Dagestan beauties. Federal Lezgin national-cultural autonomy

I returned from Dagestan.

Black-haired, bearded Caucasians in national clothes, with daggers on their hips, stand on the street and look approvingly at women in burqas. Tinted sixes with colored carpets on the seats periodically drive by, from the windows of which “Black Eyes” can be heard, at the sound of which men jump up and begin to dance lezginka.

Occasionally, girls appear with their heads uncovered, having mistakenly put on a skirt that does not reach the floor. They whistle after them and shout “Hey! Gorgeous! Let’s get to know each other!”, and those who are not too lazy steal them and take them to the mountains to be re-educated as concubines. From time to time there are explosions - these are terrorist attacks, which no one pays attention to anymore: they are used to it.

This is exactly what my commentators think Dagestan looks like.

When I wrote that I wanted to visit this Caucasian republic, many people not only dissuaded me, but also terribly frightened me: they say, a woman cannot walk down the street there, you will be raped on the plane, and then stoned to death as an infidel. To be honest, I refused two trips that were planned for this time in order to get to Derbent.

And then I found out. Heard, saw, felt. Which is what I’ll tell you about now.

Two and a half hours and now I’m already there. Makhachkala greeted us with sun and sea. I cautiously stayed close to the group and looked around. People were fussing, calling, getting luggage, going about their other business, no one paid any attention to me or the girls of the group at all. Several women who flew with us were in beautiful scarves, V national costume only one young girl, she was incredibly colorful with two tiny snow-white lace bundles (she obviously gave birth to twins in the capital).

The first surprise awaited me at the exit from the airport: our greeter, Camilla, was not only with her head uncovered and bare arms, but also... in black, rather revealing, frankly tight jeans. She stood calmly with the sign “DERBENT” and a stream of men passed by, paying absolutely no attention to this “lawlessness”.

From that moment on, my “Dagestan stereotypes” cracked and began to come apart at the seams.

After boarding the bus, we headed to Derbent, which is about two hours away. Looking around, I got the impression that I was passing one large construction site: something was being built here literally at every step. Everywhere there are buildings in various stages of completion, construction materials stores, piles of bricks and cement.

The very first five minutes in Derbent gave it our own name, since then my friends and I called it nothing less than “Sandy City” - it’s all in yellow tones. Houses and fences, sidewalks and soil, everything is painted by the sun. Shell rock is a cheap, accessible material, as well as red earth, all together creating a conveyable uniqueness. And against the backdrop of this are bright women.

Yes, BRIGHT! The majority have their heads covered, but these are not at all asexual, sullen, downtrodden Muslim women in hijabs. Colorful flowing skirts, like colorful sails, scarves - everything in tone and color, elaborate jewelry, straight, proud posture, clear cosmetics. And most importantly - calmness in the eyes, which was most indicative of all.

I realized that I would not leave here until I found out about local male-female relationships.

We were separated from the group (including some girls) when we were walking and sightseeing, and they never said anything to us, let alone whistled. Yes, for me it was a complete break in patterns, which continued in the place where we came to taste the local cuisine and - especially - lamb shish kebab.

The restaurant was quite large, mostly everyone sat at outdoor tables. It was striking that, as a rule, there are “men’s” and “women’s tables”, and even if it is clear that a husband and wife and child have come, the wife is sitting with the baby and her friends or girlfriends, and the husband is in a male company. They will come out, dance, and everyone will return to their own table.

They dance a lot and willingly, Lezginka - rarely, mainly to modern music, then the dances are very similar to national ones: smooth movements of women who glide along the “dance floor”, temperamental ones of men. At the same time, the same division by gender, each group dances separately. From time to time, husbands and wives go out together, as do future spouses, but if someone’s girlfriend dances, then the guys no longer approach her.

In general, one feels some distance from each other, but this is rather a traditional way of life, and not at all disdainful of female. For example, a girl came out, apparently free, a crowd of young people immediately gathered around her, everyone danced passionately around her, then they dispersed as if nothing had happened - and no one not only touched her, but also did not harass her with a word.

Locals said that after the restaurant they could go home unaccompanied, no one would bother them. It is clear that not in a cardinal mini-way - this can be regarded as a provocation, what can I say, and it’s the same here, and even more so in the Caucasus. I saw women in minis, but they were with friends and company. They sat, smoked hookah, no one threatened them with a finger.

I was told that it is in Derbent that there is an increased respect for women, which comes from the fact that many Armenians lived there and left such an imprint. Although there is no complete equality - the husband is the Head of the Family, he makes decisions, but he also takes on problems.

By the way, about marriages - they get married on average at about 20-23 years old, at 25 everyone is already looking at you sideways (overstayed too long). There are divorces, but very few. By the way, getting a divorce is not a problem at all, but it is then difficult for a woman to get married a second time. Among young people, there are practically no so-called “civil marriages” at all: no one will understand, and even the daughter’s father will not allow her to live like this.

They often marry “for love,” meeting each other and starting a romantic relationship, but most often it looks like this: a young man turns to his mother or aunt and asks to find him a good wife. An analysis of local brides, their families, reputations begins and he is offered options (they even bring photographs, show them, and soon, I think, they will simply throw links to social networks))))). Weddings are often used for such purposes, when girls understand that they themselves are going to the “bride” as future brides, and the “grooms” look closely and choose. An interesting point is that restaurants and cafes do not use them for these purposes.

Perhaps this makes sense, given that when creating a couple, experienced adults have known the future newlyweds since childhood and from the outside they can see better what they are like, what they are like, and whether they will suit each other. Would I want this for myself personally? Most likely, no, this is something that is instilled in childhood, but I don’t see anything bad in it, considering the number of divorces in “modern” marriages.

I looked and saw how much I had done! I will continue in a new post, but for now, ask, what else can I tell you about?...

By the way, here is a part of us, the girls from the press group. Why were we forced to get rid of ourselves like this? Who's to say? I'll give you a tadpole for the correct answer. =)

In Dagestan, women have always been treated with respect. It is no coincidence that an impressive part of the highlander etiquette rules is devoted to how a man should behave when meeting a representative of the fair sex. And in the house, each housewife has her own space, where men are not allowed to enter.


In Dagestan society, women have always been treated with respect. The etiquette norms of the mountaineers prescribed that women should be protected from any cruelty. Blood feud, which took place in Dagestan since ancient times, did not apply to women. Moreover, more often than not it was women who stopped the bloodshed. If the mother of the murdered man adopted the murderer, then the war between families stopped. This custom had reverse side. It happened that the killer, wrapped in white fabric, appeared to the mother of his victim and touched her breast with his lips against her will. Thus, he became a foster son and avoided punishment for murder.

A woman could stop any quarrel by removing a scarf from her head and throwing it between the fighters.

In the presence of a woman Dagestan man should have kept a low profile. Cheerfulness towards a girl, indecent hints or careless movements during a dance - all this was condemned in society. If a man walked with a woman, then she was always on the right, and if there were two men, then the woman walked between them.

Domestic violence was severely condemned in society. A man who raised his hand against a woman was always considered in Dagestan an unworthy person, a coward.

Roles in the family

In Dagestan families, the territory of male and female is strictly demarcated. female influence. The husband is the breadwinner and head of the family. He protects the family from external problems. The wife organizes home life, she is the keeper of the hearth. It was considered impermissible for a man to enter the kitchen. Women and men were always in separate rooms during meals.

IN family life a woman had rights and responsibilities that varied depending on her status. From the early childhood The girls help their mother with household chores and carry out all possible tasks. In Dagestan, it is indecent for a woman to sit with her hands folded, so her whole day is filled with chores around the house. A mother must raise her daughter to be a good housewife, otherwise she will have a hard time in her husband’s house after the wedding. A good housewife should be able to cook deliciously, be a craftswoman, clean and hardworking.

They often lived in Dagestan large families- tukhums. Several generations of a family could live in one house at the same time. A strict hierarchy reigned in the female half: the oldest woman in the family, often the mother-in-law, commanded general discipline. The husband's mother was the "Khansha" here. She distributed responsibilities among her daughters-in-law and unmarried daughters. She resolved any disputes and disagreements in women's team. A young daughter-in-law had fewer rights than older daughters-in-law.

Vow of silence

It is interesting that the Kumyks had a ban on conversations between a daughter-in-law and her father-in-law and mother-in-law. The mother-in-law, as a rule, lifted the ban soon after the wedding. In response, the daughter-in-law gave her a gift, for example, a prayer rug. The father-in-law could not lift the conversation ban for years. All this time, the daughter-in-law was forbidden to contact him in any way, however, she could answer his questions. When the ban was lifted, it was arranged a real holiday, and the father-in-law and daughter-in-law exchanged gifts. From the first days of marriage, a Kumyk daughter-in-law was supposed to choose beautiful names for new relatives and contact them only this way.

The Avars had rules of “avoidance”, according to which the wife and children spent the night in one room, and the husband in another. The sons spent the night in their mother's room until they were fifteen years old, then they moved to their father's room. Over time, relations in the family softened, but, like the Kumyks, the Avar daughter-in-law did not speak to her father-in-law unless absolutely necessary.

From daughter-in-law to mother-in-law

Pregnancy changed the woman's situation somewhat. She continued to fulfill all her duties until the birth, but the family treated her more gently. If a boy was born, then her authority among her daughters-in-law increased. She was now on equal terms with her older daughters-in-law.

In Dagestan, a man did not always take into account the opinion of his wife. Another thing is the mother. Her word for her sons was law, of course, if it did not contradict the word of her father. Accordingly, as her sons grew older, the woman’s authority increased. It was the mother who looked after the bride for her son.

“I visit Dagestan once a year, visiting relatives, and every time I watch with interest how Dagestani women dress: residents of Makhachkala and mountain villages”

National clothes
On villagers living close ties with his community, relatives and neighbors, public opinion, tastes and customs have a strong influence. The mountains reign strict rules behavior and the concept of decency, the interests of society, and not the individual, are placed above all, therefore it is not customary here to stick out your individuality. Modesty, neatness and natural beauty. Only a discreetly tinted face and short-cut fingernails, without varnish, are appropriate. Rural women work a lot around the house, and long nails incompatible with such work. Not in all, but in many Dagestan villages, women are required to cover their heads. It is indecent to expose shoulders, legs, or neck. In some families, the rules are even stricter: the girl is not allowed to show a single strand of hair, and is forbidden to paint her nails (because before each prayer, you need to wash your hands and feet 5 times a day, and at the same time the water must touch the surface of your nails), pluck your eyebrows, and not not to mention applying makeup.

In their desire to be attractive, young Dagestani mountain women are trying to create something between a ban and a permission: while older women wear shapeless hoodie dresses, girls and young women wear long dresses, below the knee, covering the neckline and arms up to the elbow, but fitted, emphasizing a slim figure, having a slit, complemented by eye-catching jewelry, figure-slimming pencil skirts. Young Caucasian women love high heels, which make them taller and slimmer (and as soon as they walk on mountain paths in them?) and black color, because it effectively sets off their appearance. Older women, working around the house and in the fields, wear velor dressing gowns with fur or sheepskin vests if it is cold, and in summer loose dresses made of thin fabrics.
Basically, mountain women wear long hair, which is braided, styled in a bun, or tied into a bun. ponytail. Although any hairstyles become wrinkled under a scarf, and therefore there is no point in doing them, many girls always remain true to their desire to be beautiful and do it anyway fashionable haircuts. Moreover, they can flaunt them in the city, where social mores are not so strict regarding appearance. But mountain women know how to beautifully wear scarves, stoles and scarves on their heads. Local women are somehow not even perceived without this necessary attribute of their costume. Every season, the fashion for this headdress, fabrics, colors change, and women choose how to wear a scarf depending on what suits them best: some - by tying a scarf with one knot at the back, others - by wrapping the ends of the scarf around their hair or head, someone like Zhadi from “Clone”; in front, scarves can cover the forehead low, or leave part of the hair on the head open or just the bangs. Older women tie scarves on their heads, and put a stole or scarf on top.

In the mountains, girls have their ears pierced early and put on gold earrings. Gold jewelry is very popular in Dagestan. It is believed that gold is an indicator of wealth in the family. Some people are so eager to “fit in” that they buy gold jewelry without having even the slightest decent household appliances. Although, when it becomes fashionable to buy multicookers, everyone runs for multicookers.
Of course, living in the mountains, people understand little about world fashion trends, because fashion reaches them late and in the form of a crude, fake Chinese product. They wear what is sold in poor assortment but pretentious regional markets - things of poor quality and pretentiousness: lacquered leatherette, gilding, rhinestones and prints, huge flashy labels. But despite the difficulty of obtaining good things, many women love and know how to dress beautifully, remaining within the framework of local traditions. When everything is in moderation, it looks very decent.

And yet, women in Dagestan love to dress richly. Buy and wear mink coats, love chinchilla and silver fox fur, change coats as often as possible financial opportunities, but more often - going beyond the limits of these very capabilities, sometimes even getting into debt - such is the power of fashion.

Naturally, city women are more educated and sophisticated in their dressing skills. The capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala, presents a completely different picture. This city itself is like an oriental carpet of people different nationalities, peoples, social strata and classes. People from mountain villages, peasants, office workers, officials of all ranks, businessmen, bandits, intelligentsia, people from the world of art live here. Who is not here! Accordingly, everyone’s taste and upbringing are different. Rural mountain women in shapeless robes and girls in fashionable dresses, sloppily dressed market women and refined young ladies serving in modern office clothes and housewives in oriental closed dresses - here you will meet everyone! But it still catches your eye feminine style in clothes: flowing dresses, long skirts, high heels, dangling earrings, tiaras, massive or light ringing bracelets studded with stones, long hair.

Taking into account the prevailing cold, winter color type, Dagestani women really suit bright colors and contrasting patterns, leather and velvet. The texture of facial features allows you to choose textured things, and love is added to all this Caucasian girls to everything oriental, luxurious, rich. This is probably why in beauty salons, makeup artists plastered my face so that I didn’t recognize myself. My friends confirmed to me that yes, they almost always plaster for weddings and other events.
An example of ordinary makeup that is done in Dagestan salons for various events.
Example regular makeup, which is made in Dagestan salons for various events
Excessiveness and pomp in Dagestan applies to clothing, house interiors, architecture, and big names ( banqueting hall“Europe”, the “Versailles” store, the “Chantal” cafe, the “Dou Louvre” cafe) ... it feels like only French kings live in Dagestan!
I noticed that the majority of Dagestanis are very influenced by fashion and love to copy each other. Any new product that passes for excellent is immediately replicated in incredible quantities: fashion for a brand of car, telephone, tableware as a trousseau, Jewelry, hairstyles, the colors of the scarves with which mountain women cover their heads, the manner of wearing them, and, of course, which has gained momentum in last years label fashion! Sometimes following fashion takes grotesque forms: a thick gold chain around the neck called a “metrovka” (and it is really a meter long), so that there is a lot, a lot of gold or gilding, so that everything sparkles, sparkles, and there is no doubt who the thing is from. This very “FROM WHOM” is placed in the most prominent places. There is the famous checkered pattern, gorgon heads, Gucci, Versace, Chanel and Louis Vuitton labels mixed together. And more, more! All the women are wearing scarves, handbags, hairpins, jewelry, strewn with treasured letters, even on the dull clothes of older women. This also applies equally to men. It’s not worth even saying that these are most often fakes, rough or not, but few people care about this. What can you do, being unlabeled is not accepted today, which means it’s almost indecent.

Caucasian women have prominent, pronounced facial features. Majority short, many large noses with a hump, sharp brow ridges, wide and elongated chins, but many gentle girls with sculpted faces and proportional chiseled figures.
Contrary to the stereotype about a dark-skinned, black-haired woman Caucasian woman real blondes live high in the mountains and red-haired girls! At the same time, their eyelashes and eyebrows are clear (although whitish ones are also found), very Thick hair, blue, gray and green eyes.
Illustration of a “light” appearance.
Illustration of a “light” appearance
Scientists explain this by the fact that people in the mountains live quite closed from outside world, and where a people is sufficiently removed from communication with other peoples and almost does not mix with them, recessive (weak) genes appear more often. Gene blue eyes And light skin It is precisely recessive, and it manifests itself when it encounters the same weak gene. Hence the blondes, of whom there are many high in the mountains, and whose beauty is highly valued, because fair-haired and fair-skinned people are considered descendants of the nobility, and those who are darker are considered to be of lower origin. This is also a stereotype that has developed among the local population: before the times of universal equality, it was the rich nobility who could afford to choose the most beautiful women As wives, rich women protected their beauty from the scorching sun in the cool walls of luxurious houses, while poor peasant women were “charred” under the sun in field work.

In recent years, they have become popular in Dagestan cosmetic surgeries. Exactly young girls, and (much less often) adult women correct their noses, eyelids, and inject Botox. They make their lips look like Angelina Jolie's and walk around with glossy straightened ones long hair, false eyelashes, and, of course, on high heels. People here love the style of Lera Kudryavtseva or Pamela Anderson (before her recent change of image), the so-called “aggressive femininity.” Have you ever heard of bombs? This is what girls who represent this unnatural type are called. They laugh and make fun of them, but they still take themselves seriously! They say to themselves that to be bombed, you need to have full lips, long straight hair and accessories from recognizable brands. I don’t know where this name came from, but it is very reminiscent of the word “sex bomb”. It is this style that the bombites embody. But naturalness is not in fashion with them.
"Closed" women
Of course, clothes and fashion for young girls do not make sense without the main goal - to find a life partner and start a family. This goal is primary, and the phenomenon of “closedness” fashion is closely related to it. I am talking specifically about fashion, and not about faith, and let sincere believers not attribute my conclusions and comments, which I present in the next chapter, to their own account.

For several years now, religiosity has been actively promoted in Dagestan, including in matters appearance. Along with a strong religious trend in Dagestan, a fashion arose for the hijab - closed clothing, in accordance with the religious precepts of Islam. For those who are far from this topic, I will inform you that the hijab is not a veil, not a curtain over the face, not a cloak thrown over any clothing in Saudi Arabia, not a loose dress with a hood - jelaba - which is worn in northern Africa, for example, in Morocco, but any clothing that does not tight-fit the body and leaves only the face and hands exposed. According to Islam, they are the only things that others can look at.
Despite the fact that, in essence, the hijab does not require abandoning the traditional elements of the costume, some girls went to the extreme and began to imitate the women of the Persian Gulf, wearing not just long skirts and dresses, turtlenecks and sundresses with scarves, but clothes that are not typical Dagestan traditions: maximally closed dresses in dark blue and black, abaya and niqab (the notorious curtain over the face with slits for the eyes). Even some very young girls began to wear this. Why do they voluntarily imprison themselves in such dense covers? Often not because of a strong belief in God, but because this is how potential suitors want to see them. Among religious young people, of whom there are also a lot, “closed” girls are held in high esteem - after all, it is believed that such a wife is obedient and submissive to her husband, does not leave the house without her husband’s permission, does not look around, and she does not dream of earthly blessings, but only about a place in heaven!

You can often see the following picture: summer, midday, pizzeria. Several girls come in, all wearing black abayas, like the women of the Persian Gulf, only their faces and hands are visible. But they chirp like a flock of birds, sit down at a table, order pizza, and shoot their eyes around, like all the girls all over the world, laughing, chatting, catching the attention of others. And this contrast between the fountain of life of the young girls and the external asceticism into which they voluntarily placed themselves is striking!
And even more often there is a pair of friends, one of whom is in a playful dress, with makeup, with long flowing hair, and the second is in a hijab. The contrast is crazy. But, by the way, the second one, too, most often - with makeup and jewelry, and her hijab is bright and colorful, you can’t pass by. And what? Guys like it: the girl seems to be closed, as expected, but at the same time attractive! This is a paradox, given that the hijab is worn not to attract attention, but to protect a woman from immodest glances. I came across another phenomenon that contradicts the very meaning of the hijab: “fashionable hijab.”
Finally, I apologize to those who found my opus too subjective. I repeat, these are my observations made during short-term visits to Dagestan. And I had to observe more rural than urban residents. I like to watch them: every time I come there, I am amazed by the local flavor and brightness of colors, and my Moscow clothes seem rustic to me compared to what I see on the streets. Anyone interested, I invite you to visit the republic and evaluate for yourself the correctness of my statements, and perhaps create your own, different from mine, idea of ​​​​Dagestan fashion and about Dagestan women.
Finally, I attach a photo with a very positive charge: “Balkhar woman in national clothes”

Dagestanis are the collective name of the peoples who have long inhabited the modern territory of the Republic of Dagestan, which is part of Russia. Based on language, Dagestanis are divided into three groups. Avars, Aguls, Dargins, Laks, Lezgins, Tabasarans, Rutulians, Tsakhurs speak languages ​​of the Nakh-Dagestan language family. The Tats speak the Tat language, which, along with Farsi, Dari and Tajik, belongs to the southwestern group of Iranian languages. The Turkic-speaking Kumyks also belong to the Dagestanis. Often, the Turkic-speaking Nogais are also considered among the indigenous peoples of Dagestan, but the Nogais of the steppe arrived in the Caucasus only in the 17th century, so calling them the indigenous people of Dagestan can only be a stretch, and besides, they are alien to the rest of the Dagestanis in anthropological terms, i.e. To. belong to the South Siberian small race, transitional between the Mongoloid and Caucasian races. Therefore, in this rating of the most beautiful, in my opinion, famous Dagestani women, I decided not to include Nogays.
At the moment, the ranking includes Lezginka, Darginka, Lachka, Avarka, Kumychka and Tabasaranka. The list will gradually expand.

19th place: - Dagestan singer. By nationality - Lezginka. VKontakte page - http://vk.com/samira_official

18th place. Dina Mereutsa

17th place. Anora Bagomedova(born May 25, 1989, Samarkand, Uzbekistan) - singer. By nationality - Darginka.

16th place. Marina Mustafaeva- singer. By nationality - Darginka.

15th place. Madina Manapova(born February 18, 1996) - Dagestan singer. By nationality - Avarka. Instagram page - https://www.instagram.com/madi_manapova/

14th place: Diana Yuzbekova(born July 1, 1989, Moscow) - correspondent for the Muz-TV channel. By nationality - Lezginka.Height - 164 cm. VKontakte page - https://vk.com/diana_yuzbekova

13th place: Alina Alieva- model from Tver, winner of the “Young Beauty of Tver 2010” competition. By nationality - Lezginka. Height - 172 cm, body measurements 88-63-93.

12th place: Meseda Bagaudinova- singer, former member of the group VIA Gra. Born in Grozny (Chechnya) on October 30, 1983. Her father is an Avar, her mother is of Ukrainian-Belarusian origin.

11th place. Ashura Shakhrutdinova- Dagestan singer. By nationality - Avarka.

10th place. Marina Suleymanova(born July 24, 1988) - singer, member of the group "Misty". Also known as Marina Angel. By nationality - Avarka. Marina's VKontakte page - https://vk.com/marinamisty

9th place: (born December 5, 1989) - model, Miss Azerbaijan 2010. Lezginka by nationality. Height 171 cm, body measurements 82-59-88.

8th place: Faina Abdullaeva- model from Moscow, worked with the Muslim clothing brand "Rezeda Suleyman". By nationality - Lezginka.

7th place. (born September 23, 1985, Moscow) - Russian writer, literary critic, journalist. In interviews, Alisa has repeatedly said that she is an Avar by nationality. Ganieva's books have been translated into many languages, and she has received several literary awards. In 2015, The Guardian newspaper included Ganieva in the top 30 most talented Muscovites under 30. Alice's VKontakte page - https://vk.com/id1788012

The Caucasus is a region on the border of Europe and Asia, divided between six states: Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The territory of the Caucasus is home to 50-60 nationalities professing Islam and Christianity.

The most beautiful Abkhazian- Opera singer Khibla Gerzmava(born January 6, 1970, Pitsunda, Abkhazia). Khibla Gerzmava is a soloist of the Moscow Musical Theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko, People's Artist of the Republic of Abkhazia, People's Artist of Russia. Official website - http://hibla.ru

The most beautiful avarka- singer, former member of the group VIA Gra. She was born in Grozny (Chechnya) on October 30, 1983. Her father is an Avar, her mother is of Ukrainian-Belarusian origin.

The most beautiful Adyghe- singer Fatima Dzibova(born September 18, 1991, Adygeisk, Adygea). VK page - https://vk.com/fatimadzibova

The most beautiful Azerbaijani- Iranian singer and actress Googoosh / Googoosh(born May 5, 1950, Tehran, Iran). Gugush is an Iranian Azerbaijani by nationality.

The most beautiful Armenian- French pianist, TV presenter, actress, model, better known as Diane Sands. Since Diana is a full-blooded Armenian, she was chosen as a model to represent the beauty of the Armenian nation in Natalia Ivanova's artistic project National Origins of Beauty. Diane's official website - http://www.diane.book.fr/

The most beautiful Balkarka- singer.

The most beautiful Mountain Jewess- singer Jasmine. Sarah Manakhimova, now performing under the stage name Jasmine, was born on October 12, 1977 in Derbent (Dagestan). Official website - http://www.jasmin.ru/

The most beautiful Georgian- Georgian model, actress and TV presenter, Miss Georgia 2007 Gvantsa Daraselia(born September 1, 1989, Tbilisi). She represented Georgia at the Miss Universe 2008 competition. She starred in the films “Girl from the Slide” (2009) and “City of Dreams” (2010).

The most beautiful Darginka- singer.

The most beautiful Ingushka- actress and singer Tamara Yandieva(born July 23, 1955, Karaganda, Kazakhstan). People's Artist of Ingushetia. She starred in 17 Soviet films. Most of all, viewers remember the actress from the trilogy about Scheherazade from the tales of 1001 nights. In the first film, “And Another Night of Scheherazade...” Tamara Yandieva appeared in the image of Anora, the daughter of the merchant Karabai. And in the next two (“New Tales of Scheherazade” and “The Last Night of Scheherazade”) she played Princess Esmigul. Official website of Tamara Yandieva - http://yandieva.ru/

Tamara Yandieva as Princess Esmigul in the film "New Tales of Scheherazade"

The most beautiful Kabardian- Turkish actress Turkan Shoray(born June 28, 1945, Istanbul, Türkiye). Interview (on Turkish), where Turkan Shoray talks about his nationality - http://arsiv.sabah.com.tr/2006/10/16/gny/gny115-20061016-200.html

The most beautiful Karachaevka- singer (born December 18, 1989, Cherkessk, Karachay-Cherkessia). Official website - http://alikabogatyreva.ru/

The most beautiful Kumychka - Zoya Hasanova- author and presenter of the “Wedding Season” program on Dagestan TV. VKontakte page - https://vk.com/zoya_gasanova

The most beautiful lachka- Austrian model Aminat Mirzakhanova, known under the pseudonym Amina Dagi. Born in Makhachkala, in 2003 she moved with her mother and brother to Austria, where in 2012 she won the Miss Austria national beauty contest. Represented Austria at international competition beauty "Miss World 2012". Height 175 cm, figure parameters: chest 88 cm, waist 60 cm, hips 89 cm. Amina Daga's Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/miss.austria2012

The most beautiful Lezginka- Turkish-Belgian singer. Hadise was born on October 22, 1985 in Mol (Belgium). Her father is a Lezgin and her mother is a Kumyk, who emigrated to Belgium from the Turkish city of Sivas. Hadise represented Turkey at music competition Eurovision 2009 in Moscow with the song Düm Tek Tek, where she took 4th place.

The most beautiful foot - Dinara Elgaitarova(born March 25, 1985, Aktau, Kazakhstan) - model, participant in the 3rd season of the reality show “Top Model in Russian”. Dinara's father is Nogai, her mother is Tatar. Height 176 cm, body measurements 83-60-91. VK page -