Poems about family are short and beautiful. The most successful SMS congratulations to friends on Family Day. Family Day - congratulations

Congratulations on the day of family, love and fidelity


You can philosophize about happiness for a long time or just find it in the family ... Happy Family Day!

I congratulate you on Family Day, I envy your happiness a little and wish you more of it!

How nice it is to congratulate people who are simply the ideal of a large and friendly family on Family Day!

Dreams should come true! Happy Family Day! May everyone in it be equally happy!

I can't imagine a day without my cheerful family! Happy Family Day, my dears!

Our traditions are for us more expensive than platinum! Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day!

No matter how bizarre life is, in the family we will find everything we need! Happy Family Day!

What is eternal in our world? For example, family values… Happy Family Day!

Happy Family Day! Let there be even more comfort, prosperity, warmth and love in your home!

Happy Family Day! Let warmth helps to make miracles, protects you, inspires you!

On the world holiday, on Family Day, I sincerely wish you and all your family all the best!

Family... Let everything valuable that is for you in this word be with you! Happy Family Day!

On your family's holiday, I wish you to live sweetly and not know grief!

Congratulations on the Day of family, love and fidelity! May the fire in the hearth never go out!

Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day! Let the house be a cozy nest, a fortress, a cozy little world!

Happy Family Day! Let family, common happiness grow and grow stronger, in the rays of universal love!

Happy Family Day! Let the fire burn in the family hearth and let there be a pot of gold at home!

On Family Day, congratulations and wishes happy moments no less than daisies in the field!

Your family is behind you - like behind a stone wall, they are lucky in all respects with you! Happy Family Day!

Who is an exemplary family man? Happy Family Day! May all the best be in life!

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We hasten to congratulate you on a wonderful day.
The family is a strong support for us in life.
It contains the harmony of the soul,
Words, actions, thoughts change.
Let the wonderful light not be eclipsed by love
Resentment, disagreement and jealousy.
We wish you happy days and years.
Keep your feelings, your loyalty!


Day of Family, Love and Fidelity -
This is a holiday of bright feelings,
Gratitude and tenderness
Captivating words from the mouth.
Let love become stronger
The family is multiplying
And around the house they rush noisily
Your daughters, sons!


Keeping love is not easy
Saving a family is even more difficult.
And there are no answers to questions
How to make marriage even stronger.
Need wisdom and patience
To live together for many years
Appreciate the wonderful moments
And cherish this happiness.


We send you congratulations.
The aroma of marvelous tenderness
May your home be filled!
Let the words of recognition sound
And there will be no end to them!
May wishes come true
Hearts beat in unison!


Family is friendship, stability, comfort.
The family is a place where they believe and wait.
Where anyone will be accepted, understood and forgiven,
Where a smile and a loving look reign.
In the family, everything is always shared by everyone:
Problems, luck and joyful laughter.
So be a strong happy family,
Then sadness will bypass you!


Family, love and loyalty - three in one.
What could be more reliable in this world?
On a solid foundation your home,
As long as you don't forget about it.
Appreciate what you have today
Your union only grows stronger over the years!
Let the light of happy eyes not go out,
And tenderness will remain between you!


Stay faithful no matter what
Don't give in to sweet temptation.
Never hurt your loved ones
Don't hurt them!
And on this holiday congratulations words
Let them sound for those who are close to you.
And let your head spin again with happiness,
It doesn't take much to do this!


Happy family day, love and fidelity
We hasten to congratulate you.
This is a holiday of friendship, tenderness
And romance of the soul.
May they be updated every day
Your feelings are endless
And rush to each other
Loving Hearts Again!


Family is what will hold us in the storm
After all, she is not afraid of splashes of life waves,
Shelter from the cold and protect in the rain.
The family is our fortress and our true shield.
The family is children and marriage.
What could be stronger than such strong bonds?
Here everyone is understandable and very loved,
Expensive and indispensable in its own way.
We wish you to be a real family,
It's great if relatives are with you!
We wish unity always and in everything,
And let happiness fill your friendly home!


Family and loyalty are back in fashion
And at the forefront is love.
Good weather to you at home!
Let the feelings excite the blood again!
And let it not disappear over the years
Happy sparkle of loving eyes.
Let the sun shine on you
And everything will be like the first time!


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The initiative to approve the holiday - the day of marriage, love, fidelity in honor of an Orthodox Christian couple was voiced by S. Medvedeva, wife of the President of the Russian Federation. Fevronia and her husband Peter - an example family relations: understanding, support, piety. Many stories have been written in their honour. According to legend, the peasant daughter Fevronia cured Prince Peter of ailments, after which they got married. Having inherited the reign, the boyars demanded that Peter leave the peasant woman. Not wanting to be separated, the family left Moore. The struggle for the throne began, as a result, the boyars had to bow to the prince. Upon their return, everything improved, calmed down, thus they earned honor and respect. Three hundred years later, this couple was canonized as saints, patrons of the family. In Russia, this day is officially celebrated on July 8. Festive events are held in every city, every family. The family is one of the main values ​​of humanity. The symbol of the holiday was a flower - chamomile. This award is given to families who have lived together for more than one year, experienced various events, but in spite of everything managed to maintain love and fidelity.

Family is a fortress, family is a home.
It should be your cozy nest!
The bliss of comfort and the babble of children
More expensive than any of the most delicious sweets!

Love one another, love your home,
Love the family that is in it.
Appreciate relatives, respect, cherish,
You warm each other with the warmth of your hands!

I wish you happiness for many years,
Good friends and great weather.
And tender feelings to you, and pleasant moments,
And always the most beautiful impressions!

Let the family give you joy
And home warmth
Let understanding reign in her
Respect good.

And love and loyalty will
In your life forever
And don't let it change
No separation, no years.

There are many values ​​in the world
But family is the most important thing.
And it will not be more important
Nothing and no one.

The words "family, love and loyalty"
They carry great meaning.
Where there is family, there is always tenderness,
Where there is love, they are always waiting for us,
And where there is loyalty, they trust
No unnecessary and unnecessary phrases.
Let these feelings flourish
And happiness surrounds us!

Happy fidelity, love, family!
Love your family, appreciate
Don't offend, don't betray
Treasure and understand.

Family is the beginning of all beginnings,
Reliable life berth.
And happy is the one who understands this
In the family, he is cheerful and happy.

Always value each other
Surround with tender care.
Love in the family is a joint work,
May comfort always reign in it.

If you take
Love and fidelity
Add to them
Feeling of tenderness
multiply everything
For years
That will work -

Happy Family Day, Happy Fidelity Day!
Happy holiday, folks!
Happy love and tenderness day,
Our dear ones!

Let there be no reason
And reasons for quarrels
Let well-being
Will not leave the house.

Happiness and health
to all your family,
sunny weather
In the house and in the soul!

Family is main criterion, believe me!
Appreciate the family! Take care and believe!
Family is a home, these are children, relatives,
Parents are nice and dear!

Love, understanding, care and affection...
Family is a miracle and a paradise fairy tale,
Reliability, support, desire, success,
And children's beautiful, joyful laughter!

May it always reign in your life: fun,
Love, understanding, striving for perfection.
Family - let it always be the standard,
From happiness sparkle, let your eyes!

Family is your fortress that they built together,
Family is a place where souls are not stuffy,
Family is disputes, then reconciliation,
Family - anxiety, excitement for each other

And the general joy for all, but great,
Sadness, on the contrary, is broken into crumbs,
And the main thing is love and care,
And fidelity, and to the stars, embracing, flights.

Let everything be smooth in your family
And everything is incomparable, and everything is chocolate,
And passion, as now, melts your bodies,
When your grandchildren congratulate you on Family Day!

Family is important
Family is cool
In the family for sure
Someone needs you.
Always take care and appreciate
What do you have.
After all, if you break -
Then you don't glue it.
I wish you
Love and comfort
And family happiness
Not for a minute
And so that for life
It's definitely enough
So that the sun to you
Even at night it shone.

The first value in Russia is the family!
The hearth of the house warms, always loving us.
My relatives will take hands
You will not find a friendlier family in the world.
Joy and laughter surround us all,
And together we will certainly succeed,
Loyalty, love and smiles of hearts.
Every father dreams of this!
Every mother guards peace!
Guys, appreciate, happiness is given to you -
Every family has one, of course!

The article offers you congratulations for loved ones and relatives on Family Day.

The sun will smile
On this warm joyful day,
Let it turn around for you
Family the most delicious sweetness!

I hasten to congratulate you
Happy Family Day - a big date!
Let your family only rule
Lad, peace, peace and salary!

You are not just a woman, you are a mother,
You are the wife, the keeper of the house.
Happy Family Day to you, I wish you to be drunk with happiness,
Rest more, be calm more often!

It is very difficult to understand a woman
Support her in melancholy minutes.
I wish on Family Day to have the opportunity,
Drive away sadness, anxiety, confusion.

I want you to start
Big friendly family
To bloom with joy
Just be happy!

How to congratulate a woman on Family Day?

Congratulations on Family Day to a man in verse, sms, prose


I wish you (man's name) on Family Day recognition of loved ones, respect for children and parents, the love of a dear woman and huge, endless, inexhaustible happiness! May there be peace and joy in your home!

Happy Family Day! I wish you 1000 years of loyalty and understanding , let your loved ones only please you. I wish that quarrels do not destroy your strong home and that you always return to it with pleasure after work and long journeys!


Family is a great job
But you did well with it.
Let sadness leave your house
Let the tasks be easy!

May your sweet home be your protection,
Families support and support for centuries,
Wife mistress and beloved woman,
Let life be extremely good!

Be a reliable earner
Be strong, don't be touchy
Be successful and happy
Let the family only rejoice!

Be a man and a loving dad
Bring regular salary
Let your wife love you madly
Children will be beautiful, smart!

I sincerely congratulate you on Family Day,
I wish you to find your hearth and warm love,
Let everything be: home, beloved and children,
May you be the happiest person in the world!

How to congratulate a man on Family Day?

Warm congratulations on Family Day to dad in verse, SMS, prose

Dad, you gave me an example of an ideal strong family and I want you thank you for this! Thank you, dad, for many years of wisdom, understanding and care. Happy Family Day to you, dad, be happy and calm, may harmony and joy come with you.


Dad loved me very much
He gave me everything in the world.
Dad, thank you for your attention
On Family Day, I wish you understanding!

Happy Family Day, dear dad,
You were a kind, wise dad.
For my children, you are a grandfather,
Our entire family rests on you!

Dad gave me an example of happiness,
Strong and big family!
Happy Family Day, what a holiday!
More, dad, love you!

Dad, Happy Holidays to you!
And I will say without melting:
You are the best dad in the world
Happy Family Day, here it is!

Our family is good, happy and kind
For this, everyone is grateful to you alone.
May your house be strong, calm, peaceful, warm,
Let it not succumb to wind or rain!

Congratulations for dad on Family Day

Touching congratulations on Family Day to mom in verse, SMS, prose


Mom, I sincerely and warmly want to congratulate you on Family Day today ! Only thanks to you this holiday exists for us! Thank you for your care and for being able to keep our hearth warm, bright and rich in all earthly values!

Mom, Happy Family Day to you, dear! Each of us even imagine can't live without you! You are the heart of our family and a source of bright inspiration! A lot of health and strength to you, be easy, be kind and be calm!


It's good that I have a mother!
I love her with my kind soul.
Today is Family Day - a big date,
We celebrate it and share it only with you!

Mom is the basis of our family,
We loved and cherished our mother
And we congratulate her on Family Day,
We wish her the happiest!

Happy Family Day to you, mommy,
I love you with my heart and soul!
Thank you, mom, that you are often near,
That you understand me without words by the look!

Family Day is only your day,
You protected the family from troubles,
You drove away the shadow from the house,
You brought us many victories!

I want to congratulate my mother on Family Day,
She is the kindest, most beautiful in the world!
She kept my house and protected from evil,
She gave me everything she could!

How to congratulate mom on Family Day?

Congratulations on Family Day to a man friend: poetry and prose


I congratulate you not only on Family Day,
I wish you, friend, have a family!
Find loved ones dear people I wish you
May there be peace, goodness, love in the house!

Family Day came to us today,
I send greetings to my dear friends!
And I write to you not in vain,
Let the family give you happiness!

Happy Family Day, dear friend!
I wish you endless happiness
I wish loved ones eternal love,
And understanding only from the heart!

My dear and dear friend,
I wish you a beautiful family
May the day be kind and bring good luck,
Let any task in life be solved!

Sunny and bright on Family Day
I wish you a gift
Start a big family
And have your own love!


Buddy! Today, if you don't know, is Family Day! I wish you to meet the person with whom you want get a cozy nest and give happiness to your children! Be loved and love passionately!

Happy Family Day, dear friend! I wish you great family happiness and understanding! Let your union not be destroyed by petty quarrels and grievances. May everything in life always be good, peaceful and only sweet!

How to congratulate a friend on Family Day!

How to congratulate a loved one, husband on Family Day?


Today is the Day of family, love and fidelity.
I wish you to know all these delights,
I love you and I want you to be happy
So that our alliance with you was not in vain!

Darling, Family Day today!
I congratulate you and wish you so much
So that you are loved passionately, so that your soul is free
From all the problems that surround this world.

I love you my darling,
You are the best husband in the world!
Happy Family Day, I wish you strength
Withstand any cold!

You are not just a sweet husband, you are a support for us.
I wish you happiness and love.
So that the world fills all the souls with open spaces,
So that we can be together for many years!

Beloved husband, good husband,
Happy Family Day to you, my sweet!
Let nothing disturb
And will not break our happiness!


Darling! On Family Day, I want to admit that you are a strong support for our home and our marriage! Thank you for your patience and understanding, thank you for your kindness and kindness. You became not only the most best husband but also a beloved dad!

Happy Family Day, love! This is our spiritual holiday. I want to wish you for long years understanding and peace, love and care from all of us. Let anxiety not touch the house and any evil bypass!

How to congratulate your husband on Family Day?

How to congratulate your beloved wife on Family Day?


Any, you saved our happiness,
You cared for many years, loved.
I congratulate you on Family Day with all my heart,
I wish you to be the happiest!

There is no better wife in the world
There is no wife, or rather, more beautiful!
On Family Day I wish you
Keep warm and our happiness!

My wife is good
She kept my hearth
Let everything in our life work out,
Happy Family Day, my love!

In my life there is no more you
You are my soul and the meaning of my life.
Happy family day, dear, good,
Only good, positive thoughts to you!

Happy family day, wife, beloved, dear,
I don't know good people like you
You saved our hearth and home,
Cared for many years, loved!


Darling! With all my heart I congratulate you on Family Day and I want thank you for the years of patience, care and the attention that you gave me and the children! The best thing that could happen to me is YOU!


Touching congratulations to the daughter on Family Day: poems


Daughter, you were my baby,
And now you have your own family.
And around you are diapers, pacifiers,
May everything that you believe in come true!

Happy Family Day, my sweet daughter,
May harmony surround you
May you be kind and happy
May your soul be at peace!

Today is Family Day all over the world,
Thank you, daughter, for your care and attention.
On this day I want to wish you
Harmony in the family and understanding!

Happy Family Day, my dear,
I don't know better than you in the world!
You, daughter, are the best in the world,
Live, smile wider!

Let your husband please you with gifts
Let life be easy, sweet,
May Family Day bring only happiness,
May all your hard work not be in vain!

Family holiday

Congratulations to my son on Family Day: poetry and prose


Son, you have grown imperceptibly,
Now I'm babysitting your children.
You family only happiness
Business and life will be wonderful!

I want you son
Wish for harmony
On the Day of the family of love and happiness,
The house is filled with goodness!

Family Day is not a "loud" holiday,
But I wish you
So that there is only joy in the soul,
So that the family does not know trouble!

Let spring bloom in your soul
Give life only joy.
Good luck to you on Family Day
Let the fatigue go!

I wish you a big family
Celebrate Family Day today
I wish you without shores
Huge thrilling love!


Son! I congratulate you on Family Day and wish you a worthy support, protection and support for your loved ones! I wish you understanding of your beloved woman and respect for children!

Son, you have achieved a lot in this life and your main achievement is - a happy, kind family. Be loved, be respected. Let the house please you with warmth, joyful smiles and affection of relatives!

How to congratulate your son on Family Day?

Congratulations on Family Day to children: poems and prose


Beloved children, my sweet ones,
Adults, I see you only furtively.
Happy Family Day, I sincerely congratulate you,
Happiness native love wish to get!

There are no better children in the world for me
I want you to see only the light in life!
Happy Family Day to you! Good luck to you, patience,
Let relatives give only inspiration!

Happy Family Day, my own children,
May the sun shine brightly in the sky for you,
Let trouble and all misfortunes bypass you,
May peace and happiness accompany you in life!

Family Day is very important for us, relatives,
I want to say, and dad will also tell you all:
This day is a very big date in the world,
Let the family for you be good, love and joy for you!

My children, on Family Day my lines
Congratulations and only good,
Only happiness, love, not anxiety,
On this day, I sincerely wish you all!


Dear children! I want to thank you for being able to justify my expectations and grew up worthy people. Thank you for remembering your parents. Happy Family Day to you, Happy Love Day to your nearest and dearest!

Favorite kids! Family is the most important value in life. I wish you to find the same strong and kind family in which you grew up. Be loved, be happy, treat your chosen ones with understanding and life will smile at you!

How to congratulate children on Family Day?

Congratulations on Family Day to your brother: poetry and prose


Your family is generous, rich,
May she flourish forever!
May happiness be irrevocable
And next to a loved one!

Dear brother, dear
I'm proud of your family!
You are always kind and sweet
The kids are smart, the wife is beautiful!

My dear brother, dear,
May good be with you.
May your family respect you
And your wife inspires you!

I wish you well
All the wonders in the world.
For your wife to love you
Respect the children!

Happy family day, love and fidelity,
Let the family be life freshness!
Let her make you happy
Let the family be only a joy!


Dear brother! On this beautiful day, I want to congratulate you on the holiday - Happy Family Day! Be respected, be loved and be successful. Let your house bloom and it will not be hurt by resentment, quarrels, misunderstandings!

Happy Family Day brother! You are a good man for creating such a good family. May she always be your support and source of strength. May it please and inspire!

How to congratulate your brother on Family Day?

Congratulations to my sister on Family Day: poetry and prose


Sister, Family Day has come,
I wish you much happiness!
Literally let it be good
May you be filled with joy around you!

I wish my sister on Family Day
To be happier and more joyful of all,
Let desires be real
Let the family not lose success!

sister has a family
Kind and sweet
I love that family so much
Be, please, happy!

Happy family day, fidelity and love,
Happy confession day!
Let the lights not go out in the eyes,
Let your soul not be empty!

Congratulations on Family Day from the heart,
I know you, sister, are always with me.
Your doors are open for me
You give me both affection and love!


Sister! I wish you an even, calm, happy family on Family Day life. I wish you not to know grief and problems, fear and anxieties! Be healthy and please each other!

Sister! I congratulate you on Family Day and wish you a huge family well-being, success with her husband and children's victories, Have a good mood every day and good luck, which will help you find it all!

How to congratulate your sister on Family Day?

Touching congratulations on Family Day to a friend: poems and prose


I love your big family
And I wish you a lot of good!
On Family Day, may wishes come true
The ones that never came true before!

May your family support you
In every business and trouble.
May you and your family be happy
And lucky everywhere!

I congratulate you on Family Day, friend,
I wish you to be happy, to be loved.
I wish you and your husband to live for each other,
Well, to give birth to beautiful children!

May the family make you happy, love,
Let it not give you anxiety
Surrounded by good people
Let all roads be open!

I wish you good luck
I wish you well
To be happy - not otherwise,
So that the children do not get sick!


Girlfriend! I wish you the most tender and sweetest family happiness! Be loved and love with all your heart! You deserve it! Happy Family Day!

Favorite girlfriend! I want to wish your family this holiday well-being, prosperity and infinite understanding. Appreciate and love each other!

How to congratulate a friend on Family Day?

Cool congratulations on Family Day: poems


Family is spiritual wealth
And they don't get along
May your wealth grow stronger
Let the kids decorate it!

Beautiful on Family Day
I wish you not to live in vain,
I want to feel the love of relatives,
I wish it wasn't empty!

Smile dear friend
After all, today is Family Day!
Kiss your spouse
And give her love!

I'll tell you one thing
Family is the most important thing in the world!
Appreciate her sensitively and take care,
Kiss her gently in your heart!

I congratulate you on Family Day,
This holiday of the sun is more beautiful.
Take care of your happiness
Let there be harmony in your house!

Congratulations on Aunt's Family Day: poems and prose


Aunt, dear, I wish you
Be happy yourself and not know sadness.
Happy Family Day today, aunt, congratulations,
I want to wish you all the best in the world!

Thank you, aunt, for your concern,
It's nice that someone is worried
You, aunt, are part of my family,
Take care of yourself, aunt!

Aunt - you are my family,
I say this honestly.
Congratulations, dear
I only wish you well!

Be happy, aunt
Be loved by the family
Let someone melt
Your heart is strong!

Aunt, Happy Family Day to you!
You, like a mother, are affectionate.
I love you so much,
Let life become a fairy tale!


Dear aunt! I want to wish you Happy Family Day and thank you for all the love, care and warmth that you regularly give me!

Happy Family Day, aunt! You are like a second mom always took care of me and loved me. I am extremely happy that I have you!

How to congratulate your aunt on Family Day?

Congratulations on Mother-in-Law's Family Day: Poetry and Prose


Thank you mom for your son
I love him like my own.
I will say thank you on Family Day
Thank you for your attention and care!

Happy Family Day, beloved mother-in-law,
Let the holiday flow into your home.
Let relatives love strongly
Children give only joy!

How I want to wish you
Troubles and sorrows do not know!
May all relatives love you
Your help will not be forgotten!

Happy Family Day, my mother-in-law,
I sincerely love you!
You are always and everywhere with me,
Thank you mother-in-law!

Thank you, mom, for
That you are kind to us like no one else.
Thank you for your kindness
We have a wonderful family!


Dear (name and patronymic of the mother-in-law)! Thank you for your 24/7 care and steely patience! With you, our family is strong and strong!

Beloved (name and patronymic of the mother-in-law)! We sincerely congratulate you on Family Day and we wish you great health for many years, so that you please us for a very long time!

How to congratulate the mother-in-law on Family Day?

Poems for Family Day for the holiday: beautiful congratulations


Family is a precious diamond
And its brilliance is bright, priceless!

You keep this stone
Protect from evil and troubles!

The family always inspires a feat,
Desires peace, desires valor.

With a successful family to live in a sweet world,
Your soul is in abundance with your family!

I wish you family day
Get Right way to love

Get close person,
So that the feelings are all sincere!

Great success to your family
Let problems not be a hindrance to her,

Let only goodness shine in the sky for her,
Let loved ones inspire her!

Accept on Family Day
My congratulations,

The family deserves my
Great admiration!

Video: "Family Hymn on Family Day"

Congratulate your loved ones, dear ones and friends with happy family possible twice: May 15, when it is celebrated International Family Day and July 8, when it is celebrated All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. According to the old calendar, it fell on June 25 and was called the Day of Peter and Fevronia - in honor of the patrons of family and love. The symbol of this holiday is a camomile.

Here are collected best poems congratulations on the Day of the Family.

You always appreciate your family
May there be joy in your home.
Let the lucky star
Keeps all relatives and friends!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Let family life, cosiness,
Warm with affection
The children scurry about happily
Making you happy with a fairy tale!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

We congratulate the family
We wish you eternal happiness
And simple earthly love
From dawn to dawn!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family
What could be more precious
In this fabulous land!

Happy family day
And I wish you a lot of happiness
To live together
All adversity and bad weather!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Take care of each other
And do not offend in vain!
Happiness in the house and love to you,
Always a happy day!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Happiness, joy, health,
Dear you mine!
I congratulate you with love
Happy All-Russian Family Day.

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Are you in a hurry to celebrate family day,
And our wishes to accept:
So that there are children, home, hearth, warmth,
In all endeavors, be lucky!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

On family day
Congratulations to you!
With a strong union, and in love
We wish you to live long!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

You managed to create such a family,
Which is an example for all of us.
You always love your own wife,
Let the kids love you!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

On family day, I want to congratulate
Everyone who is next to me
Who praised and understood
I love you all very much!

Family is the basis of every life,
Love is the basis of all foundations,
And loyalty is above all whims,
We are together - better than any words!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

We are together, we are a family
This means we are strong.
Strong in love
Loyalty, care.
And we will not be broken by pain and worries.
After all, we are a family
And that's what makes us strong!

∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴ ∴

Family - in love and fidelity
Live from year to year
Both in sorrow and in joy
And not afraid of adversity!

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Let there be a strong family
Giving us love and loyalty
May every day and every hour
With a smile to meet you!