How to make the nose bridge thinner. Gymnastics and other ways to reduce the nose at home. To narrow and lengthen the nose, it is necessary

It's no secret that the nose lengthens and expands with age, loses its former shape and tone, because. the muscles of the cheeks weaken and sag, the subcutaneous fat layer around the wings of the nose thins out, and gravity inexorably pulls our nose to the ground.

Therefore, exercises to train the tiny nasal muscles located under the nostrils are recommended to strengthen and improve its shape, even in the absence of obvious problems with the nose, in order to keep the nose young, strong, even and beautiful.

Nose exercises can alsodecrease a big nose , wide nose make it more elegant and evencorrect deviated nose, and make the hump on the nose less noticeable.

Nose reduction exercise

If you have
- large, big a long nose,
- nose deviated to the side
- small hump,

Then the corrective exercise presented in the video is suitable. It narrows and shortens the tip of the nose, training lowering nasal muscles, improves its shape and condition of the upper lip.
Good muscle tone in the nose can even hide a small hump.

So, s Aim the starting position: draw in the stomach, tighten the muscles of the front surfaces of the thighs and tighten the buttocks.

Grasp the bridge of your nose with your thumb and forefinger, squeeze your fingers and press on your nose. With the index finger of the other hand, rest against the bottom of the tip of the nose. pull down lower lip, the tip of the nose, at the same time, should also go down.
Hold for a second in this position. After a second, release your lip, relax.
Repeat the exercise 20-40 times.

Important: when performing the exercise, you should feel how the tip of the nose rests on the finger.

Nose shortening exercise increases oxygen supply, stimulates blood circulation around the nose and upper lip, so that there is a "burning" and tingling sensation around the nose.

Do the nose exercise once a day. If your nose is a little longer than you would like, or a little wider, do it twice a day: o)

Nose straightening exercise

Take a starting position. Position your fingers as in the previous exercise.
Difference: push the tip of the nose in the direction strictly opposite to the curvature of the nose. Pull the lower lip down, linger in this position, after a second, relax your lips. Repeat the exercise 40 times. Each time the tip of the nose should rest against the substituted finger.

Judging by the reviews, this exercise has helped many straighten a crooked nose without resorting to rhinoplasty.

Advice: even after straightening the nose, continue to do this exercise, pushing the tip of the nose in the opposite direction of the curvature, so you will maintain a new, even shape of the nose.

What a sweet and unattainable word "ideal" ... So we want to be at least close to it, and when some part of our body does not fit into certain standards, we are sad about this. Now we will talk about our nose and they are all, of course, unique, some have snub-nosed ones, some have small ones, some have big ones.

No one can say with certainty which nose is beautiful, it all depends on the general image of the girl and her positioning herself. If the girl is happy with everything, then what difference does it make that someone considers her nose far from ideal, she just smiles and moves on. But still many ladies are complex because of their imperfect nose and are looking for ways to solve this problem.

How to visually reduce the nose: the right hairstyle or haircut

One way to visually reduce the nose is a well-chosen hairstyle or haircut. Haircut will look perfect middle length, and most importantly, give your hair volume. The volume on the hair can hide even a very sloppy nose. In case you have short hair, and you do not know how they can be given volume - comb them at the back of the head. You can ask a friend if you are uncomfortable with back bouffant.

Hair color also visually affects the shape of the nose, it is better to choose light or light brown shades, well, or extreme case chestnut, and dark colors draw attention to the nose. It is better to refuse bangs, as it is better to make the face more open. But if you are a fan of bangs, then stop not at a straight bang, but at one that does not cover the entire part of the forehead - oblique, bangs to the side, asymmetric or short.

How to visually reduce the nose: expressive eyebrows

With the help of eyebrows, you can also visually reduce the nose.. Absolutely not with big nose make eyebrow threads light color or straight form. It is best to make eyebrows with a pronounced color and curve that would attract attention. Makeup artists also claim that a large nose visually reduces other parts of the face highlighted by makeup. Make, for example, an emphasis on the eyes and eyebrows, then your nose will not be so conspicuous.

How to visually reduce the nose: the right makeup

  • Visually reducing the nose with makeup is one of the easiest ways to give your nose a more perfect shape. Select first foundation in harmony with the complexion of the skin. The texture of the cream should be of medium consistency, so as to hide minor imperfections, but also not look like a mask on the face. Carefully spread the tonal foundation and lightly powder the skin of the face on top.

  • To visually correct the nose, use a foundation different shades: pick one shade to match your skin tone or lighter than it, and pick the other darker than the first shade. Concealer can be replaced with correctors of different shades. Blend the darker shade along the wings of the nose if you consider this part of your nose to be large. For makeup, use a brush or sponge. And cover the bridge of the nose and back of the nose with a lighter shade, and so you visually make the width of the nose not so noticeable.
  • If you are not satisfied with the length of your nose, then apply more dark shade foundation on the tip of the nose, and blend the rest of the light cream over the rest of the nose. Just do not forget that the transitions of funds should be smooth and imperceptible, for this you can powder your face with light loose powder at the end of the makeup.

Today, fashion does not dictate to actresses or models to have perfect facial features, on the contrary, unusual types are valued, whose faces are not too perfect, but interesting. Knowing tips for visually reducing the nose is useful, but it is not necessary to use them all the time, because someone may be fascinated by you with your “imperfect” nose.

In some people, the nose lengthens with age, while others are born with an elongated nose. Some people consider their nose essential cosmetic defect and looking for different methods nose reduction, others are proud of their big nose, good example is the famous actor Gerard Depardieu.

But, nevertheless, the vast majority of people dream of correcting the shape of their nose. For those who want to correct the shape of the nose, but do not want to resort to plastic surgery, there are several ways to reduce the nose.

The first visual is nose reduction with cosmetics . Of course, you can’t really reduce your nose, besides, you will have to do disguise every day, but this is one of the safest and most painless ways.

  • More details on how to do this.

Another less common way nose reduction with facial exercises. This is a rather lengthy process, sometimes you need to engage in Facebook building for a month and a half in order to achieve positive results.

Facial exercises should be done daily three times a day, only in this case you will achieve results. Support the tip of the nose with your index finger and try to lift it higher, and try to resist with the muscles of the nose. Attention! In this exercise, only the muscles of the nose should be involved. The exercise must be repeated at least fifteen times.

Another way reduce nose without surgery is injection correction. With its help, you can hide the asymmetry of the nose, bumps on it, you can also form the bridge of the nose and improve the shape of the nose. The idea of ​​injectable nose reshaping came first to Cameron Rohsar, a cosmetic dermatologist. He used the correction drug Radiesse (Radiesse), which has become a great alternative for those who want to surgical intervention change the shape of your nose.

Here is a video on injection nose correction, but it is not exactly reduced, but rather changes its shape:

Radiesse injections are a synthetic version of a substance found in human teeth and bones. The use of Radiesse has been approved by the American Drug Administration and food products. Radiesse is used not only to improve the shape of the nose, but also to increase the shape of the lips, improve their contour. It is also used to fill the nasolabial folds and increase the cheeks and chin.

And of course, it is used to correct the bone section in the nose. The duration of Radiesse is quite long, at least two years. This sets Radiesse apart from other injectables that last six to twelve months. Radiesse has been used in cosmetology for more than eighteen years.

Dr. Rohsar presented the details of a cosmetic non-surgical nose job at a meeting at the Society for Dermatological Surgery recently held in California.
How does this nose correction procedure take place?

A special gel with an anesthetic effect is applied to the skin of the nose for thirty to forty minutes, after applying the gel, the nose is covered with a film so that the drug penetrates all parts of the nose faster.
Then the doctor checks how much the anesthesia has worked and injects a certain amount of Radiesse. The whole procedure takes no more than fifteen minutes.

In those places where the drug was injected, bruises or swelling may form, which are easily masked with makeup. After a couple of days, all swelling disappears. All patients who have had an injection procedure can immediately return to normal life. However, this procedure is not suitable for all patients. If you need to change the shape of the nostrils or straighten the nasal septum, then you will still have to turn to the classic operational method.

Finally, let's make you smile, in Japan there are very high sales of such clamps, which you see below, supposedly they correct the shape of the nose, reduce something :) well, who knows, what if!

A small and, at the same time, the most noticeable part of the face that grows throughout life is the nose.

Women are usually unhappy with its shape or size, trying to fix them by any available means.

The best correction option is rhinoplasty, but if it is not possible to do it, you can try several ways to reduce your nose at home. When choosing a technology, it is important to soberly assess the situation and not become a victim of fraud.

Is it possible to significantly reduce the nose at home?

Only 2 methods are known, the use of which should help in correcting the size and shape of the nose - the use of a corrector (Rinocorrect, NoseUp) and the implementation of special exercises (face-building).

The first option is to attach a plastic clip to the nose and wear it daily for only 2-3 hours. Sellers of such devices promise women an effect commensurate with the results plastic surgery. It includes reducing the length and width of the nose, even getting rid of its curvature and hump.

In fact, the clamps described are completely useless. The nose is a bone-cartilaginous structure, it cannot be changed by short-term pressure. Correction requires a long and constant impact. For example, to correct the spinal column, it is necessary to wear a special corset for several months in a row without removing it.

Also, do not naively trust the numerous rave reviews about plastic proofreaders, including the opinions of "honest specialists", and "before and after" photos. These images are simply copied from the websites of advanced clinics. plastic surgery and are a confirmation of the effect of rhinoplasty, and not wearing a plastic "clothespin".

Facebook building, in fact, the only way fix nose without surgical intervention. Exercises are aimed at strengthening the small muscles located near the nostrils.

It is important to remember that gymnastics is also not a magical technique, it helps to correct only some defects:

  • a long nose;
  • overhanging tip;
  • wide nose;
  • large nostrils.

The curvature and the presence of a hump cannot be eliminated; only a qualified surgeon will help with this.

Performing exercises will make imperfections less noticeable, and the nose will become visually more accurate. However, do not forget that Facebook building should be done regularly and constantly. As soon as the gymnastics stops, all defects will gradually return.
How can I reduce and lift the tip of the nose at home?

The best exercises that promote fast and correct correction nose lengths, designed by Carol Maggio. This Facebook building helps to slightly raise the tip and improve it. appearance, make it neater and shorter.

Here is how you can reduce an overly long nose at home:

1. Two fingers right hand(large and forefinger) grasp the nostrils and pinch them well. Place the pad of the index finger of the left hand on the tip of the nose and lift it up. As a result, the upper lip will also rise.

2. Holding your fingers in the described position, strain upper lip and lower it, resisting the muscles of the nose.

The exercise should be repeated 40 times every day.

How to reduce large wings of the nose at home?

Making the nostrils neater and the whole nose slimmer and less wide helps special massage from Carol Maggio's Facebook building course. It must be done daily, preferably in a relaxed state, for example, in the evening.

Here is how to reduce the width of the nose at home:

1. Place the thumb and index finger on the nose in the same way as in the previous exercise.

2. Without opening your fingers, drive them along the nose, as if slowly rubbing it.

Repeat 45 times up and down.

Expressed results will appear after 2-3 months of regular Facebook building.

Almost every girl dreams of being like her idols, who look very attractive in photographs. But they don't understand that before they become so beautiful, famous models and actresses have to spend a lot of time with stylists who correct the flaws in their appearance. Many girls are not satisfied with their nose shape: some say that it is too long, others - too short, and so on. Of course, you should not immediately resort to radical ways solutions to such a problem (for example, plastic surgery), because there are a huge number of more safe methods. Many girls are interested in how to reduce the nose at home. Exercises specifically designed for this are one of the best options.

Choosing the Right Exercise

Before you start performing exercises to correct the shape of the nose, you need to determine what exactly you do not like about the nose. After all, there are various complexes aimed at reducing its length, correcting humps, etc. Of course, there are also mixed complexes that will help eliminate several defects at once. If you can’t choose the right exercise, then you can start with the universal one - from Carol Maggio.

What is the essence of the universal exercise?

Any girl who is faced with the question of how to reduce her nose at home is lost among the huge number of exercises offered in newspapers and magazines. Wherein the main problem does not always lie in the length of the nose. Some girls are confused by its width, fit, hump (if any). Therefore, it is better to choose universal exercises that will help to cope with any problems. One of them is gymnastics from Carol Maggio. With its help, you can narrow and slightly shorten the tip of the nose. This happens due to training, lowering the nasal muscles. After increasing the tone of this muscle, it will even be possible to visually reduce the hump. If you are interested in how to reduce a long nose at home, then this exercise must be performed:

  • Take a starting position. To do this, pull in the stomach, tighten the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.
  • Grab the bridge of your nose with your thumb and forefinger. You need to put some pressure on your nose. Big or index finger the other hand needs to rest against the tip of the nose, lifting it.
  • With the little finger, pull the lower lip down, while the tip should also fall. In this position, you need to linger for a few seconds.
  • The exercise is repeated 20 to 40 times. It is recommended to perform the exercise once a day.

Straightening the tip of the nose

Most girls ask the question: "How to reduce the nose at home?". But there is another popular problem - the tip of the nose is slightly curved. You can also correct asymmetry with the help of special exercises. In this case, you can overcome wrong position tip, but such manipulations will not work to eliminate the hump. The exercise is quick and easy:

Nose narrowing exercises

Some girls are interested in how to reduce the nose at home. Moreover, this does not always apply to its length, but also to its width. With the help of the exercise suggested below, you can make the shape of the nose more beautiful. Its owner will look much younger. For its implementation, it is necessary to adhere to a certain algorithm:

Narrowing of the nose

Many girls, and guys too, dream of a narrower nose. To achieve good results in this matter, you need to use the muscles located inside the nose. With their help, it will be possible to visually tighten the nose and make it narrower. How to reduce the nose with potatoes at home? Yes, very easy! The main thing is to choose the right exercise. Its execution is as follows:

How to strengthen your nose?

Many girls do not like the features of their faces, so they are interested in the question: "How to reduce the nose at home?". But in order for the result of any correction to be fixed, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the nose so that they remain in this position for a long time. Of course, there are also special exercises. Let's consider one of them:

  • The middle fingers of both hands should be placed on the nose. At the same time, they should touch on the bridge of the nose.
  • With gentle movements, you should pull the skin down, but at the same time the nose itself should be a little tense.
  • In this position, you need to stay on 10 accounts. If it doesn’t work out, then you can stop at least at 5, but over time this figure should be increased.

Interestingly, with such a simple manipulation, it is also possible to prevent the appearance of wrinkles in the nose area. After all, this exercise is more like a massage than gymnastics. In addition, by performing it, you can get rid of some diseases (for example, curvature of the nasal cartilage).

Visual reduction of the nose

Of course, these exercises may not help everyone. But this does not mean that you should immediately run to plastic surgeon. How to reduce the nose at home (photo can be seen below), almost every girl is interested. In fact, there is nothing abstruse in this. The main thing is to learn how to do the right makeup.

So, in order to correct any defects that are on the face, it is enough just to purchase three foundation: natural tone, one shade lighter and darker. With the help of a light base, you can increase the shape, and a dark one, on the contrary, reduces them. That is, in the case of a too wide nose, it is necessary to apply dark tone on side stripes and fenders. In this case, the back of the nose is better to lighten a little. To make the makeup seem complete, you can apply a silent powder on the tip of the nose.

Hair work

Often irregular shape eyebrows cause the nose to look ugly. If the eyebrows are too thick, then the nose will also look bigger. Therefore, if the question arose: “How to reduce the nose at home?”, Then it is better to give preference to semicircular eyebrows. Also, the wrong hairstyle can also affect the proportions of the face. If a girl has a too long or wide nose, then it is better for her to give up bangs or a straight haircut. At the same time, some types of bangs, on the contrary, are welcome (asymmetrical, oblique, torn). It is worth noting that you can correct the nose with the help of hair color. As is known, light shades attract attention, so no one will notice your nose (if you are a blonde).