Congratulations cousin. Happy birthday to cousin sister

Many consider it necessary to congratulate only close relatives, such as parents, grandparents, their children, sisters and brothers. But what about more distant relatives? Why not congratulate your uncle, niece or cousin? After all, the attention paid will not only please them, but will also strengthen family universities.

Sometimes you don't know how happy birthday to cousin sister only because you don’t communicate with her very much and you practically don’t know anything about her interests. In this case, it is worth remembering that all women love flowers. Therefore, a beautifully presented bouquet delicate flowers and congratulations from pure heart will become her the best gift. You can approach this matter a little more seriously and ask other relatives what the girl is fond of. Then, depending on what she likes, you can give her a gift that she likes.

Congratulating your cousin on such an important date in her life, you will not only show her attention and respect, but also show how important your whole family is to you!

Dear cousin, the light of my eyes!
No matter how many speeches there were on the birthday,
Know that I am with you, I love you
And you will always be in my heart.
I wish for the sun, I wish for the stars
Let there be very few tears in life!
Happiness will not leave, God always keeps,
Your angel will protect you in life!

I rush to you in the morning
And I pick up gifts.
You are a cousin
But dearer to me than my own!

It's no coincidence that yesterday
Stopped at the store.
Happy birthday to you, sister!
Congratulations, cousin!

My sister dear
Let us not relatives, and so what?
I congratulate you on your birth
We are very close to you.

Let bad weather pass on this day,
Let dreams come true
Huge, human happiness,
Luck, peace, beauty.

To be respected at work
Loved at home, so that always,
And if it's hard in life,
You know that you have me.

People have come up with strange
Call you cousin...
You are the most dear in the world
My sister dear!

On your birthday I want
From sincere and strong feelings
Give you a piece of my heart
My dear little man since childhood!

Cousin, I wish you
Only joy always
And happy birthday congratulations
I want to say forever
Ties us to you
We are sisters, so we are one!
Your soul with my soul
Destined to go through life.

To be a cousin
Very good,
It seems there is a sister, and yet,
We live separately.

Happy Birthday,
Accept my gift!
Be in a great mood
And don't miss life!

Show your talents
Develop and grow
And among the beautiful guys,
Find your love!

Happy birthday dear
My sweet sister
Although the parents are different
But we have only one blood.

How do you wave your eyelashes
All the guys are just melting
Well, if you smile
To be touched, as in a dream.

Long years, so that without misfortune,
To fight on the spot,
So that holding hearts in power,
I received a flurry of happiness.

Happy Birthday Sister
My precious
Let everything be personal
You're fine.
You are the dearest to me
Even though you're a cousin
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
fulfillment of a dream,
There will be many more in life
Such wonderful days
There will be a smooth road
Feel free to follow her!

My sister, you are my aunt's daughter,
And even if not related by blood,
But we always want to be friends.
I congratulate you on your birth.

You always live in my soul
And although we rarely see each other,
I remember you
About a holy, beautiful angel.

Happy birthday, my sister!
I wish you faith and hope.
And may this day and forever
Love flows like a boundless river!

sister cousin
me on my birthday
Good luck,
Smiles, fun.

car. Apartment.
And lots of candy!
Computer, laptop.
High speed internet.

Diamonds, sapphires,
Rings and earrings.
Fashionista's clothes
I wish her too.

I wish you love
Like in a TV series.
wish cousin
Half a house in Italy.

His cousin nke
Here's what I want to wish for:
It's so easy to live, laugh loudly,
Love, hope, dream.

And always be happy
Healthy, carry positive,
Dreams come true so that by all means,
Just have fun, don't be sad!

To meet every day with a smile
And do not be sad, do not live grieving.
So that the soul would sing like a violin.
Well, happy birthday to you!

I don't like the word "cousin" -
Eat Magic word"sister".
You are beautiful and very beautiful
And in your eyes shine of silver.

My dear, happy birthday.
Never be sad or cry.
Let everything that I wanted come true
And fewer failures for you.

Let everything you want come true
And in the soul there will be forever spring.
Be happy and know that you are very
Road for all of us, for me.

Sister! Even though we're not related
Yes, only since childhood - even closer.
I admire the sense of style
I'm proud of you through the roof!

I wish you only good things in life
More gold and silver!
And the rest of the precious metals -
Do not list all my verse!

I wish you a birthday
Financial hopes of accomplishment!
When life becomes rich
Don't forget about me too!

Cousin on her birthday
Cheerful laughter and a lot of mood,
I wish you to be lucky
And fun, and joyfully lived!

I did not know sadness, grief and sorrow,
Troubles all disappeared without a trace,
She was always healthy and happy
And just stunningly beautiful!

Love yourself and always be loved
Good fate carefully preserved,
I am successful in my business, work,
And an optimist in any weather!

My sister dear -
Cousin - like family.
Today you have a holiday -
Congratulations from me.

You joy and laughter
And in all matters of success.
happy birthday congratulations
And I wish you health.

To argue things
And Fortune walked by.
And big happy love
To be young and beautiful.

These are the wishes
From me, and edification.
You love and be loved
Let melancholy pass by.

May you not live with us
Let's not see each other so often
But you come first
Kohl happens where misfortune.

Hug you tight,
To be always desired.
Let resentment and adversity
Don't waste your talents.

If good luck, then constant,
For the men to drive by blinking.
Congratulations! It's no coincidence,
In my heart you are my own.

No, to you, my cousin,
Do not drive up on a railcar -
Give me a fancy limousine!
On your birthday, however
Feelings arose an obsession -
You are the best cousin in the world!
Glory rushes about you:
So slender and golden-domed
Courage, beauty and passion
I want to wish only very much -
Everything in the world day and night
Be even smarter and smarter!
... On the "Tavria" not for the sake of laughter, I
What to do if there is nothing!!!

Accept, sister, congratulations.
Great day - your birthday!
For being friends with you
To be a cousin
You can really give everything away.
And most importantly, I want to say:
Your support is very important
I remember her day and night.
beautiful life like in dreams
... those that lurk in your dreams,
bright dawns, warm days,
Good luck and loyal friends!

Congratulations on your birthday,
My dear cousin.
Always be like a chamomile in bloom
I want to wish you.

Like her, to be radiant and bright,
How does she shine with purity,
Like her, do not break from the wind,
How she captivates with her beauty!

Let the sun shine in your soul
Let all the smiles carry around
After all, there is no more beautiful than you in the world!
Let the birds sing to you!

My sister dear
Should have known this for a long time.
What for me you are like a native,
And I will always wish
So that you have wings from happiness
Growing more every day
So that the enemies all become dust,
And you cast a shadow on them.
Always try to stand out
There is no other like it in the world.
And if you smile
flashing brighter than the sun light.

Dear cousin, the light of my eyes!
No matter how many speeches there were on the birthday,
Know that I am with you, I love you
And you will always be in my heart.
I wish for the sun, I wish for the stars
Let there be very few tears in life!
Happiness will not leave, God always keeps,
Your angel will protect you in life!

Do you remember, dear cousin,
How were we children?
You dressed in a dress "Malvina"
And back home at eight.

May you grow up today
I wish you already
To make you wiser
Staying a child at heart.

I wish you a lot of happiness
And a huge ocean of love.
Let them pass by the side of bad weather,
Anger, resentment and grief blizzard.

There is a holiday in a person's life,
Belonging only to him.
And on this day, in the manner of the Greeks,
I want to congratulate my sister.

My dear cousin,
I wish you a husband.
Though Russian, yes even Georgian,
But regularly for dinner

He took you to restaurants
To bring breakfast to bed.
And I bought you clothes
And bathed you in luxury.

each other for you to love
Hand in hand to the end.
For this we have not yet drunk,
Pour something to the crown.

I wish my cousin sister
To make your dreams come true
There was a smile on his face,
You always deserve it.

To bring a lot of happiness
Your beloved family
From warm meetings and impressions
Your life has always sparkled.

Have good health
Make faithful friends
And may it always be with you
Success in life.

Heartiest congratulations
happy birthday
Dear cousin
And I read a poem.
May the angels protect you
On your all earthly ways,
Let good people surround,
And that there were no other people.
Let everyone love, respect
And you get more rest
I heartily congratulate you
And I don't know what more to want.

Charming cousin
Today we celebrate a holiday!
Look how beautiful she is!
And what's more, it's beautiful!

Today all flowers and songs
And all the delights and dreams
At your feet we'll put together
And we know that you deserve them!

With all my heart, my cousin,
I wish you love
Smiles, happiness and fun,
And also - eternal beauty!

If you have an original idea and cool congratulations happy birthday to cousin sister - you know, it will not be easy, especially if you really want to come up with something unsurpassed and exclusive for the birthday girl.

Although, if you carefully think everything in advance, then it will be much easier to bring ideas to life. The first tip in this situation is to use memories, the warmest, brightest and most pleasant memories from your childhood can be easily used successfully in congratulating your cousin on her birthday. These memories, if desired, can be captured in a postcard made with love and independently, or in congratulatory speech full of love and warm wishes.

If you have the opportunity to use various photographs and toys, other memorabilia to prepare birthday greetings for your cousin, then be sure that your gift will exceed all expectations!

A gift "for dessert" will always be relevant - that is, sweet, consisting of your sister's favorite ingredients - be it marshmallows, nuts, berries and more. And outwardly, you can also order in a pastry shop or figure out on your own how to decorate it so that you can immediately guess the meaning of the holiday in honor of which this cake is actually baked. You can order a decoration made of mastic, icing, chocolate, coconut flakes or sugar figurines for every taste. In appearance cake, you can display the profession, hobby of the birthday girl, or just your family ties- let the confectioners blind two girls from sweet materials, in whose appearance your features and your sister will be guessed. You can, of course, depict on the cake other "characters" from your stake of relatives, and just people close to your sister - her family or friends.

My sister dear
Should have known this for a long time.
What for me you are like a native,
And I will always wish
So that you have wings from happiness
Growing more every day
So that the enemies all become dust,
And you cast a shadow on them.
Always try to stand out
There is no other like it in the world.
And if you smile
Shines brighter than the sun.

I wish my cousin sister
To make your dreams come true
There was a smile on his face,
You always deserve it.

To bring a lot of happiness
Your beloved family
From warm meetings and impressions
Your life has always sparkled.

Have good health
Make faithful friends
And may it always be with you
Success in life.

Happy Birthday Sister.
Let everything in life be loud.
Enchanting, bright days!
Become more beautiful and sweeter.

Let everything be only successful
Energetic and transparent.
In the house - joy and comfort,
Let friends take care.

At work - everything is fine,
Colourful, very cool.
IN personal life- fantastic
Delicate, sweet and practical!

For cousin sister
I'm on my birthday today
Good luck
Sending congratulations.

May you succeed
To go through life easily
So that love is an even path
Led you by the hand.

I want to smile
Do not hang your nose, do not be sad,
Laugh at problems
To spite everyone to be happy.

Accept, sister, congratulations.
Great day - your birthday!
For being friends with you
To be a cousin
You can really give everything away.
And most importantly, I want to say:
Your support is very important
I remember her day and night.
Beautiful life, as in dreams,
... those that lurk in your dreams,
Dawns of bright, warm days,
Good luck and loyal friends!

It often happens that a person’s relationship with a cousin is as close as with siblings. And on my birthday, I want to congratulate my cousin on the most good wishes And heartfelt gifts. This addition to the holiday is sure to please the birthday girl. Therefore, select in advance happy birthday greetings to your cousin, which you will say at her celebration or write in a postcard. We have collected here the kindest and most beautiful congratulations.

Kinder and friendlier I don't know anyone:
You will always support, give good advice.
Let you and I be cousins ​​- you are like my own,
There is no other like it in the whole world!

I sincerely wish you good health,
Reliable friends, bright news,
So that your life is warmed by true love,
And the house - the smiles of your guests!

My sister dear
Should have known this for a long time.
What for me you are like a native,
And I will always wish
So that you have wings from happiness
Growing more every day
So that the enemies all become dust,
And you cast a shadow on them.
Always try to stand out
There is no other like it in the world.
And if you smile
Shines brighter than the sun.

May your eyes shine with happiness
Let the smile never leave your lips.
Let all bad weather pass you by
Troubles are always bypassed.

Never grieve in vain.
Let joy be your habit
So that everything in life is easy.
Happy birthday, cousin sister!

Dear sister, happy birthday!
Be healthy and forever happy.
Let luck not leave you
Stay as beautiful as you are.

And let there be inspiration in the soul,
Always follow your dreams!
Always be in a good mood
And let them fill you with flowers!

His cousin
I want to be cheerful, sonorous,
Happy, joyful, lucky,
Wanted, needed, the best!

Prosperity in laughter, in optimism,
In your pocket, in your safe, in your personal life.
Always laugh, smile
And swim in rainbow happiness!

Let the skies shine bright
In honor of your birthday!

For a cousin
Today is the birthday
With a gentle gentle breeze
Sending congratulations.

For you to be happy
rejoiced in life,
So that you have luck
Was not capricious.

So that you are always lucky
For everything to work out
To be beautiful and happy
Stayed in life.

To my cousin
I wish only happiness.
And on your birthday, bright day,
Let bad weather leave you.

Good luck come to you
And may wishes come true.
More fun and flowers
Love, success, prosperity!

I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you all the best.
Let dreams come true
So that you always smile.

I wish you happiness, pleasure,
Beautiful life and fun.
Let there be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bfinance
And there will never be grief.

May your life be bright
I wish a lot bright days,
May your dream come true
To make your heart warm!

Be, dear, like a picture,
Let happiness shine in your eyes
Let the other half
Wear it on your hands all the time!

May the sun smile on you
Good luck beam always shines!
May you succeed
Without much work!

My sister dear -
Cousin - like family.
Today you have a holiday -
Congratulations from me.

You joy and laughter
And in all matters of success.
happy birthday congratulations
And I wish you health.

To argue things
And Fortune walked by.
And big happy love
To be young and beautiful.

These are the wishes
From me, and edification.
You love and be loved
Let melancholy pass by.

I wish my cousin sister
To make your dreams come true
There was a smile on his face,
You always deserve it.

To bring a lot of happiness
Your beloved family
From warm meetings and impressions
Your life has always sparkled.

Have good health
Make faithful friends
And may it always be with you
Success in life.

My dear cousin! I heartily congratulate you on your birthday - a good and joyful day on which you were born - a kind and warm little man! I wish you success in all matters that you undertake, may good luck accompany you and heavenly forces help you reach your goals! Women's happiness- deep and boundless, family warmth and comfort, joy and nice days in the company of beloved relatives and true friends!

Happy birthday sister!
I wish you great roads
Hot love, friendship, no doubt
To less trouble, anxiety.

Moments of bright sincere feelings,
And to coffee with breakfast in bed.
And to become a muse to connoisseurs of art,
And raise talented children!

Let the smile never leave your lips
Always let fresh flowers in a vase,
Let only good things happen to you
Dreams come true!

I don't like the word "cousin" -
There is a magic word "sister".
You are beautiful and very beautiful
And in your eyes shine of silver.

My dear, happy birthday.
Never be sad or cry.
Let everything that I wanted come true
And fewer failures for you.

Let everything you want come true
And in the soul there will be forever spring.
Be happy and know that you are very
Road for all of us, for me.

Happy birthday sister
I hasten to congratulate you
Wish you health, happiness
And tightly, joyfully hug.

May every day bring joy
Love, warmth, comfort and sweetness.
So that life always gives affection
And it would be like a fairy tale!

Sister, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to live your whole life without the slightest regret. Let dreams come true, resentments are broken, let life be in full swing, and you, as now, keep up the good work. I love you and wish you all the best, kindness and light.

Shine your beauty
Dream and rejoice, sister!
Let your world be golden
It will be sweet like a strawberry.

Unexpected invasions
I want quite a bit.
Incredible travel
And love theorems.

I wish you all the best
So that fate does not disappoint.
And today I congratulate
Happy Birthday to You!

You and I are almost family.
You are beautiful as always.
Be so funny, sweet,
Never be sad!

Be healthy and happy
And lucky in everything.
Let life be beautiful...
And love in your heart!

Let dreams come true
You shine with joy
Let flowers bloom in the soul
Happiness will be over the edge!

Happy birthday to cousin sister

There is no beautiful sister for you,
We are similar to each other
The same nostrils, lobes uh,
And we have a cheerful spirit,

Even though you're not mine,
And you're cousin
I know what you dream about
And I wish from the bottom of my heart

On your birthday, so that everything is
I want yours to come true
To have your own car
Less running to the doctor!

To my cousin
Like a brother, I wish you happiness
May you be lucky in everything
Love is real

And let joy come to you
The dream will come true
Happiness awaits around the corner
Weight the best will happen!

Best birthday wishes for cousin

Happy birthday to you cousin
Happy Birthday!
On this glorious spring day
You can't count your wishes
They have all the secrets!
And most importantly - so that spring and love,
Always stirred up feeling and blood!
To be your dullness
Not eclipsed and your every day,
It was just sunny!

New birthday wishes for cousin

Congratulations sister-in-law!
Sister, cousin! And I don't know
How to collect all the words of admiration,
To congratulate you on your birthday!

This day will be long and bright
There will be a holiday, which means gifts,
And drinking speeches and songs
In honor of my most wonderful sister!

If I ever get
The right to choose: time is back
Rewind, I'll say what I need
Only one thing: to be with you.

Happy birthday wishes to cousin

To my cousin
I am writing on this important day.
And scribble wishes
Believe me, sister, I'm not lazy.

I want to live by the ocean
Health, happiness and kindness!
You are my sister and I am yours
You are like family to me!

Touching birthday wishes for cousin

Dear cousin, the light of my eyes!
No matter how many speeches there were on the birthday,
Know that I am with you, I love you
And you will always be in my heart.
I wish for the sun, I wish for the stars
Let there be very few tears in life!
Happiness will not leave, God always keeps,
Your angel will protect you in life!

Original birthday greetings to cousin

happy birthday sister
I congratulate you today.
Let the glasses clink loudly -
I wish her happiness.

May hopes come true
I wish my sister
In life so that, so rebellious,
Everything was like in a sweet dream!

Big birthday wishes for cousin

May you not live with us
Let's not see each other so often
But you come first
Kohl happens where misfortune.

Hug you tight,
To be always desired.
Let resentment and adversity
Don't waste your talents.

If good luck, then constant,
For the men to drive by blinking.
Congratulations! It's no coincidence,
In my heart you are my own.

My dear sister, dear sister,
Though you're a cousin, but I remember
You are very often at our table,
Where we were going, together with you,

They are similar to you in everything,
We love sweets, but it's not about
Together we are on a diet with you,
We are often silent about each other's weight,

I love you sister and I love you
And on your birthday I will bring you
In a beautiful wrapper more candy,
You look cool without any diets!

Happy birthday to your beloved cousin

My sister dear
Let us not relatives, and so what?
I congratulate you on your birth
We are very close to you.

Let bad weather pass on this day,
Let dreams come true
Huge, human happiness,
Luck, peace, beauty.

To be respected at work
Loved at home, so that always,
And if it's hard in life,
You know that you have me.

Happy birthday to a cousin in verse

We are cousins
By law and by blood...
But I'll be quite serious
As relatives we are with you!
You and I are close in spirit
From early childhood, long ago
And for your magical holiday
I don't regret kind words!
Let luck not leave
Never you, sister...
Gives smiles every day
Infectious laugh!

Short birthday greetings to cousin

I congratulate you, sister
And I only wish you the best.
Pleasant, sincere moments,
Love, gifts, compliments,
Flowers, boundless romance
And a long, serene life!

Happy birthday sms for cousin

Dear sister - a gentle moth,
Joyful song, morning flower!
Spring breeze, a drop of dew,
Purity and tenderness of girlish beauty!

Cool birthday wishes for cousin sister

You, sister, are the main today,
We celebrate an annual birthday.
The year has increased, you have matured,
You have become older and prettier.

I wish you, my dear sister,
So that you find your bright love.
I didn’t get bored and I didn’t know trouble at all,
For nothing, so that in life you do not lose heart.

Wise birthday wishes for cousin

People have come up with strange
Call you cousin...
You are the most dear in the world
My sister dear!

On your birthday I want
From sincere and strong feelings
Give you a piece of my heart
My dear little man since childhood!

Sincere congratulations on the birthday of a cousin

Dear sister, dear,
Today is your cherished day.
I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you happiness and victories!

We are cousins ​​with you
But there is nothing dearer than our souls.
And let all the bad things disappear
The orchestra plays touches for you!

I wish you great health,
Love, success, bright days.
And for life to be pleasant,
And you to smile at her!

Interesting birthday greetings to cousin

No, to you, my cousin,
Do not drive up on a railcar -
Give me a fancy limousine!
On your birthday, however
Feelings arose an obsession -
You are the best cousin in the world!
Glory rushes about you:
So slender and golden-domed
Courage, beauty and passion
I want to wish only very much -
Everything in the world day and night
Be even smarter and smarter!
... On the "Tavria" not for the sake of laughter, I
What to do if there is nothing!!!

Happy birthday wishes for cousin sister

My sister dear
Should have known this for a long time.
What for me you are like a native,
And I will always wish
So that you have wings from happiness
Growing more every day
So that the enemies all become dust,
And you cast a shadow on them.
Always try to stand out
There is no other like it in the world.
And if you smile
Shines brighter than the sun.

Best birthday wishes for cousin sister

Charming cousin
Today we celebrate a holiday!
Look how beautiful she is!
And what's more, it's beautiful!

Today all flowers and songs
And all the delights and dreams
At your feet we'll put together
And we know that you deserve them!

With all my heart, my cousin,
I wish you love
Smiles, happiness and fun,
And also - eternal beauty!

Beautiful birthday greetings to cousin

Heartiest congratulations
happy birthday
Dear cousin
And I read a poem.
May the angels protect you
On your all earthly ways,
Let good people surround
And that there were no other people.
Let everyone love, respect
And you get more rest
I heartily congratulate you
And I don't know what more to want.