Scenario of the New Year's performance-concert "in the realm of the lokhmuta witch"

Characters(students in grades 10-11): Storyteller, Wizard, Sorceress, Santa Claus, Kira Girl, Townswoman, Tim's Boy, Dwarf, Witch, Gremlin.

The hall is dimly lit. Several candles are lit on the stage.

Narrator :
It happened a long time ago. How much time has passed since the incident is difficult to remember, one thing is known that everything happened on New Year's Eve. One family lived in a small town in the north of the country. It was a family of good wizards who were the guardians of the city. They lived in big house on the outskirts of the city near a huge forest. This forest was called "winter". According to legend, Santa Claus lived in it, who every year gave people joy and happiness, and his faithful assistant Dwarf. Behind the forest was a black lake, on the shore of which, in her dark hut, the Witch lived, hating with all her heart New Year and everything connected with it. With her in the hut lived the same evil and soulless creature as she. This creature was called the Gremlin. Year after year, the Witch and her ally hatched a plan on how to deprive the townspeople of the New Year. They could not enter the city, as it was under the protection of good spells.

(The lights turn on, the candles go out. The scenery of the castle is placed on the stage. The Wizard and the Sorceress appear)

Enchantress :
I wonder what we can expect this year from this terrible couple living beyond the forest?

Wizard :
Don't worry, they won't be able to overcome our barrier, and they certainly won't be able to harm the residents.

Enchantress :
What if we missed something, and they can ruin the New Year, once they succeeded.

Wizard :
Sometime, but not now. Think for yourself, if they could, they would have long ago penetrated the city and done some kind of dirty trick. We have the most modern magical protection. Our town is even better guarded than Hogwarts itself, so don't worry, nothing threatens the New Year.

(The curtain falls)

Narrator :
How wrong the Wizard was, because the cunning plan was ready, and the city was in great danger. The Witch's years of fruitless attempts led her to the idea of ​​a mysterious scroll, about which she had heard several legends. There was a powerful magic hidden in this scroll, thanks to which, she would have dealt with the New Year forever. She just needs to find a mysterious message, and then, she will certainly get even with Santa Claus and these Wizards.

(Curtain rises. Hut)

Witch :
How to find it? Where could my fifth cousin's grandmother hide it? If I were an evil, 800-year-old, bony old woman (Leshy save pah, pah, pah) where could I put him?

Or maybe he wasn't? How do you know about him?

Witch :
I recently thought about him when I was thinking about my next plan. You see, when I was little, my grandmother told me about how she told her, and that, in turn, told her that there is one mysterious scroll, which is also called "Congratulations", which can give such power that no one from the witching world has such strength has not yet faded.

How old were you then? And how much now?

Witch :
What kind of questions?! I'm about...well, don't ask such stupid questions again. Get it together! And let's think together where this piece of paper can be, which will help us rule the whole world.

Well, I don’t know, in our family there was once a talk about some kind of box that could help get what was planned. They said she was hidden in some kind of Druid tree.

Witch :
Apparently, the scroll is there, it remains to find a tree!

(Curtain dropped)

Narrator :
While the search for the scroll was going on, in a family of wizards was born beautiful girl named Kira. An amazing, beautiful baby with tremendous strength. She was not only a child true love", but also a child who was born in new year's eve. The whole city celebrated the birth of the present New Year's miracle, and a new keeper. Time passed, the girl grew and her strength grew with her. Soon, the Witch also found out about the miracle of the child, who had already been able to find “Congratulations”.

(The curtain has risen. The decoration of a large tree. The Witch has a box in her hands)

Witch :
Finally! Five years of desperate searches, and here it is - strength!

So let's open it, what are you waiting for?

Witch :
I can not. Here you need to enter the code. You see, the castle weighs.

Try entering your birthday, or just 4 units. Would it help?

Witch :
It's a word, not a number. Maybe try a spell?

Or maybe you just need to enter "Congratulations", look, and the number of letters fits.

Witch :
We'll decide everything now. (Induces magic wand): "Open"!

Well, if you don't think it worked out, let's try my method. (Introduces a word. The lock opens).

Witch :
Scroll! Let me see what's in it. Yeah, it says here to become the most powerful, you need to kidnap two children born in magical night, under the strike of the clock. Interesting.

And what kind of night is this?

Witch :
Well, of course, New Year's Eve!

Listen, I heard that five years ago, in the city, on this very night, a girl was born.

Witch :
Fool, this is not an easy girl, this is the daughter of wizards, which will be doubly pleasant to steal. I'm already talking about Santa Claus! And now I will find out about the second child, it remains only to look into the magic mirror. And here he is, the son of a simple townswoman, but the same unusual child like in this family.

But, is there a barrier?

Witch :
Now, he is not a hindrance to us. To remove it a little, just mix a few ingredients, look, everything is written here. Well, dear ally, let's get started, this New Year will never come!

(The curtain falls)

Narrator :
It took the Witch several days to prepare a potion with which they could deceive the barrier. Meanwhile, in the city, everyone was preparing for upcoming holiday. Streets and houses were decorated with garlands, on main square there was a huge Christmas tree, and the castle of wizards shone with multi-colored lights. It happened on December 30th. It was on this night that children and Santa Claus were kidnapped. The morning silence that reigned in the castle was broken by loud knocks on the door. Going down, the Wizard saw a Dwarf on the threshold.

(The curtain rises. Wizard's castle)

Dwarf :
He has gone! Gone! Gone! He is nowhere! Gifts not wrapped, sleigh not checked, staff not polished! This is a guard! Guard!

Wizard :
What's happened? Don't chatter! Calm down and explain clearly what happened?

Dwarf :
Santa Claus is gone!

Wizard :
You are sure? Maybe he just left?

Dwarf :
In one pajama? Are you kidding me? Out before New Year's Eve?

Wizard :
Where could he be then?

Dwarf :
That's why I came, help me find him!

Wizard :
Now. Of course, I'll just take my magic compass. Give me a sec.

Narrator :
Before the Wizard left, a weeping townswoman appeared on his doorstep, begging for help finding her son. From above, the voice of the Sorceress, who called her daughter, was heard.

Please help! My son is missing!

Wizard :
How are you too?

He is very small, defenseless, and probably all alone!

Wizard :
How old is he?

He is the same age as your daughter, they were born on the same day and at the same time! My poor "sunny bunny", he must be very scared!

(Sorceress appears)

Enchantress :
I can't find Kira anywhere! And anyway, what's going on here?

Wizard :
How can you not find it?

Dwarf :
Has she disappeared too?

Wizard :
Maybe she put your invisibility ring back on?

Enchantress :
No! It's right there in the box! And here she is not! Nowhere! Our daughter has been kidnapped!

(The curtain falls)

Narrator :
Everything has changed since this morning. There was no more joy, happiness in the city, faith in miracles dried up, and most importantly, the New Year remained only an insignificant memory in photographs, disks and posters, which from that very day became forbidden in the city lands. If someone got tangerines, champagne, Christmas decorations, or even worse a photograph, he was banished to a dark lake, depriving him of the status of a city dweller. Those were not easy times. People forgot about the beautiful, leaving more and more in gadgets, work, problems. The Wizard with the Sorceress and the Dwarf plunged into the search for the missing. In their soul, like the rest, there was no more joy. People stopped believing in their power, just as they stopped believing in miracles. They became hermits in the city, where they were once very loved. Hard times came for everyone. Only a miracle could fix everything, and in one winter morning, after ten years of searching, it happened. One inattentive Gremlin, in one dark castle, which was far away, forgot to close the window. A bird flew into the room and saw an incredibly beautiful girl sleeping in her bed. In this girl, she recognized the child whom she had seen many years ago in the house of Santa Claus, who created snowflakes at the click of tiny fingers. The bird went to the castle of wizards, and told them about what she saw in this unknown kingdom. The wizards and the Dwarf, without thinking twice, set off, because if this girl is Kira, then, perhaps, somewhere in that kingdom the rest are missing.

(Curtain rises. Black castle)

Enchantress :
I have never heard of this kingdom before. Who rules here?

Wizard :
It was well hidden, and had it not been for Gnome's navigation tunnels, we would never have found it.

(Witch and Gremlin appear)

Witch :
Wow, how long did it take you all to find my humble refuge! Yes, you are right, it was I who kidnapped your precious daughter, Santa Claus and that poor boy! And you are naive, you thought that the trolls did it. Ha, ha, ha! Ten years, I watched you suffer, and you know what, I enjoyed it! Once in the past, I, like you, was a hermit living in a hut by the lake, and all because your ancestors did not get along with mine. Or maybe I wanted to feel all this pre-holiday fuss, to feel joy and fun! It was you who made me this way, and for this, I deprived you of joy!

Enchantress (raising his wand):
Now you will pay for all the evil that you have done to us!

Waving your wand in vain, your magic does not work here.

Dwarf :
Oh look who's talking! Yes, I love you and without any magic! Just come!

Wizard :
Quiet. No need. We can handle them without magic!

Witch :
Without magic? Ha, ha, ha. I want to see it, especially if you will be in a dungeon. Oh yes, your daughter does not remember you, she thinks that you left her, and she certainly will not help. Gremlin, lock them up and take their wands away.

(Witch leaves)

I will reveal her secret to you.

Wizard :
Why are you helping us?

I haven't always been this evil, to be more precise, I'm tired of being evil and living in a kingdom where joy is forbidden! Before, I was her ally, only because, because of the deeds of my ancestors, I was also kicked out of the city. But I'm different, you know? I love the New Year, gifts and everything connected with this holiday! And he tried to mischief out of harm! In general, here is the key to the dungeon. And one more thing, all her power is due to the scroll, which is kept by the boy Tim, whom she kidnapped that same night. He, like your daughter, has the power of the New Year, so it’s not so easy to approach him. The scroll can be destroyed in only one way - it is the return of memory to children! If they remember who they are, then the power will disappear! Just hurry up, the prophecy says that if the spell is not removed by the 11th New Year, then it will remain forever.

Enchantress :
How many days do we have?

days? Hours! Only five hours left until New Year's Eve! Hurry! Bring back the New Year!

Dwarf :
I don't trust him! Somehow quickly he passed all positions.

Enchantress :
We have no other choice. You'll have to believe. Let's hurry, we need to return the holiday to people!

(The curtain falls)

Narrator :
After leaving the dungeon, the magical trinity went in search of children. The castle was huge, the stairs changed direction and the doors changed places with each other. After some time, a song was heard from behind one door, which the girl sang (song "Snowflake" from the movie "Magicians", or any other New Year's song).

(The curtain rises. Everyone stands in front of the door)

Enchantress :
It's Kira! This is exactly it, this song, we learned with her in childhood.

Wizard :
I know this theme too!

Enchantress (Opening the door, enters. Tim and Kira are outside the door):
Kira! Hello!

Who you are? How did you get here?

I don't know what you want, but if you don't leave, I will turn you to ice!

Enchantress :
Please, do not be afraid of me, I am Kira's mother, and I want to take you home.

But this is our home! My mom left me! Go away!

Enchantress :
No! I didn't leave you, I wouldn't do that in my life! You were stolen from your crib at night, just like Tim!

(Witch appears)

Witch :
I can see that I underestimated you, or maybe I just chose the wrong assistant for myself, in any case, goodbye! Tim turn them into a block of ice!

Enchantress :
No! Stop, wait! Kira, listen, we learned this song with you in the evening, by the fireplace. Then there was a terrible thunderstorm, and so that you would not be scared, I sang to you, you were distracted and sang along with me. So, this song became ours, remember? You didn’t pronounce all the letters then, but you already created your own snowflakes. Please, honey, remember!

It was like that. But how do you know this?

Enchantress :
Because I'm your mom!

Witch :
Don't trust her! She's lying!

Enchantress :
And also, whenever you were sad, you created a cloud and swung on it like on a swing! And before going to bed, my dad and I always wished you "Fairy Dreams" and kissed in turn on the nose ...

I remember! I have remembered! Mother!

What, am I your son too?

Wizard :
No, you are the son of one amazing woman who misses you very much and is waiting for you!

Witch :
Do not trust him! He's fooling you!

Wizard :
Your mother, before going to bed, always told you, and also, she baked buns for you every Sunday, and taught you not to be afraid of anyone! Also, she called you her "sunny bunny". Do you remember?

Mother! I'm starting to remember! I remembered!

Witch :
Nooo! No! It can't be! My power, castle, everything is gone! I won't leave it like that, you know!

(Decoration falls, Santa Claus appears, the Witch moves away)

Father Frost :
Finally the spell has broken
Finally a way home
How long have they been looking for us
Evil and the Witch, away, down!
There is a Christmas tree, there is a holiday,
People have been waiting for a miracle
Light fires everywhere
Magic is back!
Finally, finally
Hurry friends,
Children are waiting for gifts
On the road, home, it's time!

(The curtain falls. A tree appears on the stage, the curtain rises)

Enchantress :
We made it! We were able to bring back memories and save the New Year!

Father Frost :
Glorious holiday on the threshold
Come out honest people
Miracles are everywhere now
Soon there will be a New Year!
And now for one, two, three,
The beautiful Christmas tree is on fire!

(Everyone claps and sings a New Year's song)

Narrator :
As you may have guessed, joy returned to the kingdom that day. People again believed in miracles and magic. New Year's lights were lit again, there was a smell of pies, happiness returned. Wizards allowed Gremlin to settle in " winter forest”, and no longer judged people by the deeds of their ancestors. Santa Claus and the Gnome managed to spread all the gifts, and Kira and Tima began to teach magic to other children born on New Year's Eve. The witch was never seen again.

Karina Yusupova
Scenario of the new year "Santa Claus in the kingdom of the evil sorceress"




(Children perform rebuilding to the music. New Year's round dance, stop in a semicircle)

HOST: We entered this hall to the cheerful music

And everyone saw a forest guest!

Tall, beautiful, green, slim!

She shines with elegant toys!

1st reb: We were dressed up today,

Mom and dad were invited to visit us.

Kindergarten decorated

The hall is brightly decorated.

2nd reb: Shine with lights, Christmas tree,

Call us for a holiday

Fulfill all desires

Make all your dreams come true.

3rd reb: Brighter, brighter let it sparkle

Christmas tree with golden lights

happy new year

Dear guests.

4th reb: Snowflakes silvery

Glitter on branches

And ice floes, like bells,

They call a little!

5th reb: We have been waiting for this day for a long time,

Haven't seen each other whole year.

Sing, ring under the tree

New Year's round dance.


(After the round dance, the children sit down in their places.)

HOST: Winter goes around the whole planet,

And a fairy tale wanders around the world with her.

On New Year's Eve he enters the house

And we are waiting for her today

She's on her way now

And soon there will be a knock on the door!

(lights turn off, music plays, the Wicked Witch appears)

EVIL WITCH: They are going to celebrate the New Year, but as always they don’t call me. But it's okay, I'll arrange for them. To do such a bad thing? Ah, I figured it out! I will sing grandfather frost potion and he will sleep a long sleep. And Grandpa can't Freezing with his granddaughter Snegurka to come to kindergarten. And without them there will be no holiday, there will be no gifts, there will be nothing! (Louder) Nothing will happen! (dances). Great! (The lights go out Z. K leaves)

(Lights turn on in the hall "flies in" Magpie.)

MAGPIE: Nightmare, nightmare, trouble, trouble, barely got here. There was a snowstorm in the forest, all the roads were swept up.

HOST: Don't crack, stop!

MAGPIE: Can't stop, Grandpa Frost is in trouble, We must hurry.

HOST: Still, do not rush, You really tell everything.

MAGPIE: With Grandfather Frost got in trouble.

He will not come here for the holiday.

Evil the sorceress lured into her kingdom,

Sleep-grass grandfather drunk.

And now he sleeps deeply.

(Magpie flies away to the music.)

HOST: Guys, what should we do? Who is grandfather frost will help us save.

(Suddenly, the light goes out, OLD MAN KHOTABYCH appears)

Khattabych: Peace be to this house! Hello, most educated of educated and most charming of the most charming children and distinguished guests.

HOST: Guys, you know who it is. This is a magician from a fairy land.

Khattabych: Right! Oh, the wisest of the wisest educators! You recognized me. Where did I get to? Whose is this beautiful house where so many children?

HOST: Kindergarten.

Khattabych: (looks around) Which beautiful tree, wah, wah, wah!

What a strange tree! (Touching).

And what strange fruits on it! And here's an apple, I'll pick it now!

HOST: No, Gasan Khattabych. This is not a real apple. It is made of glass.

OLD MAN HATTABYCH: What miracles!

HOST: Khattabych, we know you as a kind magician. Tell me, can you help us?

OLD MAN HATTABYCH: What happened to you.

HOST: With Grandfather Frost got in trouble. Evil the witch lured him, Sleep-grass grandfather drunk.

Khattabych: Wah, wah, wah, I heard this story from my forest friends. To save grandfather frost you need to get into a fairy tale. And only there you can save Grandfather frost.

Are you ready guys?

(children's answers)

Khattabych: Then you guys need to build magic ring and say spell:

You roll, roll, ringlet, straight to the fairy tale on the porch!

Praise, Turkish delight, Turkish delight, marmalade and Karakum.

(Children stand in a ring, and say the spell, the light is dimmed Khattabych disappears. After the spell, the children sit on chairs and the girls go out to dance.


(After the dance, the girls sit down in their places, to the music near the Christmas tree a Cat appears on a golden chain.)

CAT: Oh, the tourists are already here! Young people, where do you go - to the right or to the left? Why are you silent?

HOST: And you, apparently, the Scientific Cat? So you know a lot...

CAT: Self yourself: guessing by hand.

HOST: Thank you, thank you we don't need this!

CAT (opens vest): Then souvenirs: nesting dolls, hats with earflaps, watches.

HOST: No, no, we are interested in something else.

CAT: Shh! Quiet! Vasilisa seems to be coming... (scaredly takes off his vest and hides it behind him. In a fake voice). My group, attention! Now let's go to the left - we'll tell a fairy tale!

(Music sounds, Vasilisa enters)

VASILISSA: Are you trading again, Kotofey?

CAT: What are you, how can you, Vasilisushka? We're talking about art here.

VASILISSA: Really! I love smart conversations! What kind of art?

CAT: So here it is! You better Vasilisa listen to how our guys sing a song.


(After the song sit on the chairs)

VASILISSA: Wonderful, just wonderful. (claps hands). You know, guys, I love to do different sciences, I conduct all sorts of experiments, experiments.

CAT: I know your experiences, I'd better hide away (leaves the hall).

(Vasilisa shows experiments).

CAT: (Goes into the room and sniffs the air.) What is this strange smell? It just makes the hair stand on end! All your experiments Vasilisa.

HOST: Vasilisa, tell us how to get to Evil Sorceress and wake up Santa Claus.

CAT: You need to go to Baba Yaga, she knows everything with us.

HOST: And how can we get to her, can you tell me?

VASILISSA: There is nothing easier: here's my invention - pointing finger, laser. He will show the way. Bon Voyage!

CAT: Come again, maybe. Let's walk to the left! Christmas sale soon! (Children go out the side door near the piano)

The music of the dense forest sounds. Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

HOST: Here's a hut! Yes, what!

Clearly, it's not easy!

And stands on chicken legs.

Isn't Baba Yaga here!

What needs to be said so that the hut turns to us?

hut, hut,

Stand in front of us, and back to the forest!

The hut begins to turn. (Baba - Yaga from the ko-ko-ko house)

Baba Yaga: What a fashion people have! They became worse than savages.

They will pass by - so they will start twisting the hut!

Get out of the way, I'll go out, I'll tear my ears!

The hut turns.

HOST: You, hut, do not be lazy,

Turn to face us!

The hut turns.

Baba Yaga: Well, enough pampering,

After all, the hut will fall apart.

The roof is like a sieve

Am I the owner or what? Ko-ko-ko

Baba Yaga comes out of the hut.

Baba Yaga: Who came here?

HOST: Hello, grandmother Yaga!

Baba Yaga: How did you get to me? You were not invited here.

HOST: What are you grandmother not in the spirit of?

So you scream, it rings in your ear!

B. I: Oh! The white light is not nice to me!

Tooth hurts no patience!

HOST: This grief is not a problem, we will help you. (He fastens a thread with a clothespin from the tooth to the leg, and now Grandmother is dancing. Baba Yaga is dancing and the tooth comes off.

B. I: Well thank you guys

Now I'm no better!

Like I'm 16!

Well folks, what do you want?

Now ask me!

HOST: We got in trouble

Grandfather frost won't come here.

Evil The sorceress lured

I drank him with a sleeping potion

What if grandfather Frost won't come,

Will the New Year come?

Help overcome Free the Witch and Grandfather Frost as soon as possible!

B. I: Wait, do not rush the bell and overcome the grass, take it, it will help you and the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden from Grandfather Frost call for help. Goodbye. (Baba Yaga leaves ko-ko-ko)

HOST: Guys, let's call her, she will definitely help us. (Children call the Snow Maiden).


(After the dance, the girls sit down)

The Snow Maiden enters to the music.

Snow Maiden: How beautiful in your hall,

A glorious holiday will be here

So they told me the truth

That the guys are waiting for me.

Just what Grandpa Freezing

Isn't he coming to our party?

LEADING We had a problem,

Grandfather frost won't come here.

Evil The sorceress lured

I drank him with a sleeping potion

What if grandfather Frost won't come,

Will the New Year come?

Snow Maiden: Then why are we waiting for the road, we need to go, and to make the road more interesting, we sing a fun song.

DANCE WITH SNOW MAIDEN (Children walk around the Christmas tree)

(After the song, the children sit down)

Sounds of music appears ZV

Z. At last you came and found the way to me.

SNOW MAIDEN: Guys came from kindergarten to save grandfather frost.

Z. V: And I'm Grandpa Frost to your kingdom lured him with a sleeping potion and gave him to drink. And I won't give it to you.

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, we will wake him up in a moment. Here we have a magic bell and overcome it with grass let's disenchant.

Magic bell, ring!

grandpa Frost wake up soon!

Z. V: Oh you so! But we'll meet again (Z. V leaves the hall)

SNOW MAIDEN: Guys, you hear everything seems to be in order Grandfather Frost we managed to save.? This is Grandpa Frost is coming.

Music sounds. Grandfather Freezing: (heard from afar) Ay-ay! I'm coming!

GRANDFATHER FREEZING: Hello my friends! I am very glad to see everyone!

Thank you, your songs and dances helped me get rid of witchcraft spells! It has been going on like this for a long time - not a single Christmas tree can do without me.

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and good!

SNOW MAIDEN: Happy New Year to all guests!

GRANDFATHER FREEZING: How many faces are around acquaintances,

How many of my friends are here

It's good for me here, like at home,

Among the forest trees.

It's time to light the lights on the tree.

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, grandfather.

GRANDFATHER FREEZING: Come on, little people, let's stand near the Christmas tree!

The lights will now be lit by a beauty in needles! (Children stand around the Christmas tree)

Let's say together: One-two-three, our Christmas tree burn!

And once again Happy New Year to all the guys!

SNOW MAIDEN: Let your songs sound more friendly with his arrival!

GRANDFATHER FREEZING: And now, honest people, start a round dance!


HOST: grandfather Freezing you sit down our guys also prepared a surprise for you.


(Boys sit down)

GRANDFATHER FREEZING: Well, kids, we had fun. It's time for us to leave.

HOST: Grandpa, what about presents?

GRANDFATHER FREEZING: Oh, the gifts are me forgot: every year the same story!

SNOW MAIDEN: (pulls out phone) grandfather, can you ask someone to bring them? Like Puss in Boots?

GRANDFATHER FREEZING: He is not there, he is on the Christmas tree at the Marquis of Carabas.

SNOW MAIDEN: And if you call the Flying ship?

GRANDFATHER FREEZING: He is busy, there Fun with friends having fun ... I remembered!

I know who will help us (dials a phone number) Beauty chicken, irresistible, be kind - help out: bring gifts to the children for the Christmas tree.

Music sounds in the hall, a hut on chicken legs appears.)

GRANDFATHER FREEZING: Well, thank you! (The hut throws out the boots) What is this, my dear, I need gifts (throws boots again). Beauty, well, give the gifts right away, otherwise I’ll get angry (the hut is nasally somehow, receive your gifts, the order has accepted - the order has been completed, it’s leaving).

Grandfather Freezing and the Snow Maiden distribute gifts to children.

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Of all new year characters The Snow Maiden appears before the audience of the very first.
On its way out, you can use one of P.I. Tchaikovsky or another composer. A bit of classics does not hurt, the main thing is that the music sounds
solemnly and set the viewer on a holiday.
Snow Maiden.

Let's shout "Hurrah!"
Let bad weather pass you by
Life will be bright, good!
good wishes time
Coming for you, friends!
I have a confession for you:
I love you with all my heart!
At midnight the clock will strike,
The New Year is coming!
Wish each other happiness -
That minute is coming.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
I hasten to congratulate everyone!
Let bad weather pass you by
Let the laughter sound.
The Snow Maiden looks around in search of Santa Claus.
Snow Maiden.
As usual, there is no Santa Claus yet. Oh, grandfather, he is always late! And he will definitely find a thousand reasons to justify it: either he saves the bunny from the wolf, then he returns for
teddy bear, which he forgets to put in his bag as a gift for the little ones, he can’t choose the right Christmas tree for the holiday. What do we
do? It's time to start the fun, but we can't... You know what? Let's not wait for our dear Santa Claus, let's start our holiday!
The Witch jumps onto the stage.
Witch (joyfully).
Snow Maiden (surprised).
What let's?!
Let's start our holiday!
Snow Maiden.
"Our holiday"? But this is our holiday, not yours! I don't even know who I'm talking to!
(Turning to the audience). I don't think you're in the script!
Witch (almost ominously).
It's right! Not yet… But it will be soon! And you, girl, I cross out of the script!
Snow Maiden.
Allow me! But you can't! Without me, there is simply no New Year's holidays! I am a Snow Maiden! Do you hear? Snow Maiden!
This will be the first New Year's celebration which will pass without your participation! I'm doing great on my own!
Snow Maiden (indignantly).
What do you allow yourself? You... You... (He can't find words from indignation).
What you need, then I allow! And you can be free! Get out of class! That is, disappear! .. Well, what else can you say?!
Snow Maiden.
Yes, you are crazy! Now Santa Claus is coming! He will arrange for you!
Witch (irritated).
How you bored me! I don't want to hear from you anymore! You don't know who you're talking to yet! Well, freeze!
The witch makes a magical movement around the face of the Snow Maiden, from which she loses the gift of speech and the ability to move. In general, bewitched. The Snow Maiden freezes in place with
barely audible.
Snow Maiden.
The villain makes a gesture familiar to everyone, rubbing her index and thumb each other in front of the granddaughter. The Snow Maiden slowly follows the Witch, not realizing
their actions. Thus, the enchantress takes the girl off the stage and then quickly returns, dancing with joy.
So! One - zero in my favor! Bewitched-frozen! Now you can have fun! Well, guys (addressing the audience) let's have some fun?
He rubs his hands happily. Depending on the reaction of the audience, the Witch can behave in two ways - to be indignant if the children do not want to have fun with her, or
rejoice if, unexpectedly, the audience accepts her offer. At this moment, Santa Claus appears on the scene. He does not see the substitution, thinking that the Snow Maiden is already in place
and turns to the Witch.
Father Frost.
Snow Maiden! Granddaughter! Here I am!
And I! Here! (Shows off in front of the audience).
Father Frost.
I'm sorry I'm late. Rescued a bunny from a wolf!
Well done!
Father Frost.
Yes, I forgot to put a teddy bear in a bag as a gift for the little ones.
I had to go back.
Father Frost.
Aha! I also chose a suitable Christmas tree for the holiday. All beauties - eyes run wide. Hardly found the one that is the best!
Witch (impatiently).
Have you got the bag?
Father Frost.
Good girl! You can give it to me!
Father Frost.
You? Of course, you are still my granddaughter. With pleasure.
He takes the bag in an armful and is about to hand it over, but he sees in front of him not the Snow Maiden, but the Witch.
Father Frost.
Wait a minute! Why should I give the gift bag to you?
Of course, me! No one else!
Santa Claus (addressing the audience).
Allow me! So this is not a Snow Maiden!
Witch (holding out her hand). You said something about a bag!
Father Frost.
Where is my granddaughter?!
What's the matter? Let's agree! A bag for you - gifts for me!
Father Frost.
I do not understand anything! Who are you?
Witch (boastfully).
I?! I am a witch! Though small, but evil! And your Snow Maiden is resting now! I froze it!
Father Frost.
Frozen?! Yes, how could you?! The Snow Maiden is not afraid of frost!
She is not afraid of YOUR frost! And I was able to enchant her!
Father Frost.
How dare you?! Santa Claus is me, and only I can freeze!
I can do it too! If you want to know, I can freeze you yourself!
Santa Claus (laughs).
Me? Santa Claus?
Stop laughing! Well! Freeze!
Tries to conjure. But nothing works.
Witch (with annoyance).
Did not work out…
Santa Claus (triumphantly).
That's it! Now it's my turn to conjure. Now you freeze!
Santa Claus knocks on the ground with his magic staff, but he also does not succeed.
Witch (also triumphant and shows Santa Claus the cookie).
Come on! Will not work! You freeze! (Shakes hands).
Father Frost.
No, you freeze! (Knocks staff).
No! You freeze! (Conjuring).
Father Frost.
You freeze! (Knocking).
You won't succeed because I'm a witch! You are powerless against sorcery!
Father Frost.
And you won't succeed! I am Santa Claus! Cold is my element! Bring back your granddaughter!
Return immediately! Guys! Let's demand from this witch that she return the Snow Maiden! Let's stomp our feet! Let's wave our hands! Let's yell at her!
The spectators begin to make noise, that there are forces, thus demonstrating their protest against evil spirits.
Shut up! You already got me! I will return everything! Even if you didn't take it!
Santa Claus makes a sign to the audience, and they fall silent.
Santa Claus (required).
On one condition!
Father Frost.
Conditions?! Without any conditions!
There's nothing you can do to me, so you better listen to me.
Santa Claus (angrily).
Cheer me up! In honor of the holiday! Then the Snow Maiden is yours again.
Santa Claus thinks, walks around the stage, and then turns to the Witch.
Father Frost.
Well, well ... Well, guys! Let's show our kids how to have fun!
Let's play, let's dance! May our Snow Maiden return to us again! Let's start with the traditional New Year's round dance. There is such a custom in Rus' - guys and girls
hold hands, walk in a circle and sing a song. Our New Year's song is also traditional - "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Without it, we can not celebrate the New Year. But first
let's light the lights on our Christmas tree to make it more fun.
colorful lights
For fun kids
Our tree will sparkle!
Make it doubly festive!
One two Three! Shine Christmas tree!
(Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest").
Father Frost.
Well done guys, good sleep. So, dear? Did we make you happy?
What more! I myself can sing like that (mocks).
A witch is born in the forest!
She grew up in the forest!
For the New Year will give you all
Donkey ears!
He laughs heartily, ugly pointing his finger and making offensive faces at the audience. Santa Claus shakes his head disapprovingly.
Father Frost.
Okay, let's sing differently! Help me, restless, since you came here. Divide the audience into two teams. One team will be mine, and take the other for yourself! Let's see,
who sings better. Only it will be necessary to sing like an animal.
Father Frost.
How animals sing, in their own voices.
What song will we sing?
Father Frost.
About a small Christmas tree. You know this one: “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”?
Of course I know!
Father Frost.
Try to sing it like frogs would!
It's very simple! Kwa! Kwa-kva! Qua! Qua-qua! Kwa-kva-kva-kva-kva!
The witch, croaking, reproduces the melody of the song.
Father Frost.
Well done! Eat smart! Now let our teams do it. In turn!
Santa's team is starting!
Dividing the audience into teams is very easy. Considering that they all stand in one large circle around the Christmas tree or just in a circle if the Christmas tree is not installed in the hall, but on
scene, then you need to visually draw a diametrical line, as if dividing the circle in half.
The starting point will be the place where Santa Claus is located, that is, at the base of the "circle". At the top of the same "circle" the Witch makes a gap and announces
about the fact that the half of the audience, which is on right hand from Santa Claus, will be part of his team, and the opposite half will belong
Witch. To implement this game, it is better to prepare a phonogram the size of one verse with an introduction. Or make an accompaniment. Children will be easier
to navigate, besides, Santa Claus and the Witch must conduct so that the participants enter on time and do not get lost during the performance. She will win, of course
the team that does the best. However, it is more expedient to present everything as if the forces are equal, and all the guys are great. There should be no offended people at the festival.
Teams can sing their piece three times, no more, so as not to drag out the action. The alignment can be like this: Santa Claus's team sings like a cow: mu-mu-
mu. In response, the Witch's team sings in goat: me-me-me. The team of Santa Claus sings like a dog: woof-woof-woof (the hosts must clearly define this so that there is no
disagreements). The Witch's team responds like a cat: meow-meow-meow. The team of Santa Claus sings like a goose: gaga-ga. The Witch's team completes the competition in-
chicken: ko-ko-ko.
Father Frost.
Well, did you like it? Are you giving the Snow Maiden back?
What should I like?
Father Frost.
Our singing!
Here it is: woof-woof, meow-meow? Are you laughing, Grandfather! Who can like it except for the dogs and cats themselves!
Santa Claus (with annoyance).
Yes? And I thought it was interesting ... Funny, at least ...
I liked your hat! Give it to the New Year, and I will return the Snow Maiden to you!
Santa Claus (thinking).
You will return the Snow Maiden, you say? I can’t do without a hat ... But you can
earn! Let not my hat, but another, but still ... We will blindfold you, and you
try to find a hat that will be on the head of one of our viewers. The guys will help: clap their hands. If you get close, they will clap loudly.
If you find yourself far away, the applause will subside. Listen carefully and you will win!
This game is called "Search - you will find!". For the organization you need a hat, like the one that Santa Claus wears, or any other. A tight bandage is required.
doubly folded material. What are the audience doing at this moment? They all clap their hands - quieter or louder. In the end, the Witch, carefully listening to
applause, finds a cap on the head of one of the participants in the game and puts it on his head.
Father Frost.
Have you guys been cheered up? The hat is now yours - give the Snow Maiden back!
Cheered? Yes, they drove me completely! Angry! I just want to take them all and freeze them!
Santa Claus (sighing).
What can’t you do for the sake of the Snow Maiden ... Try to freeze the kids, if you like it
I want to…
Please put your hands out in front of everyone! I'll run in circles and touch everyone! Whom I touch, it means that he is frozen and will go to the Christmas tree!
Traditionally, this game belongs to Santa Claus, but for the sake of variety, you can switch roles. This is one of the most groovy games and also on the topic. Meaning in
is to touch the fingertips of the hands of the player, who must remove them in time. If this does not happen, it is declared "frozen".
not all will be. The leader must apply various tricks, move quickly and wave his arms vigorously. "Defrosting" can occur in this way -
invite those who were salted by the Witch to jump on one leg around the Christmas tree. Three times. Then the players can again stand in a circle.
Father Frost.
What do you say, beauty? Did you take your soul away?
Not at all! I would freeze them all, only reluctance to get involved!
Father Frost.
So you won't give the Snow Maiden back?
Will not give it back! You didn't make me laugh! Condition not met!
Father Frost.
What then to do? Maybe we can dance?
Come on, come on! Entertain me! Talk less - do more! Snow Maiden is still
I have!
Santa Claus announces a dance. It's time for modern music.
Father Frost.
Well, mother? Cheered up?
Few! We still have to dance!
Father Frost.
Okay, let's dance. Just ask the kids to dance first.
And how is it done?
Father Frost.
Come to the boy or girl, bow. The guys will leave the circle, and you take them by the hand and lead them along. Invite as many children as you like. But take heed! As soon as
the music will stop - all the kids will run to their places. Try to catch at least one before he has time to get into place. If you catch - demand from him to fulfill
tasks. If you don't get caught, it's nobody's fault.
This important point for the sound engineer who has to watch to stop the soundtrack. Waltz can also be used in this game. witch
can play three rounds of the game. All those whom she caught can be given a task: crow three times, shout "Happy New Year" and so on.
Father Frost.
Are you okay, honey? Funny? How about the Snow Maiden?
No way! With monkeys and even more fun!
Father Frost.
With monkeys? We don't have them.
Now they will! Hey you! Do you know how to make faces? Do weird poses?
Father Frost.
Kids! Help out! Do whatever she says!
Right! Listen carefully and do whatever I say!
Father Frost.
And get the game "Monkeys"!
Witch (referring to Santa Claus).
Shut up, Grandpa!
Father Frost.
I am silent, beauty, I am silent ... Continue!
We begin! Do whatever I say!
We are funny monkeys!
We play loud too!
We all clap our hands! (Children should clap their hands.)
We all stomp our feet! (Children should stomp their feet).
We puff out cheeks! (We perform).
Let's jump on toes! (We do).
And even to each other
Let's show languages! (Indecent, of course, but it is necessary to perform).
Let's pop our ears! (As far as possible).
Tail on top!
(For girls with long hair it will turn out great. Boys will have to raise their hand above the back of their head.)
Let's raise a finger to the temple! (It is not at all necessary to do this in the way that they show that you are “crazy”. You can bring your thumb to your temple and spread it out at the same time
Together let's jump to the ceiling! (You won’t be able to jump to the ceiling itself, do it as much as possible).
Let's open our mouths! (Especially don't overdo it.)
And we'll make grimaces! (Here's where it all went.)
How do I say the word "THREE!"
Everyone, with grimaces, freeze!
Once! Two! Three!
The witch chooses the participant whose grimace seemed to her the most funny. He needs a prize. Finally, Santa Claus climbs into his bag. Can you repeat this
game again or twice.
Santa Claus (with hope).
Well, are you having fun, my dear?
Finally, they cheered me up! Good monkeys. Tell them thanks!
Father Frost.
Thank you guys! Helped out! We tried! Well, return the Snow Maiden to us!
Yes please! I'm not evil at all, I just wanted to have fun, and witches are not allowed on holidays. Be afraid that we jinx it. Or we'll damage it.
The witch brings the Snow Maiden onto the stage, who rushes to Santa Claus.
Snow Maiden.
Grandfather! Cute! I'm so glad to see you again! Has the holiday started yet?
Santa Claus (sighs).
I'm afraid, granddaughter, that it is already ending ...
Snow Maiden.
Ah, what a pity! And the parade of carnival costumes, which I love so much, also took place?
Father Frost.
Costume Parade? How did we forget about him! Well done, Snow Maiden, reminded me!
Now we will do it! You will be helped.
Snow Maiden.
This witch?
And what? Help!
Father Frost.
Don't be afraid, granddaughter! She's not that bad, though. devilry. Now listen to me carefully! All the guys who came to the party today carnival costumes,
they will leave the circle, join hands, and the Snow Maiden will lead everyone through the hall with a solemn march. And Grandfather Frost will give everyone a gift for coming smartly dressed.
The parade of costumes is a very crucial moment. All the parents present in the hall are waiting for this ceremony, because they put a lot of work in preparing for
holiday and want the audience to admire their children. The parade will require cheerful marching music, a guide, whose role will be played by the Snow Maiden, and
assistant who will organize the children. Assistants are needed in almost every game. Children are not always able to navigate the rules of a particular competition,
they need help with this. Moreover, it is also necessary to keep order so that the alignment in the circle, if possible, is not violated and there is no crowd. I wish that
teachers did not remain indifferent spectators, but actively helped. They need to be set up for this in advance before the holiday. Children holding hands (so as not to get confused),
they will walk around the hall and go up to the stage, where Santa Claus is waiting for them with gifts. On the stage, what is happening can be seen better, and the awards are more organized.
Participants rise from one side of the stage and descend from the other, passing by Santa Claus, who presents a prize to each. Then the children return to the hall and
fall into place.
Snow Maiden.
Grandfather! But what about the guys who today did not wear carnival costumes?
Let them remain without a gift! It's nobody's fault! I should have put on a suit and come dressed up!
Father Frost.
No one should leave the holiday without a present from Santa Claus!
But they didn't do anything! Why give them a gift?
Father Frost.
They didn't, they will! Now they will dance a Russian dance for us!
All those who came without a suit are invited to the circle and a folk song performed by the Golden Ring, Balagan is turned on. The children need to show the movements in order to
they repeated. The Witch can do it. In almost all developments, the Russian dance (“Lady”) must be danced by Santa Claus. Another important point -
handing out guests. This can be done during the dance, starting at one end of the circle. The main thing is that the participants remain in the circle until the very end of the ceremony. Never
do not try to hand over the gifts, simply by calling spectators from all over the hall to you. This will delay the course of the holiday, besides, among those present there will always be such
cunning people who will approach Santa Claus for the third and fourth time, as a result of which there may not be enough gifts for everyone and resentment will begin. Santa Claus must
make sure that no one is left without a hotel. Among the audience there may be a baby who was frightened, shy, or simply did not hear. These
points must be taken into account.
Father Frost.
The kids had a lot of fun! (Snow Maiden). And we need to hurry to another
holiday. I hope (in an undertone and looking back at the Witch) no one will interfere with us there.
Snow Maiden.
Had a lot of fun,
We are all happy today.
I hope I succeeded
This holiday is New Year's.
Father Frost.
The evil blizzard does not frighten
naughty prickly wind,
We know that without each other
We can't live in this world.
Thank you for trying
Complete tasks.
And now, sadly,
Let's say "Goodbye!"
Don't turn off the music right away. Don't interrupt the holiday. Fairy tale characters also, one should not immediately leave the hall, no matter how tired the actors are. Need their help
give it to some kid special gift prepared by adults, or take a picture with the guys as a keepsake. You need to make sure that
there are no more people who want to take a photo (or fulfill some other request). Then you can leave the room. You have done everything in your power to make the holiday a success.
glory. Do not forget about courtesy, a smile and a desire to help.

Witch's pranks at the New Year's ball


Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Witch.

Of all the New Year's characters, the Snow Maiden appears before the audience as the very first. On its output, you can use one of the waltzes or another composer. A little bit of classics will not hurt, the main thing is that the music should sound solemnly and set the viewer on a holiday.

Snow Maiden:

Let's shout "Hurrah!"

Let bad weather pass you by

Life will be bright, good!

good wishes time

Coming for you, friends!

I have a confession for you:

I love you with all my heart!

At midnight the clock will strike,

The New Year is coming!

Wish each other happiness -

That minute is coming.

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

I hasten to congratulate everyone!

Let bad weather pass you by

Let the laughter sound.

The Snow Maiden looks around in search of Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: As usual, there is no Santa Claus yet. Oh, grandfather, he is always late! And he will definitely find a thousand reasons to justify it: either he saves a bunny from a wolf, or he returns for a teddy bear, which he forgets to put in his bag as a gift for the smallest, or he can’t choose a suitable Christmas tree for the holiday. What do we do? It's time to start the fun, but we can't... You know what? Let's not wait for our dear Santa Claus, let's start our holiday!

(The Witch jumps onto the stage.)

witch (joyfully) : Let's!

Snow Maiden (surprised): What let's?!

Witch: Let's start our holiday!

Snow Maiden:"Our holiday"? But this is our holiday, not yours! I don't even know who I'm talking to! (Turning to the audience). I don't think you're in the script!

witch (almost sinister): It's right! Not yet... But soon! And you, girl, I cross out of the script!

Snow Maiden: Allow me! But you can't! Without me, there is simply no New Year's holidays! I am a Snow Maiden! Do you hear? Snow Maiden!

Witch: This will be the first New Year's holiday that will take place without your participation! I'm doing great on my own!

Snow Maiden(indignantly) : What do you allow yourself? You... You...

(He can’t find words from indignation).

Witch: What you need, then I allow! And you can be free! Get out of class! That is, disappear! .. Well, what else can you say?!

Snow Maiden: Yes, you are crazy! Now Santa Claus is coming! He will arrange for you!

witch (irritated): How you bored me! I don't want to hear from you anymore! You don't know who you're talking to yet! Well, freeze!

(The witch makes a magical movement around the face of the Snow Maiden, from which she loses the power of speech and the ability to move. In general, she bewitched.

The Snow Maiden freezes in place with a barely audible exclamation)

Snow Maiden: Oh!..

Witch: Duck-duck-duck-duck...

(The villain makes a gesture familiar to everyone, rubbing her index and thumb together in front of her granddaughter's face. The Snow Maiden slowly follows the Witch, not realizing her actions. Thus, the witch leads the girl away from the stage and then quickly returns back, dancing with joy)

Witch: So! One - zero in my favor! Bewitched-frozen! Now you can have fun! Well guys (addressing the audience) have fun?

(Joyfully rubs her hands. Depending on the reaction of the audience, the Witch can behave in two ways - to be indignant if the children do not want to have fun with her,or rejoice if, unexpectedly, the audience accepts her offer. At this moment, Santa Claus appears on the scene. He does not see the substitution, thinking that the Snow Maiden is already in place and turns to the Witch)

Father Frost: Snow Maiden! Granddaughter! Here I am!

Witch: And I! Here! (Shows off in front of the audience).

GrandfatherFreezing: I'm sorry I'm late. Rescued a bunny from a wolf!

Witch: Well done!

Father Frost: Yes, I forgot to put a teddy bear in a bag as a gift for the little ones. I had to go back.

Witch: Yah?

Father Frost: Aha! I also chose a suitable Christmas tree for the holiday. All beauties - eyes run wide. Hardly found the one that is the best!

witch(impatiently) : Have you got the bag?

Father Frost: Certainly!

Witch: Good girl! You can give it to me!

Father Frost: You? Of course, you are still my granddaughter. With pleasure.

(He takes the bag in his arm and is about to hand it over, but he sees in front of him not

Snow Maiden, but the Witch)

Father Frost: Wait a minute! Why should I give the gift bag to you?

Witch: Of course, me! No one else!

Father Frost (addressing the audience): Allow me! So this is not a Snow Maiden!

witch(holding out hand): You said something about a bag!

Father Frost: Where is my granddaughter?!

Witch: What's the matter? Let's agree! A bag for you - gifts for me!

Father Frost: I do not understand anything! Who are you?

witch (boastfully): I?! I am a witch! Though small, but evil! And your Snow Maiden is resting now! I froze it!

GrandfatherFreezing: Frozen?! Yes, how could you?! The Snow Maiden is not afraid of frost!

Witch: She is not afraid of YOUR frost! And I was able to enchant her!

Father Frost: How dare you?! Santa Claus is me, and only I can freeze!

Witch: I can do it too! If you want to know, I can freeze you yourself!

Father Frost (laughs): Me? Santa Claus?

Witch: Stop laughing! Well! Freeze!

(Trying to conjure. But nothing happens)

witch (with annoyance): Did not work out...

Father Frost (triumphant): That's it! Now it's my turn to conjure. Now you freeze!

(Santa Claus knocks his magic staff on the ground, but he also fails)

witch(also triumphant and shows Santa Claus the cookie):

Come on! Will not work! You freeze! (Shakes hands).

Father Frost: No, you freeze! (Knocks staff).

Witch: No! You freeze! (Conjuring).

Father Frost: You freeze! (Knocking).

Witch: You won't succeed because I'm a witch! You are powerless against sorcery!

Father Frost: And you won't succeed! I am Santa Claus! Cold is my element! Bring back your granddaughter! Return immediately! Guys! Let's demand from this witch that she return the Snow Maiden! Let's stomp our feet! Let's wave our hands! Let's yell at her!

(The audience begins to make noise, that there are forces, thus demonstrating their protest against evil spirits)

Witch: Shut up! You already got me! I will return everything! Even if you didn't take it!

(Santa Claus makes a sign to the audience, and they fall silent)

Father Frost (required): Well?!

Witch: On one condition!

GrandfatherFreezing: Conditions?! Without any conditions!

Witch: There's nothing you can do to me, so you better listen to me.

Father Frost (frustrated): Well?!

Witch: Cheer me up! In honor of the holiday! Then the Snow Maiden is yours again.

(Santa Claus thinks, walks around the stage, and then turns to the Witch)

Father Frost: Well, well ... Well, guys!

colorful lights

For fun kids

Our tree will sparkle!

Make it doubly festive!

One two Three! Shine Christmas tree!

(Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest").

Father Frost: Well done, guys, they sang well. So, my dear? Did we cheer you up?

Witch: What more! I can sing myself (mocks).

A witch is born in the forest!

She grew up in the forest!

For the New Year will give you all

Donkey ears!

(He laughs heartily, pointing his finger ugly and making offensive faces at the audience. Santa Claus shakes his head disapprovingly)

Father Frost: Okay, let's sing differently! Help me, restless, since it came here. Divide the audience into two teams. One team will be mine, and take the other for yourself! Let's see who sings better. Only it will be necessary to sing like an animal.

Witch: How?!

Father Frost: How animals sing, in their own voices.

Witch: What song will we sing?

Father Frost: About a small Christmas tree. Do you know this:

"The little Christmas tree is cold in winter"?

Witch: Of course I know!

Father Frost: Try to sing it like frogs would!

Witch: It's very simple! Qua! Qua-qua! Qua! Qua-qua!


(Witch, croaking, plays the melody of the song)

Father Frost: Well done! Eat smart! Now let our teams do it. In turn! Santa's team is starting!

Santa Claus with the team "Meow - meow"

Father Frost: Well, did you like it? Are you giving the Snow Maiden back?

Witch: What should I like?

Father Frost: Our singing!

Witch: Here it is: woof-woof, meow-meow? You're laughing, Grandpa! Who can like it except for the dogs and cats themselves!

Grandfather Freezing (with annoyance). Yes? And I thought it was interesting...

Funny, at least...

Witch: I liked your hat! Give it to the New Year, and I will return the Snow Maiden to you!

Father Frost (thinking) : You will return the Snow Maiden, you say? It’s impossible for me to be without a hat ... But you can earn money! Let not my hat, but another one, but still ... We will blindfold you, and you try to find a hat that will be on the head of one of our spectators. The guys will help: clap their hands. If you get close, they will clap loudly.

If you find yourself far away, the applause will subside.

Listen carefully and you will win!

This game is called "Search - you will find!

Father Frost: Have you guys been cheered up? The hat is now yours - give the Snow Maiden back!

Witch: Cheered? Yes, they drove me completely! Angry! I just want to take them all and freeze them!

Father Frost(sighing): What can't you do for the sake of the Snow Maiden... Try to freeze the kids, if you really want to...

Witch: Please put your hands out in front of everyone! I'll run in circles and touch everyone! Whom I touch, it means that he is frozen and will go to the Christmas tree!

Poems of children at the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: What do you say, beauty? Did you take your soul away?

Witch: Not at all! I would freeze them all, only reluctance to get involved!

Father Frost: So you won't give the Snow Maiden back?

Witch: Will not give it back! You didn't make me laugh! Condition not met!

Father Frost: What then to do? Maybe we can dance?

Witch: Come on, come on! Entertain me! Talk less - do more!

I still have the Snow Maiden!

(Santa Claus announces a dance.

It's time for modern music. Polechka)

Father Frost: Well, mother? Cheered up?

Witch: Few! We still have to dance!

Father Frost: Okay, let's dance.

Witch: And how is it done?

Song: "If life is fun"

Father Frost: Are you okay, honey? Funny? How about the Snow Maiden?

Witch: No way! More fun with animals!

The game "I found animals in the forest"

Father Frost (with hope): Well, are you having fun, my dear?

Witch: Finally, they cheered me up! Good little animals.

Tell them thanks!

Grandfather Freezing: Thank you guys! Helped out! We tried!

Well, return the Snow Maiden to us!

Witch: Yes please! I'm not evil at all, I just wanted to have fun, and witches are not allowed on holidays. Be afraid that we jinx it. Or we'll damage it.

(The little witch brings the Snow Maiden onto the stage, who rushes to Santa Claus.)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! Cute! I'm so glad to see you again! Has the holiday started yet?

Grandfather Freezing (sighs): I'm afraid, granddaughter, that it's already over...

Snow Maiden: Ah, what a pity! And the parade of carnival costumes, which I love so much, also took place?

Father Frost: Costume Parade? How did we forget about him! Well done, Snow Maiden, reminded me! Now we will do it! You will be helped.

Snow Maiden: This witch?

Witch: And what? Help!

Father Frost: Don't be afraid, granddaughter! She is not so evil, although she is an evil spirit. Now listen to me carefully! All the guys who came to the holiday today in carnival costumes will leave the circle, join hands, and the Snow Maiden will lead everyone through the hall with a solemn march. And Grandfather Frost will give everyone a gift for coming smartly dressed.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! But what about the guys who today did not wear carnival costumes?

Witch: Let them remain without a gift! It's nobody's fault! I should have put on a suit and come dressed up!

Father Frost: No one should leave the holiday without a present from Santa Claus!

Witch: But they didn't do anything! Why give them a gift?

Father Frost: They didn't, they will! We'll all sing a song together

"If there was no winter."

Father Frost: The kids had a lot of fun! (Snow Maiden).And we need to hurry to another holiday. Hope (in an undertone and looking back at the Witch) no one will stop us there.

Snow Maiden: Had a lot of fun,

We are all happy today.

I hope I succeeded

This holiday is New Year's.

Grandfather Freezing: The evil blizzard does not frighten

naughty prickly wind,

We know that without each other

We can't live in this world.

Witch: Thank you for trying

Complete tasks.

And now, sadly,

Let's say "Goodbye!"

New Year's holiday in primary school"Magic Box" Scenario

1 witch- Pribylova
2 witch- Danilenko
Main Witch- their mother - Derkach
Little Red Riding Hood- Pribilova Jr.
Snow Maiden- Glebova
Father Frost- presumably Titov
(A magic cauldron is burning near the Christmas tree)
Children to the music of “Christmas tree, forest fragrance” enter the hall forming a double circle near the Christmas tree ... at the end of the song, the children do not disperse ....

Marina Yurievna:
Outside the window flashes snow
Light, New Year's,
Music and laughter in the hall -
Children's ball Today!
Children (in order).
In a wonderful outfit
The Christmas tree is dressed
She make the guys happy
I really wanted to.
Glitter on its branches
new toys,
A star burns bright
On top of her head.
The Christmas tree does not take its eyes off us,
waving branches,
Seems like it's right now
Dancing in a round dance!

Marina Yurievna:
Come closer to the tree
Check out all the toys
Enjoy slowly...
Is the tree really good?
Our tree is amazing to everyone,
And slender and tall
Let's sit quietly and watch
At her from afar.

Against the background of music, the children sit down, as soon as the children are seated, the song sounds - an introduction (to the motive of the song from the m\f "Plasticine Crow")

Friends, we will tell you
Or maybe we won't tell.
Maybe we'll show
We are a fairy tale now.
She is unknown to you
And maybe known
But it will be interesting
See again.
We are all dreaming
Waiting for fairy tales
Mysteries, adventures
And a miracle, as always.
But that's how it usually is -
There are riddles in them.
After all, fairy tales do not do
Never a miracle! (voice from backstage) In one Fairy Forest, the Main Witch lived and she had two daughters - Witches ... But what happened next, look carefully ...

Two witches come out, argue among themselves, in their hands they have a bowler hat, which they set in front of the Christmas tree.

1 led: And I'm telling you for volatility, you must definitely add a couple of bats!
2 Vedas: And I'm telling you for jumping ability, add frog legs, 10 spiders, and ... (they notice the children) Oh! And who is this? (points to audience)
1 led:(surprised) I don't know?
2 Vedas: Look - they are sitting, clapping their eyes ...
1 led: Hey people! Where are you from in our fairy forest? Are you tired of living?
2 Vedas: Something's wrong here... (scratches head)
Marina Yurievna: Dear witches, the guys and I have gathered here because Grandfather Frost announced a competition in this Fairy Forest?
both witches(in unison) What kind of competition is this?
Marina Yurievna: Competition for the title of Grandfather Frost's Chief Helper! This assistant at our matinee will be entrusted with a very important mission - to guard the Magic Chest, which contains a magical secret!
1 led: Secret? I love mysteries to death! Maybe there are chocolate gifts in this Chest?
2 Vedas: Well I do not know! I only know that these kids came to the holiday for a reason, but to jump, dance, tell poems to Santa Claus ...
1 led: (interrupting the second) Listen! Let's show these kids our magic power! They will get scared and they will choose us as the main assistants! We will steal this chest - oops - and steal it unnoticed! Let's share chocolate gifts!?!
2 Vedas: Yeah... You can't fool them that easily, you know what they are?! More cunning than you and me! Let's play better!
1 led: Yes, exactly ... come on ... for example, who will bite more children? I will bite the boys, and you will bite the girls! One, two, three, let's start! (starts)
2 Vedas: No… (pulls her sister to her) I didn’t mean that! Let's play, in the sense that we won't play with you, but we'll play with them, well, that is, we'll play, they will play and forget about the magic chest ... that's when we - oops - and ... understood?
1 led: Brilliant!
2 Vedas: Well, baby, get out here quickly! Everything is everything!

GAME "Funny grimaces" Everyone stands in a circle

2 Vedas:
We begin! Do whatever I say!
We are funny monkeys!
We play loud too!
We all clap our hands!
We all stomp our feet!
We puff out cheeks!
Let's jump on toes!
And we'll even show each other our tongues!
Let's pop our ears!
Tail on top!
Let's raise a finger to the temple!
Together let's jump to the ceiling!
Let's open our mouths!
And we'll make grimaces!
How do I say the word "THREE!"
Everyone, with grimaces, freeze!
Once! Two! Three!

The game runs several times. The funniest "faces" can be rewarded.

1 led:(after the game) What a scream! Well, the faces!
2 Vedas: Yes, they will bite anyone you want! Listen, where is our mother? She's been gone for a long time.
1 led: Or maybe we'll see in our magic cauldron - where is she? (approaches the boiler and looks into it)
2 Vedas: What are you? Our mother will cook you in it! She strictly - strictly forbade looking into it! (soundtrack sounds) What have you done? We run….
The song of the Chief Witch sounds (“Bayu - bayushki bayu”)
In this fabulous forest
I bring trouble with me
How I dislike children!
I'll bewitch, I'll lose
I hate good people
The main witch is me!
Exit of the main witch
G. Witch: So - so - so ... and where are my daughters - beauties, let me know? Probably among you, girls and boys hid? (looking) There is no one at home, (scatters snowballs) everything is scattered, scattered! Disorder! .. (turns to the children) So you will help me! I need two assistants! Urgently!
Game "Collect snowballs"
10 snowballs white color and 10 black snowballs. Two people wear narrow masks.
Who will collect their snowballs more while the music is playing.
Props: 2 baskets, 2 masks, 10 white and 10 black snowballs
G. Witch: Ugliness! Ugly-zi-e ... I've been here for 10 minutes to entertain some kids, but these scoundrels are still gone and gone! Well, wait! (approaches the cauldron, looks into it) Ah, there they are! See see! Here I am for you! (begins to conjure) Candied fruits - farts - Witches come back home ... (both witches run out to the music of witchcraft, stop near the Chief Witch)
G.W.: What were you ordered to do? Guard the boiler, and you? Now I will turn both into ... marsh leeches!
1 led: Mommy, beloved, the most ugly beautiful and terrible do not need us in leeches
2 Vedas: After all, the New Year is coming soon!
G.V.: That's it - the New Year! Are you ready for it? Have you learned a song, a verse for the competition for the title of Assistant to Santa Claus?
1 led: Mom, do not swear, of course, learned! (The song "Byaki - Buki" sounds - the dance of two witches)
They say we are byaki - beeches
How does the earth carry us?
We never know boredom
And we conjure not in vain!
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
After all, we conjure not in vain
Soon New Year's holiday -
Let's do dirty tricks
Witches can do anything
We can't live without it!
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la,
Let's do dirty tricks!
Oh-la-la, oh-la-la, oh ma!
G.V: Ugliness! What are you? What dirty tricks? Who did you learn these songs from?
2 Vedas: Like who? Our friends, the forest robbers...
G.V: (interrupting) Forget everything you've been taught! You need to show Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden that you are kind! Clear?
1 led: Why should we be kind?
G.V: And then, so that one of you will be entrusted with the Magic Chest! In him - great power! And I, the Chief Witch, oh-oh-really need it! Clear (terrible)???
1.2 Vedas (nod their heads)
G.V.: That's it! Listen to me carefully! Santa's helper should amuse these kids! What do kids love? That's right ... Games, round dances ... Therefore, we quickly build children and entertain, have fun ...

(song go right, then left)
(dance of little ducks)

G.W.: Well, not bad, not bad! You can say you are ready for the competition, my daughters! And where is this unfortunate Santa Claus with his Snow Maiden? (approaches the cauldron, looks, as soon as the witch approaches the cauldron, he immediately begins to gurgle ...) Come on, my magic bowler hat, show me where Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are? (Witches immediately spin) So-so! Who do I see! The Snow Maiden herself is heading towards us! And in her hands, look, the Magic Chest! That's luck! But she doesn't go alone. Who is there with her? And ... Little Red Riding Hood, goes, as always, sings songs. As if she didn't spoil anything for us. Well, how, my girls, we hide behind the Christmas tree. Let's see what will happen (hide behind the tree)

Exit of the Snow Maiden and the Little Red Riding Hood Song of the Little Red Riding Hood ("If it's a long walk along the path")

If long, long, long
If for a long time along the path,
If long on the track
Stomp, ride and run
That, of course, that, of course,
That's probably right, right
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible
You can come in the New Year!
A - a, we will celebrate the New Year together,
Ah - ah, lead a round dance, dance until the morning!
Ah, New Year's Eve fun party!
Ah, New Year's Eve happy holiday,
A - a, the Snow Maiden has come to you!
Snow Maiden: Hello guys! (children greet) How long have we not seen each other - a whole year! My grandfather and I missed you so much that we even argued who would come to the Christmas tree faster. Looks like I'm first! For this, thank you Little Red Riding Hood ... stay with us to dance round dances ...
Cap: Thanks Snow Maiden! Thanks guys! I really love the holidays, and I really like to have fun, but my mother told my grandmother to take the pies to me ... it's not far away ... I instantly, ... (running away) I'll take it back and forth...
Snow Maiden: Guys, I didn't come here empty-handed. (shows box). This is the Magic Box. Only Santa Claus himself can open it. In this chest lies power magic staff. And I was instructed today to find the main assistant, the one who will guard this Chest. Grandpa came up with this contest for a reason, but to test you - do you believe in the present? christmas magic Or are you just waiting for Santa Claus for gifts?
(witches come out from behind the tree)
2 Vedas: Someone, namely witches, not only believe in magic, but also own it!
1 led: Maybe you can give us the Chest right away?
Snow Maiden: Hello dear Witches! I won’t give you the chest, because often with the help of magic, you do evil deeds, and this is unacceptable in the New Year!
G. Witch: This is slander, dear Snow Maiden! (daughters agree) I teach my girls only good spells! (again they agree)
Snow: And now we will check it with the guys! If you really good witches, we will give you the Chest, but if not ...
1, 2 Vedas (interrupting): Kind, kind, very kind!
Snow: Fine! I will show you one wonderful game. You remember the tasks and repeat all the movements with us! Come on, children, let's get up all around the Christmas tree!

GAME "Christmas trees ... high, low, fluffy, etc." (children complete tasks, witches confuse everything)

Snow: You, dear Witches, were not attentive, confused our guys!
G. Witch: Pay no attention, Snow Maiden! My girls are just excited!
Snow: I will try to give you another chance! A real Santa's Helper must know a lot of mysteries!
2 witch: This is us in a moment! Sister, do you know riddles?
1 witch (scratches back of head) Uh-uh… Of course!

(riddles of witches) guess riddles and then guess themselves and give themselves sweets ...

Snow: No, no... you can't be Santa's helpers. I am excluding you from the competition.
2 Vedas:(indignantly) It can't be! Give us one more chance. We'll fix it!
G.V.:(affectionately) Girls, let's not argue! Let's better give the Snow Maiden a magic belt of health as a keepsake! (gives the belt to the witches, she goes to the cauldron)
1 ved (tying the belt to the Snow Maiden): Here, dear Snow Maiden. This belt will protect you from any colds - you are often outdoors in winter ... D. The witch, meanwhile, begins to conjure near the cauldron to witchcraft music (not loud)
Black winds blow
Enchant the Snow Maiden!
Witch powers call
Let her sleep in reality!
The Snow Maiden gasps, closes her eyes, the witches pick her up, hold her
G.V: Well, dear Snow Maiden, whose did you take ??? Ha-ha-ha! (G.V. approaches the Snow Maiden, takes the chest)
G.V: That's all! This chest is ours! It remains only to open it and seize the power of Santa Claus! (to the witches) What are you standing for? Get this girl out of here as soon as possible so that no one sees her!
(Witches take Snow Maiden away)
G.V:(tries to open chest) doesn't work...well, wait a minute! I have one ancient spell ... Why are you sitting here? Everything, there will be no holiday, run away from here while you are alive! (leaves to the music of Bayushka-bayu leaves)

The release of the little red riding hood with the same soundtrack ...

Red cap: Snow Maiden, guys, I have already returned ... Oh, guys, why are you so sad ... And where is the Snow Maiden? You must be playing hide-and-seek...?!
Marina Yurievna: But no, little red riding hood, our affairs are bad ... the witches enchanted the Snow Maiden, they took away the chest. And they said that there would be no holiday.
Cr. Beanie: Guys, you need to help the Snow Maiden out of trouble. Maybe we can help new year song?! Let's get up in a friendly round dance, sing a song about the Christmas tree, about the New Year, destroy the witching spells of witches with a friendly song ... you just need to sing, together and loudly ... Are you ready?
(Sing the song Christmas tree - Christmas tree forest aroma)
Cr. Beanie: (sounds of increasing witch music) you hear? Someone is coming here ... Probably, our song worked shhhh ... you are in your places, and I am behind the Christmas tree ...
(exit of grumbling witches with a snow maiden)
2 led. How tired I am... Well, mother, she bewitched, she bewitched, but she didn’t say what to do with her.
1 led: Yeah, take her all over the forest now, like there's nothing else to do. New Year all the same, have fun, I want to play.
They play patty, they don’t succeed, they start to quarrel.
1 led: You are not fun to play with.
2 led. And I'm not interested in you. If only someone would come and play with us...
Cr. beanie: Let me play with you.
2 Vedas: Come on, come on, what...
Cr. beanie: Let's play hide and seek! You hide, and I will look for you!
2 Vedas: Let's! close your eyes and count to 10.
Cr. a cap: Well, okay, so be it. (covers eyes with palms) I'm ready!
1 led: Nope, what a sly one. You closed your eyes, and the guys see everything and will prompt you. Let them also close their eyes and count.
2 Vedas: Just don't peek!
Children begin to count loudly, Witches climb into the bag. Cr. the hat quickly runs up to the Snow Maiden, unties the belt and ties a bag with witches with it. Snow Maiden gets up.
Snow Maiden: Thank you cr. beanie and thank you guys! I saw and heard everything, but I could not say anything!
Little Red Hat: Snow Maiden! My grandmother told me that in order to finally teach these witches a lesson, you need to extinguish their boiler! (takes a cauldron, approaches the guys) Come on, friends, let's all blow on it, it will go out and all the black power will dissolve! (children blow, candles in the cauldron go out)
Cr. beanie: And now, as usual in all New Year's fairy tales, it's time to call Santa Claus!
Snow Maiden: Guys, let's call Santa Claus together. (name is Santa Claus)
Father Frost's exit… phonogram…..
Father Frost: Hello guys! \children's answer\
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Congratulations to all guys!
You cheerful, noisy, bright
I'm glad to see you today!
I hurried to you for the holiday,
I was in a hurry to our meeting!
And a bag of different gifts
I took it with me!
I always remember all the guys
I haven't forgotten anyone!
Snow Maiden: Hello Dedushka Moroz! How glad we are to see you! We have a misfortune here - the witches stole the Magic Chest.
Father Frost: I know, granddaughter, the winter winds told me! Thank you little red riding hood for helping my granddaughter and you guys, I am also grateful! And the witches will get what they deserve! (hit staff)
Come on, help me!
Bring the witch to us here!
Guys, repeat after me! (all children repeat)
Come on, staff, help!
Bring the witch to us here! (witch runs out)
Father Frost: We won't talk for a long time! Give us our chest and go!
G. Witch: Oh, nasty Frost! I have been at war with you for a hundred years, and every time you win! Take your chest, but first, disenchant my girls! (points to the bag, gives the chest)
Father Frost: Well, guys, let's disenchant them?
One two Three
Witch, die! (touches 2 witches with staff)
2 Vedas: Father Frost! Snow Maiden! Don't kick us out of the party, we don't want to leave!
1 led: Forgive us please!
Father Frost: Stay, so be it!
Snow Maiden: Grandpa, it's time to light the Christmas tree!
Father Frost: And that's true! Come on, Little Red Riding Hood, come here! Get the Magic Box! Because you were so brave, I appoint you as my assistant!
Open the Chest! (against the background of magical music, Little Red Riding Hood opens a chest, and there ... a light)
Father Frost: This flame holds the great power of my staff! With it, we will light our Christmas tree!
To make the lights on the Christmas tree sparkle,
It is necessary that the children all say together
New Year's words, very magical
Well, everything is in harmony -
"One, two, three, our Christmas tree is on fire!"
(Little Red Riding Hood at this moment touches the Christmas tree with a light. The lights on the Christmas tree light up)
Snow Maiden: Our tree is awake
All the guys smiled!
We'll go to the Christmas tree
Let's sing a song for her!
The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"
Further standard set- songs, poems.

- "Santa Claus, get up in a circle"
- Freeze game
- "It is snowing"
- "Letka-Enka"
- “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” (remiX)

Cr. Beanie: The kids will play
Near the Christmas tree in patties.
Happy New Year, grandfathers!
Happy New Year, grandmothers!
Snow Maiden: Like on our Christmas tree
Light bulbs lit up!
Happy New Year, moms!
Happy New Year, daddies!
Father Frost: Serpentine like ribbons
Lanterns are like balls!
Together: Happy New Year girls!
Happy New Year boys!
And to all of you, my friends, I distribute gifts ....
(further improvisation of the grandfather ....)))
Father Frost: Happy new year friends! And it's time for us to hit the road! See you in exactly one year!
All: Goodbye!