Statuses about friends with meaning: original sayings for social networks. Sad statuses and quotes about friendship

IN Lately V in social networks It has become fashionable to write statuses on your page. Status is a meaningful word or expression on a particular topic. Its meaning is always determined by mood and emotional state person. You can encapsulate your feelings and joy in your status, expressing deep meaning.

Sad statuses about friendship: options

  • “Walls and pillows are perfect friends. They will listen, remain silent and not say anything to anyone.”
  • “Take care of those around you. Appreciate those who sacrificed their pride for you. Who always forgave, waited, believed, loved, appreciated. Fate provides such people only once in a lifetime.”
  • I don't know how to offend needlessly. Be capricious, swear and scream. Envy and get angry every hour. I also don’t know how to betray!”
  • “If your friend becomes your enemy, then love him so that the tree of friendship, love and trust, which withered because it was not watered and not cared for, will bloom again.”
  • “Don’t rush to leave your friend. You can always slam the door. Shut up, harbor a grudge. And look into your eyes with trust. Let them say bad things about him - you know better who he is! It’s very easy to lose a friend! And it’s even harder to find!”
  • “Our friendship is like glass, it breaks quickly and easily, only wounds from shrapnel take a very long time to heal...”
  • “I think I always thought that I had a very strong friendship with all my friends. But in reality I realize that recent months, the only thing strong in my life is coffee...”
  • “Fate took us to different poles, threw us on the road towards miracles, but your memory always preserves you. Friends, I will never forget you."
  • Friendship is like a diamond. It is rare, expensive, and there are a lot of fakes!
  • Friendship is such a sacred, sweet, constant and lasting feeling that you can preserve for life, unless you try to borrow money.
  • Finding a good friend is only half the battle; you need to become one yourself.
  • You shouldn't hang yourself on your friends' necks when they allow you to lean on them.
  • It's better to have a real enemy than fake friend!

Sad statuses and quotes about friendship

  • People are like a piano: the white keys are your friends, the black ones are your enemies, and most importantly, you need to go through both the black and white keys so that you can play a beautiful melody.
  • I never miss my friends. And not because they are always next to me. But because I always feel their presence in my heart.
  • U successful people most often there are many envious enemies, and losers often have many friends instead of enemies.
  • It's a shame when people barge into your life to change it, saying that they care. And in the end they leave only because they don’t care.
  • Friends are the most important part of your life. Appreciate their tears, cherish their smiles, and even better, cherish your common memories.

Statuses about friends who don't value friendship

  • Treasure only those who value you.
  • Not faithful friends- These are swallows that you see only in the summer. This is a sundial, useful only as long as the sun is shining.
  • Everything you say says about you, especially what you say about your friends!
  • Are you proud that you have three hundred friends on VKontakte? And I’m proud of two, but real ones.
  • Never let a small quarrel ruin a great friendship.

Statuses about betrayal of friends

  • Never show your back to a friend - no matter how hard you argue, it’s better to remain silent out of anger, but don’t turn away!
  • When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you find out who your friends are!
  • The greatest pain comes only a true friend. Although he is the first one to come later with a can of brilliant green.
  • I used to think that you need to take care of friendship, a good relationship. And now I realized that I need to protect myself - from hypocritical people who, smiling in the eyes, quietly hate behind their backs. Let better nearby there will be only one person left, but he will be real.
  • How good it is that the person himself realized that he was no longer worthy of being your friend and removed himself from friends!

Quotes about best friends

  • Friends are the kind of people when you come to your home, you haven’t had time to change clothes yet, and he’s already eating something in the kitchen.
  • For true friendship It’s not important to communicate every day, text and call each other. True friends simply know that they have each other.
  • How to distinguish true friends? True friends always call you by your last name.
  • When you're truly friends, you can be an hour late and not worry about anyone getting angry. And when you arrive, you will see that no one is there yet.
  • True friends can always laugh at you, but they won't let others do it.

Statuses about friendship between friends

  • Nothing makes a girl as bright and attractive as the simplicity and modesty of her girlfriends.
  • We are like dark and white chocolate - we are sweet, but with a hint of bitterness. Like missing pieces of one whole. We're just best friends!
  • No matter what you tell, there will always be a friend who had more, longer, longer, higher, better, stronger, tastier, richer...
  • A friend is the best cure for depression in the world.
  • Sometimes female friendship- this is not only a unity of souls, but also a non-aggression pact.

Quotes about a friend that will make you cry

  • A best friend is like a husband, your only and beloved. This is the one with whom conversations do not get boring. This is the one whose pain is like your own. She's the one who can lift your spirits when you want to cry...
  • A best friend is a person who will tell you to your face everything that pisses her off about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!
  • A friend does not have to be perfect; it is enough that she is there in difficult times.
  • A true friend is the one who sees the sadness and sadness in your eyes, while others believe in your smile.
  • Still, sooner or later best friend becomes your best enemy.

Statuses about good friends

  • The friendship of one reasonable person is more valuable than the friendship of all unreasonable people. (Democritus)
  • We grow, we move on, but we will still always be best friends.
  • How much charm our happiness would lose if no one rejoiced in it with us! How difficult it would be to bear our misfortunes without a friend who experiences them even more strongly than us! (Cicero)
  • Those who need you will not forget about you.
  • I have such friends that sometimes I am ready to shoot them. But if it weren’t for them, I would have shot myself long ago.

Statuses about friends with meaning

  • The worst friend is the one who does not recognize you as his equal. If he thinks he is big, he will humiliate you. If he is less, then he will irritate you with his pretense of friendship and sympathy. (Amin Reyhani)
  • A true friend is not an exception to the rule... It is the RULE...
  • A friend is not the one who is known in trouble, but the one who was able not to envy you when you are happy!
  • Best friends can brighten up anyone's day, so there is no doubt that we are poorer without them.
  • Love for friendship: “Why do you need me if I exist?” Friendship: “To leave smiles where you leave tears.”

Quotes about friendship between a man and a woman

  • I don’t understand people who hide their feelings and call them camaraderie! Will they have another life where they will correct their mistakes? Or maybe they know exactly when they will meet their fate?
  • Friendship of different sexes is a mutually beneficial union!
  • Friendship often ends in love, but love rarely ends in friendship. (K. Colton)
  • Friendship between a man and a woman weakens in the evening.
  • The key to a strong and lasting friendship between a man and a woman is mutual sexual aversion.

The best statuses about friends on! Only the most selected statuses about friends collected in this section. Probably only a very unsociable person or an inveterate misanthrope can do without friends. Communication is one of the prerequisites for maintaining and maintaining friendly relations. Friends are not just people who know your secrets and mistakes. Friends are those who have always been with you, who were happy and sad with you. They say that a friend is a friend in need, thanks to the website Statuses - Here you will always find statuses about friends with meaning, and your friends will know how you feel about them. In order not to feel lonely, you need to communicate with friends more often, our funny statuses about friends will allow you to make peace with your friend and find a reason to laugh at yourself. We cannot always devote time to friends, and they are often busy. Our statuses about the best and most devoted friends will help you express your feelings and delight your close friends.

With the advent of the Internet, it has become easier to keep in touch with people close to us. There will always be a few free minutes to write a short message to your friend or girlfriend on the Internet, remind you of a meeting, or share a thought that just came to mind. By putting a status about a friend, you can easily show him that you remember him, value your friendship with him and appreciate it. The most devoted friend is the one about whom you can say that you would go on reconnaissance with him, a friend who will cover your back. And the Statuses-Tut website will help you choose the right saying or quote about your friend.

Quotes about friends and betrayal!

It happens that just yesterday you considered this person to be your best friend, even your brother, but today you realize that you were wrong. If your friend, as they say, “suddenly turned up,” then look for statuses about the betrayal of friends on Statuses-Here. In every person’s life there are friends, and when we part with them, a part of ourselves goes away. Sad statuses about friends will help you express the depth of your feelings. But there really is faithful people, and no matter how far away your friend is, the warmth of your heart, the most sincere wishes you can express thanks to statuses about your most devoted friends. However, it very often happens that the person you trusted as yourself turned out to be a traitor, and you are disgusted that you have not seen this for so long. Statuses about friends who betrayed you will allow you to tell this false friend everything you think about him!

Statuses about friends for social networks!

Friends are not just people with whom you feel at ease and comfortable, who will come to your aid day and night, in any weather, they are your second self. Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are! Our funny statuses about friends - this is a world filled wise sayings about friendship in general and friends in particular. After all, the main thing is to preserve your friendly attitude for life. So that thirty years from now you can proudly say at your alumni meeting that the best and most faithful friends are your friends from school. Do you want your friends to always know on your social media page that you remember them and are looking forward to visiting you? Our statuses for classmates about friends will help you with this.

Friends will appreciate your friendship status!

Today, in the age of computer technology, we forget about simple communication at the table with friends and like-minded people. We live in a virtual world of SMS messages and emoticons, and it’s time to get together, like in the good old days, in a friendly company somewhere outside the city, in the countryside, and sing songs with a guitar to the crackling fire. And our statuses about friends will help you bring them together. Your friends hang out only in Contact, because, according to them, this is the most advanced social network, well, we have wonderful ones for them too, funny, sad and simply beautiful statuses in contact about friends. The most important thing for any person is to know that friends will come to his aid in any situation. And for us it is important that your friends always know, anywhere in the world, that you remember them and are looking forward to meeting them. And our website will help you say words of gratitude to your friend by simply choosing the right status about your friends!
  • People are like a piano: the white keys are your friends, the black ones are your enemies, and most importantly, you need to go through both the black and white keys so that you can play a beautiful melody.
  • I never miss my friends. And not because they are always next to me. But because I always feel their presence in my heart.
  • Successful people often have many envious enemies, while unsuccessful people often have many friends instead of enemies.
  • It's a shame when people barge into your life to change it, saying that they care. And in the end they leave only because they don’t care.
  • Friends are the most important part of your life. Appreciate their tears, cherish their smiles, and even better, cherish your common memories.
  • Sad statuses and quotes about friendship - With the help of friendship, you can get twice as many joys and reduce sorrows by half.
  • If your friend is sad, thinking about life, support him in this, because, God forbid, he will then think about death!
  • Only enemies tell each other the truth. Friends and lovers, entangled in a web of mutual debt, lie endlessly...
  • Sometimes I want to shoot my friends, but if it weren’t for their friendship, I would have shot myself long ago.
  • Loneliness also manifests itself when surrounded by wonderful people who understand you, if each of them has someone closer to you.
  • Appreciate the people who come in those moments when it’s not they who feel bad, but you.
  • There is no need to seek friendship - it is a useless and unnecessary activity. You can look for new shoes in the store. And friendship is a gift of fate.
  • Only true friends can understand that something is wrong with you, even when you smile.
  • Smile and you will never be without friends. Frown and you will only get wrinkles.
  • True friendship is a slow growing tree. It must endure the shock of misfortune before it can earn its name.
  • If you've survived the loss of a friend, you can survive anything.
  • And God grant that everyone has a faithful and devoted person next to you, who will never abandon you and will support you in moments of despair.
  • Friends are the kind of people who will make you laugh, even when you are not in the mood to smile.
  • Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits it to himself.
  • Friendship is like cement that can withstand a lot.
  • Love asked friendship: “Why do you exist if I exist?” Friendship replied: “To leave smiles where you leave tears...”
  • A friend is not someone who will be with you in moments of sadness, but someone who will share your success without a drop of envy.
  • I would like to be sad because best friend he’s leaving, but I can’t, because he’s going to fulfill his dream and seek happiness!
  • Appreciate those who can see three things in you: the sadness behind the smile, the love behind the anger, and the reason for your silence.
  • There are a huge number of our friends walking the streets, we just haven’t met them yet.
  • Unlike people, dogs never pretend: they love their friends, but they bite their enemies.
  • Having enemies is not so scary, it’s worse not having friends.
  • It was hard for me, very sad, cold, sad... and it seemed that the whole world had turned its back. But a friend extended his hand - and everything changed!
  • There are times when a person's best friend is loneliness, and his best friend is silence.
  • You can forget someone you laughed with, but you can never forget someone you cried with.
  • It's not bad if friendship begins with laughter, and it's best if it ends with it.

Recently, it has become fashionable on social networks to write statuses on your page. Status is a meaningful word or expression on a particular topic. Its meaning is always determined by the mood and emotional state of a person. You can encapsulate your feelings and joy in your status, expressing deep meaning.

There are statuses about loss, animals, etc. To show your friends that you think about them, you can write a statement about friendship on your page. Whatever these words are, they will always tell you that you do not forget about your friends and will not let them forget about you.

Statuses about a friend: the best selection

  • “For women’s tears you need a pillow, for women's holidays- flowers, but I need a girlfriend, as cool as you!”
  • “The best friend is a person to whom you don’t even need to tell anything; she can see in your eyes what you’ve done.”
  • “The best friend is the one with whom you dream that you will have big house for 2 families, cool husbands, 5 children and a bunch of small dogs..."
  • “Correspondence with my best friend is incriminating evidence about my whole life...”
  • “Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, whom you won’t tell anyone, because you’ll have to go there with her so as not to worry.”
  • “Women’s friendship exists as long as women’s interests do not intersect.”
  • “The best friend is the one who rejoices at your victories. The one who will put aside everything for you. The one who will tell you absolutely everything. The one who can afford to call at 2 am and say that she had a fight with her guy. The one who will be jealous of other girls."
  • "Best Friend is an information bureau, a psychological center and a distillery."
  • “I need one, only one friend, but who can get along with all the shades of my fickle mood.”
  • “A best friend is a person who will tell you to your face everything that pisses her off about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!”
  • “We are like dark and white chocolate - we are sweet, but with a hint of bitterness. Like missing pieces of one whole. We're just best friends!
  • “A best friend is like a husband, the only and beloved one. This is the one with whom conversations do not get boring. This is the one whose pain is like your own. She’s the one who can lift your spirits when you want to cry.”
  • “Losing a girlfriend is worse than losing a boyfriend. Because there can be a lot of guys, but the best friend is the one you’ve been with all your life.”

Statuses about friendship: statements with meaning

  • “It is not so difficult to die for a friend as to find a friend who is worth dying for.”
  • “Friendship is one of life’s greatest joys; One of the greatest joys of friendship is having someone you can trust with a secret.”
  • “True friendship is only possible between equals. Otherwise, it’s either patronage or manipulation.”
  • “A friend is not just a person who tells you “I care about you” when everything is fine with you, but someone who sits next to you when life loses all meaning.”
  • “Shout - anyone will hear, whisper - the closest will hear, but only a true friend will hear you when you are silent.”
  • “A friend is not only someone who will follow you into the fire, but also someone who will be able to understand and forgive in difficult and awkward moments!”
  • "A best friend is someone you can sit on the porch with, not say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had in your life."
  • “Friendship should be a durable thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which efficient and decent people make their life journey.”
  • “Friendship is around the clock, even a fire, even a harvest. This feeling is reckless - get dressed, come..."
  • “The greatest feat of friendship is not to show a friend our shortcomings, but to open his eyes to his own.”
  • “True friendship multiplies joy by two and divides sorrow in half.”

Friendship is the greatest value available to humanity. It doesn't require proof. Statuses about friendship can express your feelings for your friends and show how you feel about them. Therefore, take their selection seriously. Remember that it is easy to offend a loved one with a careless phrase.