How does a newborn gain weight? When the real numbers do not match the norm. Boys and girls: is there a difference in the increase

One of the most serious issues that awaits you after the birth of a baby is weight gain in newborns by months. agree that it is important to know if your baby has enough milk? Sometimes the reverse situation happens: the child is gaining weight perfectly, but growing very anxious. You may think that there is not enough milk, although the behavior of a "hungry baby" is not a reason to supplement with formula. Let's deal with the increments so that you have guidelines: is there enough milk?

Birth weight is an important parameter for future calculations!

Birth weight is the first factor that influences future increase baby's body weight. Remember how immediately after the birth of the crumbs, he was immediately examined, measured height and weight.

Normal weight is from 2.7 kg to 3.7 kg, subject to birth healthy child. This parameter depends on many points, so it would be wrong to compare children of different builds who gain weight in different ways. So, the weight of a newborn can be affected by:

  1. The physical condition of the baby, the nutrition and well-being of the mother during pregnancy, her compliance with healthy lifestyle life;
  2. Heredity - parents do not tall and of average build, small children are more often born, and "heroes" appear in families where both mom and dad are rather big;
  3. Gender of the child: girls, as a rule, are "smaller" than boys.

A few days later, an extract from the hospital was due, before which the child was weighed again at a routine examination, and the weight could be different from what it was after birth.

You may be worried that the baby has lost weight after birth, but there is no reason to worry. This is all understandable, the weight may decline slightly for a number of reasons:

  • After birth, a child loses a lot of fluid: his lungs expand, he begins to breathe, and “excess” moisture is also released through the skin;
  • The baby gets used to a different type of food. At first, the mother secretes colostrum - it is very nutritious, but its amount is very small. Imagine that the calorie content of 1 drop of colostrum = a bowl of soup. Now you understand why it is not enough? However, it is necessary for the child to create a favorable microflora in the intestines of the child. An important article about the successful start of breastfeeding >>>
  • The baby is adapting to a new environment, everything is new to him: air, temperature, vague outlines and distant sounds, which will soon be distinct and clear, and a lot of strength and energy is expended on all this.

This phenomenon is called physiological weight loss. Therefore, weight gain in infants should be calculated from discharge weight, and not from birth weight.

WHO baby weight chart*

0 3,3 3,2
1 4,5 4,2
2 5,6 5,1
3 6,4 5,8
4 7,0 6,4
5 7,5 6,9
6 7,9 7,3
7 8,3 7,6
8 8,6 7,9
9 8,9 8,2
10 9,2 8,5
11 9,4 8,7
12 9,6 8,9

* - Data are given according to the charts World Organization Health (WHO):

  • Weight of girls from birth to 2 years.
  • Weight of boys from birth to 2 years.

The dynamics of the weight of the newborn: we identify the factors that affect it

Are you wondering why weight gain in newborns of the same age occurs differently: some faster, others slower? The fact is that this process is regulated by the following factors:

  1. Genetics. Stubborn thing, raise your medical card or a husband’s card and take a look at what weight dynamics you had;
  2. type of feeding. The best is breastfeeding, it is a guarantee of a balanced metabolism and normal weight gain. Often "artists" experience problems associated with excess weight body.
  3. An overly strict diet for a nursing mother can also affect the amount of milk. You can learn more from the course Safe nutrition for a nursing mother >>>
  4. It is believed that gender newborns also matter: boys gain weight faster than their peers.

It is possible to answer clearly how much a newborn should gain weight only after all of the above factors are taken into account.

Weight gain in newborns: what is considered the norm from birth to a year?

If before the age of two weeks the child regains its original weight, and this is considered normal for him, then the remaining period until the age of one is divided as follows:

  • Age from 2 weeks to 3 months is the period of the most intensive weight gain. It was then that the rate of weight gain in a newborn is the most significant - a baby can add from half a kilogram to two kg in body weight every month.

And for a healthy breastfed baby, this will be a good indicator. Very often, a small increase in a newborn may be associated with some kind of disease or genetic predisposition;

  • Age from 4 months to six months is considered important in the development of the baby, he begins to move more and expend a lot of energy. Not surprisingly, weight gain during these months is comparatively lower than during the previous life stage. The norm is 500-1000 g in one month, sometimes a minimum threshold of 300 g is allowed, but this is rather an exception.

When it is required to track the dynamics of weight gain in newborns, data is usually taken once a week, the minimum result should not be lower than 125 grams weekly until six months of age;

  • The age of 6-9 months in healthy children is marked by the fact that food becomes more varied due to the introduction of complementary foods. A minimum of 200 grams and a maximum of 500 grams is the norm for weight gain in newborns of this age. Read the current article for this period on the introduction of complementary foods and child nutrition >>>
  • At 9-12 months, the child improves his motor skills, crawls a lot, walks, including trying to move independently. Therefore, if your baby at this age adds only about 100-300 grams per month, this is normal, there is no reason for concern.

It turns out that by the age of six months, the child should increase its weight by about 2 times, and by the year - 3 times compared to what it was at birth. There are even special methods tracking weight gain in newborns by months: table and calculation formula. If everything is quite simple with the first one, we just look at the finished data, then the formulas look like this:

  1. Weight + N * 800, where N is the number of months, and weight is calculated in grams, valid for babies from birth to 6 months;
  2. Weight + 800 * 6 + 400 * (N-6), where N is the day of the month after six months of age, and weight is also calculated in grams;
  3. This simple arithmetic allows for allowable fluctuations of one kilogram up or down if we are talking about the first year of life.

Reasons for reduced weight gain in a newborn: let's figure it out together

Many mothers, knowing what the optimal weight gain for babies should be for months, get upset and even panic if the increase begins to decrease significantly. Let's figure out together why this can happen:

  • The child has been ill: it is quite natural that with an illness, appetite decreases and digestion worsens;
  • An abrupt change in the usual environment, a move to another place, a summer vacation for parents - any trip, even the slightest bit significant, can become stressful for the baby. His world is still too small for him to be able to quickly rebuild and adapt to new conditions;
  • Increased physical activity in the form of a visit to the baby pool, gymnastics or an elementary course of massage procedures also affect weight gain in newborns. This includes the development of new skills and abilities - coups, crawling, sitting and walking;
  • Are you often in public? Be prepared for the fact that this can also cause changes in the life of the child. Kids quickly get tired of a large number of people, a noisy environment;
  • The changed mode and rhythm of feeding directly affects the weight gain of the newborn;
  • Mom went to work, in the life of the child there was another important person- grandmothers, nannies, etc. This is also a kind of stress, the response to which is a decrease in weight gain.

How to weigh a newborn on a scale?

To get an accurate indicator, try to follow these rules:

  • weigh the child at the same time;
  • In the same clothes;
  • remove the diaper during weighing;

Also be sure to look at the error of the scales. If these are floor, adult scales, then they have an error of 200-500 grams. It's too much. For weighing babies, it is better to purchase or rent special, baby scales. they will show exact result and the real state of affairs.

If weight gain is low, then issues need to be addressed breastfeeding, or if the baby is already on solid foods, consider a combination breastfeeding and introduction of complementary foods. In any case, this already requires an individual analysis, not an article.

Or a special milk formula for artificial feeding. If the baby is gaining weight well, feels well, his stool is normal and the number of urination reaches daily allowance, then we can safely draw conclusions that the baby receives sufficient nutrition. The child's weight can be monitored by regularly weighing him on a scale, during visits to the clinic or at home.

How is weight gain determined in a child?

The minimum weight of the child with which he arrived home after the hospital can serve as a starting point for you. This weight must be recorded in the baby's medical record. This weight does not correspond to the one with which the child was born, because it takes into account the physiological weight loss that necessarily occurs in the first days after the birth of the child.

Usually during this period the baby loses 5-8% in weight.

How much weight should a newborn gain by month?

Table of weight gain and growth of a newborn by months for a boy and a girl

Estimating baby's weight gain by month

You don't need to weigh your baby every day. You will clearly see the dynamics of growth if you weigh once a week. And from 3 months, it will be enough to weigh the baby once every 4 weeks.

What should be done if the child is slowly gaining weight?

First you need to determine whether the feeding of the baby is organized correctly or not. How often do you have to put the baby to the breast (according to medical standards, the baby should be breastfed at least eight and no more than twelve times a day). Are you breastfeeding your baby correctly? How long does he breastfeed? Is the sucking process effective? If your baby is slowly gaining weight for one of these reasons, then you can completely overcome this ailment on your own by eliminating the cause. In more difficult situations you can consult a breastfeeding specialist.

To find out the amount of milk sucked by the baby, is it necessary to weigh before and after feeding?

No. The fact is that each time the child drinks a different amount of milk. And in the matter of weight gain, it doesn’t matter how much milk he receives during one feeding, but what matters is how much of the received milk his body absorbs. And weight can also be affected by urination during feeding. So, you still won't get an objective result. To draw any conclusions, it is enough to weigh the child every seven days, on the same scales. You will get a better result if you weigh the baby without clothes.

What is the norm in weight gain for babies?

In the first five months of life, a child should gain at least one hundred and twenty-five grams of weight per week, and no more than two hundred and fifteen grams. If the baby is gaining more than the established norm, this indicates his strong overfeeding, and this may affect his further physical development.

After six months, the process of weight gain slows down considerably. This is due to the fact that the child begins to lead a more active lifestyle. He learns to roll over, crawl, walk. During this period, the amount of complementary foods for the baby increases, and it depends on general condition child, his height, physical development and hereditary factors (parental height and weight). But, the main guideline is always certain norms for matching the weight and height of the child.

Is excessive weight gain in an infant dangerous?

Back in the 60s of the twentieth century, norms for weight gain were developed for infants, which are on artificial feeding. If the child is eating, his weight gain is more predictable. But, if the baby gains too much and quickly, then this can serve as a signal for some diseases: renal, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

How did your baby gain weight?


What is the rate of weight gain in newborns by months we will consider in the table and why there are deviations in different directions.

Many future mothers are looking forward to the date of birth, since the birth of a baby relieves mom from many “pregnant problems” (the stomach will no longer interfere with sleep, the gait will improve, the back will stop hurting, the legs will not swell). This is true, but these difficulties will be replaced by others: permanent care for the baby, worries and concerns for his health.

One of the main indicators of the health and normal development of the baby in the first few months from the moment of his birth is weight. At a monthly examination, the pediatrician necessarily measures the height and weight of the child in order to draw a conclusion about his development.

"Where to start counting"

The first time the baby is weighed immediately after birth, then - at the time of discharge from the maternity hospital. These two numbers are needed to further control weight gain.

How much does the baby weigh

The birth weight of a full-term baby fluctuates from 2700 to 3700 grams . This indicator is affected by:

  • baby health;
  • hereditary indicators (large children are most often born to tall moms with more weight)
  • gender (usually boys are larger than girls);
  • mom's food (it's no secret that the foods that she eats future mom during pregnancy, they get to the baby, if the mother eats high-calorie foods, the child gains more weight);
  • mental condition mothers (constant anxiety and stress of the mother during pregnancy will affect the health and weight of the child at birth);
  • mother's bad habits (mothers with bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol) are more likely to give birth to children with insufficient body weight)

Where does the weight go

Traditionally, it is customary to measure two indicators of the weight of a newborn baby. As a rule, in the first 2-3 days of life, babies lose weight. There are several reasons for this:

  1. fluid loss. The born baby begins to breathe with the lungs, excess fluid leaves through Airways And skin;
  2. power setting. a born child eats maternal colostrum in small portions, getting used to new food;
  3. getting used to new conditions.

In total, in the first few days after birth, the child loses about 6-10% of its initial weight, therefore, weight gain is usually considered from the second digit, since it is more informative.

How does the baby grow

After discharge from the maternity hospital, the baby begins to gain weight. The rate of increase is individual for each child and depends on:

  • general well-being and health status. A sick child eats worse;
  • appetite
  • type of feeding. Artificialists gain weight faster than their "colleagues" on breastfeeding;
  • quantity and quality of food. The more mother's milk or mixtures the child receives, the faster he gains weight;
  • baby mobility. Nimble kids gain less;
  • daily routine. The baby will gain less if you feed him strictly certain time"by the clock";
  • age. In the first few months, weight gain is rapid, by the year this process slows down.

Despite this a large number of nuances, doctors have established the average weight gain of newborns.

How much will the baby add

From birth to six months, the baby is actively gaining weight:

  • the first month - 90-150 grams per week (within a month, the baby should gain 360-600 grams);
  • 2-4 months - 140-200 grams per week (per month 560-800 grams);
  • 5-6 months - 100-160 grams per week (per month - 400-640 grams).
After 6 months, growth and weight gradually slow down. For clarity, we present the indicators in the form of a table.

Why the weight deviates from the norm

Approximate tables of weight gain for a baby from birth to a year can be found on banks baby food, information stands of the polyclinic, in in social networks, on the forums of moms. Compare normal performance with statistics can all parents. Of course, each child is unique and weight gain is different for everyone, however, extremely low, as well as high increases, can adversely affect the health of the crumbs. Excess weight is fraught with problems in the future, a lack of mass can be the “first bell” of a developmental lag.

Very rarely, babies fit into generally accepted standards, so you should not panic ahead of time. Only a doctor can assess the situation. Excessive body weight, like its deficiency, can be caused by many reasons:

  • individual features of development;
  • baby growth. Tall kids gain more. If we compare two children with a height of 52 and 58 centimeters, then the second one will gain an average of 40 grams more per week due to their height;
  • gender (girls gain weight more slowly);
  • type of feeding. Babies get fat slower.

There are a lot of reasons why a baby can gain more or less than the norm. In each individual case, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary. Only a competent doctor can assess the condition of the crumbs and the rate of weight gain.

You have a baby. You have been waiting for him for a long time, imagining what he will be like and how you will raise and educate him. But when it finally happens, you suddenly run into a lot of unforeseen problems. One of them, which never ceases to excite every young mother and all grandmothers in the world, is the rate of weight gain in newborns.

Normal weight for a newborn baby

"Reference point" of the weight of the newborn

Each newborn baby is examined by a pediatrician, and at the first examination, he is immediately weighed and measured for height (). Then the child, together with his mother, will remain in the hospital for another 4-6 days to be monitored by doctors. On the day of discharge, he is weighed again. It is from these 2 numbers - the weight in the first minutes after birth and the weight on the day of discharge from the hospital - that the subsequent weight gain of the newborn begins and largely depends. So:

Baby's weight at birth

All babies are born with different heights and weights, and The normal weight of a healthy baby at birth is between 2,700 kg and 3,700 kg. It should be noted that the initial weight of the child depends on a number of different factors:

  • Baby health.
  • Heredity. Mothers of high stature with high weight are more likely to give birth to large children, and vice versa: thin, short women give birth to small babies.
  • Paul. As a rule, boys are always born larger (heavier) than girls.
  • Maternal nutrition during pregnancy. With a high-calorie diet of a pregnant woman, the fetus usually gains a large mass.
  • The physical and psychological state of a woman. If the mother is unwell or during pregnancy for a long time lived in a state of stress, this may well affect the health and, accordingly, the weight of her newborn child.
  • Presence in a pregnant woman bad habits. Of course, a smoker, and even more so a drinker and drug user, can give birth to sick children with insufficient weight.

Discharge weight

In the first few days of life, children lose some weight. Weight loss is due to several reasons:

  • Fluid loss. Once born, the baby begins to breathe, and a large amount of fluid escapes through its respiratory system and skin.
  • Power installation. In the early days, the baby drinks colostrum, and in small portions, until he gets better nutrition, and his mother begins to receive milk.
  • Adaptation to living conditions. We know perfectly well that the young seedlings transplanted by us from the greenhouse to the garden do not begin to grow immediately. Similarly, a child, having radically changed its habitat at birth, does not immediately get used to living in it.

Thus, discharge weight differs by about 6-10% from birth weight. And it is from this, second, number that it is customary to count the norms of weight gain for each newborn.

Weight gain rates

You and your baby were discharged from the hospital and you ended up at home. The kid has learned to eat, his digestion and heat-air exchange with environment and it starts growing rapidly.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Video: child's weight

Reasons for weight gain or lack thereof

Weight gain depends on the following reasons:

  • Health. If the baby is sick, he eats worse.
  • Appetite.
  • Type of feeding: breast or artificial. Formula-fed babies usually gain weight faster.
  • The quality and quantity of food (mother's milk).
  • Child mobility. A person involved in sports is usually fit. Similarly, an active child is somewhat thinner than a couch potato.
  • Daily routine and meals. When feeding "by the clock" weight grows more slowly than "on demand".
  • age. In the first months, children grow faster, by the year growth slows down.

Be that as it may, scientists-specialists have established some average conditional indicators of the norms of weight gain in newborns.

Increase rates: table of weight of a child up to a year

The average data shows that usually weight gain in the first year of life is as follows:

  • During the first month, when your baby is still very young, normal increase weight by 90-150 grams per week.
  • From the second, third and to the end fourth month the baby should be gaining 140-200 grams per week.
  • From the fifth month to six months, the weight is added again by 100-160 grams per week, and by six months, your baby's weight should approximately double.
  • Further, growth begins to slow down a little, and by one year the child weighs about 3 times more than it was at birth.

Table of weight of a child up to a year (clickable)

Deviations from the norm: is it worth worrying

Very often there are deviations from the above averages. This is too little or too much weight gain, which is also bad, because too fat guys become inactive and develop more slowly. Except possible diseases baby, the reasons for such deviations may be as follows:

  1. Each person in his physiology is individual, and everyone grows differently: someone is a little faster, and the other is a little slower.
  2. The norms of weight gain in all newborns of greater height are usually greater. So, if for a baby whose initial height was 52 cm, an increase of 170 grams is considered normal, then for a child with an initial height of 58 cm, it is already about 210 grams.
  3. It often happens that boys gain weight faster than girls.
  4. At artificial nutrition babies get fat faster.

And many other reasons, which are different in each case, and it is possible to identify them only with individual approach. And only after identifying these reasons, it is possible to give an accurate answer whether parents should worry about this and whether to take urgent measures. In any case, the rates of weight gain in newborns are averaged and approximate, and should not be taken as an ideal. And if you have any doubts about the growth of the child, it is best to take tests and consult with specialists. If you and your baby are healthy, then perhaps for the appearance of rounded folds on his body, it is enough to start feeding him on demand, often applying him to the breast, and this will solve the problem.

Every mom worries about how her baby is developing, especially if the child is the first in the family. Many are interested in the question: “What should be the indicators of height and weight in children under one year old, their increase by months?”. It should be noted right away that such values ​​\u200b\u200bdepend on several factors:

  • the nature of the baby's nutrition;
  • the amount of food eaten;
  • whether there is a history congenital anomalies- defects of the heart muscle, problems with digestive system And so on;
  • whether there is a hereditary intolerance to amino acids or lactose;
  • what is the activity of the baby.

All these moments play an important role in growth and weight parameters. In addition, every mother should remember that all children are individual, and it is impossible to exactly equal the parameters adopted by WHO. Especially if the baby looks cheerful and active. But, nevertheless, with a significant shortage, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Normal weight of the child at birth and discharge from the hospital

Each baby is unique in its own way. healthy baby, as a rule, is born with a weight of 2.7 to 3.7 kilograms. However final indicator depends on several external and internal factors:

  • health status and general development baby.
  • Of no small importance is hereditary predisposition. If the parents are tall and have an impressive weight, then their children will be large. For thin women the situation is exactly the opposite.
  • Due to certain physical features boys are always bigger than girls. The situation is observed both at birth and in the process of general development.
  • Features of the diet of a woman during the period of gestation. The fetus gains kilograms in the event that the woman did not limit herself to high-calorie foods.
  • The child is affected not only physically, but also psychological condition women. If the pregnancy for her proceeded under stress, then the situation can negatively affect the development of the baby. Against this background, the newborn lacks several hundred grams to normal weight and looks skinny.
  • Bad habits during pregnancy are very dangerous for a woman and her fetus. If mom abused smoking, alcohol or drugs, then she may have a child who is far behind in weight.

Body weight control of the baby should be carried out regularly

Additionally, it should be noted that after childbirth, children lose weight by a few grams. Such a sharp decrease in weight occurs against the background of the following factors:

  1. The child begins to breathe on his own, so the fluid accumulated in the womb is removed from his body. The evaporation process takes place through the skin.
  2. It is not possible to set the power mode immediately. During the first days of life, the baby eats in small portions, and the mother's milk is just beginning to be actively produced.
  3. The kid gets into an aggressive environment to which he has not yet adapted. He needs a period to adapt and normalize the functioning of all internal organs. Therefore, a sharp weight loss can be attributed to stressful situation. Through certain period this will pass, and the baby will begin to rapidly gain weight.

Normal weight loss between delivery and discharge is within 10%. Subsequent weight gain is calculated based on the last digit.

How to calculate the optimal parameter for your baby?

It should be noted right away that the norm in terms of height and weight was calculated experimentally. Therefore, slight deviations are allowed. In addition, it is worth remembering about genetics. So, for example, if both parents are tall, then it is logical to assume that the baby will be somewhat ahead of their peers in growth. Conversely, in short and fragile people, the increase in the growth of the baby will be lower than generally accepted values.

It is believed that at birth a child should have a weight in the range of 2650-4500 kg, and in the first 7 days of life, he can lose 10% of the initial weight. At normal development It is generally accepted that a newborn should gain 800 grams every month. But this happens until the baby is six months old, and then the increase goes to 400 grams.

For calculation optimal weight baby, you can use the following formula:
1. Up to 7 months: kg + 800 x N, where

  • kg - weight at birth;
  • N is the number of months lived.

2. After 7 months and up to a year: kg + 800 x 6 + 400 x (N-6), where

  • kg - weight at birth;
  • 800x6 - the mass that the baby acquired in the first six months of life;
  • N is the number of months after the last 6 months.

But here it’s worth saying right away that doctors always look not only at the growth of children, but also at their mass, and compare their ratio. Only then can we judge whether the child develops harmoniously.

A newborn baby is born with a weight of 2.6 - 4.5 kg. From this weight, the increase and the due mass are calculated.

What increase should you aim for?

If you go online to any children's site, then there will always be a table of weight and height with "exact" values, on which many mothers begin to rely. But as mentioned above, each child is individual, so it’s not the indicators that should be calculated, but the increase values ​​themselves.

And so that young parents have less worries about this, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the approximate figures in the increase in height and weight of newborns.

1. In the first month of life, the baby should add 0.6 kg in weight, 3 cm in height and should increase by 1-1.5 cm. Nutrition in this period should be every 3 hours and it is best if it is mother's milk. Otherwise, the volume of the mixture should be 80-120 ml.

2. By the end of the second month, another 600 grams should be added to the weight, 3 cm to the height, and 1.5 cm to the head circumference. Pauses between feeding should be 3.5 hours. At this time, many pediatricians recommend weaning the baby from night feeding. Therefore, if you listen to the recommendations, then weight gain may be less.

3. The third month is characterized by an increase of 0.8 kg in weight, 2.5 cm in height and 1.5 cm in head circumference. Feeding continues every 3.5 hours, but for "artificial" babies, a deviation from the schedule of 20-30 minutes is acceptable. The volume of food eaten increases to a mark of 130-150 ml. It is worth noting that this is a period of colic, which means that the baby's appetite may be somewhat disturbed.

4.4th month - + 750 gr, height - + 2.5 cm. Middle period feeding - 3.5 hours, 150 ml. It is immediately worth noting that in the future the child will gain weight by 50 grams less than in the previous month.

5. At 5 months, the child adds 0.7 kg in weight, 2 cm in height. On average, now the baby should have a height and weight twice as large as those that he had at birth. At this stage, the child can already introduce complementary foods, but gradually, following his reaction. For example, they start with a teaspoon (without a slide) of applesauce, which after a week can be increased to 50 grams. By the 6th month, they can already replace one full meal.

6. In six months, the baby should add 650 grams, and grow another 2 cm. The child is harmoniously developed if the width of his shoulders is 1/4 in relation to the length of the whole body. In this case, the parameters of the head circumference should be less than the value of the chest circumference. At this age, the feeding interval can be changed to every 4 hours.

7. At the seventh month, the normal weight gain is 600 grams, and in height - 2 cm. The baby is fed every 4 hours. You can usually replace one power supply at this stage breast milk for one serving of light porridge. It is best if complementary foods are in the morning.

8.8th month - 550 g will be added to the weight, and 2 cm to the height. Here you can already diversify the diet by adding dairy products to the diet - cottage cheese, baby yogurt, milk.

9. In the ninth month, the child will add half a kilogram, and will grow by 1.5 cm. vegetable puree, and dietary meat (chicken breast or rabbit), and half a chicken yolk (or a whole quail yolk). But any complementary foods are always introduced, starting with a teaspoon. Gradually, its amount should increase in volumes up to 150-180 ml / g. Otherwise, the child may get an allergy.

10. By the end of the 10th month, the average increase in children of this age is 450 grams. Height increases by another 1.5 cm. The baby can drink about 70-80 ml per day fruit juice. Banana, peach, plums and black berries are added to the diet. You can add 5 grams of vegetable oil to the porridge.

11. At 11 months +400 gr in weight, +1.5 cm in height. Sea fish is introduced into the menu, making meatballs out of it or just mashed potatoes.

12.Year. By this time, the baby should weigh: kg (birth weight) x 3. And the approximate height should be 25 cm more than the original one. In addition to meat and fish dishes, vegetables should already be present in the crumbs' diet. During this period, you can gradually move away from mashed potatoes, making food finely chopped. This will help the baby develop motor skills of the hands and learn to eat on their own.

But it is immediately worth noting that all the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven are approximate. Therefore, if the height of the newborn or its weight do not match, you should not immediately panic. You just need to consult a pediatrician. In addition, teething should not be overlooked, as it is always accompanied by a decrease in appetite. And this means that in a certain month, the schedule for gaining mass and growth may go astray. But then the baby will “catch up” with his performance.

It is very important that parents monitor not only the growth of the child by months, but also his psychomotor development. In each period, the baby must have certain skills.

Important parameters of the physical development of the baby are not only weight, but also height, head circumference of the baby

What problems can parents face?

There are a number of things that can happen to a baby. As a result, there will be deviations in weight gain and growth parameters:

  1. If the baby was born large (more than 4500 grams), then his performance will exceed the norm. It can also be observed in a child whose parents are prone to overweight or have diabetes.
  2. Small children may not gain weight due to intrauterine infection, placental insufficiency or the presence of pathologies of internal organs.
  3. Also important is the quality and volume of breast milk. If there is a lot of it and it is fat, then the baby will be larger than his peers. To understand that the crumbs have enough of everything, you need to pay attention to his behavior. Having sated, the baby will calmly fall asleep and not wake up for 3 hours. Otherwise, the child should be fed.

But before you measure the growth of a newborn, it must first be undressed. After that, the baby should be laid on the back on a special board with measurements and the legs should be completely straightened. In this case, the head should rest against the upper bar. Such a "tool" can be purchased at a children's store or just wait for a scheduled examination by a pediatrician. Up to a year, growth in children is measured every month.

In no case should you despair if the baby does not meet the "standard" parameters. You just need to pay attention to your relatives, maybe the kid just went to his grandparents in height and equipment, so he is taller or lower and thinner or fuller.