Statuses about female betrayal. Statuses (girl, guy) about treason

If you have been cheated on, try to understand, try to forgive and ... do not forget to send

I will drive away the dull pain that hurts the heart like a knife. I could forgive everything, but not betrayal and lies!

Change, I will not cry - my character is not like that. I will not humiliate myself in front of such a bastard.

How many people like me in this world are waiting for males in an empty apartment?!

I will not reproach you, but do not ask not to cry ...

Who loves cannot betray love, who is in love cannot change!

People get used to everything
Maybe not immediately, but gradually.
It's just not clear why
Get used to pain and betrayal.

All divorces begin with the words "Let's get married!"

Shame on those who cheat. Who loves many times in life, who immediately lures the heart, and then refuses!

If your girlfriend cheated on you and you want to jump from the tenth floor, remember: you don’t have wings, but horns

When you were betrayed, it's the same as if your hands were broken ... You can forgive, but you will NEVER be able to hug.

Are you playing, love? Walk, walk, no one is holding you by the horns

Sometimes you have to change to understand what is not necessary.

I tell him that I am not cheating ... but he rested his horns and does not believe.

Relations after betrayal are like a broken cup ... you can glue it together, but it's disgusting to drink ....

Honey, I know that you're cheating on me. I know with whom and even guess where. But I can’t understand… WHAT??

You can't build your own happiness on someone else's misfortune

Desperate to change her husband, cheat on her husband.

The worst thing is not to find out that they cheated on you ... but to know that they are cheating on you and at the same time continue to be with this person and love him ...

The bullet can whistle past. And betrayal is always right in the heart.

Letter little boy to his dad, who works far from home: The sky is overcast, so it will rain. They hacked a chicken, so there will be borscht. My uncle goes to my mother, says that he is a brother. There is a bottle on the table, they lie that lemonade. And they go to bed, they say what to sleep. And they take off their underpants, which means they will shit. My dear dad, come soon! They will crap the whole hut and eat chickens! :)

There are three things in life that you can never predict, these are….. Love, Betrayal and Death.

Betrayals are committed most often not by deliberate intent, but by weakness of character.

For some reason, a stab in the back is inflicted by those whom, as a rule, you protect with your chest.

She was - devoted, and became - betrayed ... just one letter that can break a person ...

Farewell, dear boy, I will not see you again, I thank you for everything, but I hate you for treason!

Only those who do not change have the right to be jealous.

A woman who has changed is a big cold cutlet that you don’t want to touch, because someone else was holding it in your hands.

She does not forgive betrayal, hates betrayal, lies .... And if she leaves once, then you will not return her again ...

You loved ... He was proud ... He trudged after another ... You forgot, he returned: LATE, LATE, DEAR!

A broken vase cannot store cold water for the thirst broken heart can not love, seeing the betrayal once

I cheated on you dear
But I don't know if it's cheating.
I loved the other one with you,
And I suffer a lot from this.

My love faded forever when you met another on the way. Go away, now I'm not your star, I won't hug, I won't call, I won't kiss.

I have never cheated on my wife, my mistress, or my other women.

If you caught your wife's lover, don't hit him, because he may turn out to be the father of your children.

There are women for whom it is a sin to change. There are women to whom it is a sin not to change. And there are women with whom it is a sin not to change!

Baran left for the night shift. The sheep started a betrayal. She came to the restaurant with the Goat, and there the Baran sits with the Goat. To whom love is not dear, morality is simple - wear horns!

How nice it is to live and know that they are not cheating on you, but WITH YOU!!!

If a girl cheated on you… do not rush to jump from the roof… REMEMBER!!! You have horns, not wings!!!

Once, the gingerbread man went on a business trip, and his bun cheated on him with a shortbread, and now he is not a bun, but a bagel.

"... and you changed, I didn’t immediately recognize that girl in you" that girl has long grown up and no longer believes in love ...

Don't be jealous of me... Don't wait for me to call you first... I'm not cheating on you because I love you, but I won't call you first - that's the principle...

She was smart and wanted to change the world... she became wiser and changed herself... that's how one bastard became more...

guys... what do you need for love...? size of legs or bust...? her natural wisdom or her head is empty...? her sweet lie or vice versa - the bitter truth...? so that she doesn’t try to change you and appreciate the way you are ... what do you need for love ... ??? for her to love...

Love such a tree so that the wind does not break it, love such a guy so that he does not cheat!

they say: - what a bitch you are... but it was they who made us like that! they changed ... and simply melted down from an obedient girl ... into a decent bitch ...

Change this gray morning
Can only one Kamasutra

Everything was normal, but suddenly he changed, became some kind of rude! I love him, but now I'm afraid to admit ... I don't even want to live (((

The world around seems to be going crazy: Why has everything changed so much? You'll guess soon yourself-You fell in love for the first time today!

does not write ... does not call ... does not answer ... probably cheating .. ((

You know, it's only been a little while, but I've changed. I no longer cry, I rarely think about you, I read smart books changed in appearance. And if you ask me to come back, I will spit on my pride and come running to you.

Santa Claus, please make sure that in next year my status hasn't changed marital status in love, and so that there was no time to get in touch)))))).

I do not need someone who will fundamentally change my life, I need exactly the one whose life I will fundamentally change ...

The length of the husband's horns is equal to the length of the dignity of the lover, multiplied by the number of infidelities of the wife.)))

I don't feel sorry for you! I feel sorry for myself and the time I spent trying to change you!

With whom only my memory has not changed me))

Why do you need love from her more pain than happiness and tender words. Leave me love to make life easier, I will forget all those meetings, but I will not forget that betrayal ...

We have with him absolute freedom: if he changes - I will kill or leave, depending on my mood, and follow him on the heels - thank you!

I'm not a bunny, not the sun, not a pussy!!! I'm a bitch!!! Remember!!! When I am unable to change circumstances, I put on a show or a scandal to attract attention!!!

I'm not cheating on my boyfriend! None of them xD

Do you think you're a naive fool? No ... you're just afraid of losing him, and ready to live knowing about the betrayal ...

If you are a man and feel that you are growing horns, this does not mean that your wife is cheating on you. Maybe you yourself are a goat!

What does love do - I don’t want to lose him ... what does love do - I want to hug you ... what does love do - how can I change everything now ... what does love do - how can I forget everything now ...

You are not my rival - he only sleeps with me. And I'm your rival - he's cheating on you with me


I can forgive everything - insult, reproaches, maybe even betrayal, but I will never forgive lies!


You can forgive everything .... but there is no time to betray a loved one ...

A man cheats out of curiosity for other people's wives, and a woman cheats because of her husband's lack of curiosity towards her. V. Bruskov

Farewell, dear boy, I will not see you again, I thank you for everything, but I hate you for treason!

Cheating is when your loved one does not necessarily fuck with someone, but just wants her in his thoughts !!!

Love is when he tells you that he can even forgive betrayal, and you gently turn around and say: “I don’t need anyone else except you ...”.

The betrayal of the wife does not count if she thinks about her husband at this time.

Darling, I know that you are cheating on me. I know with whom and even guess where. But I can’t understand… WHAT??

Shame on those who cheat. who loves many times in life, who immediately lures the heart, and then refuses!!!

Many wives wouldn't cheat on their husbands if they knew better. thin way take revenge.

For those who are faithful in love, only its banal essence is available. The tragedy of love is known only to those who change.

A woman in love is more likely to forgive a big indiscretion than a small infidelity. - F. La Rochefoucauld

Today I saw something that completely killed me from the inside. Treason.

Sometimes it is EASIER to forgive betrayal than to forget a loved one!

Treason - a way to save love?.. Or love - a kind of betrayal?.

Anything you love can be forgiven. In addition to cheating...

Are you playing, love? Walk, walk, no one is holding you by the horns.

Those people who most often forgave and endured the longest usually leave unexpectedly and forever.

Cheating is the most cruel betrayal in relation to a loved one, because of which it hurts so much that life becomes black and white, and the world simply ceases to exist!

I ask, forgive me for everything, come back to me, kiss me again, let's forget all the quarrels and insults, let's be together! I beg you, my love!

If a girl is strong, she will close her eyes to betrayal... if a girl is very strong, she will close her eyes to her rival...))).

Your boy is walking. Let him walk, he is warmly dressed.

No, I don't remember you. So, sometimes I think ... obscene ...

If your former men they want to be with you again: it means you were better than those who were before you and much better than those who were after ...

Having ceased to love, we rejoice when they cheat on us, thereby freeing us from the need to be faithful. - F. La Rochefoucauld

There are three things in life that you can never predict, these are..... Love, Betrayal and Death.

You cheat on me with your wife, you cheat on her with me. Loved by my wife and loved by me. You're cheating on both of us!

Cheating is the most cruel betrayal in relation to a loved one, because of which it hurts so much that life becomes black and white, and the world simply ceases to exist!

Shame on those who cheat. Who loves many times in life, who immediately lures the heart, and then refuses!

Between betrayal and infidelity a big difference. Cheating touches the body, infidelity touches the soul.

Only insecure, superficial people who do not know how to appreciate what they have change.

Only the one who gave him the most happiness can cause the most terrible pain to a person.

He cheated, she did not know Naively believed him, She read betrayal in words, But she did not tell anyone She loved him very much, And he lied to her as best he could, She went out very quickly And he did not even help her.

Here you are all writing about unrequited love, that you are tired of the betrayal of your soulmate. But I have buried my boyfriend more than a year ago. And believe me, it hurts a lot. After all, to love, and to understand that you will not see him again, is very sad.

If your wife cheated on you, don't ask how many times, because it can really hit you.

Cheating is the meanest trait of a person who does not know how to love ...

- Did you sleep with her? - well... took a nap a couple of times.

When cheating on a woman, know that she feels it all: where, when and how much.

If at least once my beloved .. I will see you with another .. Then not once, not two, not three .. You will see me with another ...

A man cheats out of curiosity for other people's wives, and a woman cheats because of her husband's lack of curiosity towards her.

Curiosity is the first step to treason!

Sometimes you have to change to understand what is not necessary.

- Beloved, is it not a betrayal with a condom? - Yeah, but with a silencer - not murder.

Statuses about the betrayal of a loved one, about the betrayal of a loved one

Only insecure, superficial people who do not know how to appreciate what they have change.

A woman does not change in two cases: if she believes that her man is the best, or if she believes that they are all the same.

Cheating is the most cruel betrayal in relation to a loved one, because of which it hurts so much that life becomes black and white, and the world simply ceases to exist!

A man is never so gentle as after being forgiven for a moment of infidelity.

Sometimes you have to change to understand what is not necessary.

Loyalty is a matter of conscience, and betrayal is a matter of time.

Do not wind up on your mustache what they hang on your ears !!!

He loves her more than anyone else, but he needs others to make sure of it.

To persuade a man to cheat, it is enough to marry him.

The house is a fortress, and there is no forgiveness for those who are persuaded by flattery, promises or deceit to open the gates to an outsider.

Curiosity is the first step to cheating.

Desperate to change her husband, cheat on her husband.

You can forgive betrayal, but you can't forgive.

Treason is a thing more shameful than murder.

Attachment begins where love ends; infidelity begins where attachment ends.

I do not forgive betrayal, I hate betrayal, lies ... And if I leave once, then you will not return me again.

When you were betrayed, it's the same as if your hands were broken ... You can forgive, but you will NEVER be able to hug.

It is difficult for women to decide on treason, but having decided, they do not stop.

Having ceased to love, we rejoice when they cheat on us, thereby freeing us from the need to be faithful. - F. La Rochefoucauld

Changing, a woman is looking for the best, and a man - a new one.

The woman is like a child kindergarten if they do not come for her in time, then she goes to play in another sandbox!

Shame on those who cheat. Who loves many times in life, who immediately lures the heart, and then refuses!

A woman is such a subtle creature that she begins to feel sorry for you already a few days before her betrayal.

Many wives would not cheat on their husbands if they knew a more subtle way to take revenge.

Infidelity is when you have nothing to say to your husband, because everything has already been said to another.

We are always afraid to show ourselves to the one we love, after we happened to be attracted on the side.


It happens that life throws us indescribably difficult tests. We gain experience, lose loved ones, and learn to live with pain for the rest of our lives. Cheating is one of the most unpleasant and widespread problems of mankind. Unfortunately, not all people and not always able to hurt the loyalty of loved ones. Many consequences, disappointments and troubles follow from this. After all, there is nothing more regrettable when you believe, sincerely believe in a person, you are ready to give your life for him and spend your own time on him, and he just takes and betrays you. Love gives rise to a wide variety of feelings in us, we get used to living with another person, we have common interests, general plans, dreams. But then, one day, a loved one declares that he has cheated with another or another, and the world around is collapsing, plans for the future are smoldering and you are losing faith in yourself and in your future. There is a lot of debate about whether to forgive cheating or end such a relationship on the spot and delete the person from your life. Of course, it's up to each of us. And, if most people can forgive betrayal, then not everyone will be able to live with this stone in their souls further in these relationships. Everything is purely individual. Statuses about betrayal are collected in a selection so that you can read about this event in life and draw certain conclusions. Good luck.

There is betrayal and worse than betrayal.

Never indulge in two vices at the same time.

Surviving betrayal for the second time... is easier to some extent... after all, despite all the pain and humiliation, you ALREADY KNOW that you can still survive it...

Isn't it true, you can't understand love without betrayal...

Cheating is a betrayal of the soul, and no matter how you justify it, there is no way back to trust.

Resurrected from the ashes of the family bed, gracefully forgetting about shame, she left the house to cheat with the first beautifully met

I recently had a dream in which my lover cheated on me. I realized that I love him. Today I had a dream in which a loved one died. I realized that I would give him my life. Turns out dreams can change lives...

No betrayal can be forgiven, unless a person sincerely repented of it.

It's easier to pretend you don't know than to pretend you forgive.

When we think they are cheating on us, they most often work. When we begin to believe in it, they invite others to dates at the same moment. Such antiphases of being.

Walk not from bad wives or husbands. Just a need.

Do not betray. Do not be like everyone else!!!

In Hong Kong, women who have been cheated on by their husbands have the legal right to kill him, although they can only do it with their bare hands.

- I heard you're dating my ex! - Yes. - I haven’t eaten an apple here, you can finish it !!!)

Distance is a reason for pain, but not for betrayal!

A woman who has changed is a big cold cutlet that you don’t want to touch, because someone else was holding it in your hands.

It hurts a lot when they cheat on you. But it hurts even more that they change with a fat, arrogant and mediocre! Well, to what perfection can you strive after that? :)

The one who loves you does not betray! The one who cares about you!!!

Betrayal is a control shot to the head.

Believe me, if I need to, I will take your boyfriend away without makeup, in a tracksuit!!!

A curious observation, about love and fidelity, most of all, those who betrayed and betrayed shout ...

When you cheat on your husband or wife, you are cheating on yourself first.

I do not forgive betrayal, I hate betrayal, lies ... And if I leave once, then you will not return me again ...

As long as a Woman remains a Woman, she will not be cheated on with another Woman!

You can forgive betrayal, but you can't forgive.

You get used to a lot and you are afraid of only one thing - betrayal in the back ...

It is always easier to sin than to get rid of the feeling of one's own sin.

THERE IS NOTHING MORE DEVELOPING THAN BETRAY... everything collapses and depreciates in a split second!

You can't scare a real man with "horns"

Cheating is... a kind of happiness on credit... You get emotions, for which you then have to pay with guilt. But in the process itself, you feel so good that you simply don’t think about the consequences ...

Friendship is just the time between the first meeting and betrayal ...

For a man to admit to infidelity means to forgive her to himself.

Everything is known in comparison - stubbornness with a donkey, slowness with a turtle, and even animals do not have betrayal ...

They say that men are so unfaithful, such rogues ... Aha! There is one slut in the whole region and all the men run to her!)))

The most terrible phrase that a man can hear during a sex session:
- Honey, I'm back!

Throwing women when no one needs them is the biggest betrayal, you have to leave them while they are young, or live until the end of your days.

Honey with a spoonful of shit tastes far from being sweet, but it tastes like shit. How can I be happy with you if you cheated on me?

If you cannot love each other freely and openly, then this is not true love ...

For people who know betrayal, life will be much easier ...

We must understand that in order to remain faithful, many men will have to change themselves ...

And even the women with whom we cheat are not the women ... we dream of ...

Inoculate me against betrayal and lies! I pay any money. I want to have strong immunity.

In addition to serfdom, there was also serfdom, where peasants willingly went under the cover of night. Only the history of this bashfully silent.

The only way to avoid betrayal is not to trust anyone...

Do not trust a woman who managed to be convicted of fidelity. Today she is faithful to you, tomorrow - to another.

Women are more perfect, more changeable, more amorous. And men should always be men.

Change can change a lot...

One minute of lies closes the mouth of trust on long years, betrayal kills him.

The most painful thing is to survive the betrayal of a friend.

I'm tired of trusting people, I'm tired of making mistakes in people. And every time on the path of life, meet with deceit and betrayal.

The one who betrayed for you will betray you, for the sake of someone ...

And although it hurts me a lot, I am grateful to him for my daughter, who would not exist without him!

I certainly don't an ideal person, but I will not betray.

You can forgive rudeness, lies, and probably even treason ... but you can’t forgive yourself for forgiving ...

You can't go back to traitors. It is forbidden. Bite your elbows, chew the earth, but do not return to where you were once betrayed.

Do not try to return the relationship with the person who cheated on you! Even wolves chase traitors out of the pack!

You see, wings grow from holes from treacherous blows to the back.

Do not dare to say the word love after betrayal. People who love cannot betray...

It is better to be hanged for loyalty than for betrayal...

A man becomes successful - thanks to the love of his beloved woman. A woman thanks to betrayal from a beloved man.

It turns out interesting: some are born to be betrayed, while others are born to betray themselves!!! And sometimes it's the same people...

He said-
Let's start from scratch
I answered-
It won't work ... you messed up the whole notebook

Don't trust men! They are all traitors. There is no exception. And do not say that I come across such, everything is a lie ...
Dear, good, girls, in this life, rely only on yourself alone ... And do not forgive them for betrayal, where there is one, there is the second. And the third. Live for yourself. Love only yourself...

I can only be surprised by love... real, sincere, without deceit and betrayal... AND I'VE ALREADY SEEN THE OTHER!

I can forgive betrayal ... that's just resentment and disappointment I can’t drive out of my heart ...

Lover, this is the result of being unclaimed women's desires, husband ...

Why should I worry if my husband has a mistress...
I dyed my hair in bright color- changed her image, made a look full of love - now let him worry.

Better let him think that I cheated on him. How will he know that at the time when he went to the left, I cried and waited for him.

There is no female infidelity. There is either revenge for male betrayal or a new love.

Loneliness can only endure strong people. Those who know the price of betrayal and betrayal. Those who pulled the knife from their back more than once. Those whose souls are scarred through and through... They hid in loneliness... They just got tired of enduring all this again and again.

Statuses about treason and betrayal