Wedding anniversary in the style of a pirate party. Wedding in pirate style

If you want to hold a celebration in a bright and extraordinary way, then the portal brings to your attention a cheerful wedding scenario in pirate style.

The newlyweds arrive at the restaurant, where they are greeted by guests and the host, dressed as a pirate Jack Sparrow or Jolly Jack with a toy parrot on his shoulder. The presenter says:

I am glad to welcome you on our pirate ship! Today we must become one team and set sail to the island" Family happiness". At the head of our ship is a young pirate couple - the formidable pirate _____ and his lady and chief navigator _____. Let's greet them! Hip, hip, hurray!

The newlyweds walk along a lively corridor of guests who shower them with coins (throw them at their feet) and greet the newlyweds with whistles and shouts.

The bride and groom approach their parents, who are holding a loaf and 2 mugs, decorated with burlap and twine. The presenter says:

Accept a loaf of bread as a gift from your parents - a symbol of your love! Break off a piece and salt them. Now feed each other by annoying each other last time. And may your life always be sweet and long!

Now drink rum from a barrel raised from the bottom of the deep sea. And you can give away the mooring lines! Cannon salvoes in your honor!

Guests fire toy guns and confetti. Everyone is invited to enter the hall.

Wedding feast

The guests are seated at the tables, the host makes the first toast:

Today your life has changed dramatically. For a long time you sailed separately from each other, but now everything will be different - you have to set sail on your ship across the endless sea. So don’t let the slight excitement and endless expanses of life scare you, don’t let storms and Bermuda Triangles come your way.Let's raise the first toast to the young pirate family and fire a salute from all guns in their honor. Only instead of “Gorko” today we will shout “Board!”

Guests open bottles of champagne, imitating volleys of gunfire, and shout “Board.”

While the guests drink and treat themselves, the host says:

So, we have a captain and his companion, who acts as the chief navigator. I will be a pilot, the witness and witness will be cabin boys, the bride's parents will be skippers, and the groom's parents will be helmsmen, and everyone else will be radio operators and sailors.

But not all the pirates on our ship know each other. Therefore, I suggest that we get to know each other. Take turns passing the microphone and saying your nickname. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow, and you?

Behind best nicknames The host gives gifts to the guests. If someone cannot come up with a nickname, then the presenter helps him. For example: Lame Joe, Dirty Bill, Jack the Shark Eater, Bob Ragged Ear, etc.

Then the leader says:

A huge amount of rum and snacks was found in the holds of our ship. Well, let's fill the ship's mugs and drink to ensure that this ship sets off on a happy voyage of a lifetime!Aboard!

Let's listen to our experienced pirates - the groom's parents

Then the bride's parents speak.

After which the ceremony of donation is carried out:

Let's fill the young couple's chest with coins so that they won't need anything during their voyage together. I ask you, pirates, to give the young people part of your treasures that you won in difficult battles in the Caribbean.

One by one, the guests approach the newlyweds and give them gifts, which they put in a special treasure chest. The host announces the guests, giving them titles: cabin boys _____ and _____, helmsmen _____ and _____, etc.

The guests sit at the tables. The word is given to relatives and friends. While the guests are eating, the host says to the guests:

Now let's check if you are real pirates! Laugh like a pirate!

The guests laugh. The host gives the most active player a prize - a pirate bandana or a badge with the words Thunderstorm of Laughter on it.

After which the presenter says:

And now I invite our young pirate couple to the dance floor to perform their first dance.

Young people dance. It is best to dance to music from pirate films, for example, from the film "Pirates of the Caribbean".

After this, a dance break is announced, then a feast, during which artists can perform, for example, a show of trained animals, in particular parrots.

If guests are dressed in pirate style, you can hold a costume contest. The presenter says:


Several thematic competitions can be held:

  • "Guess the pirate." Clips from famous movies/cartoons about pirates are shown on the projector, and guests must guess the movie.
  • "Knot". The task of the participants is to tie as many knots as possible on the rope, while saying a wish to the young people for each knot.
  • "Pirate movie" The projector plays clips from films/cartoons, which must be voiced by the competition participants.
  • "Pirate riddles" You should prepare several glass and plastic bottles of different sizes, come up with several riddles, the answer to which will be the word “love”. Write down the riddles on pieces of paper and put them in 8 bottles; put empty pieces of paper in the other bottles. Place bottles around the room. The participants' task is to guess the word by opening the bottle and reading riddles. Whoever did it first won.
  • "Pirate Dance" The participants' task is to dance on one leg. To create a pirate look, they can also blindfold one eye and wear a pirate bandana.

Fortune telling for the firstborn

Fortune telling for a boy and a girl can be done in the form of bets. The witness takes bets on the boy, the witness - on the girl. After the end of the bets, the dice are thrown. If it falls out odd number- that means a boy will be born, even - a girl. Those who make the correct bet receive prizes (mini bottles of rum, pirate bandanas, etc.).

Bride kidnapping

During the dance break, toy guns and confetti are fired. Amid all this noise, the guests kidnap the bride. The presenter says:

Attention, enemy pirates snuck into our feast and stole the bride. These are their demands!

The presenter takes the scroll out of the bottle and reads:

I, Captain Barbossa, demand a ransom for your beautiful bride - 100 piastres and a bottle of the best rum from the captain's reserves. Yo-ho-ho!

A chest of coins and a bottle of rum are brought into the hall. After which Captain Barbossa and his assistant appear in the hall, taste the rum and manually weigh the chest of coins. They take the ransom and bring the bride into the hall.

The presenter says:

Let's continue our party and move on to the island of "Family Happiness".

Ceremony of raising the family flag

The ceremony of lighting the hearth can be carried out in the form of raising a seed flag. The presenter says:

As a symbol of your union, let us raise your family flag. I suggest parents say some parting words!

Parents say wishes to the young. Music from the film "Pirates of the Caribbean" is turned on, the presenter says:

_____ and _____, you are setting off on a long voyage to the island of "Family Happiness". Let your flag always illuminate your path, protecting you from bad weather and storms. Raise the family sails!

As an idea for wishes for guests, you can use a table on which the bottle will stand and lay out papers and pens. Each guest can come up, write a wish and throw it into the bottle. At the end of the evening, you can hold a wish lottery. Draw out 5 pieces of paper with wishes, those who wrote them will receive prizes from the young people.

At the end of the wedding celebration, a cake is brought into the hall, which can be made in the shape of a ship or a pirate flag. Pieces of the pie can be given away or sold for coins.

Ends wedding banquet pirate fireworks.


    In an effort to make their celebration unforgettable, newlyweds are increasingly choosing themed decorations. Thus, a pirate-style wedding is created by romantic, adventurous people who love to have fun and travel.

    Most often, such traits are characteristic of young people, and the majority of guests at the holiday should be the same. If among the invitees there are many respectable and sedate people, then you need to choose a different image. Otherwise, the majority will remain dissatisfied, and the newlyweds will feel uncomfortable.

    To create a pirate celebration, 4 colors are used. These are black, red, white gold, with the last two appearing only as hints. It is best to organize a wedding on a ferry, but if there are too many guests, then a celebration on the shore of a reservoir, or better yet the sea, is also suitable.

    When the wedding takes place in the cold season and it is not possible to hold it on fresh air, then the hall must answer certain requirements. Such as:

    1. The walls and beams are made of dark wood, imitating a pirate hold or a coastal tavern.
    2. A large number of decorative elements associated with ships and pirates.
    3. Wooden furniture.
    4. Lack of tablecloths or their rough appearance.
    5. Aged bottle labels.
    6. A small number or absence of flowers in the decor. Roses or other traditional plants should be completely avoided.

    It is important to adhere to the pirate style in all elements: from invitations to the obligatory garter. The more time devoted to thinking through design, competitions, and decorations, the more memorable and fun the wedding will be.

    How to decorate

    It is impossible to hold a wedding in a pirate style if you do not pay attention to the design of the hall or terrace. Each element must be selected with the question, “would this be appropriate on a real pirate ship?” And use only if the answer is yes.

    Venue Design Elements

    When holding a pirate-themed wedding, you need to create the right atmosphere. To do this, they use everything that can remind of the age of robbers. Common decoration elements:

    1. Fishing nets, sea ropes, anchors.
    2. Treasure maps, open chests with jewelry, silk rolls.
    3. Antique pot-bellied bottles, barrels.
    4. Bottles with messages, shells.
    5. A pirate flag on the wall, or hung “on the mast”.
    6. Dummy weapons of that time.

    It is important to remember that the scenery should resemble a merry drinking party, so you should abandon a large number of cutlery and elaborate table settings.

    The dishes should be as simple as possible in order to fit into the life of that era.

    Invitations, bonbonnieres and other accessories

    Invitations are made on artificially aged paper with a clearly visible texture and frayed edges.

    The font chosen is elaborate, with a lot of curls. They are often given to calligraphers for writing, who will write them with special ink. Ready postcards decorated like a treasure map and then placed in bottles.

    It is important to make sure that they are easily accessible, which means either they must be the height of the bottle, or they must be tied with a rope attached to the stopper. Bonbonnieres are made in 3 types - a regular black bag with a skull, a small chest, or a pirate ship with a sail.

    It all depends on the time they are going to spend on creating this accessory.

    Bride's outfit

    The image of a bride in a pirate style allows you to choose both a delicate princess outfit and a daring pirate one. It all depends only on the desire and character of the girl, the main thing is to choose an image that is comfortable.

    A noble lady will look unconvincing if the newlywed has a “tomboy” demeanor. And when an elegant woman tries to act cheeky, it’s also not good.

    When creating a themed wedding, you should always listen only own feelings and not pay attention to the advice of others.

    Wedding Dress

    This is one of the few styles of celebration where the bride's wedding dress does not occupy a central position. It is on an equal footing with the groom’s outfit, and sometimes fades into the background. There are two styles of dress depending on the background:

    1. Dress in the style of the 17th-18th centuries. Brides choose it if the background story of the wedding boils down to the emergence of love between a kidnapped rich lady and a captain of robbers. Characterized by muted colors and a large number of small decorative elements.
    2. Dress with open legs and shoulders. Despite the fact that male pirates are the most famous, the largest fleet of pirates was controlled by a woman. This is exactly the image that brides who choose short dresses. Sometimes they deviate from “mistress of the sea” to “faithful friend of the captain.” Be sure to add boots with stable heels, sometimes preference is given to over the knee boots. The colors are more daring: black, red, a little white if there is a shirt. The main message of the “tomboy girl” is a dangerous element that it is better not to mess with.


    For a noble lady, hairstyle is done in Baroque or Rococo style. This complex styling, not every master can create them, so it will be quite expensive.

    You will also need authentic jewelry, the hair is subject to strong fixation, and sometimes it is powdered.

    To create the right hairstyle, you need a long length, so for ladies with short hair It makes sense to look for a good wig in the theaters. The pirate look is characterized by loose hair or carelessly styled hair. No wigs, complex hairstyles or powder.

    Everything should be as convenient as possible for camping life and easy to create. The emphasis is on accessories.


    There are two types of bouquets that are appropriate for a pirate wedding. These are exotic flowers associated with plants growing wild in the tropics. Or an installation created from large shells.

    Any of them are suitable for a lady and a pirate, so they are most often chosen depending on the location of the celebration. If the robbers celebrate the holiday “on land”, then they choose living bouquets. When the celebration is held “on a ship,” the choice falls on seafood.

    After all, where will pirates find plants or their buds in the middle of endless water?


    Exquisite jewelry with large stones and fancy-shaped gold stilettos will suit a lady's look. It's much more difficult with a pirate. There are two types of accessories:

    1. Complete refusal jewelry, preference is given to a bandana or cocked hat, beads, and feather braids. On the hands are leather bracers or bracelets. The accessories are closer to unisex, the whole image is based on equality between the bride and the “rest of the team”. She is “her guy”, she can be gentle, and she can also shoot pistols.
    2. Jewelry, costume jewelry from different sets, sometimes they are overdone. The main image – the “grabber woman”, the captain’s girlfriend – wears whatever she liked about the “loot” for the holiday, not paying attention to the appropriateness.

    Accessories set the main mood for the entire look, and if they are chosen incorrectly, appearance will “fall apart” into its components.

    The closer to the clothing and jewelry of the 17th and 18th centuries, the better.

    Image of a pirate groom

    For the groom, choose thick pants and good knee-length leather boots. They must have a stable heel of 4–6 cm. An ivory shirt is required. Further, as in the image of the bride, there are variations.

    Types of outfits:

    1. If the groom wants to be a dashing robber, then the pants are belted with a red scarf or leather belt with a large clasp, a vest is put on the shirt, and a bandana is put on the head. The hair is disheveled, there are braids and beads.
    2. When the groom wants to be elegant, they choose a classic suit from the golden age of piracy. Frock coat, breeches, neckerchief, embroidery and lace - this is exactly what it looked like festive outfit captain. After all, most often they were educated men, in particular, the sons of aristocrats, who were accustomed to wearing such attire.

    Boutonnieres are pinned only to the jacket if the groom is dressed as a “slasher.” They are created from both flowers and shells, complementing the bride's bouquet.

    It is not used for the second type of costume due to the already large number of decorations and details.

    What to wear for guests

    Guests must be warned about the specifics of the holiday. For men, the outfits of sailors and robbers, leather boots, and breeches with bright belts are suitable.

    White shirts with a wrap or lace-up and leather vests. It is important to remember that pirates spent a lot of time in the sun, so bandanas and cocked hats are required.

    Women can come either in short, loose dresses, trousers, or in elaborate 17th-century dresses, the main thing is not to outshine the bride.

    Wedding table

    On wedding table The emphasis is on fish dishes and smoked meat. Food should be as simple as possible, both in preparation and in appearance.

    Tropical fruits can be placed on the table if the wedding is on land. If the celebration takes place “on a ship,” then those fruits that are well stored are chosen.

    The cake is made either in a classic shape, but covered with black icing and decorated with skulls, or in elaborate shapes in the form of a chest or ship.


    The wedding photo shoot is held outdoors or in a darkened wooden room. In addition to costumes, the main attributes are sabers and pistols.

    Depending on the image of the bride, kidnapping or battle scenes are played out. Feasts and ship hijackings.

    The treasure hunt looks very interesting.

    This video shows how you can beautifully decorate a wedding in a pirate style:

    A pirate wedding is a lively celebration: guests and newlyweds are constantly on the move. Most of all, such a celebration resembles planned chaos. The main thing is that everyone has fun.

    Pirate wedding!

    (Organization and holding of a wedding in a Pirate style in Moscow.)

    The concept for this “Pirate” themed wedding is quite simple!

    We all watch and love movies about pirates, and in childhood we read the book “Treasure Island”. Who among us has not imagined himself as the captain of a pirate ship? This material is for those who want to organize a “Pirate” wedding on their own. If you doubt your abilities, we suggest:

    Especially for you, we will tell you how you can organize a Pirate wedding on your own. Which required attributes should be at such a celebration. How to format it correctly.

    The idea of ​​having a pirate themed wedding is wonderful. You don't have to think about carnival themed costumes. It's simple: a vest, edged weapons and pistols, crutches and bandages over one eye, broad-brim, scarf and telescope for men.

    Girls wear luxurious dresses of that era, but at the holiday itself they can be dressed up in all male attributes.

    Original script A themed wedding can be written in different ways.

    These could be two gangs of pirates who are looking for treasure and the gangs will be led by future spouses, and the real find and the treasure found will be love for them!

    One of the most romantic stories about Pirates is the love story of the pirate Alfida. She was a Gothic princess and her father, for political reasons, was going to marry her to the Danish prince Alf. Alfida gathered her friends and maids with her. She equipped the ship and began robbery. All members of her crew were girls. Prince Alf was forced to assemble a squadron and capture the rebel ship. At that moment, he changed his mind about getting married and was going to execute Alfida, however, as soon as he saw the beautiful pirate, he offered her his hand and heart. Alfida agreed and a real pirate wedding took place.

    But this is one of the likely scenarios for a Pirate Wedding.

    You can dress up the groom's relatives in costumes of honest townspeople and real English guards, and the bride's relatives will act as pirates. The specialists of the Ocean of Holidays company will discuss the original script for a themed wedding with you and write it exclusively for your couple.

    Invitations to a pirate wedding can be made in the form of black marks or notes inside bottles, or you can send small pirate flags to friends and family. Decoration specialists can easily decorate any venue or club for this event, but you can rent a room or a table in one of the seaside pubs, as well as rent a “vessel” of any size on the Moscow River!

    The design of the company hall or cabins should include:

    Pirate flags. (Jolly Roger)

    Black and white balls.

    Sailboat models.

    Barrels of gunpowder and chests of gold.


    A bell on which you can beat bells.

    Fake edged weapons.

    Steering wheel.

    We don't need to tell you what people drink at such a party. Of course, black pirate rum! How to entertain guests, you ask? Jack Sparrow or Blackbeard as the host of the evening, and at worst - Mr. Cotton. Although he is mute, the Pirate Wedding will be held for him by a talking parrot and Elizabeth Swan, the pirate queen!
    Our special effects and sound specialists will help you organize a volley of cannons on the starboard side, and our animators will figure out how to board and play interactive games. Cards, dice, dancing and a black mark - everything should be the same as on pirate ships. Tug of war and arm wrestling. You can hold a competition to untie sea knots. (It's a lot of fun at the end of the party). The siren competition is a must. The groom and the witness cover their ears, as they cannot hear the sirens. At this time, the sirens are trying to show what song they are singing with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Songs you can take are:

    Barmaley's song, little children.

    Hey sailor, you've sailed too much.

    You come to me, sailor.

    Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum.

    The musical part can be varied, but Irish and Scottish folk music is always held in high esteem by real pirates.

    A master class on performing Irish and Scottish dances will appeal to everyone.

    It turns out great at a pirate themed wedding. outside registration! The place for it can be the deck of a ship or a sandy beach on the ocean. In Moscow, this can be any of the observation platforms on numerous embankments.

    You ask us who will perform the ceremony? Captain Barbosa will help you - “My children. We have gathered with you today..."

    At a pirate-themed wedding, don’t forget about the youngest guests. You can invite Barmaley to the holiday as a children's animator and then you can be sure that he will put together a gang of bloodthirsty pirates from the children. If you are lucky, they will be the ones who kidnap the bride.

    The newlyweds can spend their wedding night in a ship's cabin or in a hotel overlooking the sea, because a pirate's favorite thing in life is to sail the seas and oceans. Breathe the sea wind. Feel the taste of salty sea spray.

    On the second day, the mummers must wake up the newlyweds. This could be the captain and cook. According to the ancient tradition, they will check the order on the ship and inspect the personnel of the pirate gang.

    Order an inexpensive organization of a pirate themed wedding from the holiday agency “Ocean of Holidays!”

    A wedding is a unique event that occurs once in a lifetime for loving hearts. Every couple dreams of spending this holiday magically and fabulously. This is a holiday of chanting love and the rebirth of new life. This is a holiday, first of all, for young people. Therefore, everything should be organized according to their plans and desires. So why not really put a little imagination into your day to delve into your fantasy world? Why not live at least one day not with ordinary people, but with your favorite characters from cinema or literature. One of creative solutions there will be a pirate wedding.

    A pirate-themed wedding is a celebration for brave, determined and energetic people. If two individuals decide to do something reckless, then you should definitely expect a fun and unforgettable celebration.

    How to make your pirate dream come true

    This wedding style, like a pirate coven, has large area for fantasy. What are the main points that should be taken into account when holding such a wedding:

    • location;
    • invitations;
    • costumes;
    • decor banquet hall;
    • dishes, drinks;
    • entertainment.

    Where to spend it?

    What places do real pirates choose for noisy festivities? Of course, a ship or a pub. But in the event of a wedding, a beer bar is not suitable. For the perfect transformation into pirates, it is best to rent a ship. It could be a small schooner or yacht. This way you will be able to fully experience the epic nature of the celebration and feel like a part of the sea like a true pirate. You can also recreate the atmosphere of piracy on the sea coast. Sand, clean sea air and pirates all around – the holiday can be considered a success. If this is not possible, then creating the atmosphere of a pirate ship is quite possible with proper thematic design of a banquet hall or outdoor tent. Can be rented Vacation home with a spacious veranda and a garden, which will also be decorated in a pirate style.


    This part of the preparation also deserves special attention. After all invitation cards should be special and evoke anticipation of a great robbery holiday. How to send invitations to a celebration? Of course, in the form of a message in a bottle or small chest. For an invitation message, you can make your own paper, giving it a shabby, slightly burnt look. You can also make an individual order at the printing house. In addition to the package, you can put algae and shells in the bottle. Invitation text can be designed as a treasure hunt map. Another option is to make homemade personalized coins for each guest.

    Images of young people and guests

    What should the bride and groom look like? As the main robbers of all the seas. The groom is the main pirate and should look the part. The main attributes of the groom's image:

    1. Camisole.
    2. Loose white shirt.
    3. Black pants.
    4. High leather boots.
    5. Bandana.
    6. Three-cornered hat.

    To enhance the effect, you can wear a pirate patch over one eye, hang a saber or pirate pistol on your belt, and an earring in your ear. The perfect robber is ready.

    There are several for the bride interesting options images that can be played out accordingly. For example, the future wife can dress up as an eminent princess who was kidnapped by pirates. At the same time, the wedding dress can be left traditionally white, complementing it with some accessories. Such additions can be a white cocked hat, jewelry in nautical style and a bouquet decorated with seaweed and shells. You can still become a member of this bandit gang. Instead of trousers, use cropped or leather skirt. Any themed costumes for newlyweds you can easily get it at the box office. All costumes are generally available, as in the photo below.

    Guests should also have a dress code a la Pirates of the Caribbean. It is better to inform guests about this personally or indicate it in the invitation with the note “required”.

    Hall decoration

    The hall should also be decorated in the original pirate style. The design should resemble a ship. Scary, dangerous and unpredictable Pirates' ship. The design can be seen in several films about pirates. All the decorations there are very creative and colorful. Therefore, it’s worth gleaning a couple of ideas from there. The main attributes of a pirate lair:

    • chests with pearls, gold and weapons;
    • ropes and cords;
    • fishing nets;
    • skeletons and individual bones;
    • imitation of a ship's mast with sails.

    For more realism, you can rent a large talking parrot. Trained parrots can even shout out congratulations.

    For the pirate menu more suitable seafood cuisine, but if young people do not prefer it, then you can decorate sweets, a cake in a pirate style. You can also decorate salads and hot dishes in the shape of a ship, mast or steering wheel. The first drink on the table should be rum. All drinks can be poured into barrels or wooden bottles lined with netting.

    A pirate wedding involves unbridled fun and a frantic coven. Having thought through everything down to the smallest detail, you can create a truly unforgettable evening.

    The scenario for an unusual pirate wedding offers many ideas that will help you organize your own unforgettable wedding pirates! Your guests will not be able to help but admit that it was the most fun wedding of all they have ever attended!

    Wedding decoration in pirate style:

    Wedding colors can be very diverse. From the marine theme, you can borrow white and blue stripes, shells, white seagulls, starfish, ropes, silhouettes of ships, and pirate nets to decorate the hall. The pirate theme is associated with chests of golden piastres, parrots, cannons, muskets, and treasure hunters' maps.

    The celebration can be decorated in the form of a pirate island or tavern: inflatable parrots, a palm tree balloons, a skeleton made of the same material and other marine accessories - fish, crabs. Candles can be placed on the tables (thick candles, carelessly melted, look beautiful), barrels of rum, and small boats. Display the alcohol in bottles with a homemade “Rum” label - you can easily print it yourself on a color printer and stick it on. A good addition would be 15x20 black and white photographs attached to a fishing net. The photo can depict both simple scenes from the life of pirates, and photographs of family and friends inserted into pirate scenes. Be sure to apply aging effects to your photos. On the eve of the wedding, you can specially photograph some of your friends in a pirate outfit. This will be an excellent decoration for the hall and a gift for many guests. Guests can look at everything, get into the spirit of a pirate party, and choose a photo to remember the celebration. Adding humor will be posters calling for the surrender of a wanted groom - the threat of all seas from the frigate "Love" - ​​for a reward.

    If it is possible to show videos on a large screen at a banquet, you can invite guests to watch entertaining videos during the “smoking breaks.” The themes of the videos can be different: the story of how the newlyweds met in the form of a series of photographs, stills from films and cartoons about pirates.

    Depict the seating plan for guests in the form of a map, which will reflect the pirate entertainment of the evening. The card will be given to each guest at the entrance.

    Invitations for a pirate wedding.

    Without a doubt, invitations for such a wedding should be in the form of an ancient scroll, which is placed in a fancy-shaped bottle. The paper may be yellowish. The edges can be burned. Decorate the bottle sea ​​stones, shells, sand, twine.

    Text for wedding invitation:

    Rumors about a pirate treasure, the owners of which are predicted to have eternal family happiness, haunt us. And now, after two years of careful study of old documents located in libraries, archives and private collections, we came across a map of treasures hidden on one of the islands of the World Ocean. According to rumors, this island has the amazing property of hiding in the foggy distance from the eyes of passing sailors, but we hope that the dictates of our hearts will help us discover it and seize family happiness forever. We studied all the legends, beliefs and superstitions of old sailors, according to which the most favorable day for our ship to sail in search of hidden treasure is (date and year). We are waiting for you on this significant day at 17:17, in order to support us at the beginning of this difficult journey, and also to help us equip our Frigate “Love”, starting from Grand Bay (the name of the cafe).

    In order not to overload the ship, we ask you to come light, and in case you want to reinforce your support financially, we have compiled a list of things we need on the island. You can book any of them for us on our wedding website, and then hand it over to us in the envelope included in your invitation.

    Anna and Mikhail

    Bride's outfit.

    Any accessories can be used in the bride's image. nautical theme: white cocked hat, decorations from starfish and shells, pearls. The bride's bouquet can also be decorated with starfish and shells. If the bride at the wedding acts as a kidnapped beautiful princess, then the outfit and hairstyle may correspond to one of the royal eras (clothing of the 17th-18th centuries).

    Groom's outfit.

    Pirate captains often dressed like true gentlemen. A luxurious camisole, vest, cocked hat, white shirt and scarf-tie are a suitable suit for a ship captain.


    The main distinguishing feature of a pirate is his headdress - a bandana, cocked hat or Monmouth hat. Pirates traveled a lot, so one costume can combine distinctive elements different countries. But a simple vest, a saber in the belt, a bandana and an earring in the ear will turn anyone into a real pirate. Even if the guests came to the wedding in evening dresses, a few accessories can easily transform them. To do this, you need to prepare sabers, pistols (with which guests are happy to fire salvos of welcome during the celebration), bandanas, huge rings on their hands, wide belts on the hips, cocked hats (you can sew them from black fabric and draw Jolly Roger in white gouache), clip-on earrings , smoking pipes, for ladies - pearl beads and fans.


    The pirate theme can be represented by songs not only about the sea, but also about mermaids, travel, islands, etc. For some scenes, a musical background is well suited: the cries of seagulls, the sound of the sea. You can use songs from cartoons and films about pirates: “Treasure Island”, “Pirates of the Caribbean”.

    Meeting of the newlyweds.

    Guests who come to the wedding are greeted by the hosts of the evening, Jolly Jack, with a parrot on his shoulder (sewn to his clothes, a toy) and his favorite sailor (it can be a gypsy, or a pirate, or a cabin boy - there are many heroines in the pirate theme), shooting into the air from a blank weapons (for children) and shouts: “Hip, hip, hurray!”, “Welcome everyone to the pirate frigate “Love.”


    Welcome aboard! Today we are one team that is about to set sail on this wonderful pirate ship called “Love” to the island of “Family Happiness”. Our voyage will be led by a young captain's couple (names of the young ones). Let's get ready for the meeting of the newlyweds!

    The presenters provide instructions on meeting the young people (who does what and when). The bride and groom “stay” for 10 minutes so that the guests prepare for the meeting.

    To meet young people you need:

    • Loaf;
    • Two pirate mugs;
    • Bottle of rum;
    • Rose petals (for shedding young ones);
    • Money is a small thing (to be thrown at the feet of the young).

    Pirate loaf.

    The newlyweds are greeted by guests, sprinkled with rose petals, thrown coins at their feet, and greeted with shouts and whistles. While throwing coins, one of the guests imitates a parrot and shouts: “Piastres, piastres!” The bride and groom approach the parents, who are holding a loaf (it can be in the shape of a heart or 2 hearts pierced by an arrow can be sculpted on it). The dads hold a barrel of rum and 2 mugs, large clay ones, decorated with burlap and twine.


    We welcome a young captain's couple on board the frigate "Love": the captain, the formidable pirate (name of the groom) and the beautiful princess (name of the bride)!

    A chorus of guests cheers.

    Accept this symbol of your union - a loaf from your faithful team! Break off a piece and flavor it tightly! Now feed each other - annoy each other one last time!


    Well, our dears, today is the day in your life when the wind of change blew into the sails of your destiny. For a long time you swam separately from each other in different seas, but now everything will be different. Today, another ship - now your common one - sets off on a difficult voyage across the endless sea. So don’t let the endless expanses of life scare you, don’t let Bermuda Triangles come across your path. May strong storms and the ninth wave pass your ship. We wish you to always stick to the same fairway and never run aground. Peaceful harbors and hospitable marinas to you!


    And we set sail on a pirate ship - the frigate "Love" in search of treasures! The main treasure is happiness! Go ahead, in search of the island of happiness! Before sailing, let's drink this rum from a barrel from the bottom of the sea to our captain's couple (the names of the bride and groom)! Give up the mooring lines! Let all the guns fire in your honor!

    All the guests are firing pistols and cannons (confetti).

    Screams of the pirate guests: All hands on deck! Give up the mooring lines!

    The presenters tell the guests what and when to shout in advance.


    Everyone is invited to the table.

    The hosts can comment on where to sit: the beautiful princess (bride) on the left, the captain of the pirate ship (groom) on the right - at the head of the table (if you look at the table from the hall), faithful friend The princess (witness) should sit on the groom's side, the captain's assistant (witness) on the bride's side, since the young captain should pay all his attention at the wedding to the beautiful princess, and not to his assistant. And the assistant must protect the bride! The captain's family, headed by his honorable parents on the groom's side, the family of the beautiful princess, led by her honorable parents on the bride's side.

    If the seating arrangement of the guests is as planned, the hosts remind the guests to look at the pirate map that they were given on board the ship.

    When everyone is seated, everyone is invited to taste the treats and pour them into glasses.


    In the holds of our ship, which we have just launched, a huge number of barrels of rum and wine were discovered. Well, let's not neglect the situation, let's uncork them, get some overseas snacks, fill the ship's mugs and drink to the fact that this happy ship has a happy voyage. And get the latest press: The Jolly Roger is waiting for you!

    While the guests are eating and pouring glasses, the presenters can briefly talk about what this special issue of the newspaper will tell the guests. The newspaper is delivered by a postman - a young sailor boy in a vest or an assistant presenter. Newspaper in A4 or A3 format in black and white, printed on very thin paper, to be as close as possible to the newspaper version. Scenes from pirate life are used as photos, into which the faces of the guests are “inscribed”. Background: map.


    Jolly Roger Wedding Exclusive

    (Date) Incredible event!

    News of the year!

    The wedding of a captain, a formidable pirate (the name of the groom) and a beautiful queen (the name of the bride).


    In connection with the wedding of the captain of the pirate frigate "Love" and the beautiful princess, new rules for the pirate party were issued, which must be followed by the entire pirate flotilla:

    We must not forget throughout the entire festivities: why we are all at this pirate party.

    Today we are one team, today we drink to love!

    Breaking dishes is only for luck.

    Before standing up, look under the table to avoid stepping on your neighbor's hands.

    If you can't get your fork into a piece of meat, don't be discouraged and grab it with your hands.

    Remind yourself often by shouting “Board!” instead of “Bitter!” and volleys of your pirate pistols.

    It is forbidden to say the words: “Where are you getting into so much?”, “Don’t drink!”, “Don’t yell!”, “Let’s go home.”

    It is allowed to say: “Board!”, “I love you!”, “I respect you!”, “Pour!”, “Let’s go fight!” and all the pirate curses.

    Be cheerful, appreciate humor, avoid insults, sing and joke, remember - you are at a pirate wedding!


    I'm exchanging my talking parrot - the best among all pirate birds, the shark will tear me apart - for a trained monkey. Contact one-legged John

    Selling excellent rum at a reasonable price. Tavern on Tortuga Island

    (photos and names of some guests dressed as pirates)

    Wanted -----

    for a reward for special bloodthirstiness and skill in cooking barbecue.

    for his insatiable thirst in preparing the wedding of his captain.

    for maintaining courage and positive mood brides

    Etc. according to the characteristics of the guests.

    Weather (wedding date):

    A wedding hurricane with champagne showers promotes unbridled fun in full sail. The temperature on the pirate frigate “Love” is 40 degrees. The air is filled with 100% family happiness. My head is foggy at night. Possible clearing is expected the next morning.


    Let's raise the first toast to the young captain's couple and fire a salute from all guns in their honor.

    Today you got married.

    Happy day in the world for you!

    Since you lit a beacon of love,

    Then may it shine for you all your life!

    We bless your union

    For consistency and happiness!

    We shout to you a friendly “Hurray!”

    With all your pirate passion!

    Nice pirates! It's time!

    Drain glasses of rum to the bottom!!!

    BITTERLY!!! Aboard!!!

    Give a prize to the loudest or quietest shouter of “Board!”

    As a prize, you can use ordinary souvenirs, decorated with your own hands on a pirate theme: small bottles of rum with an individual wedding label, a pirate tear-off calendar, funny title badges, refrigerator magnets with a photo of the newlyweds and the wedding date.


    We set off on a long voyage on a beautiful ship called “Love” in search of the mysterious island “Family Happiness”. The fearless captain (name of the groom) and his beautiful princess (name of the bride) inspire us to search and lead our pirate ship. Who will become the captain's assistant?

    Captain Groom:

    Our team is the most worthy people, so let fate decide who will be the boatswain.


    The boatswain on the ship keeps order and helps the captain. Who will be the boatswain on our wedding frigate “Love”? Let everyone feel under the bottom of their boats - under their chair. Whoever has a whistle under his chair is destined to be a boatswain - the captain's faithful assistant! The boatswain's main duty is not to forget to whistle before each toast, calling everyone to silence and order. And give a signal if we haven’t heard the command “Board!” for a long time. The one who has the whistle under the chair is given an order from the captain of the pirate ship.

    The order is read by the leader:

    In the name of all water elements (the name of the selected boatswain) is appointed to the post of boatswain - mate. Responsibilities include: maintaining discipline on board the ship; do not give permission to all crew members who are shirking from the general fun; give the commands in time: “Toast!”, “Board!”, “Everybody dance!”.

    Dear boatswain, we are waiting for your command!

    Depending on what the boatswain commands, we continue the program.


    Today, not just a couple in love stepped onto the deck of our pirate ship, today we celebrate the union of two loving hearts. And since we nevertheless went to sea, we encourage all guests today to take the chance and feel like real sea wolves, plunge headlong into adventure and make toasts today only in the spirit of real pirates! The brave captain (name of the groom) and his beautiful princess (name of the bride)! Let only fair winds blow into your sails! At first you will have to get used to the sea motion and to each other. Remember that a real sailor can withstand a storm of any strength and is not afraid of any pitching. Avoid icebergs along the way to avoid the fate of the Titanic. Be careful not to run into underwater rocks. You may be chased by various scary sea monsters. Captain, protect your beautiful princess from their encroachment. And you, fair princess, make sure that your captain does not turn into one of these monsters. From now on you are one crew. No one but yourself will throw you Lifebuoy. Let's drink to the fact that you will never need it, and the supplies of your ship's holds will never become scarce. Happy sailing on the waves of life!


    We set sail on an excellent pirate frigate in search of the island of “Family Happiness”, and my magic compass, which always shows the path that makes a wish come true, will show us the way.

    The presenter takes out a compass, studies it and makes his verdict ( good example such a magical compass in the film "Pirates of the Caribbean").

    Waiting for us long road through the port of excitement. To pass the time on the way, let's remember all the songs about the sea, pirates and all the water elements. Let us cajole the great Poseidon, ruler of all seas! I suggest dividing into teams. Which team sings the most songs about the sea, pirates, and water receives a special prize from the captain!

    Song Contest.

    Two teams take turns recalling pirate songs, everything at least somehow connected with bodies of water in general, the sea in particular, and swimming is taken into account: “the painted Stenka Razin canoes floated out”, “under the wing of the plane the green sea of ​​the taiga is singing about something” " The prize for the team is the tentacles of a rare sea monster (dried squid) and the title of Honored Folk Pirate Ensemble. And the most active one gets the title of leader and conductor.


    We docked our pirate ship at the port of excitement. And I invite daredevils to take part in the ship race!

    A competition between guest teams “Ship Races” is organized:

    Two containers of water for two teams, two boats, whichever team moored its boat to the pier the fastest will win. Without the help of hands, only with the wind in the sails (the wind is under everyone’s nose!) The team receives an invitation to golden wedding newlyweds And the most active guest receives the title of navigator on the team.


    We continue our journey and go to the island of wisdom. You see, the main thing on a ship is a friendly crew, which is support and support in any difficulties. But not only strength, but also wisdom is important for any sea voyage on the sea of ​​life to be successful. And wisdom, brave captain and beautiful queen, can be generously bestowed upon you by your main assistants - your parents. The time has come to solemnly raise the family sails and listen to the wise parting speeches of the parents.

    Raising the family flag replaces the traditional ceremony of lighting the fireplace.

    This scene may include music from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". Parents can express their wishes to the young people and read the text from the scrolls that the presenters give them in advance.

    Example text:

    We are glad that you are going on a long voyage to the island of “Family Happiness”. May Lady Luck always light your path. Seven feet under your keel! And remember, our harbor is always happy to see you and will support you in bad weather and the storm of life.


    Raise the family sails!

    Assistants straighten 3 sails with the coats of arms of the families of the groom, bride and young family. All 3 families receive a candle, the parents light the fire of the newlyweds' candle. Candles are inserted into an “antique” candlestick.

    All actions are commented by presenters:

    Let the newlyweds light their own candle from your candles, symbolizing the family hearth. Let the young family travel the sea of ​​life only on the frigate “Love”, let the wind of luck blow into their family sails, let the sun illuminate the path during the day, and at night let there always be light from the stars!

    Guests are invited onto the stage and given a dark blue silk cloth covered in foil stars. Music sounds and the young captain's couple dances their first dance against the backdrop of the starry sky.

    Music and dance break.


    We all witnessed how the young captain's couple danced harmoniously and harmoniously. They have become a real team! As one! It is worth celebrating such an event with a flurry of gifts and parting speeches from the entire crew of our pirate frigate “Love”! Let's fill the chest of the captain's cabin with piastres, ducats and other valuable trophies! A word to the guests! But remember that you are pirates and your speeches must correspond to this! 9 feet under the keel, let the sharks avoid it, let fortune follow your frigate “Love”, let the piastres ring in your chests!

    A word to parents and guests for congratulations.

    So that this part does not drag on and the guests do not get bored, congratulations should be alternated with toasts and entertainment.


    My compass shows that we are approaching the large island of luck, where all the famous fortune tellers, shamans and magicians have gathered.

    In this scene, you can include the performance of a magician or gypsy fortune teller. You can change some of the guests and give instructions. Multi-colored tags are placed under the plates of all guests. The Gypsy announces that everyone has received their mark, which will indicate what awaits them ahead.

    Red mark - fateful meeting, and for a married king or queen it is a sign of renewal and strengthening of feelings.

    White mark - money issues will be resolved and wallets will be replenished.

    Blue mark - the bird of luck will settle in your home.

    Green mark - on the new moon, your body will gain strength and health stronger than before.

    Yellow mark - a trip to warm countries or sunny weather awaits you in the coming week.


    Today we have united into one large and friendly pirate crew of the frigate “Love”. A real team always supports its captain and his chosen one. First year family life- the most difficult. Let's help the young and contribute to building a happy sweet life on their first family year. In this hat, which I received on the island of luck, there are 12 magical notes, they contain instructions, by completing which we can help the young people make their first year cloudless. This is what the powerful magician from the island predicted good luck.

    The note indicates the month and describes the order, and the name of the guest who pulled out the note is also written there; you can do everything in the form of calendar sheets, from which you can make a calendar; You can use regular playing cards with inscriptions on them.

    January - to instill love for healthy image life, take young people to the skating rink; February – after intense exercise in the winter air, warm up the young ones in the bathhouse; March - to make the life of young people brighter - wash the windows; April – add romance – arrange romantic dinner; May - restore the strength of the young with barbecue; June – donate a package of baby diapers; July - to expand life prospects, ride a Ferris wheel; August - arrange fireworks in honor of the wedding anniversary; September – after the honeymoon, repair the marital bed; October - wash the family limousine; November - protect from everyday problems: do general cleaning; December - add fire and celebration to the relationship - decorate the Christmas tree in the newlyweds’ house with burning garlands.

    Dance competition "Pirates from all over the world."


    Dear pirates, tell us we fun team? Can we have fun? We'll arrange the most fun party on our pirate ship? We are located in the land of fun, where an annual dance festival takes place. And today, here and now, the famous dance competition “Pirates from Around the World” will take place. We invite our 5 young contestants onto the stage. Like all pirates, you probably have pirate nicknames. Introduce yourself.

    Each of the young people introduces himself with some fictitious pirate name: Bloodthirsty Joe, Desperate Cutthroat, Shark Terror, etc.

    The presenters can suggest some names.

    Now everyone will have their own tune on and you have to show us all your dancing talents! And the guests will show with their applause who deserves the award!

    Excerpts of music are included, the presenters comment with humor on the dances: Russian folk, Indian dance with “popakrut” movements, Lezginka, Lambada, Rock and roll.

    2 semi-final winners are selected and the final is arranged: a dance to the Swan Lake. The winner's reward is a disc with pirate party music, the cover of which depicts the newlyweds and a bottle of pirate rum with a special sticker.


    We caught a bottle overboard. It contained bottle mail for the young captain's couple. With their permission, we will read all the messages out loud!

    “We are sending ten treasure chests. Signed: Pirates of the Caribbean";

    “I’m looking forward to joining the ranks of heroic travelers. Signed: Sinbad the Sailor";

    “No Scylla for you, no Charybdis. Signed: Odysseus";

    “I transfer for lifelong use to (names of the bride and groom) Treasure Island. Signed: Captain Silver";

    "We're waiting for Honeymoon. Signed: Aborigines who ate Cook."

    Competition "For the most hairy leg».


    We are moving towards our goal - to the island of “Family Happiness”. Our fast pirate frigate "Love" cuts through the waves. And although the sky pleases us with beautiful weather, we must be prepared for all the difficulties of the sea! Do you agree?

    My magic compass points to these two guys. Let's test their pirate talents!

    Participants must retrieve a lifebuoy (a children's inflatable ring with funny animal faces) using their personal anchor (an aluminum spoon tied to a rope). When the presenter shouts: “The wave is on!”, participants must lift their trouser legs so as not to get wet. At the end of the competition, the winner is announced - the one who took out his life preserver the fastest - and it is announced that it was a competition for the hairiest leg! The winner's reward is a disc with music from a pirate party, the cover of which depicts the newlyweds and a lifebuoy.

    Competition for the richest pirate.


    Dear pirates and their beloved sailors, share your experience with the young captain’s couple: how to manage your family treasury. Who is better at this: a pirate or his sailor?

    The guests are arguing. The presenters propose to find out by conducting a small test for a team of sailors and a team of pirates. While the music is playing, a high-speed count of the scattered piastres takes place. The coins can be iron coins of small denomination. They must be counted and the exact amount written on the piece of paper. Both teams have the same number of coins. The winning team is the most greedy pirates, because... well trained in counting their money. The losing team is the richest pirates, because... They don’t count money and don’t know how to do it due to its huge quantity.

    Competition for the most eloquent sea wolf.

    Men are invited to compete in weaving sea knots. Each knot is a wish for the newlyweds. And then the competitors exchange their knots and try to untie them. Whoever is faster is the winner. Each untied knot is again a wish for the newlyweds.


    My magic compass shows that a small continent awaits us ahead, on which small counties of strength, agility and endurance are peacefully located. It is there that our team will be able to acquire these qualities and test themselves. Any daredevils?

    Competition for fortitude.

    It is necessary to inflate the lifebuoy, and as quickly as possible, because if you have to save a person, you need to do it quickly. Whoever is faster has the most powerful fortitude.

    Competition for the most dexterous.

    Two teams board each other. Each team agrees and designates one victim on the opposing team. This victim must be caught and tied tightly to the mast (chair), and at the same time, you must protect your player so that opponents cannot tie him. It turns out to be a real pirate brawl. When both teams have tied victims ready, the second part of the rules is announced - the team that quickly unties the one they just tied so hard wins!

    Endurance competition - who is the least drunk sailor.

    Table game. Two teams of pirates compete in the sharpness of the tongue - who can swear in pirate language better. Whoever can name the most pirate curses is the hardiest and least drunk sailor. There is only one rule - swearing in pirate style. The presenters provoke and inflame the imagination of the guests: “a thousand devils”, “a thousand drunken sailors under your blanket”, “so that you rob only priests”, “so that your ship gets Cthulhu”.

    Alternative endurance competition.

    Dance the pirate dance - on one leg with a blindfold. The one who lasts the longest is the most resilient.

    An entertaining musical number.


    Pirate musicians from the Island of Hope arrived on board today to congratulate the young captain's couple. They invite all guests to support their song.

    Guests are given the words of the song “Turn” by the group “Time Machine” on sheets of paper, and volunteers are dressed up with the help of wigs and inflatable children’s instruments into a group that sings to a soundtrack.

    We promised ourselves not to stray from the straight path,

    But that's how it's meant to be.

    And to be honest, everyone is scared of change,

    But it doesn’t matter here.

    Here's a new turn, and the engine roars,

    What does he bring us - the abyss and take-off,

    whirlpool or ford,

    And you won't understand

    And you won't understand

    until you turn the corner.

    And there is no reason to be afraid if you are still men,

    You are strong in something.

    Drive out the gate and don't be afraid to turn,

    May the path be good.

    Entertainment for guests.

    The pirate theme is a huge scope for your imagination, because... In the world of pirates there are people of various professions. Fortune teller, magician, card sharper. You can invite or dress up one of the guests as a gypsy fortune teller, captured by pirates, who will tell fortunes by the guests’ hands, using some characteristics of the guests. The guests will “gild their pens” in favor of the young pirate couple. A magician or mime may be captured by pirates, who will show funny pantomimes, and guests will guess the object or phenomenon shown.

    Cards and rum, cheating - these elements of pirate life can also be used - tricks with cards can be demonstrated to guests by a famous card sharper, who is wanted by the royal police. During smoking breaks, a fortune teller may approach guests and offer to throw dice for good luck: the guest makes a wish and throws the dice. If an even number appears, your wish will come true.

    You can also roll the dice on adding young people to the clan. Bets accepted: boy (even) or girl (odd) and number of children. The witness accepts bets on a boy, the witness on a girl, and guests can also bet on the number of children. After the closing of betting is announced, the dice are thrown. The winners receive special “pirate” prizes.

    A “Jack Sparrow and Co” tattoo parlor may be opened, where guests can come up during breaks and draw something, try on the image of a real pirate and take a photo - this is always received with a bang and guests will have a lot of funny pictures from the holiday . Interesting addition can become a parrot (toy) or a monkey. All actions are commented on by the presenters, invited to participate and explained to the guests what is happening. All entertainment is indicated on the program card, which is given to guests at the entrance.

    Costume competition.

    Depending on how pirate-themed your guests are, you could hold a costume contest. The bride and groom award the best pirate and his lady for the evening. Those chosen are entrusted with a mission: the first dear guests to be received in the house of a young pirate couple.

    The logbook is an album for wishes.

    At the banquet, guests can be offered a special album in the form of a logbook, where the pages may already contain hints for guests: the weather overboard, the degree of general fun, the atmosphere on the ship, etc.

    Bride kidnapping.

    Noise, shooting, screams - the beautiful princess has been kidnapped. The kidnapping is usually carried out by guests, and they are assisted by one of the hosts, so that the kidnapping also has a pirate theme.


    Pirates from another ship made their way to us, who kidnapped the beautiful princess (the bride's name) and want to convey their demands to the captain of the ship.

    In the bottle is a scroll that describes the kidnappers' demands.

    I, Captain Flint, demand a ransom for the beautiful princess: the Chest of Piasters! A bottle of the best rum from the captain's reserves! And Yo-ho-ho!


    Let's help the captain return his beautiful princess.

    The groom's friends bring out a chest of piastres. These can be cut-up banknotes with a photo of the bride and groom, which are exchanged for small change among the guests, i.e. piastres; personal banknotes – good memory for guests about the holiday. Or they take out an empty chest and ask guests to help fill it with piastres and jewelry. You can persuade some guests to give out jewelry and jokingly “donate diamond jewelry” so that there is no simple collection of money.


    Here is a chest of piastres, here is the best rum from the captain's reserves. What is Yo-ho-ho?

    The bride's kidnappers come out - Captain Flint and the dashing Sue - they are introduced by the host, take the chest, rum, taste the rum and approve. And they demand the dance of the pirates Yo-ho-ho to the tune of little ducklings. While dancing, everyone chants Yo-ho-ho.

    Bride Snatchers:

    This is the famous pirate (name of the groom). Finally we recognize you! We return your princess and ransom to you! Forgive us, we won't behave like that again!


    Let's continue our holiday and move again to the island of "Family Happiness" on our glorious pirate ship called "Love". What islands and continents have we already sailed through?

    Guests should remember: the port of excitement, the island of wisdom, the island of luck, the land of fun, the counties of strength, agility and endurance, the island of hope. The most attentive person will receive a prize.

    The names of the islands and countries that we sailed through - these are the qualities of a pirate - a noble conqueror of the seas and a hunter of sea ​​adventures. But what else does a real pirate need?

    Love! So let the pirates of all continents find their faithful sailors, and let those who have been visited by this feeling, let it grow stronger. Now let's find out who will celebrate their union next?

    Throwing the bride's bouquet and garter. It happens traditionally. Whoever catches it will soon get married. The scene of removing the garter is played out in the spirit of court life: curtsies, kissing hands, the embarrassed bride hiding behind a fan or scarf, etc. As an example, you can watch the film “The Three Musketeers”. The garter is thrown. Whoever caught it will soon get married.


    My compass indicates that we are already close to the island of “Family Happiness”. But legend says that this island has magical property- hiding in the foggy distance. And only for real loving hearts will be able to see this island and take possession of the pirate treasure, which prophesies eternal family happiness for its owners. I turn to our captain (name of the groom), are you ready to solemnly swear your love in the face of your friends and loved ones, in the face of the whole world? And you, beautiful princess, are you ready to answer your husband’s vows?

    Beautiful music.

    The bride and groom stand facing each other, take each other's hands and pronounce vows of love and fidelity.

    Captain Groom:

    I promise to love and cherish you, and I will do everything to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, patient and generous. But above all, I promise to be faithful and devoted to you until my last breath. I love you.

    Queen Bride:

    I promise to love and cherish you, and I will do everything to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, caring, patient and forgiving. I promise to guard our hearth and wait for you. I promise to be your faithful wife and reliable friend until the last beat of my heart. I love you.

    The leader of the Amur tribe from the island of “Family Happiness” enters the hall; in his hands he solemnly carries a box, which he silently, with a bow, hands over to the newlyweds. Leaves silently.

    The newlyweds open the box and take out an ancient scroll, which they read to the guests:

    Only hearts filled true love, are able to find and see the island of “Family Happiness” in the vastness of the World Ocean. The Amur tribe hands over this ancient scroll, and with it reveals a sacred prophecy. Only two hearts united by one desire - to make each other happy - will find family happiness. But this is not enough. The fire of dear hearts should surround and support lovers. Then the prophecy will come true. Happiness is in your hands.

    Newlyweds addressing guests:

    Happiness is in our hands, because our family and friends are with us. We reached the island of “Family Happiness” only thanks to your support. You are our most reliable team. Thank you for your love and understanding. With such a crew, our family ship is not afraid of even the most distant and difficult voyage. Now we are ready to sail even towards the icebergs! A real pirate fireworks display will now be launched in your honor!

    Farewell fireworks finish the celebration