Why do you often have terrible dreams that you wake up from? This is the fifth night in a row that I've been having the same nightmare.

I was 19 years old and had the same nightmare over and over for a year. There was nothing remarkable in this dream - I was standing in the room, talking to my mother, and suddenly, out of nowhere, a small black dot appeared. It began to grow and grow until it filled almost the entire room. She pressed me against the wall, I began to suffocate and immediately woke up.

I didn't tell anyone about this dream. I was scared. I tried to find an explanation for this in the dream books, but there was sheer nonsense. Sleep tormented me. I woke up completely exhausted both mentally and physically. I dreamed about him from time to time certain days. I marked them in the calendar with red circles. After two or three months, I realized that I only had a dream on the 6th, 15th and 24th of the month. This somehow eased my suffering - at least I was ready for them. As I said, I had a nightmare for about a year, then it stopped as abruptly as it began. I was happy. Finally, I could live a full life again.

Two years later, the nightmare returned. He became more realistic. The black dot grew in the same way in the room, absorbing everything around. Now I have some unconscious fear. I screamed in my sleep and tried to leave the room, but there were no doors in it. Mom just disappeared from sleep. She died a year ago in an accident. Now I am left alone with my fear. I began to have a nightmare not three days a month, but almost every day. I started to go crazy.

One day I realized that I could no longer carry it in myself, and went to the doctor. He listened to me carefully, wrote down something in his papers, gave me a prescription with some pills and sent me home. I immediately went to the pharmacy, hoping that the pills would help. When I got home, I locked myself in my room, took two pills and went to bed. I didn't have a nightmare. He didn't dream of me for a whole week! I soared in spirit. At the second appointment with the doctor, I wanted to sincerely thank him for his help. But when I came to the reception, I was met by some elderly lady. When asked where my doctor had gone, she replied that he had an accident yesterday and that he was no longer alive.

That night, I had another nightmare. This time, the black dot nearly crushed me to death. I woke up with my father shaking me by the shoulder. He woke up from my screams.

The days of torment dragged on again. I didn't know what to do. I took pills, but they did not help. One day, succumbing to weakness, I told my father everything. My father sincerely sympathized with me and promised to take me to a good clinic. But that night, the nightmares stopped again. This went on for two weeks, until grief burst into my life again - my father died. He was stabbed to death by some drunken thugs. And the nightmares are back.

Then I realized something. As soon as I tell about a nightmare to one of the people, I stop dreaming about it, but that person dies. Now I knew how to get rid of it. I began to tell it to those whom I hated - this relieved me of torment for a while. But people paid for it with their lives. It was like I got a real Death Note.

But I'm so tired... I want to end it all at once, and I know how.

I told you about my nightmare. Today I will sleep peacefully.

edited news Thais - 25-02-2015, 07:36

Hello! My name is Luda. I am 18 years old. For the fifth night I have the same nightmare, but with different people. I study and live in a hostel. She started dating a boy and began to spend the night with him. 24 hours I am with him and his neighbors in the room. We do everything together. His neighbors, Andryusha and Vova, became my family. I loved them very much and they loved me. Five days ago, I had my first nightmare involving them.
Large meadow with green grass. Nothing but grass. On the one hand there is a dense forest, and on the other - a cliff. The time is late afternoon as the sun sets. In the middle of the clearing is a large black tub. I'm standing in front of the bath. I'm naked. And in front of me are Yura (my young man), Andryusha and Vova. They are wearing black suits with red ties. Yura comes up to me and, pulling my hair, throws me into the bathroom. And the water is cold, even icy. The boys just stand and watch. Then he starts to drown me in this bath. When I'm already choking, I wake up.
The next day the nightmare is the same, but Andryusha is already drowning me. At first, he hugs me tightly, strokes my head, and then throws me into the bathroom and starts drowning me. When I choke, I wake up.
The next night, Vova drowns me. He goes around the bathroom. It turns out like this, the boys are standing, then I'm naked, then the bathroom, and then Vova. He grabs her by the shoulders and throws her into the bathroom. Then everything repeats the same. Each of them drowns me in different ways.
On the fourth day I had a nightmare at ten o'clock in the morning. Didn't sleep at night. Yura and I spent the night in my room, and closer to nine, when the boys had to leave, I moved into their room, because I really wanted to sleep. I fell asleep. Same nightmare. The circle is repeated. Yura drowned me. The boys wanted to wake me up because I was crying in my sleep and choking. When I woke up, I realized that I was terribly thirsty. The mouth is very dry.
Now it's time to go to bed, and I'm scared. I'm afraid to fall asleep. I don't want to go through all this again. But since I didn't get enough sleep, I had to lie down. I think I fell asleep quickly. And again. The same nightmare. Andryusha drowns. They alternate. One day Yura drowns me, the other - Andryusha, and the third - Vova. Only this time it's different. I felt how he stroked my hair, how he inhaled their scent, how he smiled. I could even smell his perfume, even his warmth. I tried to talk to him, cried, screamed, begged not to do it, and he just stroked his head. Then he pushes me away, I fall into the bathroom and he starts to drown. I woke up in a cold sweat. She didn't even wake up, she blew up. It was very difficult to breathe and my heart was pounding terribly. I immediately panicked when I saw the boys in the room. Started crying. My mouth was very dry and my whole body ached. After about a minute, I realized that this was a dream. And ran into the corridor to smoke. Shakes terribly. I'm hysterical. Although I understand that this is just a nightmare, I am terribly scared. I'm afraid to fall asleep. They are so realistic. I'm afraid it will get worse. If this time I felt everything, then I don’t want to know what will happen next. I'm afraid I'll go to bed and suffocate in my sleep. I start to panic from the rustles, from various sounds, just afraid of everything. All thoughts are filled with only this. Maybe I've gone crazy? Maybe you need to see a doctor? I'm very scared... Please help...

Hello! I hope for your help on my question, since I did not find situations like mine here.

The fact is that for 4 years I periodically have nightmares. The plots are repeated the same, there are three of them in total.

In the first, my teeth crumble and I spit them out.

In the second, I go to the door of my apartment and find that it is open or broken, and I am very scared, because I understand that someone is behind the door. Someone very scary, he represents for me the embodiment of something the most terrible, and as if this horror is coming and coming at me, at this moment I scream, and my husband wakes me up as a rule. My husband says in the morning that I screamed or moaned, howled, he is also afraid for me, calms me down. i wake up with wet hands, heartbeat from these nightmares.

But sometimes there is a 3rd plot, this is the worst thing for me: the fact is that I usually realize that I am sleeping in a dream, so I start screaming to wake up, and sometimes I don’t wake up, but fall into sleep paralysis. that is, I have the feeling that I woke up from a nightmare, but in fact I again immediately fall into a dream, and it is very, very real. For example, I feel that my husband is sleeping nearby, but at the door I feel the same dangerous horror, I start screaming, and my husband covers my mouth with his palm and says: "You had a dream, no one is here." I start to break out in my sleep, I want to run away, but I can’t. because of such dreams, it generally seems to me that I will soon wake up gray-haired.

It is worth adding that my dad also has constant nightmares, but until recently I did not know about this, only recently I found out that he had the same old abandoned house in his nightmares. Sometimes he also screams at night. Maybe this is a hereditary deviation of the psyche, and you should not worry? I won’t say that I’m very afraid of these dreams in reality, that is, I don’t have fears of falling asleep, I simply take them for granted (except for sleep paralysis, this dream is the worst! I think that it is he who is able to shake my psyche ).

I apologize for the excessive detail, I don’t know what information can be useful for you to answer ... I would like to ask: do I need a face-to-face visit to any specialist, or are my worries in vain? Thank you in advance for your reply!

Anna, Samara, 24 years old

Psychologist's answer:

Hello Anna.

Nightmares do not mean existence mental illness or his possible development due to such dreams.

Sometimes nightmares happen with temporal lobe epilepsy, but this is not your case. Most often, such dreams are caused by stress, nervous tension, an overexcitation that could once gradually build up and then seem to get stuck in the same phase, displaying, releasing through such dreams.

You should address to the psychologist internally or in absentia.

Sincerely, Lipkina Arina Yurievna.

Most people sometimes have the same nightmares. These dreams reflect our psychological and emotional state, our current problems and fears. What do they mean and what benefit can be derived from these night visions?

Miss an important event

You dreamed that you missed a celebration, an important meeting or other an important event? As a rule, such dreams are associated with anxiety about the fact that you have not lived up to someone's expectations or that something is not working out for you. If you are often visited by such visions, then psychoesotericists recommend that you quickly get rid of the worry that you will not have time for something or will not be able to succeed.

Seeing yourself naked in a dream

If you saw yourself naked in a dream or underwear and people see this, then such a dream testifies to serious problems in real. Most likely, you have low self-esteem and you are very worried about what people around you think of you.

Loss of teeth

Another common dream is to see teeth that have fallen out. Such dreams speak of inner feelings about the fact that people can condemn a person for his appearance.

Fall into the trap

Such a dream can manifest itself in different plots - you can see yourself in a small cramped room, a box, a closed closet, and even in a coffin. Feelings after such a nightmare are not pleasant. It is generally accepted that such dreams are dreamed by those who suffer from claustrophobia (fear of closed space). However, such a dream plot can also be seen by those who are afraid not to find a way out of the current situation. difficult situation. People who see this nightmare, in real life, do not suffer from the fact that they cannot be realized in life.

Fall in a dream

This dream may be evidence that you cannot control some situation in your life and this worries you very much. Also, this nightmare can mean fear of events that you are not able to avoid.

Run away from someone in a dream

If someone is chasing you, and in fear you are trying to run away from the pursuer, then this indicates that in reality you are running from problems and do not want to solve them. People who have learned to control their dreams and see lucid dreaming, it was noticed that if during the chase you stop running away, stop and just freeze in front of the pursuer, then nothing bad will happen, the dream will most likely end. But it will help solve problems in reality.

Listen to your dreams and benefit from your night visions! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.04.2015 09:05

Everyone at least once in his life saw in his dreams incomprehensible and mysterious events. We...

Many have experienced at least once in their lives fear of nightmares.

Waking up in a cold sweat, eyes wide with fear, a man in the smallest details remembers the horror that disturbed him. So why dream scary dreams?

What are nightmares?

Nightmare is realistic scary, frightening dream which makes a person wake up in the middle of the night.

As a rule, nightmares occur during periods of the phase REM sleep, That's why nightmare abruptly interrupted, the sleeper wakes up frightened, he can remember his dream in detail.

In this state, a person quickly comes to mind may feel a certain cheerfulness.

Nightmares are the result of brain activity. In this way, a person experiences negative emotions, stress, bad impressions, solves some of its internal issues and conflicts.

Constant nightmares can lead to lack of sleep, headache, depression, anxiety,.

What's interesting is that creative people see nightmares much more often others, thanks to their wild imagination.

How do they appear?

Nightmares are manifested by the fact that a person wakes up in the middle of the night from a strong fright, can scream(during sleep or even after waking up). Cold sweat is released, the heartbeat becomes more frequent, pressure may increase.

If the nightmare had a strong effect on the sleeper, then the frightened state may persist for some time. It becomes difficult to fall asleep, which can cause.

If nightmares disturb every day, then during the day a person feels tired, doesn't sleep all the time he may be disturbed by disturbing thoughts, haunted by certain fears.

This condition can lead to depression and other disorders.

When the nightmares "come" in REM sleep, then the awakened one understands that it was just a bad dream, it is easier to calm down during this period.

Deep sleep is much more difficult. Waking up, a person may not understand where he is, he comes to his senses for a long time.

Accompanied by drowsiness high blood pressure feeling cold, strong heartbeat. In this phase harder to remember what led to the fright.

Why are there scary dreams? What do they mean? 10 scariest dreams:


Each person has their own concept of scary dreams. Someone is dreaming something really terrifying he screams in his sleep, wakes up in tears, and for someone this dream would not seem so frightening.

After all, everyone is different, everyone has their own fears and experiences.

But there are several "universal" nightmares, which will make any person, at least, flinch.

  • falling into a black abyss, or falling from: many people claim that they dreamed of flying somewhere into the void and waking up just before they were about to crash;
  • someone close: most at least once in their lives dreamed that a close and beloved person was dying;
  • animal attack: such a dream is really frightening, especially if a person is very afraid of dogs, and he dreams that he is being bitten by a flock of these animals;
  • natural disasters;
  • dreams about dead relatives;
  • strange people in masks: most people say that they periodically dream of characters in strange masks, or in strange clothes.

What nightmares do people usually have? Find out from the video:

Why do people scream out of fear in their sleep?

Sometimes there are really terrible and frightening dreams about what a person once experienced and about what strongly reflected on his consciousness or subconscious. Such dreams can cause screaming in the middle of the night, intense fright and panic.

Exists a few reasons for which a person can scream in a dream:

Causes of nightmares

What causes nightmares from which you wake up:

I often have bad dreams - what does this mean?

If nightmares bother you often or constantly, this may indicate that there is some problem which a person tries in every possible way to ignore and avoid.

In this case, it is worth understanding that it needs to be resolved immediately. Because nightmares will haunt the sleeper for more than one night in a row.

Nightmares. Psychologist's comment:

How to get rid?

What to do to avoid nightmares? Psychologist's advice:

The same thing every night

What to do, if having the same nightmare every night?

If the same dream bothers you every night, then you should come to the conclusion that the subconscious mind is trying to say that there is a problem that a person simply turns a blind eye to.

It often happens in our life that we we don't want to decide or afraid to do so. At the same time, this worries us. It doesn't matter if it's on a conscious or subconscious level.

As a rule, all our fears and experiences result in our dreams.

When a man is too long running from a problem, she can overtake him in the form of a nightmare.

If the same dream bothers you for many nights in a row, then you should admit that there is a problem. You need to find the courage to solve it, to look fear straight in the eyes, then the nightmare will disappear on its own.

What should I do if my child is having nightmares?

When a baby has nightmares, it is worth watching and finding out how often this happens. If this does not happen often, then nothing to worry about.

Nightmares are the norm for a still unsettled nursery nervous system. It will pass with age.

But if nightmares are enough frequent occurrence for a child, it is worth paying attention to this problem.

First of all, you need contact a specialist. It will help determine the cause. Then he will explain what to do and how to deal with them.

Main, what should be done:

What causes scary dreams in children? About, how can mom help, in the video:

What's the use?

It would seem, what benefit can bring nightmares. But they can really be helpful.

In nightmares, a person may experience the consequences of a trauma that has left an imprint on his emotional state. Thus, he splashes out all his negative emotions in a dream.

During the turning points of a person's life, nightmares seem to help him move on new level . As a rule, such dreams, although scary, have an ending and often auspicious.

Nightmares may indicate about the presence of a problem that a person may not be aware of. In this way, dreams help to find out and solve it.

Nightmares are always scary and unpleasant. Experiencing them, do not be afraid and withdraw into yourself.

You need to understand that it's just a dream, not reality. It is worth looking deeper into your dreams, maybe they want to say something that will help get rid of problems.

What do nightmares mean?