The most unusual couples in the world. The most unusual existing couples in love (10 photos)

1. Pair with the same full name, Mr and Mrs Kelly Hildebrandt

It's not uncommon to hear the stories of couples who met online. But still, it is unusual when a couple who meets online and marries the same name. In this case, it's a guy from Texas named Kelly Hildebrandt and a girl from Florida named Kelly Hildebrandt. They are going to get married. Kelly Hildebrandt met Kelly Hildebrandt when Kelly, a girl, was looking for her given name on Facebook. "I was like, 'I wonder if there's any other Kelly Hildebrandt on Facebook,'" she explained. "So, I looked up my own name, and he's the only one that fits. And in the photo on the internet, he didn't have a shirt on, and I found him cute!" And Kelly in Texas was intrigued. He wrote "Hey, I see what we have same names That's cool!"... Eight months after that innocent Facebook interaction, Kelly proposed to Kelly, and pretty soon they'll be Kelly Hildebrandt.

2. The couple with the biggest difference in height

Fabien Pretoux, born June 15, 1968 in France, is 188.5 cm (6 ft 2 in) tall and is married to Nathalie Lucius, born January 19, 1966, 94 cm (3 ft 1 in) tall. The couple married in Seyssinet-Pariset, France on April 14, 1990. Their height difference is 94.5 cm.

3. The youngest couple in the world

Every little girl dreams of her wedding, a beautiful white dress and, of course, a prince on a white horse. But 9-year-old Jayla Cooper didn't have a lifetime to wait for this prince. In Southlake, Texas, a girl battled leukemia for two years, and the end of the battle was sealed. Jayla did have a boyfriend. He is her best friend, Jose Griggs, 7 years old, same patient in Nursery Medical Center in Dallas. Jayla and José got married in February 2009 to fulfill her final wish: beautiful wedding, surrounded by family and friends. From flowers to banquet hall, just like the wedding of her dreams.

4. The couple with the biggest age difference

A 112-year-old Somali married a 17-year-old girl for the sixth time. The wedding between Ahmed Muhamed Dore and Safia Abdulleh took place in Guriceel in the Galguduud region of Somalia. Mr Doré and his teenage wife live in the same village and he said he was waiting for her when she grew up. He is 95 years older than her and could have been her great-grandfather.

5. The only couple to win the lottery twice... with the exact same numbers.

Couple Angelo (Angelo) again with the money ... again. The family, consisting of Sir Eugene (81) and his wife Adeline (74), three sons, Eugene Jr. (48), Stephen (47) and Michael (42), won $2,500,000 and $10,000,000 in the lottery in December 1996. This is the first time in the 29-year history of the New York Lottery Lotto game that a player has won the jackpot twice. Last time the Angelo family won the $5,000,000 prize on August 18, 2007. What a lucky couple!

Source 6The couple separated for 60 years.

Sixty years ago, Boris and Anna Kozlova were married for only three days before he went to the front in the Red Army. When he returned, Anna and her family were exiled to Siberia after Stalin's purges. But one day, completely colliding, they found each other again!

"I thought my eyes were lying to me," Anna said. "I saw this familiar face, his eyes gazing at me. My heart jumped. I knew it was him. I screamed with joy." Boris, 80, returned to visit his parents' grave. He got out of the car and looked for his an old house where they lived for several days after their wedding. "I reached her and said:" My beloved, I have been waiting for you for such a long time. My wife, my life...

7. The smallest couple

Douglas Maistre Breger da Silva, born September 21, 1969, and Claudia Pereira Rocha, born September 6, 1972, both Brazilians, married October 27, 1998, in Curitiba, Brazil. Their height is 90 and 93 cm respectively. Together they are 183 cm tall, which is less than 6 feet.

8. A pair of same-sex penguins

Harry and Pepper are a pair of adorable male penguins from the San Francisco Zoo. The couple's relationship began in 2003 and they have been together for 6 years. Two black-and-white birds paired up, and outgoing Harry befriended Pepper, an introvert who holed up in his hole. When they were teenagers, everyone thought they were friends. But soon they were living together. Harry collected the grass and carried it home to Pepper, who arranged it neatly in their hole. The females were in the zoo, but both birds showed no interest in them.

They even hatched an egg together in 2008 that was laid on them. And they were the best parents. They took care of their chick and the chick grew to be the largest.

9. The tallest couple in the world

Anna Haining Swan was born August 06, 1846 in Mill Brook, Nova Scotia and weighed 18 pounds. At 5 years old, Anna Swan was 4 feet 8 inches tall, and when she grew to 7 feet 5 inches 1/2 (approximately 228 cm). Martin Van Buren Bates was born November 9, 1837 and was known as the "Kentucky Giant", reportedly reaching a height of 7 feet 11 inches, but more accurately it was about 7 feet 2 inches 1/2 (219 cm).

While visiting the circus in Halifax, Martin Van Buren saw Anna, who was performing there as the tallest woman in the world. The giant couple became a tourist sensation and eventually fell in love, and on June 17, 1871, at St. Martin in the fields in London, they got married. The Reverend Rupert Cochrane, a family friend of Anne's, who was preaching in London at the time, agreed to officiate the ceremony. Despite his height of 6 feet 3 inches (1.91 m), the priest looked small standing next to the giant newlyweds. Their combined height was an amazing 14 feet 8 inches (over 4.5 m).

10. A married couple who lived together for 85 years

Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher of North Carolina were married for 85 years from May 13, 1924. Zelmira was 101 and Herbert was 104. They lived for 50 years in the same house in New Bern.

Marriage has always been, is and will be in society. It happens to almost everyone, and no one is surprised. But there are couples that are really unusual. They are different from all people and habitual relationships. We will tell you about the most unusual couples that live on our planet. Some of them got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Victor Hugo Peralta and Gabriela Peralta

This couple got into the Guinness Book of Records as the couple with the most body modifications. They are completely covered in tattoos. Tattoos are literally everywhere, but that's not all. All over their bodies they have subcutaneous implants and earrings. There are 50 earrings in total and 11 implants, a truly unusual pair.

Arin Andrews and Katie Hill

At first glance, this is the most common couple that can be found in any city. If you see them, you will never think that they are any different from ordinary people. But they still have a significant difference, because they both changed their gender.

In general, there are couples in which one of the partners changes sex, but here both partners did it. Arin Andrews is a woman who changed gender to a man, and Katie Hill was a man who became a woman. Arin met Katie when she was in the process of changing her gender. These people became the first couple in the world to mutually change their gender.

Kelly Hildebrandt and Kelly Hildebrandt

If you look at the names of these people, you might think that this is one person, but it is not. These are one of the few people who are full namesakes, both by last name and first name.

The Kelly woman just decided to look at her namesakes on Facebook, but one guy interested her. She saw his photo with a naked torso and could not resist. They met and saw each other for the first time 3 weeks after talking online. After some time, the couple played their wedding.

Francois Fernandez and Madeleine Francini

Elderly people can fall in love too. So centenarians Francois Fernandez and Madeleine Francini got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most elderly couple in the world. The man is 96 years old and the woman is 94. If you add their ages together, they lived for 191 years and 126 days.

Verne Troyer and Genevieve Gallen

This couple made the most short marriage. The man Verne Troyer became a really popular actor who starred in many films that thundered all over the world. He constantly communicated with the dazzling beautiful women and models. One model became his chosen one, whom he decided to marry. They signed, but the next day they divorced. Genevieve Gallen says that this was due to Troyer's constant revelry and romance.

Lauren and David Blair

This couple uttered the most oaths of allegiance to each other. They have done it 100 times and each time they do it in a new place. And it's not just words, they take it very seriously. They even dress accordingly. The bride dresses up in a dress and the groom in a suit.

When they were asked why they do this, they replied that it tests their fidelity to their feelings. After each new oath, Honeymoon which also motivates them to do so.

Angelo family

This couple is completely ordinary, they just have much more luck than the rest. They won the lottery 2 times and won a huge amount of money. The first time they took 2.5 million dollars in winnings, and the second time they took 10 million dollars. But this is not the most important thing. The lottery tickets they won their money with were exactly the same number.

Jolison Fernandez da Silva and Eva Medeiros

Jolison Fernandez da Silva was born in Brazil. He is one of the most tall people on the planet. To be precise, he took 3rd place in the ranking of tall people. But his wife, Eva Medeiros, does not have such impressive data, on the contrary, she has a height of one and a half meters.

Elisani da Cruz Silva and Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho

There are couples in which the height of the spouses varies greatly. So it happened with Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho has a small growth - only 164 centimeters. But his wife, on the contrary, is a very tall woman. Her height is as much as 2 meters.

Anton Kraft and China Bell

Anton Kraft was born a dwarf, because his height is only 134 centimeters. But despite this, he was able to achieve great results in sports. He achieved heights in powerlifting, and became the most strong man on the planet. He can lift the entire 4 times his own. But his wife was a transsexual China Bell. The growth of his wife is 194 centimeters. This contrast is really striking.

Sophie Abdule and Ahmed Mohammed Dori

The unusualness of this couple lies in the fact that their age has a difference of almost 100 years, namely 94 years. The man is now as much as 112 years old, and the girl is 18. This confirms the proverb "all ages are submissive to love." At the groom's age, he could easily be the bride's great-grandfather. But as he said, he waited a very long time for her to come of age.

Barbarella Buechner

This resident of the UK decided not to look for a man, and to marry her two cats. The woman is 48 years old, and she decided to spend her life with such chosen ones. She spent her honeymoon in the Canary Islands. It is possible that for the sake of this holiday she married pets.

In her wedding, she was helped by one site that specializes in helping similar situations. The employees of the site are engaged in helping people to marry animals.

Mangley Munda

This girl is from India and her situation is similar to that of the girl from the UK. Only this time the decision is not voluntary, but forced. In her village, they decided to give the girl as a wife to a dog, as this could remove the curse from her and the entire village. She was told that she could marry any man, but for now she had to take care of the four-legged groom.

And finally, the girl married herself

Briton Grace Gedler decided not to bother with finding a groom, and marry herself. She said that she had not had a man for a long time, and after such a long break in relations, she realized that she did not need them at all.

There are many in the world strange people who are not like everyone else. The most unusual couples differ in kind, and sometimes in appearance. But that doesn't make them worse, they're just different, that's all.

They don't care about public opinion! They met each other, fell in love and are now happy ... The strangest couples from all over the world are amazing.

Love overcomes everything. This banality, imagine, still works. True, it can be tested in action only on unusual couples who, without giving a damn about public opinion, stay together and accept each other for who they are. And that, all things considered, is extremely difficult. extreme short stature or incredible big weight, alternative beauty or a peculiar sense of humor - all this has ceased to be barriers for the people who will be discussed.

Soul beauty

When the bride is happy, you can't hide it with any veil. However, no one is trying to hide here - it is customary to share joy with the world in this family. The guy was lucky to marry a real Decembrist. It can be seen from her that she is following her husband both to Siberia and to hard labor.

Strength in nature

Everything about this couple is good, it remains only to choose clothes according to size. Apparently, in the process of muscle (and not muscle) growth, the guys do not have time to run to the store for new clothes, so they have to flaunt their fitness achievements, and at the same time the skill of a plastic surgeon.

When love is really big

Lin Yue and his wife Deng Yang are officially registered as the heaviest couple on earth. Their combined weight is over 400 kg. They have been married for more than five years, but have not been able to have sex. We don't think anyone will ask why.

girls like tall

It's good when your boyfriend is 190 meters tall. True, it would be nice to reach him without a stool when you want to kiss. This does not work for a couple from France, because the height of the wife is a little over 94 centimeters. But this did not prevent the guys from living happily and even having a baby.

Childish passion

When I found a person your soul mate, it does not matter what race and religion he is. And if you and your soul mate are equally tiny in height - only 86 cm - this is definitely fate. For this couple, everything turned out just like that, and they don’t care what others say. Read more: Big day for little people: The world's shortest couple finally got married.

century difference

Ahmed Muhamed Dore and Safiya Abdulleh, aged 112 and 17 respectively, were married in October 2009. Despite the resistance of their families, friends, relatives and neighbors, they courageously showed the world that they really love each other and no one can separate them.

Lilliputian love

Everything is like in that song of the group “Leg brought down”. One of the smallest people on earth - Douglas Meister Breger da Silva and Claudia Pereira Rocha - met, fell in love and gave birth to a girl of normal growth.

Giants love

Anna Haining Swan and Martin Van Buren Bates, born in the first half of the 19th century, were among the first documented giants to marry. The growth of the groom was 219 cm, the bride - almost 230 cm. Next to them in the photo is a priest of a completely normal height, who performed their wedding.

True self-love

And this guy just went and married his own copy, cut out of cardboard. More than 100 guests gathered for the ceremony, parents and other relatives blessed this union. “Everything is better than bringing some girl,” apparently, the mother of the groom and mother-in-law thought in one person.

Mass of tenderness

Love and war go hand in hand, and here, perhaps, they declared war overweight or common sense. And they started with the fact that they stopped hiding the defects of their figure from others. If that's what makes a couple happy, then so be it. If only the sword did not go into action.

7. Amazon Amanda and Sergio Miranda

This unusual model has a very tall- almost 2 meters. At the same time, its weight is 127 kg. The girl often spent money on meetings with the most different men including shorter people. Sergio Miranda, who was hopelessly ill, asked Amanda to crush him to death because he is the only man in the world who truly loves her. His height is only 161 centimeters, but the ardent admirer was happy only next to her. Amanda was tall and very strong, so she could calmly lift her boyfriend like a weightlifter.

6. Tom Robinson and Sue Bradley

Tom Robinson is a famous singer and songwriter. In addition, he is not just a homosexual, but also an activist in an unconventional movement. But one day, walking in a woman's outfit, he fell in love with a woman named Sue Braali. When the media reported that sexual orientation celebrity changed dramatically, then Robinson said that he used to be gay, and then fell in love and became a normal person. Moreover, he even got married. A lot of journalists criticized Tom Robins, but the singer answered them that Sue is generous, always does good to people. Now they live happily.

5. Flavio Breatore and Elizabeth Gregorachi

Looking through their past photos, they still do not believe that they are already spouses. The girl was going to go to college to earn a lot of money after graduation. Flavio is 30 years older than his wife Elisabeth. Despite big difference aged, they are very happy together. They love each other so much that the elderly husband does not see his daughter from his first wife at all. A new hobby has appeared in my life. As soon as new wife came into Flavio's life, he instantly forgot about everything around.

4. Anton Kraft and Shane Bell

Anton Kraft is a man whose height is only 134 centimeters. However, the man is widely known as a professional bodybuilder. When the athlete saw Shane Bell, he immediately fell in love with her. Remarkably, Bell is a transvestite with a height of 192 centimeters. She fell in love with Anton when he returned from work, as she was very impressed with the man's appearance. Because of flaw detection, doctors recommended Kraft to stop weightlifting, as he had already been between life and death five times. The girl often had to lean forward, as the gentleman was two heads shorter than her. Now Anthony is free time spends with Shane.

3. Sherity Peyers and Tony Sawyer Sherity

Peyers has always been a rather plump lady. In addition, she is known for her unprecedented weight - 352 kilograms. At 40, she even appeared on TLC to show off her real weight. Sherity was so heavy that she almost died from the weight of her weight. With such a mass, some people cannot get up off the couch, and this creates significant problems in life. Tony looked after her. The man always accompanied his ward, and even during weight loss operations he was next to her. Many people were confused by the fact that Tony had connections with charity. The woman lost more than 180 kilograms of weight as a result of numerous surgical procedures. Since the lovers wanted to get married as soon as possible, the woman tried to lose some more weight. She has a goal - to become slim and attractive wife. How long it will take to restore the previous forms - experts do not predict.

2. Darren Donahue and Kate Cathcart

There are times in life when not the most beautiful people fall in love and successfully achieve reciprocity. There are even entire courses on techniques for seducing women. On the face of it, Darren Donahue doesn't seem like a person who is lucky in relationships with beautiful girls. He is far from the most attractive person in the world. That is why many are perplexed how he manages to get hold of strong relationships With beautiful girl. His beloved woman works as a hairdresser, and she has more than enough fans. Every day people come from everywhere to get their hair cut. The man has always been a realist, so he never expected that he could conquer such a beauty. However, they got married in 2014. The couple have a son, Jackson. Fortunately, outwardly he looks much more attractive than his father.

1. Sisters have a relationship with an old man

Two sisters from Illinois have done in their lives unusual choice: They met a pensioner. He was about 70 years old when we met. Although it seems strange, the girls believe that they do not need more happiness. There are rarely times in life when a girl becomes happy with common man who has a gray beard and a bent back. However, it is not for nothing that they say that all ages are submissive to love.

Fate sometimes connects such people (and not only) with each other that the saying about "love of evil ..." is child's play compared to reality.

Here are collected 12 couples breaking all records of unusualness, absurdity and strangeness.

Briton Grace Gedler greatly surprised her friends and relatives. She spent a magnificent wedding ceremony during which she married herself. The woman admitted that she had not been in a relationship with men for 6 years and at some point realized that she did not need them at all.

Again, British resident Barbarella Buchner (Barbarella Buchner) played a wedding with two of her cats. It is reported by Metro. The 48-year-old British woman spent her honeymoon with animals in the Canary Islands.

The publication clarifies that a site that helps people who want to tie the knot with pets has issued a British certificate confirming her relationship with cats.

3. 8-year-old Sanele Masilela married 61-year-old Helen Shabangu, fearing the revenge of the other world.

According to the groom's mother, Sanele was named after his grandfather, who during his whole life did not have the opportunity to marry.

In this regard, he asked for a wedding already from the next world. The deceased chose Helen because he liked her. However, the ceremony, for which they spent about 1.5 thousand dollars, does not impose any obligations on the newlyweds - they were released from signing a marriage certificate.

4. Victor Hugo Peralta and Gabriela Peralta met at one of the exhibitions dedicated to tattoos and piercings.

They got into the Guinness Book of Records as a couple with the largest number bodily modifications in the world. In addition to the tattoos that almost completely cover them, Hugo and Gabriela boast 50 earrings, 11 implants, five dental implants, four ear tunnels and two forked tongues.

... at the urging of the village council. The elders claimed that in this way it would be possible to get rid of the evil spell that threatens not only the girl, but the entire village. However, the village council did not forbid Mangly to marry any man she liked. However, until this moment, the girl will have to take care of her four-legged wife in every possible way.

6. Francois Fernandez and Madeleine Franzini entered the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest married couple.

At the time of their marriage, François was 96 years old and Madeleine was 94. Their combined age was 191 years and 126 days.

At first glance, Arin Andrews and Katie Hill are quite an ordinary couple. Without knowing their history, you will never pay attention to them on the street or in public transport. Meanwhile, they are the first couple in the world in which both changed sex. When Cathy met Arin, she was just in the process of changing her gender from male to female, and Arin, on the contrary, made every effort to transform into a guy.

Despite the half-meter difference, Francinaldo was not afraid to offer Elizana his hand and heart. She, of course, agreed.

By 2011, the Blairs had exchanged them 100 times. Moreover, each new oath was pronounced in a new place. The couple takes their vows seriously - Lauren dresses up in Wedding Dress while David puts on a suit. When asked why they need all this, the Blairs answer that in this way they test each other's love. Well, about the honeymoon, of course, do not forget.

10. Kelly Hildebrandt and Kelly Hildebrandt are one of the few full namesakes in the world who have tied the knot.

Kelly (wife) became interested in Kelly (husband) when she was researching a list of her namesakes on Facebook. In the profile photo, her chosen one appeared bare-chested, and she could not resist - three weeks after the online dating, the couple first met live, and soon got married.

11. US Army Sergeant Ty Siegel returned from Iraq with a disfigured face, but got married.

He was accompanied to the war by his beloved girl Rene Klein. After returning, she insisted on the wedding, and in 2006 the couple got married. A year later they broke up. In an interview, Siegel said that Klein was completely unprepared for family life.

12. Known for his role in the film "Austin Powers 2. The Golden Dick" Vern Troyer is proud of his small stature (only 82 centimeters).

In society, he constantly appears in the company of dazzling beauties. On one of them - the model Genevieve Gallen - he was even married. True, not for long - the next day the marriage was annulled. Gallen later said that this was due to her husband's constant affairs.

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