, and so on, until all players are in the hoop. The team that completes the move the fastest wins..

Captain While you were rescuing drowning passengers, I fished out a bottle in the water. There is a note in it.

Open the bottle, take out a piece of the card.

Captain To find another piece of the map, we need to go down to sea ​​bottom, in sea caves. There, at the bottom, there are shells with pearls. Need to get them!

Children stand scattered, raise their hands up and jump on

place, as if imitating a jump into the water "soldier"

The captain places 2 climbing sleeves, 2 hoops at the exit of their sleeves and

puts capsules from kinder surprise in hoops.

Captain We ended up on seabed. And here are the caves. Onward, young adventurers!

Ringing of the rynda

Game "Underwater caves"

Children are divided into 2 teams and crawl along the "sleeve", take one

capsule and bring it to the Captain, open them, find a piece of the map

Captain Well done! You have completed the task! It's time to rise to the surface.

The children again stand scattered, raise their hands up and jump

on the spot, as if imitating a jump into the water with a "soldier"

Captain How many more pieces of the map are missing?

Children answer that one part of the map is missing.

Captain Polundra! The storm is starting!

Ringing of the rynda

The game "The sea is worried ..."

Captain The sea worries once, the sea worries twice, the sea worries Tri-sea figure freeze in place!

Children get up scattered, begin to sway, standing still. On

The word "freeze!" Freeze, depicting a marine figure: a fish, cancer,

a star, etc. The captain asks the children to tell who they portrayed.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Captain The sea was so agitated that it washed ashore


The captain shows "algae" (tangled plastic mesh or tangled sesal or bast washcloth). A piece of the map is tangled in the "algae".

Captain I think I found the last piece of the map! Guys, now we have all the fragments of the map and we can fold it!

Children fold the card into a single whole. The result is text:

"Look behind the piano."

Hidden behind the piano is a box of chocolate coins. Ibid

a note indicating the place where the gift lies.

Children find a gift.

Captain And now it's time for the best wishes in the world for our Vanya! I will desire, and you will shout back loudly: “Yes!” or not!".

Open your mouth wider

Congratulations to Vanya!

Happy birthday! - Yes Yes Yes!

Everyone bad mood! No no no!

Be kind, Vanya! Yes Yes Yes!

Obedient! Yes Yes Yes!

For mommy to love! Yes Yes Yes!

And fed me ice cream! Yes Yes Yes!

Be healthy and smart! Yes Yes Yes!

Like a crocodile, green! No no no!

May success await you! Yes Yes Yes!

You, Vanyusha, are the best! Yes Yes Yes!

And now we all shout together: “Vanya! Happy birthday!"

They give a gift. Everyone is photographed for memory (tantamaresque in the form of an octopus or a porthole of a submarine)