Events that took place on September 1 in history. Father's Day in Australia. Knowledge Day - from the usual date to the holiday


Knowledge Day

Write different letters
With a thin feather in a notebook
They teach at school, they teach at school
They teach at school.
Subtract and multiply
Don't offend kids
They teach at school, they teach at school
They teach at school.
"What is taught in school"

Words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky

Knowledge Day is the first calls and excitement, a sea of ​​flowers and white bows, and, of course, the traditional lessons of the world. This is the most long-awaited day for those who cross the school threshold for the first time..

September 1 - the holiday of the beginning of a new school year, especially for pupils, pupils, students, teachers and lecturers. Traditionally, schools celebrate the start of the school year on this day. First-graders are greeted with special solemnity in schools.

In secondary special and higher educational institutions, as a rule, does without rulers, but the solemnity of the moment does not at all decrease from this.

September 1 is a holiday for all schoolchildren, students and their parents. We congratulate you on this wonderful day and wish you to remember the most important thing: wisdom in life. May there always be a place for knowledge and wisdom in the life of you and your children, which help to cope with everyday troubles.

This day is traditionally celebrated as a holiday of the CIS states - Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine.

Significant events

The beginning of the conquest of Siberia. Yermak gathered a detachment of 840 Cossacks, with whom in the spring next year reached the possessions of Khan KUCHUM.

Petersburg by order of PETER I

the first state library in Russia was created. It was based on three book collections: the library of the Pharmaceutical Order, the library of the Duke of Courland and the Gottorp Library donated to Peter by the Duke of Holstein. In 1725, the library was transferred to the Imperial Academy of Sciences, and now it is the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

(August 21, O.S.) Wedding of the heir to the Russian throne, Grand Duke Pyotr Fyodorovich.

Empress ELIZABETH sought to ensure the succession to the throne for the offspring of PETER I. Only one person could claim this - the grandson of Peter female line Duke of Holstein Karl Peter Ulrich, son of ANNA PETROVNA. In Holstein, in Kiel, where a 14-year-old nephew lived and ruled (who had already lost both his father and mother), Elizabeth hastily sent an envoy who invited the duke to Russia.

He immediately arrived in St. Petersburg, was declared heir, converted to Orthodoxy and became known as the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich. Upon reaching the age of 17, he was married. If there was no one to choose an heir from, then the Empress searched for a bride for a long time and carefully, until she chose the person recommended by the Prussian King FREDERICH II. It was the daughter of a Prussian general, from the petty sovereign princes of Anhalt-Zerbst, Sophia Augusta, for only one year younger groom. She was brought to St. Petersburg, converted to Orthodoxy with the name Ekaterina Alekseevna.

After the wedding, the young lived away from business under the supervision of persons in charge of their small yard. The Grand Duke finished his education, getting acquainted with the laws and forms of office work in force in the country, and the Grand Duchess was bored without society and read a lot. When the son Pavel was born in 1754, he was not left in the arms of his mother, but was taken into the personal care of Empress Elizabeth herself.

In the meantime, a huge contrast was revealed in the mind and characters of the Grand Duke and his wife. Peter knew nothing of what he was taught, he did not like Russia, he considered himself a military man, but he did not understand military affairs and limited his military activities to carousing with officers and childish game of soldiers. Ekaterina Alekseevna, on the contrary, over the years revealed a great mind and brilliant abilities. From light reading, she moved on to serious and became acquainted with her contemporary French, mainly philosophical and political literature (Montesquieu, Voltaire, "encyclopedists").

When it became clear that Peter would not be able to govern Russia, Elizabeth's dignitaries began to draw Catherine into their intrigues and plans against her husband. Catherine bravely walked towards them.

(August 20, O.S.) In the Crimean War, six ships of the Anglo-French squadron approached the port of Petropavlovsk in Kamchatka, after heavy shelling of Russian positions, an attempt was made to land. The garrison led by Admiral ZAVOYKO was significantly inferior to the enemy both in terms of the number of people and the number of guns, but they threw the enemy into the sea. Another assault attempt four days later was also successfully repulsed.

(August 20, O.S.) Rebuilt after a grandiose fire in 1853, when only stone walls remained from the building, the Bolshoi Theater reopened its doors. The third birth of the theater was marked by the production of Vincenzo BELLINI's opera The Puritani.

The world's first State Film School was opened, now known as the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. A. S. Gerasimova.


The Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to form the Kabardian Autonomous Region. According to the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, it was transformed into the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (in 1944-57 it was called the Kabardian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). For those who experience difficulties with geography, I will inform you that the republic is located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus, and its capital is the city of Nalchik.

Baron Pyotr Nikolaevich WRANGEL founded the Russian All-Military Union and became its chairman.


The invasion of Nazi Germany into Poland began the Second World War.

The reason was a provocation arranged in the evening previous day, when allegedly Polish soldiers broke into the radio station of the German town of Gleiwitz, killed several employees and read out a text in Polish calling for war.

A week before, Adolf HITLER had told his generals: “I will give a propaganda reason for unleashing a war, but whether it is plausible does not matter. The winner will not be asked later whether he was telling the truth or not.”

The question of the capture of Poland (with which Germany has already signed a non-aggression pact for 5 years) was considered by Hitler already in January 1939, and on April 11 he approved a plan for an attack on Poland, code-named "Weiss". Both in Western capitals and in Moscow these plans were known. But if France and England were officially considered guarantors of Polish security, then the Soviet Union, without the consent, as well as the desire of Poland itself, could not provide such assistance.

Polish Foreign Minister Jozef Beck said, that Poland "does not attach any importance to the so-called security systems". When on August 20, after the failure of negotiations with Britain and France, the Soviet leader Joseph STALIN received a message from Hitler, in which, in particular, it was said that “the tension between Germany and Poland had become unbearable” and “a crisis could break out any day”, he accepted the decision to make a deal with Hitler and determine the line beyond which the German troops would not advance, since in the event of an invasion they would freely go to the Soviet border. This was discussed in the secret protocols to the non-aggression pact.

Confront twice the enemy, throwing one of his armored brigade and 12 cavalry brigades with sabers and pikes into battle against his 9 tank divisions was a hopeless affair. The courage of the defenders of Westerplatte and Warsaw could not stop the enemy. Security guarantors did not come to the rescue, hoping at first to resolve the crisis with diplomatic notes. The Modlin fortress was the last to fall on the territory of Poland on September 28, the country was defeated, its government fled to England.

The Red Army entered Polish territory only on September 17, when the seat of the Polish government was unknown to anyone. He advanced to the Curzon Line, which was recognized by the Treaty of Versailles as the border of Poland, "taking under protection the lives and property of the population of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus", lost in the Soviet-Polish war of 1920.

Lvov, Brest, Vilnius (soon transferred to Lithuania) were occupied, the border has been significantly shifted to the west. Both sides were well aware that a future clash was inevitable, and in London, Winston CHURCHILL, reproaching the Russians for treachery, recognized the military expediency of their actions and argued that "the Eastern Front (opposition to Hitler) potentially exists." Soon the Baltic countries also had to choose, and their choice, even if forced, but still voluntary, was the Soviet Union.

During September 1, our troops fought fierce battles with the enemy northwest and southwest of Stalingrad. On other fronts significant changes Did not happen.


German troops reached the Volga.

The troops of the Southern Front by the morning of September 1 completed the liquidation of the encircled units Taganrog group of Germans. As a result of the offensive of our troops and the liquidation of the Taganrog group of the enemy, the 17th, 111th, 294th infantry and 15th airfield German divisions were defeated. Heavy defeat was inflicted on the 304th, 306th, 336th infantry and 13th tank divisions of the enemy.

Continuing the offensive, the troops of the Southern Front advanced from 6 to 10 kilometers during September 1, occupied over 30 settlements, including the city of Krasny Luch, the city of Snezhnoye, and the Shterovka station in the Donbass.

In the Smolensk direction, our troops occupied over 200 settlements, including the city of Dorogobuzh.

Our troops advancing south of Bryansk occupied over 60 settlements, including the town of Komarichi.

In the area west and southwest of Kharkov, our troops fought offensive battles and in some areas again moved forward, occupying several settlements.


The opening of new buildings of Moscow University on the Lenin Hills took place. The decision to build them was made by the USSR Council of Ministers in 1948. The authors of the high-rise ensemble project L. V. RUDNEV, S. E. CHERNYSHEV, P. V. ABROSIMOV and A. F. KHRYAKOV were awarded the Stalin Prize in 1949. The tower of the main building has 39 floors and reaches a height of 240 m (from the ground to the top of the star that completes the spire), if nothing has changed since then.

A restored monument to the fallen heroes of the first battle of the Northern War (1700-21) was opened in Narva.

In November 1700, the siege of the Swedish fortress of Narva ended in a heavy defeat for the Russian troops. A complete defeat was avoided only thanks to the steadfastness of the soldiers of the Guards Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments. On the bicentennial anniversary of the battle, at the expense of the guards regiments, in memory of the heroes, a mound was built, topped with a granite rock and a cast-iron cross. During the Great Patriotic War, the monument was destroyed and now restored in its original form.

On the screens of the country appeared the second part of the film by Sergei Eisenstein "Ivan the Terrible" taken back in 1945.


Lyudmila GURCHENKO again found herself in the spotlight after the release of Alexander FAINZIMMER's musical film "Girl with a Guitar" on the screens of the country. But the creators of the picture failed to repeat the success of Carnival Night, although such actors as Mikhail ZHAROV, Faina RANEVSKAYA, Boris NOVIKOV, Sergey FILIPPOV, Mikhail PUGOVKIN, Vladimir GUSEV, Oleg ANOVRIEV starred in it. This film is also interesting in that it hosted the film debut of Yuri NIKULIN.


For the first time, the program “Good night, kids!” appeared on the screen of Central Television., along with the heroes of which more than one generation of Soviet children grew up, as well as their mothers, fathers and grandparents.

The Petrozavodsk Conservatory was opened.


In Reykjavik, Robert FISHER became the 11th World Chess Champion by defeating Boris SPASSKY.

The city of Novy Urengoy was founded.


Rock festival kicks off in San Bernardino, California. Its organizers, along with other equipment, used giant TV screens the size of a 2-3-storey building so that as many people as possible could watch the festival. At the same time, an idea was born: after all, all this technique can be used not only within the framework of the festival, but also to try to make a “throw across the ocean” - to hold a meeting between the inhabitants of two continents.

Negotiations began with the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, which responded with immediate consent. On the night of September 4-5, the first teleconference was held, linking California with the Ostankino television studio.

A South Korean Boeing (flight 007) was shot down over Sakhalin, violating the Soviet border (269 victims).


Alan CHUMAK charged the Vechernyaya Moskva newspaper with his vibes. According to him, the preventive, strengthening and therapeutic effect was to last until the end of February next year.

The former central organ of the CPSU newspaper "Pravda" became a joint-stock company Pravda International, owned by the Greek capitalist Yannis Yannikos. The combination, you see, is strange.

Beslan ...

Born on this day

Natalya Kirillovna NARYSHKINA
(1651 - 4.2.1694),
second wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, mother of PETER I.

Innokenty Fedorovich ANNENSKY
(1855 - 13.12.1909),


Ivan Gavrilovich ALEXANDROV
(1875 - 2.5.1936),
power engineer and hydraulic engineer, academician (1932). He was one of the developers of the GOELRO plan. According to his project and under his leadership, the Dnieper hydroelectric power station - Dneproges was built. He also worked on plans for the general scheme for the electrification of Central Asia and the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

Evgeny Alekseevich CHUDAKOV
(1890, Sergievskoye village, now the Tula region - 9/19/1953, Moscow),
specialist in the field of mechanical engineering and automotive technology, founder of Soviet automotive science, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939), vice-president of the Academy, laureate of the Stalin Prizes (1943, 1951).

On his initiative, the Scientific Automobile Laboratory was established in 1918., on the basis of which the Scientific Automotive Institute (NAMI) was formed in 1921, in which he was deputy for scientific work. He also taught at the Automotive and Tractor Institute, in 1932-42 he headed the department of armored vehicles created by him at the Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army. Since 1939, Chudakov has been director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He was also a member of the editorial board of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

Andrey Platonovich PLATONOV
(1899 - 5.1.1951),

writer. One of the authors who writes smarter than I read.

Sergei Leonidovich TIKHVINSKY
(1918, Petrograd),

historian-orientalist and diplomat, academician (1981).

Afanasy Petrovich SHILIN
(1924 - 22.5.1982),
artilleryman, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

Then he will graduate from the Academy. Dzerzhinsky and the Military Academy of the General Staff becomes a lieutenant general. He will be drafted into the army in August 1942, he will go to the front next summer after the Tomsk Artillery School. In 1944, for crossing the Dnieper and holding the bridgehead on the right bank, the commander of the guard control platoon, Lieutenant Shilin, will receive his first Star of the Hero, and he will be awarded the second in 1945 already as the head of intelligence of the artillery division for breaking through the enemy’s defenses at the Magnushevsky bridgehead.

Ivan Timofeevich FROLOV
(1929 - 18.11.1999),
philosopher, academician, founder and director of the Institute of Man of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Igor Konstantinovich EFIMOV
(1932 - 16.11.2000),
film actor, dubbing master.

He worked at the Lenfilm film studio, starred in episodes (more than fifty works), but he achieved greater fame without appearing in the frame at all. The heroes of dubbed films, speaking in his voice, simply cannot be counted (more than 600 films), but the actor’s work on the films “They Fought for the Motherland” and “Cold Summer of 53rd” became quite special. In them, Efimov voiced the roles of Pyotr Lopakhin and Kopalych, played respectively by Vasily SHUKSHIN and Anatoly PAPANOV, who were unable to complete their work due to death. If you don’t know this, then few people will doubt that we hear the voice of our favorite actors.

Alexandra Markovna KOSS
(1934, Leningrad - 22.5.2010, St. Petersburg)
poetess, translator.


Mikhail Ivanovich LAPSHIN
(1934 - 17.6.2006),
Chairman of the Agrarian Party of Russia.

Valery Alekseevich Legasov
(1936 - 27.4.198,
inorganic chemist, academician, first deputy director of the Institute of Atomic Energy. I. V. Kurchatova.

He did not deal with reactors, but when the accident occurred in Chernobyl, he was one of the first at the disaster site and spent a total of four months there - instead of the allowable 2-3 weeks. It was he who proposed the composition of the mixture with which the burning reactor was filled and due to which the consequences turned out to be less than they could be.

Legasov committed suicide two years after the accident.. The investigation concluded that the suicide of the academician was committed by him in a state of depression. What prompted this act, one can only guess. But here are a few facts that will help understand the environment in which Legasov spent the post-Chernobyl years. In the spring of 1987, he was voted out in the elections to the scientific and technical council of the institute by 129 votes against 100.

The day before his death, at a meeting at the Academy of Sciences, his organization plan was rejected interdepartmental council in chemistry, designed to bring work in the field of science to which he served, to the modern level. “We will not allow a boy to lead us,” one eminent chemist said at the same time.

And what is the value of a letter to Pravda from a senior researcher of the IAE:"Legasov is a bright representative of that scientific mafia, whose politicking instead of leadership led to the Chernobyl accident..." Against this background, the absence in the list of those awarded for the liquidation of the consequences of Chernobyl looks like a trifle. (Based on the essay by V. Gubarev "Happiness and Tragedy of Academician Legasov" in the newspaper "Pravda".)

Sergey Nikolaevich KONONYKHIN
sports commentator, referee of the international category in figure skating. Yes, it seems that even before, during the performance of the skaters, the commentators could not be silent, but is it possible to compare their manner with the current hysterical, leading to a heart attack, screeching “stop!” on the Eurosport channel.

Mikhail Efimovich FRADKOV

Prime Minister of Russia in 2004-07.

Nadezhda Alekseevna CHEPRAGA
(1956, p. Raspopeny of the Moldavian SSR),
singer, People's Artist of Moldova, Honored Artist of Russia.

Sergey Leonidovich GARMASH
(1958, Kherson),
theater and film actor.

Evgeny Vladimirovich PCHELOV

historian dealing with the genealogy of the highest Russian nobility, author of history textbooks for schools and several books in collaboration with V. T. CHUMAKOV (“Rulers of Russia from Yuri Dolgoruky to the present day”, etc.).

Daria Yurievna MOROZ
theater and film actress. Daughter of director Yuri Moroz and actress Marina LEVTOVA.

This day was gone

Dmitry Konstantinovich KANTEMIR
(5.11.1673 - 1723),
Moldavian ruler (1710-11), scientist-encyclopedist, associate of PETER I.

He spent his younger years as a hostage in Turkey. One of the first historians and politicians, he foresaw the fall Ottoman Empire and therefore concluded an agreement with Peter I. When the Russian troops were forced to leave Moldova, together with his supporters he moved to Russia, where he received the title of prince, vast estates in Ukraine and a cash pension.

Owning 11 languages, during the Persian campaign of Peter he was the manager his field office, compiled manifestos to the inhabitants of Persia. The author of historical works, he also became the founder of the Moldavian novel. IN notebook Peter I, a note has been preserved: “This ruler is a very reasonable man and capable of advice.” His son Antioch Cantemir became a famous satirist and a prominent diplomat - ambassador to England and France.

Alexey Vasilievich NARYSHKIN
(15.8.1742 - 1800),
privy councillor, senator. An extremely educated man for his time, Naryshkin was a poet in his youth, wrote songs, poems, epigrams and satires. For his scientific merits he was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences (1787) and was a member of the Russian Assembly at Moscow University and the Free Economic Society.


Vasily Lvovich PUSHKIN
(8.5.1766 - 1830),
poet, uncle of A. S. PUSHKIN, who made an invaluable contribution to Russian culture, because in childhood the great Russian poet often listened to his uncle’s poems, “told some of them by heart and pleased his venerable relative,” and later admitted that he had betrothed him to the “muses” uncle.

Pavel Vasilievich CHICHAGOV
(8.7.1767, St. Petersburg - 1849, Paris),
naval minister, admiral (1807), member of the State Council (1811-34). Son of V. Ya. CHICHAGOV.

In the fleet since 1782, under PAUL I, he fell into disgrace, with the accession of ALEXANDER I, he enters his retinue. Being the Minister of the Navy, he introduced the Navy new form: in particular, then the swords were replaced by daggers. IN Patriotic war 1812 commanded the 3rd Western Army. When NAPOLEON managed to avoid capture in the battle on the Berezina, Chichagov became the main culprit in the eyes of public opinion.

Unjustly accused of high treason and offended by such an attitude towards himself, in 1814 he went on an indefinite leave, went abroad and never returned to his homeland. In 1834, he refused the request of NICHOLAS I to return, was withdrawn from the members of the State Council, and his property in Russia was sequestered. Already completely blind, the admiral accepted British citizenship.

Vladimir Stepanovich SOBOLEV
(30.5.1908 - 1982),
academician-geologist. In 1940, he suggested the proximity of the geological structure of the Siberian Platform and South Africa, which led to the discovery of diamond deposits in Yakutia.

Alexey Ivanovich VAKHONIN
(10.3.1935 - 1993),
weightlifter, 1964 Olympic bantamweight champion, two-time world champion, Honored Master of Sports. He died tragically when his son, in a drunken stupor, stabbed him with a knife.


Lev Lvovich Zhdanov
(20.10.1924 - 1995),

Translations were popular in pre-revolutionary Russia historical novels, made by his grandfather Lev Grigorievich. Lev Lvovich already represented the third generation of a family of translators, when in 1955 his translation of Journey to the Kon-Tiki by the famous Norwegian Thor Heyerdahl appeared in the magazine Yunost. Then came The Martian Chronicles by Ray BRADBURY, other works by these authors, as well as books by Arthur CLARK, Harry HARRISON, Clifford Simak, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, animal and wildlife stories by Joy ADAMSON and Gerald DARREL.


Konstantin Kuzmich REVA
(April 10, 1921, village Korenek (village Sukhodol, Glukhovsky district, Sumy region) - 1997, Moscow),
star of Soviet and world volleyball in the late 40s - early 50s, two-time world champion, honored master of sports. The International Volleyball Federation named him the best player of the 20th century. He was buried at the Troekurovsky cemetery.

On this page you will learn about significant and memorable datesautumn day september 1, which famous people were born on this September day, events took place, we will also talk about folk omens And Orthodox holidays this day public holidays different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events took place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and the day was no exception.September 1who is also remembered for his own dates and birthdays famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I must always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

Dayfirst day of September, left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates like who was born in thisautumnday, once again confirm this. Find out what happened infirst day of september 1 septemberwhat events and significant dates he was noted and what he remembered, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on September 1 (first)

Sergey Leonidovich Garmash (born September 1, 1958, Kherson, Ukrainian SSR) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist Russian Federation(2004), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2006).
Sergei Govorukhin (1961 - 10/27/2011) - director, son of the famous talented director Stanislav Govorukhin;

Maria Antonova (born 1988) - Russian actress (Sonya Kantor in the TV series Major Sokolov's Getters);

Ivan Timofeevich Frolov (1929 - 1999) - Soviet philosopher, academician, founder and director of the Institute of Man of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

Roy Glauber (born 1925) - American physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics 2005;

Sergey Bobunets (born 1973) - Russian rock musician, poet, composer, leader of the Semantic Hallucinations group;

Andre Hunebel (1896 - 1985) - French director ("The Hunchback", "Captain", "Fantômas", etc.);

Andrei Platonov (1899 - 1951) - Russian writer; Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875 - 1950) - writer, known for his books about Tarzan;

Gennady Bachinsky (1971 - 01/12/2001) - popular TV and radio host (died in a car accident);

Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (1896 - 1977) - Indian writer, founder of the Hare Krishna religious movement;

Ruud Gullit (born 1962) - Dutch footballer, European champion - 88;

Eugene Bosch (1855 - 1941) - French, Belgian artist, poet;

Nadezhda Chepraga - Soviet singer;

Frank Morris is a famous criminal, the only one who was able to escape from the most guarded and impregnable Alcatraz prison.

Dates September 1

Slovakia is Constitution Day and Erythea is Revolution Day

China celebrates Journalist's Day

By folk calendar This is Fekla Beetroot

According to the Constantinople era, adopted in Russia before 1700, September 1 marks the start of a new year. In 2014 it is 7523.

On this day:

in 1856, Innokenty Annensky, a poet, whose casket was cypress, was born

Edgar Burroughs was born in 1875, the writer who told us about the adventures of Tarzan, Lord Greystoke

1896 Bhaktivedanta Swami Praphupada, founder of the Hare Krishna movement, was born

In 1923, the Kanto earthquake hit Japan with a magnitude of more than 8 points, which claimed almost a million lives.

In 1939, World War II officially began.

in 1947, Barry Gibb was born, one of the sweet-voiced baratians who conquered the world under the name Bee Gees

Gloria Estefan, queen of Latin American pop, born in 1957

Sergei Garmash was born in 1958, Ivan Bezdomny in Master and Margarita

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi came to power in Libya in 1969

in 1971, Gennady Bachinsky was born, the tragically deceased partner of Sergei Stillavin

in 1983, a Korean Boeing was shot down, mistaken for a spy plane

Tom and Bill Kaulitz, founding brothers of the popular German band Tokio Hotel, were born in 1989.

in 1993, Ilona Mitresei was born, a singer who became famous thanks to a cartoon girl in a red dress with a heart.

September 1 events

The fortress is located in a very convenient place where the Pregolya flows into the Baltic Sea. The city has been located here for more than 700 years. The post-dam conference in the summer of 1945 assigned the city to the USSR, years later the city was renamed Kaliningrad. Immediately after the transition of the city, the publication of Russian newspapers began, the newspaper Novoye Vremya was also published in German.

In schools, children also studied in German. Soon the German population was resettled in Germany. The city was quickly settled by new residents, production was restored. The strategic location of the city determined its semi-closed status; in 1960, the last ruins of the old Königsberg fortress were demolished.

A village near Moscow unexpectedly became a center for the production of gramophone records. The owners of the plant, two German entrepreneurs, created trade marks Metropol and Record. In the early years, about 400 thousand copies were produced. At fairs, bazaars, in shops and stores for several weeks one could meet a novelty, in almost a few weeks all copies were sold out.

Music was everywhere - at home, at weddings, send-offs, in entertainment venues and clubs. With the help of gramophones with huge trumpets, Russians could be heard folk songs, ditties, musical works. The diameter of the gramophone pipes increased, sometimes it was possible to meet almost half a meter pipes.

The revolution brought the creation of the department "Soviet gramophone record". Recently, the structure of the plant has collapsed, new CD production has practically replaced the good old records.

September 1, 1939 - Gleiwitz provocation, which became the reason for the start of World War 2

Reinhard Heydrich, together with his subordinates (a sabotage group led by Alfred Naujoks), organized actions on several sections of the Germany-Poland border that could serve as a pretext for starting a war. Dressed in Polish military uniform members of the sabotage group broke into the territory of the radio station in Gleiwitz and broadcast an anti-Hitler appeal.

Further, an attack was made on the forestry in Kreuzburg, and one of the customs checkpoints was also destroyed. The bodies of the slain concentration camp prisoners were used as the dead during the attack, which is why the operation was called "Canned". The signal to start the operation is the code phrase "Grandma is dead."

Mossad does not take any action, collects information and passes it to the political leadership of Israel. Appropriate decisions are taken only by the governing bodies. The principle of intelligence is known - more information, more knowledge.

The number of full-time employees in the organization does not exceed 2000 people, while there are no military ranks, although each candidate must have military service. The activities of the organization are classified, like other similar services in the world.

September 1, 1714 - by order of Peter I, the first state public library in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg

The handwritten order of the tsar has not survived to this day, but his undertaking is still flourishing today, bearing the honorary title of "Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences." Currently, the temple of the book, located on Vasilyevsky Island, is one of the largest libraries in the world. Initially, the repository fund was made up of manuscripts from the Kremlin Tsar's Library in Moscow, the Tsar's personal book archive, as well as his associates.

Signs September 1 - the day of Andrei Stratilat-Teplyak, Fekla Beetroot

On September 1, birches turn yellow, hazels begin to drop leaves. Although it is worth noting that in Rus' at that time there were sometimes quite warm weather, especially since Indian summer was ahead.

Today, September 1 is associated with the first day of knowledge, when schoolchildren and students begin their studies after the holidays, while earlier this date marked, first, the first day of the New Year, and then also the beginning of the beet harvest. That is why, it was often said that on September 1, Thekla the beetroot came.

On September 1, the church honors the memory of the three martyrs of Gazsky - Agapius, Timothy and Thekla, who suffered for the faith around 304-306. As you know, in his youth, Timothy began to study Holy Bible, and thanks to the gift of eloquence, he became a preacher. During the reign of Emperor Diocletian, mass persecutions were organized against the followers of the Christian faith, and Timothy was also caught.

He was accused of crimes committed against pagan gods and subjected to numerous tortures. However, Timothy did not renounce his faith, did not admit his guilt, but, on the contrary, continued to preach and talk about love for God and people. After that, he was sentenced to be burned.

In the same city, Thekla and Agapius suffered, whom the pagans handed over to be torn to pieces by wild animals. Both martyrs were also accused by the pagans of the falsity and incorrectness of what they preached, they did not want to obey and worship the pagan gods.

In Rus', September 1 was closely associated with the time when the beets ripened, and, according to signs, if the harvest was rich, then everyone rejoiced, because a large number of dishes could be prepared on the basis of beets, and besides, it was not only perfectly stored in barns , but also had unique composition in terms of vitamins and minerals.

It is interesting that healers recommended applying beet leaves to inflamed eyes, and with a toothache, it was necessary to hold beet roots in the mouth. Various soups were prepared on the basis of this vegetable - mainly rich borscht, as well as botvinya. Along with sauerkraut, beets were also served with boiled potatoes.

In Orthodoxy, September 1 is associated with the personality of Andrei Stratilates, who suffered for his faith in Christ.

On September 1, it was customary to complete all economic and commercial transactions. Peasants on September 1 began to dry and crush flax, wet hemp. So-called sit-ins began, when women gathered in the evenings in huts (most often in widows' houses), where they talked and did some work (for example, needlework).

For a long time, the tradition was preserved to put boys on horses on September 1, when they turn 4 years old - this is how a child is taught to work and adulthood.

Folk omens September 1

If a person was born on September 1, then, according to signs, he will be very wise. As a talisman, he is recommended to wear talismans with agate and pomegranate.

What is interesting and significant in world history, September 1, science, sports, culture, politics?

September 1, what events in the world history of science and culture are famous and interesting for this day?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on September 1?

What national, international and professional holidays are celebrated annually on September 1? Which are celebrated Religious holidays September 1? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What is the national day of September 1 according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of September 1? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on September 1?

What significant historical events on September 1 and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? Memorial Day of which famous and great people on September 1?

Which of the great, famous and famous died on September 1st?

September, Memorial Day of which famous, great and famous people world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

Events of the day 1 September 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2017, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day 1 September 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2018, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day 1 September 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2019, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day September 1, 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2020, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the twentieth year.

Events of the day 1 September 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2021, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the twenty-first month.

Events of the day 1 September 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2022, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day 1 September 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2023, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day 1 September 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2024, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the twenty-fourth month.

Events of the day 1 September 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2025, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the twenty-fifth month.

Events of the day 1 September 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2026, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day 1 September 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2027, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the twenty-seventh month.

September 2028 Day Events - Dates Today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2028, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day 1 September 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2029, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day 1 September 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 1, 2030, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the first September day of the month of the thirtieth year.

The various calendar systems of the ancient world once came to a single system known as the Julian calendar, which did not last long - from the reform of its founder (46 BC) to the First Ecumenical Council in Nicea, convened by Constantine the Great in 325 AD. It was on this day in 312 that Emperor Constantine the Great granted Christians freedom of religion. At the Council, the holy fathers established the celebration of the church new year on September 1 (O.S.) instead of March 1.

In ancient Judea, September 1 was celebrated as the feast of the harvest, and we know for certain from the Gospel that on this day the Savior first addressed the people with a sermon. On the same day in 312, Emperor Constantine, having adopted Christianity from his mother Helena, defeated his opponent Mauxentius, overshadowing the army with a banner on which a cross was depicted. After the victory of Christ, the Church ceased persecution and began its victorious march through the Byzantine Empire.

But in Rus' there are many outlandish things. So, for example, 1699 lasted ... 4 months.

In September, the Orthodox greeted him with the singing of the troparion for the new year, and at the end of the year, Peter I issued a decree on the celebration of the New Year on January 1 and the introduction of the chronology in the Western manner - from the Nativity of Christ.

What about September 1st? Many years later, this day became the Day of Knowledge, the beginning of a "new life" for many children - symbolically and at the same time naturally. Feast of the first call. This is the most long-awaited day for those who cross the school threshold for the first time. This is a holiday for first-graders and first-year students. Both of them enter into a completely new life. Because this day is one of the most exciting and memorable for them.

Knowledge Day is an official holiday, which is celebrated on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days”, as amended. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 1, 1988 N 9724-XI "On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Memorable Days".

September 1 is the holiday of the beginning of the new academic year, primarily for pupils, pupils, students, teachers and teachers. Traditionally, schools celebrate the start of the school year on this day. First-graders are greeted with special solemnity in schools. In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as a rule, they do without rulers, but the solemnity of the moment does not at all decrease from this.

On September 1, students and their parents give flowers to teachers, congratulating them on the start of the school year. The first persons of the state traditionally congratulate teachers and students on the Day of Knowledge. District administrations, heads of cities and the country visit various educational institutions.

September 1st in history significant events one way or another related to education:

In 1714 Petersburg, by order of PETER I, the first state library in Russia was created. Now it is the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 1919 The world's first State Film School was opened, now known as the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. A. S. Gerasimova.

In 1953 on the Lenin (Sparrow) mountains opened a new complex of buildings of Moscow State University.

In 1964 For the first time, the program “Good night, kids!” appeared on the TV screen, entertaining and educating kids, preparing them for school life.

Catchphrases of the day:

The first of September is the first day of the calendar

For the first time in first class

It all starts with a school bell

Knowledge is power

Poems about September 1:

The kids reached out

To school in the morning

Roma, Kolya, Nadia...

Blue notebooks.

Backpacks and briefcases,

Paints are watercolors.

Desk, globe.

First grade.

knowledge day

We have now!

Al. Maryukhin:

Hello school! Autumn again.

The class is calling again.

We will ask teachers

Take us to the world of knowledge.

We rested over the summer

Grow up, gain strength.

Children, are you ready for school? -

Our teacher asked us.

We came to school today

To learn how to live

Be home helpers

Cherish friendship.

We cannot live without knowledge

We really need them.

We will be useful to people

We are the masters of the Earth!

So that over our planet

The sun always shone

So that children always laugh

We've come to you, teacher!

Proud, smart

We're walking down the street

With kind smiles

Everyone admires us.

"You don't have to follow us!" —

We told mom.

What class are we going to?

Guess yourself.

On September 1, schoolchildren, students, teachers and everyone who has or has ever been related to educational process, celebrate Knowledge Day. Officially, this holiday appeared in the state calendar in 1984, but September 1 has been a special day for many years, and not only for schoolchildren. What preceded the appearance of the school holiday and why does the new school year begin on the first day of autumn?

Why does the school year start on September 1st?

In Russia, there has never been a single date for the start of the academic year - classes in educational institutions began at different times. In the villages, they could start studying only in late autumn, after the completion of agricultural work, and city gymnasium students sat down at their desks in mid-August. Only in 1935, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution on a single date for the start of studies in all schools. September 1st was the first day of school. At the same time, the duration of the academic year was established and fixed holidays were introduced.

The date of September 1 was not chosen by chance. In many schools, classes have already begun on the first day of autumn. The reason for this was that in Rus' for a long time they met on this day New Year. After when Peter the Great ordered to transfer new year holidays on January 1, the start of studies was left at the same date, so as not to interrupt the educational process with a long break and not to endure long summer holidays for the winter. The church played an important role in this matter. Most schools in those days were attached to churches, and the church was in no hurry to change the usual calendar.

In Soviet schools, September 1 has always been a solemn day. The main attribute of the first school day there was a festive line, during which first-graders were honored, crossing the threshold of the school for the first time. There was no official holiday on the calendar, but the people called it the First Bell or simply - September 1st. Pupils always came on the first day of school with bouquets, gave them to their favorite teachers, who went home after school with armfuls of flowers.

The first day of school was not a day off, but, of course, there could not be full-fledged classes on that day. Having not seen each other for a whole summer, students and teachers were overwhelmed with emotions that interfere with serious studies. As a rule, the academic year began class hour, during which they announced the schedule of lessons, introduced new teachers and reported other important information.

Knowledge Day - from the usual date to the holiday

In 1980, the Day of Knowledge was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. So September 1 legally appeared on the calendar and became an official holiday. However, for several years this day continued to be educational. In the new format, it was first celebrated only in 1984.

In schools instead class hour The first lesson was the Lesson of Peace, the purpose of which was to instill patriotism, pride in the Motherland and citizenship. Gradually, the usual lessons were abandoned in educational institutions, the Day of Knowledge ceased to be educational, it was filled with various entertainment events and entertainment.

Knowledge Day in modern Russia

IN new Russia never even talked about abolishing a loved one (albeit accompanied by a slight sadness) school holiday. IN modern schools and gymnasiums September 1 is not a school day. By long tradition the morning begins with a solemn line and the First Bell. Pupils come to school dressed up, with flowers and balloons. As always, the main culprits of the holiday are first-graders.

On September 1, students arrange collective trips to the cinema, to theaters, to amusement parks, and go on excursions. Often, a holiday is arranged right in schools and on their own - they organize concerts, reviews, competitions. In higher and secondary vocational schools, September 1 begins with solemn meetings. It also does not do without flowers for teachers and recreational activities.

First day of school in other countries

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Knowledge Day remained official holiday in a number of states that left the USSR. It is still celebrated in Belarus, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. The children of these countries continue to start the school year on the first day of autumn, following the usual traditions of the Soviet holiday.

In the United States, there is still no single date for the start of the school year. Each state has its own rules - someone has to sit down at their desks in early July, someone in the first days of August, and someone is waiting for study in September. Australian schoolchildren pick up textbooks in February, and German children say goodbye to the holidays in mid-October.

Recently, in Russia, they are beginning to think about a flexible schedule for the academic year. The reason for this is the huge territory and different climatic conditions.

In 1581, the Cossack chieftain Ermak Timofeevich, at the head of a detachment of 840 people, sailed along the Chusovaya River to the Ural Mountains - towards feat and glory.

Thus began the conquest of Siberia. A month and a half later, Yermak's squad knocked out Khan Kuchum from Isker, the capital of the Siberian kingdom. But only 17 years later, in 1598, the voivode Voeikov managed to finally defeat the army of the Tatars. Kuchum fled to the Nogai Horde, where he was killed. And Siberia became part of the Russian state.

In 1715 King Louis the Fourteenth, nicknamed the "Sun King", died.

He lived for 77 years, of which 72 (!) He ruled France. We can say that he set an absolute record for being on the throne among European monarchs. He was declared king at the age of four, but he reached real power only at 20. However, even 52 years on the throne is a lot. For France, these were the times of the highest prosperity and power, the golden age ... It is Louis the Fourteenth who is often credited with the phrase that has become "winged": "The state is me!", Although serious historians claim that nothing like the "Sun King" has ever been said.

At the end of August, the Prussian army under the command of Frederick II invaded Saxony - the so-called Seven Years' War began. The reason for it was the struggle for dominance in Central Europe. Austria, France, Russia, Sweden and Saxony, fearing the growing power of Prussia, united against Berlin. Prussia, in turn, entered into an alliance with England, which sought to get rid of French control over the seas and become the dominant colonial power.

On September 1, 1756, Elizaveta Petrovna declared war on Prussia.
The Russian government, first of all, aimed to stop the expansion of Prussia in the Baltic states and expand the territory towards Poland, wanting to connect the trade routes of the Baltic and Black Seas. In May 1757, a year after the outbreak of hostilities, the seventy-thousandth Russian army moved from Livonia to the Neman, occupied Memel, and in January 1758 - Tilsit and Koenigsberg, East Prussia went to Russia. In the summer of 1759, the Russian army occupied Frankfurt an der Oder, and in the fall of 1760, Berlin, which, however, was soon abandoned due to the approach of large enemy formations. The campaign of 1761 was successful for the Russian army, Prussia suffered defeat after defeat, but on December 25, Elizabeth Petrovna died, and the throne passed to Peter III, an ardent admirer of Frederick II. The new Russian emperor stopped the war and returned to Prussia all the conquered territories, moreover, part of the Russian troops joined the former enemy. With the accession of Catherine II to the throne, Russian troops were recalled to Russia. On October 23, 1762, peace was signed between Prussia and France, on November 13, an armistice between Prussia and Austria, and on January 30 of the following year, a peace treaty between France and England.

Although as a result of the war the European borders of the states remained unchanged, the balance of forces of its participants changed significantly. Having significantly expanded its colonial possessions, Great Britain became the strongest maritime power (from Spain it captured Florida, and from France - Canada, East Louisiana, the islands of Dominica, St. Vincent, Tobago, Grenada and possessions in India). Prussia also strengthened its position, starting its struggle for hegemony in Germany in the Northern War. France, on the contrary, was significantly weakened, its economic exhaustion intensified the internal crisis that led to the French Revolution. Weakened Austria became an ally of Russia in the fight against Turkey. For Russia, the Northern War created the prerequisites for the growth of its political influence, military power and territorial expansion in subsequent decades.

In 1848, in the Swiss town of La Gracieuse, the doctor Auguste-Henri Forel was born, whose book "The Sexual Question" became a real bestseller in Russia at the beginning of the last century.

After graduating from the medical faculty of the University of Vienna, Forel headed the psychiatric clinic at the University of Zurich for almost thirty years. He tried to treat alcoholics and prostitutes with hypnosis and psychotherapy. Exploring the sexual question, the interest in which was extremely great in Europe at that time, Auguste-Henri paid Special attention sexual pathology and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, becoming one of the pioneers of sexual hygiene. Published in 1905, the book "The Sexual Question" aroused great interest in Russia, where censorship was significantly relaxed at that time.

In addition to medical hobbies, the professor managed to actively fight for peace (in neutral Switzerland it was not difficult), he was a supporter of absolute sobriety and was fond of insects, describing about three thousand species of Hymenoptera. In old age, Forel left the practice of medicine and wrote a five-volume work, The Social Life of Ants.

In 1910, on September 1, the first Russian factory of gramophone records was opened - the Aprelevsky factory of gramophone records.

The first gramophone records of the plant were distributed to fairs, bazaars, shops and shops of the empire in a matter of weeks. They began to be played at weddings and name days, seeing off, gatherings and tea parties, family parties. Huge trumpets of gramophones carried Russian folk songs, ditties, romances, arias, marches.

The first records had two holes in the center and were played from the middle to the edge. Then the diameter gradually increased and even reached half a meter. But such impressive dimensions led to an increase in the size of the gramophone. After the revolution, the department "Soviet plate" was created. On the records of those years, a swallow flaunted, holding a musical sign in its beak golden color. She became the emblem of the Aprelevka plant. Years passed, and the records were replaced by audio cassettes, but technical progress does not stand still, and soon there were music discs - CD, MP3. The records have become part of the history, which is carefully preserved in Aprelevka by the museum of the gramophone records factory.

In 1969, the Belarusian ensemble "Pesnyary" was created.

The history of "Pesnyary" began, in fact, in 1965, when the army service in the Red Banner Belarusian Military District brought together four musicians - Vladimir Mulyavin, Leonid Tyshko, Vladislav Misevich and Valery Yashkin. It took several years for them to find something in common, their own, close to everyone. Song folklore became this common feature, the processing and popularization of which the musicians took up, having united in 1969 in the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Lyavony" at the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society. Artistic director The ensemble from the moment of its formation until his death in 2003 was Vladimir Mulyavin.

It took a certain amount of courage, enormous patience and perseverance from the ensemble to prove their right to life. "Lyavons" managed to prove that the guitar ensemble, as it was earlier with jazz, can give a lot of new and interesting things. A pipe, cymbals, a lyre, a violin were introduced into the traditional guitar-percussion composition. Boldly developing a folklore element, the ensemble proved to be an innovator of the genre, heading a whole direction in our country called “folklore beat”, that is, a folk song with an activation of the rhythmic basis. Creativity "Lyavonov" was addressed to young people. The ensemble, in order to win the audience, at first made compromises - they began to sing songs of the Beatles and other foreign groups. Later, the songs of Boris Mokrousov “Lilac-Bird Cherry” and Nikita Bogoslovsky “Dark Night” that appeared in the repertoire were well received by the audience. The creative range of the ensemble immediately expanded and, naturally, its name was revised. The new name - "Pesnyary" - was unanimously adopted, because it accurately expressed the creative, ideological position of the ensemble. Pesnyar is not just a singer, but also a poet, storyteller, singing his native land, own people.

In 1970, Pesnyary began touring the Soviet Union. Their songs immediately became recognizable and loved: “Kasiu Yas Kanyushyn”, “Be Healthy”, “Belaya Rus” and others. In 1971, a musical film was dedicated to a very young team. From 1971 to 1975 the ensemble participated in various competitions and festivals, composes music for cinema and theater. In 1976, the Pesnyary traveled to the USA for the first time, where Canadian documentary filmmakers were filming a film about the band's tour. In the same year, the Columbia company released a record with the songs of Pesnyar. In 1979, Vladimir Mulyavin became the People's Artist of Belarus, and in 1991 - the People's Artist of the USSR. "Pesnyary" became the first owners of the "Golden Disc" of the USSR, won the hearts of listeners in more than 56 countries, giving the world wonderful songs. Today "Pesnyary" is 38 years old, and the ensemble is still popular.

In 1973, on September 1, an unknown person detonated a grenade in the mausoleum in Moscow. The offender died, several people were injured.

One of the largest and most luxurious liners was built in 1912 by order of the White Star Shipping Company. The Titanic was striking in its size and architectural perfection; newspapers reported that the length of the Titanic was three city blocks, the height of the engine was the height of a three-story building, that the anchor for the Titanic was dragged through the streets of Belfast by a team of 20 of the strongest horses. The White Star company promised passengers complete safety, calling the ship nothing more than "unsinkable." A few months later, on the very first voyage - on the way from British Southampton to New York - the Titanic died when it collided with an iceberg. The starboard side of the ship was ripped open from the stem itself for 90 meters. At 02:20 on April 15, the Titanic sank.

15 boats and two rafts were launched into the water. According to various sources, from 1400 to 1517 people died, about 700 were saved. The engine crew died completely.