The most humiliating words. Sayings of great and successful people about insults

Good morning dear, go to hell you stupid creature.

I fuck these puppies in the mouth, You live, fucking, among the suckers, You, bitch, hurt me, But I'm grateful to fate, For the fact that we can't be together But it's all garbage, we'll survive, I'll find a guy. Do not be afraid! And you with whom you want, fuck with that, But you, condom, understand me I - fuck, and you - garbage!

Are you going? - Come on, let's fuck, I scored a dick on you, such as you are to dick, let's fuck my love.

I don't know where you are now, but I would like you to stay there forever.

transparent hint.

Clueless Dictionary-Explanatory Words

It's time for you to find your prince ... Otherwise, only horses walk with you.

And I see you are so funny! This is your cranial consequences brain injury? Or bad genetics?

There are girls who you want to approach, put your arm around your shoulder and say: “What weight are you fighting at, bro?”

I look at you and understand that all scientists lie ... Not all dinosaurs have died out yet ...

I know why you're so angry and nervous.

Very offensive insults

Hurtful words lie in wait for us every day - often when we are least ready for it. And, it seems, everywhere: on the road during rush hours, when people show their worst qualities; in lines when we run out of patience; at work and for festive table where people consider rudeness almost permissible. Critical attacks are so varied that they defy classification. Here are “light”, everyday injections (congratulations, finally!), And those when it gets dark in the eyes from resentment (“I see you are busy doing what you do best - eat again”).

Independent study of English

As you know, English profanity is word based. This does not mean at all that the entire English mat is limited to the verb "copulate". Just as its Russian counterpart has many single-root words meaning the widest range of feelings and various phenomena, the word f*ck is the base for a large number phrasal verbs and idioms. Below are the most common f*ck phrases that will help you better understand spoken English.

F*ck! - Damn it! Fuck it! - To hell! No need! Do not mind it! Do not pay attention! it! - Damn it! (Expression of fright or surprise) F*ck - To hell with [something]! Fuck this place! it all! - To hell with all of it! Or like this: F*ck them all! - They all go! Fuck the world! - All gone! I don't give a f*ck! - I do not care! Who gives a f*ck? – Who cares? you! - You went! Fuck me! - Wow! F*ck away! - Get out! What the f*ck! - What the heck!

The most common obscene phrasal verbs:

f * ck about - to debauch, show off f * ck somebody about - to ignore someone f * ck around - to engage in nonsense, spray, gouge.

Offensive phrases

Modern fashion publications, men's magazines, TV presenters with a TV screen and even psychologists say that girls love with their ears. However, in reality, not only representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are jealous of everything that we say. Some offensive phrases spoken about a beloved man can forever kill feelings, even very strong ones.

How to respond to rudeness: responses to offensive phrases

We all experience rudeness from time to time. Someone observes its manifestation from the outside, while someone constantly has to listen to rude and hurtful words to your address. figured out how to effectively respond to rudeness and respond to rudeness in general.

"Jupiter, you are angry, so you are wrong" Prometheus' appeal to Zeus

We all experience rudeness from time to time.

The article will teach you to respond to insults not with rudeness, but with cultural words and phrases without obscenities.

How can you beautifully humiliate a man, a guy with clever words without a mat: phrases, expressions

There are a lot of situations in life when a person can be offended, framed, humiliated and “made laughable”. Do not be silent and accept such antics as something familiar. If you do not explain to your offender how wrong he is, he will be able to spoil the mood of the people around him for a long time and use their good.

In order not to use fists and at the same time show oneself on the good side, one should, so to speak, “kill with a word”. Education is not given to everyone, because getting it requires time and effort. The article gives you tips to help you learn how to respond to offensive phrases with delicate but firm words, making it clear that you are above any rudeness and foul language.

What can you say to a man and what is important to remember:

The worst thing a man can do is to humiliate and raise his hand against a woman, and therefore he should be hit “on the sore spot”, convicting him of weakness, but not physical. For example, the word "impotent" can affect anyone. Try to beat it with other "colors":

  • "You are a moral impotent!"
  • “Only an impotent person can offend a woman!”
  • “You are impotent not in your pants, but in your soul! (Or maybe both there and there!)

Another thing that can affect any man is his status and wealth. Glory, said to a man with low income or lack of work, is gaining special strength. From time immemorial, it was believed that a man is a breadwinner, and therefore the inability to have prosperity is a humiliation for a modern man.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to humiliate a man with such phrases if he is really at least a little concerned about the issue of family prosperity. If he for a long time is purposely supported by his parents or wife and this does not bother him - you are unlikely to be able to "hook" him.

  • “You are the disgrace of your parents and their ruin!”
  • “You can’t even provide yourself with toilet paper!”
  • “Behind your insolence you hide your own failure!”

If you want to point out to a man his stupidity and recklessness, even if he has a higher education and manners, but he regularly does stupid things, you should use these phrases:

  • “You did not take place either as a person or as a man!”
  • “Unlike mine, your dignity has sunk to the bottom!”
  • “You are an immoral, weak and miserable person!”
  • “All your words are helpless attempts to prove something!”
  • "I'm sorry to see you!"
  • "Don't be humiliated and don't try to say something smart!"
  • “I would offend you, but nature has already done it for me!”

How can you beautifully humiliate a woman, a girl, her husband's mistress with clever words without a mat?

In some life situations women themselves are “asking for” insults and humiliation. In order not to go beyond what is permitted cultural society trait and not show yourself as an ill-mannered person, it is important to know a number of phrases that can “put in place” any ill-mannered girl.

What should be emphasized:

The first thing that can hook a woman is criticism towards her appearance. It is important to choose words that will not directly shout “You are ugly!”, but only delicately hint about it. Your words should make a woman think and make her look at herself from a different perspective.

  • “When God created women, he decided to save money on you!”
  • “I would offend you, but I’ll just advise you to look in the mirror!”
  • “Your words are the helpless barking of a dirty mongrel!”
  • Surprisingly, she is not rich in mind and did not come out with her face!
  • “It’s a pity to spit in such a face!”

Another aspect of female dignity is their popularity with men. Here it is important to emphasize the problem itself (either there are very few men, since the lady does not attract them, or there are too many and she is compared to a woman of “easy virtue”).

  • “Yes, there is nowhere to put a test on you!”
  • “You have already given all your dignity to strangers!”
  • “You are the shame of the father and the tears of the mother!”
  • “You are a quality male bedding!”
  • “Your whole life is serving the owner for sugar!”
  • “No normal man will even look in your direction!”
  • "All your attractiveness ended 10 more men ago!"
  • "Messing with you is a disgrace to yourself!"

If you want to offend a woman as a person, you should point out the shortcomings of her mind, showing a fool in your own eyes and in the eyes of others:

  • “If you were smart, then you would have a decent man!”
  • "From smart women men don't leave!
  • “Here, you look at you and at first glance it seems that you are a fool! And then you look and for sure - a fool is a fool!

How to insult a woman with words without a mat?

How to offend, offend a man, a guy without a mat with clever words?

Some phrases that do not contain swearing and rudeness should not be very long. The fact is that a person who offends you obscenely is hardly able to understand literate and cultured words, as well as their meaning and the delicacy with which you pronounce them. Answer in short, but as clear as possible phrases. Speak your speech confidently, firmly and be sure to look into your eyes so that what is said is sure to be heard.

IMPORTANT: It is in your power to offend a man or a guy for causing offense with just one phrase that conveys all your pain and strength. Do not react to any cry and pass through yourself everything said in your honor, because it is your word that will be the last and decisive.

Offensive, but "cultural" insults for a man:

  • “Only a wretched mongrel will take root with someone like you!”
  • “You will never succeed because you have little strength and masculinity!”
  • “You are not able to satisfy a woman either mentally or in bed!”
  • “You are a disgrace to any, even the most fallen woman!”
  • “You are not a man, but a temporary use trinket!”
  • "Even the dumbest woman in the world can't be happy with you!"
  • “You have not yet taken place in the womb!”
  • “In your 40s, you can’t become a man!”
  • “You are so weak and you are such a loser that listening to your words doesn’t even hurt me!”

Offensive phrases without a mat for a man

How can you offend, offend a woman, a girl with clever words without a mat?

Try not to offend the woman with obscene words and still be able to convey to her important information smart phrases without a mat will help. Try to contain all your emotions and instill in every word not only your anger, but also the confidence that you are strong and the truth is on your side.

What phrases to say to a woman or girl:

  • “Instead of barking like a yard dog, you better go and think about your words and the stupidity with which you pronounce them!”
  • “Go wash up and wash this idiocy off yourself!”
  • “I used to think that you were smart, but now I see that you have always been a fool!”
  • “You must have been the last one in line for the mind!”
  • “Every time you open your mouth, another portion of slop comes out!”
  • "You act like you grew up in a brothel!"
  • “Yes, you have a brain, but not an ounce of intelligence in it!”

How to humiliate and respond to an insult to a person with words without a mat?

How to besiege, put a man, a guy, a subordinate in his place with clever words?

Very often, people at work completely lack professional ethics and a subordinate can “afford too much” during a conversation with superiors. The administration, in turn, are highly educated and well-mannered people, which allowed them to take such a rank.

A person with a higher rank should be able to “verbally punish” his subordinate for a misconduct and make him respect himself with cultural words alone. They must be spoken confidently and strictly, avoiding emotional gestures and explosive phrases.

What can be emphasized in a conversation with a subordinate:

  • For low education
  • Ask to see a document on higher or vocational education.
  • Threaten job loss due to incompetence
  • To say that a person risks losing respect in the eyes of superiors and colleagues.
  • Threaten with a fine or loss of bonus

How to "put in place" a subordinate:

  • "You make me regret that one day I decided to hire you."
  • “In my eyes, you instantly lost your qualifications!”
  • “I believe that our company overpays you, because your education is not worthy of such a salary.”
  • “I think you just spent your bonus!”
  • "I will not allow ignorance to flourish in my conscientious team!"
  • “You are a disgrace to our company!”
  • "With your achievements, our company will never succeed!"
  • “You are dragging our team and our company down!”

How to "put in place" a subordinate with words without a mat?

How to close a person's mouth with clever words?

IMPORTANT: The concept of “shut your mouth with smart words” suggests that you will find phrases that, after an insult, can reason with a person and warn him against new error. « Clever words”- words devoid of obscenities and rudeness, but saturated with reasonable meaning. They push a person to conclusions and, stronger than any obscene word, leave a mark on the soul.

Phrases to "shut your mouth" to a person:

  • “Since you opened your mouth, the stench has not ceased to come out, like from a garbage pit!”
  • “You better not open your mouth, because all your words only showed how low you are!”
  • “You opened your mouth and immediately realized that in front of me was a stupid person!”
  • "Your words didn't show you off better side
  • "Since you opened your mouth, I have changed my opinion of you for the worse!"
  • “Your words lowered you in my eyes nowhere lower!”
  • “You are incredibly stupid if you think that everything you said is smart speech!”

How to do and what to say to a person so that he can shut up: phrases without a mat

How to send off, send a guy, a man with clever words?

There are situations when a woman should rebuff a man so that he no longer pesters and does not have any views on her. A weak and stupid woman will swear with foul language, while a smart woman will allow you to put a person in his place with just a word and a look. The strength of a woman is in her behavior and words.

What to say to a man:

  • "You don't even deserve my eyes!"
  • "I will not tolerate such humiliation to give you my attention!"
  • "You're so low that I didn't even notice you at first!"
  • "In my eyes, you are nothing!"
  • "You're not even a man to me!"
  • "I don't want to deal with a lowly being like you!"
  • “Looking at you, I feel only pity!”
  • “I can’t stand boors, they are my competitors!”
  • "Let me send you intellectually?"
  • “Do you think I can really spend time with you? Well, probably thinking is not about you!”

Clever words goodbye to the guy who betrayed

Very often, men do not behave in good faith and betray women who are in love with them. In situations where women find out about this, many decide to leave. To let a man understand how low and wrong he was, one should choose worthy and right words, which will simultaneously serve as humiliation and farewell.

What can you say to a man:

  • "Go back under that skirt you just crawled out of!"
  • “I don’t want to share with you any more bed, table, life, or even air on the same planet!”
  • “I hate to even just listen to your excuses! Such a man simply does not deserve me!”
  • “You have become so low that you began to seek happiness from a strange woman between your legs!”
  • “I was so stupid that I believed in your sincerity and now I’m sick of all the years we have lived together!”
  • “I hope that you will be happy and that someone else can give you at least some of the care that I blindly gave you!”
  • “You will regret after a while that you offended me, but then I will even forget your name.”
  • “How low you have fallen and the funny thing is that you don’t see it, and everyone else has already noticed!”

How can you call a person smart words?

Choose more loyal swear words to offend your offender without using foul language. This will show you only from the best side, as a reasonable and educated person, not spoiled and knowing dignity.

What words can you choose?

  • Bauble - an unnecessary thing, empty and soulless, having no purpose, on which time is wasted, something without mind and reason.
  • Cheap utensils - someone with low dignity, someone who is not needed and has no great value in the world.
  • Soulless man - a person devoid of any values ​​and inner peace.
  • Shame (disgrace) - a person deprived of dignity, a person who brings shame and problems to loved ones.
  • Shameless - a person deprived of respect and understanding of the people around him, a person without spiritual values.
  • Carrion - a person who has fallen in the eyes of others, a person who is comfortable living in the mud of words, deeds and betrayal.
  • Livestock - a person who does not behave rationally, a person who is compared to an animal.
  • Silly being - a person who does not know how to do smart things.
  • Animal - a person who does not know how to do well and is devoid of his being.
  • Insect - person without a human being
  • Mongrel - a person without nobility and education

How to call a person without using a mat?

How to say in smart words that a person is stupid?

Use these phrases:

  • "You're crazy like a cat cried!"
  • "The brain is no bigger than that of a chicken!"
  • “The head is big, but there is no brain!”
  • “You have a brain without convolutions!”
  • “You have only one gyrus and that one is even!”
  • "You understand me? But yes, where are you going?"
  • “Were you born this stupid or did you become?”
  • “You were the last in line for brains”
  • “Nature did not reward you with reason”

How to say in clever words that a person is a fool?

Use these words:

  • Fool
  • dim-witted
  • crazy
  • Lean in mind
  • clothed
  • On my own mind
  • autist
  • Clown

How to replace mats with buzzwords?

In order not to look stupid and overly emotional person, try to develop in yourself the ability to replace obscene words with cultural counterparts in advance. It's not hard at all if you practice ahead of time. Try to understand in advance the whole meaning and meaning of the mats you know, and then in your understanding you will be able to replace them with more “cultural” words.

IMPORTANT: Clever words spoken “strongly” and confidently can be more painful and more significant than any obscenities that already exist constantly in the speech of a modern person.

How can you answer a person to an insult, insult, rudeness with clever words?


  • Try to contain your emotions
  • Answer not during the sport or the offender's monologue, but only when he runs out of words.
  • Speak calmly but confidently
  • Your voice should not be quiet or too loud
  • Look in the face and do not give free rein to your hands (both in terms of physical assault and unnecessary gestures).
  • Proudly leave after what has been said

Video: "Gentleman's Insults"

You were the most beautiful on your birthday!
- Thank you! I tried to!
- Specially selected guests?

It's time for you to find your prince ... Otherwise, only horses walk with you.

And I see you are so funny! Is this the result of a traumatic brain injury? Or bad genetics?

There are girls who you want to approach, put your arm around your shoulder and say: “What weight are you fighting at, bro?”

I look at you and understand that all scientists lie ... Not all dinosaurs have died out yet ...

I know why you're so angry and nervous. Your girl has a bigger dick than you.

Do you want to guess what sign you were born under? Stopudovo, under the brick!

My friend fell and broke her chin, but it's not scary, because she has a second one.

See see. You are awesome! Only steel balls should be in the pants, not in the head. Moreover, they constantly come one after another.

What beautiful, white teeth you have. Probably borrowed false teeth from your grandmother?

Girl, how much do you weigh? Well, tell me at least the first three digits ...

And your friend is beautiful. Remember when you went to a dog show, all the judges awarded her first place. Everyone couldn't be wrong.

If you were a little smarter, you would choose an interlocutor according to your mind. And now I would have a nice conversation with a garbage can.

Yeah ... not everyone was spared by Chernobyl.

Did you beat your head against the wall yourself, or did your parents beat you and you got used to it?

It looks like your parents were siblings...

You're dumb as a bag of hammers.

Do you have such big belly Or did the airbag deploy?

Obviously a bear stepped on your ear ... And walked all over your face ...

Did you read ""? Read more similar articles about rudeness and funny insults.

125 842 0 Hello, today we will talk about how to humiliate a person. “Turn the other cheek”, “you can always agree”, “swearing with people is bad” - all these truths will not help you in life. If you already have a conflict and you can’t resolve it peacefully, the only thing that will help you is knowing how to belittle a person as efficiently and effectively as possible, so that he understands that messing with you is more expensive for yourself.

How to behave

To morally humiliate a person, it is not enough just to find a few phrases on the Internet, memorize them and use them. It is necessary that they sound confident, that they fall into place and that a person feels really crushed after them. To do this, you need to speak calmly.

Imagine that you, in response to offensive words, almost crying, shout to a person: "Yes, you are an imbecile!" It seems that you said that he was stupid and did it without a mat - but it will look more pathetic than spectacular. But if in response to attacks you answer absolutely calmly, without raising your voice: "How tired I am of your attempts to pretend smart person» - this will certainly not be the reaction that your opponent expected to receive and he will be unsettled.

In this case, you cannot:

  • Laugh at your own ridicule- it spoils the whole impression. Listeners themselves must understand that you said something offensive and funny - and laugh themselves.
  • Scream. If you raise your voice - this is a weakness, it shows that you are really hurt and prevents the interlocutor from clearly understanding your words. Also, if you're fuming, you may not remember that you wanted to sound smart and pretty.
  • Cry. Tears are even more obvious than screaming, show that you are really uncomfortable. Therefore, if you feel that you are close to tears, it is better to catch your breath, count to yourself to ten, and only then make your move in a quarrel.

If it seems to you that you will never succeed in acting calmly and contemptuously, practice in front of a mirror. Rehearse a mocking facial expression, an ironic smile, a sympathetic shake of the head. Find a gesture that will perfectly show your opinion of a person - you can, for example:

  • tilt your head to your shoulder as if you doubt that you heard the person correctly, what he just said is so stupid;
  • raise an eyebrow in surprise - as if you are hearing such nonsense for the first time;
  • if you wear glasses, move them to the edge of your nose and look over, as if you want to get a better look at the interlocutor and make sure that he is sitting in front of you.

Any non-verbal expression of contempt humiliates a person. Often you can beautifully humiliate without saying a single word. For example, ignore - and pay attention to a person only after a few failed attempts reach out to you. At the same time, you can pretend to be surprised and say:

  • "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you";
  • "I'm sorry, did you say something?";
  • "But I thought it was somewhere near the radio playing, and it's you".

The main thing is to look sincere and even friendly in the process so that the person feels empty space which is hard to even notice.

What should I say?

But ignoring a person is an art that needs to be honed and trained for a long time so that it looks really impressive and so as not to break loose in the process. For most of us, humiliating a person with words is much easier. The main thing is to choose them correctly.

Truth and sore spots

“Telling the truth is easy and pleasant,” said one book character, and he was right. But how rarely do we do this in Everyday life! We will never tell a fat person that he is fat, but ugly person that he is ugly. Politeness is taught to us from childhood, and that is why the truth can be so painful. If you hit it in a weak spot, it will definitely humiliate and confuse a person.

You should take a closer look and identify what the interlocutor is experiencing the most. It could be:

  • Appearance. Many people suffer from this and to humiliate a person without a mat is the easiest thing in this area. Maybe one ear is higher than the other? Maybe he has a big nose? Maybe he has acne, although he is no longer a teenager, or he has liquid rare hair? Maybe if it's a woman, she looks older than her age? For each flaw, you can come up with a biting phrase.
    "Have you ever tried to fly them?"- a man with big ears.
    “Yes, you can hang yourself on such a nose!”- big-nosed.
    "Madam, you are so well preserved for your magpies"- A woman in her thirties.
  • Low intelligence. Truly stupid people rarely feel like that, but everyone else can doubt their level of intelligence and suffer from it.
    - "Are you so stupid from birth, or did you take lessons?"
    - "When everyone was standing in line for the mind, you probably slept and missed everything."
    “What is 6 times 8? Are you sure? That's what I thought."
  • Low earnings. If a person earns a little, this is most likely his weak point. But you need to look closely - if a person earns little because of his own ideology, it will not work to hurt him in this field. But others can be teased.
    - "Let's go to the cinema? Oh, you don't have any money."
    “Poverty is not a vice, as they say, but I could not live like that.”
    “You wouldn’t even have money for matches.”
  • Low cultural level. If a person is not educated, he can be ridiculed with a special taste.
    - "Who's playing on the radio, Bach or Mozart?"
    “You look like you stepped out of a Picasso painting.”
    “Didn’t Dostoevsky write about you?”

    Most likely, a person will not even understand ridicule, but more educated listeners will be able to laugh.

For men, a separate point, often a weak point is potency. In a dispute with an opponent, you can humiliate a person by saying that he is so angry because he is not able to satisfy a woman in bed. Or say something like “If in bed you were such a lion as here, the girls would follow you in herds.”

For women, the weak point is often external attractiveness. You can hint to her that she looks old, fat, or has small breasts - and if done gently and sympathetically, it will be doubly humiliating.

The main thing is the ability to observe, draw conclusions and hit exactly the weak spot that hurts a person.

Demonstration of your superiority

People don't like being shown that they are worse than others. Because very effective tool humiliation will show that you are better at something.

  • You can use more expensive things, you can mention that you were on vacation or in interesting place- but in such a way that it does not look like boasting, but something completely natural for you.
  • You can wear expensive clothes.
  • You can even invite an unpleasant person to participate in an event for which he obviously does not have enough money, and enjoy his reaction.

Reminders and revelations

If you have good memory, you can perfectly put others in their place by reminding them of the stupid or shameful things they have done, as well as the stupid things they have said and the puddles they have sat in.

You can even make them look like fools in front of mutual acquaintances by divulging some secret and genuinely surprised by the negative reaction - “Oh, well, I thought we were all our own here, what are you ashamed of”.

The main thing is to make excuses with the best intentions, so that in the eyes of others you don’t turn into a bore who reminds everything good man about his mistakes.

How to besiege a person

How to close the mouth of a person you know is easy to come up with. But what if you see your opponent for the first time and do not know anything about his weak points?
In this case, phrases that humiliate a person will come to the rescue.

How to humiliate a man who meets on the street?

Beautiful girls often suffer from monotonous attempts to get acquainted - many men simply do not understand that they do not want to hear and see them. Therefore, you can use biting phrases:

  • To you or to me? I suggest: you go to your place, I go to my place, and everyone is happy!
  • No, I don't want to meet you. I will be bored with you, but you will not understand me.
  • Yes, you are just a wonderful comedian! If you joke funny, it's already a miracle.
  • I admire you! With such a face, I would spend my whole life under the covers, but you are okay, even on the street trying to get acquainted ...
  • Try dating in the dark. No fool will give you a phone in the light.

The main thing is to have an expression of bored superiority on your face. Or you can completely ignore the attempt to get acquainted - answer "yes", "of course" and give the phone number of the nearest morgue.

How to humiliate a mistress or a lovebird

Most women are in awe of their appearance - and how decent they look in the eyes of society. Therefore, you can use the phrase:

  • You must have been beautiful. Men so twenty ago.
  • There are injustices - and there is no mind, and there is nothing to compensate.
  • God created all women from a rib, but you, it seems, from an ass.
  • It's a shame to offend you - the mirror offends you every day.

The main thing in the process is to look better - and this will be an additional humiliation for the opponent.

How to humiliate a subordinate who forgot about subordination

In a work team, quarrels are not uncommon, and sometimes you can find a situation in which a subordinate forgets about his place and starts a dispute with his superiors in a raised voice. You can't let that happen - but you can't sound unprofessional either. You can use the following phrases:

  • Don't make me regret the day I hired you.
  • It looks like you just lost your bonus.
  • You are a disgrace to our firm and pull the entire team back.
  • With workers like you, we will never succeed.
  • Perhaps you should consider and continue your career growth somewhere else?
  • It looks like the company is overpaying you - with this level of professionalism, you don't deserve this level of salary.

Arguing with a subordinate at his level is a gross mistake. You should speak weightily and nip the dispute in the bud, under the threat of dismissal, so as not to drop your authority.

How to humiliate a partner who cheated

To hurt a person who has committed adultery is a natural impulse, after the implementation of which it may even become easier for you. Phrases can be used:

  • No need to make excuses - do not humiliate yourself even more.
  • I do not want to share with you any more table or bed - what can you find in you at all?
  • It was so stupid to believe in your honesty that now I hate to even think about it.
  • For someone who is doing so badly, you surprisingly easily traded me for a couple of pleasant nights.

Each of us always knows more about a partner than about everyone else - and in case of betrayal, this knowledge can be applied. What is he afraid of? What does he not like about himself? In what situations was he a fool? All this can be remembered and thrown in his face at parting.

How to call a person

Just telling a person that he is a fool is childish. Using swear words is ugly and embarrassing in public. Therefore, you can use other options - said with a due degree of confidence in their rightness and coldness, they can sound great, despite some old-fashionedness:

  • stupid (non-stupid) creature- a man who is even unworthy of the title of a man in his stupidity;
  • animal (you can add the adjective "dirty", "useless", "evil")- a person who has risen on the same level with unreasonable cattle;
  • bastard- a man low and vile, devoid of conscience;
  • shameless, shameless- a man without any shame;
  • reptile- a person whose qualities are more reminiscent of a slimy reptile;
  • livestock- a person is stupid and incapable of reasonable actions;
  • carrion- a person who has nowhere to go lower;
  • imbecile- Human, mental development which is equal to the development of the mentally retarded;
  • empty talk or empty talk- a person who talks in vain.

Words should always be applied to the place, otherwise you will not be dishonored for long.

How to say that a person is stupid

Calling a person stupid is boring, unoriginal, and not offensive at all. Beautiful connected phrases are much more effective:

  • Are you always such a fool, or is it just me that's so lucky?
  • Don't be upset! Cuttlefish don't have a brain at all, but they do live.
  • Go on my friend. According to the theory of probability, someday you have to say something meaningful.
  • Have you thought about something? This is something new!
  • Don't try to think, dear, otherwise you'll get a headache out of habit.
  • I don't know what tool you use to be such a fool, but you should patent it since it works so well.
  • I know you're not as stupid as you might think by looking at your face. It would be simply impossible.

If a person is really stupid, he simply will not understand more complex indications of this fact. So you can not bother and use simple obvious phrases.

How to humiliate a person with smart words

Smart and well-aimed phrases are always useful to remember - then, in the event of an unexpected attack, you can answer the offender harshly and bitingly. The psychology of the humiliated is such that he will not want to repeat this experience. The main thing is not to be shy and not to be afraid to offend a person.

  • Do you still work there? And all the same? Well, at your age you can still plow and plow, I believe you will succeed.
  • And I would like to answer you, yes, nature has already avenged me.
  • You definitely need to add fish to your diet. It is good for the intellect.
  • If you want to hurt me, you'll have to say something smart. I don't think you can, however.
  • Are you joking like that? I'm sorry, I didn't understand right away.

The main thing in all phrases is to apply them in a timely manner, sound confident and not be afraid of rebuff. And if you don’t want to get into an argument, you can simply answer “yes”, “of course” and “did you say something?” and with all appearance to show the interlocutor that he is worthless - this is also humiliating enough to use.

Useful articles:

Offensive phrases

1. "I cheated on you."

2. "You are bad (fool, idiot)"

3. "I don't want you like a man"

"In vain we got married"

5. "You are nothing in sex!"

6. "My friend's husband is better than you"

7. "Your friend eats me with his eyes!"

It will fly out - take care of the birdhouse!

I'm afraid to seem a little old fashioned to you, but I want to burn you at the stake.

My spinal cord is bigger than my brain!

First, learn Russian by five, and then open your mouth.

Do you still love nature despite what it has done to you?

I wish you to find a soul mate, for starters, a soul mate.

Hear you, do not cock, you're a donkey.

I'm watching it means broadcasting "in=""the world=""animals",=""there=""gorillas=""showed=""and=""I=""suddenly=""in=""the crowd=""I noticed=""alt="Offensive obscene name-callers and expressions">

43 extraordinary insults! Be creative with your statements, but don't overdo it!)

I like you. They say I have terrible taste, but I love you.

9. Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home? 10. If I had a face like yours. I would sue my parents!

11. Do not be upset. A lot of people don't have talent either! 12. Do not be offended, but do you have a job to spread ignorance? 13. Keep talking, someday you will still be able to say something smart!

How to insult a person without a mat, 10 clever cultural insult phrases

- When God created a real man, he decided to save money.

“You are not a woman, but cheap utensils that are designed for frequent rental. - Anatoly, you insult a woman, swearing insignificantly and barking helplessly, like a mongrel mongrel.

- If you were a smart and decent man, your wife would not be so unhappy. - Kolya, you have not yet taken place in the womb, so become strong man you are not given.

Calls our way

Pentyuh - a pot-bellied man with an outstanding stern in addition Bezpelyukha, tyuryukhaylo - a slovenly Squishy - ugly, smelly Zatetekha - portly woman Zaguzastka - round, fat woman with big booty Zahuhrya - unkempt, slovenly, disheveled Shpyn head - a man with a disgrace on his head Fuflyga - a nondescript little peasant

You watch your tongue, all of a sudden I decide that more goes without teeth.

Mmm, baby, you have nothing to be afraid of, I'm not a mirror, you won't see yourself!

Run under the bath to hide, otherwise if I find you, then your face will resemble a chop!

Where did you come from, birdie?

Blow up and don't cry out.

Please make the world a better place.

To do this, you just need to hang yourself!

Cockerel, it's too early to crow, it's not dawn yet!

I'll buy you a muzzle, you'll start yapping in my direction again,

Offensive obscene names and expressions

Have you lost the list of who to be afraid of.

Go feed the hedgehogs, local peacock! Worm in a spacesuit. Toilet on skis. Infected rhinoceros pipe. Twix without a stick Go smell your swim trunks!

You rustle out of season, huckster.

Why are you gurgling, dung slurry? Your smile makes my ass wrinkle, my face is like a gnawed canister!

Polina and the world

22. Another "Vyak" in my direction ....... and your dad was sweating in vain .... 34. Tell me who I am and I'll tell you how much you underestimated me. Your intelligence level is not equal to 0, so it’s better not to open your mouth at all, you can’t connect 2 words normally!

colorful swearing or insults without swearing


jotun, art, bitch, well, why did you give me cons here?

Jotun, Art likes to put minuses (he received from him). probably for educational purposes, to write less.

opera.rulez, my friend, I got about 30 minuses (190 ratings) from art jotun, when I was completely new, he leaked the same amount to me somewhere without explaining the reason.

stupid dictionary-explainable words

I look at you and understand that all scientists lie… not all dinosaurs have died out yet… I know why you are so angry and nervous. Your girl has a bigger dick than her.

Do you want to guess what sign you were born under?

stopudovo, under a brick! my friend fell and broke her chin, but it's not scary, because she has a second one.

see see. you are awesome! only steel balls should be in the pants, not in the head.