An original anniversary script for a teacher, educator. Scenario for celebrating a colleague's anniversary

Tatyana Allakaeva
Scenario for celebrating a colleague's anniversary

Hello, Dear friends, dear Colleagues! According to the good old tradition, we have gathered today in this hall so that in a solemn, festive note the situation colleague's anniversary!

When a person is born, the curtain rises and a performance called "life", where each of us becomes the main character.

Roles change, masks change, and a person’s life is determined by his fate and his happiness, which become his destiny.

So…. (holiday fanfare)

Thunderous applause, and you can hardly argue with that,

Let's welcome hero of the day in the festive hall!

(greetings hero of the day)

The heroine of today's celebration is a person in the high sense of the word. And this is not a pompous syllable.

As a daughter, she sacredly cherishes her love for her parents.

As a wife and mother, she keeps a reverent and tender love to your husband and children.

As a leader, she maintains love and respect for her colleagues.

So let the first toast be a toast from all of you - guests, colleagues and friends gathered at this table.

A toast to the health of the hero of the occasion!

Toast to health!

N. Kadysheva's song sounds "Happy Birthday!"

We congratulate you on this significant event,

Today your legal anniversary,

We wish you great health,

And there are many sincere friends in life.

Anniversary is a special date,

Where they mentally sum up.

What could I have done wrong at some point?

What is expensive, you probably saved.

We congratulate you with all our hearts

And we want to wish you happiness,

Let in your home climate,

There will never be bad weather.

We don't give it to the birthday girl,

No headsets, no rings,

Surely you will receive it warmer,

Greetings from friendly hearts.

The first word of congratulations goes to the Head of RUNO

Head Method by the RUNO department

Now I will ask everyone to show their musical abilities

and perform a musical greeting

Congratulations to the tune of the song “Snowfall”.

You haven't had time to drink up your autumn yet,

And already anniversary yours has crept up and is waiting.

He is gray and has added a few wrinkles,

He will bring you more surprises!

Anniversary, anniversary, this is not old age at all,

This is a grateful dawn of mature beauty!

So let’s pour some glasses and drink to the joy of it.

And the hours of fun will fly by like a moment!

Let your wishes flow like a river today.

Be a beloved wife and loved by children.

Prepare a feast for friends and acquaintances.

All on holiday will come, don’t forget - invite!

And we also wish you, dear,

Long life and great luck.

So that there is joy and happiness in your home,

But trouble would have passed him by!


It was a long time ago: 55 years ago.

No, no, I’m not starting to tell you a fairy tale. I want to tell you about our hero of the occasion! So, ___ years ago, (date of birth, in ___ a beautiful daughter was born into the family ___, and they named her. The daughter grew up to the delight of her parents by leaps and bounds. The years flew by... And in ___, having successfully completed, ___ high school, (Name hero of the day) enters the Bashkir State Pedagogical University to the faculty foreign languages in the hope of finding an overseas prince. How long is it short, but interesting, filled with optimism and creative ideas student years. The time has come to earn your daily bread. Our (Name) in Kumertau, work as a teacher in English at a boarding school. But not by choice, but by direction. And so, in 1983, she met a prince, but not an overseas one, but ours, domestic, because it’s not for nothing that in fairy tales affects: “Even if you go around half the world, you won’t find anything more beautiful than ours!”. That prince took her to a distant city called Yazykovo. They began to live, live, and make good money! And they live happily ever after for many years. A magical stork bird flew to them twice, and this bird brought them charming and clever daughters.

Since --- worked___ (FULL NAME), V --- year head of d/s No. 1 village. Linguistically, in ___ she became a methodologist in the ROO. Since then, I have attached my heart and soul to my favorite business. How much love for your profession you need to have, what kind of heart is it to carry this very difficult, difficult burden for so many years without ever changing it for yourself.

From pure heart with great respect

Today, please accept our congratulations.

We are pleased to congratulate you and wish you

Still work, still dare.

Do not grow old in soul and appearance

Be blooming as before.

To keep the flame of the soul, to live, to still love.

Be as beautiful as always for you for many years to come.

There are so many guests here today! Everyone came to congratulate colleague. Let's give the floor to ___ (ask for musical


The host gives the floor to the rest of the guests for congratulations and presenting gifts.

(Here it is possible for one of told my colleagues how I met hero of the day, remembered interesting case for work, etc.)

There's a knock on the door. The teacher brings in the elephant.

Leading: Oh, look who came to visit us?

Hello, elephant!

You probably also want to congratulate (full name hero of the day?

(the elephant seems to be whispering in the presenter’s ear)

Of course, elephant. Now I will explain everything to our distinguished guests.

Dear guests! Expensive! As you can see, our elephant is a toy, but he really wants to present his congratulations to the hero of today’s occasion. Let's help him. The elephant wants us to play with him...

Game "Rocket Flight"

Guests are divided into 2 rooms (2 table halves). The presenter gives the guests two rocket models.

Flight rules: at the leader’s signal, the first participant loudly pronounces: "WITH anniversary!" and hands the rocket to his neighbor. The second one, speaks: "Congratulations!", third: "WITH anniversary!" and so on until the rocket goes around each guest at its half of the table.

Winner: the team whose rocket reaches the birthday girl faster.

Competition "Encryption"

Find good words to our hero of the day, deciphering the card you have chosen. Guests are given cards attached to soft toy. Guests must decipher the abbreviation and name what they got.


In the meantime, while you are completing your task, let me read out the telegrams that the elephant brought us.

Telegrams are read out:

Moscow, Ministry of Finance.

The budget is in deep deficit

Don’t look for money in the Ministry of Finance,

I wish I could send you a translation,

Yes, the Duma does not give money. Are you 55?

And you are perky!

Happy Birthday to you!


Saint Petersburg.

I send greetings from St. Petersburg,

I wish Ira many years to come.

I wish I could young age Your,

I would create a mess.

Love, peace, success

to you in I wish you an anniversary.

USA, Washington.

All boundaries between us have been erased,

My words fly like birds.

Our States congratulate you,

Try to live richly

Don't rush into impeachment

I wish you health, good luck and food!

I took a sip of a glass for you. you with anniversary.

Clinton Bill

Moscow, LDPR Headquarters.

Yes, definitely, on this day

Even a stump is obliged to love.

I wish you all the best,

Although it won't be cheap.

Well, for starters, for example,

You all should join the LDPR.

Sorry if the humor is flat.

you with anniversary!


Expensive Colleagues! Guests of our holiday! We learned a lot today about hero of the day, there were a lot of congratulations and wishes addressed to her. But not everyone present congratulated her yet. Word provided:

Thank you very much for nice words. Dear friends, our elephant is in a hurry to join the children for classes, let’s congratulate him on his behalf. I will ask those who

They say goodbye. The elephant is carried away.

And now, dear birthday girl, the students of our kindergarten want to congratulate you...

(Adults come out dressed as children).

Team sings congratulations to the tune of ditties

Congratulates Aunt Ira

Our favorite kindergarten.

Sends greetings to you, dear,

Junior, nursery squad.

We promise to listen to Ira,

Always go to the potty

When everyone has eaten the porridge,

We'll take the cups away.

Be healthy, Aunt Ira,

Many, many more days

We promise that we will come

To you on the hundredth anniversary! (bow and run away)

Two 5s stood side by side

It turned out anniversary.

But there's no need to be sad

Smile more cheerfully.

IN anniversary birthday

We send our congratulations.

Be cheerful, fair,

Cheerful happy.

To grief and sorrow

Never visited.

So that the years don't rush by

And for everything, you would be enough

I wish you good health

Successes small and large.

Love to all loved ones and relatives.

I wish you a lot of strength and good luck.

I wish my heart to burn.

In the circle of friends, family, acquaintances.

In spite of the years, so as not to grow old!

Birthday acrostic poem: For all the letters that make up the name of the birthday girl, we call her qualities.

Wishes in numbers: according to principle "rings" The participants in the game express their wish, which must include a numeral. Prim: I wish that your temperature is always 36.6

your guests: Friends, Colleagues We have prepared a musical gift for you.

to the tune of “Song of the Crocodile Gena.”

We didn’t come in vain -

This is clear to everyone -

And we sat down at this table.

Congratulate the hero of the day

And leave it as a memory

This song that we will sing!

Let the years not age you,

In life, be visible

Unfortunately, it's my birthday,

Only once a year!

Jubilee, our friend,

Come out to our circle

And pour us some stronger wine!

It's not often that we're here

Let's get together

For your solemn anniversary!

We congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Stay the same There is:

Modest, kind and sweet,

Patient, beautiful...

We cannot count all your merits.

Anniversaries will fly by like whirlwinds,

Celebrating the milestones of your destiny,

But with a smile we suddenly notice

That in your soul you are still the same seventeen!

We wish you success and happiness,

Be still just as responsive.

After all, any bad weather will pass,

If the heart knows how to love!

Competition "Ode to the Birthday Boy".

This is the familiar game “Burime”, when ready-made rhymes are offered, and you need to compose a verse based on them. "Ode to the Birthday Boy" can be composed for the following rhymes:

- hero of the day,

Team sings congratulations to the tune of the song “Standing at a half-station”

Friends and relatives are sitting

Sparkling wine flows

And there is a long way left behind.

The words are welcoming.

Where are your cherished years?

What has passed cannot be returned.

As a sign of our attention

Please accept my wishes,

Live many years to the joy of everyone.

May the years be like a blizzard

Everything is turning gray,

And the light warms youth!

Inconspicuous happiness for you,

Unchanged success,

We wish you great luck many times over.

I wish you excellent health, hope and personal happiness,

May youth never leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten

And all your wishes will come true.

And let there never be grief.

Love if you love.

Live the way you want

And always be cheerful!

Anniversary of a teacher, educator
The hall is decorated with fresh flowers. In the center there is a chair for the hero of the day. A red carpet leads to the chair. Next to the chair there is a vase with flowers, on the other side - coffee table, in order to put flowers and gifts on it. All the employees are in the hall.

The waltz from the movie “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast” sounds. To this music, the hero of the day is led into the hall along the path, you can dance a waltz with the hero of the day, then bring him to a chair and invite him to sit down.

You can’t escape an anniversary in life -
They will overtake everyone like a bird.
But the main thing is to carry it through life
Warmth of the soul and a particle of joy.
We have gathered in this hall,
Tatyana..., about your anniversary.
Today he overtook you.

1. The road to the anniversary is not easy,
Sometimes it gets harder
Sometimes it’s easier, but in general -
This is the path of discovery and victory.

2. And it was done. Here he burst with light,
He gave flowers and greetings,
And it became the answer to all questions.
And he brought a covenant on the path forward.

3. Happiness to you! Warmth, kindness, good luck,
Joy, health, beauty,
So that the fire in the hot eyes does not go out,
And the best dreams came true.

4. We all wish you great happiness,
Many, many bright days.
We wish you to smile often,
Don't be upset over trifles,
Don't be nervous and don't get sick,
And, in general, to live and not grow old.

5. May the sun always shine on you,
And the century will last up to a hundred years,
Let never come to your doors
Trouble and grief don't knock.

Happy anniversary to you!

Word to the leader. The order to award the hero of the day with a prize is read out. Awarded certificate of honor with a bouquet of flowers.

Tatyana..., our students came to our hall for your anniversary. Let's welcome them.

Music sounds, children enter, holding handmade gifts. Children approach the hero of the day.

1st child.
Because our home is a kindergarten
It was more beautiful year after year,
2nd child.
We want to say “thank you”
Tatiana... ours!
3rd child.
Thank you for giving paint to teachers,
And they paint everything in the garden.
4th child.
Thank you for screwing in the light bulbs yourself,
When Uncle Lesha the electrician doesn't come.
5th child.
Thank you also for turning off the water,
When the pipe starts to leak.
Thank you for what you do
This will not be counted until evening.

All employees and children sing the song of the crocodile Gena “Let them run clumsily...”. Children give gifts. The hero of the day treats them to sweets and thanks them.

Man, like a star, is born
Among the unclear, alarming milkiness.
Begins at infinity
And it ends at infinity.
Created by generations
Century after century, the Earth is imperishable.
Man, like a star, is born
So that the Universe becomes brighter.
(D. Golubev).
And it became brighter in the Universe, because... (date) 19__ a girl Tanya was born to dad (name, patronymic) and mother (name, patronymic) in a village (city). (Showing a photo of a newborn.)
What was the secret of this girl’s name? “Tatyana” translated from Greek means “organizer”, “founder”. And it began to grow... by leaps and bounds. And the hours turned into days, days into years. 7 years have already passed... What happened at seven years...?

The hero of the day.
I entered the first grade of school no.

How did you study?
(The hero of the day answers.)

What happened to you at 9 years old?

If the hero of the day does not know what to say, then the phonogram of the song is played with the words:
A scarlet tie bloomed on his chest.
Youth rages like the spring years.

And soon we will join the Komsomol. What can you tell us about your Komsomol past, Tatyana...?

The story of the hero of the day, the presenter shows the photo. The presenter asks questions to the hero of the day until she tells her biography before she started work.

And ___ month ___ day ___ year Tatyana entered... to work in kindergarten No. .... She began her labor activity from office...

The employees come out and sing a song: “Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka...”, based on the song performed by L. Gurchenko in the film “Carnival Night”. To lose - dance moves- arms straight, hands to the sides, take turns placing the left foot on the toe, placing the right one. The same in the other direction.
Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Her case was like this:
She was a wonderful nanny
And a simple girl.
Worked as an accountant
And now now
In a wonderful kindergarten
The caretaker is now with us.
Tra-la-la, la.
Oh, how we hasten to congratulate
Worker quickly.
Today is our dear Tanya's anniversary.
Tanya's birthday
And a holiday for the soul.
Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Let me congratulate you.

Funny yellow leaves
Spinning in the yard.
The dawn burns with gold
In September time.
And the song of autumn flows
The aroma of apples.
And beckons, beckons with tenderness
Fragrant grapes.

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
We wish you on your holiday
Be also kind, affectionate,
Beautiful, young.
We also wish you, Tanechka,
Happy many years to come.
From all my kindergarten colleagues
Our warm greetings.
Lyrics of the song by A. Chistyakova.

Beautiful, sincere, desirable,
With a hot sparkle in his eyes.
Tatyana can arrange everything -
Both the house and the scope of the holiday.
Tatiana...! The news of your anniversary has reached the left bank of the Nile. It's a surprise for you. Receive guests from the shores of the distant Nile.

A melody from Egypt sounds. 2 concubines come in and behind them is the pharaoh. Clothes are made from sheets wrapped around the body. One end of the sheet is attached to the shoulder. On the head of the pharaoh is a crown entwined with a snake. Concubines have brooms instead of fans. They sweep the path for Pharaoh, then they will fan Pharaoh with the same brooms instead of palm leaves.

The waters of the Nile quickly brought my boat to the shores of the Quiet Don, having heard about this event.
(Pharaoh turns to the hero of the day, opens his scroll of paper and begins to read.)
Oh, tireless Tatiana! May you live forever! I see wisdom on your brow, in your words and actions, O priestess of the hearth! Your speech flows smoothly, like the water of the Nile. Your gaze calls and beckons, O flower of the oasis! Accept unworthy gifts and wishes, so that our words do not offend your ears. You are like the sun, which scatters rays of light for everyone, giving strength and life. You, who appeared in the world, gave life to your children and raised them worthy and respected people. You open the eyes of your children to the world and show them the path of goodness in life. Praise be to you, O most worthy of the worthy. You don't notice the men (locksmiths, plumbers, electricians, carpenters) working with you and seducing you. In your work male harem strict, only business order, O untemptable of the untempted. May the Nile crocodile swallow your seducers, and may your wives eat their entrails. Keep up the good work. Don't look to your left, for the sky sees everything. And to the left of your office is a basement with pipes and a room with a carpenter. Oh, cordial and humane in providing washers, sweepers, rowers, dust-wipers and floor-sweepers! May your trail forever be green, and may your voice delight our sinful souls with the cry: “Get the washing up and dishes for the meal!” May your granddaughter and future grandchildren make you happy! May you live forever, like the trees in your green farm! And let your subjects make sculptural compositions from the dried ones and dedicate them to you. May you live forever! Accept this medal in honor of the occasion.

Instructions for the medal:
1. Medals are allocated the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased, where the medal is hung, so that all the neighbors can see the medal.
2. The recipient of this medal is prohibited from: getting sick, gaining weight, losing weight, getting angry; It is strictly forbidden to grow old and use the medal to make teeth.
3. The recipient of the medal squints, as a rule, in home environment, in days family celebrations, on the days of receiving a salary and winning the lottery.
Egypt. Left Bank of the Nile Pharaoh Ramses XIII

The pharaoh places a large round medal around the neck of the hero of the day, then leaves to the music. His concubines sweep the path in front of him.

May your dreams come true
And all misfortunes will disappear!
We wish you a lot of kindness,
We wish you a lot of happiness!
And we give you flowers from everyone
And warm sympathy.

The hero of the day is given a gift and flowers. The song sounds to the tune of “I’m standing at a stop.”

Friends and relatives are sitting
Sparkling wine flows,
And there is a long way left behind.
Words of greeting sound
Where are you, cherished years?
What has passed cannot be returned. (2 times)
As a sign of our attention,
Please accept my wishes.
Live many years to the joy of everyone.
May the years be like a blizzard.
Everyone is turning gray
And youth warms the light! (2 times)
Indispensable happiness to you,
Unchanged success,
We wish you great luck many times over.
Good health to you,
Hopes and personal happiness,
May youth never leave you! (2 times)
Let adversity be forgotten
And all your wishes will come true.
And let there never be grief.
Love if you love
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful! (2 times)
Everyone (chanting):
Happy anniversary to you!

At the end, you can bring the hero of the day into a circle and sing him a song to the tune of “Let them run clumsily...”.

We didn't come in vain
This is clear to everyone -
And we sat down at this table.
Congratulate the hero of the day
And leave it as a memory
This song that we will sing.
Let the years not age you,
In life, be visible.
Sorry, birthday
Only once a year!

The hero of the day, our friend,
Come out to our circle
And pour us some stronger wine.
It's not often that we're here
Let's get together
On your solemn anniversary!

We congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Remain the same as you are:
Modest, kind and sweet,
Patient, beautiful.
We cannot count all your merits.
Let your life flow
And without sorrows and without troubles!
May your health be strong
For fifty years!...

Prepared by:
Head of MDOU - d/s village. Pavlovka
Marksovsky district, Saratov region
Anokhina E.A.

Manager (tour guide)- Good afternoon dear friends! Today we have gathered in this hall to congratulate our beloved on her anniversary...( name of the birthday girl)!

How wonderful it is to be born in April!

You are so lucky! You managed to be born

Not in a cold autumn, not in a blizzard winter,

And sunny, warm, wonderful times!

Spring is walking across our beloved planet,

And today both birds and children are happy,

And tree leaves and spring grasses,

Fields and forests, streams and oak groves.

Ruddy sun and gentle wind

They whisper to you that there is no one more beautiful in the world!

We wish you a happy year,

Good friends and great weather!

Let love and luck warm your heart!

Let your soul not cry in this world!

We wish you luck and joy in life!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on this day!

- And of course, such a holiday cannot be complete without surprises and gifts! And therefore, today we invite you to the opening of the “Spring Opening Day” dedicated to... ( surname name of the birthday girl), a famous contemporary, an outstanding teacher, a wonderful person. Today’s exhibition can be given the general name “…(( name of the birthday girl)- our love".

Song “Alteration to the tune of the song “We drink to the dregs”

Exc.— Today at our vernissage we collected paintings the best masters painting. They all work in different styles, genres, use various art materials and painting techniques. But all these works of art have one thing in common - they all reveal the image of one beautiful woman - our sweet, charming...( name of the birthday girl). And today she is here among us. We are glad to welcome her! (Applause)

— And although there are many paintings on display at the vernissage, they are not all alike, because... every artist saw something unusual in her, because the image...( name of the birthday girl) multifaceted, each of its facets is unique and shimmers with the multicolored colors of joyful, sincere, kind, sunny rays.

I see that a lot of true art connoisseurs have gathered here today, and I am excited to lead you to the first painting. And next to her I see the author. This is a famous artist (name and surname of the congratulator) working under a pseudonym Watercolor by Guashevna Kistochkina.

Exc.- Dear Akvarel Guashevna, we all know that you work in the direction of post-impressionism and gravitate toward the synthesis of forms, the symbolism of visual language, you have an existential manner and a taste for plein air. I know that you exhibited several paintings at the exhibition, but the real interest is in this landscape “Spring...( name of the birthday girl)" Tell us more about it. (congratulation)

Exc.– What a wonderful picture, it immortalized the image of a beautiful...( name of the birthday girl) for centuries! And we move on to the next picture. And now, friends, we need to get into a romantic mood. Now we are waiting for a meeting with a prominent representative of the romantic movement in art, the artist Designed by Adamovich Kraskin popularly known as... (name of the birthday girl’s husband). At all times, love has inspired poets, musicians and artists. Also his grandfather maternal line, the great artist Shishkin, painted pictures about the love of bears for a pine forest, and Uncle Aivazovsky - about the love of sailors for the sea. And he called his painting “Ah, la mur, la mur!” and dedicated her unrequited love To…( name of the birthday girl). But, unfortunately, we will not meet with him today, because... he retired in a creative impulse and writes new series paintings about...( name of the birthday girl).

Exc.- Oh, how romantic, subtle, sublime everything is! Tall, high relations! And we continue our excursion. And I invite you to the hall contemporary art. Before us is the painting “Walkers to...( name of the birthday girl)" The painting exudes such joy and freshness of colors, because... it was written only 55 years ago. But despite this short period of time, it brought the author wild success and celebrity. Friends, I am glad to introduce you to the world's talent - Balalaikina Zinaida Modernovna. (surname of the congratulator and congratulation)

The central hall of our vernissage is decorated with the painting “...( name of the birthday girl) in spill." The artist managed to accurately convey a thoughtful look...( name of the birthday girl) when drawing up reports, reports, information, plans, theses and all other nonsense. Her slender figure bent under the excessively heavy pedagogical work, we see how delicately and artistically the calluses on her hands and feet are depicted. With her tender lips as if a drawn-out groan could be heard: “Save me! I love my job". The author of this masterpiece is an adherent of the established traditions of classicism - ( first and last name of the congratulator) with a group of his students ( congratulation).

Exc.- And we continue our excursion. And I see among art lovers an outstanding critic of our era ( first name last name of the congratulator).

I am a big fan of your literary talent! How do you find today's opening day? ( congratulation).

Exc.- I am happy to invite you to a lively, bright, cheerful folk art hall, where crowds of fans gather for the painting “Folk festivities...( name of the birthday girl)" This painting was recently exhibited in Paris, where it was a wild success. The whole Beau Monde was talking only about the breadth and scope of the folk festivities....( name of the birthday girl). Believe it or not, the Versailles balls don’t hold a candle to these festivities. Everyone noted the richness, ruddyness, vigor, and brightness of the images in the picture. Look at the depth and adequacy of the reflection of the interests of the people in the eyes...( name of the birthday girl). It is immediately apparent that she is the creator, bearer, and custodian folk traditions! A whole group of artists worked on this painting under the leadership Shtrikhovkina Antonina Molbertovna. (name, surname of the congratulator (congratulation))

Exc. — Such an event could not do without the attention of the press. Among the guests there are many journalists and reporters who will widely cover this event in the media mass media. Curious to know how they feel? But here I see the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Kalyaki-malyaki” ( last name, first name of the congratulating teacher junior group) (congratulation)

Exc.- And now I take you to the hall where paintings by Italian painters are collected. Yes-ah...Looking at these pictures, we feel a burning, ardent

model's temperament...( name of the birthday girl). The painters masterfully managed to convey her life and creative position. And it’s no coincidence, I think, that a whole series of paintings is called “Crazy Races...( name of the birthday girl)". Talented Italian artists work near the village of Pavlovka in places under the wonderful name of the group “Bee”, ... ( titles groups of preschool educational institutions) (congratulations to the junior staff from the preschool educational institution)

Exc.- And we move on to the next picture “Illusions of April...( name of the birthday girl)". This picture evokes its own associations for everyone. The perception of the picture changes depending on the time of day, mood and your mental health. On this canvas, the author tried to bring together the imperial, earthly with other worlds, with the depths of the soul and spirit, with the eternal. Shades and halftones, halftones and shades play a big role here! This work is novelty and a premonition of change, a flight of the soul...( name of the birthday girl) and its symbolic aesthetics! The painting was recently restored in the sisters’ workshop...( surname of relatives of the birthday girl). This painting was written in the last century by an unknown author. ( congratulation)

Exc.- And now I will try to snatch the author of the next picture from journalists and reporters. This is a portrait artist Palette Mazilkina, nee –...(last name, first name of the congratulator). You painted a picture from which wide open, inquisitive, trusting eyes look at us ...(name of the birthday girl). We are fascinated by her joyful, kind, sincere smile. You managed to depict this with the help of lines, planes, shapes and colors, you penetrated beyond the human and reached the infinite and eternal. It is clear that in your work you relied on the unconscious expression of the spirit ...(name of the birthday girl), in particular on memories of her infancy. You looked everywhere for prototypes, but could only find them in...( name of the birthday girl). Could you give us a minute of your precious time and tell us about your painting? ( congratulation)

Exc.- And before we continue our tour of the exhibition halls, I will be pleased to introduce you to the main producers, thanks to whom we have the opportunity to fully enjoy the beautiful image...( name of the birthday girl). This is the count's family ( name of those congratulating).


Exc.- Now let's fully enjoy the next masterpiece exhibited at our vernissage! This is the work of avant-garde artists. Translated from French, avant-garde means "Advanced Detachment". And the most prominent representative of this trend in art is, of course, the well-known Tatyana Absurdovna Naturshchikova. (group mate). Her painting is called “…( name of the birthday girl) – a lover of extreme sports.” This picture is associated with the dynamics of scientific and technological progress in preschool educational institutions, which decisively changed the rhythm modern pedagogy. Do you feel an elitist tendency and an almost physically palpable tension? This picture is total alienation...( name of the birthday girl) from reality!

(Congratulations from the staff of the kindergarten where the birthday girl works)

Exc.- Before we had time to reach the last hall of our vernissage, we learned the good news: all the paintings were purchased for substantial sums. And that’s why our inspiration...( name of the birthday girl) Of course, he receives a fee in the form of valuable gifts. Dear artists, I think you will be happy to give it to your muse.

(presentation of gifts)

Title: Scenario for celebrating the teacher’s anniversary “ Spring vernissage»

Position: manager
Place of work: Kindergarten Pavlovka
Location: Saratov region, Marksovsky district, Revolution street 11 A

Leading. Work is in full swing in our garden,

And so, in the midst of hectic days

And our birthday girl is Tatyana Yuryevna! Let's greet our hero of the day.

Leading. Today is your anniversary

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.

And we wish the most important thing in life:

Health, happiness, joy.

And up to a hundred years without growing old!

4. We all wish you great happiness,

Many, many bright days.

We wish you to smile often,

Don't be upset over trifles,

Don't be nervous and don't get sick,

And, in general, to live and not grow old.

5. May the sun always shine on you,

And the century will last up to a hundred years,

Let never come to your doors

Trouble and grief don't knock.

Happy anniversary to you!

Word to the leader. The order to award the hero of the day with a prize is read out. An honorary award is presented with a bouquet of flowers.

Tatyana..., our students came to our hall for your anniversary. Let's welcome them.

Music sounds, children enter, holding handmade gifts. Children approach the hero of the day.

1st child.

Because our home is a kindergarten

2nd child.

We want to say “thank you”

Tatiana... ours!

3rd child.

Thank you for giving paint to teachers,

And they paint everything in the garden.

4th child.

Thank you for screwing in the light bulbs yourself,

When Uncle Lesha the electrician doesn't come.

5th child.

Thank you also for turning off the water,

When the pipe starts to leak.

Thank you for what you do

This will not be counted until evening.

All employees and children sing the song of the crocodile Gena “Let them run clumsily...”. Children give gifts. The hero of the day treats them to sweets and thanks them.

Man, like a star, is born

Among the unclear, alarming milkiness.

Begins at infinity

And it ends at infinity.

Created by generations

Century after century, the Earth is imperishable.

Man, like a star, is born

So that the Universe becomes brighter.

(D. Golubev).

And it became brighter in the Universe, because... (date) 19__ a girl Tanya was born to dad (name, patronymic) and mother (name, patronymic) in a village (city). (Showing a newborn.)

What was the secret of this girl’s name? “Tatyana” translated from Greek means “organizer”, “founder”. And it began to grow... by leaps and bounds. And the hours turned into days, days into years. 7 years have already passed... What happened at seven years...?

I entered the first grade of school no.

How did you study?

(The hero of the day answers.)

What happened to you at 9 years old?

If the hero of the day does not know what to say, then a soundtrack is played with the words:

A scarlet tie bloomed on his chest.

Youth rages like the spring years.

And soon we will join the Komsomol. What can you tell us about your Komsomol past, Tatyana...?

The story of the hero of the day, the presenter shows the photo. The presenter asks questions to the hero of the day until she tells her biography before she started work.

And on ___ month ___ day ___ year Tatyana entered... to work in kindergarten No. .... She began her career with the position...

The employees come out and sing a song: “Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka...”, based on the song performed by L. Gurchenko in the film “Carnival Night”. To lose - dance movements - arms straight, hands to the sides, take turns placing the left foot on the toe, placing the right one. The same in the other direction.

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,

Her case was like this:

She was a wonderful nanny

And a simple girl.

Worked as an accountant

And now now

In a wonderful kindergarten

The caretaker is now with us.

Tra-la-la, la.

Oh, how we hasten to congratulate

Worker quickly.

Today is our dear Tanya's anniversary.

And a holiday for the soul.

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,

Let me congratulate you.

Funny yellow leaves

Spinning in the yard.

The dawn burns with gold

In September time.

And the song of autumn flows

The aroma of apples.

And beckons, beckons with tenderness

Fragrant grapes.

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,

We wish you on your holiday

Be also kind, affectionate,

Beautiful, young.

We also wish you, Tanechka,

Happy many years to come.

From all my kindergarten colleagues

Our warm greetings.

Lyrics of the song by A. Chistyakova.

Beautiful, sincere, desirable,

With a hot sparkle in his eyes.

Tatyana can arrange everything -

Both the house and the scope of the holiday.

Tatiana...! The news of your anniversary has reached the left bank of the Nile. It's a surprise for you. Receive guests from the shores of the distant Nile.

A melody from Egypt sounds. 2 concubines come in and behind them is the pharaoh. Clothes are made from sheets wrapped around the body. One end of the sheet is attached to the shoulder. On the head of the pharaoh is a crown entwined with a snake. Concubines have brooms instead of fans. They sweep the path for Pharaoh, then they will fan Pharaoh with the same brooms instead of palm leaves.

The waters of the Nile quickly brought my boat to the shores of the Quiet Don, having heard about this event.

(Pharaoh turns to the hero of the day, opens his scroll of paper and begins to read.)

Oh, tireless Tatiana! May you live forever! I see wisdom on your brow, in your words and actions, O priestess of the hearth! Your speech flows smoothly, like the water of the Nile. Your gaze calls and beckons, O flower of the oasis! Accept unworthy gifts and wishes, so that our words do not offend your ears. You are like the sun, which scatters rays of light for everyone, giving strength and life. You, who came into the world, gave life to your children and raised them to be worthy and respected people. You open the eyes of your children to the world and show them the path of goodness in life. Praise be to you, O most worthy of the worthy. You don't notice the men (locksmiths, plumbers, electricians, carpenters) working with you and seducing you. You have a strict, businesslike order in your working male harem, O unseduced of the unseduced. May the Nile crocodile swallow your seducers, and may your wives eat their entrails. Keep up the good work. Don't look to your left, for the sky sees everything. And to the left of your office is a basement with pipes and a room with a carpenter. Oh, cordial and humane in providing washers, sweepers, rowers, dust-wipers and floor-sweepers! May your trail forever be green, and may your voice delight our sinful souls with the cry: “Get the washing up and dishes for the meal!” May your granddaughter and future grandchildren make you happy! copyright - May you live forever, like the trees in your green farm! And let your subjects make sculptural compositions from the dried ones and dedicate them to you. May you live forever! Accept this medal in honor of the occasion.

Instructions for the medal:

1. The medal is given the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased where the medal is hung so that all neighbors can see the medal.

2. The recipient of this medal is prohibited from: getting sick, gaining weight, losing weight, getting angry; It is strictly forbidden to grow old and use the medal to make teeth.

3. The recipient of the medal wears it, as a rule, at home, on the days of family celebrations, on the days of receiving a salary and winning the lottery.

Egypt. Left Bank of the Nile Pharaoh Ramses XIII

The pharaoh places a large round medal around the neck of the hero of the day, then leaves to the music. His concubines sweep the path in front of him.

May your dreams come true

And all misfortunes will disappear!

We wish you a lot of kindness,

We wish you a lot of happiness!

And we give you flowers from everyone

And warm sympathy.

The hero of the day is given a gift and flowers. The song sounds to the tune of “I’m standing at a stop.”

Friends and relatives are sitting

Sparkling wine flows,

And there is a long way left behind.

Words of greeting sound

Where are you, cherished years?

What has passed cannot be returned. (2 times)

As a sign of our attention,

Please accept my wishes.

Live many years to the joy of everyone.

May the years be like a blizzard.

Everyone is turning gray

And youth warms the light! (2 times)

Indispensable happiness to you,

Unchanged success,

We wish you great luck many times over.

Good health to you,

Hopes and personal happiness,

May youth never leave you! (2 times)

Let adversity be forgotten

And all your wishes will come true.

And let there never be grief.

Love if you love

Live the way you want

And always be cheerful! (2 times)

Everyone (chanting):




Happy anniversary to you!

At the end, you can bring the hero of the day into a circle and sing him a song to the tune of “Let them run clumsily...”.

We didn't come in vain

This is clear to everyone -

And we sat down at this table.

Congratulate the hero of the day

And leave it as a memory

This song that we will sing.

Let the years not age you,

In life, be visible.

Sorry, birthday

Only once a year!

The hero of the day, our friend,

Come out to our circle

And pour us some stronger wine.

It's not often that we're here

Let's get together

On your solemn anniversary!

We congratulate you

And, of course, we wish

Remain the same as you are:

Modest, kind and sweet,

Patient, beautiful.

We cannot count all your merits.

Let your life flow

And without sorrows and without troubles!

For fifty years!...

Scenario for the 50th anniversary of a kindergarten employee






AND OUR BIRTHDAY GIRL This is ____________!

Let's greet our birthday girl, our hero of the day.

Colleagues' words:

Today is your anniversary

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.

And we wish the most important thing in life:

Health, happiness, joy.

And fly to one hundred without getting old!

It doesn’t matter that the years have almost flown by,

It doesn’t matter that they left without saying goodbye sometimes.

If only the heart in the chest always beats in rhythm,

And the soul would be young.

And as long as you believe that you can

Cope with any steep climb

You are always 10 years younger

The age that is in your passport.

May the anniversary bring only happiness

Not a drop of sadness, not a single tear.

Mental wealth and health

We wish you with all our hearts.

May happiness never leave you,

Let your health not diminish,

Have wonderful, bright, peaceful days.

We wish you on your anniversary.

Thunder a chord music

Let the songs sound more fun

Friends warmly welcome

Happy Golden Jubilee to you.

Song based on "Spring on Zarechnaya Street" :

Days pass and years rush by,

They can't be brought back anymore,

Congratulate "Name" Happy anniversary

Kindergarten is in a hurry today

Came to our kindergarten "Name" young

All my youth was gone in the garden.

And how many children did you raise?

Was their second mother

Big long road

Dina is fully fifty.

She raised two sons

Their example in life was

We wish you sunshine in bad weather,

Generous smiles and warmth,

Health, joy and happiness

Hope, affection, and kindness.

We wish you a long, long life,

Be cheerful, don't be discouraged.

And our dear song

Never forget!

Children's words:

Anniversaries will fly by like whirlwinds.

Milestones, celebrating your destiny,

But, with a smile, we suddenly notice,

That in your soul you are still the same seventeen.

May life always be like this.

So that the years go by without you counting them.

They never grew old in spirit.

And they would never sigh bitterly.

50-golden years

For the soul this is the age of dawn

Let all best age this

Will stay with you forever

And, cheerful - character,

but sadness is a useful thing for the hero of the day.

Let her hurry you up

To do such things in life,

For which veterans are honored.

Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy,

Live, create, laugh, sing.

In general, don’t grow old with your heart

So that caresses warm the heart,

Nothing to hurt.

All troubles were forgotten

And all dreams would come true.

Leader's words:

And now she’s as young as ever.

Chorus - the same

Colleagues' song to the tune of "Peddlers"

1. Oh, the box is full, anniversaries every year.

Our musical people are born one after another.

2. We girls are all friendly here,

We dance and sing together.

And today with pleasure "Name" Let's sing the glory.

4. "Name" ours is so excited, it’s flushed like a poppy.

Well, we are all trying so hard to sing our song louder

5. "Name" our "Surname", at work you are honored,

How many children have you prepared for school?

You can’t even count them all

6. All the checks, and worries, and your mouth is full of worries.

Children require attention, this is always the case from year to year.

7. Everyone knows, without a doubt, "Name" survived everything.

Colleagues’ song to the tune of “It’s great that we are all gathered here today”

The bend of a yellow guitar.

You will hug me tenderly.

The string is a fragment of echo.

Will pierce the tight heights,

The dome of the sky will sway.

Big and starry and snowy.

It's great that we're all here

gathered today!

Foliage over the kindergarten

Spinning through the air.

Are you sad, friend?

Come on, smile.

And someone close.

He will quietly tell you:

It's great that we're all here

gathered today! (2 times)

Preschoolers today

they come to our kindergarten.

And like mothers we take care of them.

Their dreams and songs

we will fill it every day.

It's great that we're all here

gathered today! (2 times)

Anniversary script for a 55-year-old kindergarten worker

Anniversary script for a 55-year-old kindergarten worker Day of a kindergarten worker 05/14/2007 20:18 (the anniversary script is started by the granddaughter of the hero of the day)

Why in our kitchen

Is it crowded in the morning?

Everyone is frying something, steaming

Adults and children.

Hurry up and peel the potatoes.

Put some milk here.

Because it's a birthday

My dear grandmother!

The table is set, the relatives are sitting

Together at the big table

For my beloved, for my grandmother

We will dance and sing"


(They sing a song to the tune of “A smile will make everyone warmer...)

My grandmother's birthday

I woke up with the first ray of light today

I ran to my grandmother quickly,

So that she would be the first to smile at me.

Birthday is your holiday

Have fun and sing songs,

Let caring hands rest,

For you we are the whole crowd

We baked a big pie.

All your children and grandchildren congratulate you.

You live, dear, for many years

You and I are not afraid even of ice and cold

We send you warm greetings.

We really, really need your wise advice.

May your days be long

In happiness, joy, love,

And health too often fails,

We will come to visit again,

Let's start the song again,

Let sadness bypass your house.

And for my beloved grandmother

We baked a loaf.

Grandma you are braver

Blow out these candles

(The hero of the day is presented with a loaf of bread, she blows out the candles.)

First toast to our birthday girl!

(A colleague)

Today in this glorious hall

Relatives and friends are sitting

We all dressed up today

And it was not in vain that we prepared,

Today is not a holiday here

Our Valentina has a choir of guests,

So let the song start now,

How the anthem sounds on your glorious anniversary!


(Song to the tune of “I’ll get up before dawn today”)

We got up before dawn today,

Everyone went to buy flowers together,

We were all waiting for the appointed hour,

To perform a song for you.

Our hero of the day is a beauty

We are all in love with her,

Our kindest friend and boss:

We are fair and square equals to her.

I ask my friends to raise a glass

For Valentina, our Valya!

May she always be happy,

We will overturn this cup!

Believe it or don't believe it.

Standing in a dense garden

Cheerful, kind home,

Not a house, a palace with children,

With snow on the porch,

How many children? In bulk..!

Like the grains in a cucumber,

Merry and not so much.

Pugnacious and in snot,

Whom they will drag in their hands,

Who is being carried in the sleigh?

Who pees in pantyhose

And who goes to the potty?

These dolls live

Let's just say it's good.

After all, they are fed here, sung,

Then they'll go to bed,

And they will tell a fairy tale,

And they will take you to bed,

Well, life is like raspberries,

Well, what else can I say?

This is the picture.

Let's continue to interpret

And who rules that kingdom?

You ask me, Queen Valentina,

Greetings, friends!

(The hero of the day is asked to rise, they put a crown on her)

A toast to our glorious queen.

And now for men.

Find your queen.

The man is blindfolded, and all the women are wearing paper crowns, you must have yours, if you didn’t guess correctly, you will be fined in the form of an amateur performance number.

Our glorious queen

All you know friends

She will be born today

It was not in vain that I was lucky,

Life runs after her at a gallop,

Valya rushes ahead,

So that old age with shortness of breath

You can't catch up with her on the way.

Dear Valentina Ivanovna!

Dear queen, your subjects have prepared musical and not so musical gifts for you.

(Adults come out dressed as children.)

Congratulates Aunt Valya

Our favorite kindergarten.

Sends greetings to you, dear,

Junior, nursery squad.

We promise to listen to Valya,

Always go to the potty

When everyone has eaten the porridge,

We'll take the cups away.

Be healthy, Aunt Valya,

Many, many more days

We promise that we will come

To your hundredth anniversary!

(They sing to the tune of “Let them run, clumsy”).


Let him laugh today

The sun is a red speck,

Nightingales sing songs in chorus

We wish you health

We promise with love

Don't forget your instructions.

It's not just a birthday here

Our Valya's Anniversary,

Give us candy and cookies

And pour a little.

Dear Valentina, now my dear husband wants to congratulate you.


How much beauty is there in the world:

Sun, blue sky,

And spring flowers

They can't compare with you.

For many years we walked side by side,

It was all sadness and joy

Now the grandchildren have grown up,

Old age is already knocking on our door.

We won't let her into the house

Let him walk longer

When it blooms again later,

Let him not find us at home.

You are my good one

I always feel at ease with you

I give you flowers

And a surprise with a lot of love.

Dear Valya, now your beloved daughter will congratulate you!

Dear Mommy,

You are no relative

What can I wish for you?

On this anniversary,

And what are the best words to choose,

What to tell you

How I love you.

Tied with a strong thread

We are with you forever

For me you are mommy

Main man

The most affectionate

I feel bright with you

And from the good heart

Quiet and warm

In sorrow and in joy

You were nearby

I want you forever

Mommy lived.

(There is noise outside the door, the sound of a guitar, gypsies appear)


(Sing to the tune of “Dear Long...”)

Bark, bark, bark, bark, la, la, etc.

Our gypsy camp has arrived

To order for your anniversary

So come on mistress don't be shy

Quickly pour vodka into the glasses

To make it fun

We'll all drink together,

And we’ll pour some more under the cucumber

Let's dance Russian

Then the gypsy one!

Well, then we’ll binge on romances

Allow me, madam, to congratulate you

Wish you good health

We decided to glorify you now,

Tell me about a beautiful lady

Yes you are beautiful

And we all like it

How do you, my dear, live correctly?

And your pies are famous in the area,

You are for the guests

You bake them with joy.

Get up in a circle Valyusha,

We'll pick out a gypsy outfit,

And then we will open our souls,

Together we will dance and sing.

Let the whole house buzz

And he walks around

Pour us another glass,

Let everyone around know

We'll sing for you

After all, today is your anniversary!

Bark, bark, bark, bark, la, la, etc.

Dear guests, dear birthday girl, a Russian chanson ensemble has come to your holiday under the sonorous name “Zashibalo”, welcome! 3-4 people come out with improvised musical instruments (eg empty a bottle and a fork, spoons, two pot lids, etc.)


Here is the Russian street song ensemble “Zashibalo”!

You may ask why “Zashibalo”?

Because we walk on festive events and we make money, and we just make money...

(points to drink)

And so before you is the star of our ensemble, the incomparable Lucy!



But she just doesn’t work like that, she needs to gild her pen and name the person for whom she needs to sing or congratulate.

I will now approach each of those gathered, and you must give some money and call their name, and I will give it to the actress Lucy. So, let's begin.

(The entertainer goes to the guests, then returns to Lucy, leans towards her ear as if he is saying something in her ear)

Who? Name? Fee?

(Nods that everything is fine, sings to the tune of “Lyuba, Lyubonka”).

Once upon a time I walked around the city as a girl

Sweet girl of heavenly beauty,

I danced so hard at the disco,

That all the fans gave her flowers

Oh, Valyushenka,

I kiss you on your darling,

People admire you today

We got to you

For my birthday,

And since we are here,

No one will fall asleep from boredom


Applause, friends! Well, who wants to continue the concert? Please continue orders (again goes to guests, etc.)

Name? Again? Fee? Who ordered? Husband! Fine.

Once Valechka and Vityusha got married,

Valya was a bride of wondrous beauty

Her features haven't changed at all now.

Today Vitya gives her flowers again

Oh, Vityushenka, take care of Vityushenka

Give love, diamonds and flowers,

And if Currency is happy,

Then you will be next to her, you will be happy.


Storm of applause! Bravo Lucy! Shall we continue?

(goes back to the guests, takes the order, returns to Lucy)

The entertainer repeats the actions.

Who? Grandchildren? It's free.

Once upon a time Valenka was a barefoot girl,

She chased all the strange boys around the yard,

Now suddenly she has become a strict grandmother,

But still loves laughter and children

Valya, Valenka!

Throw away your socks and felt boots,

Let them retire

Well, we give you sandals,

Dance easily in them here today.


(continues working)

Who? Retired friends? Pensioners discount...

Once upon a time Valenka

Studied at the institute

She was a student of genuine beauty,

Now beautiful woman became

And on her birthday they give her flowers again

Oh, Valyunechka,

How smart you are

How rich she set the table for us

I sing to you, my throat is already dry,

Drink wine, and then pickle!


Bravo! Bravo! All to the table.


Dear guests, dear hero of the day, a guest from neighboring countries has come to you with congratulations.

Meet the inimitable Verka Serduchka!


And I'm just coming out of the cold

I'll wipe the tears from my eyes

I came to congratulate you

And amuse

Happy birthday friend

The holiday goes around in circles

So he came rushing to you

And stayed for a long time

Okay, everyone's good now

After all, we all drank and ate, I know

I'll be fine!

Oh, I feel like I'm going on a spree here,

Oh, I'll go on a spree!

We'll sing and drink until the morning today,

And then everyone will dance Chita-Drita together

Congratulations and wish you many long years,

And Valyukha suits you, such a lipstick color

The songs are flowing, the wine is flowing

And they knock, knock, knock glasses to the beat

Happy birthday Valentina Let's party for you!

Well, friends,

The anniversary is over,

And outside the window the moon is already rising,

The wax of hot holiday candles is melted,

So our life passes quietly,

But we will not regret the past,

We look forward to the coming day,

No wonder the wise have one piece of advice,

Only those who walk can overcome a difficult road.

Once again, happy anniversary, see you again.

End of anniversary scenario

We want to congratulate you on your birthday,
Our dear teacher,
Let's thank you for the children,
Our dear, second mother.
And let time rush forward
And girls and boys are growing up,
Everyone knows what's still waiting
The one who warms your heart with love.

Let them give flowers and make wishes come true.
When working with children - understanding, recognition,
Health, energy, strength to create.
And just be happy like a child!

We wish you on your birthday
Love and gentle warmth!
So that patience does not run out,
May life flow smoothly!

May all your dreams come true,
Let the wave of happiness cover you,
I wish you to smile more often,
After all, we only have one life!

Happy birthday to you,
And we want to wish you patience.
Everyone trusts you with their children,
We thank them for your kindness!

And the kids just adore you,
You always give them your warmth.
Parents undoubtedly respect
They all see your kindness!

And you are, of course, a teacher from God!
Today we would like to wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
So that there is always a lot of health,
And only bloom every year!

For your kindness and charm,
Hard work - because it is invaluable -
And for the education of our children
We say thank you with all our hearts,

On your holiday, we wish you patience,
There are more sunny days in the year,
Smiles and, of course, mood,
Obedient and attentive children!

And we say “thank you” to you.
May the sun illuminate you like this,
How you shine to others.

Beautiful days and smiles,
There is a lot of warmth in them.
And let children's hands
People are always drawn to you.

We congratulate you from the heart
And, of course, from the heart!
Allow me on my birthday
Give you poetry!

May you have enough patience
And love for all children.
Not in the whole wide world
Kinder teacher.

Happiness, joy, health
And obedient children!
May your hopes be fulfilled
Let your dreams come true!

Today is my birthday
And we congratulate you!
From adults and children
We wish you good health.

We wish you on this birthday
Health, joy, goodness,
So that all children, without exception,
Become more obedient than yesterday!

A smiling look and a huge heart -
Well, how can kids not hang around you?
And on your birthday we wish with love:
Let life turn into a cloudless paradise.

IN kindergarten we are in a hurry in the morning.
We know that you are waiting for us there.
You greet us with a smile.
You teacher is simply awesome!
And today is a holiday - your anniversary.
We want to congratulate you as soon as possible.
May the world blossom for you today,
There is only good things ahead!

You give them your affection,
Take you out into the yard for a walk,
Read poems and fairy tales,
Temporarily replacing the mother.

They simply adore you
And they give you warm smiles.
Happy birthday to you
And we say thank you for everything.

Good health to you, peace in your soul,
Don't let worries torment you.
Let nothing bother you.
Good luck, love, prosperity!

Is in the world, somewhere in the world
Golden teacher!
All children are under guardianship,
Warmed up with warmth.

To all children, you are a second mother,
You give them a part of your soul.
Them, tiny, funny, stubborn,
You will warm me with all my heart.

You work like a bee
Having time to do a lot of things:
Stop there baby
So that he doesn't eat all the pasta,

Every day a piece of my heart
And your big soul
You give selflessly
The kids know this.

We wish you good health,
Vivacity, increased strength,
To a whirlwind of congratulations
You've been dizzy today.

Creative ideas, skills,
Inspiration, warmth.
Happy birthday, teacher!
Be happy always.

My teacher is the best in the world,
I congratulate you on your birthday,
May success always await you in everything in life,
I sincerely wish you good health!

Such students for you,
So that you can be proud of them,
Let him be rewarded for his deeds!
And enjoy happiness in life!

You've been busy in business since the morning, in worries,
Surrounded by children:
Are you happy with your work?
Treasure her very much.

We wish you success,
Light, happiness and warmth,
For lots and lots of laughter
The kids gave it to you!

So that you could argue
All household chores
To stubbornly, persistently, passionately
Fate led you forward!

You are all to our children, without a drop of a trace.
We are ready to give our lives, I send my deepest regards to you!
Being a teacher is an honor, although not sweet,
The kids are different, and your spirit is so strong!

Please accept my congratulations on your birthday,
I wish you a lot of health and goodness,
I also wish you unlimited patience,
May your life be filled with happiness!

Do you get along with Vanyusha and Svetki,
Teach them to think and play!
On your birthday, grateful parents
They say thank you for the kids!
Health, happiness, joy, patience,
Obedient and reasonable children!

You are our mentor, our mentor!
You are a luminary, a luminary!
You are one of the most important
Personalities of the entire planet:
You are a spatula in the right hand of God
With a tender lyre in half
Happy birthday, teacher!
And thank you for everything!

After all, in fact, in our souls there is much more heat and kindness than can sometimes even be imagined. In the birthday wishes for the teacher, everything is so beautiful, so bright.

Thank you for your hard work, caring,
For treating children like family.

From the very cradle you cared for us very tenderly,
You took us for walks and played snowballs with us.

You are replacing the children's mother,
You look after them in the garden,
You understand all their whims.

May smiles always illuminate
Warm light every day in life,
Our children play happily.

You probably know the cherished words:
Adults listen to you, and children love you.

We all write an ode to the teacher:
A lot of kind and very nice people.

There are people for whom working with children
Natural, like drinking or breathing.
You get along with Vanyusha and Svetki.

Our kids are a year older now
And he dreams of entering first grade as soon as possible,
Why are our teachers sad?
And tears fall from gentle eyes?

The treasured door has opened for the children,
They will all fly out like chicks from a nest.
You gave them all your good heart,
Sparing no effort and effort for them.

Children were given tenderness and generous caresses,
They shielded us from trouble, loving with all our hearts,
You read them fairy tales about the victory of good,
To live it with hope and faith in yourself.

The children lost their socks and tights somewhere,
We were angry with you because of such little things,
But even with us you were calm and meek,
Doing my holy work.

Graduation will fly by, hiding behind bouquets,
The children will scatter from their groups to their homes.
We bow to all teachers at the waist,
And nurses, nannies and cooks!

Don’t be sad, dear ones, and wipe away your tears,
After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!
Please accept our huge thank you
Because you loved our guys!

You lit children's hearts with love,
Praise and honor to you for your children's happiness!
Your work is like the tributaries of a river,

Kindergarten graduates today
Back in new life preschool children
We want to congratulate the teachers
From the parents of these guys.

May all your wishes come true -
And health, and happiness, success.
We all say goodbye to you!
We will remember you all with joy!

We are so sad to say goodbye to kindergarten!
It became a home for our children.
I would like to return someday
But these are all just children's dreams.

We wish you success and good luck,
We are so grateful for your love.
She means a lot to the children in life,
They don't forget anything!

They are hoarse, painful
Children are taught to live, grow,
So that each of their pets understands
That there are many goals ahead,

What after the winter snow cold
A gentle spring is coming,
That there are puddles everywhere on the roads,
But, alas, you can’t fall into them,

What about women, mothers, relatives and friends
Congratulations should be given with love.
The eighth of March is a celebration of life,
He shouldn't be forgotten.

And teachers today
We congratulate the whole crowd,
Let there be less grief in life,
Let joy flow like a river!

Parents and children of kindergarten congratulate you on the holiday. We wish you joy, goodness and success in life and work. We want to thank you for your work and your patience and attention to our children. I bow to you for your attention and love for our children.

And we all want to wish the kindergarten staff:
Be very patient in order to raise children.
They are not easy job May it always bear fruit,
And they will never have mistakes and miscalculations.

To keep the kids in kindergarten raise everyone well
There is a lot to do, you have to be on time everywhere.
Take them out for a walk and feed them tasty food.
And after lunch, immediately put them to bed in bed.

We wish everyone inspiration and success always.
From parents - thank you, never have quarrels.
The team was always friendly and solved problems,
And all the difficulties in work, he certainly won.

God's gift was given to you by nature -
You the best teacher of the year.
Communicate skillfully with children
Treat with care and gentleness.

Thank you very much
For your hard work,
A very important job
You do here.

For your understanding,
For a lot of kindness,
We say: “Thank you!”
In the face of all the children.

The manger needs kind hands,
In kind, open smiles,
In honest and loving, soft hearts,
To nurture them into children.

We are pleased to say,
In the nursery there is such a teacher.
We are glad to congratulate him now -
So take it boldly!

Guys can be obnoxious
But we teach them nonetheless:
They are no worse than adults.
Long live our patience!

Long live our luck,
Colleagues! May each of you
Enter in a bright mood
Today to your favorite class!

We're used to walking side by side
For many years in a row!
Carried by our school team
Cheers to everyone!
And it’s a pity that we rarely see each other
We speak about the main thing.
But today let’s say it aptly,
But today we will not remain silent:
My friends, teachers,

There are bouquets of roses in the teachers' room!
Congratulations, colleague!
Today is a holiday forecast,
We all glorify your anniversary.

You came to us as a teacher,
With a red and beautiful diploma.
I found my calling
And I became happy at our school.