Russian Air Force Day. Russian Air Force Day (Air Force Day)

This is the history of the holiday. In the years 1917-1930 in the young Soviet Republic, the aircraft industry, aviation sports and the military use of aviation developed at a rapid pace. The popularity of aviation among the population had no equal.

The development of aviation in the USSR can be illustrated by the following major events those years:

On May 1, 1918, the first military and aviation parade of the troops of the Moscow garrison took place on the Khodynka field.

It involved infantry units, cavalry, artillery and armored vehicles, as well as the first aviation detachments, and many aircraft still had the identification marks of the Russian Army.

From Red Square, after the rally, V.I. Lenin arrived here (accompanied by N.K. Krupskaya and M.I. Ulyanova). He examined the hangars, planes, talked with pilots and aircraft technicians.

After the passage of infantry, artillery, cavalry, everyone's eyes turned to the sky, where pilot I.N. Vinogradov flew over Khodynka on a Nieuport-21 aircraft and performed aerobatics.

January 17, 1921 - the first Soviet legislative act on aviation was adopted - the Decree "On air movements in the airspace over the territory of the RSFSR and over its territorial waters."

May 1, 1921 - the Moscow-Orel-Kharkov postal passenger airline was opened (served by old Ilya Muromets aircraft).

May 1, 1922 The first international airline Moscow-Konnigsberg (Deruluft airline) was opened in the USSR.

February 9, 1923 - The Council of Labor and Defense adopted a resolution "On the assignment of technical supervision of air lines to the Main Directorate of the Air Fleet and on the organization of the Council for civil aviation» - official date establishment of civil aviation.

March 8, 1923 - Society of Friends established Air Fleet(ODVF), which took part in the equipment of airfields, raised funds for the construction of aircraft for the Air Force of the Red Army, and held All-Union gliding competitions in the Crimea.

March 17, 1923 - the Russian Joint Stock Company of the Voluntary Air Fleet - "Dobrolyot" was established with an authorized capital of 2 million rubles in gold. The main goal was the organization of air mail, passenger and cargo airlines, as well as the development of the domestic aviation industry.

September 3, 1923 - V.I.Lenin and N.K.Krupskaya contributed six personal gold coins to Dobrolet JSC for the purchase of a Junkers Yu-13 Pravda passenger aircraft.

January 23, 1927 - the Society for the Promotion of Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction - OSOAVIAKHIM (since 1951 - DOSAAF of the USSR, since 1991 - ROSTO) was formed.

March 20, 1930 - on the basis of the aeromechanical faculty of the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, the Higher Aeromechanical School was formed (since August 29 - the Moscow Aviation Institute).

June 26, 1930 - near Voronezh, under the leadership of L.G. Minov, the first mass training of paratroopers in the USSR for jumping from an airplane began. This day is considered the birthday of Soviet parachuting.

In November 1932 Commander of the Red Army Air Force Ya.I. Alksnis submitted to the Revolutionary Military Council (the highest military body of the USSR) the proposal of the Air Force on the establishment of a new holiday - "Aviation Day", "in order to further popularize the civil and military aviation in the masses"

The holiday was proposed to be held annually in August ("the best time according to weather conditions, after preparation in summer camps personnel of the Air Force") in the form of air parades, with a demonstration of the best examples of military and civil aviation, piloted by the best military and civilian pilots, as well as with the participation of outstanding athletes, aviators and paratroopers.

Previously regular aviation holidays tsarist Russia, nor in the USSR was not.

This proposal was considered by the Government and the Central Committee, after which, on April 28, 1933, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted Decree No. 859 "On the celebration of the day of the air fleet of the USSR."

So, since 1933, a tradition has arisen annually on August 18 to celebrate the Day of the Air Force of the USSR. This holiday was established both for military and civil aviators, as well as for developers and creators of aircraft.

USSR Air Force Day was celebrated annually on August 18 until 1980, when Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On Holidays and Memorable Days” established that the USSR Air Force Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of August.

In the future, air demonstrations of new models of military and civil aviation equipment were held in Domodedovo (the last one in 1967).

In 1977, an aviation and sports festival of DOSAAF athletes was held in Tushino, dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the Great October Revolution.

In the 70s and 80s there were no central air parades.

However, the tradition of holding air festivals dedicated to the Day of the USSR Air Force has been preserved at the regional (local) level. Annually air holidays were carried out in Zhukovsky (by the forces of test pilots of the LII), in Monino, in Kubinka and other cities of aviation belonging.

From 1955 to 1991, the celebration of the Day of the USSR Air Force was opened with solemn meetings held by the heads of the Air Force of the Ministry of Defense, Minaviaprom, the Ministry of Civil Aviation, DASAAF.

The first ceremonial meeting took place in 1955 in the green theater of the Park. Gorky (G.K. Zhukov participated), and the last one took place on August 16, 1991 in the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky (almost all members of the future GKChP participated).

All solemn meetings of representatives of the working people of Moscow and the soldiers of the capital's garrison, dedicated to the Day Air Fleet of the USSR, were carried out according to one scenario.

They were held on Friday (closest to Aviation Day) in turn at the Central Theater Soviet army, Column Hall of the House of Unions and in the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky.

The official part was opened by a very representative presidium from among the leaders of the Air Force and aviation industries, general and chief designers of aircraft equipment, champion athletes of aviators, cosmonauts of the USSR.

The main report was made as a rule by the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, sometimes by the Ministers of the Aviation Industry and Civil Aviation. Then advanced production workers from the aviation industry and champions, champions of aviation, spoke. The official part lasted about 1.5 hours.

Air Force Day in Russia is celebrated on August 12. This date has become a festive day of the calendar since May 31, 2006, it was then that the corresponding decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

This day is considered their holiday not only by pilots of military aviation, but also by many people involved in aviation. These include aircraft designers, dispatchers, navigators, mechanics and many others, without whose participation the work of domestic aviation is not possible.

Air Force Day (VKS) in 2017 what date: the holiday was celebrated on different days

The date of August 12 was appointed by the President of the Russian Federation not by chance. It was on August 12, 1912, by decree of the last Russian autocrat, that the first military aviation unit was formed. She was subordinate to the then General Staff. Somewhat later, with the development of civil and military aircraft construction, the aviation part expanded to the Imperial Air Fleet. The traditions of that time are honored and kept in the air force to this day.

In 1917, after the revolution, the imperial aviation ceased to exist. The reason for this was the lack of pilots, and the deplorable state of the technology itself. In 1918, the workers' and peasants' Red Air Fleet was created from the remaining equipment. With its development, in 1933, Aviation Day was appointed in honor of the first Soviet aviators, later renamed the Day of the USSR Air Fleet. August 18 was the date of the holiday for many years. This day is traditionally celebrated today by all Air Force veterans. It became the second, but already unofficial holiday.

The celebration of August 12 officially acquired its status with the presidential decree of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces Russian Federation».

In connection with the change of the name in 2015 from the air force to the military space, the name of the holiday has also changed. Now it is officially called VKS Day.

The holiday of civil aviators, according to the tradition laid back in the USSR, is celebrated on the third Sunday of August. This year, civilian pilots will celebrate their professional holiday on August 20, almost a week after their military counterparts.

Air Force Day (VKS) in 2017 what date: celebration in Kubinka

Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region will be able to take part in the celebration of the Air Force Day. In Kubinka, in the military-patriotic amusement park Patriot will host a grand air show.

IN air show modern advanced aircraft and helicopters will participate Russian army. As well as historical restored equipment, which took part in the battles of both world wars.

At the celebration of the main holiday of military aviation, they will show their skills best bands aerobatics in Russia.

On the territory of the Patriot Park it will be possible to see the exhibited samples of domestic and foreign aircraft construction. Try to manage aviation equipment on the simulators and simulators presented here.

Aeromodelling clubs will show their creations. Also in the sky they will arrange aircraft model competitions.

All events on the territory of the Patriot will be held from 11 am to 6 pm on August 12. They end with the awarding of excellent students from among the military personnel of the Military Space Forces of the Russian Federation.

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Russian Air Force Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of August. In 2019, it is celebrated on August 18th. All aviation employees participate in the celebrations: pilots, flight attendants, airport support staff, repair units. The celebration is joined by employees of aircraft factories, design bureaus, teachers, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions.

Aviation moves people and goods over considerable distances in relatively a short time. Aircraft carry out important military operations: they participate in combat sorties and supply units with equipment and food. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists who are employed in this industry.


On the Day of the Russian Air Fleet, aviation workers accept congratulations. Management hands certificates of honor, valuable gifts to distinguished employees. Colleagues get together festive tables. Events take place in cafes, restaurants or outdoors. A picnic is accompanied by fishing and swimming in ponds, cooking on an open fire. The participants make wishes and toast that the number of take-offs coincides with the number of landings, exchange experiences, and discuss technical innovations.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs about the history of aviation. Pilots, flight attendants, dispatchers talk about their career path, cases during flights.

On this day, events are also held in honor of the Day of the Air Force (Air Force).


The first celebrations took place in 1933, after the publication of the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated April 28, 1933 No. 859 "On the celebration of the Day of the Air Fleet of the USSR." The document prescribed to hold events annually on August 18.

The tradition of celebrating was preserved in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. On September 28, 1992, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 3564-1 “On the Establishment of the Russian Air Force Day Holiday”. The document formalized the holding solemn events annually on the third Sunday of August.

About the profession

Air fleet pilots provide and conduct flights. They are required to operate the aircraft in accordance with established rules and regulations. Service personnel troubleshoot equipment, replace it, check its functionality.

The path to the profession begins with the end of the profile educational institution. The graduate receives the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Before you become an employee of the air fleet, you must pass certification.

The crew of ships has the right to retire earlier established age. This is due to the harmfulness and danger of the profession, which come not only from technology and nervous tension. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, where aircraft routes lie, the level of radiation is several times higher than on Earth.

Aviation moves people and goods over considerable distances in a relatively short time. Aircraft carry out important military operations: they participate in combat sorties and supply units with equipment and food. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists who are employed in this industry.

Russian Air Force Day 2017: Traditions

On the Day of the Russian Air Fleet, aviation workers accept congratulations. The management awards certificates of honor, valuable gifts to distinguished employees. Colleagues gather at the festive tables. Events take place in cafes, restaurants or outdoors. A picnic is accompanied by fishing and swimming in ponds, cooking on an open fire. The participants make wishes and toast that the number of take-offs coincides with the number of landings, exchange experiences, and discuss technical innovations.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs about the history of aviation. Pilots, flight attendants, dispatchers talk about their career path, cases during flights.

On this day, events are also held in honor of the Day of the Air Force (Air Force).

Russian Air Force Day 2017: History

On August 12, 1912, the last Emperor Nicholas II ordered the formation of the first aviation unit of Russia under the Main Directorate of the General Staff (General Staff), in fact, creating this new genus forces, which later became a species armed forces- air Force Russian Empire- Imperial Air Force.

In fact, we are talking about order No. 397, signed by the Minister of War, General of the Cavalry V. A. Sukhomlinov on July 30 (August 12, new style), 1912, according to which all issues of aeronautics and aviation were transferred to the aeronautics part of the Main Directorate of the General Staff , headed by Major General M. I. Shishkevich.

However, in December 1913, this unit was liquidated, and its functions in terms of supplying aviation equipment were transferred to the aeronautical department of the Main Military-Technical Directorate of the Military Ministry, and in terms of organization and combat training - to the department for the arrangement and service of the troops of the General Staff. Any Decree of Emperor Nicholas II of August 12, 1912 (according to the new style) in historical archives not available.

The date of August 12, 1912 was the basis for the establishment of the holiday Day of the Air Force of Russia (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 29, 1997 No. 949)

In 1918, after the victory of the October Revolution, the Workers' and Peasants' Red Air Fleet was created.

By the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of April 28, 1933 No. 859, in honor of the outstanding achievements of scientists, aviation designers, workers in the aviation industry, flight and technical personnel of the Red Army Air Force, a holiday was established on August 18 - All-Union Aviation Day (USSR Air Fleet Day, Aviation Day) .

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days” established that the Day of the USSR Air Fleet is celebrated on the third Sunday of August.

On September 28, 1992, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 3564-1 “On the Establishment of the Russian Air Force Day”, where it fixed the celebration of this day in relation to the current date - the third Sunday of August.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 949 of August 29, 1997 "On the establishment of the Air Force Day - August 12" and amendments made to it on May 31, 2006 (Decree "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation » No. 549) it is prescribed to carry out festive events dedicated to this event on the Day of the Russian Air Force (the third Sunday of August).

Most people in Russia have traveled by plane at least once in their lives. Remember your feelings before the first flight as a passenger - the fear of something new, a slight fear of flying, thoughts flash through your head that you should have traveled by train. But fortunately, everything ends happily and at the end of the flight, passengers thank the aircraft crew with applause for a successful flight. And not in vain, because it is the skill of the crew members that ensures a safe, comfortable and fast flight from one point of the world to another. A person has always dreamed of flying, but only since 1922 the first permanent airline Moscow-Kenigsberg was opened, and today airlines will deliver passengers to anywhere in the world. Considering the importance of air transportation in the life of the country, since 1992, by the Decree of the President, every third Sunday of August has been celebrated as the Day of the Russian Air Fleet.

Airplanes, helicopters
Obey the pilots.
To take them up to the sky
There is a lot to understand:

How the machine works
What is discipline
Where is the steering wheel in the cockpit
Where did the signal go?

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
So that all dreams come true.
So that any height
It was easy for you.

Happy Russian Air Force Day
I congratulate all the workers.
Very sincerely, without any flattery there
I wish them success in their service!

Let work bring you joy
Gives inspiration again family
And let luck accompany
You are everywhere at all times!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Russian Air Force and sincerely wish you to always have the necessary information, always control any situation, always know the right course to success, always be on top - the height of your skill and courage.

Russian Air Force Day
The whole country celebrates
The fighters are beautiful
They will fly to heaven.

It's a holiday for pilots
captains, stewardesses,
Everyone who has ever been in flight,
Rising up to the sky.

Wish you didn't know
You are neither storms nor storms,
To be waiting for you on earth
All with bouquets of flowers!

For heaven to love you
It was clean as a tear
So that the country does not forget you
And fate took care of you.

In the middle of the blue sky,
Soars like a bird, an airplane,
From the Earth we hear the hum of the engine,
Hey pilot, take us flying!

We wish not to stray from the course,
The path is only the best to find,
Dreams, desires - come true,
And in the peaceful sky only soar!

What can you wish for those who fly,
For those who do not know the feeling of fear at all,
Who got a close way to the clouds,
Paths of heaven all studied -
Fortitude, nerves of steel, like ropes,
Yes, a corresponding large salary,
And to fulfill any dream,
Maintain height everywhere and in everything.

Congratulations to those who know the sky
Opens it up again day by day
Knows the price of ups and downs
Yes, he often sees the house from above.
Joy to you pure and high,
And health is always so strong.
In the sky blue, clear and distant
Afflictions - well, just a penny price!
Fly to new heights more often!
You can see different countries!
Good luck by the tail, like a comet, catch!

If planes are loud
All day in the morning buzzing
If lined up in the sky
Well, as if on a parade,
So the day has come serious,
Air Force Day has arrived.
I will congratulate them soon
Until the holidays are over!

This holiday is very important
And kudos to all pilots.
Today he celebrates his day
Our Russian Air Fleet.

Congratulations guys
And we want to live peacefully
So that without fear our sky
It was possible to furrow.

Congratulations to all pilots!
About our air fleet
Forgetting is not good for us.
A must for every specialist
We send a report now -
Praise aviation.
Air, sky - your life!
Set a goal and hold on
Correct your flight
... every turn in life.
Joyfully meet all the days
Smile and fly!

The plane takes off into the sky -
Beautiful silver liner,
I congratulate the Air Force,
May the sky be clear and clean.

And I wish everyone, everyone, everyone -
And stewardesses, and pilots,
Not overshadowed by anything
Them all flying high!

Congratulations: 52 in verse, 10 in prose.