Morning declaration of love to a girl. Beautiful declaration of love to a girl

My sun, my queen, the smartest, beautiful, adored, beloved, dear, sweet, dear, angelically beautiful, absolutely incomparable, the most exciting and even magical, certainly delightful, a little impressionable, graceful, dizzying, precious! I love you! 46

Only with you I realized what it is to be truly happy and that without love real life No. You are the one I think about 61 seconds a minute ... I just admire you, my beauty! 51

With you I feel happy. I fell in love with you from the first second of our meeting, and apparently I can’t stop loving you anymore. I want to always be with you, protect you, love you. With you, the world becomes colorful and bright, you filled my heart with yourself and now it belongs only to you. 73

It seems to me that I met exactly my soul mate, which I had been waiting for all my life. Your laughter, your smile I dream of every night. I do not find a place for myself when we are not around. I want to be always with you. I love you with all my soul and with all my heart. 30

I can't see happiness without you baby!
I want to say - and you hear me!
You are beautiful and incomparable
And as always unique
After all, I love you alone!
In your eyes I just drown! 29

I love you with all my heart, adore you with all my body, adore you with all my soul, and no one will ever compare to you, you are the only one like that! You are the most beautiful, tender, affectionate and madly desired by me! 45

When I see you
Warmer at heart!
Brighter sun, louder sound
Cheerful heart.
I would like every day
Look into your eyes,
To be alone with you
Kiss by the moon.
I love you very much
Be happy - I say! 25

I've been waiting for a girl like you for so long - affectionate, beautiful, gentle, smart! This list is endless. You are the only one among all that I have only met in my life. You are the only one I want to be with forever! 39

You are alone in my destiny
In thoughts and words.
And I always want to you
I'm in my dreams.
For me you are the light of the sun
my star,
And I'll tell you of course -
I love you very much! 31

I love you very much!
When I just met
Got into the pool of your eyes.
You are beautiful, better not
Let the whole world know
What are you, beauty - with me,
And I don't need another! 12

Sometimes things happen in life
Love comes quickly and unexpectedly
Now I'm happy to be with you
The most beautiful and long-awaited! 15

You are good, easy, smart -
Your virtues cannot be listed
You are always my favorite one,
Only one word and thought about you! 13

You are like a sweet dream to me
You have both love and beauty
You are so insanely good
Face, figure and soul.
People like you cannot be found, not found -
At least take the land and go around.
So we can conclude that -
I can only be happy with you! 10

I want to confess to you
I love you madly
You warm my soul
With you I'm like in a beautiful dream!
And there is no one better
And I don't need anything
I only want to be with you
With my beloved, dear! 6

You are very loved by me
I think about you day and night!
And without you I'm just sad
I'm sad, I miss and yawn ...
Please give your love
Let it excite us blood! 11

I confess that I love
I want to see you
Go for walks in the evening.
I want to hear your voice
Rejoice in your words. 8

I'm in a festive mood
All the time, every day.
And even the sky seems
Like it's more fun. 10

My darling star
My sun is clear
The smartest girl
And beautiful as always!
I burn with love for you
I can no longer be silent
I want to confess to you
How madly I love you! 11

My favorite kitten, I love you madly! I will give everything for you, you are the whole world for me, you are my whole life, I am happy with you and really want us to always be together! 14

You are the best thing in life!
With you I feel happy!
And I promise to love sincerely
Every day, and with renewed vigor! 17

I love you with all my heart!
I want you to always be with me
And we will open the door to happiness,
No wonder fate brought us together! 14

Sunshine, be always like this -
Reliable, gentle and simple,
I want to kiss you
Find happiness with you
After all, you are one wonderful
The most beautiful in the world! 10

When you are in love with a girl best solution will confess to her about his feelings, even if you are not sure of reciprocity. This is the best thing you can do, don't wait too long or her feelings for you may change.

1. Know that even if she does not love you, you will still take the burden off your soul.

2. Don't make it such a big deal. Just tell her straight.

3. Be calm, nervousness or drama can make her reject you. Don't get mad at her if she refuses.

Be strong and ready that your confession will not have the desired effect.

4. Remember, loving a person is not someone's plan or goal.

5. Take it easy with her, a declaration of love may come as a surprise to her, and she may need time to think about it.

6. Wait for the right moment. Do not tell her about your love when you are among the friends of one of you. Wait for the moment when you will be alone, but when it comes, do not hesitate.

7. Respect her reaction. If she doesn't love you, your life isn't over yet. It may hurt you, but these are her feelings and decision.

8. Make sure you're ready for an emotional roller coaster. There will be ups and downs ahead, if you plan to say that you love only for the sake of sex, then you should not. If you truly love someone, you will respect them, take care of them, be with them in their joys and sorrows. Are you ready for this?

9. "I love you" is a statement, not a question. Don't wait for an answer because there isn't one.

  • Be yourself, be natural. If you are rejected, don't be angry.
  • Love is a complicated thing. She may change her mind after giving you an answer. Don't chase her to make sure she hasn't changed her mind yet.
  • Make sure you are prepared for any possible reaction.
  • Try to look good and be sure to take a shower. Perhaps this is exactly what you are missing right now.
  • If she rejects you, offer her your friendship. Letting her know that you care about her may help her change her mind later on.
  • Fear is normal.
  • Be confident! Look into her eyes, stand still and smile. It is very important to speak without hesitation, especially if you act a little embarrassed but justified. You must demonstrate that you are confident in your words and can back them up with the strength of your devotion.
  • Do not demand an answer "here and now", you can be harshly put in your place or publicly made a laughingstock.
  • Do not tell everyone about your love for her until you tell her personally. It would be very bad if she heard it from someone else.
  • If you've been her friend for a long time and want more now, then she may not see you in that light. In this case, you have to "change yourself", become the person she can fall in love with, and not just a guy who is pleasant to spend time with. It should be a positive change that brings out the best in you. For example, start going to the gym. You will get good physical form and maybe she will see you as the man of her dreams, with the personality she has loved all along.

Warnings for those who want to confess their feelings to a girl:

  • She can immediately say that she loves you, be prepared for this. If this happened, most likely, not everything is in order, I am sure that this is one of her feelings for you, but you cannot immediately correctly express your attitude towards a person without first considering it .. Most likely, she understands how important this is for you. If she is your friend, don't let her rejection ruin your friendship with her. When telling her about your love, for the sake of a closer relationship, do not lose the ones you already had.
  • No means no. If she rejected you, remember that there are many other people worthy of your attention. Also, if she said no, don't try again the next day, week, etc.

Everyone can confess their love to a girl in their own words. It’s just that not everyone believes in their own strength, and not everyone dares to tell their beloved girl the very words that would fully reflect his feelings. In general, the male sex is quite straightforward. We often stand far from romance, and do not show much interest in it. But with women, things are different. Without romance, most of them simply cannot live, and this must be taken into account. Especially if we are talking about such a serious and responsible recognition.

You must choose the right words, choose the right time, choose the right intonation and say everything correctly. This is the only way to count on maximum effect. But you need him, right? Well, in this case, we suggest that you do not engage in amateur performances, but contact us for proven, high-quality confession options. We've got quite a few of them.

On Vlio you can easily find Right words, which will become your own recognition. Every job is little masterpiece, born into this world to please the girls we love. So why not use these words for their intended purpose? After all, that's why we put them together. Please your beloved with a beautiful, original and sincere confession made from a pure soul.

Dear, from the first moment we met, you fascinated me with your beauty. Your every smile, every look, every word you said is like a healing balm, without which I can no longer imagine my life. You have completely opened up for me a new edge feelings that I had never experienced before, but without which my life was empty. You taught me to love and my love for you burst into my heart, filled every cell of my body with sweet poison. But I do not need an antidote, because you are my ideal, you are the woman that I have been waiting for all my life. You are my angel, living water, reviving to life, causing a storm of emotions, feelings, real happiness. You are my dream, my life, my future. I love you with all my heart and will love you all my life!

Congratulations on mobile

My favorite and dearest in the world! You are the most beautiful in this world and I am very happy that we met! You know very well that I love you, but I want to tell you about it personally - that I love you madly and I have no doubts about my feelings, I value you very much. You are the most precious person for me in this world!

When you leave, the sun disappears for me, when you return, it illuminates my life again and everything acquires its lost meaning: the sky clears up, flowers sprout through the earth's firmament, and the heart trembles with love and happiness! Therefore, dear, I want you not to disappear for a moment from my life and always be near! I love you - like a clear moon loves the stars, like foliage loves rain, like the wind loves space! And the rest ... The rest is not important! Even if the world collapses back into a monad, even if the poles change places, I won't notice it - after all, you, the only one, will be with me, so all worldly fuss and problems will recede into the background! You are my world, you are my light, you are my center of attraction. I love you and only you!

Everything has changed for me since you came into my life! I realized that you are the best, and I no longer need anyone but you. I want to always be with you. Look into your eyes, hold your hand gently, kiss and say how much I love you. My love is getting stronger every day and it's getting harder to be without you, because my life only makes sense when you're around. You are forever in my heart.

This morning I woke up and realized how much I love. How happy I am, that I have a beloved girl, to whom my sincere confessions in love. You are my dearest person. Your eyes inspire me to smile. Your gentle voice gives me the strength to walk with my head up. Your care gives a feeling of reliability and security. I don't think I've ever loved like this. My heart is filled only with warmth, only positive emotions. My beloved, be the happiest, for this I will try to make a lot of efforts. I want to see your happy eyes, your joyful smile on your face. When you are happy, I feel a great sense of joy and contentment. I ask you to forget all the negative moments, to leave in memory only positive points. In turn, I promise not to stop creating pleasant and new emotions for you and your heart.

I love you very much, with my soul, heart, body and every cell. You are the most desirable in the world. I thank my destiny, God and your parents for giving me you. You are my angel, sun, life, all words are not enough to describe or compare you alone - so one and only I love you, my beloved!

The topic is so personal and frank that it makes no sense to go into multi-stage classifications and look for universal solutions. No universal way how to confess love correctly, so every person comes to own version, prompted by intuition, inner voice, emotional or something else. Sooner or later, everyone has to take this step: sometimes it's a necessity, sometimes a whim, and sometimes it's a cry from the heart. How to confess your love, how to perform the most important action, on which depends what will determine your future life.

Each couple in love has its own "coordinate system", its own special wave. Only you know when and in what form the most secret words can be said. Movie options are far from always justified, no matter how chic and spectacular they may seem. Those who scream loudly about love leave quietly and quickly, not as enchanting as their show. Window dressing and entertainment is not an indicator sincere feelings rather the opposite. It is not necessary to go to a restaurant and say pathetic phrases over a chic dinner. sincere words, said in the evening in the kitchen, on a walk, in the garden, at a moment when the time has just come and everything around does not matter, is much more expensive than chic gestures and big words.

Declaration of love: the most common mistakes

First of all, it is important to consider a few BUT:

  • you should not make a confession in public, this can become a global mistake that will be remembered long time a certain number of people. Agree, it's annoying. Only in films such confessions end with applause, in real life they may stop not so colorful.
  • don't confess your feelings in social networks: this is stupid, ugly and ambiguous. In addition, from such an act, at least, breathes cowardice.
  • Don't confess your love while drunk. This act will not have "legal force", the situation will become even more tense if, in a sober state, you are not ready for such confessions.
  • declarations of love during the dating period, when the relationship lasts only a few days, cannot be taken seriously. Words about feelings will sound too frivolous when you don’t really know each other.

Original ways to confess your love: the most win-win options

Everything is very individual, because the question “what is the best way to declare love” can appear both in a young admirer and in a mature, experienced person who is overwhelmed by an unexpected feeling. Life is very generous with gifts at any age, so the problem of how to confess feelings to a girl can be relevant for all ages.

For especially timid guys, there are several ways to help make the confession original and memorable. So, how can you confess your love to a girl if you don’t have the courage to say directly.

A video presentation or video with your photos, dating history, music and other features that will make this message unforgettable. Such a surprise will not be perceived as a cowardly escape from a direct conversation, this method is romantic and elegant.

There is no algorithm on how to correctly confess to a girl in love, but there is great option: recognition on the radio. The fact that a thousand or two strangers will find out about your feelings will only emphasize the seriousness of intentions.

How to open up to your beloved, how to confess your love to a girl, if you are lost alone with her and cannot build an elementary sentence about the weather, let alone about feelings ... There is an old one, ancient way that connected many hearts is a simple handwritten letter. In the era of computers and instant messengers, such signs of attention become something extremely rare, and therefore valuable.

They do not lose their positions and recognition in the form of inscriptions on the asphalt opposite the windows of their beloved, or the words “I love you” laid out of roses under her balcony. A woman remembers such things all her life, because not only she, but also her neighbors, relatives and friends will appreciate the efforts of a man in love. It's a blast, a win-win.

With you, every moment is magical and wonderful, you just royal gift destiny for me. You are the most gentle, kindest, most beautiful girl in the world. How I love you, my sunshine. You are my light in the window, my happiness, my joy and reward. You deserve only admiration, you are the girl of my dreams. I breathe you, I adore you. , probably, there is no happier person in the world than me, because you are next to me, my desired and only one. Let good angel always protects you, and our love burns with a bright flame.

I am very grateful to fate for giving me you, my sun. I just can't get enough of you, my angel. You are the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful, and simply mine. I love you more than anyone in the world, and I promise to make you the happiest. You are half of my heart, my warm ray of happiness. I so want our feelings to last forever, so that love is fabulously beautiful. You have become for me the most important thing in the world, I look forward to each of our meetings. May my love be your guardian.

There is a wonderful epigraph of life - know how to cherish love. This is absolutely true, because only love makes our life richer, more generous, brighter, only love gives us joy and hope. After all, love is life itself. Honey, I want to confess my love to you. You are the light in the window for me, you are just my life. My love for you is boundless, bright and pure, and so I want to hope for reciprocity. I love you, my angel, and look forward to every meeting with you. Be happy, my sunshine, always.

Love does wonders for people. Every loving person can do incredible things. Love inspires us and makes us the happiest on earth. My kindest, sweetest, gentle, affectionate, I love you the most and strong love. I am ready to fulfill all your whims, if only you were happy. You are my clearest star, which always illuminates my path. You are my sun, which gives me rays of warmth, you are my love, which forever settled in my heart, makes it beat more often.

Love makes the whole world cleaner and kinder. Love, evil turns into good, makes us happy cheerful. I'm so grateful that I met you, my love. You are mine cherished dream my joy and reward. Every moment spent with you is a miracle. I love you, my kitten, and I promise to make you the happiest in the world. My love for you is boundless, and therefore I will fulfill any of your desires in no time. The warmest tender words, the most beautiful flowers Everything is for you, my only one.

The sweetest and most unique, I'm fabulously lucky with you. For having met you, I will be grateful to fate all my life. You are the kindest, gentlest, sweetest, you are the very charm. Every minute spent with you is a joy for me. You made me the most happy man in the world. You are just an angel in the flesh. I'm ready for everything for you. You deserve only admiration. There is no girl in the world more beautiful than you, my dear. May a kind angel protect you, may your cherished dream come true.

Darling, I fall in love with you again and again. You are my light in the window, my dream, my angel. I am grateful to fate that she gave me you, my dear, desired, only one. I love to look into your beautiful eyes your sweet smile. You are like a ray sunlight You warm me with your warmth. I always need you, my love. Only with you, I feel like the happiest person. You gave me joy, you gave me hope. I love you, my sun, and I promise to make you the happiest.

I found in you, my love, everything I was looking for: charm, soul, mystery. You, like a princess from a fairy tale, came into my life and made it bright and happy. I look forward to our meeting to look into your beautiful eyes, listen to your melodious voice, kiss your sweet lips. You are my ideal, my dream. I love you, my joy, and I want to always be with you. May all your wishes come true, may fate smile on you. May my love always be your guardian. My love, you are the best in the world.

The sweetest, unique, desirable, I'm just fabulously lucky with you. Every moment spent with you is a gift of fate. You are for me, like a ray of sunshine, like a light in the window. I love you more and more every day. Tenderness, warmth and affection - these are all your features. May our fire of love flare up brighter and brighter, may all your dreams come true. I cherish you and will do everything to make you happy. You are my scarlet flower, my guardian angel. May the constellation of love shine brightly above our heads.

For you, my love, I'm ready for anything. After all, my love is limitless, and therefore, I can fulfill any of your desires. You are the most gentle, the kindest, the most beautiful. Only you made me the happiest person in the world. You are half of my heart, my destiny. I love you with all my heart, my sunshine. Let our ship of love float on a quiet stream, not knowing any barriers. I promise that in the ocean of my love, you will not get tired of swimming, my love. May all your dreams come true, and everything will be okay with you.

A person is happy only when he is in love or loved. He just grows wings behind his back, and he is ready to do even the most incredible things. Love is the perpetual motion of life. I have been very lucky in my life, because I met you, my joy. With your beauty, tenderness, affection, you simply enchant me. I am ready to shout to the whole planet how much I love you, my treasure. You are the best thing in the world for me. May everything go well with you, bunny, may your cherished dream come true, may my love be a talisman for you.

Today is the most important day in my life, because I confess my love to you, my beloved. I love you and I want us to be together forever. There is no girl in the world more beautiful than you. You deserve only admiration, you are perfection itself. I, like a good wizard, am ready to fulfill your every whim, my princess. My gentle, beautiful, sweet, kind, the only one. You are the dream of my life, my ideal. You and I will always be happy, because you are my destiny. May the road of love be long and happy.

All the flowers of the planet are nothing compared to your beauty, my love. You are my beautiful scarlet flower. I am ready to protect you all my life. I love you big, sincere, pure love. Every moment spent with you is happiness. You completely changed my character, taught me to look at life easier. In my love, I am ready to confess to you every day. Your charming eyes, your radiant smile, just drive me crazy. May all yours come true cherished desires may fate give you much happiness.

I am very lucky in my life, because I met you, my beloved. I am ready to tell you more and more compliments every day. What compliments, I'm ready to write you poetry. You, my sun, deserve only admiration. I love you with sincere, pure love, and so I want to hope for reciprocity. Let every day give you only pleasant experience May luck smile upon you in everything. Be always so beautiful, gentle, kind, affectionate. May a good angel protect you, and my love will be a talisman.

You made me the happiest person on earth. I am so happy that I have you, my love. Every moment spent with you is a reward for me. Darling, you gave me the wings of love, on which I fly very high with happiness. Your beautiful eyes, gentle smile, sonorous cheerful laugh simply captivate me. You are the girl of my dreams, my ideal. I love you more life and I want to always be with you. May everything you have planned come true, may hope, faith and love be your faithful companions.

Only you alone I need in this world, you are my most important little man on earth. Every day I thank fate for meeting you. Darling, you are my dream. I fell in love with you from the first time, and now the flame of love in my heart flares up every day brighter and brighter. You made me the happiest, gave me hope and self-confidence. I am madly in love with your smile, your eyes, your sonorous laugh. Your beauty simply captivates me. Sweet, gentle, kind, be always happy.

Darling, you have made me the happiest person. Only thanks to you, I look at the world with completely different eyes, you gave me the opportunity to fly. I love you the purest, the most sincere love, and I really hope for reciprocity. Every day spent with you seems like a fairy tale to me, my princess. I love you more than anyone in the world, and I do not need any other. I just adore you, I breathe you. May all your wishes come true, may luck always walk side by side, and may my love keep you from troubles.

Most strong feeling on earth is love. It makes us completely change, become kinder and purer in soul. I experienced it myself, because I fell madly in love with you, my beloved. You have become for me beautiful girl on the ground. You are just an angel in the flesh. I love you, and I hope for reciprocity. Be always so gentle, sweet, beautiful and kind. May all your dreams come true for one, two, may your life go like clockwork. Be always happy, and I will do my best for this.