Do girls like tall men? What kind of girls do guys like: tall or short

Psychologists and researchers from all countries agree that the choice in favor of taller guys goes far into the past. Since ancient times, women have sought to find a higher and strong man. Only then would they feel safe. Such a man should cope with the extraction of food and the protection of the family hearth much better than a short male.

Tall men were good hunters, stronger fighters and occupied best posts at the head of the state.

Another reason is heredity. On a subconscious level, every woman sees in her man a person who will give her offspring. Of course, the children of such men will also be tall and strong, they will cope with illnesses more easily, although there are exceptions here. Nowadays, even two tall people a short baby can be born, genetics gives us surprises where you don’t expect them.

Scientists were able to prove that growth in men brings happiness and success, they get married faster, create a family, they have children. Even their careers are moving much better than those of short ones. Mankind is growing every year, every year average height in the world is moving up. Now Russian men are losing only to Europeans, especially men from northern Europe.
Even doctors are on the side of tall guys, they claim that such men live longer than short guys, it seems that nature itself has made a choice in favor of growth. Although tall people are more likely to get cancer.

How do girls feel about height?

Nowadays, girls are quite conservative in choosing their man. Most of them do not even consider as sexual partner a guy shorter than himself. Although scientists believe that short guys are much more active in bed, sex life girls promise to be much brighter.

Statistics confirm that the prevailing stereotypes have a serious impact on female choice. We can say that for a hundred couples in which a man is taller than his woman, there is only one opposite. Every girl thinks what they will think of her if they see her with a short guy. Often, tall guys are taken with them to various events to show off in front of other women.

Women's opinion

If you ask the opinion of the women themselves, to the question why they choose tall guys? You can hear quite a variety of answers.

Some feel safe next to a tall man, like behind a stone wall. Someone just wants to wear high heels and at the same time remain in the shadow of their young man. Someone against the background of a short guy feels fat and clumsy. And someone is just too lazy to bend down, every time you want to kiss your loved one. Most likely, each woman will have her own unique answer to this question and her own reasons for choosing a guy above herself.

Naturally, the growth of a man has a significant impact only at the first meeting.. The woman then turns her attention to inner world his chosen one, on his character, manner of communication, his behavior in various situations. He thinks what kind of father he will be, how he will treat his parents, whether he will be able to provide for her and much more.

From all this we can conclude that guys despair short stature early. Yes, it may be more difficult for them to get to know the girl they like, but because of this they become more assertive and self-confident, which means they will definitely achieve any girl.

What do men themselves think about their height?

The male half of the planet is not as categorical in choosing his half as the female. Most men feel much more confident against the background of a tall woman. For some, this boosts their self-esteem. Some guys even ask their girlfriends to wear high-heeled shoes to make them appear even lower next to her.

Low growth very often makes men complex. Hiding this complex of theirs, they become more persistent, and at the same time, more caring towards girls.

Tall guys are very popular among women and once again do not like to waste their time, effort, money on romance and wooing a girl. Women themselves stick to them, they only choose the right one for themselves.

Short guys, on the contrary, are more romantic, they know how to beautifully look after their chosen one. They believe that they have nothing to lose, and this makes them more courageous in relation to the fair sex.

Regardless of the man's height, the main thing for all women is the inner world of their beloved and his personal qualities. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if a young man is short or tall, the main thing is to get your lover in spite of everything and happiness will not take long to wait.

Will couples in which the guys are shorter than their girls disappear?

Despite the great influence that instincts, the opinions of others and others have on the female sex external factors, the number of non-standard pairs is growing every year. Psychologists have already proven that such couples are much stronger than usual ones.

In such a pair, a man and a woman complement each other very well in all areas. Families created from such relationships almost never end in divorce. In such a couple, a woman helps her man become more self-confident, all this leads to success not only in his personal life, but also in his career. The young man, as a thank you, simply envelops his beloved with care and attention. Romance and surprises become a constant occurrence in such a relationship, the girl simply dawns with love.

The most important thing that every man and woman should remember is that there are no boundaries for love. Neither height, nor skin color or nationality can and should stand in the way of real feelings. You can’t let someone else’s opinion decide your fate, make decisions for you, deprive you of happiness. Truly happy are people who managed to find their soul mate, who understands perfectly, always walks side by side through life and will never leave no matter what happens.

Surely you have asked yourself this question more than once, observing how a prominent tall guy goes next to the unsightly Thumbelina or melts from the slender high model. Is there a secret to success? Is there a definite answer to the question of what kind of girls guys like - short or tall?

What kind of girls do guys like - tall or short:

  1. What the men say.
  2. Psychological analysis.
  3. You are unhappy with your height: what to do?

Usually, tall girls are immediately noticed, and this is undoubtedly a fact. They belong to the breed of people who are called "prominent" in everyday life. Due to their high growth, they immediately outshine the little ones, any outfit sits beautifully on them, different hairstyles go, in general, from which side you look - beauty queens! What man does not dream of a slender long-legged beauty?

At short girls there is also a plus - they always look pretty. A slender baby always wants to hug and protect, and this is a magnet for men. Thanks to this image, they look younger than their years, they can gain weight and not look huge at the same time.

What do men say

If you ask the stronger sex what kind of girls guys like, short or tall, most will answer simply - different. Indeed, one and the same man can be seen caring for a tall beauty and a pretty baby. Usually, it is not so much growth that is important, but “zest”, the ability to interest oneself, beauty, and so on.

Sometimes there are men who consciously or subconsciously choose women certain type. WITH short guys everything is clear: the majority feels awkward when a tall companion is nearby, and chooses girls of the same height or shorter. Tall men have a variety of tastes - it all depends on sexual preferences and psychological characteristics.

Psychologist analysis

Psychologists explain what kind of girls guys like, short or tall, with the characteristics of a particular man.

Strong tall men who prefer to dominate, take care of their chosen one, are thrilled by short ladies. They just want to hug and comfort the little ones! Therefore, they choose girls lower, sometimes much, and the difference in height does not interfere at all.

On the other hand, men with height above average often subconsciously look for a partner to match themselves - elegant and prominent, in order to make a worthy pair with her. And indeed, tall, slender, fit spouses are very beautiful!

Guys short stature usually feel uncomfortable in the company of tall young ladies. But there is an exception: if a man likes long-legged models, he will not miss the opportunity to show off next to them, despite his parameters.

Remember, growth is just the beginning. If you want to keep a guy, you need to have not only external data, but also inner beauty, to be an excellent companion, smart, sensitive, gentle and passionate. Being an interesting person is much cooler than being an empty-headed beauty.

You are unhappy with your height: what to do?

As we have already found out, most men do not bother about height and choose according to other parameters, even outwardly. But, if you feel uncomfortable and constrained because of the notorious centimeters, stylistic tricks will come to the rescue.

. For babies:

o Wear heels. High heels make you not only noticeably taller, but also more feminine. For everyday work, a wedge and platform are perfect, as well as a wide, stable heel. If you've been walking all your life flat sole, train at home until the stride is stable.

o Wear clothes that visually make you look taller - solid color suits, pants that hide high heel, straight pencil skirts.

. For tall girls, everything is somewhat sadder, because extra centimeters cannot be removed. But flat shoes flying long skirts and cropped trousers can fix the problem at least visually.

Why do tall men like short girls?

    Or maybe it’s the other way around, little girls like big uncles, you need to protect, protect, and against their background they look like little inches)) And they already have nowhere to go, so they live together. Well, plus even a man of average height for many girls is already tall, it just depends on the difference in height.

    My friend says he's tall (now I'm getting a minus for this))) that it's convenient to drink beer with a little one! You can put a mug on her head! And I think that big man, feels that there is a small one nearby and he needs to be protected! The elephant was also friends with Moska!

    A woman is a priori a more fragile creature than a man, and the task of a man is to protect, cherish a woman, protect her, fence her off from trouble. It looks more harmonious than a tall girl, but not next to it tall guy, since it is in nature that a man should be taller and more courageous, stronger than a woman.

    You know, it seems to me that this is prejudice. I am tall (for a woman, much above average height), my husband is generally a basketball player in terms of height. And I did not observe any encroachments towards small women. It seems to me that such things are invented by those who, due to self-doubt, cannot arrange personal life. Well, for example, a tall woman, due to problems with her character (or too high a bar), cannot find worthy man. And instead of changing her attitude, becoming attractive, attractive to a man, she hides behind the fact that she decides that all troubles are due to growth. It's like men don't like plump women.

    The fact is that if a woman knows how to be a woman, then her height, weight, and eye shape are not important to a man. he will consider her the most beautiful, and himself incredibly lucky.

    because such girls look more feminine, tenderly young, they are light, they can be worn on hands and on heels look beautiful and fit in height, most guys are not very tall woman this sex is weak, she should be a fragile, tender, and not a thunder woman with men on a level, only gays love such people; this is not feminine; the beauty of a woman does not depend on tall stature; this is nonsense; short legs the main thing is that the figure is good look at the ballerina is she worse than tall or does she have ugly legs complete nonsense

    Firstly, this statement is more than controversial, tall men love short girls at most no more than other men. Well, secondly, having entered the shaky ground of psychoanalysis, it can be assumed that men love short girls because they subconsciously associate them with children and adolescents, that is, a priori, such men can be suspected of latent pedophilia. Well, if they also like unisex girls, then in latent homosexuality)))

    Guys like girls of small stature because he feels more courageous, just an almighty giant, a giant capable of moving mountains, then he is drawn to exploits. Many couples on the street can be seen where the girl is almost half as tall as the man.

Many of us, when meeting a girl, one of the main criteria, and perhaps even “by default”, put her height. After all, it is far from a secret that our not tall “brothers” very often experience complexes because of their height. I wonder why the girls want them to have high gentlemen?

It is enough just to look around to make sure that in almost all the couples around you, the man is at least a little, but taller than the girl. And always! A couple in which the girl is taller is not often seen. Where did all this come from?

Why, then, for a thousand couples where the guy is taller than the girl, there is only 1 couple with an inverse proportion in height? Why is the percentage so small? Let's try to figure this out.

According to recent studies, the high growth of a man brings him happiness. They, as a rule, quickly acquire a family and children. They have a minimum percentage of bachelors. Yes, they earn more. But undersized men, according to statistics, will not be able to make a brilliant career. True, this statement is debatable. Quite a few representatives of pop music are by no means giants: Antonov, Glyzin, Gazmanov and so on. And our current political elite is not spoiled for growth.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that large (tall) men are more adapted to protect their offspring, which, again, is endowed with more resilient genes. Yes, and the dominant role in society was played by the strong, powerful men. It was from their ranks that the best hunters, the best wars, came out, and the best became leaders.

Judge for yourself - to withstand the pursuit of game, to kill and bring it home is much easier for a tall, strong hunter. And in primitive society everything was simple - "brought more, received more." Therefore, the most fortunate received the best cuts of meat and best women. It is quite possible that since those times, on a subconscious level, it has been in women that a physically developed man (tall) will provide much better life for himself and his family.

Modern scientists assure that the high growth of residents is an indicator high level life of the entire population. By estimating the average population growth, one can fairly accurately assess the well-being of the society itself. There is nothing strange in the fact that thanks to high-calorie nutrition and clean air, residents in wealthy countries are taller.

Conversely, malnutrition and diseases transferred to childhood, very often lead to small stature V adulthood. The same causes affect the development of cardiovascular and other dangerous diseases which significantly shorten the lifespan. So it turns out that in modern world a tall man most likely did not suffer from anything serious in childhood, and as an adult he got a good job.

In addition to genetic memory, public opinion has a significant influence on the girl's decision. And, according to society, tall men are always more successful in their careers and have a higher social status than shorter ones. So what kind of girl refuses to automatically get high social status your partner.

An interesting question, if girls fall for tall ones, why not immediately at basketball players? It turns out that the girl is not interested in the height of a man as such. It is more important for her the ratio of her partner's height to her height. In a word, a man should be taller than her, even 1 m. 65 cm. If her height is 1 m. 50 cm.
There is even a table according to which the height of a guy should be 1.09 times the height of a girl. Scientists believe that such indicators will become the foundation for the flawless growth of offspring.

Having determined the average growth, one can also judge Russia. More specifically, about her medical care, ecology and nutrition.
There is no doubt that the economic cataclysms of the 1990s will have a negative impact on the future generation. Russian scientists are confident that most children born in the 90s will be noticeably shorter. Poor living conditions (especially in nutrition) began to contradict the global genetic program. According to the global trend, humanity is growing steadily, and the Russians, thanks to upheavals, are far behind and inferior in growth to almost all Europeans.

In conclusion, we can say that girls subconsciously choose a man who can create good conditions for your family. True, in our time, physical conditions alone are not enough for this, it is required a good education, a successful business or a highly paid job.

Nine out of ten women will paint a portrait of a tall, lean, muscular (hair and eye color varies) man with the heavy jaw of a movie superman.

What is the reason for this persistence? And do girls like tall men? Firstly, from the time of the widespread dominance of mammoths and other predatory-saber-toothed animals, women have preserved on a subconscious level instructions for use, which says: the larger the male, the better he is. In other words, women intuitively give preference to those men whom they consider the most adapted to survive in our difficult world. So, girls since ancient times like tall men. And this is quite natural. From a tall man, vibes of strength and confidence spread. Looking at such a man from the bottom up, poking his shoulder or chest, a woman gets the opportunity to relax, feel protected (“like behind a stone wall” is an old, hackneyed phrase, but how it reflects the essence of things). And it is very difficult to get rid of such sweet sensations.

Secondly, according to recent studies, human height is increasing every year. Over the past fifty years, the average height of men has increased by eight centimeters. And over the next fifty years, growth of another five centimeters is predicted. If you look at the world from the point of view of evolution, high growth can be perceived as a sign of progress, so tall men will soon be a pattern. Any novice psychologist will quickly explain to you the constant and unconscious desire of the fair sex to get offspring from more impeccable males. In addition, high growth for the vast majority of women is one of the main (read, mandatory) signs of sexuality in men. Therefore, it is not surprising that girls like tall men. They believe that a tall guy is simply obliged to have an appropriate penis.

Thirdly, there is a heap of that very sweet nonsense that irritates men so much and serves as a breeding ground for glamor apologists. Forums of Internet sites are full of and bursting with reasoning: "I love high heels" or "my tall and slender handsome man and everyone envy me."

What does science say about this?

Polish and British scientists conducted a series of joint studies that revealed an interesting pattern. It turns out that tall men are much more likely to marry and have many more children. Whether women are more attracted to tall stature, or tall men are more determined and enterprising, the researchers did not specify. We found out only that the main demographic indicators are not in favor of the undersized. For example, it has been established that men without children are 3-3.5 centimeters (average figures are given) lower than those who have at least one child, and married men are 2.5 centimeters higher than bachelors.

Fun fact: studies like this started when it was noticed that in marriage advertisements, men only listed their height when it was above average.

It has also been established (and confirmed by independent studies by Swedish scientists) that men of higher than average height have a higher social status and higher incomes than shorter ones. Men whose height exceeded 194 cm received higher education 2-3 times more often than those whose height did not reach 165 cm. And girls like not only tall men, but also smart ones.

Here is another reason why, for most women, the choice of a sexual partner is directly related to his height. It's not about aesthetics, but about naked pragmatism: high growth - excellent education - stable financial support for future offspring.

So it turns out: undersized men seem to women unworthy of attention. And tall men, on the contrary, like women.