Volumetric English elastic band. Description and patterns for knitting English elastic with knitting needles

English elastic knitting may surpass in popularity. It is considered a classic, which means it should be mastered by every needlewoman aimed at serious results. This pattern is used to knit hats, scarves, snoods, and to make cuffs for sweaters and jumpers. English gum universal: it is based on minimalism, which fits into almost every thing.

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Pattern repeat- 2 loops. For knitting, you can cast on any odd number of stitches. The diagram does not take into account edge loops.

The diagram is shown below. But it’s not very convenient to use; it’s much easier to read the description of an English gum.


In this description we will not take into account edge loops. Instructions for their quantity and knitting method are usually indicated in the description of the product you want to knit.

LP- face loop, IP- purl loop.

Preparatory row: *1 LP, yarn over, remove next loop (without knitting, thread at work)* - repeat until the end of the row.

1 row: *yarn over, remove the next loop (without knitting, thread at work), yarn over and loop of the previous row knit together like an LP* - repeat until the end of the row.

2nd row: *yarn over and loop of the previous row together as an LP, yarn over, remove the next loop (without knitting, thread at work)* - repeat until the end of the row.

Repeat 1-2 rows until the end of knitting.

Video tutorial

There are several ways to knit English rib. If everything is done correctly, the result will not depend on which method you used. The video tutorial below shows all the options. The master class is suitable for beginners, but will also be useful for experienced craftswomen.

English rib when knitting in the round

Previously, we considered the option of knitting English elastic in rotating rows. But sometimes it's required circular knitting English gum. For example, when making a cuff on a jumper. When knitting in the round, the same principle is used, but it has its own characteristics. About them - in the video tutorial.

How to close an English rib at the end of knitting

Beginners have questions not only about the method of knitting an English rib, but also about the method of closing the loops. This has its own peculiarities - the loops close differently than with regular knitting. If you listen carefully to the explanation, there will be no difficulties.

With the English knitting method using knitting needles, the working thread is on the index finger right hand. For beginner knitters who are just learning to knit, it is advisable to try both methods of knitting. The continental (European) method is used by the majority of residents of our country to knit. And English (Scottish) is used for knitting in England and America. And choose which way is more convenient for you to knit.

It is believed that the English knitting technique gives greater speed. Although this is more a matter of habit and skill. Knitting in this way provides the opportunity to secure the left knitting needle in a special knitting sheath; this frees up one hand, which makes it possible to slightly increase the knitting speed. Let's look at how to knit English way The simplest stitches are knit and purl.

Learning to work with your own hands with English knitting needles

Face loop.

When knitting in this way, the working thread on the right hand should be positioned in this way: wrap the thread around the little finger, place it on top of the ring finger, under the middle finger, and put it over the index finger. Keep the thread under tension.

  • The knitting needles are positioned equally in the right and left hands; we hold them with three fingers.
  • Insert the right needle into the loop, from right to left. So that left spoke was located on top of the right one.
  • Hold both knitting needles with the thumb and index finger of your left hand.
  • Index finger With your right hand we throw the thread onto the right knitting needle. Take the right knitting needle back into your right hand and pull out the knitting needle along with the thread. The result is a loop.
  • Using the index finger of your left hand, push the knitted loop off the knitting needle.
  • You can knit this way only if the back wall of the loop peeks out a little from behind the front (it is located to the right than the front). The photo below the description clearly shows how the knitting needles should be positioned when tying a knit stitch using the English method.
Purl loop.

You can knit this way when the front wall of the loop is to the left than the back.

  • We place the thread between the fingers of the right hand in the same way as when knitting a knit stitch. Use your index finger to adjust the thread tension.
  • Insert the right needle into the loop, from right to left, so that it is located in front of the left needle.
  • Hold both knitting needles with the thumb and index finger of your left hand.
  • Using the index finger of your right hand, throw the thread onto the knitting needle and pull out the loop. Using the index finger of your left hand, remove the knitted loop from the left knitting needle. The photo below shows the location of the knitting needles when knitting a purl loop.

Now let's put the theory into practice and tie a snood checkerboard pattern, because it can be used both as a hat and as a scarf, using front and back loops.

Snood with a checkerboard pattern 5?5.

We will knit it on straight needles. You choose the size yourself; it is often knitted with a width of about 40 cm and a length of about 100 cm. The number of loops in this pattern will be a multiple of 10 for an even number of squares. And 5, for odd ones you should also add 2 edge loops.

  • Row 1: 5 knit stitches, 5 purl stitches. Knit to the end of the row.
  • From rows 2 to 7, knit according to the pattern, also alternating stitches.
  • In the 8th row we knit the front loops where in the past there were purl loops and vice versa. Alternate the pattern every 7 stitches. The square of the pattern turns out to be 5 loops per 7 rows. If you make a 5?5 square, the drawing will turn out to be rectangles.
  • After being tied up required length The loops should be closed, the fabric should be sewn by folding it in half, and the tails of the threads should be hidden.
  • Now all that remains is to wash the snood in warm water with special means(or shampoo). Dry by spreading on a towel. Be sure to dry on a horizontal surface to avoid deformation of the fabric.

The knitting pattern is shown below.

When describing the English knitting, one cannot leave aside the English rib. This pattern is well suited for knitting hats, scarves, snoods and other warm and cozy items. English elastic is quite simple to knit, but it should be taken into account that products made from it stretch very well. And when knitting, this pattern will require much more threads than if it were done with regular knitting.

Master class on knitting a warm hat with English elastic

When knitting with an English rib, you must knit a sample and wash it in order to know how the product will behave after washing. Knitting density 18 p.? 46 rows. For the hat you will need: wool thread 135 m.? 50 g., knitting needles No. 4.

For a head circumference of 55-60 cm, we cast on 78 loops on the knitting needles and knit the headband with a regular elastic band 1? 1 - 8 rows.

  • In the 1st row of knitting the pattern you need to add 17 loops. There were 95 loops on the knitting needle. Knit with English rib 25 cm.
  • To round the crown, in the next two rows, knit 3 loops together with knit stitches.
  • Then cut off the thread, leaving a “tail” of about 10 cm. We remove all the remaining loops that are not closed onto this “tail” and tighten them. We pull the thread inside the hat and fasten it well.
  • The hat is almost ready, all that remains is to steam it and carefully sew it.

Video on the topic of the article

Below are video lessons detailing how to knit using the English method.

Knitting an elastic band with knitting needles is definitely one of the top ten of all such training lessons. And that's right, because this method used for finishing a wide range of products. Socks, sleeves, stand-up collars, the bottom and neck of pullovers or sweaters - this is not a complete list of clothing items where elastic is used.

But in fact, there are a huge number of variations of the rib pattern, many of which are so beautiful in themselves that sweaters, hats and scarves knitted with them look simply wonderful.

Main feature Any elastic pattern is its elasticity and ability to stretch well, which is why it got its name.

Simple knitted elastic band

A simple elastic band is a fabric consisting of alternating sets of knit and purl loops. As a result of knitting, continuous vertical columns are formed, convex due to the knit stitches and concave due to the purl stitches.

Knitting elastic with knitting needles is used in cases where it is necessary to achieve the effect of fitting the figure with the fabric of the product: cuffs, necklines, fitted parts, etc. - it is advisable to knit all this with an elastic band. Interesting patterns can be achieved by combining a simple elastic band with braids, crossed loops, openwork and other patterns.

Designations for a simple elastic band

Usually, simple elastic bands are indicated by the formula N x M, where N and M are the number of knit and purl loops, respectively. Most often N=M. For example, 1x1 and 2x2 elastic bands are very common.

But in fact, knitting an elastic band with knitting needles is possible using almost any combination of basic stitches, the main thing is to maintain proportions that allow the fabric to be elastic and also to be in harmony with the rest of the patterns of the product.

Knitting a simple elastic band

For everyone who is interested in how to knit an elastic band with knitting needles, we offer a universal technique.

  1. Select the N and M values ​​​​necessary for your product (the number of front and back loops), which will form vertical columns.
  2. Calculate “rapport” - a repeating combination of loops to create a pattern using the formula R=N+M.
  3. Cast on a number of stitches that is a multiple of R and add 2 more edge stitches. Circular elastic knitting does not require entering edge loops.
  4. Knit the first row and all odd rows according to next sequence loops: N knit, M purl, N knit... etc. Do not forget about the rules of edge loops when knitting in a non-circular manner.
  5. Even rows in circular knitting are similar to step 4. When knitting fabric, in order to maintain the pattern, it is necessary to knit purl stitches over all purl stitches, and knit stitches above the knit stitches, respectively.

Double elastic knitting

This elastic band is used in cases where it is necessary for the fabric to fit as tightly as possible to the figure and keep its shape. These can be scarves, hats, as well as product elements such as belts, necklines or cuffs.

Knitting method

Creating a double elastic band is almost as easy as knitting an elastic band with knitting needles in its simple version:

  1. Cast on loops on the knitting needles in multiples of four and add two edge loops (this is not done when knitting in the round).
  2. We knit the first row (and all subsequent odd rows) to the very end, alternating between each other a knit stitch, knitted behind the front wall and re-knitted without knitting, and a loop with preliminary movement of the working thread in front of the fabric.
  3. In the second (and all even rows) when knitting the fabric, we alternate one purl loop with one unknitted one, first placing the working thread behind the product. In a circular pattern, we alternate the cast stitch with the knit stitch. This is a double elastic band.

English gum

English, or pearl, is the most popular among all rubber bands. It has a lush relief and soft texture, thanks to which it is widely used in knitting such volumetric products, like jumpers, hats, scarves, etc.

This type is not suitable for knitting cuffs and edges of products, since the pattern of the fabric is soft and not very elastic. Basic loops and yarn over loops - these are the elements with which English elastic is knitted with knitting needles. The process is described in detail below.

Knitting English rib

  • An odd number of loops and two edge stitches are cast on the knitting needles.
  • We knit the first row according to a repeat of three loops: one yarn over, an unknitted loop with the working thread wound behind the fabric, one knit stitch.
  • The second row consists of a yarn over, one unknitted loop and two loops knitted together with one knit stitch.
  • In the third row, two loops are knitted together with the front one, then the yarn over goes and one loop is thrown over without being knitted.

It is important to close the loops of the English elastic correctly. To make the edge look neat and even, closing the loops should be done after the row knitted, according to point 2, in the usual way.

English rib for circular knitting

In the slightly circular version, the English rib is knitted differently with knitting needles; the knitting pattern for the 1×1 set has the following explanation:

  • Row 1. Knit stitch, yarn over, unknitted stitch over.
  • Row 2. Yarn over, unknitted loop over, purl loop.
  • Row 3: Two stitches knitted together, then an unknitted stitch.

The English 2×2 elastic band also looks very good. To implement it, you need to cast on a multiple of 4 loops and two edge loops. Then:

  • Row 1. We knit a row similar to knitting a simple elastic band - we alternate two knits and two purls. We knit the last two loops of the row with facial loops.
  • Row 2. Repeat the following repeat: yarn over, slip over without knitting the next two loops, knit two. Before the last two loops of the row we make a yarn over, but do not knit them themselves.
  • Row 3. Knit together the yarn over and the next loop. Then knit one, yarn over, do not knit two loops. We knit the penultimate stitch of the row with a knit crochet, and the last stitch is also knitted over.
  • Row 4. We knit according to rapport: yarn over, do not knit two loops, knit the next loop together with the yarn over, then knit again. We complete the row with two unknitted loops, before which we make a yarn over.

Further knitting of the fabric occurs in a cycle according to the pattern indicated for rows 3 and 4.

Polish gum

Polish gum, due to its loose texture, is excellent option for knitting snoods, collar scarves and children's clothes.

We hasten to reassure everyone who is interested in Polish elastic with knitting needles - its knitting pattern is very simple.

- - * - - - * -
- * * * - * * *
- - * - - - * -
- * * * - * * *

"*" - front loop on front side products and, accordingly, purl on purl;

"-" - purl loop on the front side and, accordingly, the front loop on the purl side.


  1. Odd rows: alternate 3 knit stitches with 1 purl stitch.
  2. Even rows: 2 knit stitches, then 1 purl stitch and 1 knit stitch.

When knitting in a circular pattern, the pattern corresponding to point 2 is applied to all rows.

French gum

This type of elastic band has its own special “corrugated” structure. This knitting knitting elastic bands follows the same algorithm for both simple and circular knit, and it is unusually light:

  • We cast on a multiple of four loops and two edge loops.
  • Odd rows: alternate two knit stitches with two purl stitches.
  • Even rows: 1 purl stitch, then 2 knit stitches, then 1 purl stitch again.

- * * - - * * -
- - * * - - * *
- * * - - * * -
- - * * - - * *

As you can see, everything is simple. It's enough to start.

The pattern is double-sided, it is used for knitting hats, scarves and warm sportswear. English elastic is quite loose and voluminous, and stretches well. To knit a sample pattern on the knitting needles, cast on a number of loops divisible by three. In the event that the side edges are open, for example, if you are knitting a scarf, edge loops should not be added; This makes the side edge look nicer. If you are going to sew the parts together, add two edge loops and. Next, the parts are sewn together.

1st row: * (before the first loop), remove 1 loop, knit 2 loops together, picking up the loops in front *;

2nd row and all subsequent rows are knitted like the first, but together they no longer knit two loops, but a pair of yarn over loops.

When closing an English elastic band (method 1), a pair of yarn over loops should be knitted together, knit stitch, and purl the purl loop; in this case, the edge will not be elastic. For getting elastic edge elastic bands, the last row must be closed using method 3, but pick up the yarn over pair with a needle as one loop.

Knitting pattern

Symbols for the knitting pattern

Video tutorial on knitting with English rib

We are often asked how to knit an English rib in the round. When knitting an English rib in the round odd rows are knitted in the same way as with flat knitting, and in even rows, instead of a knit stitch, a purl loop is knitted:

odd rows: * yarn over (before the first loop), slip 1 loop, knit 2 loops together*;

"English rib" is an ideal technique for knitting. With its help they produce original warm sweaters, scarves, hats and other wardrobe items.

For beginning craftswomen, English knitting for a scarf is used as a springboard to move on to more complex patterns and products. This technique convenient to perform and during operation of the finished product allows you to maintain its original shape.

IN current season english pattern has become more popular, so we suggest knitting several models of scarves using this pattern. Due to its recognition, ease of execution and practicality, the pattern has several ways of knitting. In our article we suggest going the route from knitting a neck accessory in a simple way to a more complex option.

Small tricks for knitting English rib

Despite the simplicity of knitting a pattern, you still need to know a few rules that will help you avoid common mistakes:

Before starting knitting the main product, in order to avoid getting a larger or smaller size, it is recommended to knit a sample measuring 10x10 cm. This is done because the yarn has different thickness, density and structure. Therefore, for each type of thread it is necessary to make an individual calculation.

English elastic is a pattern that requires a lot of thread consumption. Therefore, when purchasing material, stock up on an additional skein.

To avoid “skewedness” of the pattern, the front loops are knitted behind back wall, purl behind the front. This rule applies to both even and odd rows.

To obtain an even and beautiful elastic band for a scarf, the loops should be knitted loosely without tightening them.

To make the product look perfect, you need to use new yarn for knitting. An elastic band made from loose threads will not work, since the product has already been used, and the yarn has lost its properties - elasticity and elasticity.

Choose the right knitting needles. As a rule, the size is recommended on the yarn packaging. If such information is missing, then the tool should visually be thicker than the yarn.

Basic method of English gum (the simplest)

The patterns for English elastic are not complicated; you just need to carefully follow the recommendations of experienced craftswomen.

For the sample, cast on 20 stitches plus 2 edge stitches.

As a rule, edge loops are rarely indicated on the diagram, so you need to remember that at the beginning of the row the first (edge) loop is simply removed on working knitting needle, at the end it is knitted purlwise.

1 r: KRM (edge), yarn over, remove a loop without knitting on a working needle, like a knitting needle, 2 loops together FACE (knit)* - repeat to the end of the row, KRM.

2 r: KRM, yarn over, remove a loop without knitting on a working needle, like a knitting needle, 2 loops together Knit (knit)* - repeat to the end of the row, KRM.

Snood scarf with English elastic band

Having in our arsenal basic knowledge of knitting an interesting pattern, we suggest knitting a snood scarf with an English elastic band using knitting needles.

Due to the fact that this pattern is considered universal, the proposed knitted version a scarf will do for each family member. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is what model will be made; the amount of yarn will depend on this.

In our master class we will knit a scarf using English elastic in the round. Beginner needlewomen are recommended to knit on stocking needles. The product turns out to be seamless, which is very much appreciated by men and children, since when putting it on, you don’t have to look for where the seam is in order to remove it back.

The knitting pattern used is the simplest.

Materials for work:

Yarn (50% – wool, 50% – acrylic; 100g/120m) - 2 skeins;

Knitting needles according to yarn size.


The principle of knitting on circular knitting needles, is no different from working on straight lines.

To begin, cast on 120 stitches on working knitting needles. You need to be careful when working. So that the loops on the knitting needle do not twist and point in the same direction, then the finished product will turn out smooth and neat.

We close the dialed row into a ring and begin to knit 1 row.

1st row: yarn over onto a knitting needle, then remove the next loop onto a working knitting needle, not knitted as a knitting needle behind the front wall. Next, the next loop is knitted. In this way *knit yarn over, knit* until the end of the row. In order not to get confused, but to quickly find the beginning, you need to mark it with a marker. Finish the row with a knit stitch

2 r: in the second row, knit the loop where the yarn over was and purl the next one together. Next, yarn over and remove without knitting the next loop. Pattern *yarn over + next purl together, yarn over, slip off loop* continue to the end of the row.

3 and all subsequent odd rows are knitted as 1.

4 and knit all even rows as 2.

Knit the product alternating rows together to the desired height.

Finish the last row by alternating knit and purl stitches. Then close all the loops last row, by any known method.

Classic scarf with a lush column

Lush column, one of many existing options, when answering the question of what an English scarf is, how to knit it. We suggest knitting a scarf with this pattern. Ready product It turns out soft, voluminous and really lush.

Thick threads are not suitable for knitting a product with a fluffy elastic band. Otherwise, the product will turn out very thick and will not have the proper appearance. Worth noting. That this pattern will require twice as much yarn as an ordinary elastic band. Therefore, you need to stock up on an additional ball of material.

Pattern Description:

Cast on an even number of stitches on the needles.

Knit the first row (basic) alternating purl and knit stitches.

The second row is knitted as follows, purl to purl, and the knit stitch is not knitted as usual behind the back or front wall, it grabs the loop that is located below the row and is knitted as a knit stitch. Continue knitting the front row in this way until the end.

Starting from the third row, the pattern repeats the alternation of rows 1 and 2 with each other.

This is the final result obtained when using this method of making a scarf.

Video: Scarf with English elastic band