Congratulations on the RVSN day. Congratulations on the Day of the Missile Forces

Hello friends!

I want to congratulate everyone on the day missile troops strategic purpose. This holiday is close to me, I won’t write much, I picked up congratulations with which everyone who serves and their acquaintances will be able to congratulate their friends and relatives. Once again, happy holidays friends.

Best congratulations on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces

1. Happy Rocket Forces Day today
Congratulations, friends
Strength, vigor, health,
Always be happy!
Apply your knowledge
Only in theory always
Never let our country
There would be no war!

2. From the sky, the stars look into the mines ...
Place of service - underground,
Where duty outfits Guarantee peace.
No order from the General Staff,
Not "on call" night,
No alert duty
No military exercises
No red buttons pressed
No awakened missiles.
Let the beautiful buzz on your day,
strategic banquet.

3. Both a holiday and a memorable day -
Honor and glory to you, Strategic Missile Forces!
You are very strong for the country,
Always on duty and almost never sleep.
We are grateful for your work
Let the ranks replenish quickly,
May your service go on peacefully, pleasantly,
And everything that you need will appear in life!

4. Kind of a separate Russian troops,
Glory, pride forever!
For victories, not Olympic,
To make the whole country proud!
Command headquarters, dashing power,
Together we will hold the enemy.
Nuclei and explosive wave
It will be stopped in an instant!

5. Happy Rocket Troops Day, guys!
You are on guard for the whole country!
And in the hands of not machine guns -
You with rockets on "you".
Let there be service in joy,
May your beloved wait for you
What was meant to come true.
Your cherished day is coming!

6. Happy Rocket Forces Day, guys!
Be happy, cheerful
Protect if necessary
Frontiers of the native country!

Be brave of course
Penetrating - at least where!
Move things slowly
Always be on the lookout!

May honor and glory await you
Let the banner tremble proudly
And let fate by right
You are spoiled just like that!

6. On this holiday, accept my wishes,
So that all your dreams and desires come true.
Our country needs security
In this, she relies on the missile forces!
Hurry up to accept congratulations today,
I want to wish you happiness and health.
We raise our glasses to the strategists,
Serve for the benefit of our entire country!

Congratulations on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces

7. I want to congratulate you on the holiday
You, rocket men, friends.
Importance and danger of service
Words cannot describe.

I wish everyone good health
More peaceful, warm days,
Happiness to you and your families,
Let life become more fun.

8. I hasten to congratulate you on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces.
Knowing the decoding of this is not given to everyone,
But the one who serves knows for sure -
The Strategic Missile Forces has been living for a long time.

I wish you - defenders and warriors
cloudless sky above the earth,
Anxiety if, only educational,
After all, you keep the Russians calm.

simple human happiness
I want you to get it in full.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart guys
I know we need your service.

9. On guard of mother Russia,
Invisible to everything is worth it,
Great power, terrible power,
Thunderstorm of enemies - missile shield.

You protect our peace
Simple, brave guys
Let it bypass
Our eternal rival is NATO.

Today we want to congratulate
Let everyone know
We hasten to glorify with all our hearts,
The day of our brave eRVeSeN!

10. Rocket troops are in the ranks,
Teachings are still ahead of them more than once.
Successfully cope with any task,
Don't be upset by your own delay.

We wish all rocket scientists glory,
And thanks from all over the country.
Let everyone admire the feat of arms,
And people sincerely smile at you.

11. R - rocket team,
B - military, brave forces,
C - strategically normal,
H - the purpose of the machines.
Unites all soldiers
And calls to service
Cunning ghouls scares
And makes you cringe.
R - Russia Mother dear,
B is a great country
C - strong, even young,
N - my recalcitrant.

12. Happy Strong Rocket Troops Day!
Good luck to you,
So that the enemy is always afraid
And didn't even try

Our valuable peace violate,
Destroy the missile shield
So that happiness does not end
And only good to meet!

Congratulations on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces in prose

1. What is the most important thing for the state? Of course, calmness, peace, security and stability. Only in such conditions can the country prosper, grow stronger and develop. And it is precisely these conditions that the soldiers of the Strategic Missile Forces provide us with. Today you have big celebration- the day of the Strategic Missile Forces, which is celebrated with you by the whole power, its army and all its people. Our dear ones, thank you for your service, for the fact that we can live without fear of war, for the fact that our enemies tremble in fear, knowing only a part of our combat missile force. Thank you for the fact that you tirelessly carry out your service day and night, and even in peacetime you are in combat readiness, which is a guarantee of peace. We wish you to always enjoy life on such a wonderful, bright day. Both in service and family life and personal hobbies. Set high goals for yourself and achieve them. Grow above yourself, develop your mind, body and soul.

2. Rocket troops are not infantry at all, neither machine guns, nor helmets, nor strategies will help here. Snowstorms, Poplars, Koalas, strange words, but they guarantee peace and tranquility in the country. And again in the month of November fireworks thunder throughout the country. Congratulations to the Strategic Missile Forces. The glory of your troops among the people is great, everyone respects you and expresses great gratitude for stability on the borders. You are still "Katyushas" in the second world war glorified our country. Even if this does not convince the enemy to never encroach on our lands again, then you will again be able to cover us with a fire shield. We really believe in you and look forward to you! Let today in peaceful skies in your honor salutes will display congratulations. We wish you never to give up positions, to be healthy and strong. And despite such a serious work, do not lose the excitement and thirst for life. Happy holiday, dear rocket scientists!

3. Today, accept from us the most my sincere congratulations. After all, on this day the whole great country celebrates your professional holiday, the holiday of the army - the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces with shouts of "hurray" and salutes. May this honor inspire you to further service! May great luck open any doors for you and open human hearts and souls to meet you. May the Lord protect you and bless you, and may the Guardian Angel be your protector and intercessor. We wish you to go through only exercises in the service and never know the taste of a real war. Let in personal life everything will be just fine with you, so that every day you are pleased with something new and interesting, so that it brings you development and financial well-being. We wish your family to be healthy, strong, so that love, kindness, mutual assistance and understanding live in it.

4. Our dear Strategic Missile Forces, we congratulate you on your professional holiday- Happy Strategic Missile Forces. You are the choicest men, high level intelligence, integrity and courage. You are entrusted with the fate of the whole country, its security, stability and tranquility. We would like to wish you great endurance, patience, total good luck, both in the service and in any endeavors and deeds. We wish you good health, endurance of the body and high inner spirit. May optimism, inspiration, energy and interest in life never leave you. We wish that any hardships and troubles do not concern your destinies, and that evil, envious and vile people always bypass you. May each of you have a good, bright and eventful life. Love to you, care of loved ones, mutual understanding and great happiness. You are real men. Happy holiday, cheers!


Our dear rocket men, we congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Strategic Rocket Forces! Many ordinary people do not even realize how responsible your service is. After all, behind you, behind your shoulders, our huge power is fast asleep, and in front of you is the whole planet. And with you all the power and strength of the weapons of our great country. Not everyone is able to stand in such an important position. That is why you are called the elite troops. We believe in you and in peace on our earth. Today we want to tell you Thanks a lot for your service and for our quiet nights and deep sleep. We wish you absolute health, strong spirit, great luck, reliability and stability in your service and, of course, promotion. Let them wait for you at home loving wives and obedient children. Let prosperity, well-being and happiness reign in your family. Happy holiday, warriors!

At this solemn hour, when our entire country is celebrating the holiday of the elite troops of the army - the day of the strategic missile forces, I want to congratulate you, rocket man! It is you who are the pride of our country, it is you who are its honor, support, protection and strength. It is you and warriors like you who inspire fear in our enemies, preventing them from even allowing the thought of a military attack. This is a very responsible job - to keep abreast of the country, to be always on the alert, ready. Let me thank you for everything and wish you good health, strength, energy, inspiration. I wish you to keep your sharpness of mind, breadth of soul, youth, wisdom, courage and humor forever. It is not simple important qualities, this is an indicator of a real man and a real warrior! Happy holiday to you, be happy, loved and lucky. And may the skies above your head always be clear, clean and peaceful.

What is the most important thing for the state? Of course, calmness, peace, security and stability. Only in such conditions can the country prosper, grow stronger and develop. And it is precisely these conditions that the soldiers of the Strategic Missile Forces provide us with. Today you have a big holiday - the day of the Strategic Missile Forces, which is celebrated together with you by the whole power, its army and all its people. Our dear ones, thank you for your service, for the fact that we can live without fear of war, for the fact that our enemies tremble in fear, knowing only a part of our combat missile force. Thank you for the fact that you tirelessly carry out your service day and night, and even in peacetime you are in combat readiness, which is a guarantee of peace. We wish you to always enjoy life on such a wonderful, bright day. And in the service and in family life and in personal hobbies. Set high goals for yourself and achieve them. Grow above yourself, develop your mind, body and soul.

You are my hero, you a real man. With all my heart I want to congratulate you on your holiday, the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces! All I know about your service is that everything is very important and responsible, and also about the big red button. But that's why you and special troops, to be secret. Enemies are shaking in wild fear before us! Dear, I congratulate you and wish you to always achieve your goals, may any business that you take up be sure to end in success. Let all your dreams and desires come true, only you always wish carefully, because our thoughts are the same missiles and their purpose is the same - strategic! Be always healthy, cheerful, cheerful, filled with optimism and inspiration. And may there always be peace and stability in our country! And may our army always have power and indestructible strength!

Today the whole great country is celebrating the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces, or in short - the day of the Strategic Missile Forces! These are special, elite troops of our army, they are our guarantor of freedom and peace. Thanks to these troops, the enemy will not rush into our open spaces with insidious plans or armed with weapons. Today I want to congratulate you on your holiday and wish you to live your life in a country that knows no war. I wish you health, like a buffalo, strength, endurance, spiritual harmony. I want your soul to be constantly filled with pleasant, bright and hot feelings. Let every morning be bright, sunny and energetic, let every day be interesting, every evening unforgettable, and let your nights be full of passion and love fire. I wish you financial well-being and stability, so that your opportunities always slightly exceed your desires.

Today is a holiday for real men, brave, courageous, strong, fearless, wise warriors of the Strategic Missile Forces. So this is your holiday, because you serve in these responsible, elite and very important troops. I want to thank in your person our entire mighty army for keeping the peace of our families, our sleep and our children, and therefore our future. An overseas enemy trembles before you. We are immensely proud of you and wish you to always be “on horseback”, to remain a winner in any situation, and to fight only for your goals and desires, let only teachings be in the service. We wish you the best health for many decades, so that the body is hardy and the soul is filled with light. We wish you every development and growth. The most important thing is that you always have an interest in your work, love for your loved ones and greed for life! Be happy, happy holiday to you. Hooray!

Today we will shout the triple "Hurrah" in honor of the soldiers who serve in the special troops. Today is your holiday - the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces. I want to congratulate you on this and express my deepest respect and gratitude for your difficult, very important and responsible service. Not everyone is taken into these troops - this is the place of the chosen ones! And you are such a special and chosen warrior, and a real man. In this bright hour, I want to wish you great patience, willpower, inflexibility in achieving any goals and in carrying out orders from above the commanding staff. Be honest with yourself, with your Motherland and with the citizens of your country. I wish you a promotion and new epaulettes. You deserve it! But, of course, the whole life does not consist in service, even though military service takes up most of the time, so I wish you great happiness on the personal front, so that you will always be loved beautiful women!

Rocket troops are not infantry at all, neither machine guns, nor helmets, nor strategies will help here. Snowstorms, Poplars, Koalas, strange words, but they guarantee peace and tranquility in the country. And again in the month of November fireworks thunder throughout the country. Congratulations to the Strategic Missile Forces. The glory of your troops among the people is great, everyone respects you and expresses great gratitude for stability on the borders. You also glorified our country with Katyushas during the Second World War. Even if this does not convince the enemy to never encroach on our lands again, then you will again be able to cover us with a fire shield. We really believe in you and look forward to you! Let today in peaceful skies in your honor salutes will display congratulations. We wish you never to give up positions, to be healthy and strong. And despite such a serious work, do not lose the excitement and thirst for life. Happy holiday, dear rocket scientists!

In your person, I congratulate all the Strategic Rocket Forces, or as you call them among themselves - the Strategic Missile Forces. You can hit very accurately and accurately any given target, as well as repel an enemy strike. Today small and large rockets are flying at you warm congratulations, thanks and kind words. We wish you never to know the war, and shoot accurately at life problems and barriers. Win in all your affairs and achieve your goals. Always remain as strong, courageous, stubborn, persistent and wise. Today we want to raise glasses for you, for our warrior, for a real man, and for just good man. Let all your dreams come true, life will be interesting and colorful, and events will be only positive, and meetings will be pleasant. Love and be loved in return, appreciate every moment of life and smile more often. May the road of your destiny be smooth and even. Happy holiday, rocket man, be happy!

Today special warriors celebrate their holiday special purpose- secret, elite strategic missile troops. Not everyone knows their purpose and work, but it should be so. The main thing that everyone knows, and not only the citizens of our country, but the entire globe, is their power and strength. I wish it was always like this! Personally, I want to wish you that you always have a fuse and interest in the service, so that you make a good career and receive the most coveted shoulder straps. Because I know how important it is to you. I wish you determination, inflexibility, adherence to principles. Be generous and fair, life loves to pamper such people! I wish you the best health for many decades to come, fortitude, inspiration and endless optimism. Today we drink for you, happy holiday, be the happiest.

Dear Strategic Missile Forces, we congratulate you on your professional holiday - Strategic Missile Forces Day. You are selected men, with a high level of intelligence, integrity and courage. You are entrusted with the fate of the whole country, its security, stability and tranquility. We would like to wish you great endurance, patience, total good luck, both in the service and in any endeavors and deeds. We wish you good health, endurance of the body and a high inner spirit. May optimism, inspiration, energy and interest in life never leave you. We wish that any hardships and troubles do not concern your destinies, and that evil, envious and vile people always bypass you. May each of you have a good, bright and eventful life. Love to you, care of loved ones, mutual understanding and great happiness. You are real men. Happy holiday, cheers!

Today, accept our most sincere congratulations. After all, on this day the whole great country celebrates your professional holiday, the holiday of the army - the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces with shouts of "hurray" and salutes. May this honor inspire you to further service! May great luck open any doors for you and open human hearts and souls to meet you. May the Lord protect you and bless you, and may the Guardian Angel be your protector and intercessor. We wish you to go through only exercises in the service and never know the taste of a real war. Let everything be just fine in your personal life, so that every day you are pleased with something new and interesting, so that it brings you development and financial well-being. We wish your family to be healthy, strong, so that love, kindness, mutual assistance and understanding live in it.

congratulations, happy day, rocket man, rocket troops, in verse, rocket men
Audio greetings on a mobile phone
It is a holiday today,
rocket day,

hooray! (song)
205, 50); font-size: 10pt;"> Georgia; color: rgb(50, 205, 50); font-size: 10pt;"> 10pt;"> 0, 0); font-size: 10pt;"> 0);"> Dmitry Medvedev
rocket troops

color: rgb(50, 205, 50); font-size: 10pt;"> 10pt;"> font-size: 10pt;"> color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 10pt;"> 0, 0);"> 10pt;"> font-size: 10pt;"> color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 10pt;"> 0, 0);">Sleep well if
we know you are on guard
countries! (song)
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We celebrate the Day of the Rocket Forces
And strategic, moreover,

While these guys are on guard,
No outside threat.
Combat readiness is constant
The Strategic Missile Forces are always watching
To Russian aggression
Never threatened.

We celebrate the Day of the Rocket Forces
And I want to tell us this:
While these guys are on duty,
We do not care about an external threat!
We wish you today, as before
Always be on alert.
While the Strategic Missile Forces are on guard,
Sleep in peace beloved country!

Today is Rocket Troops Day!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
May the sky be peaceful, clean,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!
Let your rockets rest
The volley of guns will not be heard,
Only peaceful fireworks
Today people see in the sky!

Missile troops protective veil
Closed the borders native land.
They have accuracy, power, and, of course, distance.
And the service is such a hard one!
Rocketeers of the fatherland, as is
Responsibly to you, it is not easy to conduct,
But let you succeed in everything in the world,
Have happiness, duty, and, of course, honor!

Rocketeers, officers, heroes,
We congratulate you from our hearts.
It is your duty to serve your homeland with all your heart.
You are the strength of the Russian crown of thorns.
We wish you peace and bright skies,
Children healthy and happiness in the family.
And the kindest Russian bread,
And the blessings of the fatherland on our Earth!

Today is Rocket Force Day!
We are in a hurry to congratulate
Defenders of the beloved country,
Thunderstorm steppes, forests, seas!
May your service be difficult
Do not disturb the world, peace!
Border support combat,
Stores invisible hand!

Day of the Rocket Forces - hurray!
We heartily congratulate
All whom the enemy fears
And the wife is calling - a rocket man.
strategic purpose
These are not toys for you!
Therefore, we will raise a glass for those
Who became a rocket launcher!

Today we woke up early in the morning
And we read on all screens and radars,
That we will celebrate the day of rocket launchers today,
As we do it, of course, every year.
Let fresh air warm winds blow
The intensity of passions will instantly be blown out.
you happiness and career development,
And, of course, monetary growth.

For your faithful service,
Responsible, nervous
From the country from the whole bow,
And accept congratulations -
May military exercises
Will be a school, but battles
Real strife
We are bypassed
Don't touch the red button
Never no one's hand
Let the rockets sleep peacefully
Do not disturb us, keep silent!

The day of the rocket troops is held in high esteem,
The whole country rejoices
We will surround you with care
Congratulations until dark!
Let the rockets not fail
And the spirit will be great!
So that the enemies all tremble
To get them scared!
You flattering praise,
And the wine is not fresh!

Congratulations on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces, poems and prose for the professional holiday for employees of the Missile Forces, which is celebrated on December 17. Congratulations in verse on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces, with beautiful wishes all the best in the family and success in the service, will be excellent parting words in rhyme for the holiday - the day of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces. Congratulations in prose on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces, with sincere wishes all the best in business, will be a wonderful speech said in your own words on a professional holiday - the day of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation. Beautiful holiday toast in honor of the missile troops, spoken from the heart, will be sincere warm wishes for employees of the service of the strategic troops on the professional holiday of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Congratulations on the phone
Happy Strategic Missile Forces Day

Congratulations on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces to the phone - funny and original musical voice wishes sent to a mobile or landline number. A congratulatory audio card on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces will go to the phone in the form of an incoming call, after answering which, the recipient will listen to an audio greeting.

Let's raise our glasses to the strategists!

On this holiday, accept my wishes,
So that all your dreams and desires come true.
Our country needs security
In this, she relies on the missile forces!
Hurry up to accept congratulations today,
I want to wish you happiness and health.
We raise our glasses to the strategists,
Serve for the benefit of our entire country!

Let's shout "Hurrah" to the strategists of the missile troops!

Enemies do not threaten us, what can we answer -
Guard us from heaven, guard us from earth.
We sleep peacefully if we know: you are on guard of the country.
You are so needed in the service of all Russia.
Let's shout "Hurrah" to the strategists of the missile troops,
And we wish only peace over our heads
So that your service is calm every day
So that, as before, you guard the peace of the country.

Today the missile troops holiday

Today rocket troops holiday,
They respect and honor!
We know if you're on guard
The enemy will not pass unnoticed.

We wish you only peace
Calmly so that they carry the service,
So that there is a place in your life
Health, happiness and love!

I congratulate you on the lawyer's day!

I congratulate you on the lawyer's day! Your knowledge and experience are aimed at creating a stable mechanism for the implementation of legal norms, to ensure justice in society. You are entrusted with the mission to defend the ideals of democracy, to resist crime, legal illiteracy, corruption and lawlessness. I wish you to carry the title of a lawyer high, steadily adhering to the principles of impartiality and objectivity. I wish you good health, success in your professional activities, good luck, happiness.

We wish you success in military service!

Rocketeer! Let everything be cool!
And let Topol-M stand guard!
He overtakes enemy targets in a minute,
And in case of war, he will crush everyone!
This task is too tough for enemies -
They can't intercept our missiles,
Do not take them even with a pumped laser,
You can launch an armada for them!
But let our Poplars be in peace,
And only training will be their flight,
And let the native Russian land,
Rest from wars and upheavals.
We wish you success in military service,
Health to you, the sea of ​​optimism!
Good luck infinitely multiple,
And "strategic" to the best of heroism!

Postcards for the Holiday
Strategic Missile Forces

Postcards Happy Strategic Missile Forces Day - colorful Greeting Cards for a professional holiday. Postcards with congratulations on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Happy Strategic Missile Forces Day!

I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the day of the Strategic Missile Forces! The country can rely on our reliable missile shield. Thanks to the constant combat readiness, the high level of professional skills, the virtuosity of modern military equipment, to your vigilant attention, the Russian Armed Forces are confidently guarding the economic, political and social interests our country. You not only protect the country and ensure the security of our compatriots, but protect the whole world from major military conflicts. I wish you health, happiness, peaceful sky!

Congratulations to all strategists!

Today is the professional holiday of the Strategic Missile Forces. Congratulations to all personnel, designers, scientists, veterans - all strategists! Thank you for your high level of combat readiness, for your ability to timely and successfully complete all organizational tasks and tests. You are always on alert, constantly improving. Thus, you guarantee Russia peace and real sovereignty. We wish you new successes, health and happiness.

Official congratulations on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces! The role and significance of your service in ensuring the country's defense capability is truly enormous and unique. The high combat readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces is one of the most powerful arguments guaranteeing the sovereignty of our Motherland and its international prestige. Our current and future life is under your protection. You clearly and irreproachably carry out the most important state tasks. Thank you for the highest professionalism, for your significant contribution to strengthening the status of a great military power. Thank you for your courage, responsibility, loyalty military duty and understanding of their high mission - to stand guard over the security of the state. We wish you good health, optimism, personal and family happiness, prosperity, a peaceful sky, new successes in military labor for the benefit of our Fatherland.

Happy Rocket Forces Day, guys!
You are on guard for the whole country!
And in the hands of not machine guns -
You with rockets on "you".
Let there be service in joy,
May your beloved wait for you
What was meant to come true.
Your cherished day is coming!

I hasten to congratulate you on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces.
Knowing the decoding of this is not given to everyone,
But the one who serves knows for sure -
The Strategic Missile Forces has been living for a long time.
I wish you - defenders and warriors
cloudless sky above the earth,
Anxiety if, only educational,
After all, you keep the Russians calm.
simple human happiness
I want you to get it in full.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart guys
I know we need your service.

Strategic Missile Forces is not just an abbreviation,
This is a military, strategic culture,
And the appointment flows in your blood,
And the core of courage is present inside.
Protection in the sky from a nuclear threat,
So that tears do not flow from the mother for her son,
So that the Russian people live in peace,
And the white light did not fall into the abyss.

Someone is delirious blue seas,
Someone is heavenly high.
And we have rockets behind, shoulders,
Tomorrow we are rocket men with you.
Not featured in novels
And not sung in songs
Stand like the word of truth
Reliable missiles.
And you and I are rocket launchers -
We are strong in friendship
And you and I are responsible
For the fate of the whole country.
In the name of Nedelin not without reason
Our school is named -
You and I are always in the shock ranks,
Everyone will give their life for their country.
Girls, love, don't be afraid
Believe in our friendship and love,
Because we are both a shield and a conscience
Us nurtured grandfather's land.

Everything is concise, clear, precise, efficient,
And you do not accept superfluous words:
Everyone at the posts is extremely attentive,
And each complex is ready for launch;
But everyone lives in a cherished hope:
God will not allow the course a new roll -
So that on this day they managed, as before,
We congratulate you on the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces!

protect the country from evil enemy
Rocket, our, troops will help.
Today, on their day, we want to wish them:
Do not sleep at the post and shoot accurately.
May their families and children be healthy,
Let these lines reach everyone.
Let the whole country sleep without fear.
And only corks with champagne fly into the sky!

On this day, I sincerely congratulate
After all, my friend, it did not happen in vain
You wear the proud title - rocket man,
And not only at the end of December.
I want more love
least happy days and nights
Live a hundred years, and if you want - and longer,
With heart, oven any hot.

The Day of the Rocket Forces is important to us
After all, you work for them.
You are the guardian of many destinies
Human, human.
And we couldn't imagine
Where can you find a calling?
You are always your work
You don't work, you live.
Congratulations and wish
Don't burn out at work.
Do not go to bed with rockets
And get up with rockets.
To have more money
These greedy troops
Allocated for salary
After all, it is impossible without them.

All those who serve in the missile forces,
We congratulate you on this holiday.
Let someone have gray hair at the temples ...
You, heroes, we all respect!
Your service, albeit not easy,
But you serve peace and glory.
Let our rocket troops
Serve the world and our country!

Congratulations on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces in your own words

Dear Strategic Missile Forces, we congratulate you on your professional holiday - Strategic Missile Forces Day. You are selected men, with a high level of intelligence, integrity and courage. You are entrusted with the fate of the whole country, its security, stability and tranquility. We would like to wish you great endurance, patience, total good luck, both in the service and in any endeavors and deeds. We wish you good health, endurance of the body and a high inner spirit. May optimism, inspiration, energy and interest in life never leave you. We wish that any hardships and troubles do not concern your destinies, and that evil, envious and vile people always bypass you. May each of you have a good, bright and eventful life. Love to you, care of loved ones, mutual understanding and great happiness. You are real men. Happy holiday, cheers!

Nuclear warheads are weapons greatest danger, for which you need an eye and an eye. This mission has been successfully entrusted to rocket scientists who are improving their arsenal day by day. Congratulations on the professional holiday to all those involved in these troops. Let the rocket of your dreams always hit only the right target, hitting all the ill-wishers around.

Congratulations on the RVSN holiday! You, representatives of this profession, are brave and brave people! You are real heroes who care about your Motherland and your people. You keep our peace and clear sky above your head! Be always healthy and strong in spirit!

The Day of the Strategic Missile Forces is a holiday for real men. It is on them that the tranquility of civilians and the position of our country in the face of danger often depend. So let your service bring only joy, constant combat readiness passes without launches, and deterrence of aggression and intercontinental military strikes remain only an opportunity not realized in life.

The powerful nuclear weapons of the country are guarded by reliable, brave warriors. These soldiers are true patriots of a great and mighty state. Only they are trusted with the most precious thing - the world. Today significant date- day of strategic troops. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you - the guardians of the native borders on the holiday. First of all, I wish you good health and great happiness. Family well-being. You protect the peace and tranquility of our country. And let the guardian angels protect you from troubles and evil. Please accept my gratitude for your difficult, but such an honorable and necessary service. Be always confident in your abilities, good to you and comfort.

We say thank you to all the guys serving in the Strategic Missile Forces for the peace, peace and integrity of a fit state, because not a single danger will hide from their eyes and any attempts of evil to penetrate the country will be stopped! Let the smiles of your family warm your hearts in the service!

Rocket troops usually remain in a special position, and even more so strategic troops. They on this moment united from different, but very significant species troops. It is noteworthy that Saint Barbara became the protector of this kind of troops, because their triumph is on the same day - December 17th. Therefore, we wish everyone who serves in such troops of the true faith, excellent service, warmth in homes and families, and may the intercessor Saint Barbara never leave you in trouble! Happy Strategic Missile Forces Day!

Congratulations on the day of the Strategic Missile Forces short SMS

For rocket men a day
Fell out just very glorious,
Because your holiday
Of the military - the most important!

Let everything be great
In the house, service and in the soul!
And good luck in your personal life
Reach out - it's time!

Happy RVSN Day!
Beautifully celebrate your holiday!
It is easy to pass all the standards,
Enemies of all to take on board
We wish the brave warriors.
Courage you do not take!
Let everything be on business on a holiday -
Food, fun and bed!

Protect your homeland properly
Stay alert, but keep going
In life there will be no war, but joy,
To love, create and do everything.

Impeccable readiness.
The aggressor will not pass!
And therefore careless
We go through life!
Thank you rocket
Fearless Troops!
For clear and bright
Golden clouds!

Congratulations to the troops
Let them sound colorful.
We wish you today -
Let life be pure!

Day of the Rocket Forces - hurray!
We heartily congratulate
All whom the enemy fears
And the wife is calling - a rocket man.
strategic purpose
These are not toys for you!
Therefore, we will raise a glass for those
Who became a rocket launcher!

You are the power, the support of the state,
Rocket troops.
Keep the wealth of the country,
Keep it with a bang
I wish you patience
iron health,
For all your skills
We appreciate and remember you!

On this holiday of the rocket troops,
Congratulations, friends!
Fulfillment of cherished dreams
I want to wish you!
Let failures and troubles
Will bypass you
A toast to glorious victories,
Everyone needs to get up with me!