Thanks to the kindergarten methodologist from the parents. Letters of gratitude to kindergarten workers

We are grateful to our nanny
For cleanliness and comfort,
Her radiant smile
Who meets everyone here.

She's like Pushkin's nanny
And he will tell a fairy tale and sing,
And without additives or compote
No one will leave the nanny.

We want to say thank you
We are our dear nanny.
Health, good wishes,
Let trouble pass by.

Dreams come true more often
Let your salary make you happy.
And life will be brighter and sweeter,
You have plenty of strength and patience!

Our dear! Thank you for your caring hands and sympathetic heart, for your warmth and willingness to help. We wish you to remain the same, so that children and parents always appreciate, love, and thank you. Decent salary, happy holidays, health and female happiness!

Who greets you early in the morning,
On the threshold to kindergarten,
And persistently, stubbornly,
Does it wipe everything?

Who can help me get dressed?
Wash your hands and floors?
If tears are here, in place,
I wiped my nose and tables!

Who will help set the table,
Prepare the beds?
How much can you talk -
Nanny and nothing more!

Leaving kindergarten
It's important not to notice
Nanny - Your work is rich,
Important and noticeable!

Together we will say “Thank you”
We wish you a sea of ​​strength,
Ocean of love, patience,
And health, without a doubt!

We sincerely thank you,
We value you very much.
The success of children is your merit,
You are our favorite nanny!

Always took care of the children
They gave important advice.
You helped without fail
And they understood right away.

For this we wish you happiness,
After all, the kindergarten has become our part.
May your days pass brightly
And every moment will be a gift!

Kindergarten leaving,
We want to tell the nanny:
"Goodbye, dear,
We will miss you."

Thank you for your concern,
For love, for kindness,
To our children, without regret,
You gave warmth.

Congratulations on your graduation
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts:
May all future groups
They will be just as good.

There is no better nanny in the world,
All the children adore you.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Congratulations on your graduation!
I wish you happiness, health, strength,
So that God gives joy.

Who helped us get dressed?
He cleaned up after us everywhere,
I tied the laces in a bow
And did you catch the buttons?

Of course, this is our nanny,
Her smile is the light of the sun.
For us you are the dearest
And there are no kinder hands of yours.

We are leaving kindergarten
Today is our graduation
But we, nanny, will remember
Days spent with you!

Today is an exciting and important day,
After all, the children are leaving the kindergarten,
And we all heartily congratulate you,
You took good care of them.

Thank you for your tenderness and care,
You can't even dream of a better nanny,
We wish prosperity to the home,
We will only remember you with tenderness.

Our kids are graduating now.
Thank you - such a nice nanny!
You helped them discover the new world,
You won’t get tired of games and fun,

Get dressed, put on your shoes and sit on the potty,
When everyone was just an inch tall,
Now the kids are grown up, hurray!
To you, our nanny, love and kindness!

Let's say thank you to the nanny
We are our beloved.
We'll remember at school
We care about you.

We wish you good health
And obedient children.
And more saved
Nervous, strong cells.

Exactly at kindergarten The child spends most of his time in the initial stages of his life's journey. There he gains new knowledge and skills, learns to make friends, play, communicate with peers and adults. The teaching staff of preschool institutions lays in our children the basics of self-expression and socialization, they open the door to the world of new knowledge. But everything beautiful tends to come to an end, so carefree childhood also eventually develops into a new difficult stage - school years. And before this period - prom in kindergarten. And on this solemn, slightly sad day, I want so much nice words tell teachers, nannies and other employees kindergarten... These are words of gratitude: in prose or in poetry - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s from the heart.

This is exactly what we will talk about today. We offer you several options that will help you express gratitude to teachers and other kindergarten workers. After all reply word Parents at a kindergarten graduation always sound reverent, excited and a little sad.

Words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers at graduation in prose:

Gratitude to teachers - option No. 1

On behalf of the parents of our group I want to say thanks a lot to the entire teaching staff of kindergarten No. ____ and its other employees. You were the first to open the doors to the world of knowledge for our children. But, besides this, you managed to put a piece of yourself into each of them. You penetrated children's hearts and instilled in them love, kindness, respect, and joy. Always remain such teachers who love your students. Thank you for our children!

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten staff - option No. 2

I express my gratitude to the manager preschool No.____, to the entire team and teachers of our group for their dedicated work and great desire to work with children, raising, nurturing and teaching them. You are all high-level specialists with extensive experience. Our children enjoyed going to kindergarten, and we, parents, did not worry about them, because we left them in your reliable hands. Your professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children and attention to parents deserve respect. Thank you very much!

Gratitude to teachers - option No. 3

We, the parents of the ________ group of kindergarten No.____, express our gratitude to our respected teachers. You treated our children with trepidation and warmth as they grew up. It was you who taught them to be friends and respect each other. Together with you they learned the world, the joy of creativity and independent activity. It was with you that they were able to evaluate their first capabilities and achievements. You found an approach to each of them and taught them to overcome difficulties. Thanks to you, the kids are ready to move to a new stage of their lives without fear. Thank you for everything you have done for us!

Words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers for graduation - option No. 4

We are happy for the success of our children in kindergarten and are proud of their achievements. They have gone through such a difficult path from helpless kids to future first-graders. Therefore, we express our first words of gratitude to you, dear educators. Thank you for nice words greetings every morning, for your attention and care, for wise advice And high level professionalism. In our group there was always an atmosphere of kindness and comfort. It was here that children explored the world, learned and developed. It was in it that you were able to form small personalities. Please accept our sincere gratitude, parents, and a big THANK YOU!

Gratitude to teachers - option No. 5

The month of May has arrived again. But we are no longer moving into senior group, and we say goodbye to kindergarten forever and go to school. You were the first teachers of our children. You taught them to be friends, respect each other, share and put up with each other. A low bow and great gratitude to you for your ability to love children and instill in them a craving for beauty. You have put your soul into ensuring that the future generation meets our expectations! May your efforts pay off handsomely! I wish you good health, love and happiness!

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten staff - option No. 6

Dear teachers, nannies and Friendly team kindergarten! Today is a special day for us, parents, and for you. Today our babies have their first birthday in their lives. For so many years, the kindergarten has become a second home for children. And every day lived in it means a lot. After all, thanks to you, children learned to learn and explore the world while playing. Every day they felt loved and cared for. The children were interested in studying.

You had time for each child, you found your own approach to each.

Thank you, dear educators, for all these years that you have been with us, for always trying to understand us and helping us in a variety of situations.

We wish you success in your future work and creative inspiration!

Gratitude to teachers - option No. 7

Dear educators! We express our deep gratitude for your kindness and patience. Working with children is not easy work. With your help, kids graduate from kindergarten friendly, sociable, kind children with basic skills for later life At school. We wish you success in your further work in training the next generation of students!

Gratitude to teachers - option No. 8

Our dear teachers! You have become faithful mentors for children and we thank you for this from the bottom of our hearts. A teacher is not just a job, but a vocation that makes a huge contribution to the development of every child. We entrusted you with the most valuable thing in our lives, and you did not let us down. We hope the kids didn't cause you too much trouble. You taught them to be friends, to work in a team, and told them every day how to behave correctly. Thanks to you, we discovered the talents in our children, saw the sparkle of enthusiasm and passion in their eyes. Thank you, we are glad that we went through the stage of growing up our children with you!

Gratitude to teachers - option No. 9

Our dear teachers! Your work evokes delight and admiration. And your sensitive attitude towards children and professionalism in raising the younger generation can be envied. You have always approached the performance of your duties with creative inspiration, imagination, and even sometimes with a little excitement. For this we say a huge thank you to you!

Gratitude to teachers - option No. 10

Dear teachers! Today for all of us big celebration, but we not only want to congratulate you, but first of all, thank you. Our children are coming to the end today important stage in life. And you put into their hearts something that will help them become truly good people. It seems like just recently we brought our kids here for the first time, and now – graduation...

We say thank you! You are doing a very important and right thing. Be happy!

Words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers for graduation - option No. 11

The child remembers his teachers all his life. He remembers their gentle hands, gentle voice, care, kindness and love.

Parents express gratitude to teachers and all those who have been with their children all these years, thank you!

You taught them, raised them, fed them, put them to bed and wiped away their tears. You were with them when we, parents, worked and minded our own business.

We appreciate your work! Thank you for everything you have done for us!

And now words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers at graduation in verse:

Thank you, teachers,
For affection and love,
For work and charm,
For many kind words.

For wiped noses,
Wiped away tears
For fairy tales and walks,
Exercises and warm-ups.

Happy graduation today
Let's congratulate and be sad,
And in the fall with a briefcase
Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration
And strength to create.
We wish new children
Give your warmth.

The boys grew up out of their pants,
They are leaving kindergarten now.
With sadness for girls and boys
Our teachers are watching.

We thank you for your concern,
For attention, warmth,
Daily work with children.
The children are very lucky to have you!

Dear educators,
You didn't waste your time in vain.
You raised our children,
Our bunnies, cats, bears.
The boys have grown up a lot,
Soon the books and notebooks will be opened.
But will forever remain with them
The love that you put into your hearts!

Thank you for your warmth and kindness,
For raising our children,
For giving them love,
What knowledge did you give them!
We wish you health and goodness,
So that you live in prosperity and love,
So that you always smile,
May you never be sad!

You have had hard work -
He requires a lot of attention
After all, everyone understands for themselves,
Children, what does it mean to raise children?
While the working day dragged on -
You replaced the children's mother.
And today everyone wants
Thank you for everything!

The work of a teacher is not easy -
You need a whole lot of skills:
Read books to the kids,
Draw and play
Collect a bag of different toys
And know the plots of many fairy tales.
On the street, dig in the sand,
Run around in tag, don’t be lazy,
Feed and caress everyone,
Don't even think about getting tired.
Of course, it’s impossible to count all the things to do.
You have a big heart.
Thank you for the days in the garden,
For your affection and kindness.
We wish you inspiration,
Creative success, patience,
Well-deserved big salaries.
Thank you for the kindergarten!

You are a teacher from God!
We say thank you
You have done a lot
Good for your children.
You won their hearts,
Leaving a trace in them as a memory,
Wherever the guys live,
They won't forget you, no!

Soon our children
They will go to first grade
Soon everything will be in the world
They will learn, they will understand,
High school graduation. Last day
They are in kindergarten.
So let's say thank you to everyone
To your caring hands
We trusted our children,
And we want to say thank you,
We have never met better people.
You are kind and beautiful at heart,
You were able to teach the kids
How beautiful this big world is,
And how you need to love him.

You have chosen the right path in life.
And there is no reason for you to leave it.
You can't forget the first teacher -
Teacher of preschool children.
You are not geologists or seekers,
Don't travel around the steppe wilderness.
But your work is respected, you are educators,
You are the engineers of children's souls.
Sometimes fun, sometimes difficult.
You wouldn't call it a fun game.
Of all professions, peaceful and necessary
Preschool work with children.

You became second mothers to our children.
And we will honestly say, without pretense:
There are no better teachers in the world,
Than those who stand here in front of me.
Low bow to you, our teachers,
For all the love, patience, warmth,
Because they were both gentle and strict with children,
For giving them kindness.
Because they are all ready for school,
For learning to be friends here,
Because you were dreams both in joy and in sorrow,
We are ready to thank you a hundred times.

Thanks to the teachers and nannies
For a gentle, attentive welcome.
For the fact that we perceived the kindergarten,
What a warm, dear, cozy home!
Our children are getting ready for school,
Time flew by so quickly.
We wish you exciting work,
May you all live in happiness and love!

Today is our first graduation
Thank you for what we can do.
We cut, sculpt and sing,
And if necessary, we can read everything.
It's a bit of a pity that we're already at school
No one will pat you on the head like that,
He won’t put you to sleep, he won’t read a fairy tale,
All this will be a thing of the past, just like the kindergarten.

Our group is always clean and shiny,
He works like a dear nanny bee.
He is in a hurry to wash everything and put it away for everyone,
Well, how does she manage all this?
We congratulate you on your graduation.
We say thank you for your work,
Be healthy, you are always happy,
May good luck always hover over your home.

What a miracle person our nanny is,
From morning to evening she is like a groovy girl.
He worries about us, he tries everything,
And change the bed, and feed him lunch, everything is managed.
We invite you to the graduation, nanny,
And we present a large bouquet of flowers with all our hearts.
May luck and joy always accompany you,
We wish you a lot of happiness, health and goodness.

Our nanny has golden hands,
Where they touch, everything around shines.
They manage to work hard in a day,
Wipe off the dust, serve lunch, fix the toy.
We congratulate you on your graduation in the garden,
Thank you for your work, of course.
Since childhood, you taught us to be orderly,
May happiness and joy come to you without fail.

Where would we be without a nanny?
If there weren't a nanny, there would be trouble.
She ensures cleanliness and order,
Make sure you put away your toys after yourself, he constantly tells us.
We congratulate you on your graduation, nanny,
We wish you great success in life.
Good health, joy, goodness,
Cozy family warmth.

Our nanny seems to be groovy,
Cleans, washes, vacuums, without knowing how tired he is.
Worried about not having a speck of dust,
So that Sasha, Masha and Marinka feel comfortable.

We wish you well-being with all our hearts.
Good luck, joy, luck and warmth,
Good health, good in everything.

Our nanny is neat,
And the sterility in the group is just, ah!
Doesn't sit still for a minute
All order rests on Nanny’s fragile shoulders.
Today is graduation in the garden, and we congratulate you,
We sincerely wish you happiness.
In honor of gratitude we present flowers,
And we dedicate the song to you on this holiday.

Who teaches us order? Nanny!
Who tirelessly monitors cleanliness? Nanny!
Who brings delicious lunches? Who washes the dishes?
All she is, all one dear nanny!
We congratulate you on your graduation,
And we wish you good luck and goodness.
May God give you a good fate,
May life always be happy.

Congratulations on your kindergarten graduation.

Leaving kindergarten
We want to tell the nanny:
"Goodbye, dear,
We will miss you."

Thank you for your concern,
For love, for kindness,
To our children, without regret,
You gave warmth.

Congratulations on your graduation
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts:
May all future groups
They will be just as good.

We sincerely thank you,
We value you very much.
In all matters, the credit is yours,
You are our favorite nanny!

Always took care of the children
They gave important advice.
You helped without fail
And they understood right away.

For this we wish you happiness,
After all, the kindergarten has become our part.
May your days pass brightly
And every moment will be a gift!

Our dear nanny, today is our children’s graduation. We congratulate you and sincerely say - thank you! For warmth, love, attention and care. Let yours a big heart will always be filled with love and sincerity. We wish you happiness, kindness, harmony and carelessness. Thank you for everything you have done for our children! Your work is priceless!

We want to say thank you
We are our dear nanny.
Health, good wishes,
Let trouble pass by.

Dreams come true more often
Let your salary make you happy.
And life will be brighter and sweeter,
You have plenty of strength and patience!

In kindergarten - graduation,
It's a big holiday for all of us,
We thank the nanny,
And we want to congratulate you so much,
To wish simple love,
Be happy, young,
Keep goodness in your heart,
Always be so sweet
You tried for the children
With their care you are yours
They made you happy, so let them
Life will be like heaven for you!

More important than a nanny in a kindergarten,
There's probably no one
She will feed the kids
Will dress every single one of them,
Will put them to sleep at night,
He will calm everyone down and understand,
This nanny knows everything
And he will find an approach to everyone,
We wish the nanny now
We are graduating on this holiday,
May she be happy
So that great success comes to her,
Health, vigor, victories,
Energy and a lot of strength,
So that her important work will always
He only brought her joy!

To our beloved nanny
For the graduation party
Thanks a lot
We will say everything in a crowd.

Thanks for the love,
For kindness and affection,
You will forever remain
A nanny from a fairy tale.

We wish that love
It didn't end in my heart,
And kindness all my life
I stayed with you.

Our kids are graduating now.
Thank you - such a nice nanny!
You helped them discover the new world,
You won’t get tired of games and fun,

Get dressed, put on your shoes and sit on the potty,
When everyone was just an inch tall,
Now the kids are grown up, hurray!
To you, our nanny, love and kindness!

You hide quietly
From us your face
Eyes are wet,
It's the kids' graduation.

And to the best nanny
We would like to say:
You are our permanent angel,
You know how to save.

You have become like a mother to children,
Everyone knows your affection
We wish you health
Peace on the mainland!

We wish you patience -
Nowadays kids oh-ho-ho!
Days of success and fun
And everything, everything, everything!