Harem pants. What to wear with harem pants - what would this outfit go with?

Women's trousers (Aladdin, Turkish trousers) are very wide pants, gathered at the ankle with an elastic band or cuffs. Bloomers belong to national clothes peoples eastern countries, where they are still very popular to this day.

Who are women's bloomers suitable for?

Harem pants look equally good on slim people tall girls, and at low plump girls, masking flaws and emphasizing the advantages of any silhouette. They can often have a drawstring at the waist or a corset belt located on the hips, which perfectly hide figure flaws such as a protruding tummy or too wide hips.

In addition, this style of trousers is almost sizeless, and this makes any female figure exciting and graceful. Legs of imperfect shape, lack of waist, big buttocks, all this is hidden under wide trousers, leaving others with huge scope for imagination.

The owners thin waist With the help of trousers of this style, they can, on the contrary, demonstrate their advantage.

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Harem trousers, in themselves, are very wide and eccentric, and therefore the top to them should be more modest, better fitting. In summer, trousers of this style should be combined with a narrow T-shirt, a T-shirt decorated with oriental patterns, or a top with a corset and straps, and in cold weather - with a knitted turtleneck, a fitted jacket or jacket without shoulder pads, and even with a classic jumper. If you want to make your look original and eclectic, then you can pair these trousers with a loose shirt with a long or short sleeve and tie it in front with a knot.

Shoes for trousers should correspond to the oriental style. Neat shoes will look equally good here. thin stiletto heel(the image of Scheherazade), and sandals with straps or with weaves on flat sole, and the more straps and weaves there are, the more original the outfit will look. Some extravagant beauties allow themselves to wear harem pants with rough boots or platform ankle boots, and, I must say, they do not spoil the look at all. The main thing is that the trousers should be better in a dark solid color, and the top should match them - a turtleneck with high collar or a camisole with large metal buttons.

Outerwear for harem trousers should be short - to the waist or to the middle of the thigh, but in no case longer. A short, fitted leather jacket, a fur coat or a sheepskin coat would look good here.

It should be noted that trousers of this style are quite unusual; they themselves decorate the outfit, and therefore practically do not require accessories.

Women's harem trousers big size will bring anyone back from an apathetic state. Some people cannot get enough of them, others fundamentally do not accept this style, but emotions from them are guaranteed.

Fashionable - it's about them

Designers who want to shock the public present ever more original and extraordinary models at catwalk shows and photos in look-books. The views of stylists are relatively completely opposite - some glorify these summer pants, while others refuse to take them seriously. Maximum simple pattern, but caused so much discussion. Remember a few key points:

  • Extravagant style suitable for club parties and socks for every day. Pick up original accessories, unusual couple shoes - get a completely new outfit.
  • Speaking about shoes, experts do not put any taboos for fashionistas. The only rule– for short girls it is advisable to choose only high heels. With low-top shoes, the silhouette will seem disproportionate.
  • The most ideal tandem is with a fitted top. Any style looks harmonious with such things.

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What length to choose

Bloomers come in long and middle length. While both lengths are comfortable for most women, petite women should opt for medium-length bloomers. If you have several extra pounds, long bloomers can make you look slimmer than medium-length bloomers.

Harem pants can also be worn by women with massive bottom figures

Although certain models of bloomers can make bottom part female figure larger, there are bloomers that can create the exact opposite effect. Be sure to choose bloomers from the right fabric. Cotton can sometimes look too bulky, and if your... problem area– thighs or buttocks, volume is definitely contraindicated for you. Instead, choose a thinner material. Such fabrics usually look more feminine and drape beautifully rather than creating extra bulk.

Balance your silhouette

Due to the baggy style and structure, harem pants can sometimes be difficult to wear. The trick is to balance out your figure with a tight-fitting top. This will help you not look overweight. The top should end exactly at the waist. If it is longer, it will only add volume to the figure. Sleeveless tops and tank tops are good for summer. On cooler days or evenings, layer a cardigan or a pretty bolero jacket over the top for a stylish look.

Wear a belt

Because bloomers have a high waistline, top part It’s better to take your clothes inside and put on a wide belt on top that will emphasize your waist. A pair of black bloomers looks great with a white top, beige belt and a short denim jacket. Complete the look beige bag and high-heeled shoes. These trousers can be made both dressy and casual. They can be worn with simple top, or with a blazer.

Choose your shoes carefully

Shoes of almost any style look good with bloomers. To appear taller and slimmer, it is best to wear bloomers How to wear bloomers

Harem pants are rightfully considered one of the most original styles of women's trousers. The recognizable silhouette is determined by the loose cut, emphatically narrowed in the ankle area with the help of an elastic band, drawstring or cuff. From the category traditional outfits this piece of clothing stepped straight onto fashion catwalks, becoming a real discovery for world-class designers. By the way, the appearance of bloomers in the wardrobe of European women is usually associated with the name of the legendary dancer of the early 20th century, Mata Hari, who shone in public in shocking oriental attire.

Varieties of bloomers

Under general concept"harem pants" are hidden in abundance individual varieties, the most popular of which are Afghanis, Zouaves and Shalwars (“Aladdins”). Let us briefly describe the features of the listed styles:

Zouaves (“harems”) - airy trousers, tapered from the knee, reminiscent of riding breeches;

Shalwars are voluminous pants with a long waist, creating the effect of a skirt;

Afghani is a loose model, impressively tapered at the ankles.

What to wear with bloomers?

For creating ideal image using harem pants fashion stylists They advise you to follow a number of simple recommendations. Let's begin with unusual style optimally suits the owners tall And harmonious proportions figures. In this case, bloomers can be used with ballet flats and flat shoes. For short girls It is worth paying attention to the combination of bloomers with ankle boots, shoes, sandals on high heels or wedge heels, which contribute to the visual elongation (as well as narrowing) of the silhouette. Especially fragile fashionistas should take a closer look at solid-color models or, on the contrary, options with large prints.

Another helpful advice– use of bloomers in combination with garments of a laconic cut. The original style of the product eliminates overly elaborate details and decorative elements. The best options would be a loose top, blouse or classic fitted one. In this case, accessories help to show your imagination: massive ethnic bracelets, necklaces, chains, earrings, etc.

The perfect complement to an image with bloomers will be wide belt(pay attention to current models made of suede), which will emphasize the waistline and create the effect of “ hourglass" An interesting accent would be the use of a light scarf or neckerchief.

Let's give an example: to create bright onion you can use bloomers made of heavy velvet, a smooth fitted top made of plain chiffon or delicate satin, sandals with classic stiletto heels, a miniature clutch, a massive necklace with metal elements. A perfect ending elegant bow the hair collected in high bun and makeup in oriental style(expressive arrows on the eyes, sparkling blush, etc.).

IN Once again returns in summer fashion for harem pants . I want to look at this topic, leaning a little on the traditional approach to this clothing.

Personally, I really love bloomers, not only because of my Middle Eastern heritage and working with the studio oriental dance in the past, I love these pants for their comfort, but I am truly surprised by how poorly most girls wear them on the street. Some things relate to my subjective taste, and some things relate to an objective violation of body proportions. Very often, many Western girls in bloomers look disproportionate and unfeminine. Although, this is the kind of clothing that, on the contrary, can emphasize (and if necessary, create) feminine curves.

I want to start by saying that Bloomers are different. I'll explain in cartoons =)

Princess Jasmine, in fact, trousers - loose pants, ankles with elastic. These pants look like a skirt. V traditional cultures you are not ashamed to go outside wearing them, wearing them long tunic or dress.

Aladdin's so-called Afghani - pants with a simple triangular pattern, usually made of very light materials. In traditional communities, women do not wear such pants on the street, unless under outerwear dress. They are considered home clothes, but in home use They are very comfortable - they cover the area that should always be closed, and you can sit in any position.

Well, there's more Indian salwars - we have already talked about them. They are not easy to wear outside of the traditional shalwar-kameez set - the complex drapery makes it difficult to combine them with other types of clothing.

So how can you wear bloomers and still look feminine?

No one usually has any problems with ordinary trousers.

Bloomers are often used for dancing - then they are made of translucent fabric, and the top is embroidered with beads. belt with coins or sparkles - naturally, they don’t wear such trousers on the street - they are for performances.

And here from Afghani it's Complicated. In general, in a good way, they should be worn to look like a skirt - then they look proportional and normal. To do this, the elastic bands of the legs on the legs must be higher - then the pants drape and you get a skirt like this.

These two options are not as successful as the first - but the principle is the same.

But usually Afghans wear strange clothes on the streets - I’ll show you how best not to. I don’t know if it’s personal taste or just a violation of proportions that catches your eye...

Firstly, some companies immediately sew afghanis in an “unconventional” way - not in a triangle, but with a shortened middle part. Whether you like it or not, you can’t drape them like that.

Compare: how to sew

How some firms sew

Well, secondly, many themselves wear these pants incorrectly, as if they have very, very short legs and a very long body =))).

Maybe, of course, this is a matter of personal taste, but this kind of cut and wearing, in my opinion, will not decorate anyone. Because they upset the balance of the figure, visually shorten the legs, and have nothing in common with traditional ethnic clothing. Pants of this cut are more likely to be clothing for informal people.

But I want to tell how to wear bloomers and still look feminine .

Few rules .

1) If bloomers visually shorten your legs, they will look good with low heels.
2) If you mix ethnic and European styles and wear bloomers, then the top (T-shirts, sweaters, etc.) should be tailored to your figure, but not very long.
3) If you are more for the traditional approach, then wear harem pants (not afghani) with a long, loose tunic.
4) Indian or Middle Eastern style accessories will complement your look.

I'll try to create a few looks for the street and for the home. They really turned out very romantic and in my colors, but I think the principle will be clear to you =)