Pirate wedding. pirate wedding

The groom is the captain of a pirate ship, the bride matches him both in image and outfit. Invited guests: sailors, boatswain, cook and other members of the ship's crew. The ship of love sets sail, rum is poured into mugs, black flags with skulls are raised, everything is permeated with the mood of freedom, dazzling happiness, delight, strength. What is this? Of course, a pirate wedding!

So popular in Lately thematic option holding this celebration involves a combination of highly aesthetic marine style with an atmosphere of wild fun, spontaneity, and even hooliganism. In childhood, everyone dreamed of traveling on the seas, about pirate ships, treasures and adventures. The dream of the sea is for life, and a pirate wedding is one of the most pleasant ways make your childhood fantasies come true.

Foreign ideas for a pirate wedding:

Ship interiors entered the history of design at the end of the 19th century, when many travelers decorated their apartments in their usual nautical style. It is popular to this day, because the creation of a cozy and romantic atmosphere of distant wanderings is a very attractive solution. For a pirate wedding as well. Color solutions: white and blue, all its shades. There is brown (ship skin) and metallic. Decorating a pirate wedding is unthinkable without themed accessories: sea pebbles, mysterious bottles, ropes and nets, globes, maps, compasses...

In order for a pirate wedding to take place at a decent level, it is necessary to think through every detail, every little thing. After all, even invitation cards for such a wedding cannot be ordinary, the mood of a special holiday is set long before it. As a rule, a pirate wedding involves a "dress code" in a marine style, not only for the newlyweds and witnesses, but also for all those invited to such a celebration.

The room where the pirate wedding will take place must be converted into a ship. Perfect option for a pirate wedding - spend it on a real voyage, for example, on a ship. Here, immersion in the atmosphere for young people and their guests will be the most complete and deep. A restaurant decorated in a pirate style, with a certain mood of the main characters wedding celebration- no worse than a real ship. In any case, a pirate wedding will be remembered by its participants as one of the brightest events in life.

Interesting and fun theme for the wedding - pirates. Ringing piastres, rum, mysteries and adventures... Tempting? For inspiration, you can reread the book "Treasure Island" or watch the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean".

bride to create desired image you can offer a stylized mesh veil or a pirate hat, a leather corset, catchy jewelry and bright makeup. The main thing is not to overdo it - you still have a wedding, not a costume ball.

Small details with the image of the "black mark", ships, chests will complement the image of the bride.

Bridesmaids should also try on pirate accessories.

The groom should not lag behind the bride!

It makes sense to introduce a dress code for guests.

Ideal place for pirate wedding there will be a boat or a restaurant stylized as a ship. You can also rent an ordinary restaurant on the river bank and decorate it in the style of an old tavern or a desert island. Use inflatable parrots, palm trees and skeletons from balloons, chests with "treasures", paintings with images of fish and ships, shells. Good idea- a large pirate flag.

Invitations for pirate style weddings may look like bottles with " secret message» on papyrus paper inside. Decorate them with shells, stone and artificial sand. Original, and, moreover, a wonderful souvenir!

Pirate wedding script usually includes various competitions"on this topic". gambling- the main type of entertainment. You can organize a treasure hunt. For this you need a map. It can be made up of several parts, each of which the guests will have to find. "Treasure" may look like a chest or a suitcase with chocolate coins or sweets in the form of seafood. After the "treasure" is found, arrange a pirate initiation, with the traditional drinking of rum to cheerful songs.

You can do it at a wedding and distribute props for a pirate photo shoot to guests.

The main dish of any wedding - a wedding cake. You can style it too.

The table should be complemented with dishes decorated in a pirate style. You can invite a bartender and arrange a show-cooking of rum cocktails. Yes, there should be a lot of rum at a pirate wedding - after all, this is the most pirate drink!

Who are pirates and how do they get married? Well, if you stick to the most beautiful classic stories - then a pirate is not necessarily a one-legged and one-eyed rum lover with a parrot on his shoulder! Remember the corsairs - charming robbers who love luxury, value friendship and enjoy the attention of the most beautiful women! This is exactly what our groom will be, and the bride, according to the law of the genre, will be the daughter worst enemy, the Spanish governor, who accidentally got on the ship and, of course, killed the brave pirate on the spot! So, what should be considered first of all, arranging such a fantasy wedding?

The groom does not have to flaunt in a vest at all - prefer a black suit with an elongated, fitted jacket (maybe even a tailcoat?) And a snow-white shirt with a jabot, or a wide strip of fabric tied with a bow instead of a tie. pointed-nosed patent leather shoes with a small heel and for the finishing touch - a hat!

The bride should be an image of purity and innocence - a light (for example, cream) flowing dress made of iridescent silk or moire in a fashionable "Greek" style, updo with a comb, a few curls that seemed to fall out by accident, an openwork veil and, of course, gloves. Do not get carried away with makeup - let the main focus be on the natural blush of the cheeks and reddened, bitten lips from excitement!

Guests must comply - ladies, of course, the whole color of society, as if by chance on the ship and completely confused by such a turn of events. But the groom's friends can show all their imagination and create a real pirate crew! Bright shirts, wide fabric belts - sashes, daggers tucked into the belt, funny "marine" caps...

And the eye patch of the witness and the parrot (yes, the very one from the first sentences) on the shoulder are mandatory - sew any bright toy and don't forget to revive everyone by shouting "Piastres, Piasters!" from time to time. Models of old pistols and swords will look very impressive, the assortment of which is widely represented in any souvenir shop. If it's too expensive - the toy department in the Children's World will always help you!

If your parents quietly agreed to participate in your wedding show- this is already a big plus and you should not impose your ideas with costumes and behavior on them, although it is quite possible that the father-in-law himself will pull out his old vest and learn the words to the song "yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum." Decor.

So, we are doing on a pirate ship, which means we need the attributes of a marine theme. We buy more ropes and hang the guys everywhere: the railing at the bride’s entrance will look chic in the rope winding, cars can also be decorated with thinner twisted ropes and Jolly Roger flags, although it would be better to use not the classic black version, but bright multi-colored flags.

The bride's apartment can be turned into an elegant salon with candles and flowers. And here banqueting hall simply must become a captain's cabin: hang round “portholes” on the walls with fish curiously looking at you, maps of continents and oceans, garlands with flags, ropes and bright lanterns.

If possible, book a boat for the wedding. Of course, this will cost you a pretty penny, but it will leave the most vivid memories and indelible impressions from holiday. You do not have to bother with the appropriate paraphernalia, and the crew will surely meet you - agree to wear elements pirate costumes and more often use expressions like “A hundred whales in my throat!”.

Waiters can be offered armbands with crossed bones. Order seafood dishes (not necessarily red caviar in basins and lightly smoked salmon - original salads are obtained from sea kale, and trout shish kebab will appeal to all guests!), corned beef, lots of fruits, dry red wine and of course rum! Invite your guests to smoke a pipe or a cigar - prepare separate room with a couple of wooden barrels with a deck of cards carelessly scattered on top and warn you to be extremely careful - all your gunpowder reserves are stored here!

The progress of the wedding.
While the groom and his friends decorate cars and pick up bridal bouquet, the bridesmaids are gearing up for a hilarious redemption process called In Search of the Treasure. What kind of "treasure" will the groom be looking for clearly without any clarification!

So, a company of young corsairs has arrived and is simply obliged to announce the entire quarter about their arrival - wild screams in hoarse voices and a little "greasy" jokes are welcome! After the greeting, the friends give the treasure hunters a map, where the crosses mark the obstacles on the way, and the chest - main gift! cook original contests for each cross. For example, on a pre-prepared silhouette of a coin, depict the profile of a beloved. Or maybe put in coins not the standard name of the bride, but a skull and crossbones? Here without the help of friends - pirates simply can not do!

Do not forget to attract an elderly and very mischievous duenna who will conduct a real knowledge test. good manners, for example, lay out 15 different spoons and forks in front of the groom (or just draw) and let them suffer, explaining what and what to eat! For every mistake, of course, drive a hard coin!

Or maybe give the newlywed a “black mark” for mistakes? Which at the end of the ransom he will "bleach" with dances and songs on maritime theme? interesting small competition, in which the groom and his friends will come up with ditties from the beginning “Oh, apple” ... - though it’s better for especially impressionable and elderly people not to attend such a competition - so the heroes’ fantasy will be much richer! So, all the tasks are completed and it is quite possible to give the groom the main prize - a shyly smiling bride.

You need to go to the registry office with jokes and music - let all the neighbors know that you have a holiday! But on official ceremony of course, you need to get out of the image a little - after all themed weddings are not yet very common, and most of the ladies working on the registration of marriages are matrons wise in life and not understanding “these innovations”.

But at the end of the ceremonies, you can relax - the fireworks are a must! Of course, it is better to imitate shots with the help of peterds and not under the windows of the registry office. Plan a wedding walk depending on the weather and time of year.

It would be better if this happens on fresh air. For example, in a beautiful green square or park, you can arrange another "treasure hunt" - for example, hide pearl necklaces(you can buy these at any sewing salon for 50 rubles per thread), and cleverly encrypt the cherished places. Can you stage interesting combination 2 traditions - wedding and sea. Tell your guests that marriage is like a new ship, and for a long and happy voyage, you need to break a bottle of champagne on board. Choose a suitable strong tree, tie a rope with a bottle to a branch - and let the young ones suffer, rocking champagne and trying to break it. In case of failure, Neptune himself may appear from behind the bushes with a gift hammer in his hands!

The banquet is the most anticipated part of your wedding by the invitees, don't disappoint them! Remember that competitions and dances are wonderful, but guests will never refuse to eat and drink. To avoid long and boring standard congratulatory speeches, prepare a special creative task for each guest (couple or family). Let everyone, before entering, pull out a piece of paper with a character on whose behalf they will have to congratulate the newlyweds: Captain Vrungel, Jack Sparrow or one-legged pirate Silver?

But it is quite appropriate to replace the standard Gorko with a friendly cry “To board!”. Naturally, it is simply necessary to kidnap the bride - let the “faithful” assistant of the main pirate, who is secretly in love with his chosen one, do it. And of course, the sworn enemy will help in the search, he is also the Spanish governor, he is also the father of the bride, with whom there will be a stormy fitting and joint smoking of the "peace pipe". But the traitor needs to be punished - blindfold him and, having thoroughly untwisted, send him for a walk along the yard. Build the guests in a circle and whom the traitor sticks into - from that take a promise to be the next hero of the wedding celebration!

What other competitions can be held? Invite guests to compete in weaving marine knots. Moreover, this competition is double: first, who will confuse more, then - who will untie it faster. If your holiday takes place on the "sea open spaces" - arrange a photo session a la "Titanic" - a pair posing on the bow of the ship. And it is not at all necessary that these are only M + F couples in a standard “flying” pose. Let the guests compete in originality and create the most interesting living sculpture without forgetting of course the safety rules! But among young people, you can hold a competition for the most “capacious” lungs. Who will quickly inflate a children's swim ring or, divided into 2 teams, a mattress (offer the teams a small cash auction for the right to own a pump, naturally small for balls - but they will only know about this after you receive the money!).

Invite your guests to “get into the bottle” - the standard competition for lowering a pencil into a bottle can be “reanimated” if the rope is made shorter and tied not from the back, but from the front! A real pirate must be accurate! Prepare a long string with a dart at the end and a lot of balloons. Position the contestant at a distance of 3-4 meters from the laid out or hung balls and offer to show miracles of accuracy. For interest, you can put a piece of paper with a creative or just a funny task in each ball in advance. Make sure there are enough balloons and tasks for everyone!

You already sang and danced and ate the whole sea ​​kale and replenished the piggy bank of the newlyweds with envelopes? It's time to bring in the cake! Order the most beautiful and original: in the form of a ship, or cocked hat? Show your imagination! Before serving, decorate it with fireworks - fountains, turn off the lights in the hall and turn on solemn music! To get the treasured piece from the hands of the bride, you need to pay a coin! (rustling pieces of paper are also welcome).

So, the friendly ranks of corsairs and sea romantics have replenished, it remains to “play” the bride’s bouquet and deprive her of her garter, which the young spouse will carefully remove and, like the bouquet, will throw into the crowd of comrades who want to marry. Will announce the last a slow dance(maybe under the theme from the Titanic?) And forward - to board the family life!

A wedding is a unique event that loving hearts happens once in a lifetime. Every couple dreams of spending this holiday magically and fabulously. This is a celebration of love and the rebirth of a new life. It is a holiday, first of all, for young people. Therefore, everything should be organized according to their plan and desires. So why not really put some imagination into your day to get into the world of your fantasies? Why not live at least one day not by ordinary people, but by your favorite characters from cinema or literature. One of creative solutions will be a pirate wedding.

A pirate-style wedding is a celebration for brave, determined and energetic people. If two individuals have decided on something reckless, then you should definitely wait for a fun and unforgettable celebration.

How to make your pirate dream come true

This style of wedding, like a pirate coven, has large area for fantasy. What are the main points to consider when holding such a wedding:

  • location;
  • invitations;
  • suits;
  • decoration of the banquet hall;
  • meals, drinks;
  • entertainment.

Where to spend?

What places do real pirates choose for noisy festivities? Of course, a ship or a beer tavern. But in the case of marriage, a beer eatery is not suitable. For the perfect transformation into pirates, it is best to rent a ship. It can be a small schooner or a yacht. So you will be able to fully experience all the epicness of the celebration, feel like a part of the sea like a true pirate. You can also recreate the atmosphere of piracy on the sea coast. Sand, clean sea air and pirates around - the holiday can be considered a success. If this is not possible, then it is quite possible to create the atmosphere of a pirate ship with the proper thematic design of a banquet hall or a tent in nature. Can be rented Vacation home with a spacious veranda and garden, which will also be decorated in a pirate style.


This part of the training also deserves special attention. After all, invitation cards should be special and inspire anticipation of a great robbery holiday. How to send invitations to a celebration? Of course, in the form of a message in a bottle or a small chest. For an invitation letter, you can make paper with your own hands, giving it a shabby, slightly burnt look. You can also make an individual order in the printing house. In addition to the bundle, algae and shells can be placed in the bottle. Invitation text can be issued as a treasure hunt map. Another option is to make homemade name coins for each guest.

Images of young people and guests

What should the bride and groom look like? As the main robbers of all the seas. The groom is the main pirate and should look accordingly. The main attributes of the image of the groom:

  1. Camisole.
  2. Loose white shirt.
  3. Black pants.
  4. High leather boots.
  5. Bandana.
  6. Three-cornered hat.

To heighten the effect, you can put on a pirate eyepatch, hang a saber or a pirate pistol on your belt, and an earring in your ear. The perfect robber is ready.

There are several for the bride. interesting options images that can be played appropriately. For example, a future wife can dress up as an eminent princess kidnapped by pirates. At the same time, the wedding dress can be left traditionally white, complementing it with some accessories. Such additions can be a white cocked hat, nautical-style jewelry and a bouquet decorated with algae and shells. You can also become a member of this bandit gang. Instead of trousers, use cropped or leather skirt. Any themed costumes for newlyweds, you can easily get it at the box office. All costumes are in general availability, as in the photo below.

For guests, there should also be a dress code a la Pirates of the Caribbean. It is better to inform guests about this in person or indicate it in the invitation marked “required”.

Hall decoration

The hall should also be decorated in the original pirate style. The design should resemble a ship. Scary, dangerous and unpredictable Pirates' ship. The design can be seen in several pirate films. All decorations are very creative and colorful. Therefore, it is worth gleaning a couple of ideas from there. The main attributes of a pirate lair:

  • chests with pearls, gold and weapons;
  • ropes and ropes;
  • fishing nets;
  • skeletons and individual bones;
  • imitation of a ship's mast with sails.

For greater realism, you can rent a large talking parrot. Trained parrots can even shout congratulations.

For the pirate menu more suitable sea ​​cuisine, but if young people do not prefer it, then you can decorate sweets, a pirate-style cake. You can also arrange salads and hot dishes in the form of a ship, mast or steering wheel. Of the drinks on the table, first of all, rum should be present. All drinks can be poured into kegs or wooden bottles lined with a net.

pirate wedding suggests unbridled joy and a frantic coven. Having thought through everything to the smallest detail, you can create a truly unforgettable evening.

wedding is one of important days in the life of every person.

Everyone hopes that this is the first and the last, and therefore they try to come up with something original and spend this day in such a way that the memories of this day will linger in their hearts for a long time.

For lovers of everything unusual, I present a wedding in a pirate style. A sea of ​​impressions, fun and contests will not leave indifferent even the most serious people who do not like fun.

This will directly depend on the venue of the celebration. In order to accelerate to the fullest and anneal to the fullest, we strongly recommend renting a ship / schooner / frigate - the main thing is that it really should be a "pirate" atmosphere.

Important: warn the landlord in advance that you are going to have fun and really have fun at the "pirate" level. Simple theme nights It's one thing, but a wedding is another. Without such a prior arrangement, you most likely will not end up in trouble.

If you live far from the “big water” or simply do not have money, then the question arises: “How to play a pirate wedding very cheaply?”.

Just pick up a banquet hall that even remotely resembles the abode of pirates.

Party at the registry office in the style of a Pirate wedding

So where do you start preparing?

A trip to the cinema begins with tickets, and entrance to a wedding begins with invitations. Yes, not from simple ones! Since the wedding is themed, I bring to your attention some tips for making original invitations:

Beautifully designed invitation
  1. You can fold the invitation in the form of a pirate whistle, wrap it in yellowed paper and tie it with a thin twine.
  2. You can simply make invitations again, on slightly yellowed paper, but decorated with shells and sand, some kind of pebbles.
    - also the text of the invitation can be written on specially made coins with the text of the invitation.
  3. A great idea could be a small rebus in the form of a map that will tell you where and what time to come to the celebration.

Pirate wedding - decoration

When you have chosen a hall (or, after all, a schooner), the main thing remains - to adequately decorate and select those decor elements that will decorate, but in no case spoil the overall picture.

Tables can be transformed with tablecloths and some details to make ships out of them.


Decor for a pirate evening

Decor for this style will be like this: chests with gold coins, maps, binoculars.

You can also achieve the desired atmosphere with the help of candelabra, dummies of blades / pistols and other pirate props, you can do it yourself very cheaply.

And if you have the opportunity, then find a large parrot and try at any cost to put on a small cocked hat on him.

The symbol of the holiday will be a pirate flag, and of course rum, a truly pirate drink! After all, how was it sung in the song? “Fifteen men for a dead man's chest! Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.” By the way, songs in this style will help you choose a slogan for this unforgettable day.

young outfits

Pirate bride and groom

Because the groom will play the role of a pirate, or rather his leader, he should look appropriate - a luxurious camhol, a loose shirt and a frill tie. Don't forget the black trousers Wellingtons, be sure to wear a cocked hat and possibly a pirate headband. The accessories include a model of a saber - it is not so expensive and safe.

The bride's outfit is a separate issue. Here you can give free rein to your imagination. Beautiful white or champagne floor-length dress, hat. The second option assumes that the girl will initially be on the side of "evil", a member of the gang. Then she will wear a leather miniskirt, a vest, also high boots and a cocked hat. The fan will add passion to the image. Hairpins can be found in the form of shells.

Guest clothes

Guests at a pirate wedding

Please note that if your wedding is themed, then you need to warn the guests about what they should wear. Everyone can choose what their heart desires, but if you want everyone to have some kind of a single distinctive sign, then send it in advance. So guests can choose the right accessories and look no worse than the newlyweds.

At such weddings, the guys chose for themselves vests, bandanas, scarves around their necks, dummies of weapons and blindfolds. Women can also stand out by wearing dresses with corsets, layered skirts, in headscarves or hats.

Special make-up is welcome. Each of us saw wonderful costumes of pirates in the famous trilogy “Pirates of the Caribbean”.

Suits should preferably be in certain colors - black, red, golden, white.

Pirate wedding - script?

Wedding according to the scenario on the ship

Yes, of course, some moments will go on as usual, but still, for such a non-standard wedding, I advise you to be patient and an experienced screenwriter. Why patience? Because you have to rehearse more than once.


Since pirates are associated with insanity, the contests must be appropriate. You can sing pirate songs or songs and the sea in turn, which team is bigger.

  1. Best Pirate Dance. This should also interest the guests, at the same time the legs will be stretched.
  2. Strength of mind. The one who quickly inflates the circle and throws it into the water is stronger.
  3. "Sleight of hand and nothing more." Guests are divided into two teams, each team must tie a person to a chair. When this part is completed, the rules change - you need to untie the one who was tied as soon as possible.
  4. The best toast. The best pirate toast.

Important: give all motivators, albeit small, but prizes. And it doesn’t seem expensive for you, and the guests are pleased.

End of the evening

Types of cakes at Pirate weddings

A great finale will be a huge cake, decorated in the same way for our theme. It can be made in the form of a ship, a chest with coins, a skull.

At the end of the evening, the bride should definitely throw a bouquet to her unmarried bridesmaids.