How to weave a washcloth from kapron threads. Pattern “Fur” or Elongated loops with knitting needles on the left hand. How to knit a washcloth in the form of a glove

Washcloth - perfect necessary thing V Everyday life. Smooth, fluffy, for a bath, for washing dishes - no housewife can do without them. And it is absolutely not necessary to spend money on them. We will show you how to knit a washcloth with knitting needles with your own hands. To do this, you will need threads (preferably synthetic, such as polypropylene) and a set of toe knitting needles.

Master class for beginners: how to knit a fluffy washcloth

For work you will need:

  • synthetic threads, bright colors are better;
  • direct sp. No. 3 (select according to the thickness of the yarn).


Cast on 30 sts. and knit 5p. persons. satin stitch.

From the 6th p. we start knitting elongated loops. We remove the first loop, and we knit the second one like this: we hook the loop of the joint, as when knitting faces. satin stitch, and place the thread on top of the sp., lying on the finger.

We wrap sp. and a finger twice with yarn and knit faces. n. We knit the next st with the usual front. Until the end of the row, we alternate knitting elongated loops and ordinary ones.

A master class in the photo will help you better understand the technique of knitting elongated loops.

7th p.: 1p. remove, the rest - faces.;

8 p.: as the 6th p.;

According to this scheme, we knit a washcloth desired length.

At the end, we go back to the faces. ch. Knit 5 rows with this pattern.

For ropes around the edges, you need to tie two strips. Cast on 40 sts. and knit 3p. persons. satin stitch. We close the loops. Sew strips along the edges of the product.

Washcloth - pipe

This option can be associated with circular knitting. Cast on 32p. and move on to knitting in the round with 5 knitting needles. We distribute the loops of 8 pieces per sp. Further - see the previous master - class: several rows of faces. stitch, then elongated loops, then again faces. ch. And be sure to tie the ropes. If desired, they can be replaced with ready-made ribbons in the color of the yarn.

Inside, you can put a piece of foam rubber (then sew the edges of the pipe). Such a washcloth will foam perfectly.

How to knit a round washcloth

This beautiful massage sponge consists of two parts: a handle and a round base.

Pattern used:

  • shawl stitch.


Dial 20 (30) p. And tie the canvas in length. It should be several times larger than the width. If at the beginning of each second row add 1p., And at the end knit from 2p. one, then we will get a slightly beveled product - this solution also looks very nice. For a round pen, dial 5p. and knit in length 15-17cm. Pull the loose end of the lace on one side and sew tightly. On the other side, we do the same. We connect both ends, sew. We get a washcloth in the form of a circle.

Massage washcloth made of strips of fabric

For this washcloth, you can use strips of fabric cut from old tights or any old synthetics. It is better if it is at least two different colors. This knitting is best done large knitting needles, approximately #7.

Master Class

Cut ribbons from fabric, wind it into a ball. Cast on 11 sts. and knit 8r. garter stitch.

We change the color of the threads and knit 10p. kerchief pattern. Then we knit 28r with light yarn. We change color twice more: 10r. light, 8r. - dark. We close the loops, knitting 2p. in 1p.

At the end of the washcloth, tie three strips of fabric and weave a 35 cm long pigtail out of them. Make the same pigtail at the second end.

Washcloth with elongated loops: video master class

We knit a washcloth for washing dishes

Product size in ready-made- about 10 cm in diameter.

For work you will need:

  • yarn (optional) different colors) -20g;
  • yarn for auxiliary thread;
  • cn. No. 4;
  • scissors;
  • needle with a large eye.

Master Class

We start knitting a washcloth with a set of knitting needles 27p. auxiliary thread.

We pass to the main yarn.

Knitting the 2nd p. and subsequent ones, we perform the shift of the loops - see the master class in the photo:

2p.: 2p. at the beginning of the row, knit in 1p.

The whole row, except for the extreme p., knit faces. p. Before the last p., make a crossed yarn over (so that there are no holes in the fabric) and knit the last p.

4p.: as 2nd p.

We knit to the desired height - this is 42r., Alternating the 1st and 2nd rows. If you use yarn of different colors, then alternate them in the work as you wish. For example, for 2 colors of threads, the first 11r. we perform the 1st color (the very first row is not considered - it is for sewing washcloths). We change the color of the yarn without cutting the thread of the first color.

We knit 10r with the second color. Again we change the color of the threads - another 10r. So we alternate our two colors. On the last section, make 11r. (add 1p. for stitching). Only 42r.

We remove the auxiliary thread, transplanting the loops onto the knitting needle.

We fold the product, combining the first and extreme rows of work.

We get such a design - a pipe:

We tighten both holes at the ends and flatten the washcloth. To do this, we perform a running seam on the edge of the holes along the circumference. Watch the master class contraction top edge on the picture. After tightening the thread, leave its edge long.

We flatten the product into a circle, aligning both holes. We pull out both threads used to sew the top and bottom to one side, and tightly tie together to fix the center. If you leave long ends, then you can crochet a loop from them.

What to knit a washcloth from

The hardest part about this is finding the right threads. There is, they say, such a yarn under the “code” name “House-needlewoman” (or something similar). And it’s cheap, and it’s great for knitting washcloths ... However, the last time I turned the entire Internet, I found it only somewhere in the Ural region (or even beyond it). You can buy it, but with shipping it turns out to be quite expensive. It's easier to buy a washcloth from grandmothers in the market.

But I'm not interested in buying, I want to knit it myself. I even tortured them, grandmothers, in the sense, on the topic of where the threads are taken. Some are silent, like partisans, some make excuses that they are brought to them from somewhere far away.

And in this situation, we have only one way out - a polypropylene thread (twine). But here is an ambush. On sale is full of such a wonderful multi-colored twine:

But it is too thick and completely unsuitable for our purposes. With a washcloth obtained from it, it is good to wash the skin of an elephant or a rhinoceros. Trust me, I tried knitting. A stiffer washcloth will be obtained only from a thick wire.

But I was lucky to find a place where they sell such a twine:

Firstly, it is thinner, and secondly, it is not twisted into a tight cord, but looks like thin tape, which is much more suitable for knitting such a washcloth. It's a pity, the color is only white ... But a white washcloth is better than none.

I almost forgot: if you buy twine, take it with a margin, since its consumption is more than you can even imagine. It took me four such rolls (1 skein = 70 m), and I crocheted No. 4.

Knitting elongated loops

The most important thing when knitting washcloths - correct execution stretched loops. The most common way of pulling loops, which can often be found in books and the Internet, is not good. With such knitting, our elastic "lohmushki" from the slightest pressure fall on wrong side, and the washcloth turns out to be “bald”.

There is another, not at all complicated, method in which the loops are fixed tightly. It is not in vain that they say that laziness is the engine of progress. And I, being too lazy to take pictures and then describe each step of this technique, decided to look for “happiness” on Youtube. And I immediately caught the eye of a wonderful video by Natalia (or, perhaps, Natalia) Korneeva, where she very clearly shows how to make such elongated loops. And although the video is designed for more than seven minutes, everything becomes clear from the first loop. Well, you can watch a little longer to fix the sequence of actions in your mind:

We knit a washcloth with elongated loops

Now that you know how to properly perform “makhrushki” so that the washcloth with elongated loops does not lose its shape, you can get down to business. They are knitted differently. Someone with one canvas across the width of the washcloth, someone makes a wide canvas, which is then folded in half and sewn together .. I, and not only me, do it like this:

First - a chain of loops with a length of two desired widths of a washcloth:

Here it must be borne in mind that with the “lohmushki” the washcloth is much wider. I started knitting several times, realized that it was too wide, unraveled and knitted again, reducing the number of initial loops. In the end, I stopped at 20 loops.

The chain must be closed in a ring:

After that, you need to knit at least one row of art. b / n, I did two:

You can make more rows, as you like. Now you can start knitting the first row with elongated loops:

You can knit elongated loops through the row, but I decided - “shaggy, so shaggy”, so I knitted them in each row and pulled them out quite long. Each loop is about 4 cm (folded).

And in such a simple way we continue our knitting in a circle until we reach the desired length. After that, you need to tie two more rows (or as many as you want) of b / n columns.

Yes, I want to say that the “yarn” in those places where it has to be connected or fastened does not unravel, I leave the tip and melt it with a lighter. Then, while the melted piece was still warm and soft, she flattened it so that it would not jump out. This must be done immediately, until it is frozen, but not with your hands, but with the blunt end of a pencil or hook, so as not to burn yourself. Of course, all knots and fixed ends remained on the wrong side.

Now that the washcloth is connected, it remains to make handles for it. You can make a chain of suitable length and tie it with b / n columns. But I increased the handle to the required length: 3 vp, 1 tbsp. s / n - equal to the 1st row, 3 ch, 1 tbsp. s / n - the second, etc. I got 20 such mini-rows. I fixed it on the opposite side with the help of two connections. Art.

Maybe it turns out not so beautiful, but it does not curl.

On the other hand, I made a handle in the same way, having previously attached a new thread.

Here is a washcloth with elongated loops contacted me. In the photo, it seems somehow short, although in fact its length is about 40 cm.

It will work out for you, since there is nothing complicated, it would be something to knit from. And tomorrow I will go to buy new skeins, as other family members also ask for such washcloths, moreover, give each one his own length and shape.

A crochet washcloth can be crocheted from different threads: cotton, polyester, but most often washcloths are knitted from polypropylene yarn. Such washcloths last longer, dry quickly, they are bright, whip gel or soap into foam well and are inexpensive.

Polypropylene thread can be bought at the market, at a hardware store, or at a craft store. Of course, ready-made washcloths are sold on the same market, but if you yourself know how to crochet, then why overpay. One washcloth with elongated loops takes about half a skein, and a skein of threads costs no more than 50 rubles.

Yarn for washcloths with elongated loops:

  • "Needlewoman", produced by Pehorsky factory. Yarn composition: polypropylene-100%. Thread length: 200 m. Skein weight: 50 g.
  • "For soul and soul", manufacturer: Hostess-Needlewoman. Yarn composition: Polypropylene 100%. Thread length: 250 m. Skein weight: 50 g.
  • "Craftswoman", Skein weight: 50 g. Thread length: 200 m. Composition: 100% polypropylene. Manufacturer: Russia.
  • ADELIA "RAFFIA" . Weight, g: 50. Thread length, m: 200. Composition: 100% polypropylene.
  • Just nameless yarn in bobbins for knitting washcloths.

Often a piece of foam rubber is inserted inside the finished washcloths. Why do they do it? It's just that the polypropylene washcloth itself does not create a lot of foam from the shower gel, but with foam rubber any soap base foams up nicely. Plus it's more economical. More foam - less gel or soap is used.

How to choose threads for knitting washcloths with elongated loops?

Threads come in different thicknesses. The thicker the thread, the stiffer the finished washcloth will be. Pick up the threads in thickness so that it is convenient for them to crochet No. 3-4. Although the most delicate and soft washcloths are crocheted No. 2, i.e. thin threads. Someone likes washcloths harder and denser, while someone, on the contrary, is softer.

Buy bright threads to match your bathroom accessories. For children, it is better to knit a washcloth from thin threads in the form of a mitten or a funny little animal.

Before the first use, be sure to hold the washcloth in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, the washcloth becomes pleasant to the body, lathers perfectly.

What shape to tie a washcloth with elongated loops?

A washcloth with elongated polypropylene loops can be tied in the form of a tube, in a circle. In such a washcloth, it is just convenient to insert foam rubber inside.

  • A crochet washcloth for a child can be crocheted in the form of any toy with elongated loops.

There is one more nuance, the longer the elongated loops, the softer the washcloth.

How to knit elongated loops:

If you have never knitted with elongated loops, then you should first try to knit a sample from simple threads to practice and work out the density of knitting. The fact is that you need to knit with long loops tightly, i.e. tighten each loop with columns so that the fabric is not loose. It will be especially difficult for beginners to knit immediately elongated loops from polypropylene threads.

Knitting elongated loops on the ruler:

Crochet washcloth with elongated loops, the work of our readers

How to crochet a washcloth will be told by our master classes and video tutorials.

Crochet washcloths, master class!

Crochet washcloth, step by step description

First we knit 40-45 air loops, connect in a circle.

We tie 5 rows with single crochets, then we begin to pull out the loops (see photo).

The loops after stretching must be fixed with an air loop (see photo), otherwise they will climb out to the wrong side and the washcloth will turn out flabby !!!

We knit the length of the washcloth individually (counting that it will stretch when used). We finish with tying with air loops without a crochet and tie the handles. A skein of thread costs 25 rubles, enough for 2 washcloths. And cheap and pretty!

You will need yarn for knitting washcloths and hook number 4.

Crochet washcloth with elongated loops, interesting ideas from the Internet

The washcloth is crocheted No. 2, it took half a hank of thread.

Such a washcloth is connected from propylene thread in 2 additions, crochet No. 5. It is knitted equally on both sides, with a fringe pattern or elongated loops.

Washcloth-mitten, as well as regular washcloth, knits simply: 1 row of single crochet, 1 row of elongated loops.

Another option for a washcloth with elongated loops.

- polypropylene threads of different colors;
- a crochet hook (we choose the size depending on the desired density of the washcloth - the smaller the number, the denser the product will be, and vice versa).

The knitting pattern is very simple:

  • 3 rows of single crochets
  • 3 rows of lush columns

How to knit lush columns, see the diagram below in the article.

You will need: polypropylene threads of 2 colors. hook No. 3 or No. 4, a needle with a wide eye.
The size of the finished washcloth is 14*21 cm.

Crochet washcloth, knitted with lush columns:

Your washcloth can be absolutely any shape and color (depending on the interior of the bathroom). Such a washcloth fits easily and quickly, looks great, and massages just amazingly.

You need to start knitting a washcloth from the handle: a chain of air loops of the desired length, which you tie with single crochets, do connecting post with the beginning of the chain, and begin to knit the washcloth itself in a circle with single crochets, adding 3 to 5 stitches in each row. Thus, knit to the width of the washcloth you need, then go to the main pattern ( lush column), knit 45-50 cm and finish in the opposite direction with a handle. That's all the washcloth is ready!

Technique of knitting a lush column: yarn over, insert your hook into the base loop, grab the working thread and pull up a loop of arbitrary length (repeat 3-5 times). The greater the number of broaches, the more magnificent the column will turn out. Yarn over and pull yarn through all loops on hook in one go. Make 1 air loop to secure the fluffy column. Skip one loop of the base and knit 1 more magnificent column in the next.

Crochet baby washcloth pattern:

Crocheted washcloth in the form of a ball

Abbreviations used:

  • V. n. - air loop
  • RLS - single crochet
  • CH - double crochet
  • SS - connecting column.

You will need:
Hook number 5.5. A little cotton yarn of medium thickness in two colors, folded together. Or use thick melange yarn. So the washcloth will look more interesting. You can knit 2 and 3 row different colors. Although the monochromatic version is also good.

Description of crochet washcloth:

  1. 10th c. n. combine into a ring, making the SS in the first loop of the chain.
  2. 1 p. RLS in the ring, (5 ch, 1 RLS) - repeat 40 times; 30th c. n, RLS in the ring, SS with the first RLS.
  3. 2 p. SS in the first arch from the 5th c. p., 4 c. p. (considered for the first CH and 1 v. p.), (CH, 1 v. p.) - 7 times in the same arch; further into each arch from the 5th c. n repeat 8 times (SN, 1 v. p.); SS in each loop of the arch from the 30th c. n. (to form a loop); SS from the third century. n. from the initial 4 lifting loops.
  4. 3 p. RLS in the first arch from the 1st c. p., (2 v. p., RLS to the next arch from 1 v. p.) - 320 times; SS with the first RLS.

Crochet washcloth from plastic bags

Some needlewomen manage to knit washcloths even from plastic bags. Garbage bags are now available in bright colors, and if you choose the softest, then probably such washcloths have a right to exist. This method is especially relevant for those who could not buy polypropylene threads in the store, but I really want to knit a washcloth. The forms of the washcloth and the knitting methods will be the same as those from polypropylene yarn.

For knitting a washcloth with a diameter of 9 cm, we need about 20 gr. synthetic yarn of medium thickness, hook No. 5 for basic knitting and No. 4 for making a connecting seam.

We will also need a sewing needle and scissors. If you want the washcloth to be multi-colored, prepare several skeins of yarn in different colors.

Washcloth toy "Frog Wakka" made of yarn - 100% nettle fiber from Laines du nord (Italy).

Yarn consumption - green 30g, white 10g, 3 wooden beads, A little pink thread for a flower. Hook 2.5 mm.

Crochet washcloth video tutorials

Toy washcloth crochet "Clean Bear"

The toy has eyes, a nose and ears. On the one hand, it is shaggy, and on the other hand, it is smooth and has a comfortable handle on it.

To knit a washcloth you will need:

  • polypropylene threads in three colors: any main color, black and white for the eyes
  • scissors
  • needle
  • hook number 2.5, hard, so as not to bend

Part 1

Part 2
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Round crochet washcloth for beginners

We will need: yarn; hook number 3.

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Crochet washcloth toy "Cheerful hedgehog"

You will need:

  • polypropylene thread 70-80 g of the main color
  • polypropylene thread in black, white, green and red
  • hooks No. 2.7 and 4.5
  • darning needle with wide eye
  • scissors
  • template to make a flower

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The video should load here, please wait or refresh the page.

Crocheted washcloth with a pattern "spiral"

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How to crochet a washcloth hard and soft

How to knit a washcloth 2 in 1, hard and soft, crochet for beginners, video tutorial. To knit a washcloth, we need needlewoman yarn in three colors, hook number 4. Washcloths for men (hard side) and for women (soft side). We knit the hard sides along, and the soft side across.

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Crochet - favorite hobby many housewives, which can bring not only joy from the process itself, but also a very original, beautiful and pleasant result, in the form of gizmos necessary for everyday life. The above includes such an ordinary thing as a round washcloth using a regular hook.

Crochet a round washcloth in a step-by-step master class with patterns

Since ancient times, people have resorted to taking care of themselves. various subjects that could replace a washcloth: bunches of grass, mosses, pebbles. Today, the developed trade industry offers a huge variety of washcloths of all kinds, shapes, colors. But at the same time, nothing prevents any family from having home-made knitted individual washcloths for each family member. After all homemade products can take into account the individual preferences of a person in the stiffness, shape, length and color of the washcloth. In order to tie a washcloth, you only need a hook, threads and a little time. In this article, we will look at several simple models washcloths, which, if desired, can be knitted by anyone.

For knitting washcloths, do not use acrylic or wool yarn. It is better to take such threads from natural materials like twine, sisal, linen threads. And for knitting waterproof and bright products, the most common material is artificial polypropylene thread. The color scheme depends on the tastes and preferences of the needlewoman and the one to whom the washcloth is intended.

When knitting, it is desirable to achieve free knitting, because then the bast will be softer, more flexible and well lathered. You can tie a voluminous washcloth and put a bar of soap and foam rubber inside. Then it will be convenient to use it.

When knitting, it is better to choose hook No. 5-No. 7, since a thinner tool will result in a denser and stiffer product.

According to this scheme, experienced knitters can easily make round washcloth.

And for those who need more detailed instructions, it is proposed given example knitting round washcloths.

  • First we collect 6 air loops. We close in a ring. We knit the next row with double crochets - 12 stitches. To make the washcloth fluffy, you can knit one ordinary column, and the next with an elongated loop.
  • Third round: double crochets - two from each loop.
  • Fourth round: knit without additions.
  • We knit the following circles, alternating knitting: 1 row * double crochets *, 2 row * single crochet *. Thanks to this knitting, the product will turn out flat and round, and will not bend.
  • Penultimate round: from one loop, make two columns with crochets. From the next loop, knit only one column.
  • Last round: knitted by alternating two columns with crochets from one base and two air loops.
  • We tie and tie the handle.

It turns out such a washcloth.

Let's analyze the creation of a model with elongated loops: how to tie

The peculiarity of such a washcloth is that the elongated loops form a soft coating that retains water well and gently massages the body.

To knit such a washcloth, we need a hook and threads of different colors. To make the washcloth voluminous, lush and beautiful, it is recommended to knit it from two threads of different colors. Using this technique, you can knit washcloths of any shape and style, but this master class is dedicated to just such a washcloth.

  • At the beginning of the work, the threads (if there are several) are folded together and a chain of air loops is knitted from them. If width finished product planned about 10cm, then you need to tie about a chain 20cm long. That is, dial 24-30 air loops.
  • We connect the finished chain with a connecting loop into a ring, and then we tie the resulting ring with single crochets. We knit 5 rows.
  • Further knitting is done with double crochets with elongated loops. Here's how to knit elongated loops:

  1. The thread is hooked;
  2. The hook is displayed in the loop of the previous row;
  3. The working thread is captured from both sides, so that on thumb hands formed a loop;
  4. Threads are pulled through the loop of this row and the loop is thrown off the finger. Four loops should remain on the hook;
  5. Now working thread hooked and pulled through two loops;
  6. The working thread is again captured and pulled through the remaining two loops that remain on the hook;
  • We knit rows of columns with elongated loops, without changes, so much that it is convenient to use a washcloth.
  • Having reached this length, we again knit 5 rows with ordinary single crochets and finish knitting.
  • IN last step we connect two strips along the width of the washcloth handles, and tie them to the main part of the washcloth. The washcloth is ready.

Video materials on the topic of the article

In order to tie a round washcloth without much difficulty, use the selection next videos. Good luck!

Crochet is fun and useful activity. Modern needlewomen can make everything from clothes to toys. It remains to learn how to crochet a washcloth to add to the list of exclusive knitted products And original gifts. As always, the best way to figure this out is step-by-step instruction With detailed photos and comments from professionals. Also, needlewomen will need a scheme for work, according to which it will be easy to knit and count the loops. We will not hesitate any longer and will quickly tell you how to crochet a washcloth with your own hands.

For a washcloth, the option of knitting elongated loops is most suitable, thanks to which it comes out shaggy and lush. Suitable for washcloths polypropylene thread: It is soft, strong and durable. Polypropylene washcloths look bright, dry quickly and whip soap suds well.

To knit a washcloth, you need to take a hook of medium thickness (3-4) mm and about 300 m of thread. You can make a washcloth different ways, however, the best option is to use elongated loops.

If you knit in this way for the first time, use one of the submitted patterns. For beginners, it may be difficult to use polypropylene threads, so for training it is better to take cotton or wool blend yarn.

Air loops should be knitted according to the pattern

  • Dial air loops in the form of a chain.
  • 3 rows knit with a single crochet.
  • Crochet an air loop, and then knit with a single crochet.
  • Insert your hook into the previous row and make a loop.
  • Grab the thread with your finger and make a big ring.
  • Insert the hook into the same base loop.
  • Grab the thread, pull it slightly, then grab and pull through 3 loops.
  • Repeat the knitting algorithm.

When you learn to knit with elongated loops, you can switch from ordinary yarn to polypropylene or twine.

Instructions for knitting a washcloth crochet

Crochet knitted stitches are not that difficult, and once you've learned a little, we're ready to show you how to crochet a knitted washcloth for beginners.

  1. To start we knit air loops in the amount of about 40 and close in a ring.
  2. We knit 7 rows with single crochets.
  3. From the eighth row we begin to tie the elongated loops. The working thread is thrown onto the finger, and the elongated loops remain behind the working canvas.
  4. You can independently control the height of the knitted loops, so also follow the volume of the future washcloth yourself.
  5. To complete the job, you must do 2 chains of air loops and close them into a ring. These will be the washcloth handles. You can also control their size.
  6. The finished washcloth must be turned outward with elongated loops.
  7. The product should be washed with soap, for softness, you can pour over boiling water.

With the help of elongated loops, only rectangular ones are made. bath washcloths, as well as creative washcloths-mittens. For making this accessory fit sisal or linen yarn.

  1. We will also start with a set of air loops. This time there will be 30, For small size 25 washcloths are enough.
  2. We continue knitting the fabric with single crochets, circular rows, with the transition to the next row through the air loop.
  3. As soon as the mitten has acquired the required length, we knit together the upper and lower columns and fasten.
  4. Knit the fabric for the thumb in a circle.
  5. Sew your finger to the mitten.

Video: how to tie a washcloth with elongated loops

Knitting a washcloth is a fun and exciting process. It does not require much time and strict calculations, however, you should also get used to knitting elongated loops. Undoubtedly, the best source detailed instructions is a video master class. Professional craftswomen have prepared a lot of tips and valuable comments for those who want to crochet an exclusive washcloth - for themselves or as a gift.