Cleaning the nose in newborns. Removing excess using a pear. Ways to clean a newborn's nose from boogers

By nature, a person should breathe through the nose, not through the mouth, but babies even breathe through the mouth very hard, they begin to sniffle, cough, and worry.

All children's doctors believe that if breathing is normal, mommy should not worry, and there is no need to disturb the delicate mucous membrane of the nose in vain. If the baby breathes calmly in his sleep, does not sniffle, and his mouth is closed, then everything is fine. But if there is snoring, unsteady breathing, with an open mouth, and the child is worried, then the nose must be freed.

The main inconvenience is that the nasal passages of babies of this age are very narrow, so cleaning them is not an easy task.

Nasal congestion can occur due to too dry air, dust settled on the mucous membrane, as well as as a result various diseases. When a baby has a cold, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, dries out, and swelling occurs. In this case, simply clearing the snot may not be enough, and pediatricians will recommend appropriate treatment, remedies to relieve inflammation and swelling.

What you need to clean your baby's nose

This procedure is not pleasant for the baby, so you need to have everything you need at hand. The sooner the “test” ends, the better. Therefore, we prepare in advance:

  • Peach oil(or similar);
  • boiled water or pharmaceutical liquid to moisturize and rinse the nose;
  • cotton pads;
  • clean sterile cotton wool.

If the air in the apartment is dry, the mucus in the child’s nose begins to dry quickly, and hard crusts form. Since the nose is small and the passages are narrow, the air flows poorly, and the baby begins to worry and get nervous.

To remove these crusts without damaging the mucous membrane, you need to drop peach oil into your nose (it not only softens the crusts, but also relieves irritation). After some time, you can clean your nose with cotton swabs, gently turning them in each nostril, trying to act as carefully as possible.

Advice. To prevent boogers from forming in the nose, you need to monitor the air temperature in the room, maintain a humidity level of at least 40%, regularly wash the floors and wipe off dust (in a nursery it is better to do this every day). You can use humidifiers.

How and with what to properly clean the nose of a healthy baby step by step instructions

In cool weather, children's noses can also be a source of concern. Therefore, they must be cleaned in a timely manner. For this:

  1. We prepare the necessary materials.
  2. Place the baby on a changing table or other flat surface.
  3. We twist the cotton wool into a thin rope.
  4. Wet the flagellum with oil or water.
  5. We insert the flagellum into the nose and turn it gently. And so on in each nostril. The freed nose breathes easily, the child sleeps peacefully and is awake.

There are also two more ways to clean a baby’s nose. You can use a small pharmacy bulb. After first dripping oil into the nose and rinsing the pear with boiling water, squeeze it so that the air comes out, and then carefully insert it into the nostril. The hand is unclenched, and the mucus, softened by oil, falls into the pear. The pear is washed thoroughly and the second nostril is cleaned.

The second method is an aspirator. Pharmacies sell various devices; they usually come with instructions for use. Aspirators can be mechanical or electronic (with automatic mucus extraction).

Important! All devices and attachments must be thoroughly washed and disinfected after use.

What not to do when cleaning your baby's nose

  1. Doctors categorically do not recommend using cotton swabs, especially homemade ones, as there is a risk of damaging the mucous membrane. In addition, cotton wool poorly wound onto a match can remain in the child’s nose.
  2. Regular dry crusts do not need to be cleaned with an aspirator.
  3. Keep everything you need at hand during the procedure and do not move away from the table where the newborn is lying - if you turn away, he may fall. If necessary, it is better to take the child in your arms or put him in a crib.

Mommy should be very attentive to the health of the baby and not ignore sniffling and nasal congestion, as this can easily turn into a chronic disease.

But you shouldn’t just get in your child’s nose either. Prevention is not appropriate here. If there is no doubt about daily bathing, changing clothes, washing your eyes, washing your face, then this does not concern your nose. As long as nothing bothers the baby, there is no need to further injure the mucous membrane, especially since this makes the child very nervous.

How to clean a newborn's nose: video

Newborn babies have a completely unformed nasopharynx and hearing organs - because of this, nasal congestion is very often observed, which when running forms may cause complications. Improper cleaning of the nose can provoke further development of the disease and worsen the condition of the little patient. The main thing for parents is to find out the cause of nasal congestion and be able to properly care for the nasal cavity.

Nasal humidifiers

Monitor the humidity in the room. If the baby is healthy, then moderate humidity of 50% will be sufficient. A sick child requires a more humid climate - 70%. A hygrometer, a device for measuring humidity levels, will help you understand how humid the air is in your home. .

The key to healthy nasal cavity is air humidity, the optimal level of which can be adjusted using special devices.

The baby cleans his nose independently by sneezing, but excess mucus that accumulates in the nasopharynx can penetrate the ear canal, which can lead to complications. In this case, parents should come to the aid of the newborn.

Exists a large number of drugs approved for use by newborns, but doctors do not recommend abusing them. Vasoconstrictor drops further dry out the nasal mucosa or may cause swelling of its walls. Such drops can cause addiction in a child. Medications often have side effects in the form of constipation and insomnia in infants. They come to the aid of parents special means created to moisturize sensitive mucous membranes.

Here is a list of products that can be used to regularly rinse a newborn’s nose:

  • Saline solution - it can be found in any pharmacy. The physiological solution contains water and sodium chloride.
  • You can prepare a saline solution with a similar composition yourself: dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of boiled water.
  • Sea water in the form of sprays, drops or dropper tubes is sold in pharmacies. There are many options: “Aquamaris”, “Fluimarin”, “Aqualor”, “Morenazal”, “Physiomer” and others (we recommend reading:).

The older generation often advises their grandchildren to drip breast milk into their noses. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky claims that it is completely unacceptable to clean a baby’s nose with breast milk. Milk is an ideal environment for the proliferation of various microbes and bacteria that enter your baby’s body through the nasopharynx. This will only be a “disservice” to the child, and not real help.

Spout cleaning options

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There are many ways to clear your nose, so the choice will depend on the nature of the nasal passages. To help get rid of boogers:

It is not recommended to suck out snot in children with your mouth. Baby bacteria seem harmless only at first glance, but in fact they can cause harm even to an adult body. Mechanical aspirators have special layers for protection.

Cleaning technique

We bring to the attention of mothers step by step instructions how to clean a baby's nose:

  1. Moisten mucus and existing crusts. The first option involves using a saline solution. To do this procedure, lay the child on his back, tilt his head back a little: if the child is a newborn, it is optimal to hold him in your arms. Place 2-3 drops into each nasal passage. If the child sneezes and some of the product comes out, it’s okay. Be careful! Sprays should not be used for newborns. The pressure can be so strong that the delicate mucous membrane is damaged, and the ear canal can also be damaged. Another way to moisturize your nose is to take a bath before bed. This way the boogers will soften on their own and can be easily removed.
  2. The child's head should be well secured. If possible, use the help of loved ones. If no one is home, use tightly rolled towels. This will protect the baby from injury if he suddenly twitches sharply.
  3. After a few minutes, clean the spout one of the following methods. Attention! The maximum depth of entry into the nasal passage is 2 cm.

Weak saline solution helps soften crusts in the nose and gently disinfect its cavity

Cleaning with tools

  • Turundochka. Cotton flagellum insert into the nasal passage and twist gently. Use separate flagella for each nasal passage. Lubricate the resulting crusts with baby oil.
  • Cotton swab. Reduce the stick with a large amount of cotton wool a little, removing the excess. Insert the stick into the nasal passage and remove the nozzles by gently twisting.
  • Syringe. Pour boiling water over the pear first. Squeeze it so that all the air comes out. Insert the tip of the syringe into your nose and unclench your hand - the mucus will be sucked into the bulb. To begin cleaning the second nostril, rinse the bulb. Be careful not to squeeze air into your baby's nose.
  • Aspirator (see also:). Before use, all parts of the aspirator should be treated with boiling water. First, try the air suction force on your palm and only then start sucking the mucus out of the nose. To improve suction, pinch one nostril closed. Slowly begin to inhale, watching how the mucus passes through the tube. Hold the aspirator tip towards the back wall throat, not up.

For more detailed information about nasal hygiene, watch thematic videos where you will learn how to properly care for the nasopharynx if the baby sniffles or grunts (more details in the article:). Daily care guarantees the health of your child (we recommend reading:).

Knowledge of how to properly clean children's noses will help make breathing easier for your little one and avoid possible complications. Down with snot and sniffling, long live free breathing!

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A newborn baby needs constant care for health and comfort, including serious attention to the hygiene of the nasal mucous membranes - snot or crusts that have formed interfere with free breathing. If a child has a stuffy nose, he eats poorly, is capricious and cannot sleep due to discomfort. It is important to know how to clean a newborn's nose in order to effectively remove excess and not cause harm to him.

Causes of the problem

It is necessary to check the baby's breathing and examine the nose several times a day - during the morning hygiene procedures and before each feeding. If your nose is blocked or crusts (boogers) have formed in it, find the cause of the problem and try to eliminate it.

The causes of drying out of the nasal mucosa with the formation of crusts include:

  • low air humidity in the room where the child spends most of his time;
  • a large amount of dust in the air and on interior items (primarily on high cabinets, carpets, curtains);
  • cigarette smoke;
  • the presence of chemical suspensions in the air - from perfume that is sprayed, cleaning products, etc.;
  • viral disease.

For the same reasons, the baby may experience nasal congestion associated with increased mucus production or swelling of the nasopharynx.

Drying of the mucous membranes reduces the body's resistance to infections - due to microcracks, the risk of penetration of bacteria and viruses increases. The child’s room must be kept clean and wet cleaned daily. It is important to take care of air humidification - for healthy baby The optimal level of humidity in the room is 50%, during illness - up to 70%.

Keeping your nose moist

Sneezing is a natural reflex that allows a baby to clear Airways. However, the child cannot get rid of an excess of mucus and firmly adhered crusts on his own.

It is not recommended to resort to medicines without special need - even drugs approved for infants can dry out the mucous membranes, cause addiction, and provoke swelling. Substances included in medications can cause allergies or disrupt digestion.

Washing is used as a regular measure:

  • saline solution (for more information on how to prepare and rinse your nose with a solution, read the article);
  • self-prepared saline solution (per 1 liter of warm boiled water - 1 teaspoon of salt);
  • pharmaceutical preparation for rinsing based on sea salt.

Among the classic tips for caring for a newborn, a popular opinion is: Milk itself is sterile, but upon contact with mucous membranes, bacteria quickly begin to multiply in it, which increases the risk of disease.

Methods for cleaning the spout

How to clean a newborn baby’s nose and what products to use? There are four main methods using:

  • cotton flagella (turunda);
  • cotton swabs;
  • syringes or bulbs;
  • aspirator.

When considering how to properly clean your nose, we must not forget that crusts and mucus must first be softened with any of the rinsing agents. A couple of drops are placed in each nostril.

To instill the solution, the child’s head is securely fixed - for this, the baby is held in one arm, pressed against his body, or the child is laid on a flat surface on his back and his head is slightly thrown back, covering it with rolled towels.

After dropping the saline solution, wait a few minutes, and then begin to clean the baby’s nose of snot and softened crusts.

Cotton flagella

Turundas (cotton wool flagella) are sold in pharmacies, but with some skill you can make them yourself from ordinary cotton wool. Also for homemade turunds use cotton swabs, stratifying and tearing them into pieces - the resulting ¼ part of the tampon is twisted into a cone.

The tip of the cone is inserted into the baby's nostril and gently scrolled clockwise, trying to wrap the softened crusts onto the flagellum. A separate turunda is used for each nostril.

Cotton swabs are completely safe for babies, but their effectiveness is considered average. They help clear the nose of boogers, but do not cope with liquefied mucus.

Cotton buds

This option is not recommended for use to cleanse the nasal passages of a newborn baby. The danger is the rigidity of the cotton swabs and the relatively large volume of cotton wool on them - if done incorrectly, it is easy to push the boogers deeper or even injure the baby.

If you choose cotton swabs, make sure that they are made from a hollow, easily bendable tube, and not from a wooden splinter. Carefully remove excess cotton before use - the working part of the instrument should not fill the baby’s entire nostril. Cleaning is carried out in the same way as with turunda. A separate side of the stick is used for each nostril.

When purchasing, you should give preference not to ordinary ear sticks, but to cotton swabs for newborns - they can be found in the pharmacy. Some manufacturers offer cotton swabs with a sticky surface, which makes scabs easier to remove.

Pear (syringe)

To remove snot and softened crusts, you can use a blower with a soft rubber tip. Before using the instrument, wash it thoroughly in hot water with baby soap.

To remove mucus from the nasal passages, squeeze out the air from the bulb and insert its tip into the baby's nostril. After releasing the pear ball, wait until it fills with air - during this process it will draw in some of the mucus. Before cleaning the second nostril, the pear must be thoroughly rinsed again. The pear helps to cope with liquid snot, but its effectiveness is not very high.


How to clean a newborn's nose using an aspirator? First of all, you should know that there are three types of aspirators, each of which has its own characteristics of use:

  1. Mechanical. A hollow tube that is equipped with a tube through which an adult sucks out mucus. To protect against bacteria, a foam pad is provided.
  2. Electronic. In appearance and principle of operation it is similar to a syringe (but exceeds it in volume) and runs on batteries.
  3. Vacuum. According to the principle of the device, it is designed as a mechanical version, but is designed for connection to a vacuum cleaner with adjustable suction power.

Before using a vacuum or electronic model, be sure to check and adjust the suction strength - apply the tip of the aspirator to back side hands.

Before use and after use, the operating parts of the device are washed in hot water and baby soap.

The aspirator effectively clears the nasal passages of secretions, including severe congestion nose There is no risk of injuring the baby. The disadvantages include the relatively high cost of the devices.


Knowing how to clean a newborn's nose, you can choose the most convenient option removing mucus and crusts. If the procedure is part of a set of measures to treat a sick baby, the pediatrician may prescribe a vasoconstrictor drug - it is instilled immediately after cleaning the child’s nasal passages.

A runny nose or crusts in the nose can cause poor sleep, appetite, whims, and crying of a newborn. The baby cannot yet cope with this problem on his own. Therefore, it is so important for a mother to know when and how to properly clean her child’s nose.

How often should you clean your baby's nose?

Doctors do not recommend once again intruding into the respiratory system of a newborn. Despite the fact that the nasal passages in infants are very narrow, they have a well-established self-cleaning system. Microvilli, which cover the nasal mucosa, effectively move mucus and foreign particles to the exit. In addition, the mucous membranes of the nasal passages produce the protective protein interferon. He is involved in education local immunity and protection child's body from pathogenic viruses and bacteria. If you clean your baby's nose too often, the interferon is washed away and the body's immune defenses are weakened.

During a runny nose, too much mucus forms and it dries out, forming dense crusts. They block the baby’s narrow nasal passages, and the baby still does not know how to breathe through the mouth like adults. Therefore, crying, whims, anxiety, bad dream, snoring during sleep, lack of appetite may be an indicator that the child needs to clear his nose.

What to use?

To clean a newborn's nose, you can use flagella from cotton pads, bulb or aspirator.

Flagella from cotton pads softer and do not spread as much as ready-made cotton wool bundles. To make flagella you need to use a fourth part cotton pad, divided in half. Before the procedure, the tourniquet should be moistened with warm boiled water, saline or breast milk.

pear Before use, rinse thoroughly. After this, squeeze tightly in your hand so that all the air comes out. Then slowly and carefully insert it into the baby’s nostril and slowly open your hand. After removal, the pear should be washed immediately.

Aspirator designed specifically for cleaning the nose, and it allows the procedure to be carried out effectively and painlessly. To do this, you need to place a small plastic tube, which is connected to a container, to the child’s nostril. And through the second tube make a suction movement. This way, all the contents of the nose end up in the container.

When cleaning a newborn's nose, it is not recommended to use dry cotton wool, as small villi settle on the walls of the passages and irritate the mucous membrane, stimulating it to produce secretions. And with inhalation, they can penetrate deep into the respiratory tract and cause the development of infectious or inflammatory processes.

The hard crust must be softened before removal. Best suited for this saline or sea water. You only need to clean visible part nasal passages.

The formation of dry crusts in the nose can prevent the maintenance of optimal microclimatic conditions in the room in which the child is located. The temperature should not exceed 20 °C. The room must be ventilated regularly. You should also, if necessary, additionally humidify the air (especially during the heating season). Don't forget about the benefits of walking in the fresh air.

When the baby cannot fully rest at night, and also does not eat well, whims begin, the reason may be that the baby simply has boogers in his nose or an unpleasant runny nose. These problems interfere with your child's ability to learn the world and enjoy new discoveries.

Some new mothers are very concerned about the question: “How to clean a baby’s nose?” This can sometimes be difficult to do, and young parents often make mistakes. It should be noted that the most common mistake is to clean the spout using regular cotton swabs. This is completely unsafe, because infants have too small nose and undeveloped airways. There is also a possibility of pushing the stick very deeply and giving the baby completely unpleasant sensations. Among other things, dry sticks are uncomfortable to use. However, there are other solutions, read about them below.

It’s easy enough to make homemade flagella from cotton pads. High-quality discs never fall apart and are convenient to use. To help your little one, take one disk, then tear it directly into two parts, you will get two disks with the cotton side. One disk can be used later, you can put it aside. You tear the other into four parts. Take one and carefully twist the flagellum. Before use, moisten it with purified water or breast milk so as not to cause any harm to your baby. discomfort. You should try to clean your baby's nose using slow rotational movements.

How often should you clean your baby's nose?

The airways of newborn children, like those of adults, work without interruption. The nose produces mucus, to which various bacteria and dust particles stick. The child, by virtue of his early age cannot free his nose from mucus and dust, so his parents must help him with this. It is advisable to do this every day or at least once every two days. To moisturize the flagellum, it is advisable to use apricot oil, breast milk. Now you know how often to clean your baby's nose.

How to clean snot from a baby's nose?

Every young mother should know and understand how to clean snot from her baby’s nose. You can use a special pear for this, which can be purchased at a pharmacy if necessary. This item is necessary in every first aid kit. You first need to drop a little into your nose breast milk, saline solution. You can use moisturizing drops for newborns.

This must be done to soften the crusts and make the snot more liquid. Before use, the pear must be thoroughly and thoroughly washed to avoid any problems with the ingress of harmful microorganisms. Then simply squeeze the bulb to pump the air out of it. Next, insert the tip into the nostril and gently open it. Everything needs to be done very slowly and carefully so as not to cause pain or discomfort to the baby. After this, thoroughly rinse the pear of its contents.

How to clean a baby's nose with an aspirator?

It's very easy to do. Such a small device can also be purchased at a pharmacy; it is not very expensive. With its help, there is no chance that bacteria will get into the baby's nose. The effect is comparable to using a regular pear. And children often react to the aspirator with interest, perceiving it as a toy. To begin, place a small tube on the baby's nose, then take another tube directly into the mouth and take several suction breaths. That's all! The snot, as well as softened boogers, will end up in a special container, which can then be easily rinsed. However, before use, it is advisable to lubricate the nostrils with baby oil or drip a little breast milk.

How to clean a baby's nose from boogers?

You need to clean your nose of boogers very carefully so as not to damage the mucous membrane. It's very simple: first, lubricate the inside of the spout with a small amount of breast milk. You can simply drop it directly into each nostril. Then proceed as in the first method. Use flagella from purchased cotton pads. Now you know how to clean your baby’s nose of boogers.


When you were pregnant, you probably heard your mother or grandmother’s instructions on how to properly clean your baby’s nose. And thanks to this article, you can do this without any problems. Of course, at the very beginning it can be scary, since the baby’s nose is very small. However, some skill is required. If you are afraid to do this yourself, you can ask a relative or friend who already has children to help you. And then you can carry out this procedure yourself.

And so that the baby does not constantly suffer from crusts and snot, make sure that the air in the room where the baby is is clean and humid. Do not install a large number of heaters, which dry out the air too much. Constantly do wet cleaning and use high-quality air humidifiers. Even adults suffer from poor air quality, let alone small children.