Big guy and little girl. The girl is taller than the man

Hello our dear readers! Our article is dedicated to couples in whichthe girl is taller than the man. We will talk about whether it is good or bad when a girl is taller than a guy. How to cope with the difficulties arising from the difference in height.

What does psychology and aesthetics say about couples in which the woman is taller than her man? Read the opinion of experts in our article!

The girl is taller than the man - a side view

Conservatives think that traditional model- a man is taller than a woman - the only correct one. Slightly more liberal views allow for the same height of both partners. But both opinions are similar in one thing: a woman cannot be higher than a man.

But life shows that these opinions are not true! Otherwise, it turns out that short men have no chance of personal life! And the tall girl will remain alone if she does not find a giant for herself! But people fall in love not in height!

Although many men like tall women. Especially self-confident imposing adult men who are able to be proud of their high companion. But it will be difficult for the weak and insecure - he will simply get lost against her background.

5 cm difference in favor female stature already considered a departure from the norm. This is due to the possibility for a woman to wear heels. Having taken off her shoes, she will still be low.

A man as a protector should be able to cover her with his body. It is considered so. And if she is tall, and he is on her shoulder? Builds up natural feel that he is weak, although in fact everything is exactly the opposite.

men like tall women

The guys themselves admit: by and large, a tall girl is very attractive. The elongated slender body is very erotic. If a tall girl looks well-groomed and tastefully dressed, she attracts more attention than a short girl. This additional opportunity for a man to be proud of his chosen one.

One gets the impression that physically protectinggirl, which higher guy, difficult. He is next to her, which means he is able to protect her. And this is plus a hundred points of his masculinity! Men need to overcome hardships.

A tall girl looks spectacular, and will choose only a spectacular and worthy man. Another confirmation that he is worthy.

A short girl, on top of everything else, it seems little sister man, and that she must always be taken care of. High looks more future mother. If a girl does not have a complex due to her height, she is self-confident and inspires a sense of reliability herself.

In the sphere of intimacy, even if this is not the case, a tall thin girl seems to be more mobile and flexible. And diversity is a particularly desirable thing for a man. The high one also looks successful. By her own. SoDo guys like tall– 80% yes!

Short man - difficulties

WITH feminine hand everything is a little different.short men- It's physically uncomfortable. It is impossible to hide behind him if necessary. When a short man begins to command, he seems more like a spoiled child than an adult. A woman looks around more, and a tall woman has good review. The short man is not on the same visual wave with her. He has to constantly pull himself up and look out to see where she is looking.

An emotionally low man feels sweet and affectionate, but not strong. He wants to be protected. And involuntarily - to teach. This is manifested at the level of a woman's instincts.

There is only one absolute agreement - this is the bed. Mobileman having short stature, feels more confident and relaxed, and provides such variety that the woman remains satisfied.

But in the kitchen there is no trace of the former consent. Agree, it is inconvenient for a man to ask a woman to get something from the top shelves of the refrigerator!

A tall woman should always be neat, well-groomed and neat. Any little thing on her is easy to notice, and her man next to her can look like anything. And no one will complain.

A woman is taller than a man: what to do?

Love will sweep away all barriers! And endure even the difference in growth! Ifgirl taller than manshe should avoid shoes with heels or platforms. And do not wear clothes with a pattern of longitudinal stripes - they visually stretch even more.

A short man should try the opposite, wear shoes with a wide sole or a slight instep. Clothing should be chosen in a cut that visually stretches it. It is better for him to avoid accessories that are oriented in width. This is a long, not wide organizer, wallet, purse, phone. And jewelry should not be chosen flat, rings and chains should not be massive.

The main thing, of course, is inner confidence! Sincerely loving friend The other couple looks great anyway. And if one partner is shy, and the second seems to apologize to everyone for his choice, an experienced stylist will not help here either. Only an experienced psychologist.

A woman who is not comfortable that her beloved is short, you just need to appreciate him. strengths. An insecure man should understand that he is magnificent, since such a woman has chosen him. The couple should always focus on positive aspects relations.

A woman is taller than a man - pluses

A tall woman will not look down on her charming, erudite low lover! And a man in the name of relations with her himself will strive for development. In order not to get lost against her background, a man takes good care of himself. And he is more interested in what his beloved is doing than a guy who is taller than a girl.

A short man is more romantic, because he is a little embarrassed to go up in the forehead and state his desires or opinions. And the sensitivity of a woman does not depend on height, and all his sweet inventions strengthen her love.

This couple is better matched. Household issues are resolved together, because if something is not taken into account in the furniture or furnishings in the house, it will be unbearable for one of the spouses to live there.

And fateful questions and trifles are solved together, as if everything around sets the couple up to strengthen relations.

The girl is taller than the man: conclusion

As they say, if only the person was good! And growth, even if it creates inconvenience, is not an insurmountable barrier to relationships. We have dealt with:

  • Pros and cons of relationships if a girl is taller than a man
  • In the psychological background of a relationship, when a girl is taller than a man
  • How to adapt to each other partners with different heights

The dignity of a person's soul is still expressed in his nature, and not in growth!

Be happy! See you soon!

Relations with a short beauty is a real adventure for which guys should be thoroughly prepared.

Don't call her cute

A girl can take such a remark as another hint at her small stature. Every woman wants to feel, first of all, sexy.

Never ask if you need to pick her up

No need to ask questions in the style of "pick you up?". Sounds like she's a puppy or a small child.

Lack of growth is often compensated by a rich inner world

Short people, as a rule, turn out to be very interesting and versatile personalities. So why not love your girlfriend even more just because she is so special?

Don't embarrass her

Too high shelves are not a problem for a tall man, but a huge inconvenience for a petite woman.

Jokes are useless

Even if you call a girl tiny as a joke, it can offend her.

She chose you for a reason

The fair sex of small stature usually dates tall guys. And it's not about discrimination. It's just that deep down they want their children to be slightly taller.

Small but distant

It is easy for short girls to get into even small places in the apartment and the narrowest aisles.

Stretch your neck

Yes, yes, it is this part of the body that will constantly numb. After all, kissing a girl with such a difference in height is difficult.

Don't underestimate her

Well, even if your lady is short, this does not mean that she is somehow worse than the rest. Perhaps it's even the other way around.

A romantic dinner is better than a walk

Don't forget the girls make up short stature heels. Therefore, a long walk will exhaust the young lady.

Lean towards her face more often

If a lady wants to say something in your ear, do not be too lazy to lean towards her. This will save the girl from having to jump up and try to reach her man.

Don't put your hands above her head

Such a gesture seems to indicate a desire to protect. The girl will be uncomfortable from the fact that she will feel as if a load was hanging over her.

She likes to be small

Most women with short stature very happy with one benefit. Unlike the rest, they can wear even the biggest heels.

fool around with her

Just think: you can lift your soul mate in your arms, twist and even place it anywhere you want.

Always hold the girl by the hand

Heading somewhere together, hold your companion tightly by the hand and never let go.

Don't ruin your first date

You, most likely, will not be able to build a relationship with a girl if, when meeting, a remark is made about the lady's small stature.

Opposites attract

Let you are completely different, but do not let each other get bored. Appreciate it. Together you are like yin and yang.

Hello dear readers of my blog!

They say that a woman always a little dissatisfied with herself: I want to curl straight hair, straighten curly hair, thin lips make more voluminous, and voluminous - more elegant ... But there are things that we are powerless to fix: neither plastic surgery, nor cosmetic procedures. Growth is just such a thing. Yes, there are complex surgical interventions on bones that allow

become 5-10 centimeters higher or lower, but this method is very expensive, besides, it is so painful and dangerous that it’s hard for me to even imagine that it can be resorted to for aesthetic reasons, and not for extreme medical reasons.

By the way, I once wrote about . Be sure to read this article if you haven't already.

In fact, low growth - this is not a disease, not a deviation, not an abnormal syndrome it's our nature. Therefore, the first and best thing that a small woman can do for herself is to admit that there is nothing “wrong” in nature: each of us is perfect in her own way. The second and most important thing is to recognize that miniature growth is a virtue, and not a disadvantage at all, as it might suddenly seem to you before. The third and most difficult - height - this is perhaps the last thing guys appreciate in girls.

Now I will tell you a little more about each of these three points, and at the end for attentive readers there will be a small bonus! But first things first.

Nature is aristocratic

The founder of complex psychoanalysis, Carl Jung, often repeated the phrase “nature is aristocratic” in his writings. He was right, of course. See for yourself: everything that is created by nature is originally perfect. Our task is only to maintain what was given to us from birth in the best possible condition.

Let's do one simple thing together. Let's go to the mirror and look at our reflection from top to bottom. Hair, face, posture, clothes, figure, shoes. Which of these can you influence? For all! Now look at what is given and will be with you invariably: the shape of the eyes, the features of the skeleton, height, leg size. What can be changed from this? Nothing! But here's the amazing thing: sometimes it seems to us that only one detail spoils our appearance, and if you change it, everything will become perfect. It's a delusion that poisons the lives of thousands amazing women.

No one from the outside evaluates us “separately”, “in parts”. From the side always evaluate that whole image that we create ourselves: from mood to gait. We have a truly huge field for working on ourselves - this is character , inner world, appearance that can be polished endlessly, becoming a completely unattainable ideal for thousands of men, but we cycle on what we cannot change - and, as a result, we lose the image entirely. Once again, men don't judge height apart from proportion, ankles apart from shoes, and chest size apart from posture. Men appreciate the image that we can completely control, make it feminine or athletic, fast or smooth, elegant or dull. Guys pay attention to the shining look and healthy hair, on well-groomed hands and plasticity of movements, a sense of humor and tact. You really can be absolutely anyone with a small stature: full or thin , active or sophisticated, funny or mysterious.

The main thing is that you be happy with who you are, even alone with yourself, and then, just take my word for it, the guys will idolize you.

I have several friends who meet or are already happily married to men who are much taller than themselves, literally 30-40 cm. Some of them even gave birth to wonderful children, and, by the way, their pregnancy and childbirth was completely hassle-free and easy. Of course, health in general is important in this matter, state of mind and other important things, but the fact itself - the small growth of the mother will not negatively affect the bearing of the baby.

Watching them from the side, I catch myself thinking that the first thing you pay attention to is the harmony of relationships, the way people look at each other and communicate with each other, and the difference in height is so irrelevant to them that you immediately understand the simple truth: for true love there are no conditions.

For myself, I decided a long time ago that there are no minuses in the height of 152 cm, there are minor difficulties, nothing more.

Yes, with a small stature, it will most likely be a problem to find a good one. nice shoes 33-35 sizes, but this is solvable - there are boutiques and salons specializing specifically in them. Another of the tangible inconveniences is the selection of clothes (dresses, trousers and jeans will most likely have to be immediately handed over to the atelier in order to be sutured according to height - and this, whatever one may say, is an additional cost). Otherwise, these are purely domestic inconveniences - for example, it is inconvenient to get a cup from the top shelf, clean snow from the roof of a car, or in a store you have to ask the manager to get goods that are difficult to reach.

If it seems to you that growth is a disadvantage, then we are dealing with complex . The best way win complex - to find an effective counterbalance to it, i.e. turn an apparent flaw into an indisputable advantage.

Truth, like a coin, always has two sides, and those girls who try on only its sunny side enjoy life. Just try it, it's not hard at all.

  • Not “I look 14 years old”, but “my height prolongs my youth”. By the way, a miniature girl subconsciously makes others want to take care of her - I’ll immediately make a reference that if you have a strong feminist beginning, this is not from the “gender and weakness” series, this is a banal human attention to someone who looks more fragile and graceful.
  • Not “I will not become a model”, but “I can become an unconventional model”. By the way, there are many such girls, I will tell about their life and success stories in another article.
  • Not “I complex and I envy tall girls,” and “I can afford any heels and they will always be appropriate”

Probably, many have heard the phrase “little women are made for love”, and this phrase has a simple explanation: it is easier to carry us on your hands!

Of the household pluses, several can also be noted: miniature girls fly in airplanes and drive cars with great comfort - their knees do not rest anywhere, there are more places; easier to master extreme sports; and, according to doctors, small people live longer.

It's about the setting that you give yourself - and those around you read exactly this setting from you, your attitude towards yourself + the image that you made yourself, what you have achieved and who you want to be.

“Moustache, paws… the main thing is the tail!”

Imagine a situation where there exists perfect girl. She is perfect in everything: she has long Thick hair and eyelashes, wasp waist, neat and strong thighs and breasts, she takes care of herself, attends dances, spa treatments. Let's add a light disposition, an active life position and an amazing lively mind as a plus. One “but”: short stature. Do you think this could be a barrier to having a wonderful person in her life? loving person? I think definitely not. I would even give a lot to look at a man who would refuse to build a relationship with her.

Guys, however, are different, and this also needs to be kept in mind. One day I was told a story about a girl suffering. She fell in love with a tall man, and he bluntly told her that he would not meet with her because of her height. Just a typical horror story, right? But here's the thing that immediately came to my mind.

In one episode of the series “Sex in big city” The heroine analyzes men who are fond of models. What conclusions does she get? Unequivocal: tall and “typical” women from the catwalk are loved by guys who are not so good in life and business themselves, but a slender tall woman nearby compensates for their own shortcomings.

This is not a cinematic fiction, these are real patterns of behavior. Why craving for “models” gives out problems in a man? Because a really strong and self-confident man never pays attention to growth. Just remember this as an axiom. IN strong man there will always be a desire to take care, patronize, be a support for the girl he loves - and he will never (NEVER!) ask himself even in jest: “and 150 centimeters in a companion how much is this? - a lot or a little for me? Kindness, mutual understanding and spiritual closeness are not measured by a ruler.

I think now you understand the real answer to the question posed at the beginning of the article.

And I didn't forget about the promised bonus!

These are world artists, Russian and Soviet stars, true beauties who by their example show us that even in show business, cinema and stage there are no boundaries that a talented person of non-standard growth could not move.

Edith Piaf 147 cm, Shakira 150 cm, Kylie Minogue 153 cm, Yulia Volkova 154 cm, Lady Gaga 155 cm, Christina Aguilera 156 cm, Gillian Anderson 157 cm, Eva Longoria Parker 157 cm, Svetlana Svetikova 157 cm, Salma Hayek 157 cm, Elizabeth Taylor 157 cm, Julia Savicheva 159 cm, Sarah Jessica Parker 160 cm, Scarlett Johansson 160 cm.

Just look at these big names and their small stature. Remember what these look like? women and how much they have given to world culture. Causes their popularity in full self-realization, in self-control and work on oneself - universal commandments of success. They shone, lived and live full life, were and remain desirable for millions of men around the world. Because men, if they are really men, choose worthy women of ANY height. This is what the world is based on.

Believe in yourself, love yourself and remember... You don't need all the men in the world, but only the one for whom you will be the whole world.

PS I promised you to write what I'm wearing

suede skirt freepeople(stitched at the waist) here is a similar one and much cheaper

freepeople sweater(shortened sleeves in a knitting studio)

PS Special thanks to the wonderful photographer Nadezhda Kirpichova for wonderful photos!

If the girl is taller than the guy

relationship differences

If the girl is taller than the guy

Almost all people are accustomed to the fact that in a relationship a man plays a leading role, it is he who directs the couple in the right direction and makes fateful decisions for two. The woman is assigned the creative role of the guardian of the hearth, which is possible due to her sensual and patient disposition. This is considered normal and "correct".

However, in a situation where the height of the girl exceeds the height of the guy, people tend to believe that such a discrepancy will have a detrimental effect on basic principles creating relationships. Hence, an extremely difficult contradictory situation arises for girls, which can be determined by a simple question: “Is it normal to meet a guy shorter than yourself?”.

What do we see on the screens

If earlier people strictly believed in the need for conformity in growth, then Lately we are seeing more and more denials of this fact. A huge number of celebrities and idols of the generation among men have very reasonable parameters, so Tom Cruise is 174 centimeters tall, and our beloved Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) is 173 centimeters tall. Can such men be called "little"? Definitely not!

Also, according to surveys, there are a huge number of women who prefer men of moderate build and height. They find them ambitious, caring and passionate.

The test poll showed the result that more than half of all the couples surveyed, where the girl is taller than the guy, have existed for at least 10 years. And couples over 35 believe the height difference has helped cement their marriage. In general, couples with this feature are much stronger than others.

"Tall girl and short man" interaction

Couples where the girls are taller have become very popular lately. They are expected to become even more numerous than couples where the girls are older than their partners.

As statistics show in the world, already now in 5 percent of couples a girl is taller than a man. This indicates that the trend is growing. And soon public opinion will cease to be so sharp. And this, perhaps, is the main deterrent for many girls.

Why is the number of couples where the girl is taller than the guy increasing?

The reason for this is discrimination against both groups of people. Many men think that their height is a kind of inferiority, and if so, then they have nothing to be ashamed of. They easily start dating extremely tall girls who also feel a little "special". Therefore, the union of a short man and a tall girl is guaranteed to succeed.

In addition, often, such people have an increased desire, and, therefore, achieve more significant success. And this allows them to meet anywhere and anytime.

If you are interested in a girl who is taller than you, don't be afraid. Be confident and go to her. Don't be bothered by outdated stereotypes!

Girls think short men are cute and good

Most fast way to meet a girl is to approach her. If you have self-confidence, as well as such qualities as kindness, success and a sense of humor, growth is not a big hindrance. It is unlikely that any of the girls will refuse you because of your height.

Do not be afraid to get acquainted and not fit into someone's framework. You have nothing to lose, but a girl can lose this good man, how are you. Do good, give the girl a gift in the form of yourself.

Remember, a man who is not ashamed of his height successful man. And successful girls love all the girls!

Q: Stereotypes of height embarrassment. Although this problem and it seems quite simple, but it hides a whole set of difficulties, both on the part of the girl and the man. And only by defeating all of them, it will be possible to adequately date a girl taller than you.

Difficulties of girls:

"How will I look with a man shorter than me?"- such a question is asked by many girls who have received an offer to date from a guy below them. And although everyone understands that love, understanding and trust should be put at the forefront in relationships, the issue of growth still does not leave them. Luckily, most of the publicly available photos and images offer a pretty good look, which is good news. However, there are still categorical individuals who do not want to put up with this fact.

“What will my parents say about him?”- in many ways, everything depends solely on the worldview of her parents and the freedom that they offer her. In some families, relationships with any guys are allowed, as long as the hands are from right place and the wallet was not empty, while in others everything is quite categorical. A man should be ... and then an endless enumeration of a wide variety of requirements. It is likely that when a girl falls in love with you, she will do everything possible to convince her parents that her relationship with you is correct. However, on the first day, the girls do not fall in love, but thoroughly brainwash themselves.

"What will other people think of me?"- the most difficult and dangerous question of all. Most of the cases of failures and breakups in a “girl is taller than a guy” situation occurred precisely for this reason. The girl was simply afraid to appear in public with a guy who was shorter than her. This is emotional pressure and judgmental looks from others. Of course, over time, such fear and awkwardness in a relationship disappears, and rightly so, but at the first stages of dating, you can feel extremely awkward.

Difficulties of men:

"Will I look strong?"- as already mentioned, a man walking next to a girl above can feel awkward, awkward and weak, and no one wants this. Often this can be observed in cases where the guy is categorically against high heels at the girl, forcing her to put on boats or something else flat.

"Am I good at sex with her?"- for some reason, it is believed that if a girl is taller than a man, then the man will have problems in sex with her. At least that's what a good proportion of men think. This is absolutely not true, but such a thought is not so easy to get out of the head. Can you imagine that fear of a man's first sex? So, for the first time you want to be on top, and in such a situation, the fear is even greater.

When you see such couples, you always experience a slight bewilderment, and sometimes not a light one. It seems, well, why is it so, well, can these people really attract each other, well, after all, this is strange. But there really is such a trend - big men like small women. I don’t even have to look far for examples - this is perfectly traced in my family - grandparents, uncle with his wife. Men are tall, large, and women are barely over a meter and fifty. And in my life I have seen such couples more than once. So why tall guys do you like little girls?

Previously, it seemed to me that this was such a mockery of nature in general - there are not so many tall guys, so they also prefer miniature girls. Well, is that fair? And what about us tall ones? Again, what is the harmony in this, which nature loves so much?

The girl is taller than the guy

Although the opposite situations are not uncommon - quite regularly there are couples in which the girl is taller than the guy. Why is it so, if we are genetically programmed, according to which a woman should be less than a man? And therefore, every time I watch such couples, I want to fix it, as if this is something wrong, some kind of deviation that will not bring happiness to this union.

Only recently, in Once again Watching a couple, this is what suddenly came to my mind. I don’t remember already, maybe that couple with a child was, with a boy or a girl, maybe both were tall, but I thought about this - if both parents are so tall, then how tall will their daughter be?

After all, girls, as a rule, grow shorter than their father, but taller than their mother, so if the mother is not tall, then the daughter has a chance not to stretch under ninety meters. If both parents are tall, then there is practically no chance, and it’s good if she is at least the same height as her parents, and if even higher? And that's when I, it seems, was completely imbued with the plan of nature, according to which big men like small women, and tall girls choose guys shorter than them.

From my experience

I myself am tall, 182 cm, model height, as they say now. It is my happiness that I was born at a time when being tall is considered even a certain virtue, but even so, all my life I have to endure certain inconveniences because of it. So when I see girls taller and bigger than me, I can't help but think that even if I tend to be taller than all the people around me, how do such girls feel?
This applies to everything - both clothes and shoes, and especially, of course, feelings next to men, most of whom turn out to be hopelessly lower than you.

Although the most interesting thing is that often tall girls like guys shorter than them. myself, for example, tall men always attracted purely hypothetically, as an idea. But when it came down to it, my choice each time fell on rather compact representatives of the stronger sex, so that they were all slightly shorter than me. But what about the desire inherent in us by nature to choose a pair to match ourselves? Why doesn't it work and why don't we find adequate partners? I always considered it something wrong, and stereotypes, of course, do their job, put pressure on and prevent you from being happy, even if the relationship itself suits everyone ...

Why the big difference in height?

And just recently, I suddenly thought that there seems to be no wrong in this. After all, what would happen if the tall ones chose the tall ones and even taller children were born to them? And at the same time, the low ones would converge with the low ones, and their children would turn out to be just as small?

Apparently, at some point, some kind of fuse, wisely set by nature, works, and we begin to strive to average our growth in procreation. And because very tall guys like very small girls, and tall girls attract guys lower than themselves - after all, it is these couples who will eventually get offspring that will feel normal among the people around them.

So do not be perplexed, looking at couples with a big difference in height, do not feel sorry for girls who are taller than their young people. With a high degree of probability, they really find each other very attractive. Big men love little women, little women love their big men. And tall girls like the fact that their guys are of average height, and guys of average height are proud to see tall girls next to them. Thus, everyone harmoniously complements each other, well, you never know, some of them will really have children in common, and these children most likely will not have to feel disproportionate to the whole world around them.