How to wish a beautifully great weekend in your own words. Have a great weekend wishes

Every working person looks forward to the weekend. After all, these days you can afford:

  • Sleep well.
  • Do what you don't have time for
  • Spend time with friends and loved ones.
  • Immerse yourself in dreams and plans for the future.

That is why wishes for a good weekend are very appropriate. This is a sign that the recipient is not indifferent to the recipient and wants him to have a great time.

How to make a wish unusual

Any messages - wishes for a good weekend or congratulations on some holidays - must be presented, pouring soul into them. If combinations of words are written independently, from the head, then, of course, the best way will present them from pure heart. In the text of the message, indicating a great pastime during the weekend, you need to include all the ideas that you want the recipient to embody in their free time.

Important points in wishing a good weekend

Of course, it is necessary to talk in your texts about everything that is actually usually done on weekends. Let the wishes of a good weekend be bright, memorable. Put a piece of yourself into this message. This can be done, for example, by adding one of your favorite joint photo with the recipient or beautiful thematic picture, which will display the emotion that you want to convey.

Wishes in verse

It would also be appropriate to send wishes for a good weekend in verse. Rhymes can be maximum fully express your feelings about having a good time loved one. In a poem, it is worth using rhyming lines that will help to fully express emotional condition. For example:

I wish you a great weekend

May all your dreams come true right now.

I send a magic letter

Now everything must be done.

Have a good rest first

Then you decide urgent matters.

And in the evening with cake you and cookies

Come visit for a heart-to-heart talk.

You can rhyme all the ideas that you want to give to your interlocutor. Sending a verse is not difficult - there are many ways and means. Previously, in the past, such an opportunity was limited and letters were sent only by mail. What was the risk of not receiving such a message in a timely manner. This weekend you can send to in social networks, By e-mail, via SMS. So you can send wishes to your loved ones as quickly as possible.

Give your dear ones positive emotions and positive attitude for life. Even small wish and any sign of attention can give impetus to a successful weekend and even vacation. Pleasant words addressed to a person close and valuable to you will once again prove love, affection and indifference.

I want to have a good rest
On a great weekend
Let the troubles go
And laugh at them!
Have fun from the heart
I wish you a good hour
May all desires, dreams
You will be fulfilled!

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Wish #6466

I wish you have a great time
Funny, crazy, crazy,
To gain vigor for a week,
Wonderful, as in the song, the weekend!

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Wish #6465

Work week behind
And the weekend is ahead
Let them make you happy
Smart, funny, cool.
Have a wonderful vacation, let it cheer you up
Give happiness, joy, fun,
Desires are easily fulfilled
Will make you feel great.
May Friday open the door for you
To the country of cheerful, sparkling joys
And by the weekend, along the bright strip,
Will pave the way without trifles disturbing.

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Wish #5256

It's Saturday, pull up
Celebrate the day off
Have a great time with friends
Walk and sing songs!

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Wish #5255

Cheerful, enchanting,
With a great mood
very interesting
Let there be a resurrection!
Give positive
For a whole week
So that in a bright and happy,
You have succeeded in life!

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Wish #5254

May Saturday be great
For exemplary walks,
For pleasant communication
And for a kayfovoy vacation!
Let her cheerful laugh
Adds optimism
With amazing success
All wishes come true!

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Wish #5253

Let the freaky mood
Crazy moments of joy
And sparkling fun
Get a super weekend!

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Wish #5252

I wish you sparkling
Stunning, cool,
Wonderful, awesome,
The most awesome weekend!

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Wish #524

I wish you a great weekend
Flying, joyful, crazy,
funny, wonderful,
Well, just stunning!

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Wish #521

Started on Monday
Entirely work we scolded.
All twitchy, angry.
Where are you, where are you, weekend?
It's Tuesday, thank God
We got dressed up a little.
Less swearing, more laughter
Not work, but fun.
Well, on Wednesday - not lazy
And they worked hard
For the company to flourish
For the salary to come.
Thursday came after Wednesday.
Everyone really excelled:
We complete all tasks
We are especially diligent.
How did everyone wait for Friday?
Didn't get enough sleep at night.
Here she comes, dear,
Factory all like that.
Well, what a fucking job
If tomorrow is Saturday.
We make plans, we don't get bored,
Somewhere we are in the clouds.
Here Saturday rolls: Hello!
And come on, dear, rule.
Charge everyone with positivity
Be cheerful and happy.
Sunday is a beautiful day
Let it give you a cool vacation
With a sea of ​​bright entertainment
And pleasant impressions.
Have fun, have fun -
Enjoy the weekend…
But where is he, that magician,
What will cancel Monday?

Happy Friday! The most awaited day of the week has finally arrived! Let the weekend be stormy, fun, funny, interesting and memorable. Have a good rest, gain strength and energy so that there is something to remember!

Hooray! Friday! Congratulations on your vacation and I want to wish you a fun, exciting, eventful, wonderful and unforgettable weekend. Let the heart not be disturbed by everyday worries, let the soul leave aside the anxieties and the importance of affairs. I wish you complete relaxation and a wonderful pastime with your loved ones.

The long-awaited Friday has come, which means that it's time to enjoy the rest! Leave all worries behind and enjoy what brings joy: communicate with loved ones, meet friends and pay attention to hobbies! Let your weekend be bright and eventful!

So the work week is over. Hooray Friday! Wish have a great holiday, bright nights and unforgettable impressions. To fill the rest right up to next week, and you are charged with energy, strength and creative thoughts that will help you easily perform the assigned work.

Before we knew it, Friday arrived. I wish you friends how to relax. Let the weekend go as you wish. Let someone roll around, and someone ride a bike. Let the most important thing, have a good rest, do not be sad and do not lose heart. Have a great weekend full positive emotions and highlights.

Congratulations, today is Friday. I wish to take a course on a fun and good vacation, I wish you a bright, kind, interesting and exciting weekend, during which you can have time to clean up the house, and cope with urgent matters, and meet welcome guests, and give yourself moments of sweet dreams and dreams.

Congratulations on Friday and I sincerely wish you a fun, bright, exciting weekend. Let both body and soul rest from all worries and boredom, let all things be done quickly, and time for rest, relaxation and pleasant pastime in a circle nice people there will be a lot left. I wish you a good mood and excellent health.

Congratulations on Friday, happy weekend. I wish you to finally breathe freely and leave aside all work matters. Let Friday be the beginning of a fun, exciting, beautiful and happy weekend. I wish you a lot of positive, smiles, pleasure and joy.

Congratulations on Friday and I want to wish you a great weekend. May these days be filled with the things done, the successes achieved and the successful completion of the goals set. I would like to wish that the weekend was spent exclusively with benefit, so that no troubles and hardships could spoil your mood.

Happy Friday the whore. I wish you a complete separation and a high flight away from earthly troubles and all your duties, I wish you a cool vacation in a circle of cool people. And may this weekend be incredibly interesting, successful, fruitful and fun.

I wish this weekend
Forget about a series of problems!
Let your body rest

Do not even give minutes of sadness,
Just enjoy the positive.
Live two days of pleasure
To try harder on weekdays!

Hope bloomed in my heart
And it got better every day
The fate of love has opened the door
To move forward together.

And the heart sings of love!
Cleanse all thoughts from dust,
And life will fill your key
All weekend and beyond!

May these long-awaited days
You will be given a lot of impressions
Your dreams are like colorful flowers
Will be fulfilled again without exception.

May the weather be great
For relaxation and an unusual meeting,
So that sadness and past hardships
Didn't disturb a pleasant evening.

Legal weekends
I wish you
Get off to the fullest
Interesting program!

Embrace everything before
It never happened.
Make every effort
Have a good walk!

Let the days go by
Away from the hustle and bustle of work.
And they are only happy
And pleasures prophesy!

Finally the weekend
Behind the problems wagon.
Evil weekdays rushed off into the distance,
Life is in full swing!

Go where you have always wanted to.
Realize what you couldn't do before
Make your legal weekend
A problem-free zone!

Leisure days!

Recharge your mood in the morning.
Don't be in a hurry to get out of bed.
And let yourself relax for an hour,
Drinking fragrant coffee

There are so many interesting things in the plans,
Look, don't miss anything!
Rest your body and soul
Do not drag the problems of everyday life with you!

Here comes Friday
Invited happiness to visit!
Well, isn't it lucky that two
Fate gave a day off?

After busy working days
I wish you colorful joy
Wake up not at dawn, but late,
Have breakfast with all your family.
And invite a friend to a cozy house,

Firebirds painted feathers
Let the light be given from above
So that the weekend becomes a fairy tale,
And dreams came true.

I wish to try
And have a nice rest.
Or better yet, break away
And get some sleep!

Congratulations on Friday
Weekdays are giving up their post,
I wish you a great weekend
To boost morale.

I want to rest brightly
To forget all the problems
Sleep, take a walk
Devote time to yourself.

May Saturday, Sunday
New forces will give
Let in a pleasant atmosphere
Great days will pass.

We wish you a bright weekend
In love, care and attention.
Appreciate family and friends
May there be peace and understanding.

Prepare a rest in reserve
For the entire work week.
Solve all things at once
So that your conscience does not eat you later.

Let the conversation make your soul happy
In bed, enjoy a bright dream,
When the queen of the night comes into the courtyard.

I want to make the most of my time
To not regret what didn't work out.
Shake your body over the weekend
Problems that have accumulated in my head.

It's time to postpone work with study,
And all your important mega-cases,
It's time to relax and live to the fullest!
After all, Friday has finally arrived!

I wish you all a good weekend
More smiles, kindness, positive,
Forget about your everyday work,
I wish you a happy weekend!

You've been working all week
Your strength is exhausted
The weekend was very much awaited,
Only dreamed about them!

Well, Friday is here.
The end of the week brought
Have some fun on the weekend
Remove your fatigue!

Hello Friday dear,
How we adore you.
We are very tired
And we were waiting for you
To go where
And take a break from work
Get new emotions
Well, not life, but beauty!

Here comes Friday
You can postpone things.
Weekend is near
And everyone needs to relax.

Sunday let Saturday
Won't add worries to you
Take a break from problems
Happy weekend everyone!

Friday working
Ends the week
Good weekend
I wish you.

With rest, fun,
With good friends
To make them joy
Shared with you.

Friday in the rank of a holiday
We will translate
She's been loved for a long time
Became a working day.

Let all worries subside
And sadness will go away with the blues:
'Cause it's Friday again
So tomorrow is a day off!

Have fun and have fun
Let's have a great vacation!
To make the whole week long
Weekends to remember!

Well, Friday is knocking on the calendar.
A little more, and you can relax!
I wish you sleep, relax you,
Yes, so that everyone would envy!

I wish you a bright, interesting weekend,
May you remember them.
Let there be barbecue, wine, friends.
I congratulate you on Friday!

Good morning wish you today!
I lift your spirits!
A whole day, so that it does not pass in vain,
I will hug and hug you passionately!

And here's a new day
Go to work again.
Only the weather
Leaves the hunt.

I will give you an umbrella
And your cloak is beautiful
So that you do not freeze, do not get wet,
My favorite.

And hugging tightly
Will kiss you,
To you my baby
Wish Have a good day.

I want to wish you
Have a great day.
Less doubt
More luck
And so that the day goes by no differently.

Everything that I thought in the morning
Done within a day!
Both at work and in business,
You raced in the first couple.

Have a nice day!
May my wishes inspire you!
For exploits and experiments,
For positive and funny moments.

So that today is a good day
And not dull, sad, gloomy.
I wish you always!
Happy and bright day!

May your day
Give a lot of smiles
And will not allow
Unnecessary mistakes.

To be pleasant
Good luck and bright.
And the bad moments
They weren't noticeable.

Your motto today
Rejoice and laugh
Be cheerful and contented
And smile at everyone!

My dear friends! Good day!
I want to wish you a great weekend!
Let the closest, dear, beloved people be with you!
Sincerely, Reseda.

Freeze in the face of unshattered hopes.

Day off is coming
Not a foot to work
Neither hand nor head -
They need peace of mind!

Here comes Friday
Weekend led!
You finish your work soon
We want to have fun!
Congratulations to all, friends,
How happy am I
That I will rest for two days,
Breathe the freedom of the air!

The weekend will roll with laughter
And the week will pass quietly
And then Friday will come again,
The people are waiting for her!

Friday! I'm glad for her!
It became too lazy to fuss.
Hurry up from work
Run away on this day!
Your family is waiting for you at home
To sit at a common table.
I congratulate you -
The turn of the day has come!

Last day of the week
Imperceptibly comes to us
Waited for him, and everyone believed -
Will definitely add!
It will crawl, but how else!
Happiness cannot be conveyed here:
Who is in billiards, and who is in the country,
With interest so to speak.
Fifth day of the week is glorious!
On the eve of the weekend!
I scream with happiness drunk -
Resting. Who is with me?

This week has flown by
Friday flew through the window
Brought us a day off
That means two days off!
We will move the work
Two whole days without a care.
There is only one problem -
There's only one Friday in the week!

By all accounts, this life is no life at all.
No matter how you circle around it, with whom you make friends along it.
And an example of a simple inability to live
Weekends would be great.

All week you wait for them, like manna from heaven,
You bend your back and sweat, you naive dunce.
But they come - you are fit and fresh
Freeze in view of not broken hopes.

What are you waiting for? You yourself will not understand.
Even those who need it do not put a penny.
You hit the fish on the ice, exhausted,
And in the end, no thanks to you, no mercy.

Weekend ahead, how to spend it?
To have something to write about after the verse.
So that the sailors with you in their taverns
For a long time they would frighten the Jung of the young.

So that jamesbonds, being ashamed of their actions,
It would take a long time to get in touch.
And beauties of various colors and bosoms
Would raise you to a new sex standard.

This is how half a day goes by. Out, mind you.
Anything else can be done, of course.
But in dreams of heroism and passionate love
You lie around with the remote, staring at the TV.

Children jump on you and your wife rides,
Doesn't come out on your day off, not a damn thing.
And the sailors are sailing, and the jamesbonds are flying,
And beauties of other standards want.

Evil weekdays will come under the squeak of an alarm clock.
Oversleeping at work is your only risk.
Infantile owner of funny fantasies,
For what, it is not clear, you are waiting for the weekend.

Everyone around can lie diligently,
Only one calendar does not lie,
It will be Friday for sure
And no one will take it away!

She always dreams!
All that is so desired -
A week is expected
And then it comes true!
The working day ends
And the vacation begins!
And weekend tease
Great, oh Friday!

Ah, where are those weekend dreams in the morning!
You have the right to sleep, but you really can’t sleep.
It's not time to get up on the right,
And getting up on the left is no good for anyone.
And thoughts are spinning that the world has grown old,
That time, alas, is slipping between your fingers,
And a quick destiny to be out of work at all,
And so, an outsider a simple guest.

But still, life lays claim
For a cup of coffee - do not care about pressure!
Problems forgotten like islands
Recall yesterday's direction.
And the close screen will bloom again,
And you open the reception window
Looking to the future, black as a crow.
Happy that not at work, but at home.

Created and brewed! Faith hashish
Poetry calls her little sister -
And you see clearly, and you are not in a hurry,
And only in a kind, soft soul.
A good day off - if you want to cry, if you want to sing!
Ready to beat the key, but my exit is delayed,
And the old blade, which is not yet dull,
So far, he does not want out of the scabbard.

Throw a look in the mirror - and there are all your own,
No wonder every corner is prayed and close,
And the news of a family exiled to rest,
Loving, surround you without surprises.
Ah, the day off is ordinary, but the limit!
In a race without formulas - pitstop, respite,
But there are so many things to do,
That tomorrow you run to work skipping.

No worries and no doubts
See you Friday friends
Survive would only change
You can't get away
And then as the evening breaks
Let's run home
Hiding happiness in pockets
To then open to friends
Tomorrow is the weekend
Dacha again, kebabs
None on Monday
Let's wait for Friday.

"Goodbye!" Let's say a week of work.
"Never come back!" Goodbye!
Friday mood today
Not Monday, not Wednesday! "Goodbye!"
Let's get things done quickly,
Work from all legs run.
Today we will not drink tea,
So take care of your liver!
Today we are going to the tavern
And, of course, we drink a lot.
Beer, whiskey and cognac.

Weekdays flew by unnoticed:
How nice, how good!
We've been working all day...
And now it's come to an end

All the work that we have done
Only in the soul, as it is, donkey,
In the soul and pride, and carelessness -
Did a lot of important work.

And now an important occasion was born,
From the soul it is beautiful to relax.

Inhale fresh oxygen.

And laugh, laugh heartily
Just have fun, no worries
And lie in bed longer
In the evening go to the theater, cinema.

Basically, do what you want.
Gain impressions, strength.
Weekends go by fast
But they are valuable!

Can our minds relax a little?
Already the work is not rushing at all,
Apparently it's Friday
Weekends are coming!
It will be evening, cucumbers, vodka,
And my face will fall into the plate,
There will be time to completely relax,
His hour is fast approaching!

Beloved, beauty,
Tired a little.
It's Friday again.
Can't hide your excitement!
And let non-working days
Will pass in earthly affairs -
I prophesied to all of you

I have a good weekend
I wish through this verse!
Go where you have always wanted to.
Do what you couldn't do before.
Make the most of it
Leisure days!
To remember them on weekdays,
What a great weekend!

Now an important occasion has been born,
From the soul it is beautiful to relax.
Laugh, have fun at home
Or visit relatives.
Smile at the sun, birds in the sky,
Inhale fresh oxygen.
With joy, it's glorious to meet Saturday,
Take a peek on Sunday.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Here comes Friday
Congratulations to all, friends!
My heart has become warmer
And you can't be sad!
After all, now two days of freedom,
Have fun and relax!
Even in a cafe, even in nature
You can go - choose!

Start of the weekend: Hooray! Hooray!
Well, the long-awaited time has finally come to us.
We are in the turmoil of everyday labor,
Long dreamed of the approach of these days.
I want to congratulate you on the start of the weekend,
I want you to have a great two days.
May your rest be a success
I wish you joy, fun and never lose heart.

Congratulations on Friday today!
We have waited! A little bit - and the day off!
I want to improve faster
And with a clear conscience go home soon!
And at home - have fun and laugh,
Joking, watching movies and relaxing,
Or just lie on the couch,
You don't have to get up for work tomorrow!

Friday comes to us again
What we are looking forward to
And everyone finds something in it,
Even if she comes with rain.
And in the evening with a cup of tea,
Leading a story about Friday,
I wish you to relax
And happy Friday!

With the end of weekdays
I want to congratulate you
And I beg you quickly
Get rid of the office!
We will go to the cafe with you,
Where is the highest
Let's spend the evening together - 6 398

2 1

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose can surprise a person, amaze him and charge him good mood all day.

Therefore, it makes sense to bring such wishes if you want to please someone. Believe me, there are no wishes that would be unpleasant. Attention always flatters us, and if we see that someone sincerely wishes us a good day.

We are on our website website collected the best beautiful wishes have a good day in prose, so that you can please your acquaintances, friends and relatives in the morning.

The most beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

A new day has come, it carries something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. Have a good day you!

I don't need an alarm clock to wake up. I have your love, which easily lifts me up in the morning, because I look forward to every new day to spend it with you. Have a good day, my beloved man.

A wonderful day, just like you. Thoughts of you fill me with unearthly joy. I send you an air kiss and wish you a successful, interesting and colorful day.

I would like to wish you a successful and pleasant day that will bring joy, success and many pleasant emotions that will gladden your soul long after that. Let the day start cheerfully, in the company of nice people, and with a wonderful warm atmosphere. Let the sun send you a boost of energy for the whole day, and the day will be filled pleasant surprises. Have a nice day!

Let the day start with a smile, throw all unnecessary problems, worries out of your head, and just enjoy this wonderful day, let only beautiful people and the world gives a charge of vivacity for the whole day. May your eyes shine with happiness and sparkle with beauty. All the work goes like clockwork, and the day will go just fine. Have a nice day and good mood.

Best wishes for a good day in prose

My love, I hasten to wish you good, clear, kind, successful, fruitful, have a nice day. I hope it will be full of bright emotions and confident victories, nice words and successfully completed cases. Kiss, hug and send a breath of inspiration!

My favorite person, I wish you good morning! Let a sweet smile play on your face from the very morning, and sunny bunnies will lift your sleepy mood! Have a nice day, my soul! May the world give you much delight and joy today.

I want to wish you good, successful, kind, bright, cheerful, interesting, amazing and have a good day. May you manage to reach your goal together, may everything be within your reach today, may your love help you move mountains and create an eternal paradise for two.

So this wonderful night ended, and a new interesting and promising day has come. I want him to bring something special and beautiful into your life. To understand how beautiful our life really is. Just look into the sky and see how the clouds are floating, how the birds are singing and how the sun is shining and it will feel so good in your soul! So let every new day bring you happiness and joy. Have a good day.

I wish that you have such geographical discoveries on this day - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, an ocean of love, peaks of success, rivers of profit, a peak of popularity, a lake of hope, a waterfall of emotions and a volcano of passions. Let the globe of life spin only in the direction you need!

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

I wish you a wonderful day, my joy, kind and sunny, interesting and successful, let it give you a joyful mood and positive, surprise pleasant surprises and unforgettable surprises, let this day embody your ideas and find time for friendly conversations and for our meeting with you.

Have a nice day, my joy! Start it with a smile, then everything will work out perfectly. I wish that today your dream becomes more real, a few steps closer. Let the meetings of the coming day be pleasant, work will bring joy. I love you and I'm always with you in my thoughts!

Good day you! I want to say today. And yesterday I wanted to, and two days ago, and three ... This is happiness - waking up, thinking about you and knowing that I will fall asleep in the cozy embrace of your hands. Have a good day! I want to be there every minute, remove everything unnecessary, gloomy, gray from your soul, protect peace. Have a nice day, my happiness!

I wish you the very best morning and a clear day, despite the unpredictability of the weather outside! Let your eyes shine with joy, and positive mood rolls with his bright waves. May everything be fine and wonderful today!

Sun, open your eyes. The night is gone, giving way to a new day. May it be filled with light and warmth. I give you my smile so that it illuminates your path and saves you from difficulties. May the day be filled bright emotions and joy. If you suddenly become sad, then remember that I am always there, thinking about you, and I will always come to the rescue. I believe this day is special and will give a lot of happy moments.

Read at your leisure.