How to become the main for a man. 3 Ways to Be a Man - wikiHow

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How to become the only one for a man (7 secrets of ideal wives). Having mastered them, any representative of the fair sex will be able to make her man the happiest.

The first secret is femininity

Men are attracted to a beautiful, full of energy and self-confident girl. Femininity is added by skirts, dresses, jewelry, clean hair, well-groomed skin. No matter what they say, no man can fall in love at first sight with your inner world.

The second secret is sexuality

A man needs a woman who can not only give, but also receive unforgettable pleasure. Therefore, it is important for a woman to develop sensitivity and know massage techniques, manual caresses that will bring untold pleasure to her partner.

Please note that a man whose woman knows how to deliver and receive pleasure will earn much more.

The third secret is emotionality

A man appreciates a real, cheerful, gentle, admiring “girl”. When a loved one tells something, look at him with delight and amazement, because there is no more interesting and smarter storyteller in the world!

A woman can develop emotionality in the gym, doing yoga, traveling or dancing while cleaning. And when her husband comes home, she should meet him light, radiant, and not irritated.

The fourth secret is love

The man needs unconditional love, absolute acceptance and maternal care. Having married, the guy transfers all the worries about himself from the hands of his mother to the hands of his wife.

Home for him is the womb, where he forgets about all worries. Warmth is developed by touching, stroking, hugging. Love not for something, but in spite of everything!

The fifth secret is happiness

A man wants to see a realized, creative, holistic personality nearby. In order for him to hear and respect you, you must be successful in a professional or any other field. H

remember, when a woman "drowns" in self-realization, and a man fades into the background - he has a mistress. He just needs to be a king for a woman. If this is not in your relationship, the chain will break ...

The sixth secret is wisdom

A woman for her man is an interesting conversationalist and understanding friend. She must respect his work, choice, and also share hobbies.

The seventh secret is spirituality, faith

It is important for a man that a woman believes that everything will be fine, that she has the best husband and children in the world. No matter what happens, she is always calm.

If you have all these "secret" qualities, be sure that a man will never leave you. Share this article with your friends.

Any woman wants to remain the only, beloved and desired for her man throughout her life, but not everyone succeeds. It is not so difficult to win the heart of a man, every charmer has a lot of ways to lure the object she likes into her networks. But to keep a loved one nearby and become for him the center of the universe and the meaning of life is not for everyone.

1. A man is a hunter, a woman is a trophy

No wonder they say that women and men are inhabitants of different planets, respectively, they have absolutely different views on romantic relationship. A woman is looking for protection, stability and confidence in her chosen one. tomorrow, and for her partner, oddly enough, the emotional aspect is more important. Remember how your feelings were born. You got to know each other, new sensations attracted, excited and aroused undisguised interest. Over time, he began to weaken. Why? The man achieved his goal and calmed down, you are already a trophy for him. You haven't forgotten that the man is a hunter, have you?

But for trophies, too, maybe different attitude. A stuffed animal of a killed pheasant can gather dust in a closet for years, and he will constantly show off his luxurious bearskin to his friends. Have you thought about why this is happening? In order to get a pheasant, a man did not have to put in much effort, which cannot be said about bear hunting. Here he happened to buy an expensive gun and special ammunition, go to the taiga, track down the beast and go out with him one on one in a deadly fight. Feel the difference? This leads to the following conclusion: become a precious and desirable prey for a man, for the sake of which he is ready to spend his time and money. Never call first and do not grab the phone after the first ring, reschedule meetings, flirt and intrigue, demand special treatment for yourself, do not refuse gifts and signs of attention. At the same time, you must treat your partner with respect, without humiliating your own dignity. A real hunter will not be able to provoke such a difficult prey.

2. A man is a child, a woman is a wise teacher

Men are big children, this should always be remembered. What does an experienced teacher do? kindergarten when do kids get bored with something? That's right, it switches their attention to something else. Therefore, in order to captivate a man and maintain his interest in her person, a woman must herself be a self-sufficient and integral person.

Remember, the circle of your interests cannot and should not be limited only to your chosen one. Live full life, work, create, read, travel, discover the world and share your knowledge and emotions with your loved ones. A man must see and understand that he is not the center of your Universe, and with his appearance, the companion is not ready to completely change the usual way of her life and put it on the altar of family relationships.

3. Everyone has their own chair

In relationships, there are two chairs - male and female, it is very important to always remember this and not pretend to be someone else's place. Since ancient times, it has become customary that a man is a breadwinner, a woman is a keeper of the hearth. Of course, time has made its own adjustments, but the essence remains the same. Therefore, you should not take men's duties even if you can afford them. It is important to be able to inspire a man and properly motivate him for men's actions and actions. It may take some time, but you will know that there is a reliable companion next to you who is ready to take responsibility for your family.

You need to constantly remind him that he is the best and without him you can not do it. Do not skimp on praise and thank your loved one, compare with others (in his favor, of course), let him feel his importance and irreplaceability. Take a closer look at how men do not have a soul in their little daughters. And all because these tiny women sincerely, at the level of natural instincts, admire their fathers, quite truthfully considering them to be the best on Earth. Remember that none great man would not have succeeded without having a woman by his side who inspired him.

4. Oh, sex, you are the Universe!

Sex - the most important aspect relationships between men and women, so this area of ​​​​life should be given great importance. So that carnal pleasures do not turn into a boring routine, you need to make a lot of effort. Remember how you were going on a date at the dawn of your relationship, how carefully you chose your wardrobe and meticulously assessed your reflection in the mirror. Take as a rule these simple but vital tips:

Wear only beautiful and sexy underwear. A man should not see stretched everyday underpants and washed out shapeless nightgowns. Walk at home in playful dressing gowns, ready to slip off your body at any moment. The teasing short shorts will also not leave your partner indifferent, no matter how hard his day is. Ask him to bring a towel and slippers to the bathroom and do not even doubt that he will take you to bed in his arms and will not leave you there alone.

Get your body in order. Lose weight, go in for sports or dance, bring to perfect condition skin and hair. Even if your body does not have model proportions, it should be fresh, clean and smell delicious. What could be nicer than soft silky female skin and shocks of fragrant, still slightly damp hair after a shower!

Do not be hypocrites and feel free to experiment in bed. Watch porn movies together, practice role-playing games have sex in different places without being limited to the outside of the bed. Let your partner wake up in the morning not by the sound of a hated alarm clock, but by your passionate oral caresses. Believe me, he will remember this throughout the day and will adequately thank you in the evening!

5. Feed your man the right way

Everyone knows the proverb about the way to a man's heart through his stomach. No matter how trite it may sound, but this has a deep meaning, inherent in the peculiarities of male physiology. Let the traditional meal turn into a ritual for your couple. If a man at the dawn of a relationship brought breakfast to bed, do not give up such a privilege in the future. Let him know that you will thank him for this. passionate kiss, good mood and romantic dinner.

Even if you have not prepared anything grandiose, set the table beautifully, serve food to your partner, offer a napkin, a salt shaker, bread, an additive. Be sure to sit at the table with him, even if dinner is late and at this time you no longer eat. Don't start serious conversations until the man satisfies his hunger.

We hope these simple tips will help you become the most desirable and the only woman for your beloved man. Good luck!

Dear ladies, today I decided to finally “surrender” us, men, with giblets and I will share with you the most important secret of how to keep without special efforts interest of almost any man for many years.

Why didn't you write about this before? In my opinion, this "secret" is so obvious that I did not even understand how it could not be understood.

And here recently discussed with his wife in Once again male psychology. She asked me, what should be done to interest a man and not lose his interest for many years? Of course, I told her what the most important thing to do for this. And instead of gratitude in response, I heard from my wife so much indignation and righteous anger about why there is still no such article on the site ?!

And then the same story repeated, which was with the article “The psychology of men is similar to the psychology of dogs”. Every day when I came home, I heard a question from my wife: "You wrote the article you promised"?

Yes, I'm writing, I'm writing!

Total what is usually advised women's magazines, and I myself in my articles?

Pay attention to your appearance, flirt, study the psychology of men, learn to listen, etc. All these tips work, and how. Study male psychology, apply in life those secrets and methods that I describe in my articles and books, and be sure your relationship with a man, and your life will change. All this works.

But today I will talk about what, in combination with the above tips, will make you simply irreplaceable, irresistible and the only woman for your man. Something that is almost impossible to repeat to other women. (This is another one of strong properties this advice). In this article, I will briefly. And you can read more in the new book.

Before describing it, I will cite one of the fairly well-known differences in the psychology of men and women.

A man is focused on decisions and actions, and a woman is focused on communication..

Therefore enough common cause conflicts between a man and a woman is precisely this difference. Suppose a woman wants to tell a man what happened to her and hear words of sympathy, and a man, without really listening to the end, begins to give advice and even criticize. I will not give examples here, since I have repeatedly written articles on the site " sunny hands" about this theme.

However, this difference between a man and a woman extends beyond the fact that a man cannot listen to an upset woman. In many ways, the love of a man, love and interest in a woman for many years also depend on this male feature.

In total, a man falls in love, remembers a woman for a long time, does not lose interest in her in many respects in the process of some business, actions, and not communication, like a woman. In other words, the main moment for a woman to fall in love with a man is his words. If a man knows how to say what a woman wants to hear, then other things being equal (mind, confidence, beauty, strength, money, etc.), he will always be more desirable for a woman than the one who does not know how to say this. And even if these conditions are not very equal, then still a man who knows how to say what the girl wants to hear and behave like a real man, often still turns out to be more desirable for a woman.

Men who do not know how to communicate with women do not enjoy success with them, and then in family life also experience constant difficulties.

Now let's move on specifically to what needs to be done to become irreplaceable, irresistible and unique for your man? Communication for men, of course, is just as important. However the main reason why a man falls in love with a woman is joint affairs. And already in the process of doing these things, you can communicate, fall in love, etc.

A woman who intentionally or accidentally uses this feature of a man always has a better chance of falling in love and keeping a man for a long time than one who does not.

Once again I will try to formulate this rule, and only then examples. It is quite difficult for a man to fall in love with a woman just by talking with her over a cup good tea. Even if the tea is very good, and the conversation is even better. I'm not saying that this never happens. After all, a woman can fall in love with a man who has never said anything to her, just by seeing him in front of her or even on TV. However, it is still much easier for a woman to do something with him, and not just communicate, in order to keep the interest of a man.

It would seem that the obvious advice for men and for women. Men are more likely to say something nice to their woman, and women are more likely to do something with their man. However, despite this, many men are silent (some are better off silent :)), and women do nothing with men. This error makes it difficult to build good relations factor of.

So, how to do something with men?

Let's return to the initial example, where a woman and a man are drinking tea and having somewonderful conversation.

The man in this example just sits on an armchair and sofa and drinks tea that the woman has made for him. He was fixed in one place, and inside he is already starting to fidget a little. What can be done?

- At a minimum, you can ask a man to help make tea, help move cups of tea somewhere, generally run to the store for tea (or whatever is stronger and tastier), because he is a getter, so let him run and get it. Then it will be much easier to transfer the subsequent fixation on the chair. And with greater pride in myself and in my exploits. He fed the woman, did not let her go hungry;

- After tea drinking or before it, you can take a walk along the street;

- You can even talk, but touch on your own and his affairs in the context of their decision, and not just just communication. That is, you can not just talk about something that happens in your work and life, but ask for advice about something. Ask what he can advise in this situation and why? Don't feed men with bread, just give them the opportunity to give away free advice :))!

It is natural that no need to ask about something purely specific, about what your man does not understand at all. In addition, of course, consider the degree of development of relations. It is not at all necessary at the first meeting to puzzle a man with a couple of dozens of problems that you could not solve before for 10 years. About what mistakes girls and women make at the first meetings, I spoke in detail in the book.

These tips, which I listed above, are the most primitive. But even they can lead to the fact that a man will remember and fall in love with you much easier. It is important that if you implement them in practice, you will avoid a large number of pauses in communication or even "death" silence. After all, men, as a rule, practically do not know how to communicate on other topics, except for business.

Okay, the above tips are desirable for most men. Then communication with them will be noticeably simplified in any sense of the word. It is not necessary to set a goal to make him fall in love, you can thus improve relations with male colleagues, etc.

However, what are more strong means for a potential husband? What can make a woman out of competition maybe even for life?

Strong joint experiences, actions, decisions of a man and a woman (or only men) associated with risk, struggle, hardship, victories and defeats for a woman or together with a woman, put this woman in a completely different, special world for a man. A man remembers such memories for a very long time or even for a lifetime.

Now there is only this woman and there are all the other other women.

Beautiful and younger girls will no longer be able to seriously compete with her. And if a man and a woman can avoid gross mistakes in relationships in the future, which for some reason turns out to be more difficult than going through difficulties and victories together (read the articles by Anastasia Guy in the section and you will learn how to avoid gross mistakes), then a woman will always remain for a man in a special place.

How to get these joint experiences associated with victories and defeats, risk and struggle? How to become out of competition? Of course, I do not suggest that you specifically get involved in some kind of fraud for this, so that later you can get out of them all your life. In life, without it, there are enough difficulties and difficulties. You just need to skillfully use them. How to do it?

Here, unfortunately or fortunately, to give such simple tips, as in the tea example, is impossible. However, some guidelines can be given.

Firstly, do not completely remove the complexities and difficulties of a man in a career, relationships, etc..

In other words, don't do the man's business for him. Otherwise, if everything is presented to a man on a silver platter, then the effect will not be in the expected gratitude, but in avoiding you and even, possibly, in betrayal.

This is the most minimal advice that can be given after the tea example. I'm not saying that you can't help a man with advice or action, but you can't give or buy a man a victory, even if you have money, skills or acquaintances with which you can get this victory. He won't forgive you for this.

Secondly, deep experiences arise while moving somewhere and for some reason. IN this case by movement I mean, of course, not so much walking or running, but personal growth, achieving some goals, etc. Physically, you can stay in place.

If you or your man have a stable life and you do the same thing every day, think the same thing and the same thing happens around you, then strong feelings are unlikely to arise.

Start moving somewhere. Set a goal for yourself, decide to change internally, try to learn some new skill or go somewhere new. Encourage the movement of a man somewhere. If you have a completely “marsh” life, where, for example, your parents decide everything for you and you work at some kind of boring job, then serious experiences are hardly possible in it.

During this movement, fear, a state of happiness, other experiences, the acquisition of some kind of life wisdom will certainly arise. Again, I do not urge you to immediately make sudden gestures, quit your job, friends, etc. To begin with, at least think about it, you do not need to immediately begin to act. Then you can try to do something small. Then you can try to do something with a man.

Demand or expect from a man changes in him or the achievement of some interesting goals. Whether you succeed or fail, the shared memories that cement your relationship are guaranteed. (Once again I say that you don’t need to take big steps right away, otherwise these will not be memories, but only severe pain).

I understand that somehow changing your life and achieving goals or stimulating this man is not so easy. But this is not so difficult, if you do not aim at goals that are impossible for you and / or rearrange the world and the people around you.

That's it, one of the most important secrets of how you can easily keep a man near you for decades and become for him the most irreplaceable and irresistible woman has told you. It's just something to do with the man. You can even just play the role of an active fan and a strategist who sees from the side of the mistake and generally helps with his female intuition and caution. This secret is very strong and almost impossible to repeat. (How can you repeat other people's victories and shared memories?).

Use it and other secrets of communication with men, and they will be at your feet, waiting for the opportunity to fulfill your desires.

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov.

1 203 0 Hello our dear readers! From this article, you will learn how to become desirable for a guy or a husband, what qualities and skills will help in this, and, most importantly, what mistakes to avoid so as not to alienate a man. Currently, on the Internet it is possible to find a large number of works of psychologists, both domestic and foreign, on the topic of sexuality and its development. This is because the sexual aspect is an integral part of the life of a modern woman. Some girls can easily make you want young man, while others have to "work hard" to attract attention. But one way or another, everyone wants to be attractive.

How to become feminine and desirable for a man: basic steps

Desire is caused by outwardly attractive girls: slender, well-groomed, beautifully dressed. Smart, active, cheerful, with a twinkle in their eyes and a smile on their face, they are always interesting and stand out from the crowd.

It is difficult to radiate sexuality with extra tens of kilograms on the body, in old rolled up clothes, with unkempt manicure and stale hair. modern woman I have to work many hours a day and, of course, there is very little time and effort left to put myself in order. And attractiveness requires a daily investment in yourself (temporary, physical and material). Every girl sooner or later has to make a choice between the desire to be beautiful and, for example, in the evenings, quietly on the couch to watch TV shows and eat delicious food. If desire and sexuality surpass laziness, then you should start working on yourself immediately. Where to begin?

Step 1. Improving the appearance: revision of the wardrobe

It is necessary to get rid of old rolled up and worn things. Down with baggy oversized shoes that add countless kilograms to your body, worn sneakers and worn underwear. At attractive woman there is no place in the closet for such rags. Only the best that you can afford should remain financial terms. Nothing left and nothing to wear? Go shopping. Limited in funds? Use the services of online stores, sales - AliExpress will help you. In short, dress up now! Give preference to dresses! It's feminine, stylish, practical (skinny models can hide figure flaws well) and economical (1 dress is much cheaper than a set of jeans and a T-shirt).

Pay attention to feminine shoes (shoes with elegant heels).

Remember! Keds and sneakers are designed for sports. Leggings - for representatives only perfect figure! Underwear doesn't have to be expensive, but always fresh and sexy (even if no one is watching). Emphasize the dignity of the figure and, if possible, hide the flaws.

Do not be vulgar and overly provocative, this may have nothing to do with sexuality. Do not be naked (we show either legs in short skirt or neckline).

Step 2. Improving your own body

If there excess weight- Go in for sports and adjust your diet. Lack of body weight - include cereals in the diet. It is not necessary for weight loss to torture yourself with hunger strikes and excessive physical activity. Everything should be in moderation and according to the possibilities. Of course, to radically change the shape in as soon as possible It won't work, but it can be corrected. Please note that for each woman there are parameters in which she looks sexy. Strongly thin for a long time no one likes. Dieting women look tired, haggard and flabby.

"In fashion" the body is athletic and toned, not "hungry".

Elastic and rounded buttocks always catch the eye. Still not going in for sports and missing the opportunity to have a sexy body? But in vain!


The hairstyle is really important point V female image. First of all, the mop should be well-groomed: always clean, neatly trimmed, well-colored and decorated, pleasantly smelling. Overgrown roots and split ends should never be! It is necessary to paint the regrown part once every three weeks, there is no money for salon services learn to dye your hair by yourself. Haircut at least once every three months.


Don't skimp on hydration. Hand cream should always be with you. Don't forget to use body milk or lotion after your shower. Use masks, tonics, sprays. Pamper your body nutrient formulations, and it will thank you with radiance and its velvety.


Your face is yours business card. It should always be well cleaned, moisturized, toned and made up. No tons of camouflage powders and foundation creams. Enough BB, mascara and lipstick or gloss to create the appearance of radiance and well-groomed face. Don't forget to tidy up ( and ) regularly.


If you smoke and like to drink alcoholic drinks, drop this thing! The smell of a smoker from the mouth is simply disgusting for a man, even if he himself smokes at the same time. A girl should smell of tenderness, not an ashtray. About alcohol is similar - the smell of fumes is disgusting. Your job is to attract, not repel. Do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene. The smell of sweat and unwashed body is unacceptable. Use perfume and deodorant with a mild scent.


You need to get your hands in order weekly. Necessarily! This also applies to lovers of shellac, gel and acrylic. The unpainted part of the nail that has grown by several mm near the untreated cuticle looks untidy. There is no money for trips to the manicure master once a week, give up this idea. Learn how to take care of your nails yourself. Online stores have a huge number of UV lamps, gels and other necessary funds. Master them, and your manicure will always be fresh and neat!

Step 3. Image creation

In addition to clothing, body shape, hair, etc., there are such important components as charm, intrigue, an alluring smile, intelligence, grace, a sense of humor. Without all these elements, the assessment of femininity and attractiveness is impossible.


No one likes gloomy harsh aunts. You don’t need to smile all the time either, it can look weird. It is necessary to give a smile to those who are pleasant to you, this is a kind of sign of approval and expression of sympathy.

Watch your walk

Move smoothly and slowly, keep your posture. Be graceful like cats, but don't overdo it.

Your speech should be quiet, without excited notes, soft and smooth, luring with its melodiousness.

Respect the interlocutor

During a conversation, listen carefully, take an interest in the affairs of the man you want to please. Speak kindly and do not slander. Eliminate swear words from your speech. Don't complain, don't whine, and don't gossip! Never! Be a lady.


Of course, if you can. A sense of humor is a wonderful feminine quality that can defuse the situation at any time and set it in the right way.

Have your own dignity

A woman should be able to love, appreciate and respect herself first of all. If you work hard on yourself, on your appearance, career, education, know your worth. Don't settle for less than you deserve. If you don't put in the effort and work daily to improve yourself, start already! Men always choose women worthy of themselves. We need a successful, strong, wealthy - match! And always appreciate what you have achieved.

Don't be intrusive

Respect the man's personal space. Do not call or write a hundred times a day. It is uninteresting, ugly and even indecent.

A man should be active. It's a woman's business to gently and imperceptibly lure and attract, so imperceptibly that a man thinks that he is a hunter, and you are a victim. And not vice versa.

In the event that a lady begins to show excessive attention, often there is a desire to hide away from her.

Be smart

Read more and develop, replenish your lexicon, monitor the literacy of speech (oral and written).

Be passionate

Women who have interesting hobbies are always attractive. Teach foreign languages, dance, play sports or music, draw, read, invest in yourself and your head daily. A woman who values ​​her personal time and space will always command respect.

Step 4. Own desire

For harmonious interpersonal and intimate relationships mutual desire is required. Of course beautiful appearance, intelligence, intrigue. But if you yourself do not want this particular man in a sexual way, you will not be able to simulate for a long time.

No matter how sexy and attractive a woman is, if the representative of the stronger sex does not feel mutual attraction, his desire will pass.

For modern man it is important to feel like a winner in everything, sex is no exception. Deliver to a woman real pleasure it's not easy, orgasm - highest award winner. An experienced young man will instantly figure out your lack of desire by physiological signs and will lose the desire to win.

Hence the conclusion: if you don't experience sexual attraction to a specific man, you should not waste time trying to lure him. This will not be crowned with success, it will not work to become a desired woman for a long time, and time will be wasted. Yes, and unwanted intimate relationship is disrespect for oneself.

Qualities of a woman that will help you become desirable

Sociologists and psychologists have identified certain feminine qualities that men find attractive. Focusing on the presented list, evaluate your own compliance with the necessary parameters and, if necessary, tighten the losing positions.

  • Charm

Female sexuality consists of certain external and internal data that make up the overall desired image. This is a kind of combination of internal sexuality and attractive appearance.

  • Cheerfulness

Men are attracted to easy, easy relationships that bring joy and pleasure. Such mental attitude only a cheerful girl can create. Despondency, complaints, drama and a bunch of other people's problems, the young man definitely does not want to endure.

  • Respect for the stronger sex

A woman should be able to recognize male power and authority. Compliment your partner's accomplishments.

  • Ability to be feminine and weak

Down with flashy feminism. Stronger sex always nice to help weak girl, demonstrate their strength and skills. And get rewarded for it!

  • The ability to love men

The desire to be loved often outweighs sex drive. The feeling of love and passion in a couple should be created by a woman. It is these feelings that can cause the desire of one woman for a long time.

  • Having your own social circle

Every girl should have personal friends and acquaintances from her man, including males. And without him to spend time with them. So that the young man does not feel the only, inimitable and unique for you. To know that the world did not converge on him like a wedge. In the feeling of healthy competition, desire is especially warmed up.

  • Reluctance to become a second mother-hen for her lover

A man needs a woman whom he will desire, love, whom he himself can take care of. He should be strong and courageous in a pair, and not vice versa.

  • Ability to enjoy sex

Own desire has importance. Women who enjoy an intimate relationship with a man cause a wild desire. Experiment in sex, be moderately relaxed, courageous and interested. Sometimes take the initiative in your own hands, it's always interesting. Learn to enjoy sex or teach your man how to give it to you.

How to win the attention of a husband and become desirable for him

Life is really capable of corroding any relationship. In order not to constantly wonder how to become desirable for her husband, a woman must always take care of herself: her appearance and behavior.

A huge number of worries pile up daily on a working woman, wife, mother. With so many things to do and problems, it is often difficult to find time for yourself, for your man, and for your relationship with him.

Unfortunately, in this situation, over time, it is impossible not to notice that the husband no longer looks at you as before, does not show interest, does not show desire. Conversations become only on the case, aimed at solving family problems and difficulties. Sweet words turn into only requests, admiration into demands, praise into reproaches. Strange with this women's attitude wait for desire and love from a man.

Remember the simple truth : your husband is, first of all, a man, and then everything else. And you have to treat him like a man. In order not only to become a desirable wife for some time, but also to remain so constantly, it is necessary to work on yourself every day.

I would like to immediately note a big BUT! No need to take it as additional overtime work and build a martyr out of yourself. It's so nice to try for a loved one, to give him joy and pleasure. Pleasure from wife delicious dinner, nice compliments, respect and admiration. You once fell in love with this person, so he remained the same. It is you who may be tired and not coping with all your tasks, but he, most likely, is who he was.

You get tired very much and do not have time - ask a man for help. You will see that it will be much more pleasant for your husband to wash the dishes (and then receive encouragement) than to listen to your tantrums and tired grumbling. Divide household chores, learn to delegate authority, and then there will be, both for a husband and for establishing intimate relationships. Everyone will benefit from this arrangement.

Every day try to attract his attention and be desired. How to achieve this is written in the first part of the article.

No need to think that once you have got a man, he will always be yours. How much you are willing to invest in your relationship, you will get such a result.

Love your husband, admire him, make compliments and surprises, be interested in his affairs. Every day you spend together, dress up and put yourself in order. Kiss and hug him often. A favorable psychological climate in the family will set dear person in the right way.

Mistakes of a woman, or how to beat off a man's desire

In order for a man to always admire you, never cease to love and perceive you as a woman, it is necessary to exclude the following phenomena from your general existence.


Constant dissatisfaction with her husband, saying unpleasant phrases. Remarks will definitely not make you attractive. Men love to be admired! As, however, and women.

Scandals and tantrums

A red face twisted with anger and swollen with tears is by no means sexy. An increase in tone and impartial expressions are perceived by the stronger sex as a manifestation of disrespect.

Constant control

An adult needs a personal space for a normal existence. In order for a man to always want to return to you, you need to be able to let him go, to provide the right to engage in personal affairs, have your own hobby, etc. And no matter what it costs, then do not arrange interrogations and tantrums on the topic: “What did he do there without you.”


If a man feels this on your part, the relationship will suffer, spoiling the intimate sphere as well.


Stale appearance, lack of manicure and hairstyle, groomed face, shapeless old clothes will make even the most beloved woman unattractive. Not to mention bad smell from an unwashed body. No excess vegetation on the body! Never! Be beautiful every day for your loved one.

Dear women and girls, always watch your appearance, speech and behavior. Respect yourself and your life partner. Appreciate in your husband, first of all, a man, and in yourself a woman. And then your relationship will be filled with real feelings, desire and interest in each other.

5 secrets of seductiveness

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As soon as it appears on the horizon worthy man, the life of a woman turns into a real struggle for her happiness. And having entered into a relationship with him, I want them to last the rest of my life. But men are polygamous by nature and, sometimes, stare at other representatives of the fair sex. A happy women who managed to keep their faithful, willingly share the secrets of how to become the only one for a man and make him monogamous.

Men love with their eyes
Men love to stare at beautiful and well-groomed women, seeing them off with their eyes. Therefore, if you want your beloved to look only at you and not notice other women, become the most beautiful and attractive for him:
  1. Upon returning home from work, a man should see well-groomed woman, and not a dubious creature in a shabby robe and a bun on his head. Before his arrival, put yourself in order: change clothes, comb your hair, apply light makeup. It is better to throw away the robes of an incomprehensible shape and purchase miniature silk robes instead.
  2. Sleepwear should be seductive. It can be babydoll shirts, silk sets or translucent T-shirts. You can occasionally pamper your man by going to bed naked.
  3. Don't neglect your face and body treatments. They make the skin well-groomed, smooth and even. Beloved will be pleased to touch you.
If a man with a bit of jealousy is interested in why you visit salons so often, stand in front of a mirror for hours and constantly dress up, gently explain to him that you are trying to be beautiful especially for him! Believe me, he will like this answer. But carry out all procedures in the absence of the faithful, he should not see you with a mask on your face and curlers on your head.

Dinner is served!
It is true that the way to the heart of a beloved man lies through the stomach! Feed your loved one tasty, plentiful and varied! Moreover, the man prefers simple meals, for example, dumplings, cutlets, potatoes, meat. Therefore, they should be present on the table as often as possible. If you want to arrange a fasting day or even go on a diet, then do not involve a man in this! Prepare yourself separately.

But! Not all men like brutal food. Some prefer European or Asian cuisine. Be sure to learn how to cook his favorite dishes and never make a man wait for food! Everything must be ready for his arrival.

Unfortunately, the food that most men prefer is not very healthy. Fried and fatty foods adversely affect health. Therefore, it is important to make the dish both nutritious and healthy at the same time. For example, if the faithful demanded a fried steak, then serve him boiled vegetables (including potatoes) as a side dish.

And the last. Do not pester a man with questions about what to cook for dinner. They think so much already, they didn’t have enough to think for us women. It is better to give him a choice from the options you have previously proposed.

Freedom brings together
Never restrict a man's freedom. It has been proven that a man is more attached to the woman who does not hold him short leash. Let him see his friends more often. Invite them to visit, organize dinner for your husband and his friends. Always be hospitable. And then not only your man will admire you, but also his friends.

Men are so arranged that they sometimes need to take a break from their family ... This does not mean that his feelings for you have cooled down. For this, men have fishing, hunting and other hobbies. Men also sometimes need to get together to chat on male themes to discuss business. But during such gatherings, he will still think about you and want to return as soon as possible.

What is the secret of family happiness?
You need to constantly reinforce and maintain your man's interest in you as a woman. He must understand that you also look at him, first of all, as a man. And try to prove it whenever possible. years life together make lovemaking not as passionate as it used to be, but it's up to you to fix it:

  • more often be the initiator of your intimacy;
  • openly tell a man about your desires;
  • talk to each other more often on this topic;
  • turn his fantasies into reality (but only when you really want to);
  • make a variety intimate surprises for him.
And always tell your loved one how good you were with him. If you make a man happy in bed, then he will not even think about other women. Become the best and unforgettable for him, then the man will definitely stay with you for life.

Who is the head of the family?
Of course, man. AND the last word should always be behind him. This does not mean that you can completely forget about personal opinion, just in this case you need to be wiser. For example, in the evening you decide to watch a movie, and your loved one asked you to choose it. Select a few films that you would like to watch and provide them to the faithful. He will read the announcements and choose the most interesting for him. Conclusion: and you are satisfied, and the beloved said his masculine word.

Equality between men and women made the latter independent. Men become more attached to this category of women, because they understand that it is easier for such persons to get away from relationships, so they try to prevent this. You cannot be absolutely dependent on a man, as they understand this and can take advantage of it. Why? You're still not going anywhere! Therefore, you should also have, first of all, material independence.

Respect and devotion
In order for a man’s feelings for you to be strong and indestructible, you need to appreciate and respect him. Always speak positively about your chosen one, even if he does not hear it. Highlight in it more virtues accept his hobbies. In your eyes, he must be a person with capital letter then it really will be. Admire his qualities and deeds (of course, if they are really good). And most importantly, try to make him happy.

For any man it is important to feel the one and only. He must be sure that you belong only to him. This does not mean that you should stop communicating with people of the opposite sex. Even if flirting with others is allowed in your relationship, the man must be sure that you will not go further. The slightest doubts about your fidelity will only bring disappointment and doubts about the sincerity of your attitude towards him.

Praise and compliments
The golden rule of a happy life together is to praise your partner, and you need to do this at every opportunity:

  • Take out the trash? - Thank you, dear, what a fine fellow you are!
  • Washed the dishes? Thank you, without your help, I wouldn't be able to finish my other tasks!
  • Did you clear the blockage in the sink? - What a good fellow you are, what would I do without you!
  • Promoted at work? - Here it is necessary to set the table, and open a bottle of champagne, and warm the bed ...
It is just as important for men to listen to compliments as it is for us women. Therefore, do not be stingy and do them as often as possible. But never compare your man to others, especially if the comparison is not in his favor. In no case should you criticize a man, This offends their dignity and lowers self-esteem. In the end, he will get tired of constantly listening to this and want to end the relationship.

And most importantly, tell your man as often as possible that you love him. And do it right now!