Which side do women's jeans fasten on? How to distinguish women's jeans from men's

Over the past few decades, jeans have been present in the wardrobe of both men and women. They look great on both genders. But, is this a good reason to say that there are no differences between jeans for men and those intended for women? No, and in our review today, we'll tell you why.

External features that distinguish jeans for men and jeans intended for women

Immediately after jeans began to be created separately for women, the manufacturers of this element of the human wardrobe made it so that on men's trousers the button was always located on the left, and on women's - on the left. What causes this state of affairs? The thing is that earlier, those trousers that provide for the presence of one or more buttons were the privilege of rich people. Of course, these rich people had their own servants, and in order to make it more convenient for them to cope with fastening clothes, a button was sewn on the left. By the way, in those days, buttons were not sewn on the right at all, since no self-respecting woman could afford to wear trousers.

Another, no less important distinctive feature is the presence of a zipper. Previously, the presence of buttons on women's jeans was considered unacceptable. Therefore, they were replaced with ordinary zipper fasteners.

IN currently time, it is no longer possible to be guided by this feature in order to determine whether jeans are intended for men or they were created specifically for women, since now, so-called “hidden buttons” are often provided on women's jeans. Men's jeans can be distinguished from women's jeans simply by counting the number of belt loops on the belt. They are provided here so that the clothes fit the waist better. Accordingly, the more such loops there are, the better they will cope with the task assigned to them.

Due to the fact that the figure of an average woman is similar to hourglass, pants on the fair sex to keep perfectly and without any additional loops. Well, the figure of the stronger sex, in turn, does not stand out so much, and therefore on male models jeans, belt loops - at least seven, while for women, this figure can reach a maximum of five.

Differences between men's and women's jeans, hidden in their size and cut

Visually, women's jeans are different from men's. its size. The sizes of jeans intended for women start from the 24th, while similar ones, but already men's, start from the 28th. In order for you to be able to check this yourself, you should follow next sequence actions:

  • Initially, it is worth folding a pair of men's and women's jeans in half, trying to stick to the back seam.
  • Having considered what you ended up with, or rather, along the line formed alone, you will be able to notice how the trouser leg has passed in the form of a kind of crescent.
  • Comparing men's jeans with women's, you can see that the latter have a much more "curved" and longer half-moon. This will be confirmed by the substitutions that you are better off making by using an ordinary centimeter. This state of affairs is due to the fact that the fit of clothes for men and women is completely different.


There are several main, outwardly noticeable features that distinguish men's jeans from women's. Probably the most important of them is the location of the button, as well as the number of loops intended specifically for the belt. In men's jeans, the button should be located on the left, and the number of the aforementioned loops should range from six to eight. At the same time, if we talk about women's jeans, it should be noted that in them, the button should be placed on the right, and there should be at least five loops under the belts.

An interesting video on how to choose jeans according to your figure:

Jeans are long gone work clothes. They ceased even to be casual wear every day for millions of people around the world. Jeans can even be an element of an evening, elegant suit. A variety of models of this comfortable and practical clothing appeared: from timeless classics to avant-garde options or richly embroidered and decorated with beads and sequins. Sometimes it seems that jeans are unisex clothing. But this is not the case at all. There are fundamental differences that will help you distinguish women's jeans from men's whatever the model.

The first thing that catches your eye right away is the fly. The top button or button is on the men's models on the left side, on women's pants- from the right. This principle applies to all clothing.

This distinction appeared back in those days when noble and wealthy women were dressed by servants (since often without outside help it was simply impossible to put on those toilets), and it was for the convenience of the maids that all the fasteners on women's clothes were located in this way.

  • The fly itself for men can be fastened with buttons, bolts or a zipper. Women's jeans are always fastened with a zipper.

Then pay attention to the belt. To determine who the jeans are for, the number of belt loops will help. On women's pants, as a rule, there are only five of them. On men - usually seven. This is due to the difference in the structure of men and women. wide female hips They help the pants to hold on to the waist more firmly, so there is no need for an additional fastener for the belt on jeans. male figure flaring at the top requires more support, otherwise the jeans may not hold well at the waist.

Beyond these details, there are more important differences. They are in cut. Women's and men's jeans are made according to different patterns. Fold the jeans in half along the back seam. You will see that the pants bend in the form of a crescent from the waist. In men's pants, this bend is straighter and shorter, in women's it is more curved and longer. This is due to the larger female buttocks and hips and more sharp drop between waist and hips. In order for jeans to fit better on a female figure, such a bend is required.

Another accurate indicator is the size range of jeans. For women and men's jeans it differs, although the sizes for both sexes are usually determined by the volume of the waist. The measurement system is inches. Men's sizes Jeans usually range from 29 to 44 inches. But women's are in a different scale - from 26 to 32 inches.

Once upon a time, women's jeans could be clearly distinguished by the presence of embroidery, bright colors, the use of stretch fabric, and unusual details. Now the boundaries are blurred. Women's jeans, for example, can be made in military style and made of khaki fabric, while men's jeans can be Pink colour. Therefore, sometimes the previous criteria do not work. There are now unisex jeans that can be worn by both men and women. Therefore, perhaps, with the current loyalty of fashion, you can focus on choosing jeans only for your own taste and convenience.

Jeans can be safely attributed to universal clothing modernity. Now not a single wardrobe can do without jeans, and their variety simply knows no bounds. Cut, color, style - all this is incredibly important when choosing. You can wear black jeans to work, ripped jeans to a party, classic jeans for every day. Because of this diversity, the question often arises: is there a difference between women's and men's jeans? How to distinguish men's jeans from women's? And why aren't they unisex?

Is there a major difference?

Previously, it was believed that the fundamental difference between male and female women's clothing is the side on which the buttons, zipper and other fasteners fall. Due to the fact that the stronger sex has been used to dressing itself for centuries, their fasteners were located on the left. Well, the ladies, dressed with the help of maids, wore buttons on the right. This tradition has been preserved to this day: even the belt of a man and a woman is fastened on different sides. But as far as jeans are concerned, this rule, albeit rarely, but still fails.

And what about the width?

In addition to differences with the location of the fastener, you should pay attention to the fly. Very rarely there are models of women's jeans, where buttons are used as fasteners. Lightning is usually preferred. Buttons that are used on women's jeans models are hidden, while men's pants proudly carry an even row of buttons without any tricks.

Why do men have so many belt loops?

The number of belt loops is a factor that few people pay attention to. But it is precisely by them that one can accurately determine which gender this or that model of jeans is intended for. And if the side of the buttons, the presence of a fly and other things do not directly relate to the structural features of male and female figures, then the number of belt loops just has a specific addressee.

Lots of belt loops - denim pants are definitely masculine. The whole trick is that, due to the structure female figure, namely, due to the presence of a clear bend in the waist and hips, jeans on ladies hold much better than on flatter men. Therefore, for the stronger sex, the belt loops are sewn much more - so the belt will better hold the thing, preventing it from slipping and crumpling into folds on the belt.

Traditionally, there are about five such loops on ladies' models. Gentlemen need at least seven, or even more - it depends on the waist circumference.

Features of the cut: what to look for?

Visually classic jeans it is easy to divide into women's and men's, but as soon as it comes to skinny models, sports, with a low waist, doubts immediately arise. It's easy to figure out how not to grab a model of the opposite sex: fold your jeans in half and look at the back seam. In women, due to the structure of the pelvis, such a cut is more curved, as if in the shape of a crescent. The guys are meant for a flatter silhouette.

Both men and women love jeans. Everyone will agree with this statement. It would seem that these clothes are unisex, because they look great on both sexes. However, this is not quite true. There is a fundamental difference between the models. And how to distinguish women's jeans from men's? Easily!

How to distinguish women's jeans from men's width

Let's consider this question in detail. The first thing you need to know is how to distinguish women's jeans from men's in width. Everything is extremely simple here. Compare a button or a button. In male models, it is located on the left side. This difference arose at the moment when the fashion first came in. Why so? The fact is that the ladies never dressed on their own. They were always helped by servants. Therefore, the clasp was located so that it was more convenient for the assistant to cope with it. Further, for men, the fly is fastened, as a rule, with buttons. For women, it must be with a zipper. This also applies to ordinary trousers. This is the most main nuance on the question of how to distinguish women's jeans from men's.

Belt loops

Next moment. How to distinguish women's jeans from men's by the number of belt loops? Of course, the greater their number, the tighter the belt will sit on the waist. Women's jeans have five belt loops. On men - as many as seven. This difference is dictated by the features of the figure of a man and a woman. smoothly moving into the hips, she is able to keep the jeans on her belt, as it were. Well, the male waist is not at all adapted to this. Accordingly, additional fastenings are urgently needed for trousers.

Cut differences

And how to distinguish women's from men's jeans, looking at their cut? There is absolutely nothing complicated here either. Patterns for cutting models are noticeably different from each other. Just fold your jeans back seam in half. You will immediately see the so-called crescent moon. This form has the transition of the trouser leg to upper part trousers. So it is this crescent in women's trousers has a much steeper curve. In addition, it is longer than in male models. This affects the fit of trousers on the figure of representatives of different sexes.

Stylistic difference

And finally, finally, how to distinguish women's jeans from men's. Photos in any publications demonstrate the difference. The difference is more of a stylistic one. However, this is also important. Consider jeans in combination with other elements of the wardrobe. For men, they are usually casual wear. That is, in addition to other parts of his wardrobe. Men's jeans are most often distinguished by classic colors, which is why they go well with almost any top. And here female models can also act as an independent element of the wardrobe. Often they have an incredibly outrageous appearance. However, these are all individual moments. Models are completely different. This, as they say, is a matter of taste.

In a word, the external evaluation of the product plays an important role. Men's jeans - a calm element basic wardrobe. Women's Models - Trousers various shades with embroidery, rhinestones, beads, etc. But still, do not forget that some trendy modern men's jeans can also be decorated with some kind of appliqué or embroidery. True, quite restrained. Cropped jeans are also not necessarily female models. Study them in detail before drawing any conclusions.

Thus, given all the above rules, in no case should you make a mistake when trying to determine which jeans are in front of you - women's or men's. Everything is very simple and easy!