In a knockout. What female phrases humiliate a man. How to humiliate a man, a guy? How women and girls humiliate them

Humiliation is most often a purposeful human behavior that leads to a decrease in the level of value, significance and positive self-perception of another person. This can be done with a completely conscious purpose or as a result of attempts to assert oneself at the expense of another. Humiliation can be a destructive form of upbringing, or it can be manifested as a personality trait that acquires a significant characterological influence.

For many, the question of how to survive humiliation is relevant, since it is often the starting point for the development of pathological psychological states. Experienced humiliation can change a person's behavior, make him overly reinsured and expect a blow to his own conceit. Humiliation has the most devastating impact in childhood, and affects the formation of subsequent reality and ways of contacting it.

Children who are often humiliated can grow up as insecure and insecure individuals who are afraid to take on any business, consider themselves unworthy of love, support, and rewards. But development according to the principle of counteraction can also happen, and then such a child, becoming an adult, begins to apply a humiliating strategy of behavior to everyone around him, for him there are no limits and exceptions, since this is the norm for his picture of the world. Years of therapy are needed to return an adequate response to the world after a severe, complete humiliation of childhood.

What is humiliation

Humiliation stands on reverse side from arrogance, and the more arrogant a person is, the more he is inclined to humiliate others. The desire to show oneself in a favorable light knows no bounds, and if this requires denigrating others, then this will be done.

The feeling of humiliation serves as a kind of regulator of social relationships. Humiliating another, society or special person gives a message about shortcomings and inconsistency with expectations.

The humiliation of a woman by a man is perceived so painfully, in particular, because it is almost a direct text about her inconsistency with his ideas. need modern man in social acceptance is almost tantamount to survival, so any humiliation on the part of society is perceived as a personal threat to existence.

If a person has a very high opinion of himself, considers himself right everywhere, then a collision with his own inadequacy and humiliation can become a fatal test for him. It is because of the great difference between social perception and one's own that the whole personal structure and perception of the world as such can collapse. People who evaluate themselves adequately and critically, treat their own shortcomings with humor, and are practically not subject to humiliation.

Humiliation can also be divided according to the source of its origin. So, other people can humiliate, specifically reducing the merits of a person, showing how much better and more successful they are. This is a conscious humiliation, purposeful and being an influence factor with outside. But internal prerequisites for self-humiliation are also possible, when a person perceives the successes of others as his own failure, when he himself deliberately downplays his contribution or success. For such a temperament, in order to feel humiliation, one does not need external factors, the person manages himself. If such a trait is not developed, then even the special influence of others, in an attempt to lower self-esteem, may be unsuccessful.

Why does a man humiliate a woman

The humiliation of a woman by a man happens quite often, many consider this the norm and pass by, someone is desperately fighting, but in order to counteract such a phenomenon, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

One of the reasons for such male behavior there may be an unconscious response to female humiliation, screams, insults or claims. Negative statements have a very strong effect on the male psyche and immediately start defense mechanisms. Sometimes it can be going on the defensive and silence all evening, and sometimes the degree of the situation is so high that the man immediately goes on the offensive.

Any humiliation is aimed at and, and the best revenge would be to disrupt such plans, that is, it is necessary to organize your life in order to be as happy, successful and independent of the attacks and sharp statements of your husband as possible. If he resorts to humiliation, then other methods have ended, and the ineffectiveness of such a method will make him fight in hysterics. Many people end relationships after this, not being able to recognize the right of another to his choice and happiness, but there are those who are aware of the limits of their capabilities and go to an open dialogue.

Why does a wife humiliate her husband

In many ways, the reasons why women humiliate their husbands are the same as men's. This primarily includes the system of relations in parental family and imbibed parenting style. Possibly if not family tradition, and further in public places(school, institute, work) a woman was subjected to frequent humiliation, then given style communication she will spread and carry further in her life.

Many, thus, receive an emotional discharge, relieve excess stress or receive missing attention. After being beaten at work, a woman may well overreact to her husband's shortcomings. Doubt and lowering one's self-esteem can also be perceived quite painfully and require drastic recovery measures. And if at this moment is not suitable conditions in order to pamper and appreciate oneself, to raise one's level, then this is achieved by lowering the level of another. It can be dangerous to carry out such manipulations with unfamiliar people, but with the closest ones, great opportunities open up. In justification, we can say that such tendencies work unconsciously and disappear when the provoking factors are corrected.

Of the conscious motives for humiliating a husband, there may be inherited systems for controlling communication. Many women believe that if a man is constantly praised, he will relax and do nothing, degrade personally and morally. In this case, humiliation is a perverse way of caring and demonstrating the love and desire for all kinds of development of the spouse. It is difficult to predict what results this will have. Man with adequate self-esteem and brought up in a prosperous family is unlikely to become long time tolerate such treatment. And for someone who has been humiliated since childhood, this can become a familiar and familiar form of interaction, the only one of all that is understandable.

Also, a woman can humiliate a man if she is unhappy, angry or receives little attention. That is, globally, he is not really bad, but she is so bad that she wants to blame her husband for this. But humiliation can also manifest itself when there is no love left for the husband, no respect, no value for what he does. Usually, this behavior can no longer be corrected, and the marriage gradually dies.

September 2, 2015

People often try to humiliate each other. There are several reasons for such actions, as well as solutions to the problem. In this article, we will find out the essence of the problem and find solutions.

In order to understand how to act when a guy humiliates you, you need to understand the reason for such actions. There may be several reasons and we will tell about them.

Reasons why a guy humiliates a girl:

1. Self-assertion. In this way, the guy is trying to increase his self-esteem. Mankind has such an inherent flaw as envy. Often if a girl has a lot positive qualities, then the guy is envious. After all, it turns out that he is unworthy of her and she is more successful than him. That is why he is trying to humiliate her to his level, thereby lowering her self-esteem and suggesting to her that she is not so good.

2. Bitter experience. This should include the upbringing of the guy and his life experience. Children are like a sponge soaking up everything that happens in their family. Thus, they themselves observe family relations and take such a model for their future family. If the guy's parents often quarreled and humiliated each other, then it is very likely that in the future the guy will act like his father. But still, in rare cases, the guy manages to overcome himself and build his family model.

3. Weakness. Guys who have not reached the level of a man on a psychological level can insult and humiliate a girl. Again, they do not like that the girl is stronger in character. And this is understandable because he wants to be in charge. Therefore, he tries to humiliate the girl and piss her off, so that in the future there will be a reason to prove to her that he is better.

4. Energy vampire. There are people who use . They provoke conflict, and when a person starts to get nervous and spends energy on a quarrel, they absorb it.

As you understand, when a guy humiliates a girl, he does it in order to increase his self-esteem at her expense. It's low. But still, many girls go into conflict and make attempts to prove otherwise. By doing so, they doom themselves to eternal conflicts that will not lead them to desired results. As the saying goes, you can't put out fire with fire.

How to deal with a person who humiliates you:

1. End the relationship. In any case, this is the best way out of the situation. Why waste time and energy on someone who doesn't deserve it.

2. Increase your self-esteem. Let the man know with your behavior that you clever man and you won't get into conflict. At the first attempts to offend you, tell him about it. That way you will immediately put it in its place.

3. Teach your partner. Draw his attention to the fact that you should not raise your voice at you, insult and humiliate you too. Don't be afraid to state directly that you see that he wants to start welding, but you are not going to quarrel. Be calm and polite. Most likely, such a relationship will hurt a man. He may become even more angry. This is due to the fact that he is used to seeing a different reaction. Therefore, he wants to bring the work he has begun to the end. In this case, tell him that you do not want to continue the conversation with him, as you were offended by him. Further quarrel, I advise you to ignore. Over time, the man will calm down and try to talk to you. But first, let me apologize. Let them learn to be responsible for their words. After the apology, warn him that he will not get away with it so easily in his further such actions. Be prepared that this will most likely happen again. But over time, you will get your way. Understand, it is very difficult to make a guy treat you politely if you immediately put yourself in the wrong place.

I advise you not to allow yourself to be humiliated. Because the future will not be better. Fight back and show your boyfriend that you are a girl who is a person, has her own opinions and deserves respect.

Honor and dignity have always been considered the main and respected human qualities. For the sake of their preservation, they fought duels, they were proud of them, kept and protected them like the apple of an eye. IN modern world these concepts have faded into the background a little, but to this day they are of great value. No wonder many are in a hurry to take advantage of this. We all know perfectly well that a word can kill a person. Moral humiliation is a kind of psychological weapon. With it, you can carry out any manipulations and make a person get a lot of stress. Sometimes this is a good shake-up, and many even more so deserve such an attitude. So, what is moral humiliation and what it is eaten with, this article will tell.

Moral humiliation of a person - what is its essence?

If we turn to dictionaries, then humiliation is a fall in a person's self-esteem in the eyes of others. It is done according to different reasons. For example, for the purpose of education or self-affirmation of the one who has such an impact. In almost all cases, it is accompanied by psychic trauma and neurosis of the one who has been humiliated. If we recall the famous pyramid of needs of Abraham Maslow, then dignity, as a human value and the need for respect and social recognition, is on the fourth, one of the most important, levels. That is why, having experienced humiliation, the victim of such influence subconsciously tries to avoid such treatment in the future. It serves great lesson for those who have high self-esteem, unhealthy selfishness and do not respect the opinions of others.

Today, the most common cases of infringement on the sense of honor and dignity are found among couples. Equally, there are situations when a wife morally humiliates her husband, or vice versa, a husband morally humiliates his wife. It makes no sense to divide the so-called tyrants by gender. Humiliation here is a way to increase your self-esteem by lowering that of your partner. Why is this happening? It's all about the psyche of the one who affects his soul mate in such an unattractive way. These can be internal complexes, childhood resentment, a sense of inadequacy, selfishness, a tyrannical character, and many more reasons that come from childhood. Humiliating a partner, such a person feels his strength. He seems to be rehabilitated at the expense of his victim and acquires a semblance of a sense of significance. In fact, this speaks of weakness and failure on the part of the humiliating. And it is important to learn how to respond to such attacks in the direction of your person. The same applies to those who are not married, but have a person who they would very much like to put in their place at the expense of humiliation. So, let's look at examples of how to humiliate a person morally.

Let's start with the fact that a person can humiliate himself only if he is hurt for those properties that he himself defined as humiliating. In other words, you can humiliate a person by pointing to shortcomings, external or personal traits which are easily criticized. In representatives of the two sexes, these qualities are different. It is important to have at least some information about the person whose dignity you want to offend.

How to morally humiliate a man?

Here you need to act on the basis of general ideas about strong field as such. What are men proud of? With its strength, beauty, muscles and of course belonging to the class of males. It is precisely these qualities that need to be pressed. How can you morally humiliate a guy? Yes, elementary, ride on his fear of not being interesting women, not wealthy in bed (everyone has this fear, regardless of age), or at will to stand out among women. Remember that humiliation is something that is below the level of self-esteem. Determine what the person you are going to humiliate thinks about yourself. Most easy way- to humiliate with the help of compromising evidence. But it is also the most difficult. In any case, before you start humiliating, try to learn more about the person himself and his fears. If he is afraid that others will find out some information about him, then this information needs to be done. And of course, the more witnesses to your attack on dignity, the stronger the feeling of humiliation will be.

How to insult a representative of the fair sex?

The same applies to the question of how to morally humiliate a girl. Here it is worth adding a number of features. It is easier to humiliate a woman, because there are much more fears and unpleasant topics that almost everyone knows about in the case of the weaker sex. For example, the reason for humiliation may be excess weight, appearance, IQ level, the environment of the girl (especially if she is often seen in the company of men).

Regardless of the gender of the person being humiliated, it will be much easier to achieve the goal if the person to whom your victim is not indifferent to will humiliate. The level of embarrassment and psychological attack on consciousness will be much more powerful. And don't forget this important detail like humor and sarcasm. Such an impact will not go unnoticed by others. Besides, being ridiculed in public is the worst of all kinds of humiliation.

As an example of how you can morally humiliate the object of your irritation, we present a few phrases:

- Dry the herbarium!

Shut up, victim of a drunken midwife.

Oh yes, beauty will not save the world!

Chao peach, ripen!

Yes, you could hide behind a teaspoon in the bath.

Yesaa ... Chernobyl did not bypass everyone.

You are doing the right thing by giggling. Don't laugh with teeth like that

I would send you, but I see you from there

I bet you were conceived on a bet.

Such phrases are just an easy opportunity to hurt a person to the quick. But having understood their essence, you will already know how to humiliate a person morally. And do not forget the most important thing - by deciding to put a person in his place in such a tough way, according to criminal law, you risk being punished with corrective labor for up to 6 months or a fine.

For negative attitude every woman has her own reasons for a man. And such sentiments are very noticeable if you are critical of women's posts on the World Wide Web. Representatives of the weaker half are especially interested in the topic of humiliation. Simply put, ladies need phrases with which you can morally humiliate a man.

What words can humiliate a man?

It is rare when a lady throws humiliating phrases at a guy just like that. This means that the limit of her patience has come. Although, as practice shows, the weak half of humanity does not have this patience.

However, the weaker sex of women can only be called conditionally. After all, men are morally less stress-resistant and it is very easy to get them out of emotional balance. Because of this, any instructive conversations with a man should take place under the sign of dissatisfaction with his shortcomings.

Often, finding them is not difficult. Few of them can simultaneously boast of the makings of a breadwinner, a master and a great friend who knows how to empathize. Often a man is enough for only one role or none at all. But criticism can do its job. She definitely loses her self-esteem. So it will not be difficult to humiliate such a vulnerable person.

Self-esteem. Puzzling over words for humiliation, it is worth understanding: men carefully guard their peace. This means that most of them have a “program” in their heads, according to which all criticism is a minus for the one who expresses it.

From that, it is very difficult to shake the self-esteem of such a person. But there is a way out. It is necessary to put pressure on the most intimate - belonging to the species of males. It is important to challenge the sense of pride that he feels about this. And hints of disappointment in his masculine strength will finish off even the most stubborn. In any case, a spark of doubt will already sink into the soul.

A cruel joke with a very transparent hint of his inappropriate behavior during intimacy will be especially unpleasant. It will hook any guy.

Most men pay great attention to appearance. Although they carefully hide it. Check him true attitude not difficult. You just need to sincerely admire the figure or facial features of another.

Talent. To offend a guy, it is not necessary to point out the inability to sing. After all, this is not always among his benefactors. But there is still some talent. Therefore, it would be useful to cite a celebrity with similar abilities as an example. And also transparently hint that the latter at his age already shone on stage or among fans.

As catalysts for anger, words like “coward”, “scumbag”, “rag”, “sissy” will act on the interlocutor.

What words can be used to humiliate a guy?

Apparently general information will be sufficient. After all, it's all theory. And most ladies really want to learn in practice what words to annoy their missus.

Immediately it is necessary to take into account the character and disposition of the interlocutor. Most likely, this is a person who knows what to answer in any situation. Otherwise, there would be no need to humiliate him. It is for this reason that it makes sense to view the dialogue below. Many will see their relationship in it. Especially in the part where the man behaves offensively.

- You're a fool!

- Yes it is. I even have a certificate about it. And in the column "reason" it is written: I communicate a lot with fools.

- You can't dance.

- Yes, what kind of dance is there. With you, the main thing is to have time to remove the leg quickly, so as not to crush.

— What did you bark there?

- Strange. I have no problem communicating with other people. Only with you. Maybe it's just you or your bad hearing.

- Are you very brave?

- What are you holding on to? Are you afraid that the coupon with a discount to the emergency room will burn in vain?

These are all just approximate models of situations. You can choose a specific option and style of communication only taking into account the communication and character of the person.

It is worth remembering that it will not work to shake the self-esteem of a self-confident representative of the stronger sex. But with a weakling, there will be no problems. One way or another, endure bullying and moral pressure not worth it. To do this, you can use a number of universal phrases described below:

  • I probably need to look like a sucker to match you;
  • no need to feel sorry for him, he is not sick, this is his usual appearance;
  • yes, beauty is clearly not your dignity;
  • I would send you, but, apparently, you have already been there;
  • think, at least with some brains, you can use those in the back, closer to the ass, you always do that;
  • a positive Rh factor is, apparently, the only “plus” in the list of your virtues;
  • it’s not scary, I didn’t remember your name either;
  • I have no strength to listen to your insanity.