Indications for the use of a cat's claw: what are the instructions and safety measures

Of course, there are no real cat's claws in its composition: it's just the name of a plant that has the listed properties. A wide scope of application will allow the use of the additive by many potential consumers.

Cat's claw (Cat "s Claw Extract): composition and form of release

The product is produced in capsules. In them, better than in tablets, the activity of the active ingredient is preserved. Each capsule contains:

  • Cat's claw (specific name of the plant - Uncaria Tomentosa) - 334 mg.

Each package contains 60 capsules.

Cat's claw (Cat "s Claw Extract): properties

The properties of the cat's claw are well studied. To date, it can be argued that the plant, and hence the dietary supplement made on its basis, has the following properties.

One common misconception is that cat's claw is supposedly a contraceptive. This hypothesis has not been confirmed by official studies, so for now it remains an assumption. Do not use the drug as a means of contraception!

Cat's claw (Cat's Claw Extract): indications and contraindications

The tool is useful:

With secondary immunodeficiencies, a decrease in the body's defenses.

With cardiovascular diseases.

In the prevention and therapy (complex) of oncological diseases.

In the fight against age-related changes health.

Allergic diseases.

Herpes and lichen.

Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some positive influence the drug also demonstrates in diseases of the digestive system, depressive and anxiety disorders, diseases of the joints. With these conditions, you can take the remedy only against the background of the main classical treatment.

BAA is contraindicated in pregnant, lactating, allergic people. The assumption that cat's claw has a bad effect on people with donor organs has not been confirmed. If the transplant was performed a long time ago, and the organ is functioning well, there is no reason to fear for health.

Cat's claw (Cat's Claw Extract): instructions for use

The drug can be taken 2 times a day, 1 capsule during or after meals.

Cat's claw (Cat "s Claw Extract): price and sale

Residents of the capital who plan to buy Cat's Claw can do it on our website by calling the store's phone number. Regardless of the place of residence, it is possible to place an order directly through the site by adding the purchase to the basket.

The preparation Cat's Claw, the price of which is indicated above, will be delivered to you in the most short time. You can pick up the purchase yourself from our office in Moscow.

Free number available for regions 8 800 550-52-96 .

It is not a medicine (BAA).

Manufacturer - NOW Foods, Bloomingdale, IL 60108 U.S.A.

Delivery in Moscow and Moscow region:

P when ordering from 9500 rub. FOR FREE!

When ordering from 6500 rub. delivery in Moscow and outside the Moscow Ring Road (up to 10 km) - 150 rub.

For orders less than 6500 rub. delivery in Moscow - 250 rub.

When ordering outside the Moscow Ring Road for the amount less than 6500 rub- 450 rubles + transport costs.

By courier in the Moscow region - the price is negotiable.

Delivery in Moscow is carried out on the day of ordering the goods.

Delivery in MO is carried out within 1-2 days.

Attention: You have the right to refuse the goods at any time before the departure of the courier. If the courier arrived at the place of delivery, you can also refuse the goods, BUT by paying for the courier's departure according to the delivery rates.

Sale and delivery medicines is not carried out.

Delivery in Moscow is carried out only with an order amount over 500 rubles.

Delivery across Russia:

1. Express mail 1-3 days (door to door).

2. Russian Post within 7-14 days.

Payment is made by cash on delivery, or by transfer to the current account (download details).

As a rule, the cost of express delivery is slightly higher than the delivery of goods by Russian post, but you have the opportunity to receive the goods in a guaranteed short time with home delivery.

When ordering goods by cash on delivery, you pay:

1. The price of the goods ordered by you on the site.

2. Shipping cost depending on the weight and delivery address.

3. Postal commission for sending the amount of cash on delivery back to the seller (by prepayment to the current account, you save 3-4% of the total purchase amount).

Important: With an order amount of up to 1500 rubles, parcels in the Russian Federation are sent only on prepayment.

Important:All orthopedic goods are sent to Russia only on prepayment.

You can check the final amount of payment for the order with our managers.

You can track the delivery of the ordered goods using a special service on the website in the "postal tracking" section, where you will need to enter your mailing ID, which is sent to you by managers in the process of sending the goods. Also, for your convenience and minimizing the time for receiving the parcel, delivery service managers track the movement of the parcel, and on the day the parcel arrives at your post office, informs you by SMS. Having received an SMS message, you can, by presenting the identifier number, pick up your order from the post office without waiting for the mail notification of the arrival of the parcel.

1 year ago

An amazing plant with a mysterious name grows in America - cat's claw. It has general strengthening and immunostimulating properties. In our country, we can only meet cat's claw as an active biological supplement. Indications for its use and others important aspects We will discuss in today's article.

Liana grows on the coast of the Amazon and in other parts of the tropical regions of the American continents. Her escapes appearance resemble the claws of a cat, hence the name of the plant. healing properties possesses the inner part of the cortex.

Cat's claw has a unique composition, but most of all in this plant extract there are organic acids, bioflavonoids, steroids.

The properties of the cat's claw are inextricably linked with the component composition. This tool is recommended for people who are daily subjected to exhausting physical and mental stress.

On a note! In practice, traditional healers and supporters of alternative medicine recommend cat's claw in order to treat malignant ailments. Also, this supplement has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

What is the benefit of the remedy?

The rich component composition makes it very useful for human body cat claw. Reviews of doctors about the use of this dietary supplement are different. But most qualified specialists believe that taking cat's claw for strengthening immune system Can.

Do not forget that herbal supplements are not among the pharmacological preparations. You can take cat's claw in combination with prescribed pharmaceuticals.

To the number useful properties cat's claw should include:

  • relief from allergic reactions;
  • activation of the body's immune defenses;
  • fight against pathogenic microorganisms, viruses;
  • improvement in condition inflammatory processes different origin and localization;
  • restoration of hormonal balance;
  • normalization of the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • treatment of gastric ulcers.

As part of complex therapy cat's claw is used to cure a number of ailments and pathological conditions, in particular:

  • arthritis
  • diabetes;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of a gynecological nature;
  • myalgia;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • psychoemotional disorders;
  • intoxication;
  • dermatological ailments;
  • thrombosis.

Important! Cat's claw is often used in the treatment of cancer. This biological supplement improves overall well-being and enhances the body's defenses. Cat's claw is especially useful after radiation or chemotherapy.

About dosage in detail

A dietary supplement with an unusual name is sold over-the-counter. Despite the environmental friendliness and absolute herbal composition of the cat's claw, it should be taken only after consulting with a specialized doctor and carefully reading the annotations.

To date, cat's claw is produced in various pharmacological forms. You can find the supplement in the form of dried herb, oil extract, ointment, tablets or capsules.

Which of the above forms to choose, only you decide together with the doctor. For preventive purposes, to strengthen the body's immune system and increase stamina, cat's claw is taken twice a day, 1 capsule. It is advisable to take the supplement with meals so that all the components contained in the cat's claw are better and more fully absorbed.

The daily dosage and duration of the treatment course is determined only by the attending specialist, taking into account the age of the patient, his physiological features and health status.

Important! Special attention people suffering from malignant diseases should be contacted to receive cat's claw. But you don't need to self-medicate. To take pharmacological drugs and other methods of treatment to be effective, clearly follow all the instructions of the doctors.

Cat's claw: contraindications

Even the ancient healers who lived on the banks of the Amazon discovered amazing properties And healing power cat claw. The inner part of the bark of the creeper, which is used today for the preparation of dietary supplements, was regarded by many as an effective contraceptive.

IN modern world no one has conducted such experiments, however, during the gestation of the fetus, it is strictly forbidden to take such an additive. Experts who have studied this dietary supplement have come to the conclusion that it has a reducing effect on the reproductive organ, and therefore spontaneous abortion may occur during pregnancy.

It is not recommended to take cat's claw during breastfeeding. Do not forget that the product contains alkaloids, which are considered plant poisons. This dietary supplement should also not be taken by children at an early age.

Experts also warn people who have suffered surgical interventions associated with the introduction of donor organs. Certainly, side effects cat's claw are not so dangerous, but in the presence of donor organs, you need to be careful not to provoke their rejection.

On a note! In some European countries cat's claw was classified as a potent substance, so it is not commercially available. For example, in Germany you have to take a doctor's prescription to buy a supplement.

Uncaria tomentosa(Willd.), or "cat's claw" - a tree-like vine that grows in the selva in Peru. It has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits the proliferation of tumors, has an adaptogenic, antioxidant, hypotensive and analgesic effect.
In European medicine, it is used in the form of a lyophilized extract from the bark of a liana, which contains all biologically active ingredients plants: tetra- and pentacyclic hydroxyindole alkaloids, phenols and polyphenols, quinic acid glycosides, triterpenes and steroids. oxyindole alkaloids from Uncaria tomentosa(mitrafilin, pteropodin, rhynchofilin, uncarin, speciophilin, etc.) have a pronounced immunostimulating (phagocytosis stimulants), anti-inflammatory, antiarrhythmic, antiaggregant, hypocholesterolemic, antiviral, antiasthmatic, antiulcer, and also anticarcinogenic effect. Able to inhibit MAO, have a vasodilating and muscle relaxant effect.
The phenolic fraction is represented by catechins (identified as (-) epicatechins) and proanthocyanidins. Epicatechins exhibit pronounced antimutagenic, P-vitamin and antioxidant activity. Leukoanthocyanides have the ability to increase the sensitivity of tumor cells to the action of ionizing radiation, which increases the effectiveness of radiotherapy in the treatment of patients with cancer. In addition, proanthocyanidins inhibit the activity of redox enzymatic processes in tumor cells and thus have an antitumor effect. Epicatechins also exhibit antiviral (including against viruses that cause hepatitis and herpes), antihistamine, anticoagulant activity.
Quinic acid glycosides have antiviral, and triterpene saponins - antibacterial, anti-atherosclerotic and antitumor effects.
Stigmasterol and campesterol (steroids) have antibacterial and analgesic properties and stimulate hair growth.

Indications for the use of the drug Liana cat's claw

As part of complex therapy for radiculitis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and other systemic connective tissue diseases, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, metabolic disorders, cholecystitis, colitis, disorders menstrual cycle, systemic candidiasis, fibromyoma, impotence, viral respiratory infections, disorders of the body's immune status, herpes, oncological diseases. The extract can be used as a prophylactic.

Application of Liana cat's claw

Adults and children over the age of 12 are usually prescribed 90 mg of the extract once a day, half an hour before meals. The recommended duration of treatment is 2-3 months with a break of 5-7 days after each month of therapy. If necessary, taking into account the severity of the disease, it is possible to increase the dose to 270 mg and 540 mg per day.
Children under the age of 12 for prevention are prescribed 90 mg / day every other day; for therapeutic purposes - 90 mg 1 time per day.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Liana cat's claw

Condition after organ transplantation, pregnancy, age up to 1 year.

Side effects of Liana cat's claw

Special instructions for the use of the drug Liana cat's claw

You should stop taking the extract at least 1 month before the planned pregnancy.

Drug interactions Liana cat's claw

Not marked.

Overdose of the drug Liana cat's claw, symptoms and treatment

The extract is not toxic even with a significant overdose. With a single dose of 2.7 g of the extract, no signs of poisoning were noted.

List of pharmacies where you can buy Liana cat's claw:

  • Saint Petersburg

Instructions for the use of cat's claw, reviews, indications and contraindications of the drug will be discussed further specifically for readers of "Popular about Health" to familiarize themselves with this remedy.

The composition of the cat's claw and the release form

The drug is available in tablet form, while the tablets are placed in plastic bottles of 45 pieces and 100 pieces. The container is accompanied by instructions for using this tool, which can be found in detail. In addition, the pharmaceutical product is produced in a blister of 10 pieces.

One more dosage form are capsules, they are packed in foil and PVC blisters. They come with instructions for their use. On the package you can see the expiration date, which is three years from the date of pharmaceutical release of the drug, after which it should be disposed of. In addition, it is necessary to put the pharmaceutical product away from children.

The active component of Cat's Claw is a dry extract of the lyophilized bark of uncaria tomentosa, in terms of mitrafilin - 20.0 mg. There are excipients: corn starch, sodium benzoate, sodium carboxymethyl starch is present, in addition, silicon dioxide. As for the shell, it contains hypromelose, in addition, propylene glycol, and deionized water is also present.

Cat's claw capsules contain the following substances: 4-0-B-d-galactopyranosyl-B-glucose monohydrate, as well as silicon dioxide, magnesium silicate, in addition, magnesium octadecanoate. In addition, there is pharmaceutical grade A or B gelatin, D&C blue, D&C yellow, and titanium dioxide.

Pills round shape, their color is interspersed, it varies from light brown to brown. The remedy exudes a weak and specific smell. The capsules are hard, they are gelatinous, cylindrical in shape, the body is painted in White color, and the lid is shown in green. Inside the capsules there is a fine powder from pink-grayish to light brown in color with a specific odor.

Pharmacological action of cat's claw

Means Cat's claw of plant origin, it has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect on the human body, and also has an antioxidant effect.

Indications for the use of cat's claw

Means Cat's Claw is indicated for use in certain diseases associated with a violation metabolic processes, for example, the drug is effective for arthritis, with diagnosed arthrosis, and it is also effective for rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, the Cat's Claw remedy is used for pathology gastrointestinal tract, for example, with colitis, in addition, with gastritis and other diseases. In addition, the drug is effective in diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular with cystitis, pyelonephritis.

Contraindications to the use of cat's claw

There are a number of conditions when Cat's Claw is contraindicated for use, I will list these conditions: hypersensitivity to different components of the pharmaceutical preparation, do not use it during pregnancy, in addition, when breastfeeding and also do not use it until the age of eighteen.

Application and dosage of cat's claw

Cat's Claw is taken orally as a tablet or one capsule orally about thirty minutes before a meal, while the drug is washed down with water in required quantity. The duration of the drug use is approximately three months. After agreement with the attending physician, it is worth increasing the duration of therapeutic measures.

Side effects of cat's claw

Sometimes taking Cat's Claw can cause allergic reactions. If a person has any other side effects that are not presented in the instructions, then he should consult a doctor for a consultation, symptomatic treatment may be required.

Overdose from cat's claw

There are currently no reports of an overdose of Cat's Claw. If such a situation nevertheless arose, then it is worth doing a gastric lavage, and then it is recommended to take a few tablets activated carbon, if necessary, consult a specialist. Interaction with other drugs has not been identified.


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Verified Information

This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

For those who can't handle constant colds and flu, bad cat's claw is what you need. I ran into this problem a couple of years ago. It was unbearable! From one disease I smoothly passed into another. Either a cold, then SARS, then the flu ... Immunity is generally to hell! The doctor advised me to drink some immunostimulants. Since at that time I often drank antibiotics and other chemicals, I wanted to choose a drug that would be completely natural, but at the same time effective and efficient. So I learned about the unique cat's claw plant.

My top preparations are cat's claw

For the first time I ordered. As for me, then perfect combination prices and quality. In addition, this tool has GMP quality assurance. Despite the large capsules, they are easy to swallow. I took this cat's claw according to the instructions: 2 capsules 2 times a day. The effect was felt after three weeks of taking it. The first signs of effectiveness for me was a surge of energy. Used to haunt me chronic fatigue, especially in winter periods. I woke up already tired. There was not enough strength for anything. Now I wake up cheerful and full of energy, which is enough with my head until the evening. The immune system has also improved. I was very afraid of catching an infection from an employee when she came to work with a temperature and snot. But, to my surprise, I didn't get sick. After that, I successfully survived another seasonal flu wave. At the same time, almost the entire office was ill. I wasn't the only one who got sick. As a bonus, I got rid of the periodic crunch and creaking in the joints.

I drank cat's claw according to the following scheme:

  • 1 course - 1 month;
  • break - 1 month.

I took bad cat's claw throughout the fall, winter and spring. During this time, not a single sore stuck to me! This drug works.

By the way, cat's claw is presented in two forms: in the form of capsules / tablets and in liquid form. As for me, the most convenient form are capsules. But for those who experience discomfort or trouble swallowing large tablets, the liquid form will do. In addition, this form makes it possible to independently determine the dosage for yourself. Great option cat's claw in drops is .

Next drug The one I recommend is . This tool is carefully tested and undergoes strict control at all stages of manufacture. The composition of this product contains 4% more alkaloids, which enhance the effect of active substances on the body. I took this cat's claw for prevention and immunity support, 1 capsule twice a day between meals. The result was 100% satisfactory. No sickness for a year!

I also wanted to pay attention to . This cat's claw is different powerful action. Its main difference is that it is not made from the bark of the plant, but from the shoots, thanks to which it got its name. It is necessary to take this drug in the first 10 days, 3 capsules, and then reduce the dose to 1 capsule per day. The effect is noticeable after a week of admission.

The action of the cat's claw

The cat's claw is universal remedy, which has a wide range actions. This supplement helps:

You can buy a quality cat's claw dietary supplement on the iHerb website.

  • First, it is 100% guaranteed quality.
  • Secondly, original products from well-known and reliable manufacturers that have proven themselves all over the world.
  • Third, accessible and profitable price even including shipping.

I would like to talk about efficiency separately. I had the experience of buying cat's claw from a local pharmacy. Compared to the product, cat's claw, which I later purchased from iHerb, is heaven and earth. The domestic version as such did not give a result, I felt the effect after three weeks of taking it! In addition, finding the original cat's claw in pharmacies is extremely difficult.

How to take cat's claw correctly

First of all, before taking it, you should seek the advice of your doctor. Daily dose cat's claw is up to 2000 mg per day. Be sure to read the instructions before taking the supplement.

Contraindications to this drug are:

  • pregnancy (the drug can cause uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage);
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance.

You should also be careful with the combination of cat's claw with other medicines.

To improve the protective effect, nutritionists recommend taking with cat's claw the following additives:

Cat claw - ideal remedy to improve immunity, restore and maintain health. Personally, I made sure own experience in the effectiveness of this supplement and I recommend everyone to try it!