Tests for couples in love. Test for two: will your relationship last

Any couple needs time to get to know her and his favorite things. If you do not yet know everything about your partner, there is an opportunity to do it right now:
1. Color
2. Film
3. Actor (actress)
4. Song
5. Book
6. Poem
7. Flower
8. Animal
9. Bird
10. Wood
11. Get a gift
12. Country
13. City
14. school year
15. Teacher
16. Car
17. Male name
18. Female name
19. Food
20. Dessert
21. Drink
22. Part of the body
23. Clothes
24. Sports
25. Number
26. TV program
27. Season
28. Day of the week
29. Time of day
30. Holiday
31. Saying
32. Dance
33. Family member
34. Perfume
35. Entertainment
36. Where were you born?
37. Where did you live as a child?
38. What was your favorite game at home and what was it outside?
39. Who did you spend most of your time with?
40. What is the most memorable moment from your childhood?
41. What was your most big fear(darkness, monsters, etc.)?
42. What did you dream of being as a child? Is it like this now? Why?
43. What is the funniest thing that happened to you as a child?
44. What was the most embarrassing situation you were in as a child?
45. What are significant events childhood that influenced you the most?
46. ​​What your favorite memory of your mother?
47. What is your favorite memory of your dad?
48. What is your favorite school class and why?
49. What is your favorite school subject?
50. What is your least favorite school subject?
51. What was your favorite toy?
52. Who was your (her) best friend(girlfriend)?
53. What toy have you always wanted but never got?
54. What were your best summer holidays?
About you
55. Which animal best suits you?
56. If you could choose any job in the world, what would it be?
57. What would you change in the past if given the opportunity?
58. If you won a million dollars in the lottery, where would you spend the money?
59. Which cartoon character is closest to you and why?
60. What would you like to dedicate your life to?
61. If you could get rid of any habit right now, what would you get rid of?
62. If you had one magical ability what would she be?
63. What are the three things you are most proud of in life?
64. What three words can best describe yourself?
65. What are you most afraid of?
66. What do you do when you are sad?
67. What do you do when you feel angry or upset?
Personal beliefs and perceptions
68. Do you belong to any religion?
69. Do you believe in fate?
70. Do you believe in love at first sight?
71. What is most attractive in women (men?)
72. What is the difference between love and falling in love for you?
73. Do you think it is possible to express your feelings in public? And to what extent is it possible? (holding hands, kissing, hugging each other...)?
74. Do you believe in God?
75. Do you believe in an afterlife?
76. Where do you think man came from?
77. Is there life on other planets?
78. What do you think about abortion?
79. Should children, when they grow up, live with their parents?
80. What is your attitude towards gays and lesbians?
81. How do you feel about harems?
82. How do you feel about the age difference between a man and a woman (the difference is more than 10 years)?
83. Is love alone enough for happiness? And is "paradise in a hut" possible?
84. Should a man be present at the birth of a child?
85. Can time heal love wounds?
Dreams and desires
86. What is your dream house like?
87. What is your dream car?
88. Perfect vacation or weekend. What are they?
89. What should be the ideal birthday?
90. What is the dream of your whole life?
91. Three traits or qualities of you that you would like to improve?
92. What five things would you like to do?

95. Do you prefer hot or cold? Why?
96. Are you an owl or a lark?
97. What annoys you the most?
98. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
99. Do you live for today or the future?
100. Your attitude to smoking.
101. Gossip and rumors... do you like / dislike?
102. Surprises... do you like/dislike?
103. Quiet and peaceful places... do you like / dislike?
104. Noisy places... do you like/dislike?
105. Ambition... do you like/dislike?
106. Rivalry... like / dislike?
War of the sexes
107. Benefits of a man in love
108. Advantages of a woman in love
109. A man would be the best "ruler of the earth" because...
110. A woman would be the best "ruler of the earth" because...
111. The biggest fear of a man
112. The biggest fear of a woman
113. What all men like to hear in their address ...
114. What all women like to hear in their address ...
115. The best reason to be a man
116. The best reason to be a woman
117. The biggest disadvantage of being a man
118. The biggest disadvantage of being a woman
119. If you had the opportunity to be born a second time and the opportunity to choose your gender, who would you be?
romantic preference
120. How do you imagine the perfect date?
121. What is your favorite romantic gesture or act?
122. Ten gifts that you would most like to receive in the world?
123. What is your idea of ​​the perfect romantic gift?
124. What is your idea of ​​a perfect romantic weekend or vacation?
125. In what ways can I support you in difficult times for you?
126. What do you find so unusual and unique in our relationship?
127. Do you consider yourself romantic?
128. What is for you real love?
129. Do you believe in the kinship of souls and that each person has his own soul mate on this earth?
130. Is romance an important part of a relationship?
131. Do you think true Love can conquer everything?
Your relationship
132. Do you remember in detail your first meeting? What are your thoughts at this time?
133. Do you remember in detail your first date? What are your thoughts at this time?
134. Do you remember your first kiss? What did you feel and what did you think?
135. When you realized that you love each other (who was the first to realize, or at the same time?)
136. Do you remember your first fight (your biggest fight)? What do you think of her now? Could it repeat itself?
137. Do you remember the most amazing compliment your partner gave you?
138. What qualities of character and personality do you like most in your partner?
139. What are three things you can do to improve your relationships? (so try to make them!)
140. How has your life changed since you met each other. What has changed in you for the better?
141. What do you value most about what your partner does for you?
142. How do your differences complement each other?
143. What did you do to get your partner's attention before you started a serious relationship?
144. Do you like it when the person you love does...
145. Do you like it when the person you love calls you...
146. The most romantic situation between you
147. Do you think your life has become predictable?
148. What should be done to bring variety to life?
149. Why do you want to continue to be together? Be together

150. Sex before marriage. What is your attitude towards him?
151. Should you live together before marriage?
152. Should one always tell the truth, even if it hurts?
153. Why do people get married?
154. Do you believe in marriage for life? What is your attitude towards divorce?
155. The most important thing in relationships?
156. Can you freely ask me anything you want?
157. What should be the role of a wife in a family?
158. What should be the role of the husband in the family?
159. If you could change something in our life together then what would that be?
160. If you are dissatisfied (flax) or angry (at) something, how do you show it? And how can I figure out exactly what?
161. If you have problems, do you talk about it openly or keep it to yourself?
162. Do you like to talk about your feelings?
163. How do you feel about my friends of the opposite sex?
164. How do you feel about my past loves?
165. What would you do if it turned out that a loved one was deceiving you?
166. In what case is divorce possible?
Love and money
167. In a family, who should manage money?
168. Should a wife (husband) stay at home with children?
169. How do you feel about a woman who earns more man(achieved more in career)?
170. Do you think it's worth saving?
171. Is it worth spending money sometimes?
172. What could you give up to save money?
173. What would you do if your partner was temporarily unable to earn money? What if you couldn't get a job for a long time?
Love and children
174. Do you want children?
175. If so, how many children do you want? What gender? How to name?
176. How would you raise your children? Like your parents or different?
177. Would you punish children? If yes, how and for what?
178. What is the role of mother in raising children?
179. What is the role of the pope in raising children?
180. What is the possible role of grandparents in the upbringing of your children?
181. Do men and women love each other less after the birth of a child?
182. Don't you think that the birth of a child puts an end to our lives only for each other?
183. Is it possible to quarrel in front of children?
184. Is it possible to show love for each other in front of children? Where is the border?
185. How would you answer a child's question: "Where do children come from?"
186. How can we continue our romantic meetings and dates when we have children?
187. What would you tell children about alcohol, smoking and drugs?
Love and sex
188. Is sex important for a happy couple?
189. What is the difference between "having sex" and "making love"?
190. What aspect of your sexual relationship would you like to improve?
191. You feel 100% comfortable in your sexual life? Why yes or why no?
192. How important is your partner's sexual history to you?
193. You think you know everything about sexual desires your partner?
194. Do you think diversity in sex is important for long-term relationships?
195. What is your favorite foreplay?
196. What is your favorite kiss?
197. What is your favorite sexual position?
198. How do you like to be touched, stroked, caressed?
199. What is your favorite way to caress your partner?
200. What is your most secret sexual fantasy?
201. Where do you like to make love the most?
202. And in what is the most unusual place you made love?
203. What is your favorite music to play when you make love?
204. What time of the day do you like to make love?
205. What do you like to do after making love?
206. What do you think, from whom should the initiative come, from a man or from a woman? And what about the hidden initiative?
207. What turns you on the most in your partner?
208. If you could change anything in your sex life, what would it be?What do I feel when...

Share with each other feelings and thoughts in situations where
209. ...are you hugging me?
210. ...I'm late and you have to wait for me?
211. ...you are late and I have to wait for you?
212. ... I convince you of something, but you do not want to agree with this?
213. ... do you praise me or tell me a compliment?
214. ...others notice our Love?
215. ...are we holding hands?
216. ...we are making joint plans?
217. ... I buy you a present?
218. ...are you laughing at me?
219. ...I reach out to touch you?
220. ... are we in some kind of competition, for example, playing cards or competing in some kind of sport?
221. ...it seems to me that I somehow hurt your feelings?
222. ... I hear from others that you "boast" about me?
223. ... do you look at other women (men) with interest?
224. ...are you crying?
225. ...do you feel bad?
226. ... do we hear "our song"?
227. ...you ask me to dance with you?
228. ...you ask me to help you?
More favorite things
229. Music group
230. Style of music
231. Love song
232. Board game
233. Word
234. Mythical creature
235. Journal
236. Aroma
237. Month
238. Instant food
239. Place for a kiss
240. Sports
241. Writer
242. Movie Genre
243. Video game
244. Work of art
245. Museum
246. Park
247. Constellation
248. Tea/coffee
249. Landmark
250. Astrological signA little more about you

251. What do you like to think about in free time?
252. What quality do you value most in yourself?
253. What is your negative quality?
254. What character trait in a person do you consider the most noble?
255. What character trait in a person do you consider to be the basest?
256. Do you regret anything you did in the past?
257. If there was an opportunity, would you agree to change the events of the past? If yes, how would you behave differently?
258. If you were to write a book about yourself, what would its title be?
259. If you had to spend the whole day alone, what would you do?
260. What is your worst situation at work?
261. What is your best situation at work?
262. What annoys you?
263. If you could change one thing in the world, what would that thing be?
264. What positive thing would you add to the world?
265. What negative things would you remove from the world?
266. Would you like to own your own company or work for someone else?
267. How important is your career to you?
268. How important is family to you?
269. How do you cheer yourself up if you are upset about something?
270. Do you think that your Life is going the way you would like?
271. How would you rate your achievements in life?

Dzherelo: book "Map of love"

According to research by renowned family therapist John Gottman, happy couples people who are happy with their marriages and relationships continue to get to know each other, "gather information" and "explore" each other throughout their lives. Happy spouses are well aware of the things that make their partner happy, his/her likes/dislikes, fears, problems, each other's thoughts and feelings, etc. In the head of a loving husband/wife, a detailed “map of love” is hidden, as it were, consisting of events, preferences, hobbies of a partner, which leads directly to his / her heart.

Happy families are, as it were, "photographers", witnesses and "chroniclers" of each other's lives.

The "Love Map" is the part of the brain where you store all the information related to the life of your "soulmate". Love cards protect marriages after drastic changes.

Family Club Council:

Even if you think that you know each other very well, don't give up! There are always things about your husband/wife that can surprise you.
Our goal is to get to know each other better, create a "love map" for your partner's life, and bring excitement back into your relationship by asking each other questions that you may not often ask each other. For example: do you know what your partner likes to wear to feel sexy and attractive?

Play together, asking each other these questions, laughing and rejoicing about each other. The more you use these question-and-answer games, the more you will get to know each other.

How to complete the task:

1. Take each piece of paper, pen or pencil.
2. Together, choose randomly (in a scatter) any 20 numbers from 1 to 60. If you do not have much time to complete the task, choose at least 10 numbers. Write your chosen numbers in the column on the left side of the piece of paper.
3. Below you will find a list of numbered questions. Choose those questions that match your numbers written on your piece of paper.
4. Take turns asking each other questions. Each of you must ask your partner all 20 (10) questions.
5. If the answer is correct (only you decide!), your partner receives the number of points indicated next to the question, and you receive one point. If your partner answers incorrectly (in your opinion) - none of you gets points. The same rule applies when you answer.
6. The game is won by the player who gets the most points after both of you have answered all 20 (or 10) questions.

Family Club Council:

The winners in this game are both of you, as by playing this question-and-answer game, you will get to know each other on a deeper level, grow in relationships, and build togetherness and intimacy. Play this game over the weekend, come up with your own questions, and develop your “love map” as you get to know and deepen each other.

A list of questions:

1. Name two of my closest friends. (2)
2. Name my favorite band, composer or musical instrument. (2)
3. What was I wearing when you first met? (2)
4. Name my hobby, passion.(3)
5. Where was I born?(1)
6. What difficulties am I currently experiencing? (4)
7. Describe in detail what I did today or yesterday (4).
8. When is my birthday? (1)
9. What is our wedding anniversary? (1)
10. Who is my favorite relative? (2)
11. What is my biggest unfulfilled dream? (5)
12. What is my favorite flower? (2)
13. What is my biggest fear, or what is my worst disaster scenario? (3)
14. What time of the day do I prefer to make love? (3)
15. What do I feel most competent in? (4)
16. What turns me on sexually? (3)
17. What do I have favorite dish? (2)
18. How do I like to spend the evening? (2)
19. What is my favorite color? (1).
20. What personal improvements do I want to make in my life? (4)
21. What gift would I like best? (2)
22. What happened best event my childhood? (2)
23. How do I like to spend my holidays? (2)
24. Name The best way console me, comfort me.(4)
25. Who is a source of support for me (besides you)? (3)
26. What is my favorite sport? (2)
27. What am I most likely to do if I have free time? (2)
28. Name one of the things I like to do on weekends (2)
29. Where do I prefer to go on vacation? (3).
30. What is my favorite movie? (2)
31. What important events me coming in life? How do I feel about them? (4)
32. How do I like to solve problems?(2)
33. Who was my best friend as a child? (3)
34. Name one of my favorite magazines. (2)
35. Name my main rivals or "enemies". (2)
36. Describe my ideal job. (4)
37. What am I most afraid of? (4)
38. Which of my relatives do I like the least? (3)
39. What is my favorite holiday? (2)
40. What books do I like best?(3)
41. What is my favorite TV show? (2)
42. Which side of the bed do I prefer? (2).
43. What upsets me the most? (4)
44. Name one of my sorrows and worries (4)
45. What medical problems do I care about? (2)
46. ​​When was I most ashamed? (3)
47. What is the most bad event in my childhood? (3)
48. Name two people I admire the most (4)
49. Name my main rival or "enemy". (3)
50. Of all the people we both know, who do I like the least? (3)
51. Name my favorite dessert. (2)
52. Give your partner's passport number. (2)
53. Name one of my favorite fictional novels. (2)
54. What is my favorite restaurant? (2).
55. Name two of my dreams (hopes, aspirations, desires). (4)
56. Do I have secret ambitions? Which? (4)
57. What foods do I hate? (2)
58. What is my favorite animal? (2).
59. What is my favorite song? (2).
60. What do I have favorite tree? (2).

Any couple needs time to get to know her and his favorite things. If you do not yet know everything about your partner, there is an opportunity to do it right now:
1. Color
2. Film
3. Actor (actress)
4. Song
5. Book
6. Poem
7. Flower
8. Animal
9. Bird
10. Wood
11. Get a gift
12. Country
13. City
14. School year
15. Teacher
16. Car
17. Male name
18. Female name
19. Food
20. Dessert
21. Drink
22. Part of the body
23. Clothes
24. Sports
25. Number
26. TV program
27. Season
28. Day of the week
29. Time of day
30. Holiday
31. Saying
32. Dance
33. Family member
34. Perfume
35. Entertainment
36. Where were you born?
37. Where did you live as a child?
38. What was your favorite game at home and what was it outside?
39. Who did you spend most of your time with?
40. What is the most memorable moment from your childhood?
41. What was your biggest fear (darkness, monsters, etc.)?
42. What did you dream of being as a child? Is it like this now? Why?
43. What is the funniest thing that happened to you as a child?
44. What was the most embarrassing situation you were in as a child?
45. What are the significant childhood events that influenced you the most?
46. ​​What is your favorite memory of your mother?
47. What is your favorite memory of your dad?
48. What is your favorite school class and why?
49. What is your favorite school subject?
50. What is your least favorite school subject?
51. What was your favorite toy?
52. Who was your best friend (girlfriend)?
53. What toy have you always wanted but never got?
54. What was your best summer vacation?
About you
55. Which animal best suits you?
56. If you could choose any job in the world, what would it be?
57. What would you change in the past if given the opportunity?
58. If you won a million dollars in the lottery, where would you spend the money?
59. Which cartoon character is closest to you and why?
60. What would you like to dedicate your life to?
61. If you could get rid of any habit right now, what would you get rid of?
62. If you had one magical ability, what would it be?
63. What are the three things you are most proud of in life?
64. What three words can best describe yourself?
65. What are you most afraid of?
66. What do you do when you are sad?
67. What do you do when you feel angry or upset?
Personal beliefs and perceptions
68. Do you belong to any religion?
69. Do you believe in fate?
70. Do you believe in love at first sight?
71. What is most attractive in women (men?)
72. What is the difference between love and falling in love for you?
73. Do you think it is possible to express your feelings in public? And to what extent is it possible? (holding hands, kissing, hugging each other...)?
74. Do you believe in God?
75. Do you believe in an afterlife?
76. Where do you think man came from?
77. Is there life on other planets?
78. What do you think about abortion?
79. Should children, when they grow up, live with their parents?
80. What is your attitude towards gays and lesbians?
81. How do you feel about harems?
82. How do you feel about the age difference between a man and a woman (the difference is more than 10 years)?
83. Is love alone enough for happiness? And is "paradise in a hut" possible?
84. Should a man be present at the birth of a child?
85. Can time heal love wounds?
Dreams and desires
86. What is your dream house like?
87. What is your dream car?
88. Perfect vacation or weekend. What are they?
89. What should be the ideal birthday?
90. What is the dream of your whole life?
91. Three traits or qualities of you that you would like to improve?
92. What five things would you like to do?

95. Do you prefer hot or cold? Why?
96. Are you an owl or a lark?
97. What annoys you the most?
98. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
99. Do you live for today or the future?
100. Your attitude to smoking.
101. Gossip and rumors... do you like / dislike?
102. Surprises... do you like/dislike?
103. Quiet and peaceful places... do you like / dislike?
104. Noisy places... do you like/dislike?
105. Ambition... do you like/dislike?
106. Rivalry... like / dislike?
War of the sexes
107. Benefits of a man in love
108. Advantages of a woman in love
109. A man would be the best "ruler of the earth" because...
110. A woman would be the best "ruler of the earth" because...
111. The biggest fear of a man
112. The biggest fear of a woman
113. What all men like to hear in their address ...
114. What all women like to hear in their address ...
115. The best reason to be a man
116. The best reason to be a woman
117. The biggest disadvantage of being a man
118. The biggest disadvantage of being a woman
119. If you had the opportunity to be born a second time and the opportunity to choose your gender, who would you be?
romantic preference
120. How do you imagine the perfect date?
121. What is your favorite romantic gesture or act?
122. Ten gifts that you would most like to receive in the world?
123. What is your idea of ​​the perfect romantic gift?
124. What is your idea of ​​a perfect romantic weekend or vacation?
125. In what ways can I support you in difficult times for you?
126. What do you find so unusual and unique in our relationship?
127. Do you consider yourself romantic?
128. What is real love for you?
129. Do you believe in the kinship of souls and that each person has his own soul mate on this earth?
130. Is romance an important part of a relationship?
131. Do you think true Love can conquer everything?
Your relationship
132. Do you remember in detail your first meeting? What are your thoughts at this time?
133. Do you remember in detail your first date? What are your thoughts at this time?
134. Do you remember your first kiss? What did you feel and what did you think?
135. When you realized that you love each other (who was the first to realize, or at the same time?)
136. Do you remember your first fight (your biggest fight)? What do you think of her now? Could it repeat itself?
137. Do you remember the most amazing compliment your partner gave you?
138. What qualities of character and personality do you like most in your partner?
139. What are three things you can do to improve your relationships? (so try to make them!)
140. How has your life changed since you met each other. What has changed in you for the better?
141. What do you value most about what your partner does for you?
142. How do your differences complement each other?
143. What did you do to get your partner's attention before you started a serious relationship?
144. Do you like it when the person you love does...
145. Do you like it when the person you love calls you...
146. The most romantic situation between you
147. Do you think your life has become predictable?
148. What should be done to bring variety to life?
149. Why do you want to continue to be together? Be together

150. Sex before marriage. What is your attitude towards him?
151. Should you live together before marriage?
152. Should one always tell the truth, even if it hurts?
153. Why do people get married?
154. Do you believe in marriage for life? What is your attitude towards divorce?
155. What is the most important thing in a relationship?
156. Can you freely ask me anything you want?
157. What should be the role of a wife in a family?
158. What should be the role of the husband in the family?
159. If you could change anything in our life together, what would it be?
160. If you are dissatisfied (flax) or angry (at) something, how do you show it? And how can I figure out exactly what?
161. If you have problems, do you talk about it openly or keep it to yourself?
162. Do you like to talk about your feelings?
163. How do you feel about my friends of the opposite sex?
164. How do you feel about my past loves?
165. What would you do if it turned out that a loved one was deceiving you?
166. In what case is divorce possible?
Love and money
167. In a family, who should manage money?
168. Should a wife (husband) stay at home with children?
169. How do you feel about a woman who earns more than a man (has achieved more in her career)?
170. Do you think it's worth saving?
171. Is it worth spending money sometimes?
172. What could you give up to save money?
173. What would you do if your partner was temporarily unable to earn money? What if you couldn't get a job for a long time?
Love and children
174. Do you want children?
175. If so, how many children do you want? What gender? How to name?
176. How would you raise your children? Like your parents or different?
177. Would you punish children? If yes, how and for what?
178. What is the role of mother in raising children?
179. What is the role of the pope in raising children?
180. What is the possible role of grandparents in the upbringing of your children?
181. Do men and women love each other less after the birth of a child?
182. Don't you think that the birth of a child puts an end to our lives only for each other?
183. Is it possible to quarrel in front of children?
184. Is it possible to show love for each other in front of children? Where is the border?
185. How would you answer a child's question: "Where do children come from?"
186. How can we continue our romantic meetings and dates when we have children?
187. What would you tell children about alcohol, smoking and drugs?
Love and sex
188. Is sex important for a happy couple?
189. What is the difference between "having sex" and "making love"?
190. What aspect of your sexual relationship would you like to improve?
191. Do you feel 100% comfortable in your sex life? Why yes or why not?
192. How important is your partner's sexual history to you?
193. Do you think you know everything about your partner's sexual desires?
194. Do you think diversity in sex is important for long-term relationships?
195. What is your favorite foreplay?
196. What is your favorite kiss?
197. What is your favorite sexual position?
198. How do you like to be touched, stroked, caressed?
199. What is your favorite way to caress your partner?
200. What is your most secret sexual fantasy?
201. Where do you like to make love the most?
202. And in what is the most unusual place you made love?
203. What is your favorite music to play when you make love?
204. What time of the day do you like to make love?
205. What do you like to do after making love?
206. What do you think, from whom should the initiative come, from a man or from a woman? And what about the hidden initiative?
207. What turns you on the most in your partner?
208. If you could change anything in your sex life, what would it be?What do I feel when...

Share with each other feelings and thoughts in situations where
209. ...are you hugging me?
210. ...I'm late and you have to wait for me?
211. ...you are late and I have to wait for you?
212. ... I convince you of something, but you do not want to agree with this?
213. ... do you praise me or tell me a compliment?
214. ...others notice our Love?
215. ...are we holding hands?
216. ...we are making joint plans?
217. ... I buy you a present?
218. ...are you laughing at me?
219. ...I reach out to touch you?
220. ... are we in some kind of competition, for example, playing cards or competing in some kind of sport?
221. ...it seems to me that I somehow hurt your feelings?
222. ... I hear from others that you "boast" about me?
223. ... do you look at other women (men) with interest?
224. ...are you crying?
225. ...do you feel bad?
226. ... do we hear "our song"?
227. ...you ask me to dance with you?
228. ...you ask me to help you?
More favorite things
229. Music group
230. Style of music
231. Love song
232. Board game
233. Word
234. Mythical creature
235. Journal
236. Aroma
237. Month
238. Instant food
239. Place for a kiss
240. Sports
241. Writer
242. Movie Genre
243. Video game
244. Work of art
245. Museum
246. Park
247. Constellation
248. Tea/coffee
249. Landmark
250. Astrological signA little more about you

251. What do you like to think about in your free time?
252. What quality do you value most in yourself?
253. What is your negative quality?
254. What character trait in a person do you consider the most noble?
255. What character trait in a person do you consider to be the basest?
256. Do you regret anything you did in the past?
257. If there was an opportunity, would you agree to change the events of the past? If yes, how would you behave differently?
258. If you were to write a book about yourself, what would its title be?
259. If you had to spend the whole day alone, what would you do?
260. What is your worst situation at work?
261. What is your best situation at work?
262. What annoys you?
263. If you could change one thing in the world, what would that thing be?
264. What positive thing would you add to the world?
265. What negative things would you remove from the world?
266. Would you like to own your own company or work for someone else?
267. How important is your career to you?
268. How important is family to you?
269. How do you cheer yourself up if you are upset about something?
270. Do you think that your life is going the way you would like?
271. How would you rate your achievements in life?

36 questions that lead to love

The answers to these questions make you open up and show your vulnerability zones, which contributes to rapprochement!

20 years ago, psychologist Arthur Aron conducted a simple experiment in his laboratory. He invited a previously unfamiliar man and woman to answer 36 questions together. Then they had to silently look into each other's eyes for 4 minutes. Six months later, the participants in the experiment were ready to get married.

Take time for yourself and answer these questions, I don’t promise crazy love, you will become more understandable to yourself, it will help you realize your fears and vulnerabilities and be more open to the world. If possible, answer these questions with your partner.

1. Out of everyone in the world, who would you invite over for dinner?

2. Would you like to be famous? In what field?

3. Before you do phone call Do you ever rehearse what you're going to say? Why?

4. What is your ideal day?

5. When you're in last time singing alone? And for someone else?

7. Do you have a secret premonition about how you will die?

8. List three things you and your partner have in common.

9. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

10. If you could change anything about your upbringing, what would it be?

11. In 4 minutes, tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.

12. If you could wake up tomorrow with a quality or ability, what would it be?

13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about you, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you like to know?

14. Is there anything you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why didn't you do it?

15. What is the greatest achievement in your life?

16. What do you value most in friends?

17. What is your most treasured memory?

18. What is your scariest memory?

19. If you knew that within one year you would suddenly die, would you change anything in your current life? Why?

20. What does friendship mean to you?

21. What role do love and affection play in your life?

22. In turn, name the positive characteristics of your partner. A total of five items.

23. How close are your family members? Do you think your childhood was happier than most other people's?

24. What do you think about your relationship with your mother?

25. Make three true sentences beginning with "we". For example, "We both feel in this room ...".

26. Continue this phrase: "I would like to share with someone ...".

27. If you were going to be close friends with your partner, please tell us what you think they should know about you.

28. Tell your partner what you like about him; be extremely honest, say what you could not say to an unfamiliar person.

30. When and why did you cry for the last time?

31. Tell your partner what you already like about him.

32. What is too serious, what jokes are inappropriate?

33. If you were to die this evening without being able to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not telling someone? Why haven't you told them this yet?

34. Your house with all your possessions caught fire. After saving loved ones and pets, you have time to run into the house again and save one thing. What could it be? Why?

35. The death of which member of your family would hurt you the most? Why?

Love each other and do not be afraid to open up, stop being afraid to speak up and experience pain, just speak for yourself, and not for the expected reaction of a partner.

Realize that you like to talk about your feelings, to be kind.

We often experience pain, close and block our sensuality and cordiality. And in such a state, close relationships are impossible.

Open yourself, not for the sake of others, not for the sake of pleasing someone or being good in the eyes of another, not expecting approval or blame, but for yourself, for your freedom, ease and joy.

This quiz is not only a great way to find out what you really know about each other, but also a great excuse to get to know each other better!

Even if you and your partner raised three children together (by the way, whose is it?), It is not a fact that you know each other's habits well. And without this knowledge, relationships will never be as productive and happy as possible, says Dr. John Gottman, author of The Seven Principles That Make Marriages Work. From this book, we borrowed a test that we recommend that all couples pass. Does your girlfriend think you're not interested in her life? Thanks to our test* you will have the opportunity to prove that this is true!

I think frankness in such tests is more expensive. I recommend that you unobtrusively find out the girl's answers in advance and only then invite her to take the test. You'll make a girl feel guilty that she doesn't know you as well, you can manipulate her, take over the world...

How the test works

You will need five sheets of paper and two pencils. Okay, from one sheet - it's superfluous - do it paper boat. And pencils can be replaced with pens or, what the hell is not joking, with felt-tip pens. You will take the test one by one. One asks a question aloud, both silently write down the answer, without looking at each other's papers. For example, you ask a girl: “What am I most afraid of?” She writes down her answer: "Giant spiders with tentacles and light music." In the meantime, you write down your correct version: “Your mother.” And so you report on all twenty-five questions. Then flip the paper over and set it aside.

Take the next two pieces of paper and follow the same procedure, but with the girl as the defendant. She asks, "What am I most afraid of?" You silently write down: "Your mother." The girl silently writes: "My mother." And so on for all questions.

When you have finished interviewing each other, turn over the papers and compare the results (but first, of course, be horrified by the answers). Count the number of exact matches. Accurate in semantic meaning, and not in the form of a statement. For example, if you answered the question about your hobby “badminton”, and the girl answered “a ridiculous game with a net, rackets and such funny balls in skirts” - this is still a coincidence. It counts. For each correct answer - 1 point.


1. My favorite dessert 2. What is my shoe size? 3. What am I most afraid of? 4. How old is my mother? 5. What is my blood type? 6. What turns me on in sex? 7. Name two of my closest friends. 8. Do I have a hobby? Which? 9. What will I take out of the fire first, besides you, documents and pets? 10. My favorite movie 11. My worst childhood memory 12. What time of day do I like to have sex the most? 13. How do I like to spend my evenings? 14. How do I want to be buried? 15. A dish I can't live without 16. What gift would I like best? 17. What kind of food do I hate? 18. My favorite musical group 19. What kind of coffee do I prefer? 20. What circle did I attend as a child? 21. What literary genre do I like? 22. What do I want to do before I die? 23. What is your favorite weather? 24. Continue the phrase "You hate it when I..." 25. Do I have allergies?