Aviation Day (Air Force Day). Air Force (Air Force) Day

Most people in Russia have traveled by plane at least once in their lives. Remember your feelings before the first flight as a passenger - the fear of something new, a slight fear of flying, thoughts flash through your head that you should have traveled by train. But fortunately, everything ends happily and at the end of the flight, passengers thank the aircraft crew with applause for a successful flight. And not in vain, because it is the skill of the crew members that ensures a safe, comfortable and fast flight from one point of the world to another. A person has always dreamed of flying, but only since 1922 the first permanent airline Moscow-Kenigsberg was opened, and today airlines will deliver passengers to anywhere in the world. Considering the importance of air transportation in the life of the country, since 1992, by the Decree of the President, every third Sunday of August has been celebrated as the Day of the Russian Air Fleet.

Airplanes, helicopters
Obey the pilots.
To take them up to the sky
There is a lot to understand:

How the machine works
What is discipline
Where is the steering wheel in the cockpit
Where did the signal go?

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
So that all dreams come true.
So that any height
It was easy for you.

Happy Russian Air Force Day
I congratulate all the workers.
Very sincerely, without any flattery there
I wish them success in their service!

Let work bring you joy
Gives inspiration again family
And let luck accompany
You are everywhere at all times!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Russian Air Force and sincerely wish you to always have the necessary information, always control any situation, always know the right course to success, always be on top - the height of your skill and courage.

Russian Air Force Day
The whole country celebrates
The fighters are beautiful
They will fly to heaven.

It's a holiday for pilots
captains, stewardesses,
Everyone who has ever been in flight,
Rising up to the sky.

Wish you didn't know
You are neither storms nor storms,
To be waiting for you on earth
All with bouquets of flowers!

For heaven to love you
It was clean as a tear
So that the country does not forget you
And fate took care of you.

In the middle of the blue sky,
Soars like a bird, an airplane,
From the Earth we hear the hum of the engine,
Hey pilot, take us flying!

We wish not to stray from the course,
The path is only the best to find,
Dreams, desires - come true,
And in the peaceful sky only soar!

What can you wish for those who fly,
For those who do not know the feeling of fear at all,
Who got a close way to the clouds,
Paths of heaven all studied -
Fortitude, nerves of steel, like ropes,
Yes, a corresponding large salary,
And to fulfill any dream,
Maintain height everywhere and in everything.

Congratulations to those who know the sky
Opens it up again day by day
Knows the price of ups and downs
Yes, he often sees the house from above.
Joy to you pure and high,
And health is always so strong.
In the sky blue, clear and distant
Afflictions - well, just a penny price!
Fly to new heights more often!
You can see different countries!
Good luck by the tail, like a comet, catch!

If planes are loud
All day in the morning buzzing
If lined up in the sky
Well, as if on a parade,
So the day has come serious,
Day air force came.
I will congratulate them soon
Until the holidays are over!

This holiday is very important
And kudos to all pilots.
Today he celebrates his day
Our Russian Air Fleet.

Congratulations guys
And we want to live peacefully
So that without fear our sky
It was possible to furrow.

Congratulations to all pilots!
About our air fleet
Forgetting is not good for us.
A must for every specialist
We send a report now -
Praise aviation.
Air, sky - your life!
Set a goal and hold on
Correct your flight
... every turn in life.
Joyfully meet all the days
Smile and fly!

The plane takes off into the sky -
Beautiful silver liner,
I congratulate the Air Force,
May the sky be clear and clean.

And I wish everyone, everyone, everyone -
And stewardesses, and pilots,
Not overshadowed by anything
Them all flying high!

Congratulations: 52 in verse, 10 in prose.

If one of your friends or relatives has connected his life with aviation, it will be useful to know what date Air Force Day is in 2017. This holiday is celebrated on August 12 every year. The date is fixed, unlike a number of other professional events. It was established in 2006 after the issuance of the corresponding decree of the President of the Russian Federation. However, the history of this memorable moment is much longer and stretches its roots back to 1912. Then a decree was signed regarding the creation of an air fleet, which added the military power of the imperial army. Over the five years of its existence, the division has managed to achieve considerable success and show good results.

Usually on August 12 in all cities of the state there are mass festive events. Crowds of people can be seen in squares and parks. Usually during the celebration rise historical facts about aviation. For example, the following:

  • In 1914, there were 263 aircraft in the imperial fleet. It is noteworthy that no country in the world at that time could boast of such indicators.
  • In October 1917, a revolution began, a change of power took place. The coup had a positive effect on the aviation industry, since the number of aircraft units increased to 700. It was clear to the Bolshevik authorities that the development of the air fleet, the construction of specialized factories in the USSR, was a necessary measure.
  • By the time the Second World War began, state production facilities could produce 50 aircraft per day. By the autumn of 1941, the figures had doubled, so that the conveyors produced 100 pieces of equipment daily. Many families have veterans who remember those times. If your grandfather or elderly neighbor in the stairwell defended his homeland by fighting in the air, remember when Air Force Day is celebrated in 2017 and congratulate the hero who gave you a clear sky over your head.
  • After the end of hostilities, the development of the industry did not slow down. Her power increased steadily.
  • At that time, the holiday was unofficial, so it was celebrated in close companies without pomp and state-level parades. However, the situation soon changed.
  • In addition to this holiday dedicated to military pilots, there is an event for people who have dedicated their lives civil aviation. This is the third Sunday in August.

A little more history about Air Force Day

By the beginning of the last century, the first foreign-made aircraft began to appear in Russia. When congratulating on Air Force Day 2017, you can give the hero of the occasion a model of one of the old samples. Many collect them and are extremely proud of their collections.

Initially, national masters only repaired and maintained this technique, however, in 1909 it was established own production near St. Petersburg. This made it possible to produce domestic equipment and not depend on external suppliers. It took only a year to assemble the first aircraft. The development became available in 1910.

The first plant had an area of ​​4 thousand sq.m. The power of the steam engine was 60 Horse power. Rather insignificant indicators, however, this mechanism managed to provide energy to the whole plant. The best engineers were involved in the work. They constantly improved the assembly of aircraft, introducing their own innovations and borrowing experience from foreign developers.

It turned out to be much easier and cheaper to invite an engineer from France than to buy finished model foreign production. Especially since the domestic masters themselves gradually improved in their craft and subsequently became absolutely independent.

Aircraft produced in the USSR subsequently turned out to be stronger, better and more accurate than their Western counterparts. Air Force Day in Russia, and a number of other post-Soviet countries, is accompanied by the mention of these facts, which revive pride in the souls of citizens for the technical achievements of the Soviet Union.

First plane Russian production was sold without a test flight at a high price. He was awarded a silver medal by the War Department. This happened in 1910 during spring exhibition cars that took place in the capital. Russian aircraft builders were provided with a privileged position and decent working conditions. This stimulated them to generate new ideas and work for quality. Soon it was possible to produce 2 aircraft per month, although it was originally planned to have half the circulation.

When I started World War, several aircraft manufacturing plants were actively working. For a short period of time Russian fleet managed to take a leading position in the world.

Air force and sea

Another important point deserves special attention - the date of Naval Aviation Day. It falls on July 17 and is celebrated at this time every year. The number is symbolic. In 1916, Russian military pilots were ordered to deploy in the Baltic Sea area to fight German aviators. The enemy was completely defeated. Celebrating the day of the Russian Air Force in 2017, we can also mention this fact. After the brilliant success, the military personnel of the naval aviation were awarded a separate professional holiday. So don't forget about this tradition.

Numerous victories were achieved by naval aviators during the Second World War, heroism, courage and bravery were shown. Today we can talk about sustainable development of this division in the Russian Federation. Being a pilot is extremely prestigious.

August 12 is always brightly covered by the media, arranged solemn events. Achievements in the industry are highlighted. If among your iconic ones there is someone who is directly related to it, decide which category of aviation forces he belongs to: military, civil or naval. Pay attention to this person. Even a few kind words or original postcard will have a positive effect, make him smile and feel his importance to others.

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Despite the fact that since last (2015) the Russian Air Force has been merged with the Aerospace Defense Forces to create the Aerospace Forces (VKS), the day of the Russian Air Force as a professional holiday for all military pilots is celebrated on a large scale in our country. August 12 is an occasion to congratulate all representatives of various military aviation structures: long-range, army, operational-tactical and military transport aviation.

Today the Russian Air Force is celebrating its 104th anniversary. official date appearance military aviation in our country it is considered August 12, 1912, when a decree was issued according to which the structure of the military department Russian Empire the staff of the aeronautical unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff was introduced. And over the 104 years of its existence, Russian aviation has come a long way from aircraft, the speed of which can easily surpass a modern car, to truly unique multi-purpose machines capable of conquering the air not only with the power of existing weapons, but also with the beauty of flight dynamics.

The importance of military aviation in the conditions of almost any modern armed conflict can hardly be overestimated. Yes and clearly big problems will be observed in those who allow themselves to underestimate the capabilities of the Russian Air Force.

Literally at the first stage of the participation of Russian military aviation in the operation against militants in Syria, there were exclamations of individual “specialists” who spoke in the spirit that Russian aviation was “breathing its last for a long time”, and that all Russian combat aircraft at the Khmeimim airbase in Latakia - "flying scrap metal". When this "scrap metal" began to dispose of terrorists of various stripes along with their infrastructure in various provinces of the Syrian Arab Republic, and when the Syrian government army, thanks to Russian air support, recaptured significant territories from the militants, including ancient Palmyra, exclamations filled with irony about the capabilities of Russia in the air, began to thin out, and then disappeared altogether. Today, an "expert", already rare in his technical literacy, will allow himself to speak about Russian military aviation as something that is incapable of solving combat missions in the most different conditions. And even the liberal “experts” contributed to such a reassessment of the state of affairs both by the developers of combat vehicles, techies servicing aircraft and helicopters at home airfields, and directly by the crews of fighters, attack aircraft, bombers, attack and military transport helicopters.

Today, the Air Force, which is part of the Russian Aerospace Forces, is actively re-equipping, following the path of modernization. The latest Su-30SM and Su-35S multirole fighters, Su-34 fighter-bombers, modernized Su-25SM3 attack aircraft, and MiG-31BM fighter-interceptors are being put into service. The Yak-130 combat training aircraft are being tested, including as part of the Wings of Taurida aerobatic team. Russian Helicopters is fulfilling contracts for equipping units and formations with Mi-28N, Ka-52 rotorcraft, etc. Testing of the MiG-35S super-maneuverable fighters, as well as the promising T-50 front-line aviation complex (PAK FA), which belongs to the full-fledged fifth generation of military aircraft.

Russian military aviation performs a colossal amount of work to ensure the security of Russia's borders and to patrol remote regions of the planet in the interests of the Russian Federation. The number of long-range and strategic aircraft sorties is increasing every year. Within a few recent weeks Tu-22M3 long-range bombers are actively attacking the positions of the ISIS terrorist group (banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) in Syria. Just the day before, high-explosive fragmentation bombs were struck on the outskirts of the “capital” of ISIS, the city of Raqqa in the province of the same name in Syria. Among the destroyed facilities is a plant for the production chemical substances for filling ammunition.

At the same time, combat training competitions are held as part of the Aviadarts competition, which is attracting more and more attention not only from professional pilots, but also from the Russian and world community.

Teams from four countries took part in the competition of military pilots and navigators at the Ryazan training ground Dubrovichi: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and China. Russian pilots performed on Su-25SM, MiG-29SMT, Su-30SM, Su-35, Su-24M, Su-34, Tu-22M3, Il-76 aircraft, as well as Mi-8, Mi-8AMTSh, Mi -24P and Ka-52. Largest number points (555.25) both among the crews of fighter aircraft and in general, scored the crew of the Su-30SM consisting of Captain Ilya Sizov and Captain Yuri Balashov. They also received the highest jury rating for piloting - 253 points. According to the results of the Aviadarts-2016 competition, the Russian national team took the first place overall, having received 1st place in all four international nominations.

Despite his professional holiday many representatives of the Russian military aviation are still on combat duty both to protect the air borders of Russia and to destroy terrorist groups in Syria.

"Military Review" congratulates the military personnel of the Russian military aviation on the holiday!

On August 12, the Air Force will celebrate its 100th anniversary. However, Air Force Day was not always celebrated in Russia on this day; the date has changed four times in the history of the country. This was told by the former Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, General of the Army Pyotr Deinekin.

"At the beginning of the last century, at the dawn of aviation, Russian pilots celebrated the day of the air fleet in accordance with the decree of Nicholas II, who appointed the celebration of the Day of the air fleet on August 2 on the Day of the Holy Prophet Elijah," Deinekin told RIA Novosti. Now August 2 is the day of the Airborne Forces.

Deinekin said that in 1924 the deputy of the Revvoenosvet, Mikhail Frunze, postponed the celebration for the air fleet to July 14 - when the day of the storming of the Bastille is celebrated. On August 18, 1933, Stalin announced the creation of an aviation industry in the Soviet Union and established August 18 as the day of the Air Fleet.

"This holiday has become truly national, widely celebrated throughout the country. The leaders of the party and government came to the aviation parades in Tushino, the entire airfield in Tushino and the banks of the Moskva River were filled with jubilant Muscovites," the general added.
Deinekin told how the current date for celebrating Air Force Day was set - August 12. According to him, in 1995 a delegation of the Russian Air Force visited South Africa to attend the 75th anniversary of the country's Air Force. During this trip, South African Air Force Chief of Staff James Creel asked Deinekin, "How old is your Air Force?"

"I thought: this is a question. And" he swam ". He answered that when in the west the first pilots bravely chirped in the sky on the first whatnots, Russian pilots were already conquering the air ocean on four-engine aircraft, flying from St. Petersburg to Kiev and back on airplanes" Ilya Muromets. "We are older than you in terms of aviation, I said then," the ex-commander-in-chief continued.

After this trip, documents were found in the archives confirming that it was on August 12, 1912 that an order was issued by the military department, in which, by decision of the emperor, all issues of military aviation were entrusted to the main department of the General Staff. "We sent these documents to the administration of President Boris Yeltsin. And he issued a decree by which he approved the Air Force day on August 12," Deinekin said.

The former commander-in-chief of the Air Force noted the achievements of Russian pilots. For example, the Russian pilot Pyotr Nesterov was the first in the world to perform the so-called dead loop, and at the beginning of the First World War he conducted the first air battle in which he rammed the enemy. The first controlled spin was performed by the Russian pilot Konstantin Artsiulov, the grandson of the artist Aivazovsky. The first Heroes of the Soviet Union were seven pilots for rescuing the crew of the Chelyuskin icebreaker that sank in the ice. During the years of the Great Patriotic War Soviet pilots managed to gain air supremacy in the fight against the Luftwaffe in fierce battles and end the war in the skies of Berlin. 2400 "Stalin's falcons" were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and 63 of them became heroes twice. The pilot, Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, also became the first hero three times.

As the ex-commander-in-chief of the Air Force emphasized, after the war, pilots began to fly on aircraft with swept wings, overcame the sound barrier and conquered supersonic sound. They were the first to test nuclear weapons and the first to storm space (the first cosmonaut was the Soviet pilot Yuri Gagarin. The first woman cosmonaut was Air Force captain Valentina Tereshkova, now a major general). The world champion in aerobatics Svetlana Savitskaya was the first to go into outer space.

According to Deinekin, the Air Force reached its highest power by the end of the 80s of the last century. “Then the whole world not only feared us, but also respected us. The Air Force had 500,000 personnel, including 30,000 pilots, 12,000 aircraft and 6,000 helicopters. However, a few years later, the collapse of the Soviet Union and its Armed Forces broke out. It was one of the most difficult periods in the history of the Air Force. Behind last years our aviation is restoring its former power. Solid funds are allocated for the development of advanced aviation technology, modern means defeat. The leadership of the country and the Armed Forces began to take care of material well-being Air Force personnel. Now the solution of the problem of providing servicemen with housing is being completed,” the general said.

In the upcoming weekend, solemn events dedicated to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Air Force will be held on the territory of the urban district of Zhukovsky.

Commentary of the expert of the portal "OFFICERS OF RUSSIA"

Yuri PANTELEEV, Air Force Reserve Colonel:

The 100th anniversary of the Air Force is not just big anniversary, but a whole era in the development of Russian military aviation, which dates back to the 19th century. After all, it was in the second half of the 19th century that the rapid development of aeronautics began. Even then, the created balloons began to be used for military purposes. military history Russia testifies that in February 1884 the 1st team of aeronauts was formed in the Russian army. In the same year, a full-time Commission for the use of aeronautics, pigeon mail and watchtowers for military purposes was approved under the Main Directorate of the General Staff.

In May 1890, Order No. 126 for the military department approved the Regulations on the Aeronautical Service, which was originally included in the engineering troops. With the development of aircraft construction in Europe and Russia, the Ministry of War began to acquire aircraft for military use, and since 1910, training of military pilots was organized on the basis of the created training airfield in Gatchina near St. Petersburg - this was the first training unit for the training of the flight personnel of the Russian army .

As for the year 1912, which is associated with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Russian Air Force, it is precisely its military historians who attribute it to the formation of a single aviation control body of the Russian army: on August 12, 1912, in accordance with the order of the military department, all issues of organizing military aeronautics and aviation are concentrated in the Aeronautical Unit of the Main Directorate of the General Staff.

Throughout its rich history, the Russian Air Force has undergone repeated changes: the organizational structure and combat composition of aviation has changed, the aircraft fleet has been modernized, new types of aviation equipment have been put into service, the methods of combat use of aviation, the forms and methods of training flight and engineering staff have been improved. .

In addition, our Air Force is a kind of "cradle" for the emergence of other types and branches of the military. In 1960, from the Long-Range Aviation to the created Rocket troops strategic purpose the first three directorates of divisions and 17 regiments were allocated, which were reorganized into military units of the Strategic Missile Forces. In the same year, the Cosmonaut Training Center was established as part of the Air Force, which marked the beginning of the development and formation of domestic cosmonautics. In the early 70s of the last century, army aviation was created and further developed.

Today's Air Force is once again in a state of reform. A transition was made from aviation regiments and divisions to air bases. They also include all aviation units that were previously part of other types and types of troops of the Armed Forces. Despite the existing problems with the transfer of aviation formations and units to new states and organizational structure, the Russian Air Force is being equipped with modern models of aviation equipment, powerful aviation systems and ground support for flights. After a two-year break, the training of aviation personnel at the Air Force universities is being resumed.

I would like to believe that the Russian Air Force, after celebrating its 100th anniversary, will have many more anniversaries and other significant events that our military aviation will withstand the next stage military reform, pilots will fly the most modern aircraft, high speeds and high altitudes, and the state will have reliable airspace protection.

The Air Force of any country does a very serious job. This reliable protection states in the air. In Russia, these forces are given a serious role, so they could not help but get their own holiday. Air Force Day is celebrated on August 12 every year. This Russian holiday, because in neighboring countries this celebration is scheduled for other days. On this day, not only pilots are in the spotlight, but all people related to military aviation and ensuring its operation.

history of the holiday

The twelfth of August is a date that was not chosen in vain. For Russian aviation, it is of great importance. But there is some controversy here. So, some sources indicate that on August 12, 1912, Nicholas II signed a decree, thanks to which the history of the air fleet in our country began. But no exact confirmation of this moment was found.

There is another historical document - Minister of War Sukhomlinov is involved in its creation. It's about about an order with similar content, but in this case a specific unit (aeronautical) was created under the command of M. I. Shishkevich. It was signed on August 12, if we count according to the new style, so this date was chosen for the celebration.

An interesting fact is that the first air units were not combat, they were mainly used for reconnaissance and had limited quantity opportunities. But over time, this area has grown significantly, which is why many more people began to work in it. All of them celebrate their holiday on August 12.