How to hide at work that you are looking for a job. How to hide a hangover at work and survive until the evening

Many women prefer to hide their pregnancy from the people around them. There are many reasons for this behavior. Someone does not want the authorities to know about this ahead of time, and someone is afraid and wants to protect themselves and the baby from gossip and gossip.

In order to hide your condition from others, there are many tricks. Most main feature Pregnancy is a constantly growing belly. Most often, people around you first of all notice a rounded tummy, after which they begin to ask uncomfortable questions. Rounded shapes can be hidden with clothing.

To keep pregnancy a secret for as long as possible, you need to learn how to dress properly. If before her onset a woman preferred to wear tight dresses, then she needs to change her style gradually so that no one guesses anything. The belly appears only at 3-, so until that time, others may get used to the fact that their friend began to dress a little differently.

To prevent the belly from being visible, it is recommended to wear fairly loose, but at the same time fashionable and well-cut clothes. Shapeless hoodies in this case will raise questions. Many women prefer dresses and blouses with a high waistline, but in reality this is big mistake. Such clothes only emphasize the rounded belly.

You should also not wear specialized clothing for short term. The range of these things in each city is not so great, and those around, seeing a familiar model of a dress or blouse, can immediately guess about a woman's pregnancy.

Hiding your interesting position, you should try to avoid all kinds of feasts, which involve the use of alcoholic beverages. If a woman used to be able to drink some wine or champagne at such events, and then she began to sharply refuse alcohol, this may cause a number of questions for those around her.

Pregnancy and work

Every woman has the right to decide for herself whether she should inform her loved ones about her pregnancy or not, and when is the best time to do so. But in relation to the employer, it will be much more honest to admit that you are pregnant in advance. This will avoid some misunderstanding.

The employer will need to find a replacement for the employee on maternity leave, as well as allocate a decent amount to pay the allowance due to her. That is why it is advisable to inform at work about your situation in advance. It will be possible to write an application for leave after antenatal clinic sick leave will be issued.

Jobs are sought not only by the unemployed, but also by quite successful professionals. In the second case, there is a problem - how not to light up in front of the current leadership.
From a formal point of view, you have the right to look for work in any case. But try to explain this to the employer, who, as they say, caught you hot.

Just imagine: you go into the office of the head or the Chief HR of the company, and he shows you on the monitor ... your resume posted on the employment site. awkward pause. The revealing look of the leader. You mentally figure out whether they will kick you out right away or let you work for two weeks.

It is better to search carefully, especially if you work in big company. There are often special HRs who search the Internet for resumes of their employees. Apparently, in order to understand the moral and psychological climate in the team.
There is an opinion that this kind of information is collected with a noble goal: to see that employees are unhappy and offer them more favorable conditions. In practice, this really happens. But often an employee's resume found on the Internet has other consequences: the employer frowns and mentally (or out loud) accuses the employee of ingratitude.

What to do?

Hint #1.

One day, in the hallway of a very large corporation, the author of the article witnessed the following conversation between the head of the personnel service and an employee.

Eichar: Well, how do you work with us? Already adapted, do you feel like a part of the team?
Employee: Yes, everything is great!
Eichar: Hmm. I saw your resume online. Decided you new job looking for. So there is something you don't like.
Employee (without batting an eye): You know, I perceive the resume on this site as my profile. I always update information there. This does not mean that I am looking for a job.

Good answer. It will be especially convincing if you post information about yourself in professional in social networks(LinkedIn, Viadeo, A resume on these resources is really a questionnaire, and it will be difficult to reproach you for being on them.

Hint #2.

When posting a resume on job sites, use the “hide personal data” function (many sites have it). True, this does not always save: some specialists are easy to figure out by places of work and projects.

Try not to reveal all the cards in your resume. Instead of listing places of work, write about your experience in general, indicate the most striking achievements. Write without:
- the name of the company (you can write "large international company");
– names of projects (“document flow optimization project”).

At the end of your CV, include: “Willing to provide more than detailed information in personal contact with the employer.

Hint #3.

A competent and qualified HR who found you through his channels and invited you for an interview will never spread information about a meeting with you. But if you have doubts about the qualifications of a specialist, or you did not communicate with an HR manager, it is appropriate to conclude the interview by saying that you would like to make your meeting confidential.

All beautiful people, and even more so at a large enterprise they are very fond of "scratching" their tongues. Rumors are spreading at a terrifying speed and overgrown with terrible details that have nothing to do with reality. Plus, almost all are such "well-wishers" who may be interested in something out of idle curiosity and bring it to the point of absurdity. The desire to make a scandal is sacred, and how people will look later and how to work together further is of no interest to anyone, although everything looks decent.

There is one more nuance, without which, of course, your advice will be incomplete.
After returning from vacation (the vacation was after the wedding, we were in honeymoon trip) I accidentally meet a friend from another department and she carefully looking at me tells me that one of my colleagues told her that I got married and would soon go on maternity leave (I didn’t know that I was pregnant and we didn’t plan a pregnancy). I laughed it off saying that I would advise this colleague to consult my husband on this topic.

Further more, I approach this colleague and ask that I no longer discuss my personal life with other people, because he has no right to me ... a flash of anger, says that he will say anything and to anyone. I said that if I hear something else about my personal life, I will talk to my husband (by the way, my husband works at the same enterprise in another department). To this I received an answer that I have no right to threaten him, of course, but he can wag ...

Then the story took a very strange turn. I already know that I’m pregnant, I don’t raise this issue, I’m silent and I just don’t communicate with this guy. Somehow I go to sign papers and meet the head of the general department (very good woman, we are familiar with her, but not close) who, with great surprise and concern, asks if everything is all right with me, I say everything is OK, but then the secretary of our unit tells me the news that in the general department they think that I am already on maternity leave ... here why the boss got worried when she saw me, of course she didn’t understand why I was without a stomach and being on maternity leave I was walking around the enterprise ...

But alas, nothing can be done, and the boy is sometimes teased for this fact
In general, I don’t want them to know, I don’t want them to discuss it, I consider it mine personal life and physiology. At work, there must be a business relationship ...

I must say right away that placentation along the anterior wall - the stomach is already visible, but so far everyone believes that I have recovered ...

Thanks to everyone who read

Interested in answers to the following questions:
1. When and how did you tell at work that you were pregnant?
2. When is an employee required to tell her superiors that she is pregnant?
3. How can you hide your pregnancy?
4. Stories from those from whom the pregnancy was successfully hidden and what they got caught on ...

Thanks to everyone who responded to my post, I received a lot useful information, useful experience and support
For those who are interested, I will tell you what I will do in connection with the processed information:
1. I will tell my immediate superiors when Once again I will ask for leave in the LCD (the period will be 14 weeks), but I will ask you not to expand on this topic.
2. Perhaps I’m going on vacation in early December
3. Further - as it goes, they will notice so they will notice
4. But I will not deny anything, I will rejoice in my position

Thank you for your attention, thank you very much for your replies

A well-known ancient sign says that a woman should hide her interesting position for as long as possible. This custom originates from ancient times, when medical care was at a primitive level and future women in labor relied on the will of God. One of the rituals of protecting a child from the evil eye and evil spirits of those times is the dressing of a pregnant woman in her husband's clothes. After that, she should work on an equal footing with everyone and not talk about her situation until the very birth.

Psychologists recommend sticking to this tradition for the first trimester. The expediency of its observance is explained by the fact that this period is considered the most dangerous for pregnancy and the fetus. That's why future mommy should take care of her psychological health, and excessive curiosity and guardianship of others will not help in this, but, on the contrary, can provoke stressful situations and even the threat of failure.

In the first trimester, external anatomical changes do not appear, except that some have an increase in weight of 2-3 kg (for others, on the contrary, a decrease). But the appearance of nausea, dizziness and fast fatiguability keep the pregnancy a secret. It is not always possible to hide these symptoms. You will have to work, as before, without counting on the support, understanding and sympathy of colleagues and superiors. People around you will begin to be interested in the reasons for your unimportant well-being. Therefore, you should always keep a ready answer in mind.

After the 5th month of pregnancy. The growth rate and size of the abdomen is individual for everyone. That's why exact date when the position becomes clear, no. If you are determined to keep the good news a secret for as long as possible, then be prepared to face some inconvenience.

If you and your husband decide not to let your parents know about your secret, relationship problems may arise. After all, your interesting position is the most desired event for future grandparents. Your good intention to keep a secret can be perceived as distrust. If relations with parents before pregnancy did not develop the best way, this will exacerbate the problem.

Think in advance if there will be competition between your parents and your husband's parents for the place of the “first grandparents”. If this situation can arise, try to bring both pairs up to date at the same time. This will help in the future to raise a child in love and harmony by all family members.

When communicating with parents and friends, the following “beacon” situations may arise:

  • - At the next holiday you refuse alcohol.

Think about how to explain why you suddenly stopped drinking alcohol. You can tell that you have decided to start eating right, get ready for future pregnancy or even recently "went through", so you even look at alcohol disgusting. Or maybe you have stomach problems? Or a doctor (any) prescribed medication that should not be mixed with alcohol?

  • - You have gained weight or your mood changes frequently. You can explain this with the use of hormonal drugs.
  • - You get tired quickly. Blockage at work will be a weighty argument that does not require further explanation.

It is impossible to predict all possible situations. By thinking through the possible reactions of parents and friends to your physiological manifestations of pregnancy, with the support of your spouse, you will be able to avoid unnecessary questions and increased guardianship.

How to hide pregnancy at work

When you find out you're pregnant, start planning when and how you'll tell your boss. If you are about to quit your job, then give your boss time to find a new qualified employee to fill your position. Leave beautifully, without slamming doors and without provoking, if possible, insults and scandals.

If you are planning to take maternity leave, try not to keep the boss "in the cold". As soon as he begins to suspect about your interesting position, tell everything. It is better to have a reputation as a responsible worker than to be known as a secretive, irresponsible person. It will be difficult to work at the same level as before pregnancy, so don't wait for a bewildered team to write you down in the category of bad employees.

And in the first three months you can hide the pregnancy with excuses like“I don’t drink because I started to eat right according to a trendy program”, “the repair that I started doesn’t let me sleep, that’s why I’m so tired”, “I’ve been scheduled to see a doctor - I decided to remove moles” and so on.

What clothes will help hide the pregnancy

Loose-fitting clothes will help you divert attention from rounded shapes. Bright shine and a large pattern emphasize the figure, revealing all its flaws. In no case should decorative details and drawings be concentrated in the abdomen - this attracts attention. Catchy details in the upper part of the case, as well as decorations, will be very successful. Light scarf with bright abstract patterns, a poncho, a dress with a yoke, loose tunics, with large sleeves will help hide your interesting position from prying eyes. In summer, spacious sundresses will be comfortable, in the cold season - cardigans.

If suddenly you failed to hide your pregnancy, do not worry. After all, the main thing for the baby is yours. good health And good mood.

  • If you still decide not to hide your position from the rest - find out?