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Romance novels as part of rape culture

Perhaps you are not a fan of such literature, and you think that a romance novel is a continuous “their eyes met and everything is wrapped up...” Fortunately, there are forums for connoisseurs of romance novels, and you can learn a lot from them. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it’s sad.

For example, it turns out that the rape of the main character by the main character (often a positive one!) is quite common. Especially if she is his wife, he becomes jealous or mistakes her for a “saloon girl,” for example.

And then we ask questions, well, how is it possible: in the news they write about a crime, but in the comments they argue that everything is fine. But they won’t lie in books!

Quotes from the collection “Tell me novels where the hero raped the heroine”:

Azarova Ekaterina “ Mistress of the mountains Substitution” - the heroine was drugged and placed under the hero instead of her sister.

Barbieri Elaine “ Pure flame of love“- the hero forced the heroine not by force, but rather by circumstances.

Busby Shirley Always when you love“- the hero showed the heroine in practice the difference between voluntary sex and rape.

Blake Jennifer “ Royal Seduction” – the hero-prince rapes the heroine more than once; the main character was held captive by the main character for more than half of the book.

Brown Virginia “ wild flower” – the hero considers the heroine a bandit and forces her to have a sexual relationship.

Balow Mary “ Secret Pearl“- the heroine offered herself for money and the hero raped her.

Vilar Simona “ Norman Legend – Wild Heart” – the heroine is raped by her husband because of misconceptions about her.

Woodiwiss Kathleen “ Flame and flower” – the hero mistook the heroine for a prostitute and raped her (she didn’t resist very much: she was scared. She didn’t get pleasure).

Garwood Julia “ Splendor of Honor” – the hero kidnaps and rapes the heroine as revenge on her brother, who raped the hero’s sister.

Graham Heather (Heder) “ Rebel

Guseinova Olga “ Owner“- the hero, under the influence of drugs, raped the heroine.

Devereux Jude “ Black Lion” – the hero raped the heroine in the first wedding night.

James Samantha “ Chosen One” – the hero became jealous of the heroine (his wife) and raped her

Joansen Iris “ Tart taste of passion” – the heroine is a slave, the hero bought her as a skilled thief and at first did not perceive her as a woman: the heroine deliberately disfigured herself, smeared her hair with a mixture of fat and garlic so as not to attract men. Well, the hero first washed it - and that’s it, he disappeared, he couldn’t tear himself away from it.

Dixon Helen “ The Fall of Miss Cameron“- the hero raped the heroine, mistaking her for a moth.

Drake Shannon Light of love“- the hero mistook the duchess for a thief. During their acquaintance, trying to prove that she was deceiving him, he raped her.

Davidson Mary Janice “ Lies of love“- the hero raped the heroine, but he was unconscious and mistook the heroine for his ex-wife.

Zakharova Tatyana “ Be mine” - instead of a prostitute, the heroine is kidnapped, whom the hero rapes.

Iva Etre “ Eva No. 1“- the hero became jealous of the main character, beat her and, while she was unconscious, raped her.

Karmalskaya Svetlana “ Evil Love No. 1 – You won’t be able to slow down anymore” – the hero resorts a lot and methodically to violence towards the heroine.

Kleypas Lisa “ Where passion takes you” – the hero actually raped the heroine because he mistook her for a prostitute.

Coulter Catherine “ Bride #7 – The Vicar's Daughter” – the hero, in a fit of jealousy, rapes his bride on their wedding night.

Lindsay Joanna “ Pristine paradise” – the hero raped the heroine in a gambling house, which she secretly visited. Having learned that she was a virgin, he married and left her after their wedding night, disgracing her family in front of the high society of Boston. Being pregnant, the heroine goes in search of her husband in order to take revenge.

Lowell Elizabeth “ Only you” – the hero mistakes the heroine for a girl from a saloon and forces her to have a sexual relationship.

Lelka “ Love begins with pain” - begins with rape, the hero is a local authority (he is 28 years old), sees a girl in a club, orders his people to bring her to him, but they confuse her and bring her 16-year-old friend instead.

McNaught Judith “ Once and for all” – the hero rapes the heroine on her wedding night in a fit of jealousy.

McNaught Judith “ Taming by Love, or Whitney” – the hero practically raped the heroine, which is why she is then afraid of her wedding night.

Mashkova Diana “ Love triangle “- the heroine was raped by her husband to force her to become pregnant.

Mikhalina Yulia “ Fatal love #1 – Forget me. If you can” – the hero raped the heroine (he needed a connection for one evening), taking advantage of the fact that she loved him.

Mason Connie “ Innocent sinner” – in the very first chapter, the hero rapes the heroine, without even knowing her, and then she is raped by almost everyone he meets (jailer, Indians), and then the hero does it again.

Sky Christina “ Dear captive“- the hero mistook the heroine for his wife, who ran away several years ago. He brought her to his estate and assumed the actual rights of her husband.

Small Bertrice “ Love is wild and wonderful” – the main character is raped by the Scottish king and her husband, then by the vizier of the Turkish Sultan, then Turkish soldiers try to rape her, but her second husband helps her survive.

Phillips Susan Elizabeth “ Copeland's Bride” – the book begins with the heroine being raped by the hero, while they are married.

Father Jane “ Vanity” - robber hero. In addition, he drugged the heroine and raped her.

Holt Victoria “ Demonic Lover” – the main character was kidnapped and raped by the main character. He married someone else and she accepted difficult decision leave the child and raise him herself.

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That's all for us. If you know other similar romance novels about powerful heroes and poor girls, we are waiting for you in the comments. 😉

Chapter 8. Twaggy carried me into the arena. Everyone was already here. There was such a noise that I thought my ears would dry out. And there’s Stasik, so to speak, in the VIP box, with this god. “You can choose any weapon, you just need to imagine it and it will appear. Well, thank you for saying that!” So you need to think about what to choose. As far as I know, the shadows have axes, labryses and swords at the entrance. If you think about it, you need to choose a weapon that they have not had to deal with, but at the same time it should not be aimed at physical strength, but on the dexterity of its owner. And what are the options? Paired blades disappear, since they are trained to wield them from the cradle, a katana is also not an option, what else, well... - And so, Lisa, you must fight Regnald Redbeard! Remember that you can only use military skills, magic, damage, and so on are not allowed. Fight with honor and dignity! Good luck. - Don’t worry girl, I promise not to hurt you too much. I’ll just spank you so that I’ll remember for the rest of my life that you shouldn’t meddle with grown-up uncles.” There was a bear standing in front of me. He was so big, overgrown, and yes, he was red. Just handsome! Girls, remember that not all brutal men are handsome, there are... such: two meters tall, with greasy, long hair, it’s good that you can still determine the color! Of all that should be on the face, only the eyes are visible, oddly pleasant brown shade, and his nose sticks out too. He’s also my grown-up uncle! Now I’ll introduce a Kalashnikov assault rifle, let’s see how you speak! Why doesn’t he appear, well, we need to come up with something else, for example... Exactly!!! Ha ha ha ha, now I definitely won’t lose! - Will you think about choosing a weapon for a long time? Time is precious, so hurry up, you know what they say? You can't breathe before you die! - I've made my choice, so let's begin. A smart person won't get ahead! But I’m smart, well, at least sometimes I am, so I chose Tessen! Everything ingenious is simple! After all, tessen is a battle FAN! For me now this is such a trump card! Firstly, this Redhead is unlikely to have encountered anything like this before. Secondly, such weapons are used in close combat, and are designed for the dexterity of their owner, which is exactly what I need. And thirdly, the tessen can be used as a shield. As soon as the choice was made, fans materialized in each hand. Well, let's get started and hope everything works out for me! - And what is this? Are you serious? Or did you bring me toothpicks? Girl, think well while you have the opportunity! Instead of answering, I decided that best defense-offense. As it turned out, I was in a better situation from the very beginning. I had only to imagine what I wanted to do, and my body instantly reacted. The naturalness, ease of movements, as well as the amazement on the opponent’s face were intoxicating. There was such a feeling of delight in my soul that it is simply impossible to describe. Complete euphoria. Well, now I definitely won’t lose! *** - As I understand it, you didn’t tell her anything? Is that why they sent you with her? Tell me Stasik, why complicate everything so much? - Firstly, this is the Master’s decision, and it’s not for me to decide whether to tell her the truth or not. Secondly, we waited too long to lose her, so it was decided that this task would be excellent training for her before she took on her direct responsibilities. Twaggy, you do understand that she mixed up the transition runes for a reason? There are some things it’s too early for her to know. - Yes, I understand. Look, she’s already gone into a frenzy, we need to save Regnald.” “There’s no point anymore, she won.” I really don’t understand why you arranged this fight? What's the point? She would have won anyway. Oh, by the way, I don’t remember that there was a need for Draupnir? - It’s not often that you see Reginleif herself fight. I'm glad it's been revived. When do you think her memory will return? - I don’t know, but the sooner the better.