Male betrayal: why they leave us at the first sign of trouble

Good reasons why a real man never betray the one he truly loves

So many guys and so few real men.

I'm annoyed by these guys who go around and pretend to be men. In fact, because of them, I recently lost potentially possible relationships. These "false men" managed to "light up" in front of women, deceive them, betray and kill their faith in the powers that be. There are not so many representatives of the weaker sex left who can still believe men.

I've never been dishonest with women before. And I never even had such a desire. But, unfortunately, I met very few women who would believe me in this life. I'm sure that I'm not the only man who faced a similar problem in his life.

I guess quite a few great guys are forced to carry the burden of "betrayal and faith in a loved one" that has been placed on them. ex-boyfriends their chosen ones. When a man betrays a woman, she will never be able to trust him again. Never is by no means an exaggerated concept, it is a real “never”. Unfortunately, this will also affect the next chosen one of this woman.

After a betrayal, a woman cannot move away for a long time. She then for many years will not be able to trust men. A real man never betrays. Here's the reason why it doesn't:

1. A real man is emotionally stable.
We all know that women have trouble controlling their emotions. To be honest, sometimes it's even worse for men. While women "emotion" and blow off steam, men "cook" in their own thoughts.

But all this happens until the cup of patience of a man overflows, and he does not explode. When something goes wrong in a relationship, women can boldly scream, cry, complain, reproach, get angry, silence or starve. But men are different! Weak men They pretend they don't care about what's going on around them.

But, when their cup of patience overflows, they look for means to splash out their emotions. They start drinking, smoking, fucking everything that moves. And, unfortunately, such a period of silent war with his beloved woman leads to the fact that he begins to sleep with everyone.

A real man deals with his emotions in a different way, more restrained.

2. At standing man enough willpower to keep "your household" in your pants
Sorry gentlemen for saying this out loud, but if you are a man, you will naturally sleep with any beauty you meet along the way. I'm talking about bachelors now.

If you are a real man, then you will not risk a stable relationship for a few minutes of pleasure with a woman you do not know well, with whom you have some kind of chemistry and nothing more. If you want to sleep with someone, then why not do it with a woman who loves you?!

If sex with your partner bored you a little, then diversify it. Both are involved in this process, so, for example, if she does not lick the cream off you, then lick the cream off her yourself.

3. Real men don't date people they don't love, or don't even believe they can love one day.
Of course, we've all dated someone we weren't in love with. I generally don't believe in love at first sight, but cases are different. However a large number of Guys still date women just for the sake of convenience.

Why go out into the street and look for someone when there is one who can always come herself?! Real men understand that women are not toys, and do not perceive them simply as a way to satisfy their needs.

When men know they can't love this woman, they end the relationship instead of dragging it out in the hope that she can be their second choice.

4. A real man is always respectful
People trust when they see respect in their direction. It is respect that is an obligatory aspect of communication, especially in relation to the woman you are dating. Change is a lie. It kills trust and shows that you do not take into account the feelings of your partner, friend and just a person who has been next to you for a certain period of time.

There is nothing worthy in treason, this is not done with loved ones. If a woman stops believing in you, then it is final and irrevocable. I came to this conclusion after going through a long and difficult road of error of my own.

5. A real man does not keep a list of his sexual partners. He does not need this to feel and understand himself as a real man.
A real man knows for sure that he is a man. It is felt in his every movement, deeds. And he doesn't do anything special for it. He doesn't need to expose himself. All this is reflected in his actions.

So many representatives of the strong half of humanity in modern society believe that the more sexual partners they had, the better they are as men. Women are like a game for them, like a kind of commodity that needs to be collected.

Women are not toys! And the game we all play is called life. Betrayal is sometimes too expensive, and at high stakes, you can even ruin your life.

6. A real man will never hurt the woman he loves.
I'll be honest with you, a real man will not offend any of the women. A real man takes care of himself and all those who are close and dear to him.

If you are already lucky enough to meet the woman you really love, and you have not managed to lose her, then do everything possible and impossible to make her smile. There is nothing worse than losing someone you love so much. Mistakes are mistakes, but there is such a thing as forgiveness.

7. A real man always knows what's really important in life - and it's definitely not casual sex.
Men are too busy pursuing their dreams. They are all the time in achieving what they want out of life. At the same time, they objectively realize what they want from life.

As men, we want the best from the world and the people around us. And only when we get what we wanted does the realization come that in fact they were not chosen. better ways to achieve your goal. I mean, it's really cool when you have one woman with you, but you love it. Quantity doesn't matter here, quality matters.

Being around a woman who loves you and accepts you with all your flaws is what really matters. The rest you don't even want to remember.

8. A real man always has the courage to break off relations with a woman.
If you decide to cheat on your woman, then you no longer want to be with her. Take courage and end the relationship. You will still do it sooner or later.

Break this bond, break out of this maze. Act like a man, don't act like a coward.

So many guys and so few real men.

I'm annoyed by these guys who go around and pretend to be men. In fact, I recently lost a potential relationship because of them. These "false - Men" managed to "light up" in front of women, deceive them, betray and kill their faith in the powers that be. There are not so many representatives of the weaker sex left who can still believe men.

I've never been dishonest with women before. And I never even had such a desire. But, unfortunately, I met very few women who would believe me in this life. I am sure that I am not the only man who has faced a similar problem in his life.

I believe that quite a few great guys are forced to bear the burden of "Betrayal and Faith in the Beloved Person" that the ex-boyfriends of their chosen ones put on them. When a man betrays a woman, she will never be able to trust him again. Never is by no means an exaggerated concept, it is a real "Never". Unfortunately, this will also affect the next chosen one of this woman.

After a betrayal, a woman cannot move away for a long time. She then for many years will not be able to trust men. A real man never betrays. Here's the reason why it doesn't:

1. A real man is emotionally stable.
We all know that women have trouble controlling their emotions. To be honest, sometimes it's even worse for men. While women "Emotion" and blow off steam, men "boil" in their own thoughts.

But all this happens until the cup of patience of a man overflows, and he does not explode. When something goes wrong in a relationship, women can boldly scream, cry, complain, reproach, get angry, silence or starve. But men are different! Weak men pretend that they do not care about everything that happens around them.

But, when their cup of patience overflows, they look for means to splash out their emotions. They start drinking, smoking, fucking everything that moves. And, unfortunately, such a period of silent war with his beloved woman leads to the fact that he begins to sleep with everyone.

A real man deals with his emotions in a different way, more restrained.

2. A real man has enough willpower to keep "His Household" in his pants.
Sorry gentlemen for saying this out loud, but if you are a man, you will naturally sleep with any beauty you meet along the way. I'm talking about bachelors now.

Thus, if you are a real man, then you will not risk a stable relationship for a few minutes of pleasure with an unfamiliar woman with whom you have some kind of chemistry and nothing more. In the event that you want to sleep with someone, then why not do it with a woman who loves you!

Only if sex with your partner bored you a little, then diversify it. Both are involved in this process, so, for example, if she does not lick the cream off you, then lick the cream off her yourself.

3. Real men don't date people they don't love, or don't even believe they can love one day.
Of course, we've all dated someone we weren't in love with. I generally don't believe in love at first sight, but cases are different. However, a large number of guys still date women just for the sake of convenience.

Why go out and look for someone when there is one who can always come herself! Real men understand that women are not toys, and do not perceive them simply as a way to satisfy their needs.

When men know they can't love this woman, they end the relationship instead of dragging it out in the hope that she can be their second choice.

4. A real man is always respectful.
People trust when they see respect in their direction. It is respect that is an obligatory aspect of communication, especially in relation to the woman you are dating. Change is a lie. It kills trust and shows that you do not take into account the feelings of your partner, friend and just a person who has been next to you for a certain period of time.

There is nothing worthy in treason, this is not done with loved ones. Thus, if a woman stops believing in you, then this is final and irrevocable. I came to this conclusion after going through a long and difficult road of error of my own.

5. A real man does not keep a list of his sexual partners. He does not need this to feel and understand himself as a real man.
A real man knows for sure that he is a man. It is felt in his every movement, deeds. And he doesn't do anything special for it. He doesn't need to expose himself. All this is reflected in his actions.

So many men in today's society believe that the more sexual partners they have, the better they are as men. Women are like a game for them, like a kind of commodity that needs to be collected.

Women are not toys! And the game we all play is called Life. Betrayal is sometimes too expensive, and at high stakes, you can even ruin your life.

6. A real man will never harm the woman he loves.
I'll be honest with you, a real man will not offend any of the women. A real man takes care of himself and all those who are close and dear to him.

In the event that you are already lucky enough to meet the woman you really love, and you have not managed to lose her, then do everything possible and impossible to make her smile. There is nothing worse than losing someone you love so much. Mistakes are mistakes, but there is such a thing as forgiveness.

7. A real man always knows what's really important in life - and it's definitely not casual sex.
Men are too busy pursuing their dreams. They are all the time in achieving what they want out of life. At the same time, they objectively realize what they want from life.

As men, we want the best from the world and the people around us. And only when we get what we wanted, comes the realization that in fact, not the best ways were chosen to achieve our goal. I mean, it's really cool when you have one woman with you, but you love it. Quantity doesn't matter here, quality matters.

Being around a woman who loves you and accepts you with all your flaws is what really matters. The rest you don't even want to remember.

8. A real man will always have the courage to break off relations with a woman.
If you decide to cheat on your woman, then you no longer want to be with her. Take courage and end the relationship. You will still do it sooner or later. Break this bond, break out of this maze. Act like a man, don't act like a coward.

A real man

  • Masculinity. Indeed, it is thanks to her that a man can be called a man, since a courageous person combines strength of mind, nobility, honor and courage. So a man with this quality is quite close to the medieval image of his worthy ancestors.
  • Courage. A man should be not just brave, but doubly brave: for himself and for his woman. So that expression, which I told you at the very beginning, that today's men are crushed, just refers to courage, since some now very often hide behind the backs of their wives or "mommies."
  • Responsibility. Before life was much simpler, and, consequently, less responsibility. He killed the beast, brought the prey and again to hunt: here is an approximate "schedule" of an ancient average husband. It seems, and only “business”, not like now! Yes, responsibility modern world the man has much more. It is necessary not only to be able to feed and protect your family, but also to think with your head where necessary. And this work, I tell you, is not easy.
  • Honesty. Unfortunately, only a few representatives of the stronger sex have this wonderful quality. What kind of honesty can we talk about if men even deceive their wives! Of course, the main thing is to be honest with yourself and with your conscience.

    However, now this is all very easily solved, since some people have no conscience at all.

  • Decency. To some extent, this is a synonym for honesty, therefore it is a rather rare quality among male population our planet. It is almost impossible to imagine a 100% decent man, because he must love, feed and protect his family, not cheat on his wife with other women, respect the elderly, never deceive anyone and not commit shameful acts. Yes, such an image is most likely a utopia. Do you know such a man? Really? It must be immediately delivered to the museum as a rare and valuable antique.
  • Diligence. You can't even catch a fish from a pond without effort. It's right. A man should not be lazy, because on his shoulders lies the care of the family, and the main income, and many household chores that a woman is not able to handle on her own. Of course, there are now “instances”, which, alas, are becoming more and more, preferring an empty pastime on the couch in front of the TV with a can of beer or, worse than that, a glass of which is stronger.
  • Kindness. This is an essential quality of every standing man, especially if he has a family. It is impossible to engage and educate children without good relations otherwise, WHAT will come of them in the future?
    One of the signs of kindness is love for animals and respect for old age. So pay attention to your new acquaintance (if you have far-reaching plans for him), how he relates to “mustache and striped” and how he speaks about his parents or grandparents. Thus, you can easily calculate his real "mask".

A woman betrays easily. If a man does not understand this at least with age, then the consequences of such naivety for him will be extremely difficult.

In the morning, she holds your hands, looks into your eyes and swears (swears!) That she will never leave, will not betray, will not change. And asks you not to leave. That she just can't take it. No not like this. That it simply does not exist without you. She simply does not exist - if you are not with her.

And in the evening she gives herself to another. And calmly tells you about it.

Why? Is there a difference - why?

A man perceives betrayal as an offense, a crime, a sin. Even if he cheats, he blames himself in his soul. And he blames so much that it is noticeable even in his behavior. This is how women guess about the betrayal of a man - according to outward signs self-flagellation.

A woman perceives betrayal in a completely different way. For her, it's about the same as putting on these shoes today, and those tomorrow. Well, who in their right mind would think that the shoes would be offended? What hurts them? What do they love? Trust and trust?

A woman betrays not because she wants to betray. No, sometimes that's why, but most often it's quite the opposite. She betrays casually, by chance. Without even noticing that she had just betrayed the person who trusted her. This is the reason why a woman will never admit to betrayal and will not even admit that she betrayed. She just didn't notice it. How did you betray? Did she betray? A woman betrays petty and cruel.

For a woman, there is no concept of "betrayal" as such. I gave myself to another - well, yes, so what? New love. It not only removes, levels out all previous obligations - it seems to format the hard drive.

So when a woman talks about "obligations" in a relationship, she means you and only you. For her, all obligations end as soon as a new "love" breaks out. Or the old one will end.

Moreover, this often does not depend on the age of the woman, or on the educational level, or on income. 16-year-old virgins and 45-year-old experienced ladies, philological virgins and vocational schools, poor students and rich business women. No difference. What does it depend on? Yes, God knows. If you are trying to find a category where the possibility of betrayal will disappear, then you are wasting your time. And what is the worst - a series of very painful disappointments awaits you. Because the destruction of hopes is the most painful thing that happens in life. The maximum that can be done is to reduce this probability. But don't completely rule it out.

If you have a woman, you should know this.

In the morning she moaned loudly under you, demanded more and more. And in the evening SMS: "We must part."

Yesterday she dreamed and fantasized how you would spend the weekend together in nature, and on Friday she simply left with another.

She loving wife and mother of three children. And today you get a subpoena to divorce court. And in a day you lose your children, apartment and future income.

Until you come to this, you walk on minefield. And each new explosion will tear you apart.

And if you got a faithful woman - take care of her. There are too few of them to throw around.

Alexander Biryukov

It is believed that men cheat more often than women. And although many ladies cheat on their partners, the latest statistics still show that the representatives of the strong half of humanity are more likely to be unfaithful. According to information collected in 2017, 22% married men confessed to cheating, while 14% married women said they were having affairs on the side. And although these numbers are quite low, they are still too high when it comes to comfort in many families.

There is never a significant reason for betraying a partner or justification. But the reasons for betrayal are sometimes surprising. And if you know them, then you can try to prevent adultery and save the marriage.


After the column about male betrayal, I received several more or less indignant questions from men: why don’t women betray, don’t do nasty things, don’t get out of the world?

I sadly report that meanness and violence are practiced by both sexes in an excellent way, and the difference between them is only in methods.

Let's start with the fact that women cheat as often and tastefully as men: should these herds of "lustful goats" have to fornicate with someone? It is unlikely that a million males sin with a thousand prostitutes, while 999,000 pure angels watch in horror. In every male crime against marriage, there is an accomplice who is morally responsible for her decision to sleep with a married man. Moreover, it is much easier for a girl to get stuck in an adventure. If a man needs to take the initiative to get sex, a lady just needs to nod in time.

Women are indeed less likely to leave their family in difficult situations, for example, in the event of a spouse’s illness: we are too compassionate for this and too focused on caring for weak family members. But the routine is hard to endure, so some get a romantic outlet just for the sake of courtship, gentle letters and walks. Then, as was said, she casually nodded. Then she fell in love and, as an emotional being, she could not hide, she made sudden movements. There is something vampiric about male horns: for the time being they are not reflected in the mirror. But one day, oops, they appear in all their glory, and most often because the wife herself pointed her finger and showed. During the period of falling in love, a funny moral rejuvenation takes place, a woman becomes younger, honest, uncompromising, so for some reason she definitely needs to confess to her husband and destroy the marriage.

However, in order to turn family life to hell, it is not necessary to change or leave, there are more virtuous and conservative (in the sense, non-surgical) methods. It is enough to learn the phrase "I'm a girl, I can."

Not all, but many ladies are sure that a Woman Has a Right - no, not a civil one, it did not give up for such a gift, but a certain moral right - to emotional unbridledness.

"Don't yell at me," squeals gentle creature- how dare you raise your voice at the Girl!

“I’m a woman, I’m hysterical,” the venerable matron beats her chest, “and you must endure and be silent, you’re a Man!”

In their opinion, a Woman can yell, slap, spit poison, make scenes, including public scenes, spend money pointlessly, run away into the night, get into someone else's mail, throw a laptop out of the window and much more, in short - everything. A man is obliged not only to endure, but also to yield, otherwise he is a completely insensitive creature, while the lady suffers!

So, the first two whales of this worldview - A girl is allowed, a man is obliged. After all, the specific properties of Zh.: emotionality, vulnerability and tenderness, and the basic advantages of M.: reliability, honesty and caring. Hmm, when you write this, it's not even clear what's wrong.

The third whale, as well as the perfect tool of blackmail, is called "For the sake of the child." For the sake of the child, a man is obliged to endure even more than he was already obliged by his own male nature. Because children are sacred. He must endure everything and more, so as not to injure them with scandals (if mom yells, this is normal, she, see above, is emotional and tender, but dad gives bad example). He has no right to leave their mother and feel after that honest man. He not only has to endure, he has to rejoice. The father of the family is a loving terminator who generates money, care and positive emotions. In any other case, he is a scoundrel.

I exaggerate, but in general this concept is easy to accept, it seems logical and physiologically reinforced: we are fragile, they are strong, we are quivering, they are goats ... energetic.

The problem is that this system does not equal rights and duties for two Adults, does not stipulate the responsibility of each individual for his fate and his actions - regardless of what form of its genitals and what hormones prevail in the blood. No one should be a puppet in the hands of his nature; that is, of course, we all happen, but it’s worth at least trying. No need to look up to a stupid knight or a fitful princess, otherwise you will inevitably turn into a dragon. Simply - a man, simply - reasonable, and it's absolutely fine if he's good.

Video Betrayal. What to do? Why is everyone betraying me?

Statuses and quotes about the betrayal of a man

Some of the most bitter and painful are statuses about the betrayal of a loved one. There is no disappointment stronger than the betrayal of the one whom he considered relatives and friends, on whom he had high hopes and believed with all his heart and soul ... Unfortunately, there are a lot of statuses written on this sad and exciting topic, our expectations do not always coincide with the real twists of fate . And such statuses can help in a difficult period. mental anguish and resentment to maintain self-control, not to lose faith in people who know how to appreciate what they have.

On the heart of another scar from your betrayal, my love. But don't worry about me, the wound has healed, and I'm alive again.

All men are capable of betrayal. Everyone except my father. At least he didn't let me down.

I again and again step on this rake of betrayal of a loved one. It's good that they broke mine this time. pink glasses who hid the lies and hypocrisy of those around them.

Be careful when you see doubt, worry, and fear. They are the most faithful companions of betrayal, who come a little earlier than their companion.

Best Status:
It is foolish to be afraid of friends, you can only expect betrayal from them. It is foolish to be afraid of enemies, they can only kill. Be afraid and avoid the indifferent. They are main reason worldly evil. With their silence and indifference, they cause more pain than cataclysms.

If a man is successful, then the woman helped him with her love. If a woman is successful, then a man helped her with his betrayal.

You can always forgive the betrayal of a loved one, but whether this person will remain loved is a question.

Is it possible and necessary to forgive the betrayal of a loved one

  • Without understanding and not listening to the version of the other side, break off relations, but after a while, waking up, they want to return the half back.
  • There are marriages where the question: is it possible to forgive infidelity is not even considered. They simply turn a blind eye to betrayal and live according to the principle of "walk and return."
  • Others endlessly believe and hope that the betrayal was in last time. The infidel, in turn, swears allegiance to the grave, but then again does the same thing.
  • For still others, adultery becomes an incentive to work on oneself (both externally and spiritually). The injured party does not take on the role of the victim, but is actively engaged in the restoration of the family, which in the end it succeeds.
  • Still others file for divorce, despite a one-time mistake, small children, etc. As a result, they find a second husband / wife and live happily with them.
  • And there are those: they forgive the misconduct, they themselves beg the unfaithful not to leave them, and after a while they realize that they cannot live with the humiliation experienced - the traitor constantly reminds of him with his presence.

What to say to a man who betrayed. The man who offended

If a man offended, then do not express your anger and resentment in a letter. It’s better to just say that his act hurt a lot and became the reason for the breakup.

An example of a letter to an offender:

"Hi, dear! I decided to write to you Farewell letter in prose. There is not enough mental strength to write a letter in verse. I spent all my strength to stop the tears that I shed because of you. I decided to put an end to our difficult relationship.

Everything that was between us is gone! There are no more feelings that burned before, no respect for each other, no care and understanding. We have become completely different people!

It is worth admitting that we ourselves have destroyed and trampled on our feelings. I don't want to live like this anymore. I made a decision that will only make it better for both of us! We need to part, our paths diverged.

Cheating is far from the only reason why family trust can be reduced to a minimum. Betrayal in any of its manifestations is dangerous for relationships between people who love each other.

The types of betrayal presented below do not necessarily entail the destruction marriage union. If the relationship is really strong, and the partners are wise, restoring trust after a misconduct is not so difficult. However, couples who are unable to direct the situation in a constructive direction are doomed to parting.

1. Lie

Lies, secrets, understatement - all this kills relationships. Excuses will not help, even if you lied to save the union. When the truth comes to the surface, you will have to come up with something new in order to get out. Some people lie systematically, and there is a simple explanation for this: in childhood, their parents treated them with prejudice and often punished them. And in adult life they subconsciously embellish everything.

The ability to tell the truth is the key to honest relationships, and you should definitely cultivate it in yourself.

2. Irresponsibility

It happens that the life values ​​and priorities of partners are completely opposite. Perhaps a man dreams of traveling all his life and does not allow the thought of having children, and a woman sees herself as a mistress big house with many relatives and necessarily a child.

Some representatives of the stronger sex do not hesitate to set conditions and openly say why and until what moment they will be with you: “we will not part if you do not get pregnant”, “I will leave when you start thinking about the wedding.” Do you need such a manipulator with serious conditions?

3. Friendship on the side

IN friendly relations there is nothing wrong between representatives of different sexes if it is actually friendship, and not something more. You can not stay late at work, not come with traces of lipstick on your shirt collar, but at the same time hang out in in social networks and chat with your "girlfriend" or exchange SMS throughout the day. Perhaps this is a signal that a man has a so-called "platonic connection." Share your experiences with him.
Most likely, he himself understands that something is not right here.

4. Indifference

Often men are emotionally cold towards their partner, they do not want to be disturbed once again over trifles. But there are situations when a woman is really in an intractable and unpleasant situation, therefore, needs the support of a loved one, and the partner wants to avoid his participation in what is happening.
Male indifference can be expressed in different ways: from self-isolation and silence to outright manifestations of cruelty. And it is important for a woman to feel that she is needed and loved.

5. Assault

Some men are not able to independently conduct a dialogue with a loved one in controversial situations. Therefore, they begin to attract outsiders into your relationship: their mother, sister, other relatives. And the woman finds herself in a hopeless situation: there is no one to trust, because with a high degree of probability all her experiences and thoughts expressed aloud will become the property of his numerous relatives. Over time, a man stops even trying to somehow participate in the dispute on his own behalf and always calls loved ones for help.

6. Lack of respect

If your partner constantly humiliates you, then sooner or later you will definitely develop an inferiority complex. And he will feel complete superiority over you. Then you will change places, and reproaches will fall already at his address. IN healthy relationships there is equality, not pathological dependence. And it is not necessary to express offensive words in order to offend and humiliate a partner. It is enough just to be arrogant and indifferent, to neglect communication with a loved one under the pretext of his lack of mental development.

7. Reduced sex drive

As a rule, after 45 years of age, the sexual interest of the family men goes on the decline, but he can not recognize this fact and blames the woman living with him under the same roof for what is happening. She looks in the mirror and realizes that her husband is right, she is no longer as beautiful and slim as before. And he begins to fight with any external problems accessible ways: trips to the beautician, hair coloring in a more "fresh" tone, fanatical fitness classes. She wants to be wanted again. The fact is that with sexual interest, tenderness and joy from communicating with each other usually irrevocably disappear. Yes, and compliments become rare guests.

8. Selfishness

Family relationships involve some concessions from the side loving friend friend of people. For the sake of a partner, it is sometimes worth denying yourself familiar things. It would be strange if, after the birth of a child, the husband continued to meet every Friday evening with friends and stayed up late, knowing that his wife needed help. If disputes arise, it is better to discuss them with your partner right away, so it will be much easier for you to make the best decision for both. No need to be selfish and only care about own interests and feelings.

9. Injustice

Has a lot to do with selfishness. If a man seeks advantages in everything and receives benefits at the expense of his wife, then this is unfair. For example, a wife is “torn” every evening between the kitchen, communication with children, cleaning and walking the dog. And the husband lies on the couch with a bottle of beer and watches TV. Not fair? Certainly! Gradually, internal resentment and despair accumulate, and the woman wants to get rid of the burden of married life as soon as possible.

10. Failure to keep promises

Partners constantly make promises to each other. If a loved one promised something and did not fulfill, and then used this model of behavior more than once, then disappointment in the relationship is guaranteed. There is growing distrust that can eventually kill the family bond.

Promises are different: talk about major career changes, make a payment on a loan, quit smoking. An unfulfilled promise to get rid of a harmful addiction is the most serious. The woman believed that everything could be different, but she was deceived again.

Discuss with your partner everything that bothers you. Share your feelings and listen to his point of view. Talking about mistakes and solving problems together will help restore trust in a relationship.

Article added: 2012-11-28

Sometimes you really want to speak out or ask for advice, but not to anyone and not from anyone. So let me give you little advice- take a pen, a piece of paper and write on paper what is on your mind. The paper will endure everything, but the relief that you will get from this lesson is guaranteed to you :) And after re-reading what you have written, look at the current situation with different eyes and the decision will come by itself ... I am publishing an article for those who are sad. Don't be discouraged, everything will be H O R O S O!!!

Do not give up! Remember - whatever is done is done for the better! Forgive and let go! Don't hold! Everything will be alright! Be patient and learn humility! The traitor, sooner or later, realizes his act, but he is unlikely to be able to fix anything. The bad deed of this person will settle as a heavy burden on his heart and, no matter how he tries to justify himself, this burden will pull him down ... Perhaps you will find the strength to forgive the traitor, but some coldness in the relationship will still remain and you will no longer you can again trust this person with all your soul and with all your heart ...

The question may arise before you: - How to live on? How to live on without him (without her)? .. And start your life with clean slate! You don't even know what you're capable of! The main thing - do not sit and do not feel sorry for yourself! No need for tears and a dull mood! Don't waste your money on this precious time! Manage your time wiser - after all, there are so many prospects before you!

Today it seems to you that life is over, it is no longer life, but existence, but it is NOT SO! You are starting new stage in life! The Lord will arrange everything, but you should not sit idly by! Under a lying stone and water does not flow! Take action! BUT! Act smart! No need to rush from one extreme to another, or, even worse, into all serious! Not a single woman (unless, of course, she is friends with her head and is able to soberly assess the situation) has not disappeared without a man!!! And not a single decent man was left alone. But, nevertheless, it is men who betray more often.

A decent man is such a rarity these days! Sometimes it seems that they don’t exist at all, there are only egoists and whiners around! Men are much easier to succumb to the temptation of fame and money; without a twinge of conscience, they are ready to “go over the heads” of even their own people, if only to achieve their own! It is rare when a man is ready for exploits precisely for the sake of the people he loves, more often for the sake of his beloved. As harsh as it may sound, it's true! This is probably why women live longer - they have a good hardening - life - which does not spare the weak, and therefore a woman, even against her will, becomes strong, if not physically, but spiritually! And spiritual balance is much more important than physical!

There are people who, due to various birth defects or received injuries, physically handicapped, but their spiritual world so strong that they are able to do what is beyond their control healthy person. By the way, it is in this environment that REAL men exist! .. This is so, by the way! The main thing is attitude! Don't give in to despair and dark thoughts take over you! If you give a little slack - that's it, it will be very difficult to get out of the swamp of sadness! In addition, despondency is also a sin, so do not take this sin on your soul :)

I will not paint about how important in life Orthodox person sincere prayer. Every person, even an avid atheist, sooner or later turns to God. And help from HIM is always there! It’s just that sometimes this miracle seems so earthly that it’s not even called a miracle. After all, a Russian person needs clear evidence that it was God who helped him, and not Ivan Ivanovich from a neighboring house (only for some reason the fact that this same Ivan Ivanovich was sent to him by the Lord is not taken into account) ... No comments.

I want to publish in my article a few statements that I liked in the social. networks "VKontakte". Unfortunately, the authors were not indicated for some quotations, therefore, “Author unknown” will be indicated in brackets to them. They allow you to “open your eyes” and think positively.

But before that, I want you to do this:

Raise your hand (at least right, at least left) and, sharply lowering it down, say “Fuck you…. to catch butterflies!”

and start living the way your heart tells you!


If a woman has a rolling pin in her hands, it is not a fact that there will be pies ... (Author unknown)

A strong man, in response to a female NO, will say: "I will do everything so that your NO turns into YES." The weak will shrug his shoulders: "Well, no, so no ..." (Author unknown)

If the relationship has no future, then they will last exactly as long as the woman has enough patience. (Author unknown)

What is the difference strong man from the weak? When you feel bad, the strong will help. The weak will pretend that he is even worse off. (Author unknown)

If you want a man to treat you well, treat him like the last rubbish. If you treat him like a human being, he will exhaust your whole soul. (Author unknown)

When driving a nail into a person's soul, remember that even pulling it out with your apologies, you still leave a hole there. (Author unknown)

Women's logic- "It's better to say it in a good way, otherwise I'll figure it out myself .... it will be worse!" (Author unknown)

Life is like riding a bicycle: if it's hard for you, then you're going up. (Author unknown)

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show her that you have a thousand reasons to smile. (Author unknown)

A woman should belong to the man who will solve all her problems, and not create new ones. (Author unknown)

Who said that the wife is not a wall ... will move ??? The bulldozer wife ... will bury ... (Author unknown)

People may forget what you said. They may forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel. (Author unknown)

Husband and wife celebrate 35th birthday life together. Husband says:
- Do you remember, thirty-five years ago, we rented a cheap apartment, slept on a cheap sofa, watched black and white TV ... Now
we have everything - an expensive house, expensive furniture, a car and a plasma TV. But thirty-five years ago I slept with a young 21-year-old girl, and now I have to sleep with a 56-year-old woman.
The wife replies:
- Find yourself a 21-year-old to sleep in, and I'll make sure you have a cheap apartment, a cheap sofa and a black-and-white TV. (Author unknown)

Always give people a second chance and never a third. (Author unknown)

If you can't change something, change your attitude towards it (Author unknown)

A smart girl always knows when to turn on the fool. (Author unknown)

The one who needs you will come at least every day. The one who needs you, despite being busy, will find 5 minutes a day to hear you. (Author unknown)

"By evening I feel like a magpie-white-sided. I cooked a porridge, fed the children, put to bed, chopped firewood, applied water. Now I sit and think - Give it to me?" (Author unknown)

Old Internet tale: "My cat was accustomed to the toilet and went to him with pleasure, until, once, at a crucial moment, the lid fell on him. No, he did not stop going to the toilet, but he sat down now, exclusively with his face to lid..." (Author unknown)

Imagine that a man and a woman are separated by twenty steps ... So, you have to take your ten steps and stop. If he didn't meet you there, don't take the eleventh—then you'll need to do the twelfth, the thirteenth—and so on for the rest of your life... Everyone has to take their 10 steps... (Author unknown)

Every woman is a flower. How you care for her, so she blooms (Author unknown)

No person deserves your tears, and those who do will not make you cry. (Author unknown)

Sometimes, some individuals want to fix the crown on their heads with a shovel. (Author unknown)

The man who needs you will always find a way to be with you! Even if he is on another planet and he has no free time at all. (Author unknown)

I love listening to lies when I know the truth! (Author unknown)

I told her: "That's enough! You got me! I'm leaving you!" I leave the apartment, I hear a shot - shot myself ...? I'm coming back - Champagne opened, bitch! (Author unknown)

If you do not know how to give a girl attention, then do not be surprised when she pays attention to another. (Author unknown)

Ideal relationship no… yes female wisdom not to notice men's stupidity. There is a man's strength to forgive women's weaknesses. (Author unknown)

A man who gave his beloved woman wings will never wear horns! (Author unknown)

I never keep anyone, because the one who loves will still remain, and the one who does not love will still leave. (Author unknown)

Dear, I'm sorry I offended you yesterday. Will two beers make amends for me? - A box of vodka! - Oh, look, damn, how vulnerable!
(Author unknown)

Loved girls are given flowers, not tears. (Author unknown)

Most Difficult choice: new or new? (Author unknown)

female eyes- the ocean ... and it depends only on the man whether it will be Pacific or Arctic (Author unknown)

one beautiful and attractive girl I was walking down the street, accidentally stumbled and fell, the guys standing next to me laughed very loudly. She stood up and said: it's good that there are no Men around, otherwise it would be a shame. (Author unknown)

Better to be alone than miserable with someone (Author unknown)

Strong man- this is not the one who is doing well. This is the one who is doing well no matter what. (Author unknown)

Love is when the whole world cannot replace the beloved, but the beloved can replace the whole world. (Author unknown)

Men! Never say to a woman: "Who else needs you?" She will prove you wrong very soon and believe me, this will be the last thing she will do for you.(Author unknown)

Loyalty is such a rarity and such a value. It's not an innate feeling to be faithful. This solution.. (Author unknown)

Trust is like paper, once you remember, it will never be perfect, no matter how you level it. (Author unknown)

The worst misconception women have: "He will change"
The most common misconception in men: "She's not going anywhere." (Author unknown)

You leave - don't look back.
Look back and remember.
Remember, you'll regret it.
You'll be sorry - you'll be back.
Come back and start all over again...
(Author unknown)

Money can, of course, buy charming dog, but no amount of money will make him happily wag his tail. (William Billings)

The little girl asked her brother:
- What is love?
He replied:
- This is when you steal chocolate from my briefcase every day, and I keep putting it in the same place... (Author unknown)

In words and vows, all men are the same, but their actions show the difference between them. (Author unknown)

Life breaks the strong, bringing them to their knees to prove that they can rise. She does not touch the weak, they are on their knees all their lives. (Author unknown)

No need for the labors of Hercules. No need for money, power rank. Don't make women cry. Then you will be called a man ... (Author unknown)

Which husband is better - poor or rich? If you marry a poor man, you will have nothing but your husband. And if you marry a rich man, you will have everything except your husband (Author unknown)

The worst habits are not tobacco and alcohol, but attachments ... Especially to people. They disappear - and breaking begins ... (Author unknown)

A self-respecting woman will only kneel before
one man, it will be her son, and then only to button his jacket. (Author unknown)

Everything that happens to you, accept it as good, knowing that without God nothing happens. (Author unknown)

If you feel bad, hug the cat tightly. That's all. Now it's not only bad for you, but also for the cat. (Author unknown)

If a woman is not beautiful, then she is stupid. Clever woman will not allow herself to be ugly. ( coco chanel)

The more seriously you take a person, the less he begins to take you seriously ... (Author unknown)

If cats scratch your soul, do not hang your nose, the time will come and they will purr loudly with happiness! (Author unknown)

Forgiveness from a woman should be asked immediately, until she realized that she was fine without you. (Author unknown)

While you are facing your past, you are facing your future! Let's turn around! (Author unknown)

The choice is always yours! You either walk in the rain or get wet under it! (Author unknown)

Be positive! "Ugh, caterpillar!" change to "Wow, almost a butterfly!" (Author unknown)

If you have a goal - run towards it! Can't run - go! If you can't walk, crawl!.. If that doesn't work either... Then at least lie down in her direction... (Author unknown)

All men are looking for a smart, beautiful, well-groomed, stylish, luxurious, well-read, sexy, young, with her own apartment, car, fur coats, diamonds, and most importantly, faithful and disinterested. The question arises - why do you want her? (Author unknown)

Falling is part of life, getting back on your feet is living it. Being alive is a gift and being happy is your choice. (Author unknown)

We don't give people a second chance, we give ourselves a second chance. Because it's too difficult to sit down and honestly say to yourself: "Yes, I was wrong about this person." (Author unknown)

I decided that they had abandoned it ... I looked in the mirror: nope, they lost it ... (Author unknown)

When a person hurts us, then most likely he himself is deeply unhappy. Happy people do not be rude in queues, do not swear in transport, do not gossip about colleagues. Happy people in another reality. It is of no use to them. (Author unknown)

What are you doing?
- I love, I miss you, I miss you so much... I dream about you every night, I can't live without you. And you?
- I eat a cutlet ... (Author unknown)

One a little boy, when asked what forgiveness is, he gave a wonderful answer: "It is the fragrance that a flower gives when it is trampled on." (Author unknown)

When everything in life goes nah, then there comes a moment when you don't give a fuck! (Author unknown)

We appreciate what we have lost and love those who are not for us ... And we were waiting for a crane in the sky, giving a titmouse, a stupid refusal ... (Author unknown)

You have to be careful about your feelings... Without leaving a bad trace: you can glue a torn photo, but never a torn soul... (Author unknown)

The most thoughtless thing we can do in our lives is to put off happiness until later. (Author unknown)

For those who leave, open the door wider - ventilate the room of the soul! Believe that there are others in this world... And do not rush to return the traitors! (Author unknown)

A black cat crossing your path means that the animal is going somewhere... Keep it simple... (Author unknown)

We should not be offended by people because they did not live up to our expectations... It is our own fault that we expected more from them than we should have... (Author unknown)

Don't like something in life? Change or get used to it. The choice is yours. (Author unknown)

It happens that a man flutters his tail, spreads his feathers, sings, floods, thinks he is an overseas firebird, and you look and think: "Woodpecker." (Author unknown)

How mirrors have changed now... You look in them thoughtfully, wearily... And you seem to be the same as you were... Yes, only now, naivety is gone... (Author unknown)

It's sad that nowadays people can come up with a whole speech to justify themselves. But they cannot say a simple phrase: "I'm sorry, I was wrong." (Author unknown)

By the time the expected knocks on your door, the unpredictable has already made coffee for you. (Author unknown)

You seek happiness, but you gain experience. Sometimes you think - this is happiness! Fuck there, again experience. (Author unknown)

If a boat floating along the river of life is suddenly carried away by the current in the other direction, then it is time to rush to new shores! (Author unknown)

The one who knows how much it hurts will not betray... (Author unknown)

I remember you every Saturday when I wash the floor with your shirt. (Author unknown)

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Comments on this article:

13 years soul to soul. Plans for the coming old age (50 years), Permanent love. And one day, without quarrels, just: "I'm leaving. Get off." There was no one around, no children, no girlfriends, he was jealous, but I did not resist. She believed and worshiped. We work together. All.

Be happy and take care of yourself. Life is a boomerang

Thanks for the article, I'm a little shaken up. Great quote, made me smile :)

she didn’t betray me, I understand life is given once, she wants to live, live in luxury, travel. but during this time there were so many words together and she and I threw away into the wind ... I wish her happiness, I just want to let go faster , I can no longer think about her so much, constantly think about her, work and think, go and think, fall asleep and think, wake up and think ... I would leave my thoughts faster. with a sound head, I understand in any way, but I so wanted to give birth to me. sometimes even ashamed in front of me that I'm so wedged. like EVERYTHING. won't be like this for me! but I'm an adult, I know a month, 2 months or years, no matter the time will kill this feeling (but I don't want to). all health, kindness, love.

The excerpts amused me, but it didn’t get any easier .... Maybe I read something unpleasant about myself? ..

Yes, it’s true, but thanks, they shook it, the depressive disorder is already unbearable, and I don’t have a child like that. About men, it is correctly indicated that in the majority they betray, and immediately the thought of the homeland for the future of children ...

I agree, many men are infantile or selfish, or both. They try to become dependents, they think only about themselves (as if to improve their financial situation on someone else's hump), as if they found a mother for themselves, who should support, care, support and give warmth. And in response, what do they pay ... Betrayal, treason - sleepless nights, tears, White hair...Oh, this experience. I wish all women love, so that there is a real man nearby: faithful, reliable, loving! Everything will be fine !!!

It hurts so much, it's so difficult .... Three small children, no apartment, no money ... but he starts a relationship and is about to leave ... He asks for forgiveness and flies away with all his things ...

Thank you for the article! The state of depression, it's a shame that they betrayed! I know that life goes on, but the question "for what" torments? I want to quickly get rid of this state, saying, fuck you !!! So far it doesn't work. The cool article helped a little to get distracted, gain positive and gave a little confidence!

Thanks for the article, it helped me. Beloved cruelly betrayed, two weeks ago he swore in love and promised mountains of gold. And then abruptly disappeared without paying the rent. I found out from his relatives that he lives with his ex and changed phones, it turns out that he remembered from me :-) she cried, she couldn’t eat and sleep, but today I suddenly realized that I don’t need him, betrayed me more than once and brought me back himself . When he appears again, I will simply explain to him that it has become easier for me without him and there is no return to the past.

I got married without love. Tried. She gave birth to 2 daughters and 2 sons. Husband cheating. They lived on. Was looking for another. Divorced. Live alone. But the children do not forgive me. The father helps them financially. I lost my health and the meaning of life.