Congratulations on the Day of Strategic Missile Forces. Congratulations on Strategic Missile Forces Day

Strategic purpose
Have your brave missile troops.
Well, congratulations!
We shout to you all: “Hip! Hip! Hooray!".

We wish you victories in life,
We wish you to always be healthy.
May the world be impeccable
So that only the missile forces prosper.

Happy Rocket Forces Day!
I wish you significant success,
So that the enemy is always afraid
And didn't even try

Our valuable peace disrupt
Destroy the missile shield
So that happiness does not end,
And only good things to meet!

Happy Missile Forces Day strategic purpose and I want to wish you a clear goal and an accurate hit, continuous development and the strongest forces, a confident position and an advantageous location. I wish you to resist any opponent and any problem, to resolve any conflict easily and in one fell swoop.

To everyone who serves
IN missile forces Oh
Strategic purpose
Today we send good wishes
And holiday greetings.
We wish that this never happens in life
Press the red button
So that in peace, tranquility and silence
The whole planet could be asleep.

Here are the rocket troops,
Their task is not easy -
Strategically important
So that there is no war.

Don’t rush to distract them,
Even if from the heart,
Just wish them after
Strategic victories!

Favorite among the people
A legend for centuries,
They're always on edge
Rocket Troops!

We are on this frosty day,
December day
For the valiant rocket men
Let's write congratulations.

Neither on earth nor in space
We don't need war!
While you're on duty -
The danger is not terrible!

All missile troops
I want to congratulate you very urgently,
May your service be difficult
You can do it, I know for sure!

May our sky be peaceful
And everything that is above the clouds
But if necessary, without permission,
Protect everyone from enemies!

Let all the missile troops
Brilliant success awaits
And let the service be easy,
Let there be no interference
To dreams and goals never!
I want to move forward
Let the guiding star
Leads you to peace and goodness!

To the nuclear guys
To the country's rocket scientists,
On the day of the Missile Forces
We send our congratulations.

Let there be rockets
Aimed at targets
To look askance
The enemies did not dare attack us.

So that you are in your hands
Our fragile world was held
And people on the planet
They slept calmly and peacefully.

Happy Rocket Forces Day, guys!
Strategy is your strong point.
I wish you strength and health,
May your flight be high.

I wish you well-deserved titles,
Honor and respect to you,
Goodness, prosperity, prosperity.
Let there be no drama in life.

Let your fuse not cool down,
Let the charter lead us forward,
May honor and valor not be abandoned, -
I wish you, dear ones.

God didn't create rockets for war,
And in order for the complex to protect the world,
So that rockets shoot into the sky
They didn’t let the breakups darken the summer.

So that the black wing does not fly,
So that it doesn’t fall as a shadow on the planet
War is a bad ugly body,
So that evil always sits in its nest.

Rocketeers, we trust you,
Skillful and resourceful guys,
After all, a keen eye is already dexterous in its movements
The Wizard of Anti-Aircraft Installations.

Health, happiness, joy in the family,
Let the children grow good night wife,
Let people not be afraid while sitting at home,
Peals of deafening thunder.


Our dear rocketeers, we congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces! Many ordinary people don’t even realize how responsible your service is. After all, behind you, behind your shoulders, our huge power is fast asleep, and in front of you is the whole planet. And with you all the power and strength of the weapons of our great country. Not everyone is capable of holding such an important position. That is why you are called elite troops. We believe in you and in peace on our land. Today we want to tell you Thanks a lot for your service and for our quiet nights and deep sleep. We wish you absolute health, strong spirit, great luck, reliability and stability in the service and, of course, promotion. Let them wait for you at home loving wives and obedient children. May prosperity, prosperity and happiness reign in your family. Happy holiday, warriors!

At this solemn hour, when our entire country celebrates the holiday of the elite army troops - the day of the strategic missile forces, I want to congratulate you, rocket scientist! It is you who are the pride of our country, it is you who are its honor, support, protection and strength. It is you and warriors like you who instill fear in our enemies, not allowing them to even entertain the thought of a military attack. This is a very responsible job - to keep your finger on the pulse of the country, to be always on the alert and ready. Let me thank you for everything and wish you the best health, strength, energy, inspiration. I wish you to forever retain your sharpness of mind, breadth of soul, youth, wisdom, courage and humor. It is not simple important qualities, this is an indicator of a real man and a real warrior! Happy holiday to you, be happy, loved and lucky. And may the skies above your head always be clear, clean and peaceful.

What is most important for the state? Of course, calm, peace, security and stability. Only in such conditions can a country prosper, strengthen and develop. And it is precisely these conditions that the soldiers of the strategic missile forces provide us with. Today you have big celebration- the day of the Strategic Missile Forces, which the entire power, its army and all its people celebrate together with you. Our dear ones, thank you for your service, for the fact that we can live without fear of war, for the fact that our enemies tremble in fear, knowing only a part of our combat missile force. Thank you for tirelessly performing your service day and night, and even in peacetime you are in combat readiness, which is a guarantee of peace. On such a wonderful, bright day, we wish you to always enjoy life. Both in service and in family life and in personal hobbies. Set high goals for yourself and achieve them. Grow above yourself, develop your mind, body and soul.

You are my hero, you a real man. With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your holiday, the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces! All I know about your service is that everything is very important and responsible, and also about the big red button. But that’s why you have special troops, to be secret. It is enough that our enemies are shaking in wild fear before us! Dear, I congratulate you and wish you to always achieve your goals, may any business you undertake certainly end in success. Let all your dreams and desires come true, just always wish carefully, because our thoughts are the same missiles and their purpose is the same - strategic! Always be healthy, cheerful, cheerful, filled with optimism and inspiration. And may there always be peace and stability in our country! And may our army always have power and indestructible strength!

Today the entire great country celebrates the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces, or in short – the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces! These are special, elite troops of our army, they are our guarantor of freedom and peace. Thanks to these troops, the enemy will not rush into our open spaces with insidious plans or armed with weapons. Today I want to congratulate you on your holiday and wish you to live your life in a country that knows no war. I wish you health, like a buffalo, strength, endurance, spiritual harmony. I want your soul to be constantly filled with pleasant, bright and hot feelings. Let every morning be bright, sunny and energetic, let every day be interesting, every evening unforgettable, and let your nights be full of passion and love fire. I wish you financial well-being and stability, so that your capabilities always slightly exceed your desires.

Today is a holiday for real men, brave, courageous, strong, fearless, wise warriors of the Strategic Missile Forces. This means this is your holiday, because you serve in these responsible, elite and very important troops. I want to thank our entire mighty army in your person for preserving the peace of our families, our sleep and our children, and therefore our future. An overseas enemy trembles before you. We are immensely proud of you and wish you to always be “on horseback”, to remain a winner in any situation, and to fight only for your goals and desires; let only exercises be in your service. We wish you the best health for many decades to come, so that your body is resilient and your soul is filled with light. We wish you every development and growth. The most important thing is that you always have an interest in your business, love for your loved ones and greed for life! Be happy, happy holiday to you. Hooray!

Today we will shout three times “Hurray” in honor of the soldiers who serve in the special forces. Today is your holiday - the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces. I would like to congratulate you on this and express my deepest respect and gratitude for your difficult, very important and responsible service. Not everyone is taken into these troops - this is the place of the chosen ones! And you are such a special and chosen warrior, and a real man. In this bright hour, I want to wish you great patience, willpower, inflexibility in achieving any goals and in carrying out orders above the commanding staff. Be honest with yourself, with your Motherland and with the citizens of your country. I wish you promotion and new epaulets. You deserve it! But, of course, service does not consist of your whole life, although military service takes up most of your time, so I wish you great happiness on the personal front, so that you are always loved beautiful women!

Rocket troops are not infantry at all; neither machine guns, nor helmets, nor strategies will help here. Burans, Poplars, Koalas are strange words, but they are the ones that guarantee peace and tranquility in the country. And again in the month of November, fireworks thunder throughout the country. Congratulations to the Strategic Missile Forces. The glory of your troops among the people is great, everyone respects you and expresses great gratitude for the stability on the borders. You are still using Katyushas for the second time world war glorified our country. Even if this does not convince the enemy to never encroach on our lands again, then you will again be able to cover us with a fiery shield. We really believe in you and rely on you! Let fireworks display congratulations in your honor today in the peaceful skies. We wish you never to give up your positions, to be healthy and strong. And despite such serious work, do not lose your passion and thirst for life. Happy holiday, dear rocket scientists!

In your person, I congratulate all the Strategic Missile Forces, or as you call them among yourselves – the Strategic Missile Forces. You can hit any given target very accurately and precisely, as well as repel an enemy blow. Today small and large missiles are flying at you warm congratulations, gratitude and kind words. We wish you never know war, and shoot accurately at life problems and obstacles. Win in everything you do and achieve your goals. Always remain as strong, brave, persistent, persistent and wise. Today we want to raise our glasses to you, to our warrior, to a real man, and to simply good man. Let all your dreams come true, life be interesting and colorful, events only positive, and meetings pleasant. Love and be loved in return, appreciate every moment of life and smile more often. May the path of your destiny be smooth and even. Happy holiday, rocket scientist, be happy!

Today special warriors celebrate their holiday special purpose- secret, elite strategic missile forces. Not everyone knows their purpose and work, but that’s how it should be. The main thing is that everyone knows, and not only the citizens of our country, but the entire globe, their power and strength. I wish it would always be like this! Personally, I want to wish that you always have passion and interest in the service, that you make a good career and receive the most desired shoulder straps. Because I know how important this is to you. I wish you determination, inflexibility, and integrity. Be generous and fair, life loves to pamper such people! I wish you the best health for many decades to come, strength of spirit, inspiration and endless optimism. Today we drink to you, happy holiday, be the happiest.

Our dear Strategic Missile Forces, we congratulate you on your professional holiday - Strategic Missile Forces Day. You are selected men, with high level intelligence, integrity and courage. You are entrusted with the fate of the entire country, its security, stability and tranquility. We would like to wish you great endurance, patience, total success, both in your service and in any endeavors and affairs. We wish you good health, body endurance and high inner spirit. May optimism, inspiration, energy and interest in life never leave you. We wish that any adversity and troubles do not touch your destinies, and that evil, envious and vile people always bypass you. May each of you have a good, bright and rich life. Love to you, care of loved ones, mutual understanding and great happiness. You are real men. Happy holiday to you, cheers!

Today accept from us the most my sincere congratulations. After all, it is on this day that the entire great country celebrates your professional holiday, army holiday - Day of the Strategic Missile Forces. May such honoring inspire you to further service! May great luck open any doors for you and open human hearts and souls to meet you. May the Lord protect and bless you, and may the Guardian Angel be your protector and intercessor. We wish you to only undergo training in your service and never know the taste of real war. Even if in personal life everything will be just fine with you, so that every day pleases you with something new and interesting, so that it brings you development and financial well-being. We wish that your family is healthy, strong, that love, kindness, mutual assistance and understanding live in it.

Happy Strategic Missile Forces Day! I know -
Brave, brave, strong you are.
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Reach heights in everything!
Carefree, happy, dignified
Continue to walk through this life.
Well, the rockets are all calm
Let them keep peace and sleep!

Heartwarming poem on Strategic Missile Forces Day

Strategic Missile Forces,
Today is your day and congratulations!
Thank you for your firmness and courage!
Significance and elitism are inherent in you!
So may God grant you patience at work!
And in the life of civil love and luck!

Cool poems for Strategic Missile Forces Day

On Strategic Missile Forces Day I wish you
Rest, peace, strength and blessings!
Today I watch the sun
And let it be like this all the time!
Let the rockets be of no use,
And they will just be “in reserve.”
Everyone will admire you
Always appreciate and believe in you!

SMS Happy Strategic Missile Forces Day in verse

Happy Strategic Missile Forces Day! Congratulations!
I wish you to always be on alert!
Let the fighting spirit not fall!
Strength, courage, great luck!
Use bold tactics
And be strategists in practice!
Avoid any provocations
And dangerous, explosive situations!

Touching congratulations on Strategic Missile Forces Day in verse

Happy Strategic Missile Forces Warrior Day today,
I want to congratulate real men,
I wish you happiness in life, good health,
And there was no reason to be sad in vain.
Your combat readiness is constant,
Every second counts here
For the honor home country on duty tirelessly,
You guard the sky peacefully at your post.

Cool congratulations on Strategic Missile Forces Day in your own words

Happy memorable day to you, friends! Courage, professionalism, sober mind, steady hand, knowledge and skills. But it would be better if you never used your special skills. And let “Katyusha” remain just a favorite song.

Congratulations on the Strategic Missile Forces holiday! You are our pride, reliability and protection. Thanks to your work and courage, we feel like we are behind a reliable stone wall! So let your hearts feel our love and warmth, and let your souls be filled with hope and joy!

Congratulations on the Strategic Missile Forces holiday! You, representatives of this profession, are brave and brave people! You are real heroes who care about your Motherland and your people. You keep our peace and clear skies above your head! Be always healthy and strong in spirit!

The country of rocket scientists congratulates you this morning!
And everyone raises a toast to the missile forces!
Your work is difficult, your responsibility is great -
Stand on guard every hour, protecting us all.
We wish you silence - friendly and peaceful,
So that the sounds of terrible war can only be heard in films.
May peace reign throughout the entire earth, everyone has been waiting for it!
And so that rockets never explode over it.

Your emblem is golden
With an eagle, a free bird
Your position may not be easy.
The eagle will not let you crash!
Rocket troops are a serious support
For our strong and big country,
The missile forces are like a fence for our house,
The military needs it like a machine gun.

Rocket troops, soldiers, heroes,
We congratulate you from our hearts.
It is your duty to serve your fatherland with all your soul.
You are the strength of the Russian crown of thorns.
We wish you peace and bright skies,
Healthy children and happy families.
And the best Russian bread,
And the blessings of the fatherland on our Earth!

The country can sleep peacefully as long as
There are missile troops in the army.
They never sleep
The native sky is guarded.
And if suddenly enemies come,
They will launch missiles
Rockets will fly into the sky,
The target will be hit very accurately.

Rocket Forces Day - hurray!
We heartily congratulate you
Everyone the enemy fears
And my wife calls - rocket scientist.
Strategic purpose
These are not toys for you!
Therefore, we will raise a glass to those
Who became a rocket scientist?

Strategic Missile Forces is not just an abbreviation,
This is a military, strategic culture,
And purpose runs in your blood,
And the core of courage is present inside.
Protection in the sky from the nuclear threat,
So that the mother does not have tears for her son,
So that the Russian man can live in peace,
And the white light did not fall into the abyss.

Protecting strategically the interests of the entire country,
What do you see at night, what dreams do you have?
May only a peaceful sky await you high above your head,
And let misfortunes bypass the Russian land.
They always wait at home with desire, friends smile,
And the mysteries of the universe are not revealed in vain.
May love warm you tenderly, may success await you in life,
And tender laughter will always support your loved ones faithfully.

Professional holiday of a separate branch of the military Armed Forces Russia, ground strategic nuclear forces.

The Strategic Missile Forces were formed on December 17, 1959. The holiday is celebrated on the basis of Decree of the President of Russia No. 1239 of December 10, 1995. In the same year, the holy Great Martyr Barbara was declared the heavenly patron of the Strategic Missile Forces. In 1997, the Strategic Missile Forces, the Military Space Forces, the Missile and Space Defense Troops of the Air Defense Forces of the Russian Armed Forces were united into a single branch of the Russian Armed Forces - the Strategic Missile Forces. On June 1, 2001, the Space Forces were separated from the Strategic Missile Forces into a separate branch of the military.

Strategic Missile Forces Day in Russia celebrated annually on December 17th.


Congratulations on the Day of Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces)

To you, with an instant reaction,
With a strategic purpose,
Can I pay my respects?
In a lyrical congratulation?
Everything is ready, everything is aimed,
The consequences are deafening;
Let it not be commanded to you
Put it all into action!

You are a stately and formidable rocket scientist,
You are the dream of many girls!
In wind, rain, hot and frosty days
You guard the gates of heaven.
And for your work we wish you
Be successful everywhere and always,
People like you and I know for sure:
Our native country sleeps peacefully!

Be calm, dear country!
Swallows soar peacefully in the sky.
After all, everywhere, from edge to edge,
Troops of missile soldiers are standing.

You are heroes of sacred Russia,
Sons of the legendary land!
Let all evil disappear from life!
Let the cranes fly above the earth!

Like rockets reaching for the sky,
So I wish you to win!
On the day of the missile forces - love to try,
Those who are next to you again.
I sincerely wish you good luck,
And let your dreams come true,
Joy - to the point of dizziness,
Go towards your goals every moment!

Rocket Forces Day is today.
Please accept congratulations,
Wish you good luck
For you in my poem!
Happiness, joy, health,
And promotion in the service.
From relatives - love and affection,
From the authorities - respect!

You serve in the strategic missile forces,
You keep watch both day and night,
You have become a reliable defense for the Fatherland,
The pride of us and all humanity.

On the day of the missile forces, accept congratulations,
Have a fast career and good luck,
You will rise to the rank of commander,
Remember, we will always be proud of you.

I wish you obedient missiles,
And nuclear will, and forces,
Deployments, but not boring ones,
And may the god of war love you.
So that the goals are clearly amenable,
So that Topol-M obeys,
So that the rear is always reliable,
Happy home, love fervor!

Strategic-tactical missile forces,
May fate always be favorable to you,
You are reliable protection for the country,
But we wish you service without war.
Brave and brave guys,
May your life be full and rich.
So that your courage can be an example to everyone,
And the fame of the Strategic Missile Forces will go around the whole world.