Short hair bun: stylish and elegant. How to make a beautiful hair bun

What could be simpler and more practical than a bun? The hairstyle that won hearts and ordinary girls, and show business stars, has firmly entered into life modern lady. However, many people mistakenly believe that it can only be done on very long curls. In fact, a bun on short hair is created with the same minimal effort: it just requires more attention and knowledge of some nuances.


Features of creation

Creating a bun for short hair without using hairdressing accessories is difficult: it requires not only an elastic band, but also several short (up to 45 mm in length) hairpins, as well as a pair of bobby pins. If your hair barely reaches your shoulders, you should buy a special bagel, or use a thick elastic band (not velvet, but made of dense foam material) that holds its shape well. The only thing is to watch its size - the thickness of the ring should not be more than half the length of the free mass of hair, which is measured from the base of the collected tail.

For horizontal buns (a type of Greek hairstyle) you can use special rollers, which are also recommended for short hair. A variety of headbands, ribbons, and web meshes, matched tone-on-tone to the curls, can also be useful. Hairdressers advise you to take a closer look at rollers with artificial strands: If you find a version that's similar to your hair texture and color, they can work even on very short haircuts.

Buns for shoulder length hair

It is not for nothing that there is a humorous opinion that the most attractive hairstyle cannot be done on purpose - it happens by itself when you urgently need to pin up your hair, removing it from your face. There is definitely some truth here, especially with regard to beams. Hairstyles that can be created in a few seconds have gained popularity not only among modern girls, but also among movie and pop stars: in particular, buns and knots. They are easy to perform even on very short hair.

  • Comb all the strands back and gather them into a ponytail at the back of your head. It is advisable to completely smooth the head, since the lack of length with any backcombing is emphasized even more.
  • Divide the tail into several parts (the size is at your discretion), roll each into a loose rope and pin at the base of the tail, stepping back 0.5 cm from the tip - let it stick out slightly.
  • If you need a smoother bun, hide the ends under it, and lay out the bundles themselves tightly to each other. While curling, you can spray the strands with a moisturizing spray: this will prevent individual hairs from being knocked out.

No less interesting careless option can be done like this:

  • Comb the entire mass of hair and gather it into a ponytail at the back of the head. You can move it a little to the side, but then you will need to balance the hairstyle by adding volume on the same side of the forehead: for example, lower the bangs or make a light wave.
  • Break the ponytail into several strands (3-4 will be enough), grab each of them with silicone elastic bands 2 times, then pull the links a little to the sides to give them the effect of a disheveled and voluminous element.
  • Using hairpins, pin each strand in a random order around the base of the ponytail, forming a fluffy bun. Don't forget to hide the ends underneath using the same pins.

This hairstyle cannot be ruined - its basis is very simple, and further actions do not require any skills. And so that she survives the entire working day or festive evening, be sure to spray the finished installation with varnish.

On short hair you can do donut bun: This is the best way to add the missing volume. However, it should be said right away that this hairstyle is often done smooth.

  • Also comb your hair and pull it into a ponytail, put a donut or other thick elastic band on its base, and if necessary, secure it with a long curved hairpin (you can deform it yourself by bending it closer to the middle).
  • Smooth all the strands, find the middle in their thickness and “open” the ponytail at this point.
  • Lay the strands over the donut, completely covering it, and secure with short (less than the diameter of the bun) bobby pins.

Buns for hair below shoulder length

IN in this case, of course, that borderline option is assumed, when the strands do not extend to the shoulder blades, but already completely cover the shoulders. In terms of weaving various hairstyles, such a haircut can also be considered short, and making a voluminous bun with it is not as easy as with a more long curls. Various hair extensions are also relevant here, but you can already pay attention to to naturally add volume using backcombing.

  • Gather the entire mass of hair into a ponytail, the location of which is chosen arbitrarily. Break it into two equal parts.
  • Comb the bottom strand from both sides to the very tip, roll it up and place it in a small cobweb. Pin it to your head with hairpins and bobby pins. This will be the base of the hairstyle.
  • Smooth the top strand, spray it with varnish and smooth it again, then cover the bottom combed strand with it, give it the required form and hide the ends inside. For fixation, also use pins and bobby pins.

An important nuance lies in the choice of web mesh: in professional stores you can find two options - one large in diameter and intended for the head, the other is much smaller and focused on hairstyles. In this case, the latter is necessary, while the first is ideal for curly buns laid out on long curls.

A bun is a stylish and incredibly elegant hairstyle. It goes with absolutely any clothes and will look perfect both at work and at various ceremonial events. But how to make a bun on short hair? In fact, everything is quite simple and you can create this hairstyle from curls of different lengths, spending just a few minutes on it.

Bun for short hair with a donut

Very quickly and quite simply you can make a spectacular bun on short hair using a donut. This is a special elastic band that comes in different diameters and colors, so you can easily choose suitable model. Before tying your short hair into a bun, you should comb your hair well, as a sloppy hairstyle will look bad with a bun. After this you need to act like this:

  1. Tie a high or low ponytail.
  2. Put a donut elastic band on it.
  3. Divide the curls into 2 parts and wrap them around the “donut”.
  4. Place a tight elastic band on top and distribute the curls so that it is not noticeable.
  5. Secure everything with pins.

Do you want to have an unusual hairstyle? Before forming the bun, you can braid a pigtail from several strands of hair, which you then need to wrap around the “donut”.

How to make a beautiful bun for short hair?

Do you have a stylish asymmetrical haircut or a layered hairstyle? You can make this version of a bun for short hair with your own hands:

To make this hairstyle last better, lightly spray it with some other fixative.

How to make a bun with a mesh?

You can quickly make a bun for short hair using a special mesh. For this:

  1. Comb your curls and gather them high at the back of your head (preferably in a sleek ponytail).
  2. Then you need to divide the ponytail into 2 parts and secure the top one with a hairpin so that it does not interfere with you while you are doing your hair.
  3. Comb the rest of your hair well with a comb. This is necessary to make it work visual effect long hair.
  4. Put a hairnet on the resulting one and secure it well with bobby pins or hairpins, forming a ball. To make a bun hairstyle on short hair look beautiful, the color of the mesh should be identical to your curls.
  5. Freed from the hairpin top part tail, wrap your hair around the resulting ball using hairpins or bobby pins.

Do you have short hair? This doesn't mean you have to settle for one or two boring hairstyles. Today we will tell you how to make several types of buns, check out the photos and videos presented.

In order for the bun to last throughout the day and delight you with its beauty and shape, it is advisable to do it on the second day after washing your hair, it will not frizz and fall apart. It also doesn’t hurt to secure your hair with hairspray or gel.

How to make a bun for short hair step by step

To start, you need to tie them with a thin but strong elastic band into a ponytail at the back of your head.

Now place the donut on top of the elastic band. Wrap your hair like this over the top of the donut and pull it through the thin elastic. The ends of your hair will be almost invisible; fix them with hairspray on your head so that they are not visible.

Bun for short hair: photos of the most popular

On the side. This is one of the most popular options, it is suitable even for very short curls. Make a side part and gather your hair to one side, tie it in a ponytail just above your ear, then make a small bun and secure it with bobby pins.

Wicker. Even though the hairstyle seems complicated at first glance, you can do it in just a few minutes. Gather your curls to one side and secure them in a ponytail with a thin elastic band, then make one or two braids, intertwine them and secure with bobby pins.

At the top. Suitable for summer and if you have a lot to do, such a bun will not bother you. Gently comb your hair and secure the ponytail at the top. Wrap your hair in a bun as tightly as possible so that it does not fall apart and secure with bobby pins, otherwise it will look sloppy.

Like a ballerina. Do you want to look sophisticated? In this case, we advise you to choose the classic option. Pull your hair into a ponytail, then separate it into a top and bottom section. Take the top section and make a small bun, then secure the bottom curls to small bun, secure everything with hairpins.

On the back of the head. If you have very short hair, don't despair - this option is perfect for you. Just gather them at the back of your head and tie them into a bun. For beauty, you can decorate with beautiful hairpins.

How to make a bun for short hair: video

If you find it difficult to understand from the photo how to do this hairstyle, our video will help you. Thanks to clear and understandable tips, you will learn how to do it in just a couple of minutes.

Women's online magazine website - all about beauty

Which goes with any clothes and can be used for all occasions. It only takes a few minutes to implement such an idea with practice. In this material we will look at short hair and highlight several types of hairstyles.

Required accessories

To make a bun for short hair, you will need the following:

  • voluminous, wide, and also tight thin elastic band;
  • a fine-toothed comb;
  • several bobby pins.

Features of hairstyle formation

For short hair requires performing actions in the following sequence:

  1. The hair is first combed, after which the curls are collected at the back of the head. The result should be a tight tail. Before you start fixing your hairstyle, you need to make sure that your hair is styled smoothly. If you cannot achieve this effect, you should use a styling gel or mousse.
  2. The tail extends through voluminous elastic band. The latter should be located at its very base. The use of a hair bandage will also allow you to collect the bun.
  3. Next, a small strand is separated from the already secured ponytail, which is bent over the elastic band, after which it is secured with bobby pins. To hide the elastic band under your hair from prying eyes, similar actions should be performed with additional strands.
  4. At this point the bun is ready. All that remains is to securely fix the base of the bun with a thin, tighter elastic band.

Curly bun

To create a more airy, playful hairstyle, you must first curl the strands using an iron or curling iron. Hot rollers can also be used for these purposes.

The curls prepared for the procedure should be gathered into a ponytail, securing it with an elastic band at the crown or at the back of the head. If the choice fell on high ponytail, additional bobby pins will be required to securely secure your hair.

When the curly locks are gathered into a ponytail, you can proceed to fixing them with hairpins around the elastic band. The hair strands should be distributed in random order. Carefully hiding the elastic band under curly hair, you can get a pretty self-sufficient hairstyle. Great solution The use of unobtrusive accessories can help here.

Snail bundles

To create this hairstyle, you need to divide your hair into 3-5 equal parts. Each of them is alternately rolled into a bundle. The endings are formed into a small, neat “snail” and secured with invisible threads. You need to do the same with the remaining strands. As a result, a voluminous bunch of tucked hair should be formed, arranged in a rather chaotic order.

Bun with a bagel for short hair

To create this hairstyle, a special “donut” elastic band is used. The specified product may differ in different diameters and widths, which makes it possible to determine suitable option, depending on the length and density of the curls.

The hairstyle is performed as follows:

  1. The hair is divided into three equal strands - wide in the center and two smaller ones on the sides. The separated curls in the side part are braided into a middle part, which is formed into a low ponytail, onto which the “donut” elastic band is actually put.
  2. The hair is divided by hand into two equal parts in a horizontal plane. The resulting strands are carefully wrapped around the elastic. Another, denser elastic band is put on top of the formed form, which secures the result at the base. Strands that escape from the bun are fixed with hairpins.
  3. Elegant side braids are placed on top of the bun. The resulting shape is again secured with bobby pins.


Using the above recommendations and using your imagination, you can quickly and easily create the most original buns for short hair. Let the hairstyle not look too elegant. However, this option is an extremely practical solution for every day.

The bun hairstyle is universal and easy styling, both short, medium and long hair. Hairstyles with buns come in different styles and suit any style. A bun decorated with braids - an "evening bun", "", will wonderfully complement an elegant romantic image. Daytime version of the hairstyle, thus simpler, but no less fashionable bun- smooth or careless. We have added more photos so that you can choose the right hairstyle for yourself.

This high bun with a braid for long hair looks interesting and unusual.

1st Step: For a bun on long hair, comb your curls and lower your head down.

Step 2: By yourself or with someone’s help, braid a spikelet of hair, moving from the back of the head to the crown.

3rd Step: Fix the resulting spikelet on the top of the head.

4th Step: Pull all your hair into a high ponytail.

6th Step: Make a bun with a backcomb using bobby pins, having previously combed the hair to make the bun fuller and twisting it into a light rope - 5th Step.

You will get a high or low bun from your hair, it depends on the location of the bun on your head.


For a beautiful voluminous bun on your head, you need a special professional bun elastic band. It looks like a ring from artificial hair or foam rubber. The elastic band for a bun of long hair comes in a shade of blond, light brown or brown. But for the first time, in the absence of a foam donut for the bun, you can use a regular sock and you will definitely succeed lush bun.

To make a bun using a sock, the first thing you need to do is put your hair in a ponytail. The second is to fold or roll up the sock and cut off the part that falls on the fingers. Thread the tip of the tail into the resulting bun elastic and secure it. Then, starting from the end of the ponytail, together with an elastic sock for a fluffy bun, gradually and carefully moving towards the base, roll the long hair into a bun. Spread the hair over the entire sock and secure it with bobby pins. Voila, a fluffy bun for long hair is ready!


Bun for long hair using a twister video


A bun hairstyle with a backcomb on medium hair is, above all, elegant!

Bun hairstyle for medium hair with backcomb


An example of how to make a backcombed bun for medium hair at home video

One of the options for styling medium hair in a bun at home photo

As a rule, a bun for short hair is low bun. But even this version of a hair bun looks extraordinary, and especially if it is complemented by accessories.

Hairstyle low bun photo


Beautiful bun with French waterfall braiding

Do you have short hair? This doesn't mean you have to settle for one or two boring hairstyles. Today we will tell you how to make several types of buns, check out the photos and videos presented.

In order for the bun to last throughout the day and delight you with its beauty and shape, it is advisable to do it on the second day after washing your hair, it will not frizz and fall apart. It also doesn’t hurt to secure your hair with hairspray or gel.

How to make a bun for short hair step by step

To start, you need to tie them with a thin but strong elastic band into a ponytail at the back of your head.

Now place the donut on top of the elastic band. Wrap your hair like this over the top of the donut and pull it through the thin elastic. The ends of your hair will be almost invisible; fix them with hairspray on your head so that they are not visible.

Bun for short hair: photos of the most popular

On the side. This is one of the most popular options, it is suitable even for very short curls. Make a side part and gather your hair to one side, tie it in a ponytail just above your ear, then make a small bun and secure it with bobby pins.

Wicker. Even though the hairstyle seems complicated at first glance, you can do it in just a few minutes. Gather your curls to one side and secure them in a ponytail with a thin elastic band, then make one or two braids, intertwine them and secure with bobby pins.

At the top. Suitable for summer and if you have a lot to do, such a bun will not bother you. Gently comb your hair and secure the ponytail at the top. Wrap your hair in a bun as tightly as possible so that it does not fall apart and secure with bobby pins, otherwise it will look sloppy.

Like a ballerina. Do you want to look sophisticated? In this case, we recommend choosing classic version. Pull your hair into a ponytail, then separate it into a top and bottom section. Take the top part and make a small bun, then secure the lower curls in a small bun, securing everything with bobby pins.

On the back of the head. If you have very short hair, don't despair - this option is perfect for you. Just gather them at the back of your head and tie them into a bun. For beauty, you can decorate with beautiful hairpins.

Bun with a bagel for short hair

How to make a bun for short hair: video

If you find it difficult to understand from the photo how to do this hairstyle, our video will help you. Thanks to clear and understandable tips, you will learn how to do it in just a couple of minutes.

Women's online magazine website - all about beauty

Finding interesting hairstyles for short to medium hair can be difficult since most hairstyles seem to be designed for long hair. In fact, the hairstyle options for short hair are endless if you know where to look and how to look. Hairstyles for short and medium hair can be just as varied as for long hair - this requires a little imagination and imagination. With a little creativity, any hairstyle can be made to be more interesting and beautiful. But be prepared to use a lot more pins and bobby pins. Curly hair(short and middle length) are easy to style, but even very thin straight short hair can be made into beautiful elegant hairstyle. The tools that are key are gel, mousse, hair pins and clips, they work wonders when it comes to styling short hair styles. And sometimes just one hair accessory is enough - a headband, flower wreath or a large hairpin to make your hair look great.

So, we offer you 25 ideas from Instagram for short and medium hair.

1. Weaving in a circle

This is a great example of a wonderful daily hairstyle for short and medium hair. Like a wreath, this braid around the head holds all the hair in place. Don't make it too tight - slightly messy tousled hairstyles are in fashion now.

2. Braids over a ponytail

For this hairstyle, you need to divide your hair into three parts: two sides and a back. Make a low ponytail or knot from the back of your hair (if length allows). From the side parts, braid two braids above the temples and secure them over the ponytail.

3. Two-tone braided hairstyle

Enough brave girls you can offer two-color coloring, where the left and right half of the head are painted in different colors. In this case it is turquoise and pink. With this coloring, braided braids with a tie-in look look especially beautiful.

4. Hair bundles

Twisting short to medium hair into braids is a great way to style your hair at the back. Leave some of the hair out at the back for a more casual look.

5. French braid on colored hair

Another one interesting hairstyle on colored hair - french braid. It is braided from the top of the head to the back of the head, the ends of the hair are twisted and secured with a hairpin.

6. Knot weaving

Here, strands of hair are pulled away from the face, gathered at the back and tied in knots. With minimal effort it will turn out beautiful original hairstyle, which will surely receive many compliments.

7. Hair crown

A crown of hair is woven along the entire diameter of the head, capturing all the hair. It has great importance for a hairstyle on short hair that should last all day.

8. Curls pulled back

If you are naturally Wavy hair, you can comb them back from the temples and secure them with bobby pins. You will get a beautiful volume at the back and back of the head.

9. Two ponytails

Two tails - great option for short and medium hair. Sometimes it's easier to wear your hair in two ponytails than in one tall ponytail.

10. Knot

This simple comb is a must for those who spend all day on the go. You need to collect your hair in a high ponytail and wrap it in a knot. We can say that this is an alternative to a careless bun.

11. Mini babette and ponytail

Another option for short hair that allows you to keep it away from your face is a mini babette combined with a ponytail. A mini babette will add the desired root volume.

12. Dutch braid

This is a hairstyle that looks difficult, but ends up being surprisingly simple. A Dutch braid can be easily done on short hair. In this weaving, the strands are wrapped from the outside in.

13. Weaving on ropes

If you take each strand and wrap it in a strand, and only then make a weave from the strands, the hairstyle will look more impressive. And the strands twisted into plaits add volume to the hairstyle.

14. Braided bangs

This option is good for a pixie haircut with long bangs. The hair on the bangs and crown should be lightly combed, lifted up and braided in a small braid, picking up additional strands.

15. Weaving and styling with gel

Gel is an essential ingredient for some short hairstyles. It allows you to emphasize individual strands in the weave and emphasizes color transitions ombre in this hairstyle.

16. Weaving on one side

This hairstyle looks unusual and attractive due to the fact that the braiding is done only on one side of the head, while the rest of the hair remains free.

17. Two bunches

The key to any buns on short to medium hair is to place the ponytails that make up the buns where the hair is longest so they are held securely. This funny hairstyle in the form of two bunches is also called horns or cat ears.

18. Undercut + Dutch braids

Dutch braids are most often chosen by girls with long hair. But this weaving also looks great in combination with unusual color hair, with short hair, with a shaved nape and temples.

19. Low ponytail with a backcomb

So simple and easy hairstyle, like a low ponytail, looks stylish due to the additional volume on the top of the head, which is achieved through a little backcombing. And on the hair a soft shade rose gold it looks especially romantic.

20. Festive bun

When it comes to wedding hairstyles, do you think that long hair is the only way get a beautiful hairstyle, but in reality it is not. Try a low bun with beautifully wrapped strands of hair around it. For additional volume, a foam hair donut is placed in the bun.

21. Harnesses + Dutch braid

This hairstyle combines several techniques - twisting the strands with flagella and weaving a Dutch braid. Despite the ease of implementation, this hairstyle looks very impressive.

22. Ruffled fishtail

Some hairstyles for short to medium hair look better with added texture. Here the hair is first processed with a corrugated curling iron, and then a fishtail braid is woven from it.

23. Messy side bun

This is the hairstyle you are used to seeing on long hair, but, in fact, it can be done even on medium-length hair. Hair should be pulled into a low ponytail at the side and the ponytail should be curled into a fashionable messy bun with stray strands.

24. Braiding + curls

This hairstyle consists of a braided hairstyle at the back of the head above the neck and beautifully laid wavy locks above it. For additional volume, the hair on the crown should be lightly combed.

25. Double hairband

A hair tie is an accessory that is often underestimated. This is actually a real find. This headband helps to collect hair, fix it and revitalize it. general form hairstyles

Often short haircuts are chosen by women who want to emphasize their bold character. If earlier short haircuts were preferred by older women, now young girls also wear them with pleasure. Many people believe that it is almost impossible to create a beautiful hairstyle with short hair, but in fact this is not the case. Let's take a look at ways to tie short hair beautifully in a bun.

A bun is a comfortable hairstyle that suits any look. It can be safely worn by both teenagers and mature women. If the length of your hair when loose reaches the middle of your neck, then you can easily create a hairstyle with a beautiful bun. But before you put your hair in a bun, you need to do the following:

  1. You need to prepare hair styling products: smoothing lotion-spray unruly curls, foam to add volume to the hairstyle, varnish for the necessary fixation, etc.
  2. You also need to stock up on tools and accessories for decorating and fixing the bun: a flat comb with fine teeth, thin elastic bands, a net or hair clips, hairpins, ribbons or a decorative flower.
  3. After which you need to prepare your hair for styling: you should wash your hair and dry the strands. In order to add volume to straight hair, you need to apply foam, and if you have wavy or curly hair, then a smoothing agent suitable for your hair type.

After this, you can begin creating the beam.

Beautiful styling options

It is worth noting that there are many styling options for long and medium hair, but some of them are no exception for short hair.

If you want to wear your hair in a classic bottom bun, which is ideal for everyday wear, then you need to do the following:

That's all - the lush bun is ready.

Double rope bun

If you are going to romantic date or a party and don’t know what styling is best, then you can safely opt for beautiful hairstyle from bundles.

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1. The previously prepared hair must be combed and parted in the center into two parts.

Step 2. Then each strand should be divided into two. Twist these individual strands one by one with a strand in one direction, and then, already twisted, intertwine them into a single strand.

Step 3. The ends of each side tourniquet must be secured with an elastic band.

Step 4. After this, you need to take a side strand of hair in each hand and tie them together in the middle of the back of the head as if you were tying shoelaces. The tails of the bundles should be located on the side and slightly below.

Step 6. Finally, you need to fix the result with a strong hold varnish.

Hairstyle with decorative mesh and donut

Using a decorative mesh, you can hold short strands in a bun and create the effect of long hair styled in your hair. This hairstyle is similar to a retro bun and requires care and patience when creating it.

Algorithm of actions:

For holiday option styling, the base of the bun must be decorated with a ribbon bow or a decorative rubber band with a flower.

You can also create a hairstyle using a donut. Bagel is hairdressing device, with which you can make a variety of buns. If you don’t have such an accessory at home, you can very quickly make it yourself. To do this, you need to take a thick sock and carefully cut off its lower part so that you get a soft tunnel. Then you should carefully fold the edges of the sock so that it turns into a small donut.

How to make a bob for short hair:

Messy bun of curls

If you are going for a walk with your friends, then a messy bun is the best option for styling your hair. In order to create such a hairstyle, you need:

This hairstyle looks great without any decoration, but if you want, you can decorate it with small decorative flowers.

Thus, using step by step instructions, it is possible without special effort do different variants bun for short hair.

Attention, TODAY only!

What could be simpler and more practical than a bun? The hairstyle, which won the hearts of both ordinary girls and show business stars, has firmly entered the life of a modern lady. However, many people mistakenly believe that it can only be done on very long hair. In fact, a bun on short hair is created with the same minimal effort: it just requires more attention and knowledge of some nuances.


Features of creation

Hairdressers remind: do beautiful bun It will only work if the strands reach the middle of the neck or fall below.

It should be possible to collect them at least at the back of the head, and so that there is a free mass of hair in the tail as long as the width of your palm. Any shorter haircut will not make it possible to create a bun, even if you resort to a variety of rollers, bagels, etc.

On very thin strands that fall apart in your hands, it is worth using a strong (not extra- or ultra-) hold mousse in small quantities. It is recommended to apply it on wet hair, before blow-drying. Special attention give root zone, where if you want a natural, messy look, you need the maximum volume possible for your hair.

Creating a bun for short hair without using hairdressing accessories is difficult: it requires not only an elastic band, but also several short (up to 45 mm in length) hairpins, as well as a pair of bobby pins. If your hair barely reaches your shoulders, you should buy a special bagel, or use a thick elastic band (not velvet, but made of dense foam material) that holds its shape well. The only thing is to watch its size - the thickness of the ring should not be more than half the length of the free mass of hair, which is measured from the base of the collected tail.

For horizontal buns (a type of Greek hairstyle) you can use special rollers, which are also recommended for short hair. A variety of headbands, ribbons, and web meshes, matched tone-on-tone to the curls, can also be useful. Hairdressers advise you to take a closer look at rollers with artificial strands: if you find a version that is similar to the structure and color of your hair, they can help you create a neat and voluminous bun even on a very short haircut.

Buns for shoulder length hair

It is not for nothing that there is a humorous opinion that the most attractive hairstyle cannot be done on purpose - it happens by itself when you urgently need to pin up your hair, removing it from your face. There is definitely some truth here, especially with regard to beams. Hairstyles that can be created in a few seconds have gained popularity not only among modern girls, but also for movie and pop stars: in particular, buns and knots. They are easy to perform even on very short hair.

  • Comb all the strands back and gather them into a ponytail at the back of your head. It is advisable to completely smooth the head, since the lack of length with any backcombing is emphasized even more.
  • Divide the tail into several parts (the size is at your discretion), roll each into a loose rope and pin at the base of the tail, stepping back 0.5 cm from the tip - let it stick out slightly.
  • If you need a smoother bun, hide the ends under it, and lay out the bundles themselves tightly to each other. While curling, you can spray the strands with a moisturizing spray: this will prevent individual hairs from being knocked out.

No less interesting careless option can be done like this:

  • Comb the entire mass of hair and gather it into a ponytail at the back of the head. You can move it a little to the side, but then you will need to balance the hairstyle by adding volume on the same side of the forehead: for example, lower the bangs or make a light wave.
  • Break the ponytail into several strands (3-4 will be enough), grab each of them with silicone elastic bands 2 times, then pull the links a little to the sides to give them the effect of a disheveled and voluminous element.
  • Using hairpins, pin each strand in a random order around the base of the ponytail, forming a fluffy bun. Don't forget to hide the ends underneath using the same pins.

This hairstyle cannot be ruined - its basis is very simple, and further actions do not require any skills. And so that it survives the entire working day or festive evening, be sure to spray the finished styling with varnish.

On short hair you can do donut bun: This The best way add the missing volume. However, it should be said right away that this hairstyle is often done smooth.

  • Also comb your hair and pull it into a ponytail, put a donut or other thick elastic band on its base, and if necessary, secure it with a long curved hairpin (you can deform it yourself by bending it closer to the middle).
  • Smooth all the strands, find the middle in their thickness and “open” the ponytail at this point.
  • Lay the strands over the donut, completely covering it, and secure with short (less than the diameter of the bun) bobby pins.

Buns for hair below shoulder length

In this case, of course, we assume that borderline option, when the strands do not extend to the shoulder blades, but already completely cover the shoulders. In terms of weaving various hairstyles, such a haircut can also be considered short, and making a voluminous bun with it is not as easy as with longer curls. Various hair extensions are also relevant here, but you can already pay attention to to naturally add volume using backcombing.

  • Gather the entire mass of hair into a ponytail, the location of which is chosen arbitrarily. Break it into two equal parts.
  • Comb the bottom strand from both sides to the very tip, roll it up and place it in a small cobweb. Pin it to your head with hairpins and bobby pins. This will be the base of the hairstyle.
  • Smooth the top strand, spray it with varnish and smooth it again, then cover the bottom combed one with it, give it the desired shape and hide the ends inside. For fixation, also use pins and bobby pins.

An important nuance lies in the choice of web mesh: in professional stores you can find two options - one large in diameter and intended for the head, the other is much smaller and is aimed at hairstyles. In this case, the latter is necessary, while the first is ideal for curly buns laid out on long curls.

Can't help but pay attention buns modified from a Greek hairstyle: all they need are stilettos and bobby pins, as well as a good styling product.

  • Divide the entire mass of hair with a horizontal parting from ear to ear into two parts, pull the back part into a ponytail at the back of the head, and leave it temporarily.
  • Divide the front part into two more with a vertical parting, each of which should be braided into a regular three-part braid along the head. The ends of the braids should meet at the gathered ponytail.
  • Secure the ends at its base with bobby pins, then wrap the strands from the ponytail around them or twist them inward and upward, securing them with hairpins threaded through the previously placed bobby pins.

As we were able to see from the above diagrams, a bun can be made not only on very long hair, but also on barely grown hair. short haircut strands. Consider some nuances related to a certain type hair and length, and don't be afraid to try different styling options.