"Bride kidnapping" - the rules and scenarios of the wedding show

Bride kidnapping is an ancient custom that carried practical. And he allowed young people to voice their will to their parents. In ancient times, theft was carried out by prior agreement of lovers. And they did it before marriage. Today, stealing a newlywed is more of a way to test the groom and the witness with fun tasks. Bride kidnapping at a wedding: script and contests, a fairly common topic on the net. And it is one of the most controversial. Some argue that it is better to exclude this moment from wedding script, others consider stealing the most fun entertainment.

Secrets of organizing bride kidnapping

Many young people want to diversify their wedding like this interesting way. But sometimes, an ordinary, at first glance, tradition can lead to backfire. Often on the forums, people speak negatively about this period of the wedding. They describe stories when the groom did not understand the joke, after which he had to be looked for for several hours. Or tipsy guests tried to take the bride away, and got into an accident. And in some cases, the ransom of the kidnapped girl became the most boring episode. And today we will try to figure out how to carry out the kidnapping of the bride, so that everyone has fun. And when is it better to abandon such an undertaking.

  • Discuss with the newlyweds. You need to know the clear position of the newlyweds. If at least one of the two disagrees, it is better to abandon the idea.
  • Theft and ransom are two different things. Often the groom does not want to redeem the bride a second time, and does not see much difference between the two traditions. It is worth noting that the redemption of a girl from her parents' house is carried out with money and gifts. And the ransom of a kidnapped wife is a way to test your ingenuity and resourcefulness with the help of funny tasks.
  • Kidnapper. Choose a kidnapper in advance. This should be a responsible person who knows the measure in alcohol, and understands the limits of what is permitted.

  • Place of detention of the bride. The room where the young woman is hidden must be found in advance. It must be clean, and located near the hall where the groom will redeem her. After all, the bride also has the right to observe what her beloved is capable of for her sake. In some scenarios, the bride is not taken out of the hall, but simply surrounded by thieves, or tied with a symbolic ribbon. Thus, the girl can observe everything that happens without leaving the room.
  • Choose key figure. As a rule, the groom and the witness are responsible for the safety of the bride. Therefore, two must participate in the competitions. But it's worth remembering here fun tasks are obtained if the artistic talents of the groom and best man are at their best. When they are serious or constrained, other people can be brought in to play.

The main task of the bride kidnapping ritual is to amuse guests and newlyweds. And to make the contests fun, feel free to involve everyone who can bring the task to life.

Script Ideas

Of course, you can simply distract the groom and best man, and at this time take the bride to a secluded place. Then make announcements that the girl was kidnapped. And this option also has the right to exist, especially since the salt of the event is in contests and tasks. But if you want to make a full blown show, then the kidnapping has to be thoughtful and stylized.

  1. Gypsies. One of the most common options, as gypsies at a classic wedding. They are bright characters that can distract guests. If the gypsies surround the bride, most of those present will not even attach any importance to this. That will help them easily take the girl away. Or declare it stolen and demand a ransom.

  1. Armed takeover. For such a scenario, you can rent uniforms and weapons at the paintball club. And if there are fans of such entertainment among the guests, then you have every chance to carry out the actions as believably as possible. People who are interested in military strategies can easily organize an entire operation to capture the bride. Moreover, they may not hold contests, but act only as invaders. Everything else will be played by the toastmaster.

  1. Knights. Now there are a lot of clubs in which people who are passionate about medieval themes gather. Arranging their participation in a small event is not difficult. Such a scenario looks romantic and unexpected. They may not steal the bride, but act as a distraction. For example, knights with swords burst into the hall and begin to fight. While the guests enjoy the spectacle, the bride is kidnapped.

  1. Marine theme. Usually for such a scenario, clothes are rented in the theater. And they hold a theatrical performance "stealing the bride." After that, the pirates demand that the groom prove his love with the help of contests.

  1. Sheikh. An oriental sheikh comes to the wedding with his retinue and steals the girl. His vassals explain this by the fact that they were looking for the most beautiful bride, which should become the new wife of the eastern ruler. And they found it at this wedding. But the sheikh is ready to return the bride if the groom proves his love. The newlywed is offered other girls instead of his beloved. To make the choice obvious, the girls are guys in disguise.

Competition Ideas

The tasks in this event are played key role. They must be chosen, paying attention to the capabilities of the groom and the boyar. It is their ability to correctly beat the situation to cheer up the guests.

  1. Dancing. If the betrothed or the witness, after the next cup, “beautifully” and incendiary dance, then feel free to offer them choreographic numbers. You can simply cut different music for 20 - 30 seconds. And they or someone else should perform it as incendiary as possible, as well as quickly switch from rhythm to rhythm.
  2. Beloved's name. The success of this task depends not so much on the groom and the boyar, but on the leader's suspended tongue. Young people are put on two chairs with priests towards the hall. The task of men is to write the name of the bride in the air with a soft place. But not all the name at once, but one letter at a time.

  1. Fruits and vegetables. Water is poured into a bowl and an apple or other fruit is placed in it. The witness or the groom must pull the food out of the bowl without hands. And eat it, also without hands.
  2. Staged. Such contests look good if the person performing the task has a sense of humor and artistry. And the toastmaster or presenter knows how to read the text cheerfully. The essence is simple, the presenter recites the text, and the subject tries to repeat everything that is said to him. It can be the morning of the bride, a scene of love, a fairy tale.

Stealing the bride at a wedding is a great way to entertain the guests and have some fun for the newlyweds. The main thing is not to confuse the ransom and theft of the girl. And also remember that the essence of the event is entertainment. And for the groom a way to once again prove his love.

The Caucasus is a harsh, mysterious land whose traditions never cease to amaze with their originality. For example, the rite of bride kidnapping is presented ordinary person somewhat wild and even insane event. However, this peculiar tradition still exists, and many young people take it quite seriously. Although the state authorities, civil figures, clerics and social activists are opponents of the strange custom and come out with the need to strictly punish the offenders.
What attracts young people in this mysterious tradition? How does a girl feel, whose fate changes forever in the blink of an eye? What trades drive a dzhigit: ardent love or self-interest? All possible options must be considered.

When does bride kidnapping happen?

Where such a strange custom came from can be guessed by studying the history of many peoples. Eastern countries, Asia, Ancient Rus' constantly fought among themselves. In the era of constant battles, it was easier to steal the girl you liked than to arrange long ceremonies. Women were taken prisoner for the sake of slavery, but they often married polonyanki.

The world was gradually changing, the former severity and the undivided patriarchy were lost. Now free women Caucasians are almost equal in rights with men, but the custom is still observed in some places.

Someone will consider this event a criminal offense, and some romantic natures will admire the depth of feelings that are able to step over prejudices and conventions. What can induce a guy to kidnap a girl he likes?

  • This may be a clever move by the groom's family to avoid paying a generous bride price. Or a young man is generally an orphan, without financial means to buy his bride.
  • Inequality of desired marriage. Prosperity and social position still play huge role. Therefore, this option is possible if the financial component of the guy and his family is significantly lower than that of the chosen one. In ancient times, if the young stood on different steps social position, the poor highlander had only to steal the rich beautiful bride.
  • Secret affection. It happens that a shy guy is in love, but he does not dare to openly show his feelings.
  • Kidnapping playstyle. Lovers imitate abduction, in fact, experiencing quite serious feelings for each other.
  • A deep love was born between a boy and a girl. But one of the families or two clans at once oppose marriage. This case is the most common and is consistent with the ancient tradition.
  • The upcoming marriage of the girl against her will. If a bride betrothed for another has a lover, then, like a real horseman, he will certainly kidnap her so as not to give her to the enemy. At the same time, families will forever be at enmity, and possibly reconcile over time.

It is difficult to understand the tradition of stealing a newlywed in the Caucasus, being a representative of a different nationality. The indigenous inhabitants of the mountains have their own ideas about the ancient custom, which are intertwined with historically established foundations. So, young girls may rightly believe that only ardently loving heart capable of such an extreme act, therefore they approve wild tradition. Moreover, it is not uncommon for a young man to suffer all his life with a bride imposed by his parents, who also does not care for him. true feelings. And divorce according to the laws of the mountains is not accepted at the present time.

Generally, similar marriages are not always tragic, often over time the kidnapping of the bride in the Caucasus ends happily family life. Young people slowly begin to respect each other, and subsequently love.

Description of the bride kidnapping process

If a young dzhigit still decides to take a risky step, usually his family provides the necessary support. In ancient times, the groom flew on a bay horse, threw a veil over his beloved, threw it over the saddle and was like that. To date, advanced highlanders prefer more reliable remedy abductions - auto. To do this, they watch the victim, and choosing the most opportune moment, when she is alone, they quickly push through the door into the car.

Next, the bride must be securely hidden. Most often, the guy's father's house is chosen for this. If the chosen one spends the night there, there is no turning back for her. Night out parental home For caucasian girl— a terrible indelible shame. The young lady faces a dilemma, stay forever old maid with a stigma or agree to marry the kidnapper. Another option for salvation can only be an escape before midnight.

After a night in a strange house, the girl has to make a choice: marriage to the kidnapper or a categorical refusal. Moreover, the theft of a bride in the Caucasus still implies obtaining forced consent from parents, who are easier to put up with than to accept a disgraced daughter. If the bride says "yes", the groom willy-nilly has to ask for forgiveness and blessings from the girl's relatives. Following ancient customs, the mother and father of the bride show that they are offended and do not give official blessings. Forgiveness occurs much later, often years later, with the birth of a child.

Despite the traditions of their ancestors, the authorities of the Caucasus do not consider this custom to be ordinary and innocent. Often girls get severe mental trauma, lose their bearings in life, sometimes suicides occur. Modern parents Those who do not want to submit to cruel customs can sue the kidnapper. Law enforcement agencies take the side of the victim, after which the groom can receive a serious prison term. If the claim is dropped, the wedding will take place and the charges will be quashed.

Possible endings of such stories

It is impossible to say what kind of continuation or even more so the finale awaits such marriages. Sometimes a young wife can put up with it, take a closer look at her husband and even fall in love with him. And it happens that a girl has her own secret favorite in her heart, and this is clearly not her husband. Then her life will forever be full of suffering and secret tears. It also happens that guys in love, succumbing to a momentary impulse, and not finding reciprocal feelings, are also fed up with the object of love.

happy end

The happy ending of the kidnapping of the bride is possible if she longs for this marriage with all her heart, but for some reason cannot fulfill her dream. Then all reasonable arguments submit to love, and parents eventually forgive children. The family becomes ordinary, the story of the kidnapping is gradually forgotten.

The shame of the bride and the enmity between the clans

The night spent in the groom's abode sometimes does not conquer the shrew, the bride and parents refuse. The whole family of the unfortunate groom persuades the girl, sometimes within a week. But parents come for their child and take them home. The girl receives the status of disgraced, and this fact becomes the cause of irreconcilable enmity between the two families. Sometimes there are bloody dramas involving brothers, uncles of the bride. Therefore, many unfortunate girls prefer to solve the matter amicably, not wanting the blood of their loved ones, and yet agree to the marriage.

Criminal prosecution

Young people should remember that their whim is punishable by law, condemned by the authorities, religious leaders and Sharia. By statement of claim girls and parents, a wayward fiancé can face a prison term of up to 15 years.

Cases where theft is justified

In individual situations, bride kidnapping may be justified by extenuating circumstances. For example, if there is the full consent of a girl in love. This is the case when the prejudices of parents separate young hearts, and the only way out for them is to stage a kidnapping.

Another situation is related to the presence in the family a large number girls. Often younger daughters forced to wait for the elders to marry the beloved horseman. Therefore, the kidnapping is approved by the parents, who also contribute in every possible way to the union of hearts.

Greetings, dear readers. Today we will discuss with you a very painful topic for all residents - bride kidnapping. This ancient custom V last years overgrown with simply unthinkable myths and prejudices. In this article, I will take the liberty of debunking all the prejudices and misunderstandings of the essence of such a beautiful, but very controversial custom.

Discussing and, moreover, condemning the traditions of any nation is very incorrect. But, no one bothers to give a sober assessment of this or that custom. Only it is necessary to do this not from the position of "good" or "bad", but from the point of view of facts and arguments. Believe me, after you read the entire article, you will discover a lot of new things.

More than six months ago, in an essay about between the lines, I promised that I would write an interesting post about bride kidnapping in the Caucasus. Recently, the most attentive readers began to reasonably ask me, they say, I promised - be kind to fulfill the promise. But, for some reason, I delayed. It's not even that he did not know what and how to write. My knowledge in this area is enough for several articles. Just writing on such resonant topics is very difficult and even dangerous. No, I'm not afraid for myself. Imagine a young man decides to kidnap his bride (although the word "bride" here can only be used conditionally). First, he will want to search the net for information about what he can expect after he kidnaps a person.

Can you imagine the situation? Most likely, this guy will stumble upon this article and ... moral responsibility for his further actions partly falls on me. If I manage to convey to him the whole situation so that he makes the right choice for himself, then that's good. But where is the confidence that he will understand my words correctly? Then the worst can happen! This is what held me back for a long time.

After publishing an article about girls in the Caucasus, ten people asked me the same question: "What do you think about bride kidnapping?" It would be easy for everyone to write their opinion on this matter, but it is better to highlight this problem for a wide range of readers. Moreover, this question is of interest to many of you. So, let's start from the beginning...

Bride kidnapping - the history of the custom

Sometimes it is enough to look into history to understand many of the processes taking place today. Moreover, most often we can find a way out of seemingly difficult situations. Same here. It is foolish to believe that this is a truly Caucasian custom. You understand that in this case, Russian weddings would not have resorted to this custom.

We have all heard that bride kidnapping is an ancient and beautiful custom. Moreover, it has been imposed on us for many decades. Invisible propaganda was carried on even in Soviet years. Remember eternal movie"Prisoner of the Caucasus". Although, let me help you remember:

The famous phrase "beautiful and ancient custom"! I don’t know how about “beautiful”, but the fact that the ancient one is for sure! The proof of my words is the biblical book of judges, which tells about the war between the people of Israel and the tribe of Benjamin, and the forgiveness that followed. I quote:

“And the Israelites swore in Mizpah, saying: none of us will give his daughter to the sons of Benjamin in marriage ... And they said: Lord, God of Israel! why did this happen in Israel, that now there is not one tribe among Israel?

And the children of Israel had compassion on their brother Benjamin, and said, Today one tribe has been cut off from Israel; what shall we do with the rest of them regarding wives, when we swore by the Lord not to give them wives from our daughters?

And the elders of the congregation said, What shall we do with those who are left concerning the wives, for the women are cut off from Benjamin? And they said... but we cannot give them wives from our daughters; for the children of Israel swore, saying, Cursed is he who gives a wife to Benjamin.

And they said: Behold, every year there is a feast of the Lord in Shiloh... And they commanded the sons of Benjamin and said: Go and sit in the vineyards, and see when the maidens of Shiloh come out to dance in round dances, then go out of the vineyards and grab each wife from the maidens Shilomsky and go to the land of Benjamin ...

The sons of Benjamin did so, and took wives according to their number from those who were in the round dance, whom they kidnapped, and went and returned to their inheritance, and built cities and began to live in them ”

Another mention of this tradition can be found among the ancient Romans. historical fact lies in the fact that at the dawn of the birth of Rome it was inhabited only by men. I know it looks strange, but this is how Roman historians write. It is clear that men had to somehow fill their biological needs. Neighboring tribes refused to give their daughters in marriage to the "invaders". Then Romulus - the ruler of Rome - went to the trick. He arranged a feast and invited all the neighbors. They arrived at the festival with their families. In the midst of the holiday, the Romans attacked unarmed people and took their wives and daughters from them. Subsequently, this led to war!

Needless to say, this custom was common among the Slavs, Tatars, and the peoples of Central Asia. For example, the Slavs even had a whole rite of abduction. After all, the famous phrase "to play a wedding" came from the fact that in the old days, brides were chosen during the game, fun, and so on. Did not stand aside and. Indeed, during the abduction, the young man shows ingenuity, dexterity and speed. And these are the values ​​that were most revered in the Caucasus.

Myths and Essence of the Custom of Bride Kidnapping

Let's call everything by its proper name. If we remove all the tinsel and romance, then in the bottom line we get a forced marriage. Of course, everything is not always so sad, but most often ... Imagine a guy wants to marry a girl. But the girl does not want this, or her parents are against it. By the way, until now, parents can influence the choice of young people.

What is the guy doing? That's right, does not find anything smart, how to kidnap her. And now I will tell you my secret - I myself twice wanted to kidnap the bride. But every time something stopped me. For the first time, I already agreed with my friends that they would help me steal one girl from Khasavyurt. But then I thought that if the girl wanted to marry me, then I would not have to kidnap her. And, I didn’t want to break her fate, and my own too. Yes, what did you think? What stole the girl and everything will be cool? No! Below I will tell you what this can lead to. By the way, now that girl is happy with her husband, and I'm glad about it!

Well, I had a second case when I wanted to steal my own current wife. Her father did not want to marry. Not that he was against me personally. It's just the way things were. As the saying goes: "While you measure seven times, the other will already cut." But, over time, he changed his mind and now we are in a happy marriage.

So, the guy wants to get married, but the girl or the parents are against it. Do you understand what a blow it inflicts on self-esteem young man? He can no longer forgive her for this! Now becomes a matter of honor for him. Moreover, friends are ready at any time to help in this matter. As they say, that's what friends are for. How and what happens next, see for yourself:

After that, the young man brings the girl to his home and waits for the night. Tradition says that if a girl stays overnight with the one who kidnapped her, then she is simply obliged to marry him. Even if there wasn't between them intimacy. And hardly anyone else will marry this girl. After all, you can’t prove to anyone that there was no intimate relationship. Only, those guys who resort to bride kidnapping forget about three very important points:

Most often used in abduction physical strength. And rudeness is disgusting. Moreover, a girl can get severe emotional stress, which leads to the development of complexes - fear and fear. It turns out that in her heart she will never forgive you for this. With rare exceptions, of course. I don't know about you, but I want to be alive next to me and interesting person, not a "vegetable" that also hates me.

  • Very often leads to enmity between entire clans.

It is not uncommon for everything to end in bloodshed. Especially in Lately when used during abduction firearms. Moreover, we know that today almost "punks" in the Caucasus go around and show off military weapons.

  • You face criminal prosecution.

In the Criminal Code, this is considered as “kidnapping”. We will talk about this in more detail below. I note that our legislation is very loyal to such facts. If in the West this is unequivocally interpreted as “kidnapping”, then we have certain loopholes that allow the guilty to slip away. But, it is still allowed. In recent years, there have been increasing calls for tougher penalties for this crime. I think it's really a crime. In order not to be unfounded, I will say that quite recently representatives of the Ingush Republic tried to pass a law in the State Duma that would toughen the punishment for "abducting women for the purpose of marriage."

Cases where a custom may be justified

Not to say that I really am such an ardent opponent of this custom. It also has positive points. I always try to look for positive moments in the most negative things and actions. As Dale Carnegie said, "I'm trying to make lemonade out of a lemon." True, this is not always possible. In principle, see for yourself if I succeeded this time.

So I think that bride kidnapping in the Caucasus can only be justified in three cases:

1. Young people love each other, but parents are against it.

Painfully familiar situation, right? Even W. Shakespeare described it very beautifully: "There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet." Unfortunately, today it is one of the most common causes of kidnapping. But, the difference here is that the law will be on the side of the guy, since everything happened with the consent of the girl. True, the girl must be over 18 years old.

There are different situations and reasons for parental abandonment. The bottom line is that you need to try to convince your parents to the last that you want to be together. Just do it together! If nothing helps, then “the flag is in your hands and a drum around your neck” ... but get ready in advance for the fact that your parents may turn away from you ... or your relatives will begin to persecute you. But, be sure that over time, you will be accepted and understood. And then be sure to ask for their blessings. Believe me, this is very, very important.

2. "Technical" abduction.

They say that they steal brides in the Caucasus.
And for kidnapping brides do not take under arrest.

(From a Caucasian song)

How does the kidnapping happen?

Many probably know that the custom of kidnapping a girl in order to create a family with her was widespread not only in the Caucasus. The Slavs, and the peoples of Central Asia, and the Tatars were engaged in theft of brides. And according to Wikipedia, the first mention of this custom can be found even in the Bible.

However, in the Caucasus, this ancient custom is still in effect. And even during the years of Soviet power, when for this it was possible to lose freedom for 2 years (or less), Caucasians continued to bring a bride to their house, kidnapping her.

It all starts with the fact that the guy has a desire to start a family with a certain girl. But on different reasons to play a wedding the way it is customary in the Caucasus is not possible. And then the guy decides to kidnap his chosen one.

So the decision has been made. After that, the future kidnapper discusses a plan of action with his friends. Moreover, only the closest people know about the planned one.

On the appointed day, friends get into the car and go to the "business". The custom for this is the custom that is preserved almost in its original form: if earlier the groom kidnapped the girl while riding a horse, today he goes for the bride also on a horse, but already on an iron one.

The chosen one of the horseman, not suspecting anything, returns home from school (most often), from work, etc. Right on the street (brides are kidnapped mainly in the villages of the Caucasus, and the streets there are very narrow) a car drives up to her, from it two highlanders (or one) jump out and force the girl into the car.

Here it is necessary to digress and note that the bride is not always in the role of an unsuspecting victim. In some cases, the theft occurs by prior agreement of a guy and a girl in love with each other. But the process itself is the same.

So the girl is stolen. She is taken either to the groom's house (if the groom's parents were aware of the theft), or to some pre-selected room.

How it all ends

After the girl spends the night in the possessions of the kidnapper, regardless of whether there was an intimate relationship between them or not, she becomes the wife of the kidnapper. The bride's relatives have to agree to this, as the girl is considered disgraced. And for Caucasians, as you know, the honor of the family (genus, tukhum) comes first. The formalities remain: the girl writes a statement to the police that she married by consent. And it all ends with a wedding.

But such stories do not always end with a “happy ending” (although a happy ending is 80% of all cases). Sometimes bride kidnapping becomes the beginning of a long feud between entire families, which is accompanied by bloodshed.

Often, such a consequence of marriage with the kidnapping of the bride, as coldness or even hatred of the wife for her husband who stole her. Imagine what it's like to live with someone you hate. Surely a man will not be pleased either.

Finally, another frequent ending of such stories: a man who has achieved his goal, after some time, cools down to his wife and leaves his family. Of course, this is in any case unpleasant, but if a woman married against her will, it is doubly terrible.

This is the scenario of bride kidnapping in the Caucasus. Yes, one more important point. The whole kidnapping process is often filmed by the guys involved in this. mobile phone. Still, how not to capture such a feat! It would be nice if they kept this video in their private collection, but no…

And finally, I note that the kidnapping of brides in the Caucasus is no longer perceived by the majority as joyfully as before. The kidnappers are prosecuted by law, although in practice most often everything ends with a peace agreement.

Modern today's wedding is a dense fusion of various customs and beliefs that have come to us from the hoary depths of our rich history. But in Rus' there was no such tradition as stealing a bride from a wedding.

This was practiced in the Middle East, as well as in the Caucasus, when a man, for a number of reasons, could not collect and pay a dowry for a girl he liked, then he simply stole her and took her to his house. Or when a bride was forced to marry another. And today, in our time, bride theft has become a mini-game that has nothing to do with real bride theft. It has become wedding tradition and it goes by its comic "laws".

Theft in progress wedding banquet. Someone from the invited guests shouts: "The bride was stolen!" After that, all the guests with the groom begin to look for the bride or begin to collect a ransom for the kidnappers. Do not confuse the ransom before the registry office with the ransom for "stealing the bride."

There are a few rules to be aware of.

Who traditionally steals the bride?

Of course, this is a certain man - the rival of the groom. The thief can be chosen from the relatives of both the groom himself and the bride.

Who is responsible for the safety of the bride?

Although the future wife was stolen from the groom, the witness must make sure that this does not happen! It is he who, in case of theft, is responsible for finding and ransoming the bride.

When is the best time to steal a bride?

It is best to carry out the theft in the middle of the banquet, before serving hot on the table. While the waiters clean up empty, dirty plates and arrange fresh hot dishes, guests can take their minds off this spectacle and leave the tables together, dance or look for a runaway girl.

Be sure to warn the toastmaster in advance that the bride will be kidnapped soon!

How is the bride price paid?

A thief appears, speaks of a theft, and presents the bride's shoe as proof. The groom and the witness ask to return their spouse, but the kidnapper refuses and asks for a ransom.

The witness takes the tray and goes around to all the guests asking for help collecting the ransom. Then he shows everything that he has collected to the thief and again asks to return the bride to the groom. He refuses - little ransom.

“I didn’t ask the guests well, since I collected so little money!” Then a task is given for the groom and the witness, they must perform something for the guests at the wedding, then they will “collect” more ransom.

To do this, you can ask them:
- sing a song in chorus;
- tell funny joke;
- dance "lambada" or "dance of little swans";
- demand a striptease performed by a witness. During the dance, you can take off your watch, the witness's ribbon, unbutton your shirt ... It is better not to bring the poor witness to full exposure.

After fulfilling all the requirements, the witness again goes around all the guests with a tray and again collects money. Then he shows the collected wealth to the thief and asks to return the bride. This time, the kidnapper agrees and, leaving the shoe and the ransom for the groom, leaves for the bride.

Often a girl cannot walk on her own without one shoe, so a man who has kidnapped another must bring her in the arms of her lawful husband. Very beautiful and touching moment of the wedding.

In the meantime, they are still carrying it to the husband, the groom should “call” her to him. How? Very simply, listing all the affectionate and tender words to her address.

After that, the thief returns the bride to the groom. For the fact that he violated the course of the wedding, he is given a "punishment": he must drink from the bride's shoe. A small glass is taken, filled with alcohol and placed in the bride's shoe. After the thief drinks everything, he takes all the ransom money and immediately gives it to the young, as a sign of friendship.

* Never say, “No, no! Don't steal me!" If tipsy guests decide to kidnap you, their refusal will only spur you on, they will simply lift you up in their arms and ... They will take you away. So don't resist, it's just an old wedding tradition.

* Ask to be stolen together with a girlfriend. While the guests will look for you, and then ransom you from the kidnapper, she will be able to keep you company and not let you get bored in the “captivity”.

* Never hide in the back rooms of a restaurant. Not only will you smell through the kitchen, but experienced and cunning catering workers may not let you go voluntarily, demanding YOUR ransom money for themselves. You can't pay off with just a bottle. You will have to pay administrators, cooks, waitresses, etc.

It will be very unpleasant when the money collected for you by the guests ends up in their pocket. It is better to hide in the car in the parking lot, or just go outside and go around the corner of the house, take a breath and chat with a friend.