What does a Dagestan look like. Why Caucasian girls are increasingly losing their chastity before marriage

For many centuries, Eastern women have attracted, and, apparently, will always attract men with their special charm and beauty, the secret of which is not subject to European women. It is interesting that Dagestan women sometimes have a different appearance - they are also dark-skinned women of high stature with beautiful slanting black eyes, like a dark sky, and you can also meet a red-haired blue-eyed miracle. Any of them is a beauty, although other nationalities Oriental women without brown eyes and black hair can not imagine. Such an opinion is too erroneous to have a right to exist. A striking example of this is quite famous model- Alina Aliyeva, who has the nationality of Lezginka, and was also awarded by nature gorgeous figure, enough tall(172 cm) and, surprisingly, blond long hair. The girl's eyes are also far from brown or black - they have a greenish-blue tint.

Differences and similarities in the Dagestan appearance

As mentioned above, it is worth deviating from the stereotype of an oriental woman with black eyes and hair. Experts say that real highlanders have light tone skin. In this regard, Darginki, lachki and avarks are similar light color faces. But if you take plain legs, then their skin is much darker, and their face has a more pronounced Mongoloid type. If we talk about Kumyk women, then they also have a more Mongoloid type of face - they have wide cheekbones, but a relatively small third of the face, when viewed from below. Their skull is broad and round. And here hallmarks avarok are:

  • large nose;
  • voluminous upper third of the face;
  • pronounced lower third of the face.

As for the physique, there are even more differences in it. This is also due to genetic deviations from a pure race, since Lately experts note a serious mixing of blood, and with the peculiarities of lifestyle and nutrition. There may be a lot of reasons for this, but despite all this, there are legends about the beauty of Dagestan women.

Famous Dagestan beauties

One of these was mentioned at the very beginning of this story, this is the model Alina Alieva. And even though she does not fit the stereotype of Eastern women at all, it is impossible not to notice the beauty of this girl.

Even in the ranking of the most beautiful girls of Dagestan there is such famous person like Meseda Bagaudinova. She cannot be attributed to purebred Dagestan women, since the singer's mother has Belarusian-Ukrainian roots. And Meseda's father is an Avar. Probably, thanks to the mixing of Avar and Slavic blood, the girl from birth captivated everyone with her appearance. There was no ugly duckling period in her life, with early childhood everyone saw a beautiful swan in her. By the way, even though the girl has dark color hair, but her eyes are far from brown, they are gray-blue. Apparently, such a reflection was given by the Slavic blood of the mother. But having received the nationality of her father, Meseda almost never left the top ratings. Dagestan beauties.

The first place in this rating was taken by Aminat Mirzakhanova, Dagestan by origin, Lachka by nationality, Austrian by place of residence. Today, this girl is known by the modeling world under the name of Amin Dagi. The girl has been living in Austria since 2003, and in 2012 Amina became the winner of the Miss Austria contest. Of course, after that the girl went further and represented this state at the world beauty contest.

In addition to the unforgettably beautiful external data of the face, the model has gorgeous figure parameters - Amina's height is 175 cm, and the girl's waist does not strive for the ideal, she is the ideal - 60 cm, next to the ideal are the chest parameters - 88 cm, and the hip parameters - 89 cm.

Dagestanis - the collective name of the peoples who have long inhabited the modern territory of the Republic of Dagestan, which is part of Russia. On the basis of language, Dagestanis are divided into three groups. Avars, Aguls, Dargins, Laks, Lezgins, Tabasarans, Rutuls, Tsakhurs speak the languages ​​of the Nakh-Dagestan language family. The Tats speak the Tat language, which, along with Farsi, Dari and Tajik, belongs to the southwestern group of Iranian languages. The Turkic-speaking Kumyks also belong to the Dagestanis. Often, the Turkic-speaking Nogais are also considered among the indigenous peoples of Dagestan, but the steppe-Nogais appeared in the Caucasus only in the 17th century, therefore, it is only a stretch to call them the indigenous people of Dagestan, and besides, they are anthropologically alien to the rest of the Dagestanis, because To. belong to the South Siberian minor race, transitional between the Mongoloid and Caucasoid races. Therefore, in this rating of the most beautiful, in my opinion, famous Dagestan women, I decided not to include legs.
At the moment, the rating includes Lezginkas, Darginkas, Lachkas, Avars, Kumychka and Tabasaranka. Gradually the list will be replenished.

19th place: - Dagestan singer. By nationality - Lezginka. Page "VKontakte" - http://vk.com/samira_official

18th place. Dina Mereutsa

17th place. Anora Bagomedova(born May 25, 1989, Samarkand, Uzbekistan) - singer. By nationality - Darginka.

16th place. Marina Mustafayeva- singer. By nationality - Darginka.

15th place. Madina Manapova(born February 18, 1996) - Dagestan singer. By nationality - Avar. Instagram page - https://www.instagram.com/madi_manapova/

14th place: Diana Yuzbekova(born July 1, 1989, Moscow) - correspondent on the Muz-TV channel. By nationality - Lezginka.Height - 164 cm. VKontakte page - https://vk.com/diana_yuzbekova

13th place: Alina Alieva- model from Tver, winner of the competition "Young Beauty of Tver 2010". By nationality - Lezginka. Height - 172 cm, figure parameters 88-63-93.

12th place: Meseda Bagaudinova- singer, former member of the group VIA Gra. She was born in Grozny (Chechnya) on October 30, 1983. Her father is an Avar, her mother is of Ukrainian-Belarusian origin.

11th place. Ashura Shakhrutdinova- Dagestan singer. By nationality - Avar.

10th place. Marina Suleymanova(born July 24, 1988) - singer, member of the group "Misty". Also known as Marina Angel. By nationality - Avar. Marina's Vkontakte page - https://vk.com/marinamisty

9th place: (born December 5, 1989) - model, Miss Azerbaijan 2010. By nationality - Lezgin. Height 171 cm, figure parameters 82-59-88.

8th place: Faina Abdullaeva- a model from Moscow, worked with the Muslim clothing brand "Rezeda Suleyman". By nationality - Lezginka.

7th place. (born September 23, 1985, Moscow) - Russian writer, literary critic, journalist. In an interview, Alice said more than once that she was Avar by nationality. Ganiyeva's books have been translated into many languages, and she has received several literary awards. In 2015, The Guardian newspaper included Ganieva in the top 30 most talented Muscovites under 30 years old. Alice's VKontakte page - https://vk.com/id1788012

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Dagestan is the most multinational Russian region- more than a dozen nationalities live on its territory. Naturally, among such a variety, very beautiful people especially women. And indeed it is. The most beautiful girls of Dagestan belong to different nationalities, but they are all equally attractive and talented.

Samira Hajiyeva is naturally endowed with not only spectacular appearance but also with a beautiful melodic voice. She is known not only in her homeland and Russia, but also in other countries. By origin, she is a Lezginka, she was born on 06/27/1991 in Derbent.

WITH young years Samira was drawn to music and creativity, performed at concerts where she performed folk songs loved by the public. In addition to music, she was engaged in dancing, and her team was repeatedly invited to major events and holidays. Samira Hajiyeva was helped to make a career by her sister, who became her producer, and her brother, who supported her in all endeavors. In 2016, the singer married her colleague Artur Magometov.

Aminat Mirzakhanova

Aminat was born in Makhachkala on January 26, 1995 in a poor family. By origin lachka. In 2003, she moved with her family to Austria, where she grew up. Because of her beauty, the girl chose the profession of a fashion model.

In 2012, Aminat won the national beauty contest, and also represented her country at more serious events:

  • Miss World (same year);
  • Miss Universe 2015

In her country and the world, Aminat is known as Amin Dagi. His girlfriend chose, as she explains, in memory of her historical homeland. In addition to his attractive appearance, Aminat also has a mind, as he speaks 4 languages: Russian, French, German and English.

This beautiful girl is a Turkish and Belgian pop and R£B singer. By origin, she is half Lezghin, half Kumyk. Hadise was born on 10/22/1985 in the Belgian city of Mol. Has a brother and two sisters.

As a child, Hadise was fond of equestrian sports and took music lessons, as she always aspired to become a singer. However, the girl began to professionally engage in vocals already as an adult - at the age of 17. In 2002, she won a local beauty contest in her hometown, but nevertheless turned down an offer to become a model.

As a singer, Hadise Achykgöz released 7 albums, 4 songs of which entered the top 20 of the Flemish hit parade:

  • Dum Tek Tek;
  • My body;
  • Milk Chocolate Girl;
  • Sweat.

With her popular single Düm Tek Tek, which took 1st place, in 2009 the girl represented Turkey at the next Eurovision Song Contest, held in Moscow. There she performed successfully and took an honorable 4th place. Hadise's talent is not limited to vocals, she, in addition to Turkish, also speaks 4 languages: French, German, English and Dutch.

Gulnara was born on December 5, 1989. She is the leading model of the Azerbaijani agency Fashion Model School and the favorite model of the famous photographer R. Nabiev, with whom she has been working successfully for a long time. Gulnara has a musical education - she graduated from the Baku Conservatory in the violin class. In 2010, the girl confidently won the Miss Azerbaijan contest.

By the way, Gulnara does not consider herself beautiful. She says she's pretty and has quite regular figure but finds nothing special. So far, she has not found her chosen one, because, as she explains, she loves serious and frank people and expects just such a person to meet her and win her heart.

A native of Makhachkala, Khatima Nisredova is not just a beautiful girl from Dagestan, but a well-known and talented journalist. In 2010 she graduated from the Dagestan State University where she studied journalism. IN currently she is a special correspondent for the Dagestan State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, but she previously worked in newspapers:

  • Makhachkala news;
  • Present tense.

Khatima's reporting is always distinguished by high professionalism, objectivity and depth. Her merits in the field of journalism were awarded by the Union of Journalists and the Public Chamber of the Republic of Dagestan, as well as the State Prize of Dagestan for Publicism. high awards the girl deserved selfless work and bestowal, aimed at the benefit of society.

In November 2012, the girl won All-Russian competition young journalists "Challenge - XXI century". She received the first place for informative interviews presented in the nominations "Economics" and "Politics".

Beauty Yelena Isinbayeva is a famous Russian athlete, record holder in pole vault. She was born on 06/03/1982 in Volgograd, Russia. She is Dagestan by her father, by her mother - Russian. During her long and prolific sports career, she has:

  • set 28 world records;
  • became European champion, three times world champion in outdoors and four times indoors;
  • won twice on Olympic Games(in 2004 and 2008);
  • took 3rd place in 2012 at the Games held in the capital of Britain.

In the same city on 22.07. In 2005, she conquered a record height of 5 meters. In 2012, she was named the country's most successful active female athlete by representatives of the Russian media. In 2014, the girl married athlete Nikita Petinov. A little earlier, 28.06. In 2014, the couple had a daughter, Eva.

The young Dagestan singer and beauty Dina Mereutsa was born on 11/24/1994 in Derbent. On the professional stage since the age of 12. The girl quickly earned the love of the public and is now one of the most popular and recognizable singers in her homeland. Her repertoire includes lyrical songs written by famous Dagestan songwriters.

Components of Dina's success:

  • an unforgettable voice that cannot be confused with any other;
  • subtle sense of style;
  • endearing charisma and charm;
  • continuous work on oneself;
  • love for the audience
  • quality arrangements.

At the end of 2011, the girl earned the Song of the Year award, organized by the Dagestan TV channel RU TV STAR. She was awarded the award for her undoubted skill and significant contribution to the development national culture and popular music.

This one is beautiful Dagestan girl was born in Moscow on September 23, 1985. By origin, as she emphasized more than once in an interview, she is Avar. Alice grew up in the homeland of her ancestors, but since 2002 she has been living in the capital of the Russian Federation. In the same year she graduated from the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky. Her debut as a journalist took place 2 years later, when the Moskovsky Vestnik magazine published her first article.

Now the girl combines several professions. She works:

  • editor at NG-Exlibris;
  • TV presenter on the Russian TV channel "Top Secret";
  • literary critic;
  • prose writer.

Alice writes in Russian, but her works have already been translated into several other languages. For her work, she was awarded several literary prizes founded by newspapers and magazines, as well as the Debut and Triumph youth prizes. Most recently, in 2015, the British "The Guardian" included the girl in the top 30 of the youngest and most talented residents of the Russian capital under 30 years old.

Russian singer Meseda Bagautdinova was born in Grozny on 10/30/1983. The origin is Avar on her father and Ukrainian-Belarusian on her mother. Has 2 brothers and sisters. Sixteen-year-old Meseda moved to Rostov-on-Don, where she studied at the Rostov School of Arts. In 2005, the girl entered GITIS at the pop song faculty.

Her first team was the Dream group. In its composition, the beauty first performed in early 2002. In 2007, she changed the team. This time the girl became the soloist of the famous group VIA Gra instead of Olga Koryagina. She worked there for 1.5 years. During this period, the girl recorded 2 albums and starred in:

  • 4 clips;
  • 3 photo shoots published in MAXIM magazine:
  • series Hold Me Tight.

In early 2009, the singer left VIA Gra, as Nadezhda Granovskaya returned to her. In the same year, MAXIM readers named her one of the 10 sexiest Russian women. In 2011, the girl married businessman Alan and six months later gave birth to a son, Aspar. The marriage did not last long and broke up in 2015.

This beautiful Dagestan- pop singer, people's artist of her republic and Chechnya. She was born on March 7, 1972 in the village of Mugurukh, where she grew up. Avarka by origin. Sings mainly in mother tongue. Zainab enjoys fame and well-deserved popularity not only in Dagestan, she gave concerts in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, and also toured Ukraine, Turkey and Azerbaijan. Awarded with the "Voice of the Caucasus" award.

The repertoire of Zainab Makhaeva consists mainly of lyric-romantic songs. Also, she sings about best sons of his people, about political and public figures and about sportsmen.


Dagestanis - the collective name of the peoples who have long inhabited the modern territory of the Republic of Dagestan, which is part of Russia. On the basis of language, Dagestanis are divided into three groups. Avars, Aguls, Dargins, Laks, Lezgins, Tabasarans, Rutuls, Tsakhurs speak the languages ​​of the Nakh-Dagestan language family. The Tats speak the Tat language, which, along with Farsi, Dari and Tajik, belongs to the southwestern group of Iranian languages. The Turkic-speaking Kumyks also belong to the Dagestanis. Often, the Turkic-speaking Nogais are also considered among the indigenous peoples of Dagestan, but the steppe-Nogais appeared in the Caucasus only in the 17th century, therefore, it is only a stretch to call them the indigenous people of Dagestan, and besides, they are anthropologically alien to the rest of the Dagestanis, because To. belong to the South Siberian minor race, transitional between the Mongoloid and Caucasoid races.

Therefore, this rating of the most beautiful, according to the site Top-anthropos, famous Dagestan women does not include legs. At the moment, there are seven Lezgins, three Dargins, two Lachkas, as well as Avarka, Kumychka and Tabasaranka in the rating. Gradually the list will be replenished.

14th place. Dina Mereutsa

13th place. Anora Bagomedova(born May 25, 1989, Samarkand, Uzbekistan) - singer. By nationality - Darginka.

12th place. Marina Mustafayeva- singer. By nationality - Darginka.

11th place: Diana Yuzbekova(born July 1, 1989, Moscow) - correspondent on the Muz-TV channel. Height - 164 cm. VKontakte page - https://vk.com/diana_yuzbekova

10th place: Alina Alieva- model from Tver, winner of the competition "Young Beauty of Tver 2010". By nationality - Lezginka. Height - 172 cm, figure parameters 88-63-93.

9th place: Meseda Bagaudinova- singer, former member of the group VIA Gra. She was born in Grozny (Chechnya) on October 30, 1983. Her father is an Avar, her mother is of Ukrainian-Belarusian origin.

8th place: (born December 5, 1989) - model, Miss Azerbaijan 2010. By nationality - Lezginka. Height 171 cm, figure parameters 82-59-88.

7th place: Faina Abdullaeva- a model from Moscow, worked with the Muslim clothing brand "Rezeda Suleyman". By nationality - Lezginka.

5th place: Elena Isinbayeva (born June 3, 1982, Volgograd) - Russian athlete. Elena's father is Tabasaran by nationality, and her mother is Russian. Yelena Isinbayeva set 28 world records in pole vaulting, twice became an Olympic champion (Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008), won the World and European Championships many times, earning the title of the best pole vaulter of all times and peoples. Isinbayeva was recognized as the best athlete three times (2004, 2005 and 2008) by the International Association of Athletics Federations, and twice (2007, 2009) won the Best Athlete nomination at the prestigious Laureus World Sports Awards.

4th place: Sabina Alieva- Dagestan singer. By nationality - Lachka. VKontakte page - https://vk.com/sabinaaliyeva

3rd place: Svetlana Saidova- model from Moscow. By nationality - Lezginka.

2nd place: Hadise Achykgez is a Turkish-Belgian singer. Hadise was born on October 22, 1985 in Mol, Belgium. Her father is a Lezghin and her mother is a Kumyk who emigrated to Belgium from the Turkish city of Sivas. Hadise represented Turkey at music competition"Eurovision 2009" in Moscow with the song Düm Tek Tek, where she took 4th place.

The most beautiful Dagestan woman is an Austrian model Aminat Mirzakhanova, known under the pseudonym Amina Dagi. By nationality - Lachka. Born in Makhachkala, in 2003 she moved with her mother and brother to Austria, where in 2012 she won the national beauty contest "Miss Austria". Represented Austria on international competition Beauty "Miss World 2012". Height 175 cm, figure parameters: chest 88 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 89 cm. Amina Dagi's Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/miss.austria2012

Greetings, dear readers of the blog. Today you will find just a killer article that can cause an uproar among caucasian girls. And not only among girls, but among all the inhabitants of the Caucasus. But, I'm not used to being silent, so I decided to consider practically taboo subject in the Caucasus - the problem of maintaining chastity by Caucasian girls before marriage.

Notice I wrote save, not loss. And this is very important! Since, you can lose chastity at any moment, but to keep it - it turns out that last years very difficult. In fact, today this problem is so acute that some guys in the Caucasus are even afraid to get married. Who wants to be pointed at you after marriage.

In general, why did I decide to write this article? Everything is very simple. Just a year ago, a friend of mine contacted me with a question that simply shocked me. This guy fell in love with a girl and wanted to marry her. The girl seemed to love him too. But, there was one problem. The guy found out that the girl is not chaste. It's good that she herself told him about it. Which, by the way, is a very rare occurrence in the republics of the Caucasus. So, this poor fellow loved her so much that he was ready to spit on the sudden “problem” and get married. But his conscience did not give him rest. What will others say, what will friends and relatives think? These are the questions he asked me. I remember that we talked with him for almost an hour and came to a conclusion that suited all parties. And, as it turned out, we accepted correct solution. Which one? I'll talk about it below.

Are Caucasian girls trendsetters in matters of maintaining chastity before marriage?

So, in order to understand where the roots come from this issue, you need to look at history. Since ancient times, almost all peoples (including, by the way, the Russian people too) have one of the most important factors when choosing a life partner, it was the presence of a hymen. This factor is considered to be almost the most important. And this can also be explained. What is the most important thing in the Caucasus? This is the preservation of the honor and dignity of the family. And no one wanted, and even now does not burn with desire, to tarnish his family with an “unclean marriage”. That is, it can be argued that the preservation of virginity before marriage is the most important tradition Caucasian peoples. And this tradition, in the main, was sacredly observed. caucasian girls. Although, among the Russian people, epics can already be composed about the tradition of preserving virginity before marriage. But, by the way, and here there are pleasant exceptions.

And now let's figure out why they revered and, I really hope, continue to revere this tradition? The most main reason- it's fear! After all, if a girl had sexual intercourse before the wedding, and this became public knowledge, then this fact immediately imposed a black stigma on the family of this girl. Moreover, if this was found out after the wedding, then very often hostility formed between families. It was believed that the girl was "slipped off." And there were cases when it came to bloodshed. By the way, it was not easy to take into account the girl herself in these circumstances. All close relatives refused her, it happened that they were expelled from the community. And this was considered the most terrible punishment. No one even thought of marrying her.

Years passed, customs changed, and with them the values ​​of the people changed. Everything that will be written below, I take as an example. But I am sure that the situation in other republics is not much better. Is it possible that the situation in Chechnya could be a little better, although this is also not a fact. Yes, I want to say that even today there are a huge number of modest and “clean” girls. In fact, most of them. The problem of those guys who complain that today it is almost impossible to find a decent and chaste girl is just one fact. We attract the people we think about the most. This is the so-called "law of attraction". Therefore, I appeal to such guys: look for the problem in yourself, and not in the girls around you.

Although, no one is immune from the fact that fate can present such a passion that, having learned about her sexual experience, it will be possible to immediately hide under a sheet and crawl to the cemetery. Okay, I'm kidding. But, damn it, you have to be deaf and blind not to understand that the girl has already "been with someone ...". There are very simple ways definitions of a girl's chastity, which I will also dwell on below.

First, we need to figure out what caused such a general loss of virginity. caucasian girls before the wedding. It seems that no one canceled the tradition, and the punishment for such an act has not decreased. But, deny the fact that today this problem exists is just ridiculous. Moreover, I want to say that it is progressing more and more. And this is just terrifying. You know, I would never write unfoundedly about this gap if I had not encountered it myself. But, first, let's talk about the reasons that led to a situation where the value of virginity is falling before our eyes. I thought about this for a long time. And here's what I got.

Reasons contributing to the fact that girls in the Caucasus lose their chastity before marriage

So, my daughter comes to the city, for a year or two she gets used to it, and then she suddenly realizes that life is going on nearby. You can live much better. To do this, you just need to find yourself beautiful and strong. young man Yes, even with money. And such a young man, oddly enough, is always there. So they "play tricks" on the waves of happiness. Okay, if it takes place in the Caucasus. And, if the girl left to study outside the Caucasus, then everything is an “ax head”. Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone. But, me and many of my friends have experienced this.

Almost the same can be said about the guys who go to the city to get the coveted "crust". Once again I say that in Dagestan, most often people receive "filkin's letters" rather than diplomas of higher education. The guy who got the freedom of action is starting to gain experience. Yes, by trial and error. Stop! Did I use the word "error"? So behind these mistakes are those girls who lose their chastity. Is it worth looking for the culprits in this situation? After all, we are used to always answering the question “who is to blame?”, True, no one almost ever gives an answer to the question “what to do?” (although I am sure that in the comments to this article we will get an answer to this question). In fact, you can blame the parents of these young boys and girls, you can blame the society, which only incites them to inappropriate acts. You can even blame Barack Obama, but the problem will not be resolved from this. Great, we figured out the first reason, let's move on.

2 reason- the impact on the minds of people "zomboyaschik". Oh, you still don't know what it is? Zomboyaschik is a TV. Pay attention to what line the funds have been bending in recent years mass media. We are shouted from everywhere about the availability of sex, violence and all other "embellishments" of life. Half-naked girls flashing on the screens of our "favorite" TV today will not leave anyone indifferent. I watch TV less and less, and I wish you the same. True, I just can’t refuse football broadcasts, this is my passion. I remember that I used to love watching NTV, but today it feels like there is practically nothing on this channel except crime. It's time to change the name of the channel to "Crime". Let's go further, the First and Russia watch makes little sense. If you want to know that everything is fine with us, turn on these channels. And just the rest of the "consumer goods" I generally keep quiet. I don’t understand how you can show Dom-2 on television! Even more I do not understand how you can watch this monster! And now a question for you, dear readers: what do you think, did this affect the fact that the Caucasian youth smelled the smell of the availability of everything and everything. Of course, and it had a huge impact. Imagine, a 14-year-old girl is watching TV, and there, at any time of the day, they can easily show some spicy scene. And the parents are not around, they are at work. They work hard to educate their children. Hmm, this has already happened somewhere. Here, it turns out vicious circle. By the way, watch a cool video about how television affects us. I already showed you this video in the article:

How to be and what to do? Of course, completely abandoning the TV is not so easy, and it is not necessary. Let's think together how we can solve this problem? Friends, write your opinions on this matter in the comments, it will be interesting to find a solution to this issue together. Well, as you write, we move on to the third and most important reason.

Of course, progress cannot be stopped. But, for some reason, this progress cuts to the quick. For some reason, girls (most often) lose their heads, rush into the arms of those whom they did not know yesterday. Moreover, it cannot be said that the girls of such and such a nation do it less. I emphasize once again that I have no goal - to denigrate our Caucasian girls, many of whom will faithful wives and loving mothers. But, the trend is that the loss of virginity before marriage is no longer considered something terrible. One girl even told me that “they say, she made a mistake in a guy once, this will not happen again.” For me, this is a real brain explosion (aaaaaaa .... boom)! Wow, I can't even believe what it says. girl from the Caucasus. It's scary, it's sad.

Now I will tell you a secret. Just recently, I was shown one video with obscene footage. Well, everything would be fine. You should have seen me when I recognized my classmate in this video. It was a real out! It was so quiet at school, but here it works like that. Yes, the phone has greatly facilitated our lives, but it has also made tangible adjustments. And, to be honest, I don't know how to deal with it yet. Maybe it's okay. Maybe that's the way it's supposed to go. I'm just exaggerating right now.

Maybe that's the way it is. But, one thing infuriates me - why is everyone trying to seem so touchy? Why in Dagestan in recent years are opening, like mushrooms after rain, clinics for the restoration of virginity? And this operation costs (this operation is called hymenoplasty), according to my data, about 1000 dollars. Why are girls so afraid that their parents and brothers, God forbid, find out about their actions? So let's announce to the entire Caucasus that we are abandoning the tradition of maintaining chastity before marriage.

I think now you understand what the main highlight of this article is. Yes, spit on those who lose their chastity before the wedding. This is their own business. It's just so disgusting when these same innocent-eyed girls put on wedding dress and flapping their cilia so gently take the guy by the hand that he is ready to give the whole world to her for it. Russian girls do not have such that they run to different clinics in order to become “clean” by the wedding. Premarital relations - they have normal phenomenon. And no one is surprised by this. And things are about the same with us, but everyone makes themselves look like angels. This is annoying!!!

What is the fault of the guys that the girls of the Caucasus lose their "purity"?

And on the other hand. Guys are also to blame for this behavior of girls in the Caucasus. Who do girls dress up for? Who do they want to please? You do not know? Look in the mirror guys. We spoiled our girls ourselves. I'm glad that not all of them yet. I remember once traveling by train from Moscow to Makhachkala. A girl sits next to her, so calm, silent. I'm used to people talking to each other along the way. Also tried to start a conversation with this girl. But, she is zero attention. By that time, I had already lived outside the Caucasus for 4 years and did not understand why the girl was silent. At first I thought she was deaf. But, I see no, he is talking on the phone. I very delicately asked her to answer why she did not respond to my questions. Fortunately, the girl turned out to be cultured and explained everything to me. Here are her words: “You guys in Dagestan think this way: if caucasian girl answers, it means - she is with ..., if she is silent, then she is a fool. Let me be better fool, how…". Well, you got it. I was amazed at her answer. And then I realized that we ourselves brought our girls to this. By the way, I am already preparing an article about the behavior of Caucasian guys and their role in the lives of girls. Believe me, this article will be great too. to receive all blog articles to your email.

After all, remember the girl is future mother, homemaker. And we - men - hunters in life. I have a feeling that modern hunters have lost their sense of smell due to the fact that the victims have become more accessible. It turns out a vicious circle. There are still very important point, which is forgotten by those girls who enter into premarital relationships. After all, the loss of virginity is, first of all, a psychological moment, and only then - a physical one. Involuntarily, whether she wants it or not, in the future, in close relationships with her husband, such a girl will compare her husband with the one she had before him. And, God forbid, if the husband turns out to be worse in bed. Write - gone! There is a very high probability that such a girl will change again. And you can't even argue with that. And, if a Caucasian girl (yes, in general, any) cheats for the second time, then there will definitely be a third, fourth, and so on. After all, it is not in vain that they say: “A person who has done something once may never repeat it again. If he does it a second time, then there will definitely be a third.”

Wow, what an article today turns out. Well, I warned you that today you will find just killer material. By the way, I suggest you read another article on this topic. So, now here's my advice to guys who don't want to fall for girls who have "luggage" behind them.

First and most main advice - when meeting a girl, after all, sometimes you need to turn on your head, which can think and, I hope, think. Immediately pay attention to the behavior of the girl. Be at least a little psychologist. Believe me, a girl who has something to hide will immediately give herself away. I am sure that there are few girls in the Caucasus who can professionally "dynamize" guys. If you have known a girl for several weeks, that is easy way crack her - ask her for a phone number (not a number, but the phone itself), just like that - look (for example, listen to music). If she, without hesitation, gives you the phone, then this good sign. I emphasize that this is only a sign. If she begins to invent all sorts of reasons in order not to give the phone - this is not good. So she's hiding something. By the way, it is possible that she just does not like it when her phone is touched.

Attention! The next section is forbidden for girls to read!!!

Now I will express my opinions with which you can argue: a girl should not kiss a guy before matchmaking, at least (whatever strong love was not), in no case should a girl invite a guy to her home when her parents are not at home. You laugh, but I was invited. Moreover, it all happened in. Yes, and last tip I give you with all my heart - if you understand or find out that the girl already has premarital affairs, then be sure to play along with her. You won't believe it, but it's so interesting to make a fool out of yourself. They will “hang noodles on your ears” to you, that “they say, her mother is sick, the situation in the family is difficult, it would be faster to get married.” Yes, another joke (oh, I gave away all the secrets of the girls, I hope they don’t read this). Such girls are very fond of saying the following: “You know, honey, I went to a fortune teller yesterday. So she told me that my husband would be ... ”, and then they begin to describe your appearance. I remember one of them told me: “The fortuneteller said that my husband would be a military man, and we would not live in the Caucasus.” Ahh, such a blast! Guys, these girls need to be “pressed”. Not just physically, but mentally. That's what I did at the time!!! And got a lot of pleasure from it!

Well, it remains to tell you the story of my friend, with whom I began this article. You've probably already forgotten. So, he asked me for advice whether to marry her or not. You know, at first I wanted to tell him to give up this idea. But then I decided to think a little. The girl herself admitted that she had connections before him. Believe me, for a Caucasian girl, this is a very strong act. I remember then I advised him to “forget” what others would say and think and get married. Today they live in happy marriage They had a wonderful boy. She became a real keeper of the hearth, and I am glad in my heart that I gave him the right advice then.

Therefore, I appeal to those Caucasian girls who knew the male bed before marriage: it is better to confess in time and tell your future husband. After all, everything secret becomes clear. I am sure that you yourself know many examples when wives were kicked out of the house the next day after the wedding. Why be so disgraced, it is better to remain with your feminine dignity and remember that premarital sex is not a sentence! The verdict is self-deception!

Well, that's all for today. In conclusion, I want to show you a video in which a girl sings in the Ukrainian program X-factor. Honestly, I listened to this angelic voice 40 times:

I really hope that in this article I did not offend anyone. caucasian girl . It just really hurt. On the contrary, I would be very pleased to read your opinion on this topic.

Dear friends, at your request, I wrote an article. I want to remind you that at the moment more than 250 comments have been left for that article.