Traditions and customs of modern Greece: Christmas and New Year. How to celebrate New Year in Greece

Greece- the country is amazing. Let's start with its alphabet, which is so deceptively similar to the Cyrillic alphabet. Happy New Year they have about the same. It seems that the first day of January is celebrated and it is called Happy St. Basil's Day, and the actions of this saint correspond to the actions of our Father Frost - he generously distributes gifts to all those in need, especially the poor. However, in reality day of Agios Vasilias- not quite New Year, although it is very similar.

The small population of the sunny country believes that Saint Basil comes into houses by jumping into the fireplace and chimney, so it is supposed to leave New Year's Eve by the fireplace are the shoes of each family member. Since tradition says that it is better if they are made by hand, “real” shoes can be replaced with souvenir ones or simply homemade ones. Saint Basil should put gifts in them. By the way, his official residence is located in Northern Greece.

Of the New Year's dishes, the most traditional is roasted pig with a side dish of potatoes. Potatoes are supposed to be baked and served directly “in their uniforms.” On the islands that are part of Greece, pigs were not raised, so turkey is often served in wine, and for dessert there are special cookies made with the addition of spices and soaked in mead. The main decoration of the table is a special pie, inside of which a coin is baked, making the one who finds it the happiest in the world. next year. This pie is called "vasiliopita" and is decorated with patterns of dough, berries and nuts. The first piece of the pie is cut for St. Basil, the second piece is given to the house, the third - to the oldest member of the family, then the next in age, and so on - to the youngest. It is necessary to cut exactly according to the number of family members and guests, because the youngest must definitely eat the last piece.

If you are invited to visit a Greek house to celebrate the New Year, you need to take a stone with you (you must pick up this stone yourself), which is thrown at the doorstep of the house. The stone can be anything: large or small. If it is large and heavy, then one should say: “May the owner’s wealth be as heavy as this stone.” If it is small, then diplomatically wish: “Let the thorn in the owner’s eye be as small as this stone.”

Another obligatory custom, which is performed exactly at midnight, is that the whole family goes out into the yard or onto the street near the house and the head of the family takes with him a pomegranate fruit, which he smashes against the wall of the house. By the way the grains of the fruit scatter, you can determine how it will live this family next year: if the fruit breaks and scatters all over the yard, happiness and wealth await the family; if the fruit is not all broken, but the grains are still scattered heavily, then there will be prosperity in the family; if the fruit breaks weakly or does not break at all, but only bursts, the family will face failure and deprivation. After this ritual, according to tradition, family members take turns dipping their fingers in honey and licking it, or drinking honey tincture. Each family has its own special tradition, for example, after this ritual, all household members and guests enter the most large room, where there is a decorated fir tree and under it pre-prepared gifts for each other with a note. The note contains two texts: one is a wish, the other is a question. And the first one who takes the gift reads the wish, and then the question, and the second one, reading the wish, gives the answer to the previous question. The first wish is the answer to the last question.

A favorite place to celebrate is the central squares of the city, for example, the central square of Athens - Syntagme. Here the holiday begins with the changing of the guard of honor at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Spectators of this ceremony traditionally then disperse to buy cockerels on a stick with a taste “like in childhood.” All night long people dance Sirtaki to the music.

How to celebrate New Year in Greece

Not everyone knows how the New Year is celebrated in Greece - one of the most beloved and significant holidays of all peoples of the world. Most tourists visit Greece in spring or summer, so the culture and life of the Greek people are well known to travel lovers. But it is quite possible to assume that, like in Russia, in Greece the New Year is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1.

For local residents this is family celebration with special traditions that are passed on from generation to generation. The Greeks begin to prepare for it in advance.

The streets of cities and villages are decorated with bright illumination; in the squares you can see luminescent figures of ships. They symbolize not only the Greeks’ love for the sea, but also the hope for happiness in the coming year. People believe that these sails will bring joy and good fortune to their homes. The Greeks pay great attention pre-New Year's decoration of the interiors of your homes. They decorate not only apartments, but also balconies with garlands and artificial Christmas trees. Everyone tries to make their balcony the most beautiful, so it is very difficult to find the same design......

Before the New Year, children walk through the streets and houses. To the sound, they sing “kalanda” songs, which sound wishes for happiness and prosperity in the coming year. In response to congratulations, children are given sweets and coins. Traditionally, before the holiday, Greeks give each other large baskets filled with fruit and bottles of wine.

Finally, the long-awaited New Year's Eve arrives, which the Greeks celebrate with family or guests. The holiday begins with guests placing a stone in front of the threshold of the house, the size of which determines their wishes. If the stone is large, then the owner of the house is wished significant wealth and prosperity.

Another Greek ritual is very symbolic and filled deep meaning. On New Year's Eve, the head of the family goes out into the yard and smashes it against the wall of the house or front door pomegranate fruit. The farther its seeds scatter from each other, the richer and more joyful the coming year will be for the family. One can only imagine how much effort the owner puts into performing this ritual in order to attract as much happiness as possible into the house.

During the festive meal, guests exchange gifts and say the most important things to each other. nice words. The New Year's table is traditionally abundant. Among the dishes on it you will always see roast suckling pig with baked potatoes and sweet pie"Vasilopita" with a coin inside. According to the sign, the one who finds it will be the happiest all year. The pie was prepared in honor of St. Basil, whose birthday is also widely celebrated on the first of January as is the New Year. This saint is deeply revered by the Greeks; he is the patron saint of all the poor. On New Year's Eve, children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the hope of seeing gifts from St. Basil in them in the morning.

Behind festive table You will definitely be treated to sweets and traditional gingerbread cookies soaked in honey. New Year's Eve is a time for mysticism. Observing ancient signs, the Greeks will never grind coffee or shout at this time. Celebrating the New Year is not limited to just family celebration. Numerous cafes and restaurants offer entertainment programs that will also be of interest to tourists. Greece is a country of deep and varied traditions. Celebrating the New Year is another opportunity to see this.

New Year in Greece is celebrated, as in most countries of the world - on the night from December 31 to January 1. On January 1, the country also celebrates St. Basil's Day. The Greeks honor and love the image of this man, who during his lifetime was the patron saint of the poor and needy.

Center winter holidays in Greece - the city of Athens (capital). Every year in mid-December, on Syntagma Square in front of the Parliament building, a main tree countries. Its lighting ceremony is accompanied by an official speech by the mayor of the city, a show program with the participation of pop stars and colorful fireworks. On the square there are attractions and carousels for children, fairs where you can buy new Year decoration, sweets and gifts. Around them there are platforms where symphony orchestras and ethnic groups perform.

Traditions and rituals

Celebrating the New Year in Greece is associated with interesting traditions.

On December 31, Greeks go to visit relatives and close friends. They take a stone with them, which they place at the door. By bringing a small pebble, the guest wishes the troubles to be small and insignificant. A large, heavy stone symbolizes wealth and prosperity.

On New Year's Eve, Greek residents exchange fotik - wooden skewers with figs, apples, citrus fruits and candies strung on them. The Greeks place a candle on the top of such sticks - a symbol of faith and hope.

Popular family tradition- breaking a pomegranate fruit against the wall of a house. The owner of the house tries to throw it with all his might so that the grains scatter throughout the yard. The further they fly, the more luck and prosperity awaits family members in the coming year. After this ritual, all household members dip their fingers into a vessel with honey and lick them.

Fortune telling is popular among young girls. They put a piece of traditional food under their pillow. New Year's pie and wish to see their betrothed in a dream.

An ancient sign is to predict the next year based on the first guest. A good sign It is considered when children are the first to enter the house in the coming year. If a child crossed the threshold of the house with the right foot, it means that the New Year will come in the “right” direction.

Festive table

The Greek New Year's table includes baked pig with potatoes or turkey in wine stuffed with raisins and nuts, cheese slices, and seafood dishes. Housewives bake traditional bread, Christopsomo and Vasilopita. They decorate it with dough figures, and put various fillings inside: berries, fruits, chicken, beans, herbs and spices. Greek women who honor traditions place a coin inside the vasilopita. The bread is cut at noon on January 1st in the presence of all family members. The first piece is left to Saint Basil, and the rest are distributed according to seniority. Whoever gets the coin will be blessed with wealth and success in the coming year.


In Greece, Saint Basil, the prototype of the Russian Father Frost, brings gifts to children. The Greeks believe that he enters homes through the fireplace. On New Year's Eve, children hang their shoes or socks next to the fireplace, expecting to find gifts in them on the morning of January 1st. Greeks do not give each other expensive gifts. They are limited to symbolic souvenirs.

Cities and resorts

Winter holidays in Greece will leave an unforgettable experience.

For lovers New Year's entertainment and fairs you will enjoy your holiday in Athens. Mild climate, festive decoration and interesting traditions will allow you to spend time with pleasure and feel the atmosphere of this ancient city. Thanks to New Year's discounts in the capital you can do successful purchases. Fans of excursions will be able to visit the Acropolis, Plaka and Agora Square.

The ski resorts of Greece are not inferior in beauty and infrastructure to the best European resorts. Professional skiers and beginners alike will be able to enjoy modern slopes and lifts. Popular ski tourism centers in the country: Pigadia, Parnassus, Vasilitsa, Kaimaktsalan, Kalavryta.

Each culture has its own unique, sometimes bizarre customs and traditions. Greece is no exception. New Year's Day is celebrated here as feast of St. Basil, who was one of the founders of the Greek Orthodox Church. The Greeks love and honor Basil, the patron saint of the poor, for his kindness and generosity. This day opens a whole series of winter holidays, each of which is unusual and unique. What does Greece have in store for tourists for the New Year?

How to celebrate Christmas

Despite Orthodoxy, Greece has long celebrated all church and secular holidays according to the Gregorian calendar, at the same time as all Western countries. That's why Christmas they fall on the night of December 24-25. Christmas holidays in Greece can be an incredible adventure for travelers, regardless of whether they decide to go to the city or village of mainland or island Greece. Overall - if you decide that Greece should be yours next point holiday and travel destinations - think about what exactly you are going to do there - go on holiday to the beach or see Ancient Greece, rich in historical and cultural heritage. In both cases, you will undoubtedly leave your trip satisfied and full of memories.

Tours to Greece

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow are given.

Christmas in Greece, as in all countries of the world, there are many amazing and funny traditions. Customs on New Year's Eve symbolize mankind's eternal desire for joy and good fortune, and the country has its own unique traditions, aiming to drive away evil spirits and bring a lot of goodness, happiness and blessings into people's lives. Most Greeks will return to their islands and cities to spend Christmas with their loved ones. Although new year holidays are becoming more and more Europeanized in Greece (Christmas wreaths, street markets, decorations of houses and streets), many families continue to observe the old traditions. Christmas Eve and the first day of the new year begin with kalandas (carols) sung by children. Some of the children play triangles, guitars, harmonica, accordion or even lyre. Good wishes are accompanied by treats and gratitude with coins.

How to celebrate New Year

The feast is common occurrence for New Year celebrations around the world, and New Year celebrations in Greece are no exception. Family members gather together to enjoy a hearty meal, and it is often customary to leave extra space at the table. This place is intended for St. Basil. On the table there must be roast lamb or pork and vasilopita, a sweet pie prepared in honor of the New Year, in which a silver coin is hidden. The head of the family cuts the cake, leaving one piece for St. Basil, another for Jesus, the third for the Virgin Mary, the remaining pieces are distributed to members of the household - from eldest to youngest. Whoever finds the coin will have good luck in the coming year.

On the night before New Year, Greeks love to play cards. Even children play with their parents or with their siblings for fun. And this is not just to pass the waiting time - it is believed that you will be lucky all year if you win the game. Card marathons sometimes continue from early morning until midnight, and not only at home, but also in coffee shops and clubs.

Another interesting tradition concerns the pomegranate - an ancient symbol of prosperity and good luck. On New Year's Eve, the head of the family throws it with all his might onto the floor or at the door, trying to ensure that the seed grains scatter as far from each other as possible. This will guarantee good luck, health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year.

Another custom is the renewal of waters on St. Basil's Day (the first day of the New Year). This old custom, when every jug of water in the house is emptied and then filled with "St. Basil's water." The ceremony is often accompanied by gifts to the naiads (or water nymphs). In addition to this, there are many others in Greece, no less interesting traditions- burning “Christoxylo” - the Tree of Christ, exchanging “fotikas” (skewers with fruit), cleaning the fireplace or visiting with a pebble. Greeks like to spend holidays at home, with their families, but at the same time a lot of establishments represent their entertainment program- with music, songs and dances.

New Year's Day is the first important religious holiday of the year. Next - Epiphany, January 6, is accompanied by a blessing of local water in memory of John's baptism of Jesus. All over the country, Orthodox priests throw the holy cross into the water, and local men and boys dive to find it. The largest such ceremony is held in Piraeus.

Weather during the New Year holidays

Do you want to spend Christmas holidays in Greece? If you decide to go between November and February, be prepared for cool and wet weather, and in some areas of Athens even snow is possible at times. Street cafes have giant heaters for cold days and evenings, but in Greece “cold” is a relative term. Your reaction to Greek winter will most likely be “you call it winter?”

Where to go for New Year

On New Year's holidays you can plunge into holiday events city: concerts in the central square of Syntagma, dancing in taverns or hot nights in clubs, visiting many shops, listening to street musicians or simply strolling through archaeological sites and relaxing while enjoying great food outdoors. Santa Claus and his reindeer will be waiting for children and posing for your photos, and a visit to the zoo will be memorable not only for kids, but also for adults. From Athens you can also take a cruise to the nearby islands, go skiing on Mount Parnassos, or take a short but unforgettable trip around the country to Delphi or Meteora. Not far from the capital, the Peloponnese peninsula offers one of the most accessible towns in Greece, with beautiful old streets lined with stone walls, olive groves and ancient monuments spanning several centuries. This is Nafplio, a charming seaside Venetian town topped by a fortress. Its narrow streets are filled with creative workshops and boutique hotels, while the Fougaro cultural center hosts a winter program of arts and music events.

What to see on the islands

The island boasts a beautiful Old Town and a rich cultural life, from orchestras to art exhibitions and the Palace of St. Mikhail and George. Crete stretches quaintly from the dazzling harbor of Chania to Rethymnon with its numerous mountain villages. Lesvos offers over 11 million olive trees! In addition, each of these large islands has some of the best regional cuisine in the country, featuring fresh, local ingredients and creative recipes.

The large islands offer many interesting walking routes that connect temples and monasteries in villages and windswept seashores. You can also visit the small island of Hydra - where there are no cars, scooters or even bicycles at all! Surrounding the beautifully preserved Old Port are ancient houses with tiled roofs and earthen paths along the pristine, picturesque coastline, overlooking the Saronic Gulf.

Round-trip flights to Greece

Prices for tickets per person departing from Berlin are shown.


IN winter season Many islands and resorts are virtually deserted, so most hotels and restaurants may not be open. However, in the last few years, many tour operators have been offering tempting New Year's tours to Greece to some of the most luxurious resorts in Kavala and the island. Thasos. When we imagine Greece, we usually envision white arcs of beaches under a sunlit sky. But in winter it is no less beautiful. This best time for leisurely walks with stunning scenery, exploring the rich cultural and historical heritage of Hellas and observing the life of the local people.

When is the best time to go

For the New Year 2018, non-working days will be from December 30 to January 8. Ten days is enough to celebrate the New Year in Greece, see the sights and enjoy Greek hospitality. If you want to catch Christmas in Greece, it is best to take a vacation from December 25 to 29, and return to Russia on January 4-5. This way you will avoid queues at the airport and will be in time for the Christmas festivities in Russia.

Calendar of working hours, weekends and holidays for New Year 2018:







