We increase eyelashes quickly at home. Lemon is an interesting and healthy addition to butter. Linseed oil for eyelashes

A flirtatious wave of eyelashes - and all the men are already at your feet. What woman doesn't dream of this? Naturally, to become the owner of long and thick eyelashes each of us dreams. But not all such wealth is given by nature. Therefore, many women resort to a variety of cosmetic procedures in order to make their eyes more expressive. Some use others to build them up in the salon, while others are puzzled by the question: how to lengthen eyelashes at home.

To date, quite a few are known effective methods, at home. Using at least one of them, you will not only be able to become the owner of long eyelashes, but also make your look more expressive and mysterious.

Method number 1. at home using oil.

The most effective way to lengthen eyelashes today. To stimulate the growth of eyelashes, oils such as castor, burdock, vitamin E and olive oil are perfect. All these oils have an excellent property not only to accelerate the growth of eyelashes, but also to have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin of the eyelids. Therefore, if you are faced with the task of how to grow eyelashes at home, the use of any of these oils will be for you. optimal solution. Using this method is very simple: take a cotton pad and apply a few drops of oil on it, then put the pad on the eyelid and hold for a few minutes. Wash your eyes after this procedure. warm water. After a couple of weeks, you will be able to enjoy the first results. Your eyelashes will not only become much longer, but will be very shiny.

Method #2. How to lengthen eyelashes at home using vitamins.

Vitamins are necessary element for the development of the whole organism, including for the growth of eyelashes. If there is a lack of vitamins in the body, then the eyelashes will become brittle and weak. That is why, if you want your eyelashes to be long and thick, you need to carefully monitor your diet every day. In addition to proper nutrition, it will be good to take a complex of vitamins for at least one month. This is especially true for winter and spring period.

Method number 3. How to lengthen eyelashes at home using Vaseline.

It's no secret that Vaseline is an excellent moisturizer, including for eyelashes. If you brush Vaseline on your lashes for a few weeks, you will soon see that your lashes are much longer.

Method number 4. How to lengthen eyelashes at home using lemon.

To lengthen eyelashes without resorting to the services of cosmetologists, you can use a mixture of olive or castor oil with To prepare this composition, lemon peel is crushed and added to the oil. After that, this mixture will need to be infused for a week in a dark place. It is necessary to insist the mixture so that the nutrients of the lemon peel come into contact with the oil. Subsequently, this mixture is used as lotions daily for one month.

Method number 5. How to lengthen eyelashes at home using herbal compresses.

You can make your eyelashes longer and thicker with a decoction of sage and chamomile. Such a compress nourishes the eyelash bulbs and supplies nutrients eyelid skin. Preparing a decoction is not at all difficult. To do this, take dried herbs in a 1: 1 ratio, fill them with a glass of water and put on the stove. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes steam bath. After that, let the broth brew and strain. Such a compress not only lengthens the eyelashes, but also relieves redness around the eyes, and also removes signs of fatigue after a hard day.

The first thing a person notices when they meet is the eyes. That is why eye makeup is given the lion's share attention. And eyelashes, if they are lush, long and beautiful, can transform even the most mediocre face. That is why most women and girls dream of perfect eyelashes like a magazine cover. But is it possible to achieve this at home? Absolutely yes! And there are many options for this. But first, let's try to figure out why eyelashes fall out, become brittle and sparse.

Why do eyelashes fall out

The most common cause of fallout is cosmetic procedures for artificial eyelash extensions. The principle of extension is that artificial cilia are attached to their own, living hairs, which are not intended for such loads. Over time, the hair weakens and simply falls out. Wear artificial eyelashes you can’t do it all the time, you can be left without your eyelashes. However, the use of eyelash extensions in special occasions permissible - at the time of serious and important events.

Eyelashes can fall out and fade due to insufficient care for them. A nightly make-up removal procedure is mandatory. You can not wash your face with soap and rub your eyes with your hands, the eyelashes break and fall out from this. If you fall asleep with mascara on your eyes, and in the morning you wash off your makeup and apply a fresh layer of cosmetics, the eyelashes cannot compensate for the lack of oxygen, they become dull and short.

The condition of eyelashes can worsen due to low-quality cosmetics made from toxic and unsafe substances. Nervous shocks, lack of vitamins, frequent temperature changes - all this can contribute to the loss of eyelashes. However, in any situation, you can find a way out, and it is quite possible to lengthen eyelashes at home.

eyelash extension

The first thing that comes to the mind of fashionistas at the mention of long eyelashes is their extension. In some cases, building up is really justified. Artificial eyelashes, if they are attached correctly, do not differ at all from real ones, give the face a natural charm and charm. In addition, this is a great way to complement the image before an important event - a wedding or birthday. By the way, for this procedure it is not at all necessary to go to a beauty salon, extensions can be done at home. Artificial eyelashes differ in their shape, color, length, volume, bend, thickness. Here are a few types of extensions from which you can choose something for yourself.

  1. The simplest type of extension is gluing a whole strip with artificial cilia lined up to the eyelid. Previously, the length of the cilia, as well as the length of this strip itself, must be adjusted for yourself, removing all unnecessary.
  2. Another type of extension is beam. Artificial cilia are connected in a bunch of several pieces and are glued mainly to the outer corners of the eyes.
  3. IN Lately eyelash extensions are very popular. The principle is as follows - an artificial hair is “clung” to each of its eyelashes. The result of this procedure is an incredibly realistic and natural appearance.

Modern materials allow building up not only effectively, but also safely. That is, some technologies (Indonesian extension) are based on the use of glue from natural materials with added vitamins and minerals. And this means that such glue is not only not harmful to your own eyelids and eyelashes, but also really useful.

If you are not ready to expose your eyelashes to extensions, you can use a more gentle way - these are cosmetic oils. Be prepared for lengthy procedures real result in the form of long and lush eyelashes you will be able to get only after 2-3 weeks of using the oil. However, you will get your natural eyelashes of charming length and maximum volume. But how do you use oils to get the most out of them?

  1. First you need to choose an oil. Burdock oil can save you from falling eyelashes, making them longer. Castor oil increases the density of cilia, makes them voluminous and lush. If you have a tendency to barley, you can use sea buckthorn oil. And for brittle hairs, use peach or almond oil. For the procedure, you can use one oil or mix them in equal proportions.
  2. So that you are not too lazy to apply oil to your eyelashes every day, the procedure should be simplified as much as possible. To do this, take an old mascara bottle, rinse it and pour the selected oil or a mixture of oils into it.
  3. Before use, it is better to warm the oil slightly - in hot water or just by hand.
  4. In the evening, after removing makeup, apply oil to the cilia, as if painting them with mascara. Treat every corner carefully. Do not allow oil to come into contact with eyes or skin.
  5. After an hour, remove the remnants of unabsorbed oil with a dry cloth and go to bed. You can wash your face only in the morning.

After a month of regular daily application of oil to the eyes, you can get long lush cilia, in no way inferior to artificial counterparts.

Eyelid massage for eyelash growth

Often eyelashes fall out from a lack of nutrition. This happens if there is poor circulation in the area of ​​​​the eyelids. This can be corrected with massage. Stimulation of the skin of the eyelids accelerates blood flow and promotes not only the growth of eyelashes, but also prevents the appearance of premature expression lines.

Massage can be done at any time of the day, but it is better to do it in the morning or in the evening, when there are no cosmetics on the eyelashes. Carefully massage the lash line with your fingertips, gently rubbing the eyelids. Massage should be done for at least three minutes on each eye.

For greater effect, you can use a mixture of the following tools - vegetable oil, aloe juice, parsley juice, vitamin E from the ampoule. Mix all the ingredients and dip into the prepared composition of the fingertips before the massage. Daily performance of such a massage will give you beautiful eyelashes and a fresh look.

Folk remedies for lengthening eyelashes

There are many homemade recipes that can increase the natural length of your eyelashes.

  1. Cornflower and chamomile. These flowers have healing and regenerating properties. Take a tablespoon of dried flowers and pour half a glass of boiling water. Let the broth brew and strain it through several layers of gauze. Soak in warm decoction cotton pads and apply to the eyes for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Cabbage, carrots and olive oil. Squeeze some cabbage and carrot juice about one teaspoon. Mix the juices with a little oil and soak cotton pads in the prepared mixture. Apply them to the eyelid area and lie with them for 15 minutes.
  3. Usma. This plant is actively used in the East for the growth of eyelashes, hair, eyebrows. In the pharmacy you can find ready-made oil from usma. If you find dried leaves of usma, you can make a strong decoction from them. Paint over the decoction of the cilia with an old mascara brush to make them thicker and darker.
  4. Vitamins. To improve the appearance of cilia, you must not forget about vitamin complexes that you need to drink in winter and spring, when there is so little natural fruits and vegetables. In addition, you can saturate eyelashes with vitamins from the outside. Buy ampoules with vitamins A, E and B at the pharmacy. Mix them and pour the composition into the used mascara bottle. Apply the mixture every day to the eyelashes to saturate them with beneficial elements.
  5. Burdock. This method is suitable for those who do not like to apply oil on their eyelashes. Everyone knows that Burr oil- This is a spin from the burdock root. Replace this oil will help the usual decoction of the same root. Take a medium-sized burdock, rinse and chop its root. Boil the root in a small amount of water in a water bath. Then close the broth and let it brew. After that, the composition can be filtered. Soak cotton pads in the solution and apply to your eyes for half an hour.

These are simple, inexpensive, but effective recipes will help you make eyelashes voluminous and beautiful.

If you are in the process of restoring your eyelashes, and you want to look perfect today, you can use some tips on how to visually increase the eyelashes.

To begin with, approach responsibly to the choice of high-quality mascara. Usually expensive mascaras give a good lengthening effect. In addition, you can use next trick. Apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to your eyelashes, then wipe off the excess with a tissue. The thinnest layer will certainly remain on the hairs fatty composition. After that, apply powder to the eyelashes, and then paint over the eyelashes with mascara. Visually, this will significantly increase the thickness and length of your hairs.

To prevent eyelashes from falling out, you need to carefully care for them. Remove makeup daily before bed quality cosmetics, do not extend eyelashes too often. It is very important to monitor nutrition - the diet should include dairy products, meat, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables. IN hot weather put on Sunglasses or wide-brimmed hat to help protect your lashes from fading. These simple rules help you maintain the health and beauty of your own eyelashes.

Video: how to lengthen eyelashes

Long eyelashes are the dream of many modern women. What the fair sex does not go to in order to make their eyes attractive.

The role of eyelashes

The hairs located along the edge of the eyelids are called eyelashes. Their main function is protective. Long and rather stiff hairs protect the eyes from dust, dirt and other foreign bodies. On the upper eyelid of a person, there are usually from 150 to 250 hairs, on the lower - 50-100 less.

The structure of eyelashes (from nature) is inherited from parents, it is almost impossible to change their structure. Remember how long and curved eyelashes are in grown-up kids and teenage girls who have not yet had time to spoil the hairs with low-grade cosmetics. Make eyelashes thick and long, curved and dark will help daily care and a few tricks.

Causes of loss

Eyelashes have their own life cycle: one hair "lives" from 28 to 150 days. Usually people do not notice the renewal of the hairline, but sometimes they see a fallen hair and make a wish.

main reason eyelash loss is their natural renewal, but with age it is not in our favor. The hairs fall out, but their growth does not compensate for the loss.

There are several reasons for hair loss, and they are in front of you:

  1. unbalanced, malnutrition affects the loss of eyelashes and the deterioration of their appearance.
  2. Lack of vitamins and minerals (with a strict diet).
  3. Bad habits.
  4. Stress.
  5. Hormonal disbalance.
  6. Diseases ( nervous system, digestive, excretory and almost any other serious failure).
  7. Poor-quality cosmetics, including expired.
  8. Misuse curling irons or their abuse.
  9. Any other mechanical damage eye area.
  10. Frequent build-up or biowave.
  11. Getting on the hair household chemicals and aggressive compounds.

There are quite a few reasons for eyelash loss, and those listed above are far from all of them. The most common are the lack of vitamins and trace elements for their growth and renewal, the use of low-quality cosmetics and stress. Yes, the latter often becomes a life partner modern lady and lets you know about yourself every day.

Mascara helps to make eyelashes more attractive visually - dense coloring composition covers the hair with pigment, gives it additional length, volume, and also twists. Abuse of mascara leads to microdamages of hairs. To cure them or prevent the occurrence of problems, it is necessary to moisturize and nourish the hairs. Think about the hair on your head: almost every girl uses hair conditioner or uses a mask rich in nutrients, and eyelashes are often forgotten.

Homemade masks or store-bought products will help to increase the length of eyelashes at home, they also take excellent care of eyebrows at home.

Eyelash care tips

  • Castor oil- the most common remedy home care for eyelashes and eyebrows. Usually it is applied to the hairs before going to bed - for 30-60 minutes, so that the oil is well absorbed. Before falling asleep, the eyelashes can be blotted with a dry cotton pad and remove excess oil, which can cause a slight swelling of the mucosa. It strengthens the hairs well and gives them a rich dark color.
  • Burdock- Another one wonderful option. Choose oil without additives or with nettle, chamomile (in no case should you use red pepper). It strengthens eyelashes and stimulates their growth (due to the nutrition of the bulb).
  • coconut- can be used alone or mixed with any base.
  • Shea, shea- these oils have a rich texture and nourish the hairs well, restore damaged areas and strengthen.
  • Sea buckthorn oil contains carotenoids, fatty acids and minerals - to restore and nourish hairs. It softens the hairs and makes them fluffy (in the positive sense of the word).
  • pomace from grape seeds.
  • Vitamins A and E in the liquid formula are used both independently and as part of a mask with basic cosmetic oils which provides comprehensive care.
  • Usma leaf powder– strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair loss.

Herbal lotions

The following most famous options can be distinguished:

  • Brew chamomile, black or green tea, cool it down to comfortable temperature and soak cotton pads in the solution. Apply them to your eyes and allow yourself to relax for 10-15 minutes.
  • Can be taken any other medicinal herb or mixture: wild rose, sage, cornflower, birch or oak leaves. You need to brew it, let it brew and pour it into a separate container - a kind of eyelash tonic is ready.

Such compresses have a good effect on eyelashes and general condition skin around the eyes, at home they can be done at least every day.

homemade masks

Their use every day or every other day makes it possible to grow eyelashes literally from scratch (or restore the structure). Folk recipes for eyelash care have long taken root in modern cities. This is the most affordable and effective way of home care. It is worth learning more about masks and considering a few recipes:

  • Toning mask based on aloe vera juice restores hairs and stimulates their natural growth. mix Fresh Juice aloe and any base oil(sunflower, olive, burdock, castor) in proportions 1:2 or 1:1. Apply the composition to clean hairs and leave for 30-40 minutes, or overnight.

Another recipe with aloe: finely chop the parsley and squeeze the juice out of it, add about the same amount of aloe juice and a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

  • Firming mask based on liquid vitamin A- mix a couple of drops of it with castor oil and aloe juice in proportions 1:3:2. You can take burdock or olive oil - these options are also suitable.
  • To strengthen the hairs, brew rose hips, cool the liquid. For one tablespoon of decoction, add 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn and castor oil, pour into a separate bottle and put in a closet for 7-10 days, so that the homemade "balm" is infused. Apply it every other day or daily in the evening - lubricate the hairs.

  • Stimulates the growth of eyelashes decoction of chamomile and rose hips- brew dried or fresh herbs, let it brew for a day. Do a compress daily, in the evenings.
  • Another way to make hair longer- use a mixture of oils: burdock, castor, jojoba, grape seed, olive, almond, linseed are suitable. Mix 2-3 types in equal proportions, pour a new liquid into the old mascara tube and apply it daily, every evening. Wash off the oils or not - decide for yourself.
  • Vaseline perfectly copes with the problem of falling eyelashes- it's cheap, but what an effect you can get! Such a tool softens the hair cuticle well, penetrates into the bulb and nourishes it from the inside, which stimulates strengthening and fast growth hairs.

Store-bought products will also help grow eyelashes: extension serums, gels, oil-based masks. What is their advantage - no need to cook, they are sealed in a tube (with a brush for applying to eyelashes). More expensive products have a really valuable composition with rare components (including UV filters, keratins). Ready serums can be based on hormonal agents to get the lashes of your dreams. The result will be very noticeable. However hormonal preparations for eyelashes can cause their inharmonious, different growth. The hairs will begin to grow chaotically - somewhere longer, somewhere shorter. Irritation may occur.

Finding your ideal eyelash growth product is a matter of trial and error. It is worth starting with regular oil and a combination of several, stock up shop means for hair lengthening and growth.

How to make a mask for eyelash growth from castor oil, see the following video.

Lengthening methods

There are the following effective ways:


Cosmetic mascara, enriched with a complex of keratins and oils, will not only visually lengthen the eyelashes, but also additionally strengthen the hairs, stimulate their growth and simply make up for the imbalance. Vitamin-based complexes can stimulate natural production protein (keratin), which makes eyelashes noticeably stronger, stronger, longer and more voluminous.

Mascara is traditionally used by women, as it visibly colors eyelashes (now we are talking about decorative cosmetics) and additionally curls / lengthens them.

Long eyelashes with a beautiful curve are the dream of many girls. To achieve the effect of long eyelashes, the extension procedure, as well as the use of false eyelashes, will help.

However, gluing artificial hairs is not for everyone. Therefore, in this article we will share with you the secrets, thanks to which you will become the owner of thick and long natural eyelashes.

The length of the eyelashes for each person is individual. Eyelashes upper eyelid always longer than the eyelashes of the lower eyelid. The renewal of the hairs of the ciliary row occurs continuously: some hairs fall out, and new ones grow in their place.

Provide quality care for eyelashes at home. As preparations that allow you to restore the structure of eyelashes and provide them intensive growth, decoctions are used medicinal herbs and vegetable oils. However, before proceeding self-fulfillment medical procedures, you need to learn how to properly care for eyelashes.

Eyelash care

By following simple rules, you can stop the loss of eyelashes, as well as improve their quality. In order to become the owner of strong and healthy eyelashes, you must:

  1. Use decorative cosmetics High Quality. Otherwise, there is a high probability of allergic reaction and development inflammatory processes. The most dangerous for the eyes is waterproof mascara, which remains on the eyelashes. long time and doesn't rinse well. If after using waterproof mascara you experience redness of the eyes, as well as a burning sensation, you should not use this product. cosmetic product more than three times a month. In addition, after frequent use waterproof mascara eyes should be given a rest.
  2. Before going to bed, it is necessary to wash off eye makeup with the help of special “washes”. The use of gels and soaps for these purposes is not recommended, since these products noticeably weaken the eyelashes. It is also required to follow the rules for removing cosmetics from the eyelids and eyelashes. Eye rubbing is not allowed, as a result of which damage to the ciliary follicles occurs.
  3. Eyes must be hidden from bright sun, because the impact ultraviolet radiation negatively affects appearance eyelashes and organs of vision.
  4. The quality of eyelashes is significantly influenced by the human diet. Proper nutrition has a beneficial effect on the ciliary follicles, and also improves the skin around the eyes, making it supple and smooth.
  5. If you have the first signs of diseases such as conjunctivitis, barley and others, you should immediately consult a doctor. Prolonged inflammation of the eye area leads to the fact that the eyelashes begin to fall out intensively.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine knows many effective ways restoration of eyelashes, which were successfully used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. So, one of the most famous means among the people that can improve the quality of the ciliary row is burdock oil. This drug you need to apply to the eyelashes with a cotton swab or a small brush.

It should be noted that burdock oil must be applied to the eyelashes with extreme care, avoiding the drug getting on the skin of the eyelids, otherwise swelling can be provoked. After application, the oil should remain on the eyelashes for several hours. Then leftovers natural remedy must be removed with a cotton swab, and then washed with warm water. The course of eyelash restoration with burdock oil is 2 weeks.

Also promotes eyelash growth Castor oil. For amplification useful effect it is recommended to add a few drops to the oil vitamin complex AEvit, which contains vitamins A and E. Instead of castor oil, olive or sea buckthorn oils can be used to prepare a fortified mixture. The prepared preparation should be applied to cleansed eyelashes before going to bed, after heating the oil mixture.

A good effect will provide a self-prepared remedy from castor oil and rose hips. It is required to take oil and berries from a ratio of 2: 1. Rosehip is poured with castor oil, after which it is insisted for a week in a dark place. Lubricate the eyelashes with the prepared mixture for 30 days, then take a two-week break and repeat the procedure again.

Flaxseed oil is also used to lengthen eyelashes. This remedy can be applied as pure form and mixed with almond oil.

Another well-known tool with which you can achieve the effect of long eyelashes is rose oil. This drug also works well on the skin around the eyes, relieving the eyelids from irritation and dryness.

Vaseline can also be used to improve the quality of eyelashes.

Eyelid massage and compresses from decoctions of medicinal herbs

A good effect will provide eyelid massage at the base of the eyelashes. Before starting the massage, it is recommended to prepare special remedy by mixing any vegetable oil with aloe juice and finely chopped parsley. With an oil mixture, with the help of massage movements, lubricate the eyelids, as well as the base of the ciliary row. Such actions provide increased blood circulation, thereby increasing the intensity of eyelash growth.

Another well-known folk remedy with which you can achieve eyelash growth is a mixture prepared from one tablespoon of castor oil, one teaspoon of aloe juice and a few drops of vitamin A. This drug is applied throughout the growth of eyelashes with a small brush. The procedure, which also reduces puffiness on the eyelids, is performed at bedtime.

A mixture is also considered effective, for the preparation of which you will need the juice of white cabbage, carrots and any vegetable oil.

Apart from oil mixtures, decoctions of medicinal herbs have proven themselves well. Healthy eyes and eyelashes can bring a decoction of sage, calendula, chamomile and cornflower, in which you need to moisten cotton pads. Compresses from a healing decoction should be applied to the eye area for 15 minutes. In addition to a positive effect on eyelashes, herbs provide a rejuvenating effect, removing fine wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.

They have a beneficial effect on the growth of eyelashes, and also relieve inflammation from the eyes of compresses from freshly brewed black and green tea.

In order to enhance the effect of using folk remedies, massage, rubbing oil and compresses are recommended to be combined with therapeutic gymnastics for eyes. Performing exercises will increase blood flow to the eyelashes, as well as ensure their oxygen saturation.

The gymnastics complex may include the following exercises:

  1. Performing circular rotational movements with the eyeballs and prescribing letters in the air with the eyes.
  2. Translation of the gaze from a distant object to a close one, as well as from one's bridge of the nose to the window.
  3. Frequent blinking of the eyes, which must be performed within a minute.

Medical and decorative cosmetics

Today, the cosmetic industry offers a huge amount of products that allow you to grow long eyelashes. However, before purchasing medicinal preparation, you should carefully read the instructions for its use, as well as study the composition. It is recommended to give preference cosmetic products famous brands who value their reputation.

It should be noted that you can increase the length of the eyelashes with the help of decorative cosmetics. To do this, you need to purchase mascara with a lengthening effect. Visually lengthen the eyelashes due to a beautiful bend. To do this, you will have to use special tweezers designed to twist eyelashes.

In addition, ordinary powder will allow you to give your eyelashes additional length and volume. Thin layer powder should be applied to the eyelashes, and then carefully painted over with high-quality mascara. Then you should carefully separate the cilia and repeat the procedure.

Excessive loss of eyelashes or their insufficient density (length) can upset any woman. That is why, how to lengthen eyelashes at home fast , is always a topical issue.

Certainly, eyelash renewal , that is, their imperceptible loss, natural phenomenon and quite normal.

Burdock oil is one of the highly effective means for lengthening eyelashes at home.

Explicit loss of eyelashes can occur for several reasons:

- usage low-quality cosmetics;

- improper care of eyelashes;

- unhealthy food, lack of trace elements and vitamins;


disease .

Ways to lengthen eyelashes

Careprost eyelash growth cosmetic

There are several solutions to this problem:

Special cosmetics

Cosmetic stores have in their assortment a lot of products for lengthening eyelashes, namely Latisse, Careprost, AdvancedLash and others, using which you can achieve the desired length and density of eyelashes in a short time.

However, when trying to achieve results by any means, you need to remember that These products contain some dangerous ingredients.- hormones and other similar substances, having side effects such as allergies, iris changes, eyelash loss and many others. Moreover, they have an addictive effect and after interruption of use the problem will return. You should especially carefully check that the preparation does not contain substances such as bimatopost, traprost, prostogladin, since these contents are unsafe for health.

Application of eyelash growth agent Careprost: before and after photos

Eyelash Extension Home Remedies

Castor oil among the first used to improve the condition of eyelashes, which after it become fluffy and strong. The oil has a rather viscous consistency, so it should be carefully distributed over the cilia. The result will be visible in a week;

Burr oil Also indispensable tool to accelerate the growth and treatment of hair, including eyelashes. Efficiency is not visible as quickly as the first oil, but the result is worth it;

sea ​​buckthorn and olive oil contain vitamins A and E, which generously nourish the cilia, due to which the latter are strengthened and become silky;

Coconut oil , which is used everywhere in Asia and is considered the best, has a number of positive properties to strengthen hair and eyelashes;

linen, almond, and wheat germ oil have an identical effect and are also used to lengthen eyelashes at home.

The listed oils are applied to the eyelashes using cotton swab, although it is more convenient to use with a special brush(you can take a brush from unnecessary mascara, after washing it with high quality beforehand), well stretching the product to its entire length.

To improve the effect, you can mix different oils in the same proportions. You also need to remember the main rule - do not leave oil on the eyelashes for more than a few hours , otherwise there is a possibility that the eyelids will swell.

Oils (castor, burdock, etc.) can be applied to the eyelashes with a brush from used mascara (or a cotton swab)

In addition to applying oil, it will help to stimulate eyelashes to grow. eyelid massage. To quickly lengthen eyelashes at home, such an action plan will help, which is recommended to be performed a few hours before bedtime:

In conclusion, it should be added that lifestyle and nutrition also have a great influence on the quality and growth of hair and eyelashes Therefore, if you nourish the body with microelements and vitamins, then this will definitely give a positive result.